A Bucket, by Any Other Name, and an Athenian Stranger in Early Iron Age Crete (Plates15-16)
A BUCKET, BY ANY OTHER NAME, AND AN ATHENIAN STRANGER IN EARLY IRON AGE CRETE (PLATES15-16) O NE OF THE MORE INTERESTING, if not amusing, examples of the common accidentsthat can befalla potteris offeredby a vesselfound in the areaof the laterAthenian Agora.It was originallydesigned as a hydriabut was laterremodeled, prior to firing,into a krater. Publishedas a full-fledgedand "handsome"krater in an earlypreliminary report,1 soon afterits discovery,the vase, Agora P 6163 (Fig. 1; P1. 15:a),was to have receivedfuller treatment in the EarlyIron Age volumein the AthenianAgora series. Such a distinguishedvenue would normally havesufficed the publicationof the pot, but apartfrom its own intrinsicinterest, it contributesto a smallCretan problem that has neverbeen adequatelyaddressed. Moreover, the originaltype of vesselfrom which P 6163 is likelyto havebeen cut can be illustratedby a pot in the laterAthenian Kerameikos.2For these reasons,Agora P 6163 is publishedhere in the companyof its friend, Fortetsa454 (P1.16:d),3 and in closeproximity to its alterego, or id, Kerameikos783 (P1.15:b).4 Beforedescribing Agora P 6163, it wouldbe usefulto summarizeits contextand establishits date, especiallysince datinga vesselsuch as this one on the basis of style alone would, at best, representan arbitraryguess. Agora P 6163 was found in a well (depositL 6:2). Clearanceof late walls immediatelyto the south of the Athens-Piraeusrailway in 1935 led to the discovery of this well, which is locatedonly about 50 m south of the EridanosRiver and about 12 m east of the southeastcorner of the Peribolosof the TwelveGods. The mouth of the well, measuring 1.60 m east-westby 1.15 m north-south,was encounteredat a depth of 6 m below the modern groundlevel, and its shaftextended another 5.50 m in depth.
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