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1'950 CbNGRESSION AL . 'RECORD-Hbus·E 8999 Mr. LUCAS. I should say·to the sen messages from the President· of tlie NOMINATIONS ator that we might possibly be able to United States submitting sundry nom Executive nominations received by the take it up tomorrow or next day, al inations, and withdrawing the nomina Senate June 21 <legislative day of June though I have told the Senator from tion of Carl Rodman, of Massachusets, 7). 1950: Texas [Mr. CONNALLY] that we would for appointment as a Foreign Service of UNITED NATIONS take up the military assistance bill. I ficer of class 6, a vice counsul of career, Isidor Lubin, of New York, now United know how vital is the District of Colum and a secretary in the Diplomatic Serv States representative on the Economic and bia rent-control bill, and I am under the · ice of the United States, which nominat Employment Commission of the Economic impression that we can , take it up to ing messages referred to the appropriate and Social Council of the United Nations, to morrow or the next day. committees. be also the representative of the United Mr. President, in reply to the Senator (For nominations this day received, see States of America on the Economic and Social from Missouri, I should like to make this the end of Senate proceedings.) Council of the United Nations. · DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE statement: Some Senators came _to ·me EXECUTIVE REPORT OF A COMMITTEE after the vote was taken on the amend James W. Riddleberger, of Virginia, for ment and I advised .them that I did not The following favorable report of a promotion from Foreign Service officer of think any more votes would be taken nomination was submitted: class 1 to Foreign Service officer of the class today on any measure. The Senator By Mr. McCARRAN, from the Committee of career minister of the United States of from New Mexico [Mr. ANDERSON] arid on the Judiciary: America. other Senators left. It is· impossible to Willis W. Ritter, of Utah, to be United John D. Jernegan, of California, now a States district judge for the district of Utah. Foreign Service officer of class 2 and a secre tell what may happen on. the floor of the tary in the diplomatic service, to be also a Senate, as every Senator knows who has Mr. DONNELL. I object to the trans consul general of the United States o1 been here very long. · The Senator from action of any further business, on the America. South Carolina [Mr. MAYBANK] came to ground that the general understanding Elbert R. Williams, of Pennsylvania, a me and said, "I can put the rent-control in the Senate was that there was to be no Foreign Service staff officer, to be a consul of conference report through in a very few further business transacted after the the United States of America. , minutes." · :He was in good faith when passage of the Lucas amendment. Sidney V. Suhler, of Texas, for appoint he made that statement. An argument ment as a Foreign Service officer of class 6, Mr. LUCAS. We did not have that a vice consul of career, and a secretary in the ensued and a roll call was asked with ref understanding with respect to the execu diplomatic service of the United States of erence to the report. I presume we tive calendar. If there is any nomination America. should ,have recessed and taken it up tomorrow; but I do not think anyone has on the -executive calendar to which the RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD been hurt very much by what has hap Senator wants to object, that is a dif Horace W. Harper, of Texas, to be a mem ferent proposition. It is always in order ber of the Railroad Retirement Board for pened. to consider the executive calendar, but if the term expiring August 29, 1954. Mr. DONNELL. Mr. President, will the Senator wants to object, we can pass the Senator yield? IN THE COAST GUARD Mr. LUCAS. I yield. it over until tomorrow: The following two officers of the United Mr. DONNELL. Mr. President, I did The PRESIDING OFFICER. The States Coast Guard for promotion to the not have the slightest idea of intimating Chair is advised that there is one nom permanent grade of rear admiral: ination on the calendar which pertains Harold G. Bradbury that the Senator had been in any sense Roy L. Raney guilty of any bad faith in the matter. I to the District of Columbia. am sure that neither he nor the Senator Mr. DONNELL. Mr. President, will IN THE NAVY from South Carolina had any intention the Senator yield? Capt. Arleigh A. Burke, United States Navy, Mr. LUCAS. I yield. for temporary appointment to the grade of of putting any Senator in an embarrass rear admiral. ing position by reason of the action Mr. DONNELL. I have not seen a which was taken. Notwithstanding that copy of the executive calendar. There I had assured the minority leader that is no desire on my part to object to the WITHDRAWAL I would take action toward securing a further transaction of business because Executive nomination withdrawn from recess immediately following the action of any particular personality. the Senate, June 21 (legislative day of on the Lucas amendment, I thought, in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The June 7), 1950: view of the nature and the history of the Chair is advised the first two nomina DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE rent-control conference report, it was tions on the calendar have been passed Carl Rodman, of Massachusetts, for ap ·proper that I should not insist upon an over heretofore, and there is a request pointment as Foreign Service officer of class immediate recess. But in view of the that they be again passed over. The 6, a vice consul of career, and a secretary in fact that so many Senators have gone only open nomination is the nomination the diplomatic service of the United States and have possibly relied on the state of Kenneth W. Spencer, of the District of America. ment that the Senate would not act on of Columbia, to be a.member of the Pub any other matters, I am constrained to lic Utilities Commission. object to the transaction of any further Mr. DONNELL. Mr. President, was business. there an outright agreement that there HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LUCAS. I join with the Senator should be no further business transacted in that statement. I shall object to any after the Lucas amendment was voted WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1950 further business being transacted. upon? Mr. DONNELL. I think that is very The House met at 12 o'clock noon. wholesome. Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, I ask The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras that the nomination of Kenneth W. kamp, D. D., offered the following EXF.CUTIVE SESSION Spencer to be a member of the Public prayer: Mr. LUCAS. I renew my motion that Utilities Commission of the District of the Senate proceed to the consideration Columbia, .be passed over. Almighty God, whose divine sovereign of executive business. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ty and authority we cannot doubt or dis The PRESIDING OFFICER. The nomination will be passed over. obey, we pray that daily we may faith fully and fearlessly seek to do what Thou question is on the motion of the Sena RECESS tor from Illinois. dost command. The motion was agreed to; and the Mr. LUCAS. As in legislative session, Show us how we may enrich and Senate proceeded to the consideration of I move that the Senate take a recess strengthen our national life and find the executive business. until 11 · o'clock tomorrow morning. secret of its cohesive and conquering The motion was agreed to; and <at power. EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED 6 o'clock and 58 minutes p. m.) the Sen Inspire and guide our Speaker and all The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. HOL ate took a recess until tomorrow, Thurs the Members of this Congress in their LAND in the chair) laid before the Senate day, June 22, 1950, at 11 o'clock a. m. deep concern for the honor and security XCVI--567 9000 CONGRESSIONAL . RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 21 of our democracy. May they perceive certain land owned by the United States in H. R. 7708. An act to authorize the Secre what is needful and devise what is right. said county; tary of the Navy to grant to the Monmouth H. R. 5103. An act to provide for clerical Con~olidated Water Co. certain easements Grant that we may fix our hopes and assistance at post offices, branches, or sta and rights-of-way within the United States expectations and desires not on mere tions serving military and naval personnel, Naval Ammunition Depot, Earle, N. J. material prosperity but upon the and for other purposes; H. R. 7888. An act to amend the Classifi achievement of spiritual greatness. H. R. 5166. An act to extend the laws of cation Act of 1949 to make it inapplicable Hear us in the name of the Christ. the United States relating to civil acts or to postal employees of the Panama Canal; Amen. offenses consummated or committed on the and high seas on board a vessel belonging to the H. R. 7984. An act to authorize the con The Journal of the proceedings of yes United States, to the Midway Islands, Wake veyance to the city of Miles City, State of terday was read and approved. Island, Johnston Island, Sand Island, King Montana, certain lands in Custer County, MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT man Reef, Kure Island, Baker Island, How Mont., and for other purposes.