01 Gibraltar Tourism Cover:Statesman supplements 18/11/2013 17:15 Page 1 Rock solid investment Gibraltar: tourism, property, travel Sponsored by HM Government of Gibraltar 02-Infographics:Statesman supplements 19/11/2013 11:55 Page 22 FACTS & FIGURES Sources: Gibraltar Tourist Board, Gibraltar Taxi Association. 2 | NEW STATESMAN | 18-24 NOVEMBER 2013 03 contents:Statesman supplements 18/11/2013 17:24 Page 3 CONTENTS New Statesman 7th Floor John Carpenter House John Carpenter Street London EC4Y 0AN Tel 020 7936 6400 Fax 020 7936 6501
[email protected] Subscription enquiries, reprints and syndication rights: Stephen Brasher sbrasher@ newstatesman.co.uk 0800 731 8496 The tourism and transport minister’s view P4 Supplement Editor Guy Clapperton Design & Production Leon Parks Graphics Naomi Ashworth Commercial Director Peter Coombs 020 7936 6753 Account Director Eleanor Ng 020 7936 6417 Tourism afloat P14 Bricks and mortar P8 More than a day break Gibraltar is a great place for a day trip. That’s an entrepreneur in the leisure industry, to how a lot of people treat the peninsula; they make some hard cash. Themes have so far visit Spain or Morocco and travel there during included chess, jazz, literature and much else. daylight hours. Infrastructure is certainly an issue, but the Inevitably, they bring a heavy footfall to the territory is making progress with government jurisdiction and the Gibraltar Tourist Board is support, as Neil Costa MP explains. There is happy to see them – but it’s keen to make people nightlife, accommodation, a new luxury stay on for everything else that’s going on.