1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4795 The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. The Senator from Indiana [Mr. CAPE Esther E.. Lenox, WAC, Ll010270. ELLENDER in the chair) . A quorum is HART] is absent by leave of the Senate. Sonja G. Lunoe, WAC, Ll010241. not . present. The clerk will call the If present, he would vote "nay." Kitt M. MacMichael, WAC, Ll010245 . names of the absent Senators. The Senator from · Vermont [Mr. Phyllis J. Morsman, WAC, Ll010259. Patricia J. Pomeroy, WAC, Ll010272. The Chief Clerk called the names of FLANDERS], the Senator from Indiana Dorothy Slierba, WAC, Ll010275. the absent Senators; and Mr. ANDERSON, [Mr. JENNER], and the Senator from New Jacquelyn R. Sollars, WAC, Ll010257. Mr. HICKENLOOPER, Mr. JOHNSTON of Hampshire [Mr. TOBEY] are detained on Barbara J. Wardell, WAC, Ll010282. South Carolina, 1\::.-. MOODY, Mr. MUR official business. Helen A. Way, WAC, Ll010280. RAY, Mr. PASTORE and Mr. WILLIAMS an The result was announced-yeas 42, Martha L. Weeks, WAC, L1010269. swered to their names when called. nays 39, as follows: Elizabeth A. Whitaker, WAC, Ll010281. The PRESIDING OFFICER. A quo- Kathleen I. Wilkes, WAC, Ll010234. YEA8-42 Sadie E. Yoshizaki, WAC, Ll010236. rum is not present. · Anderson Hoey Maybank Mr. McFARLAND: I move that the Benton Holland Monroney IN THE NAVY Sergeant at Arms be directed to request Byrd Humphrey Moody . Rear Adm. Robert M. Griffin, :United States Clements Johnson, Colo. Murray Navy, when retired, to be placed on the re the attendance of absent Senators. Connally The motion was agreed to. Johnson, Tex. Neely tired list with the rank of vice admiral.
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