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20—MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. March 4.1991 SCOREBOARD TUESDAY Royd 1-2, Wood 52), Los Angslaa 2-10 (DIvac 24, Alabama 30) dki not play. NExt: vs. (Instigator, fighting), 13:53; Nolan, Qua, rnidor 1-1, Wbrthy 16, EJohnaon 51, ParMna 51, Florida at Naahvll, j, Tsnn, Friday. (fightaig), 13:53; Sokic, Qua (hooking), 1536; Tstiola 51, Scott 06). Foulad out-Nons. 25. Virginia (2310) did not play. NExt va. Hockey Gmis, QuE (charging), 1 6 3 8 Coif Basketball Rabounda—Houston 62 (1-Smith 22), Los An- Wbka ForEst at Chartotts, N C.. Frkfoy. Third PEriod—8 QuEbEc, Hough 10 (Hikoc, galas S3 (Worthy 10). AaaUts—Houaton 13 Sakic), 1362 (pp). 6, QuEbEc, M lEr 4 (Sakic, LOCAL NEWS INSIDE How women’s Top 25 fared Hough), 19:34. PEnaltiEs—JEnnings, Har (Maxwal. tCSmito. F l^ 13), Los AngoIss 24 Doral Open scores NBA standings (EJohnaon 8). Total touls-Houaton 23. Los How IhE AssociatEd PrEss' Top 25 womEn's NHL standings (rougNng), 136; Raglan, QuE, doubla minor Angaiss 20. Tachnicals—Houaton illogal Mam s farEd Sunday: W ALES CO N FER EN CE (rougNng), 136; Brown, Hor (unaportsmaNIkE MIAMI (AP) — Full and partial acor^ Sunday i A m i M C O N FE R E N C E dsfonaa 3, Los Angalaa Bagal datartas. Wordy. P a trick D iv isio n condiict), 239; Qillip QuE (unaportamaNHw during thE lightning-suspEndEd ktorth round of ■ Parkade subdivision approved. AtlMUeDIvtaton 1. Virginia (27-2) lost to dam son 65-62. A— 17,506. 2. Pann StatE (231) did not play. W L TPIS OP QA conduct), 239; Tomtak, Hor (roughing), 435; thE $t.4 million Doral OpEn, playod o n ^ W L PM . O B NYFtangara 33 22 12 78 253 210 PsarsoTL QuE (roughing), 435; MdCanztEb Hor, 6,939-yard, par-72 BluE CoursE at thE Doral Bottoo 42 16 .724 — 3. GEorgia (233) lost to No. 12 LS U 83 74 . PNIadElplita 31 27 9 71 223 200 ,n«)or (fighting), 569; udsL Qua, major (fight- Country Club (IhE 22 golfErs still on thE coursE PNhKMphla 32 25 .561 9i4 Pistons 107, Clippers 98 4. TEnnaasEE (254) bEat No. 5 Auburn Pittsburgh 32 30 4 68 281 257 / Ing), 569; JEnnings, Hor, m iyor (fighting), 537; whEn play was suspEndEd will rEsurttE thE ■ Eighth District expiains budget. NtwHbrii 27 31 .466 15 LA CUPPERS (96) 70- 62. N aw Jarsay 28 28 11 67 234 221 F l^ Qua, mi^or (fighting), 537; Holik, Hor fourth rourxt bEgIrtNng at 9 a.m. Monday): Support WWilnolon 22 36 .379 20 5. Auburn (24-5) lost to No. 4 TEnnEssEE Mtotning 1518 7-7 31. Smift 512 36 11. 7362. W aihington 29 32 5 63 211 228 (high-sticking), 6:18 Holik, H or, major (fighting), C o m p isis m m m NMrJwMy 19 36 .333 7 3 > it Rilynioa 16 5 2 2. Haijaar 520 54 12. Grant 6. PurduE (24-2) did not play. NY latandora 21 37 9 51 190 247 963; KryglEr, Hor, gamE miacanducL 9.63; StEvE Elkington 7169-72-74-286 ■ Treasurer’s office sees no probiems. our M«ni 16 39 .316 23i« 511 50 11, Norman 513 1-2 11, Vaught 26 7. North Carolina StatE (235) bEat Maryland Adam E Dhttaton Sanliwas, QuE, major (fighting), 963; VarbaEk, BErnhard LangEr 69-70-73-74-286 CwNral DIvWan 06 4, Martin 59 2-2 14, Garrick 16 5 0 2.TO- 82-75. x-Boaton 38 21 8 84 250 223 Hot (slasNng), 939; Cunrwyworth, HEr, minor- KEnny Knox 73- 70-72-73—288 troops! Chicago 41 15 .732 — Wa 3964 17-2396 8 Arkansas (24-3) d d not play. x-Montraol 34 25 8 76 231 207 major (Inati^tor, fighting), 1037; Paarsoa Bn/cEUEtzka 69-73-71-75-288 DalroH 36 22 .633 5 DETRO(T(107) 9. Washinoton (2t4) bEat UCLA 64-54. x-Buflalo 25 25 18 66 233 226 Qup ma^ (fighlng), 1037; Ladoucaur, Hart Scott Simpson 68-73-72-75-288 ■ Boiton residents demand study. 36 23 .610 61/2 Rodman 26 51 4. Edwards 317 46 20, 1 8 Stanford (22-4) M not play. Hartford 28 W 9 65 203 226 (unsportsmonlks crtnduct), 1132 Tomlak, Hor, Brian Claar 71-69-72-76-288 AOanlB 33 25 .569 9 Lalmbssr 66 50 13. Johnson 519 24 20, 11. Wsstam KEntucky (232) bbat Virginia Quabac 12 42 12 36 187 296 doublE minor (roughing), 1362 Hough, QuE, BEn CrEnshaw 68-71-78-73—288 In d am 27 30 .474 141/2 Dumars 315 310 26. Agulna 314 55 22, ComnxHiwaalth 102-84. CAIfiPBELL CONFERENCE doublE iNnor (roughing), 1362; QuEbEc bEnch, Tom PurtzEr 67-72-7874-288 ClaiM land 20 37 .351 211/2 Hsndsraon 06 5 0 0, Bsdford 1-4 50 2. Totals 12 LSU (23-6) bEat No. 3 GEorgia 83-74. N ontE D iv isio n sErvEd by Nolan (too many man), 1431. JohnMahaffEy 71-71-72-75-289 Chailotta 17 40 .296 241/2 4266 1528 107. 18 ConnacUcut (25-4) bEat Soton Hall W L TPM OF QA OvErtimE—NortE. PsrwitiEs—NortE. DougTEwEll 6872-72-77—289 Local/REgional Section, PagE 7. WESTERN CONFERENCE LACIppars 27 24 18 29- 06 63 54 . x-SL Loufo 39 18 9 87 264 210 Shots on goal—Hartford 10-136-1—30. PaulTrittlEr 6874-72-75-290 IBdaraat D M a lo n DatroK 26 25 20 25-107 14. TExas (237) d d not play. x-CNcago 40 21 6 86 229 173 QuEbEc 9-7-9-2-27. BobWilcott 6874-72-76—290 What's W I. R o t QB 3-ftilnt goals—Los Angsisa 310 (Martin 32. 1 8 UNLV (24-5) d d not play. DEtroit 28 32 8 64 235 256 Powar-ptay OpportunHIeE Hartford 1 of 7; Gil Morgan 6872- 7877—290 QuEbEc 1 of 7. Utah 38 16 .679 — Grant 14, Smith 51, Garrick 51, Harpsr 52), 18 ProvidEnca (254) bM t Pittsburgh t07-92 M lrxiatota 21 33 13 55 207 227 Curt Byrum 7 4 6 8 7 8 7 3 — 291 GoatlEE-Hartford, WhitmorE, 0-3-1 (27 San Antonio 36 19 .656 1i /2 Dolroit 5 6 (Agukro 26, Laimbasr 1-1, Dumars 17. RutgErs (22-5) d d not play. Toronto 18 41 8 44 201 279 Bob EstEs 7873 -787 2—291 Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper News Houaton 33 24 .579 5i/2 1-1, Johnson 0-1). Foulad out—Manning. 18 Mississippi (20-8) did not play. Sm ytha DIvlaion shots-24 savEs). QuEbEc, TugnutL 9-24-9 GrEg Norman 71- 71-7874-291 D ala a 21 35 .375 17 Rabounda—Los Angalaa 50 (Harpsr 9), DEtroit 19. StEphEn F. Austin (234) dd not play. x-Loa Angalaa 39 20 7 85 284 209 (30-27). Jay Don BlakE 68 7 4 -7 8 7 6 —291 OrivKto 19 38 .333 191/2 64 (Laimbsar 20). Aaslata—Loa An^sa 22 20. NorthwEstErn (137) bEat Ohio StatE x-Colgary 37 22 7 81 262 211 A - 1 8 0 4 8 MikE Donald 72- 7 8 7 8 7 6 — 291 March 5.1991 iyNnnaaota 18 38 .321 20 (Har^ 7), DEtroit 23 (Dumars SL Total 71- 5 8 Edmonton 30 31 5 86 223 220 REfErEE—Richard Trottiar. LinEsm En- Jim ThorpE 6873- 74-75-291 Danvar 16 40 .286 22 21. Iowa (138) lost to Michigan StatE 4948 WinnipEg 23 35 11 57 230 248 GErard GauthiEr, Ray Scapinallo. 6873-72-78-291 A toula-Los AngElas 27, DEtroit 10. Ftagrant Tom Eubank Raol6c D M aion toul -R ily n Ic a . A - 2 1 .454. 2 2 NotrE DamE (21-6) d d not play. VancouvEr 24 38 7 55 207 273 John Cook 71- 7874-76—291 Rsriand 45 14 .763 23. Long BEach StatE (137) dd not play. x-dinchEd piByofI bErth JEff Sluman 72- 70-7875—292 LA Lakara 42 16 .724 21/2 Sunday’s college scores 24. GEorgs Wbshlngton (22-5) did not play. Satuiday'a Oamaa AHL standings Mark LyE 6873-7876-292 Aide charged Phoanlx 37 19 .661 61/2 Bulfalo 7, Boaton 4 78687877—292 EAST 28 Lamar (232) did not play. NorthErn Division HalE Irwin WATERBURY (AP) — A GohJanSlato 30 26 .536 131/2 SL Louis 8 PNIadElpNa 4, tiE 69687879-292 SyracusE 62. GEorgEtown 58 W L T Pta G F GA Dick Mast SaatHa 26 28 .500 151/2 employee of the Waterbury SOUTH Women’s Top 25 poll Hartford 3, QuEbEc 3, tiE SpringfiEld 35 24 7 77 276 230 MikE REid 69687879-292 More allied POWs freed 20 37 .351 24 LACIppaca REcord Pta Pva Wuhington 3. N.Y. lalandars 2 Moncton 31 27 10 72 232 228 DonForsmon 67-7871-79-293 Redevelopment Agency has 15 41 .268 281/2 DukE 83, North Carolina 77 Sacfamanto 2 Calgary 5, Minrwaota 1 MainE 31 28 8 70 225 235 BlainE McColHstar 71-72-7877—293 r- Saiim lay'a Oamaa MIDW EST I. PEnnSL(45) 261 1,530 been charged' with embezzling 2 Virginia (11) 27-2 1,455 1 Montrad 8 Edmonton 1 CapE BrEton 30 30 8 68 256 268 Bobby Wsdkins 71-7874-76-293 Indam 135 Chicago 114 Michigan 68, MInrtEsota 60 3. TEnnEssEE (6) 25-4 1,454 4 N.Y. HangErs 5, Toronto 2 FrEdEricton 29 32 8 66 245 260 MikE Sullivan 787871-80-293 $19,000 in agency funds through Naw Vbrk 115 Now Jariay 105 NEbraska 85, Kansas 75 Los Angalaa 6, WinNpEg 3 Ohio SL 65, Michigan S t 64 4.