[email protected] LAND TO NORTH WEST OF STINGAMIRES, BILSDALE MIDDLESBROUGH, CLEVELAND, TS9 7JU GUIDE PRICE £2,000 - £5,000. • Approximately 1.05 Approximately 1.05 acres of amenity land of high Acres environmental/scenic value on the edge of Bilsdale West Moor in the heart of the North York Moors • Amenity Land National Park with expansive views over Bilsdale. • Within National Park The land comprises sloping rough grazing/pasture and is partly enclosed by post and wire fencing. It • Sloping Rough Grazing/ Pasture includes a number of mature Oak and Sycamore Disclaimer Notice: PLEASE READ: trees and is classified as Grade IV/V under the • Classified As Grade IV/V GSC Grays gives notice to anyone who may read these particulars as follows:1.These particulars, including any plan are a general guide only and do not form any part of any offer or contract. 2.All descriptions including DEFRA Land Classification Scheme. photographs, dimensions and other details are given in good faith but do not amount to a representation or warranty. They should not be relied upon as statements of fact and anyone interested must satisfy themselves Access is via a private rough track over third party as to their corrections by inspection or otherwise.3.Neither GSC Grays nor the vendor accept responsibility for land which is also a Public Footpath (footpath any error that these particulars may contain however caused. 4.Any plan is for layout guidance only and is not drawn to scale.