Enc. 1 for Management Plan for The

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Enc. 1 for Management Plan for The Annex A MANAGEMENT PLAN 2019 - 2024 In my visits to AONBs around the country, I have been struck by the passion of many people ‐ farmers, volunteers, and hard‐ Ministerial Foreword working staff ‐ for the beautiful places they live and work. In this I am fortunate that England’s Areas of Outstanding Natural spirit I am delighted to welcome publication of this Statutory Beauty are part of my Ministerial responsibilities. Whether it be Management Plan for the Howardian Hills AONB. It is significant that this plan will be delivered in partnership by those who rolling hills, sweeping coastline or a tranquil village, spending value the Howardian Hills. I would like to thank all those time in an AONB can stir the heart and lift the spirit. involved in preparation of this document, and wish you the best of success in bringing it to fruition. This is a pivotal moment for all AONBs. The Government has set its ambition in the 25 Year Environment Plan which states clearly the importance of natural beauty as part of our green future, while AONBs retain the highest status of protection for landscape through national planning policy. Leaving the EU Lord Gardiner of KimbleParliamentary Under Secretary of State brings with it an opportunity to develop a better system for for Rural Affairs and Biosecurity supporting our farmers and land managers, who play such a vital role as stewards of the landscape. And the Review of National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty led by Julian Glover ‐ the first of its kind for generations ‐ will make recommendations to make sure our designated landscapes can flourish in the years ahead. 2 CONTENTS Page Foreword 2 Part One Introduction 1.1 The legal & policy framework of AONBs 5 1.2 The Howardian Hills AONB 11 1.3 Special Qualities 15 1.4 The AONB Partnership 19 1.5 The AONB Management Plan 20 1.6 Landscape character 22 Part Two Achieving a Vision 2.1 A Vision for a Living Landscape 24 2.2 Natural Capital & Ecosystem Services 26 2.3 A Rich Heritage 2.3.1 Natural Environment 32 2.3.2 Historic Environment 37 2.4 Living and Working in the Howardian Hills 3 2.4.1 Local Communities 43 2.4.2 Agriculture 46 2.4.3 Forestry and Woodland 49 2.4.4 Development & the Rural Economy 53 2.4.5 Roads, Transport and Traffic Management 56 2.5 Enjoying the AONB 2.5.1 Recreation, Access and Tourism 60 2.6 Awareness and Promotion 64 Part Three Implementation 3.1 Putting the Plan into Action 66 3.2 Monitoring 68 3.3 Action Programme 72 Glossary 99 [The State of the AONB Report and the Priority Sites descriptions & map are available on the AONB website] 4 1.1 THE LEGAL AND POLICY residents, businesses, visitors and the wider Legal framework public ‐ and protected for future generations. AONBs exist within a legal framework which FRAMEWORK OF AONBs has been progressively strengthened since the The purpose of designation first AONBs came into existence after the Government guidance (2) describes the Second World War. Introduction purpose of designation as follows: The 1949 National Parks and Access to the The 46 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Countryside Act (3) established the AONB (AONB) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland The primary purpose of designation is to designation, provided AONBs with protection cover approximately 1/8th of the land surface. conserve and enhance natural beauty. under planning law against inappropriate The distinctive character and natural beauty of development, and gave local authorities AONBs make them some of the most special In pursuing the primary purpose of permissive powers to take action for and cherished places in England. AONBs are designation, account should be taken of ‘preserving and enhancing natural beauty’ in living, working landscapes that contribute the needs of agriculture, forestry, and them. approximately £16bn every year to the national other rural industries and of the economic The Countryside Act 1968 (4) placed a economy. Although home to less than half a and social needs of communities. responsibility on local authorities, the statutory million people (under 2% of England’s Particular regard should be paid to conservation bodies and civil servants, in population), over two thirds of England’s promoting sustainable forms of social and exercising their functions under the 1949 Act population live within half an hour’s drive of an economic development that in themselves (as amended by subsequent legislation), to AONB and around 150 million people visit conserve and enhance the environment. ‘have due regard to the needs of agriculture English AONBs every year, spending in excess and forestry and to the economic and social of £2bn (1). Recreation is not an objective of interests of rural areas’. Within AONBs this Together with National Parks, AONBs represent designation, but the demand for means a responsibility to acknowledge and, our most outstanding landscapes; unique and recreation should be met so far as this is where appropriate, to promote farming, irreplaceable national assets. Each one has consistent with the conservation of forestry and the rural economic and social such distinctive character and natural beauty natural beauty and the needs of context wherever this can be done without that they are recognised internationally as part agriculture, forestry and other uses. compromising the primary purpose of of the global Protected Areas Family to be conserving natural beauty. managed in the interest of everyone – local (3) National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, H M Government, HMSO, 1949. (1) What Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty can offer www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1949/97/pdfs/ukpga_19 the LEPs, National Association for Areas of Outstanding 490097_en.pdf and Natural Beauty, NAAONB, 2017. (2) Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty: A Policy www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Geo6/12‐13‐14/97 https://www.lepnetwork.net/blog/why‐aonbs‐are‐ Statement (CCP352), Countryside Commission, (4) Countryside Act, H M Government, HMSO, 1968. important‐to‐the‐leps/ Countryside Commission, 1992 www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/41 5 The Environment Act 1995 (5) introduced the on the same basis as National Parks in the and social well‐being of local communities’ phrase ‘conserve and enhance’ in place of 1949 Act. in co‐operation with local authorities and ‘protect and enhance’ in relation to the duties o Section 85 places a statutory duty on all other public bodies. of local authorities, the Environment Agency ‘relevant authorities’ to ‘have regard to the o Sections 89 and 90 create a statutory duty and other bodies. No statutory duties were purpose of conserving and enhancing the on all AONB partnerships (local authorities placed on local authorities to actively manage natural beauty of AONBs when coming to and Conservation Boards) to prepare a AONBs in any particular way. any decisions or carrying out activities Management Plan ‘which formulates their The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (6) relating to or affecting land within these policy for the management of their area of (CRoW) subsumed and strengthened the AONB areas.’ ‘Relevant authorities’ include all outstanding natural beauty and for the provisions of the 1949 Act. It confirmed the public bodies (including county, borough, carrying out of their functions in relation to purpose and significance of AONBs, clarified district, parish and community councils, it’, and thereafter to review adopted and the procedure for their designation, and joint planning boards and other statutory published Plans at intervals of not more created a firm legislative basis for their committees); statutory undertakers (such as than five years. Where an AONB involves designation, protection and management. In energy and water utilities, licensed more than one local authority they are particular: telecommunications companies, required to do this ‘acting jointly’. o Section 82 reaffirms the primary purpose of nationalised companies such as Network o Section 92 makes clear that the AONBs: to conserve and enhance natural Rail and other bodies established under conservation of natural beauty includes the beauty. statute responsible for railways, roads and conservation of ‘flora, fauna and geological o Section 83 establishes the procedure for canals); government ministers and civil and physiographical features’. designating or revising the boundaries of an servants. Activities and developments The Natural Environment and Rural AONB, including Natural England’s duty to outside the boundaries of AONBs that have Communities Act 2006 (7) (NERC): consult with local authorities and to an impact within the designated area are o Section 99 formally clarifies in law that the facilitate public engagement. also covered by the ‘duty of regard’. fact that an area consists of or includes land o Section 84 confirms the powers of local o Sections 86 to 88 allow for the used for agriculture or woodlands, or as a authorities to take ‘all such action as establishment in an AONB of a Conservation park, or ‘any other area whose flora, fauna appears to them expedient’ to conserve and Board to which the AONB functions of the or physiographical features are partly the enhance the natural beauty of an AONB, local authority (including development product of human intervention in the and sets consultation and advice on planning) can be transferred. Conservation landscape’ does not prevent it from being development planning and on public access Boards have the additional but secondary treated, for legal purposes, ‘as being an area function of seeking to increase public understanding and enjoyment of the (5) Environment Act, H M Government, HMSO, 1995. www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1995/25 AONB’s special qualities. They also have an (7) Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act, (6) Countryside and Rights of Way Act, H M Government, obligation to ‘seek to foster the economic H M Government, HMSO, 2006.
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