Christiane Jacqueline Gruber Professor and Chair History of Art Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor E-mail:
[email protected] Education University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (Sept. 1998-August 2005): Ph.D., Islamic Art History, Department of the History of Art. Dissertation: “The Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension (Mi‘raj) in Islamic Art and Literature, 1300-1600.” Advisor: Dr. Renata Holod. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (Dec. 2001): M.A., Islamic Architecture, “The Missiri of Fréjus as a Healing Memorial: The French Military and its Islamic Architecture (1928-1964).” Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (Sept. 1994- May 1998): B.A. magna cum laude, Department of Art and Archaeology, minors in French and Italian Languages & Literatures. Employment 2019-present: Professor & Chair, History of Art, University of Michigan 2018-2019: Professor & Associate Chair, History of Art, University of Michigan 2011-2018: Associate Professor, History of Art, University of Michigan Spring 2013: Visiting Professor (Directeur d’Etudes), Sorbonne University, Paris Spring 2012: Arnheim Professor, Institute of Art History, Humboldt University, Berlin 2005-2011: Assistant Professor, Department of Art History, Indiana University, Bloomington. Also Assistant Professor, International Studies; Adjunct Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures; and Adjunct Professor, Central Eurasian Studies. Fellowships and Grants (selected) Senior Short-Term Fellowship, Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Koç University, Istanbul, November and December 2017. John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, AY 2015-16. Institute for the Humanities, University of Michigan, faculty fellowship, AY 2015-16. The Islamic Manuscript Foundation (TIMA), grant to catalogue and digitize the Simpson Manuscript Record Archive, Visual Resources Center, University of Michigan. Associate Professor Support Fund, College of Literature, Sciences, and the Arts, University of Michigan (2012-15).