Appendixes, Land Protection Plan, Flint Hills Legacy Conservation Area

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Appendixes, Land Protection Plan, Flint Hills Legacy Conservation Area Appendix A List of Preparers and Reviewers Author’s Name Position Work Unit Legacy project Vic Elam USFWS, Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge, Hartford, KS coordinator Geographic information Mark Ely USFWS, Region 6, Planning Division, Lakewood, CO systems (GIS) specialist Habitat and Population Mike Estey Evaluation Team USFWS, Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge, Hartford, KS biologist Kelly Kindscher Associate scientist Kansas Biological Survey David Lucas Chief of planning USFWS, Region 6, Planning Division, Lakewood, CO USFWS, Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge, Hartford, Tim Menard Wildlife biologist KS; Marais de Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge, Pleasanton, KS USFWS, PFW, Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge, Jim Minnerath Wildlife biologist Hartford, KS Flint Hills project Brian Obermeyer The Nature Conservancy director Sue Oliveira Chief of realty USFWS, Region 6, Realty Division, Lakewood, CO Mike Rich Project leader USFWS, Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge, Hartford, KS Former chief of Mike Spratt USFWS, Region 6, Planning Division, Lakewood, CO planning Wildlife refuge USFWS, Region 6, Branch of Land Protection Planning, Amy Thornburg specialist Lakewood, CO Regional historic Meg VanNess USFWS, Region 6, Refuges, Lakewood, CO preservation officer Reviewer’s Name Position Work Unit Laurel Bowen Writer/editor TBC Solutions, Clinton, TN Deputy regional Noreen Walsh USFWS, Region 6, Lakewood, CO director Appendix B List of Plants and Animals PLANTS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Acanthaceae Acanthus Family Dicliptera brachiata dicliptera Justicia americana water willow Ruellia humilis fringeleaf ruellia Ruellia strepens limestone ruellia Aceraceae Maple Family Acer negundo boxelder Acer saccharinum silver maple Acorus calamus calamus sweetflag Adiantaceae Fern Family Argyrochosma dealbata powdery cloak fern Cheilanthes lanosa hairy lip fern Pellaea atropurpurea purple cliff-brake Pellaea glabella ssp. glabella smooth cliffbrake Agavaceae Agave Family Yucca arkansana Arkansas soapweed Yucca filamentosa limp soapweed Yucca glauca small soapweed Alismataceae Water Plantain Family Alisma subcordatum smallflower water plantain Alisma triviale northern water-plantain Echinodorus berteroi erect burhead Echinodorus cordifolius creeping burhead Sagittaria brevirostra short-beak arrowhead Sagittaria graminea var. graminea grassy arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia common arrowhead Sagittaria montevidensis ssp. calycina giant arrowhead Amaranthaceae Pigweed Family Amaranthus albus tumbleweed amaranth Amaranthus arenicola sandhill pigweed Amaranthus blitoides prostrate pigweed Amaranthus hybridus slender pigweed Amaranthus palmeri Palmer’s pigweed Amaranthus retroflexus rough pigweed 38 LPP, Flint Hills Legacy Conservation Area, KS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Amaranthus rudis water hemp Amaranthus tuberculatus tall water-hemp Froelichia gracilis slender snakecotton Iresine rhizomatosa bloodleaf Anacardiaceae Sumac Family Rhus aromatica fragrant sumac Rhus copallinum dwarf sumac Rhus glabra smooth sumac Toxicodendron radicans ssp. negundo poison-ivy Annonaceae Custard-apple Family Asimina triloba Pawpaw Apiaceae Parsley Family Ammoselinum popei plains sand parsley Berula erecta var. incisa cut-leaf water-parsnip Bupleurum rotundifolium thoroughwax Chaerophyllum procumbens spreading chervil Chaerophyllum tainturieri erect chervil Cicuta maculata common water hemlock Conium maculatum poison-hemlock Cryptotaenia canadensis honewort Daucus carota Queen Anne’s lace Eryngium leavenworthii Leavenworth’s eryngo Eryngium yuccifolium button snakeroot Lomatium foeniculaceum fennel-leaf desert-parsley Osmorhiza longistylis long-style sweet-cicley Pastinaca sativa garden parsnip Polytaenia nuttallii prairie parsley Sanicula canadensis var. canadensis Candian sanicle Sanicula odorata cluster sanicle Spermolepis inermis spreading spermolepis Torilis arvensis hedge parsley Zizia aurea golden zizia Apocynaceae Dogbane Family Apocynum cannabinum hemp dogbane Vinca major periwinkle Vinca minor common periwinkle Araceae Arum Family Arisaema dracontium green dragon Arisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllum Indian Jack-in-the-pulpit Peltandra virginica Virginia arum Pistia stratiotes water lettuce Asclepiadaceae Milkweed Family Asclepias amplexicaulis bluntleaf milkweed Appendix B — List of Plants and Animals 39 SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Asclepias asperula ssp. capricornu milkweed Asclepias incarnata ssp. incarnata swamp milkweed Asclepias pumila plains milkweed Asclepias speciosa showy milkweed Asclepias stenophylla narrow-leaf milkweed Asclepias sullivantii Sullivant’s milkweed Asclepias syriaca common milkweed Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior buttefly milkweed Asclepias verticillata whorled milkweed Asclepias viridiflora green milkweed Asclepias viridis green milkweed Cynanchum laeve climbing milkweed Vincetoxicum nigrum Louise’s swallow-wort Aspleniaceae Fern Family Asplenium platyneuron ebony spleenwort Asplenium resiliens black-stemmed spleenwort Asplenium rhizophyllum walking fern Asplenium trichomanes ssp. trichomanes maidenhair spleenwort Asteraceae Aster Family Achillea millefolium western yarrow Acroptilon repens Russian knapweed Ageratina altissima white snakeroot Ambrosia artemisiifolia common ragweed Ambrosia bidentata lanceleaf ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya western ragweed Ambrosia trifida giant ragweed Amphiachyris dracunculoides annual broomweed Antennaria neglecta field pussytoes Antennaria parlinii ssp. fallax Parlin’s pussytoes Anthemis cotula camomile Arctium minus common burdock Arnoglossum atriplicifolium pale Indian-plantain Arnoglossum plantagineum tuberous Indian-plantain Artemisia ludoviciana Louisiana sagewort Bidens aristosa var. retrorsa bearded beggarticks Bidens bipinnata Spanish needles Bidens cernua nodding beggartick Bidens comosa leafybract beggartick Bidens frondosa devil’s beggartick Bidens vulgata tall beggartick Boltonia asteroides white doll’s daisy Brickellia eupatorioides var. corymbulosa false boneset Carduus nutans musk-thistle 40 LPP, Flint Hills Legacy Conservation Area, KS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Centaurea cyanus bachelor‘s-button Chrysanthemum leucanthemum ox-eye daisy Chrysopsis pilosa soft goldenaster Cichorium intybus common chicory Cirsium altissimum tall thistle Cirsium arvense Canada thistle Cirsium undulatum wavyleaf thistle Cirsium vulgare bull thistle Conyza canadensis Canada horseweed Conyza ramosissima lawn horseweed Coreopsis grandiflora bigflower coreopsis Coreopsis palmata finger coreopsis Cyclachaena xanthifolia bur-weed marshelder Diaperia prolifera var. prolifera bighead pygmy cudweed Dyssodia papposa foetid dogweed Echinacea angustifolia narrow-leaf purple-coneflower Echinacea atrorubens Topeka purple coneflower Echinacea pallida pale purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea purple coneflower Eclipta prostrata yerba de tajo Engelmannia peristenia Engelmann’s daisy Erechtites hieraciifolia American burnweed Erigeron annuus annual fleabane Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane Erigeron strigosus daisy fleabane Eupatorium altissimum tall joe-pye-weed Eupatorium perfoliatum boneset Eupatorium serotinum late eupatorium Euthamia gymnospermoides viscid euthamia Gaillardia pulchella rose ring gaillardia Grindelia ciliata — Grindelia lanceolata spinytooth gumweed Grindelia squarrosa curly-cup gumweed Helenium amarum bitter sneezeweed Helenium autumnale common sneezeweed Helianthus annuus common sunflower Helianthus ciliaris texas blueweed Helianthus grosseserratus sawtooth sunflower Helianthus hirsutus hairy sunflower Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian‘s sunflower Helianthus mollis ashy sunflower Helianthus pauciflorus var. pauciflorus stiff sunflower Helianthus petiolaris prairie sunflower Appendix B — List of Plants and Animals 41 SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Helianthus salicifolius willowleaf sunflower Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem artichoke Helianthus X kellermanii — Helianthus X laetiflorus — Heliopsis helianthoides var. occidentalis smooth oxeye Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra smooth oxeye Heterotheca canescens goldenaster Heterotheca latifolia broad-leaf golden-aster Heterotheca stenophylla var. angustifolia narrow-leaf golden-aster Heterotheca subaxillaris ssp. latifolia camphorweed Hieracium gronovii Gronovius’ hawkweed Hieracium longipilum longbeard hawkweed Hymenopappus scabiosaeus var. corymbosus flat-top woolly-white Iva annua annual sumpweed Krigia cespitosa common dwarf dandelion Lactuca canadensis Canada lettuce Lactuca floridana Florida lettuce Lactuca ludoviciana Louisiana lettuce Lactuca saligna willowleaf lettuce Lactuca serriola prickly lettuce Leucanthemum vulgare common ox-eye daisy Liatris aspera rough gayfeather Liatris mucronata pointed gayfeather Liatris punctata dotted gayfeather Liatris pycnostachya thickspike gayfeather Liatris squarrosa var. hirsuta — Matricaria discoidea disc mayweed Microseris cuspidata prairie false dandelion Packera plattensis plains groundsel Packera pseudaurea var. semicordata false golden ragwort Parthenium integrifolium var. hispidum wild quinine Pluchea odorata purple marsh-fleabane Prenanthes aspera rough rattlesnakeroot Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium fragrant false-cudweed Pyrrhopappus carolinianus Carolina false dandelion Pyrrhopappus grandiflorus tuberous false dandelion Ratibida columnifera yellow prairie coneflower Ratibida pinnata grayhead prairie coneflower Rudbeckia amplexicaulis clasping coneflower Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia laciniata cutleaf coneflower Rudbeckia triloba brown-eyed
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    University of Kentucky UKnowledge University of Kentucky Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 2008 COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY OF SEED DORMANCY-BREAK AND GERMINATION IN CONVOLVULACEAE (ASTERIDS, SOLANALES) Kariyawasam Marthinna Gamage Gehan Jayasuriya University of Kentucky, Right click to open a feedback form in a new tab to let us know how this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Jayasuriya, Kariyawasam Marthinna Gamage Gehan, "COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY OF SEED DORMANCY- BREAK AND GERMINATION IN CONVOLVULACEAE (ASTERIDS, SOLANALES)" (2008). University of Kentucky Doctoral Dissertations. 639. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at UKnowledge. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Kentucky Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of UKnowledge. For more information, please contact ABSTRACT OF DISSERTATION Kariyawasam Marthinna Gamage Gehan Jayasuriya Graduate School University of Kentucky 2008 COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY OF SEED DORMANCY-BREAK AND GERMINATION IN CONVOLVULACEAE (ASTERIDS, SOLANALES) ABSRACT OF DISSERTATION A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the College of Art and Sciences at the University of Kentucky By Kariyawasam Marthinna Gamage Gehan Jayasuriya Lexington, Kentucky Co-Directors: Dr. Jerry M. Baskin, Professor of Biology Dr. Carol C. Baskin, Professor of Biology and of Plant and Soil Sciences Lexington, Kentucky 2008 Copyright © Gehan Jayasuriya 2008 ABSTRACT OF DISSERTATION COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY OF SEED DORMANCY-BREAK AND GERMINATION IN CONVOLVULACEAE (ASTERIDS, SOLANALES) The biology of seed dormancy and germination of 46 species representing 11 of the 12 tribes in Convolvulaceae were compared in laboratory (mostly), field and greenhouse experiments.
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