European Geoparks Week in Geopark Spain 2015

Dates of geoparks week: 29th May to 14th June Contact person: Alberto Gil Toja, [email protected] Further information: [email protected]

Category Date Activity/Event 1. Geo & Geo 29th May Poster exhibition "Lynx Territory". Poster exhibition of soil profiles. Conference: The Geopark Sierra Norte de Sevilla in the European Geoparks Network. Geotourism, conservation, economic development in protected areas.

30st May Photographic Rally “Batolinos El Berrocal”. Meeting of Volunteers of Natural Park Sierra Norte de Sevilla Geology Workshop.

31 st May Route: Risco Nicanor y Cuevas Gavirón. Route: Ribera del Cala. Geological-mining route at Navalazaro and San Manuel mines. Visit the Culture Center of El Pedroso.

1st June Lecture on soils by experts of the University of Sevilla.

2nd June Documentary film “WILDMED. The last Mediterranean forest”.

3rd June Opening of the Exhibition “25th Anniversary of the Natural Park Sierra Norte de Sevilla”.

4th June Information Day: the Natural Park and the Geopark.

5th June Route: at the Peñasquitos. Route (Nordic Walking mode): “The sound of the stones”.

6th June Route: Ruins of water mills and climb to Cerro de la Bordalla. Route: The mills of Ciudadeja River. Route in Public Forest San Antonio. Geology Workshop. Geological gymkhana in Almadén de la Plata.

7th June Route to the necropolis of the Bronze Age.

9th June Lecture: Andalusian Biosphere Reserves: the Dehesas de Biosphere Reserve and Sierra Norte de Sevilla Geopark. Colloquium: “25 years are nothing: Experiences from management”.

10 th June Visit to the Center for Forest Protection El Pedroso. Book presentation: "Leocadio and the wolves". Lecture: The Wolf in Sierra Morena. 1. Geo & Geo 10 th June Geological Heritage Interpretation Course.

11 st June Seminar: Tourism Development in the Sierra Norte de Sevilla Geopark. Geology Workshop.

12 nd June Open Day at theVisitor Center El Berrocal. Presentation of the Andalusian Geodiversity Environmental Education Guide. Sevilla Nigth Sky – Stargazing.

13 th June Geological activity: the upper sedimentary sequence in the Viar Basin. Geology Workshop. Night-astronomical route on the Camino de Santiago. Night under the stars at Cerro del Hierro.

14 th June Ethnographic route. Visit the Greenway (ancient railway) of Sierra Norte de Sevilla. Route to the Roman quarry of Los Covachos. 2. Geo & Culture/Music/ 29 th May Sample of food products of Sierra Norte de Sevilla Geopark. Literature/Arts Photographic Exhibition: “Feast of Judas”.

30 st May Journal on Wine and Spirits at Geopark wineries. Dramatized visit to Carthusian monastery of .

31 st May Mountain Bowling Meeting.

6th June Open Day at Riscos Altos farmhouse. Dramatized visit to Carthusian monastery of Cazalla de la Sierra.

7th June Mountain Bowling Meeting. Guided tour of the historic site of Guadalcanal.

12 nd June “Tapa” Fair in San Nicolás delPuerto.

13 th June Screening of the films of the II International Short Film Horror and Fantasy Festival "La Vieja Encina".

14 th June II Day of Geological Gastronomy. 3. Geo & Education 29 th May Activity for school children: The colours of Prehistory.

31 st May Activity for school children: A dinosaur in the park.

1st June Talks of the Environmental Agents in schools: the Iberian lynx, protected species and the use of poisons in the field.

2nd June School activities: Rocks and Minerals of Sierra Norte de Sevilla Geopark Workshop. School activities: Flora of Sierra Norte de Sevilla Natural Park.

3rd June School activities: Celebrate your birthday between plants.

4th June School activities: Storyteller; aromatic plants. Celebration of World Environment Day: Activities for students 4th June of Alanis in the Cerro del Hierro Natural Monument.

5th June World Environment Day: Plants and Climate Change.

6th June School activities: What gives us the Earth: searching asparagus. Geopark plants: Utilities. Aromatic plants workshop. Open Day at The Sierra farm school.

8th June Talks of the Environmental Agents in schools: the Iberian lynx, protected species and the use of poisons in the field.

10 th June School activities: milking animals; Sheep and Goats.

13th June Open Day at The Sierra farm school. From farm to table: food processing. Introduction to Orientation in Cerro del Hierro Natural Monument.