Dr. Robert Thornton Defies the Odds by Herman Cowan, Jr. other odds, as he went on to finish not This is the first of a series on the life only grammar school, but high school and philosophies of Dr. Robert A. and college. Thornton. Dr. Thornton is a (retired) As a child in Houston, Texas, Dr. professor of physics at the University Thornton attended grammar school of San Francisco. in a one room schoolhouse, where In this series Dr. Thornton will one instructor was responsible for emphasize the quality of education, teaching six grades, "if you can in this country and at the University of imagine that," retorts Thornton. San Francisco. After grammar school Thornton Part one of this series will feature transferred into the Houston public Dr. Thornton's background, his school system. "I attended the education, and his teaching colored high school,'' says Thornton. endeavors. "Our high school didn't have the When he was born on February 6, same curriculum as the white high 1897 (according to the bureau of schools," he claims. census) the odds were that he, "The wood and metal shops were because he was born a Negro, would excellent," says Thornton, "but we not even finish grammar school. Dr. had no good courses in the sciences, Robert A. Thornton defied those and Dr. Thornton will discuss the quality of education at USF. Continued on Page 3 jlan Jjfrantfeto Jfogljorn

Volume 73 Number 14 University of San Francisco November 3, 1978 'Freedom Fighters' Oppose FA They've been called but Dr. Paul Lorton of the College of of curriculum, are still made by the student input in the decision-making "traditionalists" and they've been Business Administration, who Administration; these are decisions process, had its difficulties, but that called "The Freedom Fighters"; they recently resigned from the faculty which, in the University of California the faculty union was even less have been viewed with both scorn union, related several reasons for his system, for example, are made by the effective. "The Union is so powerless and admiration; but one fact remains disenchantment with the Associa­ teachers themseltfes. and inept that I really don't want to in very sharp relief — the four faculty tion. "USF is a great pface to teach, "I'm also extremely disappointed get involved in it. It hasn't been able members who recently decided to and I like the Jesuit concept of educa­ about the current salary impasse," Dr. to accomplish anything since its secede from the U.S.F. Faculty tion, but I very much disagree with Lorton mentioned. "Nobody goes inception." Association have feelings and ideals the concept of a 'faculty union.' If into teaching at a University for the Dr. Andrew Woznicki of the which are becoming increasingly being in the union were a condition money; it just doesn't pay that well in Philosophy department also denies popular on the University of San of employment—I'd have serious the first place." He went on to say that any membership with the U.S.F. Francisco campus to both teachers difficulties with that." teaching, research, and service to the Faculty Association for reasons which and students. The focus of their Dr. Lorton mentioned that the community were the three duties of a are quite compatible with Dr. complaints: that the U.S.F. Faculty union seems to be much more college professor — duties which Lorton's. Dr. Woznicki stated that any Association should be more interested in monetary matters than must never be circumvented by salary "university" operates to reach a concerned with academics than truly academic ones. "The Faculty demands. "They have their own single goal — to educate students money, and that the very existence of Association gave up all important inherent rewards," he stated. totally — and that at the very such a union on this campus may be power in academic matters for higher Dr. Lorton concluded by stating foundation of this goal is integrity severely detrimental to the salaries." He mentioned that the that the University Senate (the old among administrators, students, and educational process. hiring and firing of personnel, as well method of negotiating wih the faculty. Implicit in this goal is These are compelling criticisms, as decisions concerning the planning Administration), which included adademic freedom. "Unionization," Dr. Woznicki continued, "although economically justified... is contrary to the very spirit of academic integrity." Senate Solicits Impartial View He mentioned that, with unionization, the relationship between administration and faculty by Lisa Coffey becomes that of employer and Father Andrew Boss, a professor of employee with the possibility of strike Economics at USF, spoke to the to interrupt the educational process. Senate Monday evening to give Dr. Woznicki also mentioned that added insight into the economics faculty members "can expect and behind the negotiations that are ought to be consulted on matters presently taking place between the concerning academic life and Faculty Association and the Admini­ functions; once, however, a stration. bargaining unit is created, the Senator Dan London invited Father relationship becomes ipso facto Boss to speak to the Senate because changed. The union cannot demand he is not partial to either party and the right to participate in 'hiring, London felt that he was the best firing, promoting, etc' because person available who could give the employer and employe are divided." students an objective view of the In addition, Dr. Woznicki negotiations. mentioned that academic freedom Father Boss agreed to speak to the itself, which underlies the Senate with the following provisions. Continued on Page 3 First, he would not enter into any Fr. Boss presents the facts to the ASUSF Senate. controversy or take sids. He agreed to be there strictly to answer questions Actually, Father Boss gave a mini- tiation deals take place at the top INDEX PlgM and give, from an economic point of level. course in labor relations. News 2,3 11 view, the history of the negotiations He told the Senate that there are Two other styles of bargaining are between the two parties since last accomodation and cooperation. different bargaining relationships Editorials April. Accomodation is when two parties try that occur betwen two parties. One is & Opinions 4 He came well prepared for the containment aggression. He defined to find out all of the things they have presentation. He had copies of the this as when an employer does not in common so that while negotia­ Entertainment 7, 8 9 10 minutes from the negotiations, and willingly accept a union. Another is tions are going on they can be sympa­ every bulletin distributed by either power bargaining. He used the diffi­ thetic to the views of the other side. Feature* party during the negotiations. He also culties between the Teamsters and Cooperation occurs when the parties 6 15 brought with him a vast amount of Safeway to illustrate this one. A third are willing to make economic sacri- 12,13,14 Sports economic knowledge. is deal bargaining. This is when nego­ Continued on Page 3 Page 2 November 3, 1978 Prop. 6 Election Preview: Prop. 5 The key issue that one must con­ sider when scrutinizing Proposition 6 Proposition 5, the antismoking is this — "should school boards be ordinance on this November's ballot, allowed to fire teachers who demon­ has stirred a vast amount of emotion strate to children that homosexuality during this election season. is a viable alternative lifestyle?" Unfortunately, most of the realities of 1 the issue have been obfuscated by the Child molestation is not a relevant smoke which has risen from these issue here, because homosexuals heated debates. Clever advertising, have no greater propensity for it than financed by the tobbacco interests, heterosexuals do. In addition, has proven the most flagrant catalyst present laws adequately deter people BE SURE TO VOTE for clouding this issue. from engaging in molestation. What Prop. 5 actually does is outlaw One should not conclude that Prop smoking in all public buildings, such 6 will result in every gay teacher as schools, libraries, and government getting fired. Prop. 6 permits school offices, and requires owners of all boards to take action, but does not commercial buildings to partition force them to do so. Clearly, school NOVEMBER 7 certain areas of floorspace in which boards in places like San Francisco persons will be permitted to smoke. would not be disposed to exercise this priviledge. Onedisadvantage to6 The pros and cons of this is that it will make gay teachers policy proposition are quite mundane, as an issue in local school board opposed to the philosophical drive elections and will deter attention proffered by its advocates and from reading, writing and arith­ opponents. metic. The advantage of 5 is that it will help discourage smoking, a practice that is Without a doubt, the major commonly accepted to be unhealthy, problem with Prop 6 is that it can lead and therefore undesireable to to inquests based upon misinforma­ society. In addition 5 helps protect tion or malice against particular Battle of the Undefeated those hwo choose not to smoke by teachers that will sully teachers reducing their exposure to cigarette reputations unjustifiably and will waste the time of both the teacher by David Harpster smoke blown into the air around and the school board. It is also widely Four days before the California gubernatorial election Younger is them. Exhaled smoke has been believed by legal scholars that such a hurting. Brown is not. If the opinion polls are to be believed, Brown will be scientifically demonstrated to be a system is not consistent with the re-elected and Younger will be out of a job. minor health hazard. constitutional guarantee of due It's been a battle of the undefeated. Both candidates have never lost an The disadvantages of proposition 5 process. election. It's also been a classic study of man at his worst, for anyone keeping include the fact that private owners of If you have no qualms with these a close eye on the race cannot come to any other conclusion other than that commercial buildings, as well as the administrative problems or dubious these two supposedly dignified men have stooped to new depths in order to taxpayers, will be spending vast legal standards and feel that people in win. amounts of capital to partition their local areas should have the right to The race has been one of the most unenlightening events in the history of floorspace and hang up no smoking determine what sort of people are the modern world. The two candidates will have spent over four million signs. For businessmen with limited teaching their children, Prop 6 could dollars by Tuesday for the use of our public airways just so they can say nasty floorspace this could prove a be justifiable to you. things about each other. bedeviling logistical problem. In However, if you do think these Younger has questioned Brown's sexual preferences. Brown has equated addition, it can beargued that the law shortcomings will accrue, or if you his opponent with mashed potatoes. The televised debates saw more mud will be both resented and commonly feel there is no rationale for discrimi­ slung then ever before. violated, and that this would foster a nation against people because of The focus of the campaign has been on personalities. The candidates' widespread disregard for our legal their lifestyle, the Briggs Initiative positions on the issues, and even the issues themselves, are about as clear (or system, a problem already prevelant should not be to your liking. as vague) as they were on Labor Day weekend. Arguments over how much in American society. surplus there is, over how many cuts should there be, and other nonsensical topics have dominated the headlines, but they are of little substance be­ cause by the time the new year rolls around everything will have changed. City Propositions The ads themselves have been masterpieces of mass-oriented mentality. The most recent radio spot from Brown's camp, which was played on the Of all the 32 propositions, the two that landlords would not be losing bubblegum KFRC this week, features a racetrack announcer exitedly most likely to affect students here at anything, since the rents they have broadcasting the "Spendorama," which, it turns out, is won by Younger USF are City Propositions U and W. been charging generally include because his office has tripled its budget in eight years. Prop. U is the Rent Rebate (or rent property taxes. Without Prop U, This was preceded by an equally silly piece from Younger about a rather control — to its opponents) ini­ supporters claim, landlords would glib couple laughing hysterically over how Brown has mis-managed tax tiative that would affect all students collect the amount they normally do revenues. They suddenly realize, however, that it's their money they're who rent apartments and Prop. W is for property taxes, but be able to laughing about, and the accompanying groans make a not-so-subtle point. the Marijuana Initiative that affects keep it as a windfall profit. They say it The campaign has had some cases of fruit from time to time. The more students who smoke pot. is not rent control since it has a productive developments are these: Of the two, Proposition U is much definite date of expiration — Brown has stated that the chances for running for president are "remote." more controversial. According to the December of next year. They also Younger's campaign hired two private eyes to look into any possible analysis prepared by the Ballot point to the City controller's soiled laundry in the Brown family. Simplification Committee and pub­ Statement of fiscal impact which indi­ Younger supports Proposition 7, the death penalty and opposes Prop. 5. lished in the San Francisco Voter's cates that it would not affect the cost Brown refuses to take a stand on 5, but is against Prop. 6. Information Pamphlet, Prop. U would of government. Younger will "probably vote against 6," but opposes hiring of gay require all landlords to pass on to The other proposition of special policemen. their tenants the total property tax interest to students is Prop. W, the Brown denies ever trying marijuana. reducction resulting from the passage Marijuana Initiative. Only in San Younger has said that it's "inevitable that the next state legislature will of Prop. 13 last June. In addition, land­ Francisco would a measure such as legalize marijuana." lords would be prevented from this be so uncontroversial. In the Brown, who claims the state is in rosy condition credits his strong leader­ raising rents above the level of last Voeter's Information Pamphlet, not ship for settlement of the farm labor issue, tax cuts, increased environ­ June, from Dec. 1978 through Dec. one argument against it was mental protection, consumer safeguards, and a general atmosphere of 1979, unless they can prove that their submitted and there is no known "No prosperity. costs have gone up. on W" committee in existence. Younger blames Brown for the high crime rate and claims the governor's Opponents to this measure argue First of all, it should be made clear anti-nuclear policies are endangering California's economic future. that this constitutes rent control that this proposition does not — Also a reliable way of finding out where a candidate stands is to take a look which, in other cities, has not worked could not — legalize marijuana. That at where he gets his money. very well. They claim that landlords can only be done on the federal level, Younger, who is speedily going broke, has spent $1.8 million since the first will have less incentive to maintain where the anti-marijuana laws have of July, most of it from agriculturists, industrialists and traditional and improve their property. their foundation. This initiative isonly Republican sources. Properties will then deteriorate and a policy statement telling the city He got $20,000 donated television time from Knott's Berry Farm owner assessments will decline, resulting in leaders, specifically the Chief of Russel Knott, over $25,000 in non-monetary support from a group of San lower revenue for the city and higher Police and the District Attorney that Jacinto farmers, and $12,000 from the Western Growers volitical Action taxes elsewhere to make up for this enforcing these laws should be a low Committee. decline. They fear overburdening the priority. Brown has spent $2.2 million and has a $700,000 supply of cash on hand. court system with landlord/renter Thus, it is possible that the police He got most of his money from labor and entertainment figures, including disputes and discouraging outside department and the District $25,000 from entertainment broker Lew Wasserman. investment in city properties, be­ Attorney's office could ignore this Several major California corporations have also been generous in cause it would be less profitable. measure, but , would do so at donations to both candidates. Those in favor of Proposition U feel their own political peril. November 3, 1978 Page 3 Fr. Boss Describes History of Negotiations stormy. He thinks that a major He said that the Administration problem between the two parties is red. came up with a 23 page counter pro­ Father Boss said that either one that they don't appreciate or posal that was "absolutely ridicu­ pleads inability to pay at negotiations understand each other very well. lous." He stated that the Administra­ or one doesn't. You can't have it both Father Boss, who is a professional tion set down their basic policy in the ways. arbitrator himself, thinks it was "a document and said that they would In the rest of his presentation fatal error" on the part of both sides disregard the CPI totally, but did not Father Boss told of the many differ­ to sit down at the bargaining table say why they would not consider it. ent proposals and arguments that with grievances and try to negotiate. They offered the FA the step increase have taken place in the negotiations He stated that many professional they negotiated last year and an addi­ for the past 7 months. He illustrated economists believe that basically 9 tional bonus to all. Father Boss said, many inconsistencies on the part of out of 10 strikes occur when there are "Their offer was not serious either. both the FA and the Administration. unsettled grievances. Father Boss They played down to the FA." Senator London's point was well indicated that if there are no griev­ Father Boss then told the Senate received when he suggested that ances, negotiations will be smooth what negotiators typically consider certain members from both parties and there will be a much better when discussing wage increases. He take Father Boss' economics class to chance of coming to a settlement. outlined the following different learn about labor relations. Next, he read a series of offers and criteria. One is the standard of living. After Father Boss concluded his counter offers made by the FA and Another is the CPI, which measures presentation the Senate went on to the Administration from minutes of Fr. Boss stresses his impartiality. the rate of change in prices over a discuss its usual business of the day. the negotiations. base period. A third is to compare Aaron Lee reported back to the He told the Senate that the FA came from Page 7 industries. Two other approaches are Senate about the season up with a 3 page proposal including fices in the hopes of settling. to examine the local labor markets ticket prices. He said he discussed the many things besides a salary proposal. Father Boss indicated that he feels and the national labor marketstofind matter with Bill Fusco and Fusco said He stated, "These salary demands the FA and the Administration are out the increases in the local and that the University had compared our were way out of line, they were not practicing containment aggression. national wages. ticket prices with other Universities in even in the probable area." He told the Senate that the kind of He said that the FA has based their the country and found that USF was According to Father Boss the Faculty relationship two parties have will entire argument for an increase in charging far less for their tickets. was asking for an 8.7 percent salary determine what happens in negotia­ wages on the CPI. The Administra­ Therefore, the University sees no increase for 1978-79, and an addi­ tions. Since, in USF's case, contain­ tion, on the other hand, will only reason why they should not be tional 4.3 percent in 1978-79 to consider comparing industries to find competitive and charge higher ment aggression is being practiced compensate for the incraase in the out what other colleges are paying prices. Father Boss said, "From the outset of Consumer Price Index (CPI). these negotiations it has been their employees. They would not The Governance Committee asked even discuss their ability to pay the Senators to review the constitu­ increased wages. tions of five clubs so that they can Then Father Boss read from the vote on ratifying the constitutions June 6 negotiation minutes a state­ next week. Freedom Fighters ment by John Scalone. "This is not a The finance Committee is still budget negotiation," he said. Father investigating the Scabbard and Blade Boss said this means that the Admini­ issue. From Page 1 stration is not pleading inability to pay negotiate with the said unions. The Senate voted to allocate T.R. educational process, could be and he sees this as a wise move. He In addition, another court decision Sullivan, the sports editor, $342.00 for interfered with by union controls and said that once the Administration (Buckley and Evans vs. AFTRA) stated plane fare to Tampa Bay, Florida so he rules. "My suggestion for resolving pleads inability to pay the FA has the can cover the soccer championships. that, unlike some faculty members at the (current) conflict is involvement right to petition to see their books. The games will be held December 10- USF had been led to believe?* of... professors, administrators, and The Administration must justify this 11. union membership is not compulsory students in the search for mutual plea. in order to obtain or maintain a The Senators voted to hold a work­ compromise" — a solution which Then Father Boss read from a letter teaching job at the University of San shop for the newly elected Senate would re-embody the spirit of which Father LoSchiavo sent to the members on November 21 from 6 to Francisco. Dr. Woznicki mentioned collegiality and academic freedom. USF community which stated that the 10 p.m. Attendance at this workshop the steps necessary for resignation Dr. Michael Mathes of the History University is now operating in the will be mandatory. from the Faculty Union last Fall in the Department, another resignee from Foghorn: the U.S.F. Faculty Association, stated "Any faculty member can resign that "the faculty union is anti- from the Association merely by academic — by its very nature." Dr. sending a letter to the Faculty Mathes mentioned a number of Association, provided that he/she reasons for his views. "First of all, it Dr. Robert Thornton meets all financial obligations as (the union) is anti-academic in that it required by Article Three of the doesn't provide any sort of support to agreement. Any resigning members From Page 1 study at the University of Chicago. At scholarship on the part of faculty. should notify the Association in Chicago Thornton studied math and Secondly, it can actually deny math, or the languages." writing that he/she refuses to physics. students an education by striking for a Thornton finished high school in perform any obligations of A few years later Thornton raise..." *He also mentioned the Houston, in 1917. After graduation he Association membership or remain obtained a second fellowship to study possibility of violating academic went to the west coast, to the city of subject to any Association rules or at the University of Minnesota. He freedom in important ways — a view Los Angeles. In Los Angeles he went regulations beyond the contractually studied the philosophy of science and which parallels Dr. Woznicki's ideas. to the Poly Technical high school for imposed obligations to tender physics. He obtained his Ph.D. from He also found fault with the Faculty one year. At Poly Tech, Thornton periodic dues and fees." this school in 1946. The final exam for Association's preoccupation with took courses in mathematics, physics, his Ph.D. covered three areas, says monetary matters. "Anybody who Dr. Donald Brandon, unavailable and the modern languages (English Thornton, physics, the philosophy of went into academics thinking they for interview at press time, is certainly and Latin). science, and math. were going to make big money is the most vocal proponent of Thornton left Los Angeles and went Since receiving his Ph.D., Thornton either a fool or a dreamer." He resignation from the U.S.F. Faculty to Cleveland, Ohio, to the Case has studied at Harvard University on mentioned that the union has made Association to date. One factor is School of Technology. After being at numerous occasions. no attempts to involve itself in vital clear in the communications of all Case for about one month, Thornton Thornton has been at the Univer­ academic matters such as the possible those who have left the faculty union, was called to the President's office sity of San Francisco since 1967. loss of the Sutro Library (cf. Foghorn, however: there is a rapidly expanding where he was informed that Before joining the USF faculty, October 27, 1978). "It's gone far trend at the University of San "Negroes couldn't live with whites." Thornton taught at a number of other beyond the ability to fight from Francisco to regard a university It was therefore suggested that he institutions, including San Francisco within; the union doesn't express my senate system as the only viable and transfer to another similar insti­ State, the University of Chicago, Uni­ feelings, and I cannot stay in under effective means for re-establishing tution. Thornton declined, and he versity of Puerto Rico, and Talladege those conditions." unity among faculty, administration, bitterly went to Howard University. and students. College in Alabama. All three professors mentioned a At Howard, Thornton majored in Next week Thornton will begin his major decision in the U.S. Court of mathematics and physics. During his discussion on the quality of educa­ Appeals which sheds dubious light on •Minutes of the faculty/administra­ sophomore year Thornton began tion at the University of San Francisco. the very existence of a faculty union tion negotiations have revealed that a teaching at Howard, he taught such He will also discuss the role of the stu­ in the first place. The Wall Street strike was threatened by the faculty courses as chemistry, physics, trigo­ dent on today's college campus. journal (September 29, 1978) negotiator on several occasions. nometry, and algebra. He graduated Thornton will also look into the mentioned that this landmark from Howard in 1922. quality of education for minority decision, if upheld in the Supreme ••Dr. Michael Lehmann, on repeat­ Upon leaving Howard, Thornton students on the USF campus and in Court, would mean that faculty ed occassions during the last few went to Ohio State University, where this country. unions are not entitled to bargain years, has stated that union member­ he received his masters degree in under the federal labor law, and that ship for faculty members at USF is mathematics. Two years later he was NEXT WEEK PART 2 private universities would not have to mandatory. awarded a Rockefeller Fellowship to Page 4 November 3, 1978 In My Opinion Mv View Brown and the Election Why Students Go to College by Christopher Dean by James DeFrantz Had this student checked into the According to current polls the 40 Governor Brown's actual talent is history of Third World people in the year old Jerry Brown is going to win seen in an impressive ability to speak Recently, I was talking to some United States she would have been the election over the 60 year old of values in vague terminology. fellow students about some of the made to realize how tired minorities attorney general, Evelle Younger by Specific plans for programs cutting reasons a person attends an are having to prove their 1st class more than one million votes; a state spending and methods around institution of higher education. citizenship. the nuclear energy questions are still substantial victory. Particularly disturbing was the view The point here is that the non-existent. Where is the quality Despite Brown's consistent flip- that "one goes to college to get a opportunity to learn something and substance of this man? flopping on the issues, most notably degree, and nothing more!!" This about the true experiences of Proposition 13 in which he was Jerry Brown has a perfect media view is disturbing not only because it Americans of Third World heritage opposed right up to the June sixth quality, which is of utmost seems to be prevalent among has obviously been missed. Instead, referendem, he still remains an importance in the winning of students at institutions of higher misconceptions were developed. acceptable candidate to most elections in modern times. He has learning, but also because this view is These sorts of misconceptions must Californians. charisma, good looks, and the basis for letting the opportunity of not be allowed to continue to exist. His inconsistent rhetoric, along articulation. Evelle Younger, on the a lifetime slip by. Students at institutions such as with his bouncing fromonesideof an other hand, is introverted and too Colleges are places where people U.S.F. must assume a responsibility to issue to another, has led the public to precise. It should be noted that if of all kinds of cultures and become aquainted with their fellow distrust Brown as an eccentric, but Abraham Lincoln had needed the backgrounds may be found. Colleges students from different cultures. This come election day the majority of the qualities of charm and good looks he give one the opportunity to work, is indeed a responsibility that should electorate are expected to choose would have never been named our talk, and live with people who have not be taken lightly. As the world Brown for a second term. sixteenth President. totally different views of the world. continues to grow and change, the When voters approved Proposition It is true that the media is the surest The opportunity to relate to persons role of America in world politics 13, which sharply rolled back way to woo votes in the 1970's, and from a different culture is once-in-a- continues to grow and change, the property taxes, Governor Brown, that requires an acting talent more lifetime for most people and should role of America in world politics who had denounced the proposition suited to Hollywood than the state not be missed. continues to change. It is no longer as a "ripoff" by the rich, weaved his capital. Because colleges attract students feasible for college-educated way back into the electorate's arms by Caution should be taken on Nov. 7 from many areas of the world, the Americans to be ignorant or embracing the program as though it when voters go to the polls. Brown's opportunity to learn about various intolerant of different cultures (as is were his own pet project. rhetoric may be overshadowing lifestyles, languages, and worldviews demonstrated in various situations all It was time for more Brown double reality. Although he takes credit for exists on college and university over the world, particularly in Africa.) talk. Calling the proposition a policy many initiatives, he actually deserves campuses. This opportunity is A new level of understanding and which reaffirmed his "era of limits", credit for little. important because it allows one to tolerance is especially important he was perhaps forgetting how he In fact, Brown stressed "slow understand ones surrounding inside America itself where White had abaondoned that era in favor of growth" and "lowered expectations" environment more clearly. For middle class America should begin to the "era of possibilities." The latter to the point that widening business example, it was evident in many of the understand the real nature of systems was quite obvious when he came up expansion was threatnned in editorials in the Foghorn dated Oct. of discrimination. with a tripped out idea advocating a California. This presented no major 13 that many students have a It is important to the future of our California Space Program. Included problem to Governor Brown, somewhat clouded view of American society that our leaders be able to in it was a 5.6 milliong dollar state however, as he quickly turned society. One writer made statements understand people from all cultures owned communications satellite. around his policies. to the effect that she was tired of around the world. As the college His success is greatly enhanced by A new campaign was developed to minorities in America always students of today we are, (in theory) his clever use of symbolism. Living in symbolize California as a place to do complaining. Granted that this the leaders of tomorrow. Students an apartment instead of the big business in. Consequently, Brown statement was made as a reaction to must not allow themselves to come to Governor's Mansion and driving a and big business were content, at the an emotional issue, however, had the school "just to get that piece of Plymouth instead of the limosine cost of public contentment. Most author ever taken the time to paper." Students should take provided him are two examples of people remain utterly confused by understand the seriousness of the advantage of all the educational deceptive symbolism. These senseless Brown's indecisiveness. situation in which Third World opportunities afforded them while in gestures prove appealing to many Brown keeps people at a distance. people in the United States find college. Otherwise, they rob voters. Many claim that he is cold and themselves today, this statement themselves of the opportunity to be Although Mr. Younger's policies humorless. His basic beliefs are little probably would not have been made. well educated. have been concerned with cutting known. taxes, even before Proposition 13, Although quite competent in To The Editor Brown has taken these issues away conveying a sensitive outlook towards the divided public's needs, from the attorney general by Dear Editor: the only real issue the ASUSF should he stands out as insensitive in advocating them himself. I applaud Mr. Dean's scathing and be addressing is precisely how to gain character. Brown, a handsome bachelor and cogent attack upon our "student legitimate power. They should What grows from all of this is a son of a popular former governor, government". We should, however, holdfast to this goal unrelentingly, politician with a watchful eye, and a conducts state government with candidly ask ourselves why we expect refusing to be led astray. If the USF self searching heart, towards the fancy rhetoric. His speeches, the ASUSF to be other than dormant. administration is unwilling to White House. His ultimate goal is however, lack any hard thought and Do idealistic expectations stem from relinquish at least some power, then clearly his ambition to become a ultimately act as disguises for his lack the notion that student-government ASUSF will remain impotent; Presidential contender in 1980; the of policies. exercises a degree of power? If this is therefore, we shall not be surprised 1978 gubernatorial election serves as The Brown philosophy emphasises the case it is unfortunate; for power when comedy ensues everytime our a private sector very dependent upon a very advantageous stepping stone. undoubtedly falls into the "domain of legislature meets. His ability to sense the mass the public sector; more specifically a foreign policy" that Mr. Dean alludes Thanks, opinion enables him to manipulate centralized economy. His "small is to. What then must we do? Clearly, Kerry Burch beautiful" concept goes against his his way to victory every time. This socialized economic dream, where election is no exception. In 1976 government roles would be greatly Brown entered the race for President, 2345 Golden Gate Art. Su FraadKO, Calf. M117 enlarged. late, but managed to win five state Brown plans to develop regulatory primaries as well as to scare Jimmy Herman Cowan, Jr. agencies in order to oversee the free Carter. He was too Wishy-washy to market and hence control it with a win the Democratic nomination Farragher dangerous centralized program. then; unfortunately this M a-Mf-fas i EA or Ntwt Editor Matt MallH In 1974 Brown's advantage was his inconsistency, still carried with Brown, is unlikely to prevent term. EaftofMUKor Angela McN-aHy influential father, but this year it TJt.SaUran Governor Brown is an enormously Sporti Editor seems to be his 1.6 million dollars in la»9taMut|a Terry Keny campaign funds. This is triple that of talented opportunist, who senses Photo Edilor Mike McGolgan Youngers. where the masses are heading; EaUrtahti 1 Edfcor George Eptflanty Due to the lack of any clear cut usually only after they have arrived A J. Pongratz issues the two candidates have there. His ability of knowng when to jump on the band wagon and take resorted to trivial issues, if you will, of UM Maarino, CM** Nowak, Mtkc Liang, Ted •rooker. Lin Chrt. personality conflicts. Younger is control of the publics proposals, Sharon Goodaft, VanieeJa Wlllhuna, Valerie Meehan, John Gleason, considerably more prone towards which are overpowering anyway, UM Coffey, Tricia Sanden, SHI Wagal, Jeffrey Mtaham, Darid Haraater, Lacritla Heyward, Str**t Crariani, DchMe Alen, Thorn*. exhausting such foul tactics, indeed, makes him a rare breed. Unfortunately his species is in no but they both manage to throw The San Francisco FOGHORN is the official student newspaper of slashing remarks: Brown becomes immediate danger of extinction. The the University of San Francisco, published Wednesdays during the the inept and dishonest administrator real misfortune will be seen next academic year with exceptions to holidays, intenetsion and summer while Younger befits an when, most predictably, Californians session. It strives to promote the beat interests of the University. will have chosen to preserve Jerry Editorials do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the University overpromising politician who is, of Administration or of the student body. All unsigned editorials are by Brown's breed for another four years. late, running scared. the editor and the contents of all issues is the tola responsibility of the editor. Page 5


"Expressions in American Film"

Featuring Leonard Maltin discussing "Cartoons — a festival of Animation" on November 2.

Herbert Graff highlighting "Outtakes and Bloopers" on November 15.

Arthur Knight illustrating "The Acceptance of Sexuality through Film" on December 1.

All lectures are presented with film clips. Shows will begin in McLaren at 7 pm. Tickets available in advance and at the door. Prices are $1.50 for students and $2.50 general.

^^0^%*.' Page 6 November 3. 1978 Raymond Genolio: 1933-1978

a faculty member teaches is usually I was in his first class of the Institute twelve, and the maximum load for all which met from 3-4 pm on Monday, teachers is fifteen. But this physics Wednesday, and Friday. All thirty one professor often took on more than of us were liberal arts majors without fifteen units. I remember one of my a speck of physics on our records. Yet, friends saying that the chairman was he continually encouraged us to ask his lab instructor, as well — "what a questions. I remember feeling lucky break". During school hours, embarrassed when our class just did students could often knock and enter not understand, but he patiently went Harney, room 106, and receive the over the question in smaller steps, usual greeting: "Hi, come on in." giving more examples to help clarify Described by his colleagues as a the problem. On several occasions, "super" chairman, Ray Genolio also he offered his time from 4-5 pm to go found time to work out the details for over the material; we didn't keep him several programs during his thirteen often, but there were those days until years at USF. He designed the Bio- 4:30 and a quarter to 5:00. Physics major by himself, and It was not until after his death that I contributed to the major in learned that Dr. Genolio taught these Engineering-Physics and the Applied courses free of charge. I remember Science Business major. With the him telling me that it was totally u different to teach students what he decline of people interested in by Eileen Muldown Graduating in 1956, Ray Genolio Physics, the department made it thought was most important for them worked a year for the navy, and the possible for students to combine to know about Physics. Even though it I had lunch with Father LoSchiavo following two years, he was stationed studies in two separate fields. This took extra time, especially in teaching and four other students on in New Mexico in the Army. He also helped the student who wanted a new course, he was prepared to take Wednesday, Oct. 18. Our president stayed there and enrolled in New to change majors after a number of on the next sections of Physics 12, and opened the conversation by saying Mexico State University, Las Cruces, semesters; instead of starting over, to teach us Physics 13. that morale has been low at the to study for a Master's Degree (1960) one could, for example, use his In 1971, Ray Genolio had one of his university. Yet, one of his guests and his Ph.D. (1963). His next stop was physics units toward the Applied kidneys removed because of cancer. immediately disagreed. As a resident the University of Maryland for post- Science Business major. He had a second accurance of the assistent, this student said "things are doctorate studies, and then on to disease in 1974. Then, during the pretty much back to normal since Dr. Genolio developed courses, as teach for a year at St. John's College, summer of 1978, he went through the we've been on the linear schedule". well, and his favorite was Natural New York, before returning to his same process again, only this time the Although I did not interrupt at this Science 122. Having been associated alma mater in 1965. doctors couldn't stop it. Phil time, I agreed with him that for several years with the In speaking of his friend, Frank Applebaum visited his friend in the externally, USF seemed "back to Filice said, "Ray is one of a few men Exploratorium, at the Palace of Fine Arts, he designed Sensory Perception hospital each time he was ill. "Ray was normal". But I questioned if this who found the right place for himself. just as courageous — every time — normality was a particularly good He was happy here." USF was this Through Physics and Illusion to encourage students to take never was he looking for sympathy. level of morale to have. At USF since place, and teaching was a great joy for advantage of this unique He didn't try to shirk his work either, the fall of 1976, I have been lucky to him. "With his intelligence and opportunity. The Exploratorium and he stayed just as determined and be associated with many people who success as a teacher," Phil houses exhibits where a student can dedicated as he always had been." are tremendously dedicated to the Applebaum says, "he could have participate in the experiment himself. During the summer, the physics university. But my vision has been easily found another university which This is especially valuable because a professor pushed himself to clouded by faculty-administration offered a greater position. But he person can see many different complete at least one of the two bickering, disputes, constant wouldn't have left USF if ygu payed experiments which could not be summer school courses he was complaining, and just the "normal" him." conducted in the classroom. teaching. He finished Physics 4a, atmosphere of dissatisfaction and Dr. Genolio was often admired for while Dr. Eugene Benton taught the Dr. Genolio, originally strictly uncertainty at USF. The modular his devotion to the profession of other class. "He sure wanted to interested in theoretical physics, system was the latest example of teaching. He realized the great teach," Applebaum said. "That was gradually broadened his scope to everyone's lack of interest and importance and responsibilities his greatest pleasure. He loved his look in other areas such as support, for the university and its attached to this position, and subject, and wanted to share it with experimentation, astronomy, and purpose. undertook them with the utmost others." I don't think our school can survive seriousness. His goal was to see that physics in perception. Among other projects, several years ago, he met During his weeks of illness, Ray as long as the administration his students understood the with some students and together they Genolio was in and out of St. Mary's describes itself as 'the university', as fundamentals of the courses he assembled a laser and operated it. As Hospital for transfusions, chemo­ long as the faculty, staff, and taught. It was far better to see the for astronomy, however, he was therapy, and other treatment. Phil administration place salaries as a beginning of understanding than to waiting to make a formal entry into Applebaum related two of his friend's higher priority than education, and as collect mounds of written this field in the spring of 1979. Ray worries while he lay in bed. "As a long as the majority of students are homework. After a student acquires Genolio was asked by Fr. Joseph teacher, he worried about his insensitive and indifferent to the this basic knowledge, if he is Fessio to teach the physics courses in students, and during the early part of problems and needs of the total enthusiastic to learn more, he is the Saint Ignatius Institute. Having the semester, the modular plan and university community. I have always equipped for advanced studies. Dr. taught two sections of Physics 12, The the possibility of a strike bothered thought that a university should be a Genolio wanted to see his students on Development of Physics, he was him. He thought of how it would be community of people, not a big the right track, with the proper tools. prepared for Physics 13, The for students taking courses in three business where there are the Ray Genolio's work did not end Conceptual Foundations of Our View weeks. You should have seen him, he supervisors, the workers, and the with his twelve hours in the classroom of the Universe. was so relieved to hear that USF was products. and his required number of office going back to the regular schedule." The man who represented to me hours. Phil Applebaum said, "Ray was "His other worry was about his and many of his colleagues and the kind of man who took everyone kids," Applebaum continued. former students, the ideal USF else's interests first. To my "Having been a student and a teacher community man was Raymond knowledge, he always served on here, he wanted to be sure that all five Genolio. A former student, associate committees when asked." He also of his children could go through USF. professor, and Chairman of the supported the students' activities. In His oldest boy and girl are here now, Physics Department, Dr. Genolio the two and a half years that I knew but it will be eight years before his died of cancer on Sunday, October 8, him, I remember seeing him at youngest son, Bobby, is ready for 1978, at the age of forty-five. several of the school plays, and at the college." Raised in the mission district, Ray basketball games with one or two of On Tuesday, at the funeral mass in Genolio attended St. Ignatius high his young sons. Though a quiet guest, St. Ignatius Church, Frank Filice school and USF with people like Phil he often attended the Saint Ignatius spoke to the family, relatives, and Applebaum and George Sullivan. Institute dinner-lecture series. friends of Dr. Genolio. "If you were to Having lost his father, he held a job In 1973, Dr. Genolio became describe Ray with one word/it would and joined ROTC during his Chairman of the Physics Department. be gentle. He was a kind man; I never university years to help out with This position had always been a heard him say a mean thing to expenses. Yet, even without much rotating job, where a teacher acts as anyone, or about anyone. Ray was time to devote to many USF activities chairman for three years, and then never too busy, either; his time was as a student, he did direct the pep searches for someone to relieve him. available to his students, colleagues, band at the Dons basketball games. But Ray Genolio wanted to keep the and friends. "Ray never talked much about job. Mr. Applebaum remembered "The Jesuits' objective is to produce himself," Phil Applebaum said, "and that he was kind of embarrassed Christian gentlemen. They should be when I asked him, after seeing him at when he volunteered, but no one very proud of Ray who attended both a game, where he learned to direct a objected. Actually, the other teachers a Jesuit high school and university. He band, he replied, "Oh, I just were happy that he would do it. reflected the characteristics of the learned." As a chairman, the number of units perfect Christian gentleman." November 3, 1978 Page 7 *""" OFF!! This albumule is as necessary in anyones R'n'R collection as any of the following Classix: Exile on Main Street, Born to Run, Never Mind The BAR WARS Bollocks, Who's Next, The Clash, Led Zep 4, etc... by Reed Bartron Their music is Uncategorishable; they do a version of the Stones' classic MR. D's Drinking Establishment... corner of Greenwich and Fillmore. Mr. "Satisfaction" that is utterly unbe­ D's is a corner tavern one south of Lombard across the street from the lievable and absolutely brilliant. The whole album is of excellent quality, Balboa Cafe. Mr. D's is also the new kid on the block and as yet is not too but on the whole I liked Side I better, well established. But, for only being open for two months and with the likes containing as it doesthe HITS; "Hoko of the Balboa Cafe and Pierce Street Annex (next door) as neighbors, Mr. D's Homo," "Mongolid" and "Satis­ is not too bad. The management does not yet have it all together as far as faction." Any one of which is worth ideas go. The intention is there, but the result could use a overhaul. Point of the price of the album alone! So information: an extremely rowdy crowd and an extremely mellow guitarist before you even think of buying any playing Peter Yarrow — type songs. Oh, well, that's no big deal. Anyway, the other Discoid, go and purchase this drinks are okay (nothing to write home about) for $1.25. The clientele is a Classic! rowdy 30 - 40 group. There's not a whole lot of people there which could be a blessing in disgyise. It is the only place in the area where you find a seat. WILLIE ALEXANDER AND THE There is carding if you are obviously under that magic age. BOOM BOOM BAND. TT ir TT rr TT Meanwhile Back in The The Chestnut St. Grill... 2231 Chestnut St. betw. Pierce and Scott. Hey — States. MCA 3052 this is a pleasant little place one block north of Lombard where a restaurant and bar are combined yet distinct. The food smells good and the drinks taste In the U.K. funny/odd things were- good. They serve Irish coffees which are among the hest I've tasted in this a-happening. The Sex Pistols had city. Drinks.are$1.25. The clientele is a white collar crowd and all seem to be broken-up, The Stranglers were in regulars. The music is piped in, but is bar Jy audible over the noise of the the process of The Grand Sell-Out, customers. One other characteristic for the Chestnut St. Grill is that they will The Jam were encountering more start a tab ior you. This could be good or bad, depending on your than their fair share of problems with THE RAMONES, Road To Ruin. confidence that your wallet contains enough of the greenstuff to not bring the Media, and the Punk Banner was SIRE. 6063 violent action upon you at the end of the evening. Like Mr. D's, the being held aloft by The Clash, Ian checking of I.D.s will occur if you are obviously under 21. This would be a Dury and precious few others... Everybody should have at least one great place to have a quiet talk with a favorite companion. Ramones record in their collection Meanwhile back in the States, The Velvet Underground were being simply by merit of the fact that they faul s Saloon... 3251 bcoot St. between Lombard and Chestnut. With as remodelled by the Cloning of various are the only fully-fledged Punk band many good things as I've heard about this place, I must say that I was quite Voal Chords and Fingernails... The in the whole of the U.S.A. If you disappointed. Permit me to change my non-contracted format to express new band were to be called... Willie happen to be one of those crazy the favorable aspects of the saloon. First, it is a very well lit place for those Alexander and the Boom Boom Band. enough not to have made such a who dig lighted bars. The music is real good if your are into bluegrass. The Having had a couple of extensive purchase, then this here discoid will musicians are talented and Monday is jam night. It can turn into a really listening sessions with this album, let do very nicely indeed, thank you! rowdy place if the musicians get rowdy. In other words, Paul's has the me tell you that apart from a few The Ramones have an Image of potential to rowd. The clientele reminds you of a back-hills-of-Tennessee- undoubted blunders, this little Gem is being incredibly stupid, enhanced by WASP congregation in which some persons looked like they just finished well worth the Bux in your pocket. the Music Press in Quotes such as sloppin' the hogs. Now, for the unfavorable points. One, they do card, The band in all but its two blunders this: "When God was giving out HEAVILY. The service is slow and you wouldn't want to drink the drink when sounds remarkably like The Velvet brains, Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee and it does get there. You don't want to drink the drink especially when you find Underground. A tight band, that play Thommy must have been out in the out that it is two bucks and when you see a lime in your tequila sunrise. Yes, extremely atmospheric music, aided parking lot stealing hub-caps." the bartender should go over her garnishing notes. (Yes, the b-tender is a by intelligent use of the synthesizer, However let it be said this record she.) I, for the simple fact that there were no single women running around, an instrument much abused in this makes that argument obsolete. The do not believe that this is a great place for men or women on the make. care and attention that have gone day-and-age. The best trax on the i=z —- «•» n •*» " - ** «* « into this album is patently obvious. album are: "Modern Lovers," "You The Ramones have managed to looked so pretty when," "Mass6). That's it for this week. Have a nice weekend campers and don't forget that progress through each of their four Ave." and "For old times sake." The there are only 51 more shopping days til Christmas. (A good bottle of first is a pathetic attempt at Dosci; can albums to date, but have still Tequila will suffice.) remained true to their original ideas, you imagine Lou Reed going Disco? and have done it all without being YUCK! The second is a valiant attempt lured by the Pot-of-Gold falsely at Reggae. Fame etc.) whereas Tim Curry seems promised by the Recording Industry. So give this album a listen, before Anyway enough theorising, let's to be making his album for all the get back to the music. The best cuts The best trax on this album are, in you go and make the Grand Purchase. right reasons—a desire to fully from this album are as follows: "Sloe my opinion; "I'm Against it," "I I think it's worth the effort. express himself, which neither acting Gin," "Brontasaurus," "Wake wanna be sedated," "Go Mental," nor music alone would do, and a basic Nicodemus," "Anyone who had a and "Needles and Pins." The only TIM CURRY. Read My Lips. need to play the music on this album. Heart" and "Harlem on my Mind." downer in the whole albumule is a A&M SP4717. The arrangement of which are all as rather pathetic attempt at a ballad, diverse as they are excellent. Curry's the less said about it the better. This is the man who brought the voice throughout is both powerful Anyway go and BUY this little record, character of Frank-n-Furter to life and restrained which gives the album 'coz its mighty fine. Take your hats off both on the stage and on the silver a real feeling of emotion from to the "BRUDDERZ RAMONE" and screen, in "The Rocky Horror Show." beginning to end. give them your BUX, they deserve A Film/Musical that everyone should them and you'll have yourself a ball! have seen by now being as it is a The album cover warns of classic of modern theatre/cinema. "Language that may offend." This is in DEVO. Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Enough of the movie, and onto the evidence in the trax: "Sloe Gin" and Are DEVO!!! BOOOOGIEEE! Those of you expect­ "Alan." In both cases the language is WARNERS BSK 3239 ing something Weird are definitely entirely necessary to the meaning of gonna get it! But probably not in the the song to convey the true feeling of This Discoid is the one that the form you expected it. Mr. Curry has it. For those of you interested in such entire Rock 'n' Roll world has been taken many chances with this album, matters, the two words are the waiting for with bated breath... So choosing material that can in no way common terms for the act of sexual here it is, it has finally arrived. And be associated with Sweet Trans- intercourse and that substance we all what a Mesterwerk it is too. Pro­ vestites. axcrete from out our rear-ends. So lets all write to our Congressper- duced by none other than Brian Eno, He has not written any of the songs sonalities now and get the °-4-5** law producer of such luminaries as David on the album, but along with changed. Verdict: Take a listen to it. Bowie and The Talking Heads, as well producer Bob Ezrin (of Alice Cooper At first it may not be quite your cup- as being an ex-member of Roxy fame), and a host of excellent musi­ of-tea! As with Willie Alexander it's Music. He is not only the only person cians has managed to come up with definitely worth the effort. who can bring a synthesiser to life, an album of Ultra-Fine quality, that but is also the only person who could will probably be missed inthe mad have produced this, Devo's first rush for the latest Boston/Yes/For­ albumule. eigner/Boredom albums. Let me just by Rick Leaf All this talk and none about the try and qualify that statement before MUSIC. This band has gained the you all start blowing Head-fuses, reputation of being the most PLEASE!! I have nothing personal Bizzarro / Off the waall / Crazy / against Boston or any of the others, it Weir doid /Weirdoid group of ALL just seems that they are making music a he alamcmeb TIME, DO NOT LET THIS PUT YOU for all the wrong reasons, (i.e. Monev. Page 8 November 3, 1978 'Joel' Show Is Outstanding

by Annette Bassett Billy Joel played the Oakland Coliseum last Saturday night, before a surprisingly large crowd. And he gave that crowd more than they had any right to expect. He sprang from pianos, conversed brightly with the audience, and sang in fine voice. Joel also gave the crowd four encores — or, rather they demanded it of him. Billy Joel has for years been an East Coast favorite, and it's only been in the last year or so (with the success of the "Stranger" album) that his fame has spread. 1978 has been extremely good: I saw him last year with a crowd of 2000 at the Berkeley Community Theatre, and last Saturday he played before ten thousand people. It was Xoregos Dances 'Isadora' obvious that Billy Joel and his band by Karin Miranda were excited by the enormous crowd. tears. Music from great composers The energy was definitely there. Anyone having an appreciation for such as Chopin and Beethoven serve Joel went non-stop for two hours, the aesthetics of dance will not want as the death theme in this tragedy. to miss the return of "Love, Isadora" doing a wide selection of songs from In an interview I had with Ms. to San Francisco. This one-woman his five albums. Particular highlights Xoregos, she revealed that it is a tre­ play features Ms. Sheila Xoregos, were Joel classics such as "New York mendous responsibility as well as a Director of the Xoregos Performing State of Mind" and "Angry Young challenge to portray the title role. Company here in the city, who acts, Man". Richie Cannata of the backup "Isadora Duncan was an artist who dances and depicts the life of Isadora band was phenomenal; he played could totally mesmerize her audi­ Duncan. saxophone, synthesizers, piano, and ences, and since a high emotional accordian, as well as doing backup Through a series of dream-like re­ content permeates this play, it is vocals. membrances illustrating Ms. sometimes difficult for me to control The whole show was phenomenal, Duncan's life, "Love, Isadora" my own emotions. Isadora Duncan is, actually. Billy Joel, for all his recent commences at the moment prior to indeed, a personal influence to me." her death. The play explores the bril­ success, is still underrated. He's one "Love, Isadora" is playing at the liance, the suffering and the triumph of the best entertainers I've ever seen. Xoregos Attick Theater, 70 Union of one of America's greatest inno­ His new album, "52nd Street", Street on Fridays, Saturdays and vative artists. doesn't show off his talents, however. Sundays through November 12. All It's not nearly as good as "The Although a few enormously performances begin at 8:30 pm, and Stranger", and it's not nearly as good humorous scenes concerning naive tickets are available through Macy's as it could be. "52nd Street" doen't passion are incorporated into the and Bass outlets or at the door. seem to have the unity and inventive­ play, the predominant tone is ser­ Student prices are $4.00, $5.00 for ness of "The Stranger". Good songs ious, and it is not unusual for general. For more information and include "My Life" and "Stiletto", but audiences to leave the theater in reservations, phone 986-2775. they don't have the same substance as 1 w w w w w w •*» "Just the Way You Are" and "Scenes From an Italian Restaurant". Fora real Billy Joel "experience", listen to"The 'Misty Moons of Night Stranger" or "Summer Highland l Falls" from the "Turnstiles" album. Or — and this I recommend — see him in concert. Will Be Outrageous In just one week from tomorrow, and you'll be surprised at the fun that the campus sensation of the year is Misty Moons could bring, all for the going to occur. It's Misty Moons of price of $2.50. the Night, an absolutely outrageous To give you a few insights on just party at Medusa's from 9pm to 1am. what's going on at Misty Moons of the All you ever wanted to do at a party, Night, keep on reading. Sound but maybe were just a little afraid, is equipment will be provided by Steve going to be happening atthisone. It's Samon of Disco Down's Mobile the closest thing to being at a Holly­ Disco. These people are used to wood party. Just take the chance now handling all quality affairs such as: Lowell High School's Class of '68 Reunion, Bullock's Christmas Party, Cow Palace parties, the Embarca­ dero Center party for Levi Strauss, and the San Francisco Apparel Mart's Fashion Show and Dance. The same quality will be given to you at Misty Moons of the Night on Saturday November 11, 1978. There will be a professional disc *aW *****fy!& jockey from KCBS FM — Steve ^W *-at. .Ar *^ Walker — to spin all the great music "...A SUPERB ENSEMBLE ... AS you'd be entertained with. Steve MARVELOUS AN ORIGINAL MUSJCAL loves crowds and caters to the indi­ AS HAS BEEN SEEN IN THESE PARTS." vidual crowd's specific needs, per­ —John Wasserman, SF Chronicle sonality, and atmosphere. Requests "IT'S NOT TO BE MISSED...SHOULD will be taken, of course. BE A PRIMETIME TV SPECIAL." There will also be mixed drinks and —Georqe Christy Hollywood Raporttr a bartender, hors d' oeuvres, door prizes, and spotlight dancing. Get MINORS OF ALL AGES WELCOME your fancy and outrageous clothes EVERY SUNDAY AT 3:00 PM ready. An absolutely fabulous time is guaranteed. What more could you

WFD * THU R. I-00PM —$7.00 ask for? The event is sponsored by mi. 1 U! ».00*I0 30PM-$«00 Donna Schiller and Yvonne Taylor of SUN ) "0 1 7:30PM — $1.00 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT CLUB FUGAZI. MACY'S. BASS (ALL 423 Hayes-Healy (Studio 45). Tickets RECORD FACTORIES) TICKETRON MAJOR AGENCIES OR CHARGE IY PHONE: 421 4222 may be purchased from them for AIL SEATS UNRESERVED • NO MINORS EVENINGS $2.50 or in front of the bookstore. Tickets are limited, so get yours - CLUB FUGAZI before Friday, November 10. See you J 678 GREEN STREET* SAN FRANCISCO there I COWIlOm c ilt'l Ji«.«i« MOOUCT'ONS mg November 3, 1978 Page 9 'Albee Directs Albee' Is Unsatisfying

by Charlotte Rat/.laff the 26th, are rather preductable. Like handle the dialogue with a great deal Edward Albee and a troupe of six O'Neill, Albee experiments with of finesse. Unfortunately, some of the accomplished actors are touring form, but his theme of love and wit — which is the strength of the play college campuses presenting a selec­ alienation (sexual, familial, brotherly) — has lost its freshness through tion, billed as Albee Directs Albee, of is more recurrent than Shake­ repeated performances. Albee's one-act plays. This weekend speare's fool. Listening is a much more dis­ the company will give the final per­ While both plays are fairly well- turbing play. Set apparently on the formances at the Marines' Memorial written — probably two of Albee's grounds of a madhouse (or mental Theater in San Francisco. better plays — they are not his best. institution, if you prefer) that was The eight plays are fairly repre­ They have neither the bitterness of once a large estate, the play raises sentative of Albee's work ranging The American Dream nor the questions about the lines that divide from his play, The Sandbox (from brutality of The Zoo Story. The sanity from insanity, intentional from whence sprang The American Dream American Dream is absurdly, unintentional cruelty, reality from and at least some aspects of virtually perversely funny; Counting the Ways illusion, knowledge from innocence. all of his plays), to Counting the Ways is more gently humorous. The Zoo The writing is unusually opaque and and Listening, written in 1975 and Story is filled with pain, with angst of strained, and the play smacks of 1976. hope; Listening is painful, but it is allegory (mythological, Biblical, The Sandbox shocked audiences futile. Albee has matured, and as we Freudian, probably Jungian and when it was first produced; theater as used to say, mellowed. Laingian). confrontation was just beginning to In Counting the Ways the Albee seems to be delving too appear in the United States at that love/alienation theme is presented deeply into something (identity, self, time. In the twenty years that follow­ through a middle-aged married subsconscious) for workable theater. ed, American drama found bigger couple whose dialogue revolves Originally written for radio, Listening and better ways of confronting around the question "Do you love has definite possibilities, but it is too audiences, each new movement bent me?". The vignette structure gives the far removed from Albee's forte — on out-shocking its predecessors. play a dream-like quality, an aura not human emotion — and gets muddied After the Living Theater and nudity of illusion, but of softened, disorient­ in intellectualism. and violence on stage, Albee seems ed reality. Not all experiments succeed, but almost tame, and many of his plays Albee often plays with language thank goodness there are people who Edward Albee have been relegated to the academic and portions of Counting the Ways are willing to try — and to keep trying, safety of "classic American drama". are reminiscent of lonesco's The Bald after failure and even after success. does not quite succeed as a theatrical The earlier plays do not have quite Soprano (except that in Albee, of Counting the Ways succeeds; but it is production. the impact they once had, and even course, the allusions are usually still unmistakably Albee. Listening Charlotte Ratzlaff is a staff member the two newer works, which I saw at sexual). Patricia Kilgarriff and Wyman may be a noble experiment but it at the University of San Francisco. the Marines' Memorial Theater on Pendleton, both talented actors, •M!K"-^"*^W*^W-^«-^*,^,^M*^M^«».^W^"^".*£M i..» Ms Ski Aspen with the USF Ski Club January 6-13, 1979 1 trip includes: 6-day lift ticket for Snowmass, Buttermilk, and Aspen Mountain The Lodging: 7 nights in downtown Aspen Round trip transportation and parties, picnics, races | Marquee 1 All for only $289.95 H Next Ski Club Meeting — Thursday November 9, 7pm H Phelan fourth floor lounge | wu Sluckeiia 3(em&a/id' For more information call: B Cris 751-4517 Ron 435-0603 This town will have a lot of good acts coming in November, so save up ^£M-£-,«->*£»-£-,«-£M-£«'i »-«»>•«»>-* »>:»>••»>:« *>:H>:»>;I »>•« »;<„-, ML your dimes and buy your tickets early. As always, there's a lot happenin' in »%-!'!« »T5!i I!5%IWW!5% ,**"** •, *«!»#7»!i i!5% t£5N tT* S.F. this week, especially if you like music and movies. Check this out:


The Commodores and the Brothers Johnson will be performing at the Cow Palace on Friday, Nov. 10, at 8 pm... On the 19th of Nov. Phoebe Snow and Dan Hill will be in concert at the Paramount Theatre... At The City,/u//e Buc/dwill perform on Nov. 7 thru 12 and Norman Connors will be there Nov. 23 thru 26... The O'jays and The Emotions will give a performance at the Circle Star Theatre in San Carlos on Nov. 22 thru 26... When their engagement is up, Chuck Mangione will be there from Nov. 29 until Dec. 1. Call for ticket info... Pablo Cruise will be in town on Nov. 24 at the Marin Veterans' Memorial Auditorium, and then at the Berkeley Community Theatre on Sat. Nov. 25. Both shows being at 8 pm. Look for a special guest to be there... Bread and Roses presents Joan Baez in concert with The Persuasions and Tim Hardin on Sat. Nov. 4th at 8 pm in the S.F. Civic Auditorium... There's going to be a rally for Proposition W - that's the Marijuana Initiative — on Nov. 5 at Marx Meadows in Golden Gate Park. It will last from Noon till dusk and some of the performers will be Commander Cody, the Moonlighters, the Water Brothers, janie Christiansen, and several others. B.Y.O.

NIGHTCLUBS Anjuli features live Indian music on Fri. and Sat. nites. It's located in No. One Embarcadero on the Podium level... If you like disco dancing, you should check out Camelot on 3231 Fillmore, the City on Montgomery and Broadway, the Palladium Disco at 1031 Kearney at Broadway, and the MAGIC Down/Under Disco at 625 Polk St. in the California Hall... Finocchio's, ATERRIFYING LOVE STORY located at 506 Broadway features female impersonators. There are four different revues nightly... Shady Grove features good live music every night. JOSEPH E LEVINE PRESENTS MAGJC It's located close by on 1538 Haight St. near Ashbury. ANTHONY HOPKINS ANN-MARGRET BURGESSMEREDTTH EDLAUTER MOVIES EXECUTIVE PRODUCER CO. ERICKSON The Wiz starring Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Nipsey Russell, Ted Ross, MUSIC BY JERRY GOLDSMITH Lena Home, and Richard Pryor as "the Wiz", is now showing at the SCREENPLAY BY WILLIAM GOLDMAN, BASED UPON HIS NOVEL Northpoint on Bay and Powell... Comes A Horseman, starring James Caan, PRODUCED BY JOSEPH E. LEVINE Jane Fonda and Jason Robards is now showing at the Alhambra on Polk and AND RICHARD P LEVINE Green, the Coliseum at 9th and Clement, and at the El Rancho Drive-In... DIRECTED BY RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH The Big Fix starring Richard Dreyfuss is showing at the Stagedoor Theatre on 'Mason near Geary, and at Plitts Plaza in Serramonte... And finally, showing at the Coronet on Geary near campus is The Boys From Brazil with Gregory Peck, James Mason and Lilli Palmer. STARTS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8TH AT A THEATER NEAR >OU CHECK LOCAL NEWSFftPERS FOR THEATER LISTINGS There's gotta be somethin' here to interest you, so do itl In the meantime be well and t^rxe it slow. / Page 10 November 3, 1978 Hot Young Rock Girl

She doesn't do a lot of talking. A few by Laurel Jo Rogella days earlier she talked very openly about herself and her career over the A confident sixteen year old girl telephone from Los Angeles. walks up on the stage of San Fran­ Around Dyan's eyes there is too cisco's Old Waldorf nightclub. She is much eyeliner. She manages a sultry slender and is wearing french cut expression, but there is a strong hint brown slacks with a yellow silk top. in her face of sunken cheek bones, Dyan Diamond is just a teenager, but probably y 1987 — when she is 25. she isn't on the stage of San Fran­ "I've been working to make an cisco's top club to sing Blue Bird album for two years," she said on the songs. phone. "I'm not an overnight thing. Dyan Diamond, MCA's rising "When I was 14, I worked for Kim singing star, is here to sing hard rock Fowley's band Venus and the Razor with a touch of punk and a Blades, but I was a little too young for rememberance of a very young Elvis. all of that so Ken sent me home." • Only the lights over Dyan are bright "Venus" was a punk rock band in the Old Waldorf. She sings hot on Fowley formed after his group, The Back on the Strip from her first and Runaways had been doing well. only album In the Dark. Dancers "Venus" charted in England. spring out of the audience to the floor Dyan grew older the next two in front of her. Dyan agrees with the years, then asked Ken for another vibrations. She invites them up on chance. stage with her. "I'ce been working since January KSAN is broadcasting the per­ cutting different discs," she formance live. Live is the word. Some­ explained. "Then we met the band thing new is happening. Dyan and it all just seemed to happen." Diamond is very much on the scene. The "all" that just seemed to Friday September 29, Dyan Dia­ happen is Dyan Diamond's MCA mond sang at the Keystone in Palo album In the Dark." It features music Alto. Tickets "at all Bass outlets" were she has written, her guitar, and her $3. low smooth voice. The band behind Saturday September 30, Dyan Dia­ Dyan looks 15 years older. A picture Being accepted as a woman in rock At 16, Dyan feels rock music is right mond sang at the Keystone Berkeley. in concert sets the mood for some of and roll, she claims is easier today. for her. But when she gets older? Tickets $4. her suggestive songs. "Two years ago when the Runaways "I don't think I could be doing rock started nobody would accept them Monday October T, Dyan Dia­ Dyan found her band when she and roll when I'm in my thirties," because they were just a bunch of mond, the MCA Recording Artist, met a bass player in a taxi. "He said he Dyan said. "If I'm still into music, girls, but with different girls like which I probably will be, it would be sang the 8 and 11 shows for $5 had a band. When he heard I needed Blondie who have gone into rock and more mellow. I might be writing advance or $6 at the door. It's very one, we auditioned each other." roll, it's a lot more accessible now." more, but hopefully I'll be branching clear she's coming up in the rock Dyan lives with her older brother in into more things so that I'll have world. Los Angeles. "I commute back and Dyan Diamond is becoming a well- things going on when I'm thirty, Between shows Dyan greets the forth to my parents in Huntington known rock artist. "MCA has just also." press and well-wishers back stage. Beach on weekends." found that we are number eight on a radio station up there, and my first fan At the moment it's hard to think of letter was from San Francisco," she Dyan Diamond as 30 and mellow. said on the phone.

POETRY UNIVERSITY of SAN FRANCISCO UNIVERSITY CENTER, 1st LEVEL the KEDUSA ROOK—• CAKPUS L0CATEL at at GOLDEN GATE 4 KASONIC, ?.F. USF Wednesday Nights at 8 SAVE THE WHALES : November: FESTIVAL* 1: Jim Gustafson Michael-Sean Lazarchuk November 8th & 9th 8: Jim Nisbet Bernard Gershenson 15 Wendy Rose Gail Newman UC Main Louge 10am- 5pm Free.. 22 Erika Rom David Fisher Exhibits, films, speakers, music, 29= USF Student Open Reading T shirts, posters, books, jewelry Guaranteed to be a whale of a time! "A -. ;;::T— -S- A presentation of Tri-Betei fif.Ttx smeeT

*p< v... \- c. ..."; . .-•-,- i .--,-rc'I*-?-" 7r:.\ \«i_

7 '-S^'*•••> ""* *: t November 3, 1978 Page 11 NEWS BRIEFS

The Bookstore will be closed on Saturday, November 4, 1978. Fr . Andrew Woznicki will be discussing "The Existential Personalism of John Paul II" in the Faculty Lounge on Monday, November 20 at 3:15 p.m. The Emeraudes announce the date of the winter formal, Crystal and Ice. This event will be held on Nov. 18th at the Holiday Inn on Union Square. University of Frieburg economics Professor F.A. Hayek, winner of the Tickets go on sale Nov. 6. $8.00. 1974 Nobel Prize for his work in economic sciences, will give a free, public lecture entitled, "Order and Utilization of Knowledge" at the University of The selected works of artist Harriet Johns will be the first in a series of art San Francisco November 7 at 3:00 p.m. in USF's University Center. exhibits sponsored by the University of San Francisco's Campus Ministry Professor Hayek, who is currently an honorary fellow at the Hoover Office. Institute of Stanford University, is internationally known for his writings in The five-week showing, "Energy of the Spirit", will open Nov. 8 with the fields of economics and philosophy. In the question and answer portion prints, drawings and Johns' specialty, enamels on steel. of his address, Hayek, a staunch critic of Keynesian economics, is expected The title of the exhibition comes from a statement by the artist, "The basic to comment on President Carter's new inflation policy. His lecture is being energy of life is the energy of the spirit. Art comes from the spirit and is the sponsored by USF's Institute of Asian Pacific Studies. For further direct contact with it." information, telephone (415) 666-6336. The showing will be held in the Campus Ministry Center, Phelan Hall, lower level until Friday Dec. 15. Hours are Wednesdays through Fridays, 6-9 Saturday, November 18 is the date for the Minority Admission Pre-Law p.m., Saturdays and Sundays, 1-4 p.m. Conference to be hosted by the University of San Francisco School of Law. Admission is free and open to the public. For further information, contact The program will focus on the opportunities and problems unique to Campus Ministry at (415) 666-6582. minority students in both legal education and the legal profession. Registra­ tion will start at 9:00 a.m. in the USF Main Auditorium on the Lone Mountain "Change and Continuity in Asia," is a lecture series presented by the Insti­ Campus. The conference is free and open to all students considering a law tute for Asian/Pacific Studies. Through a week-long lecture series, various career. aspects of Asia and its people are examined. Monday, Nov. 13 — 10:30 A.M., University Center, room 308 "Carter's Representatives from law schools around the country will participate in Asian Policies," by Dr. Donald Brandon. the conference. Speakers include, keynote speaker William Hunger, U.S. Monday, Nov. 13 — 7:30 P.M. University Center, room 421 "China and the attorney, Northern California District; Don Tamaki, staff attorney, Asian Configuration of Power in Asia," by Dr. Donald Campbell.. Law Alliance; David A. Grcia, executive and legal affairs secretary, Cali­ fornia Fair Employment Practices Commission, Venon McGhee, assistant Tuesday, Nov. 14 — 10:30 A.M., University Center, room 308 "Asia and regional counsel, small business Administration; Phil Jimenez, professor, Democracy on Trial," by Dr. Richard Kozicki. University of Santa Clara Law School; and Dale Minami, co-founder of the Wednesday, Nov. 15 — 10:30 A.M., University Center, room 308 "China's Asian Law Caucus. Great Leap Westward," by Dr. William Ratliff. Thursday, Nov. 16 — 10:30 A.M., University Center, room 308 "Art and In addition to a general "admissions fair" where the representatives will Politics in China Today: A New '100 Flowers' Campaign?" present written and oral information of their educational programs, Friday, Nov. 17 — 1:00 P.M., University Center, room 308 "Economic seminars on topics ranging from scholarship and grant opportunities and Conditions of Chinese Americans: Occupational Patterns and Economic the employment market to the moral responsibilities of the minority Well-Beaing," by Dr. Yuan-li Wu. attorney will be held. For further information contact IA/PS at 666-6336/7. For further information, contact the USF Law School at (415) 666-6544. When it comes to student services, Bank of America offers a complete course. If you're looking for the bank that can do the most for you, you'll Establish Credit'.' "Ways to Finance an Education!' "Rights and be impressed with our credentials. Responsibilities: Age IS? and more. You can pick them up free at We offer a complete range of student banking services: College our branches. PlanK Checking, a wide variety of Savings Plans, and if you qualify. You see, we figure the more you know about banking, the Student BankAmericard® Visa" Instant Cash overdraft more you're going to want to bank with the bank that can do you protection, educational loans and more. the most good, both in school and after. We also offer Consumer Information Reports to provide you Quite a few Californians think that's us. If you look over all we with the kind of straight-to-the-point facts you need to know about have to offer, we think you'll agree. banking. Including. "A Guide to Checks and Checking',' "How to Depend on us. More California college students do.


a # * *' *• $ $ - •"•.*• If * * •' - . */. * * * * : Pagel 2 November 3, 1978 Fry sets record as Dons reach Playoffs

by T.R. Sullivan "But I still practice every chance I get." The University of San Francisco Later after the game it was soccer Dons stormed their way into announced that Tony Gray was the NCAA playoffs last week by blast­ National Soccer Player of the Week as ing Pacific Soccer Conference foes selected by Soccer America maga­ California (2-0), Stanford (3-0) and St zine. Not only did he account for one Mary's (4-0). USF had no trouble goal and one he ran the Dons dominating all three games as goal­ offense brilliantly from his midfield keeper Andy Fry shattered the team position. mark for most shutouts in a season Against Stanford it was the usual with ten to his credit so far. Leading story for the Dons. Thety dominated the Dons offense was Luis Filipe the entire game offensively without Magahlaes who took over the team letting the Cardinals dent the scoring lead with three goals and one defense. They scored their first goal at assist to show for his week's effort. 21:56 when Roar Anderson fed a pass It was Magahlaes who scored the that Dag Olavsen kicked home from Dons first goal against the Cal-Bears at eighteen yards out giving the Dons a 37:50 after receiving a perfect pass 1-0 halftime lead. In the second half from Tony Gray. Despite dominating Luis Filipe Magahlaes took over with a the entire first half the Dons could pair of unassisted goals within a only show a 1-0 lead at the half. The minute of each other to put the game main reason for this was in the first out of reach for the Dons. * w half Cal was clogging their penalty At 49:26 Magahlaes drove straight area with eight or nine people trying in and scored from fourteen yards to keep the Dons from scoring. This out. Then at 50:15 he came in from sacrificed any offense they could the right side and got off a shot that have mustered so the entire first half hit off the left post and bounced into was played in front of the Bears goal. the goal. Tony Gray was named Soccer America's National Player of the Week for his Down by one the Bears were forced Making his first appearance for the outstanding play against UCLA, USC and California. (Photo by Rodney to open up in the second half and Dons in several weeks was Roger Lee). got a chance to use his reserves and defensive side of the field St. Mary's they came through in fine style as was having a problem trying to get the they racked up an easy 4-0 win. ball past Bjorn Dahl who had Franco Sciaroni scored the first goal positioned himself at the midfield of the game receiving a perfect head stripe. The only company goal­ pass from Rafael Miranda. "Brendon keeper Andy Fry had during the game Hennessey set it up with a good pass was from the stray dogs that joined to Rafael," said Franco. "Rafael saw him in the Dons penalty area. me there waiting and he made a nice All in all it was a good game for the pass." reserves. Glen Van Straatum ran the Miranda made a great play to score offense extremly well in place of Tony the second goal himself at the six­ Gray while David Price, Eric Visser, teen minute mark. He drove the right •Hrlclius Atuegbu and Lars Amund­ side of the field, reversed his drive sen all performed well for the Dons. and slammed the ball into the left The only disappointment in this corner of the net. game for the Dons came when Jan Sciaroni made another fine play to Erik Skaug missed a penalty shot that give the Dons a 3-0 halftime lead. would have given him his first goal of Brendon Hennessey once again came the year. Skaug is the only starter down the left sideline and sent a without a goal but though he is a de- centering pass inside to Sciaroni. fenseman he played part of the Sciaroni had to leap sideways into the second half at a striker position. air but he knocked it home for his The Dons play a home game second goal of the game. tomorrow against a tough San Diego r-T*Jf ?& >* In the second half Coach Negoesco State team before traveling to Santa % f .**•> switched around his offense a little bit Clara in their final conference game '% and the Dons still managed to come against the Broncos. USF' closes out up with a goal. It came off of a corner the regular season next Saturday kick by Magahlaes that Fidelius against Seattle, once again on Ulni ch Dag Olavsen gets off a shql on goal in the Dons 2-0 victory over Cal- Atuegbu smashed past the Gaels Field. Berkeley. (Photo by Rodney Lee), goalkeeper. Meanwhile on the both teams had more opportunities Alphonso who replaced Thomas to score. At the seventy minute mark Scmidke just before halftime. "Roger the Dons ran off three consecutive played outstanding soccer," said give and go plays that set up break­ Coach Steve Negoesco, "He may be away shots on goal. On the first try the most talented player on the team Alex Nwosu rushed his shot a little bit and he can fill in at several different and he barely missed wide left. Then positions." However it was reported Magahlaes broke free with the ball that Scmidke was upset with being but he lost control on the bumpy field taken out. "Thomas is a fine player," and his shot sliced past the nets to the said Negoesco, "but he still hasn't right. Finally the Dons got it right at adjusted to college ball." It is a 74:35 when Tony Gray took Dag definite problem for Negoesco in try­ Olavsen's pass and chipped it over ing to find enough time for his many the onrushing Bear goalie to give the superstars and the problem will be Dons a 2-0 lead. even tougher once Godwyn Odiye is For the rest of the game the Dons ready to play again. "We definitely gave the Bears a dazzling display of have too many players," said Jan Erik ballhandling. Alex Nwosu Skaug. "There's no way that Coach demonstrated why they call him can find playing time for all of us." "Magic" with a spectacular display of But according to Bjorn Dahl using a moves on the helpless Cal de­ lot of substitutes is not the answer. fenders. Just as impressive were Tony "When you use a lot of players you Gray, Tony Igwe, and Roar Anderson don't work as well with each other as they continually bewildered the and you can get easily confused on Bears while the Dons ran out the how each player likes the ball passed clock. The game ended with the Dons to him whether it be on his left side or in front 2-0. right side." It is a reflection of how After the game the Dons talked good this team is that too many about their amazing skills. "It's just players has become fheir biggest something you pick up after years and problem. The development of freshman Roar Anderson into a top flight midfielder years of soccer" said Alex Nwosu, Against St. Mary's Coach Negoesco has been one of the keys to the Dons success (Photo by Rodney Lee). November 3, 1978 Page 13 USF runners finish high in St Mary's meet

by Chris Nowak overall third-place time of 25:50 for showing. At 11AM was the men's formance that otherwise would have 3.28M. In fifth was Lisa "Shining" race, won by the Junior Bears with let him take advantage of superior MORAGA — Warm weather, sun­ Starr at 25:57, finishing the last placings of 2-3-4-5-8, a composite 22 sprint speed over the rest of the field. ny skies, and a rigorous 5.2M cross quarter of a mile with appreciable to annihalate Santa Clara, USF, and In fifth for USF was the inimitable country course at St. Mary's College speed and closing in on a fourth- the woe-begone SMC harriers. First Tom "Patron of Tuborg" Pound­ was to the competitive liking of USF place Broncette. Maintaining the in for USF was C. Nowak at seventh in stone at 22nd and 32:32, running an harriers; the women registering a chance for possible victory was 29:17, a minute back of SC's Gyorey, otherwise decent race but marred narrow loss over the potent Santa Number Three Hilltopper "Tenacious running a course record 28:11 for only by the fact that his first mile (4:55. Clara Bronco women's team, 26-30, Tess" Walsh in sixth place at 26:24. 5.2M. Number Two Hilltop Harrier a scorcher) was entirely too fast for and the men exhibiting close plac­ The score for the team title was dead­ was Jay "Mr. Marathon" Hilgerson at the hills that would ensue... and later, ing, scoring a resounding 30-42 locked when Number Four Harrier 15th in 30:27. "Mr. Marathon ran a PR kill. Gary "Fearless Leader" Lam tread victory over the storming Gaels of St. "Kruisin' Kathy" Garaventa, running at the first mile, clocking 5:20enroute today where-angels-don't-want-to- Mary's while losing to the Cal JV's and an evenly-paced 28:07, cruised home to 2M and 3M splits of 10:50 and tread-because-there-are-no-hills-in- the Broncos of SC. The bells of St. in eighth. Ninth and tenth (eleventh 16:32, respectively. His condition of heaven-to-train-on, running a gritty Mary's tolled 10 am as the 15-woman went to the lone SMC lady entrant) top-notch calibre, he ran a sub-3:00 26th in 34:53. Number Seven Don race started off in front of SMC Gym­ went to the Santa Clarians, clinching marathon at the SF Marathon the next Dogger was Brandon-ofStump Brodt, nasium, leading around tight turns, the team title by a scant 4 points. Not day. In 17th was "Brainstorm Brian" taking the tongue depressor in 40:17. 20-degree-grade sandhills, and a to be undaunted, the determined O'Donnell in 31:54, looking Weary after his sojourn through the mixture of gradual half-mile- to mile- "Incredible Ivy" Lieu finished 12th, disheveled coming across the line in a SMC hills and sand stretches, long slopes. A difficult course, times running a prodigious 30:50. With 3 hard effort. Number Four Don "Stump" trekked the final quarter- were deceptively slow as Number runners dropping out, Ivy finished Strider, "Ragged Ron" Engle, at 20th mile in a shade under 90 seconds to One Lady Don, Lisa "Mad Bomber" hard the final 200 meters to help her and 32:15, was the victim of spas­ finish a grateful 32nd. 50 male runners Beritzhofe, cruised an impressive team on to an excellebt competitive modic back cramps, affecting a per- competed, with 7 dropping out. Golf Coach Jeff Edwards has announced that anyone interested in Womens Spikers defeated again FUTURE CPA'S trying out for the Golf team meet in team found control of the net and LET US HELP YOU the Athletic Department at 12:00 on by Augustine Oropeza coasted to a deciding 15-4 victory BECOME A CPA Thursday Nov. 10th or leave your over the Dons. OUH SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS name and number with the Athletic In a Northern California Athletic In an even tougher contest last REPRESENT Secretary. Everyone is welcome. Conference Match last week at Memorial Gym the USF women's Monday night the Dons were pitted 1/3 OF USA volleyball team was defeated by the against the top team in the confer­ The Dons California Berkeley Bears. The Dons ence, San Jose State. The Spartans lost the match in three straight games, continued their winning ways by Schedule threatening the Bear's dominance pounding the defenseless USFers, only in a very exciting second game. again in three straight decisions, 15-2, by Dennis Strazulo In the first game Berkeley took 15-5, and 15-2. The Dons were no match for the undefeated Spartans The USF women's volleyball team control of the net and neatly set up who should fair well in NCAA will have three opportunities this and spiked their way to an easy 15-4 tourney play. week to post a league victory. The victory. Dons will be trying to bounce back The second game was a thriller as Even though not victorious, the from a rough loss suffered to the USF and Cal took turns in making young Dons gained valuable playing highly touted San Jose State Spartans crucial plays at the right moments. experience which should be an asset in their last conference match. The Dons surged to a 14-11 lead and to the squad during their remaining On Monday the team will travel to held serve for game point on two matches. SAN FRANCISCO 415 543-1610 occassions. But the Bears slowly inter­ Stockton for a matchup against the SAN JOSE 408-251-8446 The Pro-Keds Invitational Women's University of Pacific. The Don spikers jected their powerful starting lineup SACRAMENTO 916446 1330 will squeeze in an important home back into the game who were able to Collegiate Basketball Tournament will be CLASSES BEGIN NOV 27 game versus rival Santa Clara on thwart the Dons bid for an upset by held at the USF Memorial Gymnasium on Wednesday at 7:00p.m., before scoring six consecutive points and December 1st and 2nd. Participating in playing in Moraga the following pull out an exciting victory for the the illustrious tournament will be NCAA evening in their final game with St. visitors. Champion UCLA, San Jose State, Mary's College. In the third game the Bears regain­ Brigham Young and host USF. Tickets CPA The top ranked USF soccer team ed their balance and Cal again are on sale now at the USF Athletic will end Pacific Soccer Conference dominated the game. The Berkeley Department Ticket Office. REVIEW play this Sunday at Santa Clara. The Dons will first play a home game at CLASSIFIEDS Ulrich Field tomorrow at 1:00p.m. as WANTED: Size 4 Judo Gl, will pay the San Diego State Aztecs will visit cash. Contact Judo Instructor USF for a non-conference game. Masouka (USF PE Dept.) as soon as Following this weekend the Dons possible, or call 479-4449. Career Planning & Placement Center have only one more scheduled game Recruiting Additions & Changes before they advance to NCAA tournament play. The following companies and graduate school programs have added FREE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS This morning the USF mens cross to the fall recruitment schedule. Details are available in the Career Listing hundreds of titles and cata- country team boarded a plane for Planning and Placement Center, Campion C-7. Portland, Oregon. They will compete gories, including Fiction, Non Fiction, Sports, Horoscopes, Golf, there tomorrow afternoon in the INTERVIEW SCHEDULE ADDITIONS: Tennis Instructional, etc. Both hard WCAC cross country champion­ 11/8 McDonnell Douglas (Associate Programmers) covers and paperbacks. Please send ships. The women's cross country 11/4 Ross Systems (Entry-level Management Consultants) your request for catalogue to C.C.C. team will be running in Long Beach 11/27 IBM Field Engineering Division Dept. 529 Box 7586, Greenville, S.C tomorrow in the AIAW Far West 12/1 Burroughs Corporation, Branch Systems Division 29610. regionals. (Systems Support Representatives) 12/4 Peterbilt Motors (Production Planners, Production Trainees, New Parts Planners) 12/6 Burrough's Corporation, Business Forms Division (Marketing Trainees)

INFORMATION SESSION ADDITIONS: 11/14 Harvard University Department of City & Regional

The ARMY NURSE CORPS hat a special program Planning (UC 421, 5-6 p.m.) tor senior nursing students. 11/17 Harvard University Law School (UC 419, 1-3 p.m.) Qualified men and women seniors may apply for a 11/28 Data Pathing (UC 301, 12-1 p.m.) Direct Commission in the Army Nurse Corps prior to 12/1 American Bankers Life (UC 421, 9-10:30 a.m. and graduation. 12-1:30 p.m.) FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: CANCELLATIONS: Army Nurse Opportunities 11/14 San Francisco City & County 11/17 Emporium (•+15) 273-7020/7120 11/21 Metropolitan Life Insurance 12/6 San Francisco City & County FOR PROFESSIONALS WHO WANT TO 60 PLACES Page 14 November 3, 1978 1978-79 Foghorn College Basketball Preview

by T.R. Sullivan process that may keep them out of post-season play for the first time in a With the shift ot the balance of long while. power, the 1978 College Basketball WEST. Team to beat: UCLA. When season could shape up as one of the in the West has UCLA not been the most exciting in recent years. This team to beat? Once again the Bruins year such traditional NCAA powers will roll through the Pac-8 only this such as Marquette, Kentucky and time they are given two more teams Indiana will have to struggle to make to crush in Arizona and Arizona State. the playoffs while teams that have just Every once in a while somebody in begun to enjoy success such as Duke, the conference trips them up but not Texas and Michigan State will enough to derail the UCLA express. become the frontrunners ot the field. Forward and However once again UCLA will be in guards Roy Hamilton and Brad Hollin the thick of the running as they have should help add another conference been for the past sixteen years. Notre banner to the already stuffed Pauley Dame and North Carolina are two Pavillion roof. The problem for the other perennial powerhouses that Bruins, which will show itself in the will once again contend for the regional tournament, will be the National Championship. center position where neither Gig The following is a look at the Sims and Darrell Allums are different regions of the country and particularly outstanding. the team that should rule the roost. After spending two years out in the EAST TEAM TO BEAT: Duke. Last cold, USC will once again become year Duke snuck up on everyone as UCLA's chief nemesis. The Trojans they made it all the way to the final are very high on 6-9 sophomore Cliff game before losing to Kentucky. This Robinson who may rival David year the eyes of the nation will be will be trying to help USF win their first National Greenwood for the honor of the upon them as they try to go one step Championship in twenty years. conferences best player. However further and win it all. They certainly the Trojans are not talented enough have the firepower with five starters Givens. Therefore watch for either MIDWEST Team to beat. NOTRE to match up with the Bruins. and their six top reserves from last Alabama, Mississippi State or LSU to DAME Digger Phelps basketball George Raveling of Washington year returning. Leading them will be ascend to the Wildcats conference program has been noticeably lacking State is very excited about the depth their sensational guard throne. in a National Championship but of his team. He has two seven footers who played so well a year ago in the Alabama has a 6-6 forward named Phelps has a great chance to grab one one by the name of James Donaldson playoffs and Gene Banks a 6-7 Reginald King that they hope will this year. His front line is one of the who could lead the Cougars to some forward with an enormous amount of bring the SEC crown back to best in the country with kind of post-season play. talent. Center has been Tuscaloosa. Helping him with that at center and Kelly Tripucka and Bringham Young is looking to grab called one of the best big men in the task will be guards Robert Scott and at the forwards. the WAC crown while New Mexico country and helping him out on the Kent Looney, and forward Ken Running the Irish attack will be Rich won't be quite the powerhouse they frontline will be 6-7 Kenny Dennard Johnson. Coach CM. Newton also Branning who hardly makes a mistake were before. San Diego State could who may be the most underrated believes he has brought in the best much less a facial expression. Once win the title in their first year in the forwards in the nation. group of freshmen ever at Alabama. again Phelps has inflicted a tough Conference and Texas El Paso will also At LSU, Coach Dale Brown will go schedule on his team but they'll be Duke's biggest rivals in the Atlantic be tough. Coast Conference will be North with a front line of Durand Macklin around when the tournament begins Surprisingly, the West Coast Carolina and North Carolina State. Wayne Cook and Lionel Green all in March. Athletic Conference just may be the has finally left Chapel Hill starters from the team that upset In the Big Ten, My cha I Thompson is toughest on the West Coast. Last year after what seemed to have been a ten Kentucky last year. If any of these gone and is back from a the top four teams in the conference year career there but Mike O'Koren players happen to falter Brown can knee injury so look for Michigan to all won nineteen games or better but and 6-6 forward are always bring in one of the two seven- slide past the Gophers of Minnesota only the University of San Francisco back to see that once again that the footers he has sitting on the bench. and Michigan State. Hubbard was a saw post-season action. The NIT's Tar Heels make the playoffs which is The player to watch is Macklin who member of the U.S. Olympic team failure to offer bids to Santa Clara, an event that Coach does averaged 19 points and 10reboundsa but missed the entire previous season Nevada-Reno or Portland was not like his team to miss. game last year. with a knee injury. This year Coach inexcuseable. Last year North Carolina State Mississippi State has an enormous John Orr is faced with the problem The Dons of USF will have to snuck into the NIT with a east of amount of talent but will be using of whether to use him at forward or at replace the talent that they lost with unknowns and managed to finish their third coach in three years this center. At 6-7 he can play either one what looks to be an improved bench. second. With 7-2 center Glenn year. New Coach Jim Hatfield is but no matter where he plays he The Dons offensive load will be Sudhop back along with Hawkeye hoping that Rickey Brown will should be great. Last year Mike carried by All-American candidate Whitney their leading score at blossom into the great center McGee set a Big Ten scoring mark for Bill Cartwright while Coach Dan forward the Wolfpack eyes should be everyone has been predicting. At 6-11 freshmen but he must be able to play Belluomini is looking for Doug looking higher. he only averaged seven rebounds a defense for the Wolverines to win. Jemison to have a big senior year. The game last year but with his talent he Michigan State has the sensational Up north a pair of centers will be Dons had a very successful recruiting should double that this year while Earvin Johnson back to do his thing trying to get their teams into post­ year and they appear to be UCLA's averaging over twenty points. The along with the rest of last years season action. Coach Tom Young will biggest rival for West Coast Bulldogs leading rebounder Wiley championship lineup but a lack of be depending on James Bailey to supremacy. extend Rutgers schedule a, few more Peck and leading scorer Ray White depth may slow them down at the Nevada-Reno is hoping All- games while 6-10 will be will be back to help Brown do the job. end of the season. Minnesota has American candidates and trying to bring national prestige to the Kevin McHale at center but Kentucky has a tough rebuilding will be able to carry small school of lona. But don't let the Thompson's loss will be too great for job to do and Joe Hall began with a them past the Dons. The Wolfpack small school fool you, everyone in the the Gophers to overcome. Indiana superb recruiting season but he'll does have it's eight top players back nation wanted Ruland to play for received a wildcard berth to the have to be patient for results. Hall from last season. Santa Clara and them. Other teams to look for when Eastern regionals but despite having does have returning to run Portland both have four starters back playoff time rolls around are St. great depth they may have to settle his offense. The surprise team of the from last year and they should make John's, George Washington and for a NIT bid. But never count Bobby conference maybe Auburn. the WCAC a four team race. Syracuse. Down in the Southwest Knight out of anything. SOUTH. Team to beat: Conference, Texas and Arkansas will People in Big Eight territory feel LOUISVILLE. is great. shoot it out for the championship their basketball is as good as any other That sums it up for this magnificent with Texas looking as the favorite. conference but it will be up to Kansas THE TEAMS TO BEAT FOR THE basketball machine that seems to be Coming off their NIT championship to prove it. The Jayhawks will NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. UCLA, able to do everything possible on the Coach Abe Lemons is hoping that probably be the conference only Notre Dame Louisville, Duke, Texas, court. But Coach Denny Crum isn't guard Jim Krivacs and forward Ron representative in post-season action. Michigan. depending on Griffith alone. There is Baxter will vault the Longhorns past Coach Ted Owens believes he's going THE TEAMS THAT CAN BEAT talk that Louisville had the best Arkansas. The Razorbacks will be to have a good team and he points to THEM. Michigan State, Kansas, USC, recruiting year of anyone.. Crum also trying to repeat last years success guard Darnell Valentine to prove it. LSU, North Carolina, Syracuse, San has guards Bobby Turner, and Larry without three starters who graduated. The All-Conference guard averaged Francisco. Williams back as the Cardinals shoot But Coach Eddie Sutton will have the 13.5 points and accumulated an DARKHORSES: Alabama, North for their ninth consecutive 20 win services of who was impressive amount of assists and Carolina State, Nevada Las Vegas, St season. probably the best player on the squad steals. Kansas will need an John's, Mississippi State, Indiana, Santa Clara, Cincinnati, Nevada- Down in the SEC the Kentucky last yeai. Texas A&M should contend outstanding job from center Paul Reno. Wildcats will have some prominent and it is hard to believe that Guy Lewis Mokeski to make up for a lack of personalities missing from their won't have a winning team at experienced forwards. lineup such as Rick Robey and Jack Houston. Marquette begins a rebuilding November 3, 1978 Page 15 Williams Heads Don Staff 'Unique' Another problem that Williams en­ by Herman Cowan, Jr. Program counters as head of the yearbook is "a "We are dead serious about a Under the direction of Tom staff that doesn't want to work." yearbook," exclaims Vaniecia Nazario, USF Law School has There is 41 people on the Don staff, Williams, the Editor-in-Chief of the sponsored a unique and exciting and less than 50 percent of them do USF Don. community legal education program their job, according to Williams. Williams, a 20 year-old communi­ known as the "Street Law Project." A "Everyone thinks the editor should cation arts major, is trying to achieve three-year old venture, the project do all the work," Williams explained, something that hasn't been achieved has reached approximately 2,000 "they don't realize that being on the in the last four years at USF. Williams students in all of the San Francisco yearbook is not just having a title." is trying to produce a yearbook for and Berkeley high schools, affording Williams told the Foghorn that the the University of San Francisco. them a valuable and practical legal students at USF were getting a "real Williams has been editor of the education, especially designed to bargain" by having to pay only $10.95 Don since March of this year. She was acquaint the urban student with the for the Don. selected to this position by the media justice system. "This book will cover the entire council. "I took the job," says The project is two-dimensional, school year at USF — Sports, Admini­ Williams, "because I felt I could offering both a classroom study and a stration, Faculty, dorm parties, and handle the job — the previous directed field study, with the whatever else happens," Williams editors, in the last years didn't get the opportunity for a student placement informed the Foghorn. "This book ball rolling, they didn't go out to the in a legal or community agency or will be a history of 1978," continued student body." Williams intends to private law firm. Williams. reach out to the students of USF and In the classroom, the Street Law The Don will include 45 full pages get them involved in the production Vaniecia Williams, Don Editor course is administered by law of color pictures, and have a total of of the Don. students from four bay area schools: 400 pages altogether. Williams would can be purchased by a student by "The job is not as easy as it sounds," charging his/her bursar account. USF, Boalt, Golden Gate, and New not reveal the theme of the Don for explains Williams. The most difficult College. The law students strive to the school year 1978-79. Since the Don Editor is chosen in part is the finances she concedes. March of each year, Williams feels introduce alternative teaching The Don is scheduled to come out Photo supplies, office supplies, gas, that it is her obligation to (want to) methods designed to give the sometime during the summer, and transportation, and etc. have to be continue as editor, because if she students a working knowledge of the most students will be able to pick up bought and paid for. didn't, she would be walking out in law, and teach them how to assert their copy when they return in the "The senate does not know the cost the middle of a venture that she their legal rights. The subject matter Fall. of producing a yearbook," says started. "I must see the 1978-79 Don deals with problems such as landlord- Students that will not be returning Williams, in reference to the $175 that through," Williams said. tenant disputes, arrest, and consumer can request the Don staff to mail their was allocated to the yearbook staff by Williams feels that she and her staff protection, and is presented hy using copy to them. the ASUSF senate. "They expect me have created an "enthusiasm" among traditional methods as well as Williams, who plans to seek the to produce a yearbook and get off the the students concerning the Don. alternative forms such as mock trials. office of Editor of the Don, for a ground with $175, she explains, "I This evidenced Williams says, by one The successful implementation of second term next March, feels that simply can't do it." particular student who went to the the Street Law course has led to the the most important thing in the In an effort to curtail financial Don office last week and praised the second aspect of the project, a Legal success of the Don is the USF student problems, the Don staff has engaged efforts of the Don staff. Extern Program, whereby students body. "Students must purchase a in numerous fund raising activities. Williams told the Foghorn, "if USF are placed in a community legal yearbook," declared Williams. "Pre- These activities include the recent doesn't have a yearbook, it's not the agency or private law firm; students sales will determine the quality of the Haloween dance.the selling of candy, fault of myself or the yearbook staff, are able to experience the workings Don and the total number of books candles, popcorn, and buttons. but the fault of the student body." of the legal system first-hand. ordered," Williams added. The Don

Results From Survey Unique professional opportunities for those seniors and graduate students completing work in: In the Spring semester 1978, to all the students who took the time responding to questions and to assist in this survey. Accounting/Auditing concerns regarding human growth Currently, a sub-committee Aeronautical Engineering and sexuality expressed by some of composed of Ms. Mary Durr, Aerospace Engineering the students at USF, Dr. Anne Dolan, Assistant Director, Residential Life, Agricultural Economics Vice President for Student Brother Al Behm, Resident Religions, Architectural Engineering Development established a Gillson Hall and Mr. Dick Palomba, Civil Engineering •Communications/Journalism Committee to study this area of Administrative Director, Student Computer Science/Systems Analyst concern, to assess the needs of the Development, are working on the Economics/Econometrics design of an educational program to students, and to recommend ways of Electrical Engineering meeting these needs.TheCommittee be proposed for the Spring semester Electronic Engineering members represented students, 1979 for freshmen resident students. Electro Chemistry faculty and administration and The intent is to offer a holistic Foreign Area Studies currently are: Becky Moreland, Joan approach to human sexuality, East Asian Diblin, Mary Durr, Brother Al Behm, presenting it as a part of one's Near Eastern Maryanne Werner-McCullough, physical, spiritual, social, and Russian Dick Palomba, Sister Charlene emotional life. The high rate of return East European Tschirhart, Peter Wiese. of the survey has given the Committee valuable and extensive Foreign Languages (High to Native A survey of resident students was information which has been and will Proficiency Required) conducted in April 1978 to assess the continue to be helpful in the Arabic needs of students. Three nationally development of this pilot program. Chinese recognized standardized The Committee again would like to Japanese questionnaires, the Sexual Korean thank all of the students who Knowledge and Attitude Test (known Polish cooperated in the completion of the as SKAT) developed at the University Russian questionnaires and look forward to of Pennsylvania, the BEM developed International Relations continued student interest in by Dr. Sandra Bern at Stanford *Library/lnformation Science this project. •Mathematics (applied) University, and the FIRO-B Mechanical Engineering developed by Dr. William Schutz also Students who participated in this Nuclear Physics at Stanford University were survey and who are interested in •Operations Research distributed to 1,090 residents. The further information regarding the Optical Engineering questionnaires were returned results are invited to attend an Photogra mmetry /1 nterpretation anonymously and students were information session headed by Physics assured that results would be kept Brother Al Behm and members of the Political Science confidential. Returns were received Committee which will be held on from 61 per cent (644) of the Tuesday evening, November 14, at (•GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY) residents. The Committee is grateful 7:00 p.m. in Hayes-Healy Lounge. All initial assignments are in the Washington D.C. Area. Some require foreign travel. U.S. citizenship is required. Minimum processing time is six (66 months. OBTAIN YOUR APPLICATION FROM THE OFFICEOF Film exhibits and lectures designed to increase community awareness of CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT. ALL QUALIFIED APPLICANTS whales and the whaling industry will be features at a free, two-day program WILL BE INTERVIEWED AT AN EARLY DATE. entitled "Celebration of Whales" on November 8-9 at the University of San MINORITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY - Francisco. Sponsored by USF's Associated Students, the program will AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. include presentations by Greenpeace and General Whale, the two non­ profit organizations devoted to whale research and conservation. USF 0)iijiiniiiiifyEvents/November University of San Francisco

lo receive this calendar on a regular basis call USF Public Affairs, 666-6107, or write USF Public Affairs. San Francisco 94117. KUSF-FM Program Guide San Francisco International KUSF-FM (90 3) offers many cultural programs beginning at 7:00 p.m. every night. Listed below are a few of the programs aired during the week. For a free Program Guide, contact Program Di­ Poetry Festival rector Alison Low at 666-6206. Co-sponsored h\ I SI Monday "Koshland Lecture Series Nov. 6 #1": Julius Caesar: A Kinder The week-long festival begins Nov. 1 and will Cut. Edward Versluis. SF include readings, wriling workshops and book 9:30 p.m. Conservatory of Music exhibits Highlighting ihe events will be readings "Theme and Variations": Special Events Committee b> Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Erica Jong, En­ Saturday Dvorak: Symphony No. 7 rique l.ihn. Michael McClure, Kate Millet Nov. 11 Lecture Series works by Wagner. Berg & and William Burroughs. These readings will be 8:00 p.m. Mozart "Expression in American Film" on Sat. Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Sun. Nov. 5 at I :(K> and 5:00 p.m. al ihe Palace of Fine Arts, Thursday "Terpischore": The Martha Nov. 2 — SEC's lecture series with film clips I >on and Ba> Streets Graham Dance Co. begins with Leonard Maltin discussing anima­ Nov. 16 tion. Rim clips include Looney Tunes characters 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $5 00 advance, $6.00 at the door, avail­ Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig. able at Cody's Books, City Lights, and all BASS Friday "Energy Issues and Prob­ Nov. 15.— Second in the series is Out Takes outlet-. Nov. 17 lems": David Morris. Dir., In­

USF College Players Presents Downtown Lunch and Learning Series "THE GLASS MENAGERIE" Tuesday Nov. 28 •- "TV and Public Opin­ College Players, now in its 117th year, presents ion" the award-winning drama by Tennessee Williams. Nov. 11 USF Dons will meet the People's Re­ Presentation by Fr. Robert Sunderland, S.J. public of China National Team at the Editorial Dir. for KGO-TV Oakland Coliseum at 9 pm This PERFORMANCE DATES: Nov. 10, 12 Noon - 1:30p.m.. Bank of America Center game preceded by 7 p.m. match — 27th Floor Conference Room, California and 11, 16, 17,18 People's Republic Women's team vs. Montgomery Sts., S.F. All performances — 8 p.m. UCLA Women's team Open to the public - seating limited. Tickets: Gill Theatre - Campion Hall USF $5.00 Further information: 752-6560. Admission: S3 00 general Nov.28 Home Game $2 00students/sr. citizens USF vs. Chico State Memorial Gym — 8 p.m. For information: 666-6133 USF student tickets $2.50 available through Ath­ letic Dept. All others available through Coliseum Ticket Office (635-7800) at $7, $6, & $5 For more information: 666-6891. RARE BOOK ROOM USF Dance Program Ticket information: 666-6891 AN EVENING WITH Gleeson Library MORTIMER ADLER Nov. 9 MasterClass - Lone Mountain USF Dons Soccer Schedule Ballroom Free for students. Home Games - $2.00 general - Information: 666 6507. Nov. 4 USF vs. San Diego State Nov. 11 Day-long dance production Nov. 11 USF vs. Seattle workshop designed specif­ ically for dancers and dance All games 1:00p.m. Ulrich Field. USF companies Advance registra­ Ticket information: 666-6891 tion required. Contact: San Francisco Bay Area Dance Coalition, 673-8172. $10 gen­ During November, the Rare Book Room will eral. $5 USF students & Women's exhibit a collection ot artist and printer Henry SFBADC members Intercollegiate I vans' materials including his own books, puhli Nov. 18 Master Class with Mario De- Volleyball cations of the Pergrinc Press and books issued larno. principal dancer. Martha front Porpoise Bookshop The collection was do Graham Dance Co 10:3(1 -12 n.iled by Norman H Strouse. Noun. Loyola Gym, USF En Nov. 8 USF vs. Santa Clara S.F. Examiner Photo Hours: 9:00a.m.-4:00p m Mon through Fri. rollmenl limited to inter­ with evening hours until 9 30Thursday. mediate level dancers. For reg­ 7:00 p.m. USF Memorial Gym for further information call USF Public Affairs Further information 666 6718 istration call: 673-8172 Admission free — 666-6107