MINERAL RESOURCES INSTITUTE (MRI) P. O. Box 1696, Dodoma, Tanzania Telephone/Fax: +255 (0) 26 23 00 472 / +255 (0) 26 23 03 159 E-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected] Website: www.mri.ac.tz PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 August, 2016 Prospectus 2016/2017 i FORWORD We are very pleased to welcome you to undertake tertiary studies at The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI). This Prospectus will provide you with a flavour of academic life in our Institution. The Mineral Resources Institute (MRI) is an institution of Earth Sciences Education which was established by the former Ministry of Minerals in Dodoma in August, 1982. It is fully accredited by the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) to offer Geology and Mineral Exploration, mining engineering, Petroleum Geoscience, Mineral Processing Engineering and Environmental Engineering and Management in Mines programmes leading to the qualifications of National Technical Awards (NTA) level 4 – 6. NTA level 4 programmes lead to Basic Technician Certificate, NTA level 5 programme lead to Technician Certificate and NTA level 6 programme lead to Ordinary Diploma Certificate. Along with the introduction of the new curricula, the previous curricula leading to Mineral Resources Technology Certificate and Full Technician Certificate in Earth Sciences have already been phased out. With the cooperation of main stakeholders under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEM), the Institute is still undergoing transformation to match with the envisaged expectations and aspirations of the Tanzania. Our ultimate goal is to transform our institution to be the best academic institution in Africa in 25 years from 2012 in areas of quality training in mining sector including gemology and petroleum sciences; quality research in geological sciences and mining related sciences and quality consultancy and provisional of sound short courses.