Dr. Robert Thornton Defies the Odds by Herman Cowan, Jr. other odds, as he went on to finish not This is the first of a series on the life only grammar school, but high school and philosophies of Dr. Robert A. and college. Thornton. Dr. Thornton is a (retired) As a child in Houston, Texas, Dr. professor of physics at the University Thornton attended grammar school of San Francisco. in a one room schoolhouse, where In this series Dr. Thornton will one instructor was responsible for emphasize the quality of education, teaching six grades, "if you can in this country and at the University of imagine that," retorts Thornton. San Francisco. After grammar school Thornton Part one of this series will feature transferred into the Houston public Dr. Thornton's background, his school system. "I attended the education, and his teaching colored high school,'' says Thornton. endeavors. "Our high school didn't have the When he was born on February 6, same curriculum as the white high 1897 (according to the bureau of schools," he claims. census) the odds were that he, "The wood and metal shops were because he was born a Negro, would excellent," says Thornton, "but we not even finish grammar school. Dr. had no good courses in the sciences, Robert A. Thornton defied those and Dr. Thornton will discuss the quality of education at USF. Continued on Page 3 jlan Jjfrantfeto Jfogljorn Volume 73 Number 14 University of San Francisco November 3, 1978 'Freedom Fighters' Oppose FA They've been called but Dr. Paul Lorton of the College of of curriculum, are still made by the student input in the decision-making "traditionalists" and they've been Business Administration, who Administration; these are decisions process, had its difficulties, but that called "The Freedom Fighters"; they recently resigned from the faculty which, in the University of California the faculty union was even less have been viewed with both scorn union, related several reasons for his system, for example, are made by the effective. "The Union is so powerless and admiration; but one fact remains disenchantment with the Associa­ teachers themseltfes. and inept that I really don't want to in very sharp relief — the four faculty tion. "USF is a great pface to teach, "I'm also extremely disappointed get involved in it. It hasn't been able members who recently decided to and I like the Jesuit concept of educa­ about the current salary impasse," Dr. to accomplish anything since its secede from the U.S.F. Faculty tion, but I very much disagree with Lorton mentioned. "Nobody goes inception." Association have feelings and ideals the concept of a 'faculty union.' If into teaching at a University for the Dr. Andrew Woznicki of the which are becoming increasingly being in the union were a condition money; it just doesn't pay that well in Philosophy department also denies popular on the University of San of employment—I'd have serious the first place." He went on to say that any membership with the U.S.F. Francisco campus to both teachers difficulties with that." teaching, research, and service to the Faculty Association for reasons which and students. The focus of their Dr. Lorton mentioned that the community were the three duties of a are quite compatible with Dr. complaints: that the U.S.F. Faculty union seems to be much more college professor — duties which Lorton's. Dr. Woznicki stated that any Association should be more interested in monetary matters than must never be circumvented by salary "university" operates to reach a concerned with academics than truly academic ones. "The Faculty demands. "They have their own single goal — to educate students money, and that the very existence of Association gave up all important inherent rewards," he stated. totally — and that at the very such a union on this campus may be power in academic matters for higher Dr. Lorton concluded by stating foundation of this goal is integrity severely detrimental to the salaries." He mentioned that the that the University Senate (the old among administrators, students, and educational process. hiring and firing of personnel, as well method of negotiating wih the faculty. Implicit in this goal is These are compelling criticisms, as decisions concerning the planning Administration), which included adademic freedom. "Unionization," Dr. Woznicki continued, "although economically justified... is contrary to the very spirit of academic integrity." Senate Solicits Impartial View He mentioned that, with unionization, the relationship between administration and faculty by Lisa Coffey becomes that of employer and Father Andrew Boss, a professor of employee with the possibility of strike Economics at USF, spoke to the to interrupt the educational process. Senate Monday evening to give Dr. Woznicki also mentioned that added insight into the economics faculty members "can expect and behind the negotiations that are ought to be consulted on matters presently taking place between the concerning academic life and Faculty Association and the Admini­ functions; once, however, a stration. bargaining unit is created, the Senator Dan London invited Father relationship becomes ipso facto Boss to speak to the Senate because changed. The union cannot demand he is not partial to either party and the right to participate in 'hiring, London felt that he was the best firing, promoting, etc' because person available who could give the employer and employe are divided." students an objective view of the In addition, Dr. Woznicki negotiations. mentioned that academic freedom Father Boss agreed to speak to the itself, which underlies the Senate with the following provisions. Continued on Page 3 First, he would not enter into any Fr. Boss presents the facts to the ASUSF Senate. controversy or take sids. He agreed to be there strictly to answer questions Actually, Father Boss gave a mini- tiation deals take place at the top INDEX PlgM and give, from an economic point of level. course in labor relations. News 2,3 11 view, the history of the negotiations He told the Senate that there are Two other styles of bargaining are between the two parties since last accomodation and cooperation. different bargaining relationships Editorials April. Accomodation is when two parties try that occur betwen two parties. One is & Opinions 4 He came well prepared for the containment aggression. He defined to find out all of the things they have presentation. He had copies of the this as when an employer does not in common so that while negotia­ Entertainment 7, 8 9 10 minutes from the negotiations, and willingly accept a union. Another is tions are going on they can be sympa­ every bulletin distributed by either power bargaining. He used the diffi­ thetic to the views of the other side. Feature* party during the negotiations. He also culties between the Teamsters and Cooperation occurs when the parties 6 15 brought with him a vast amount of Safeway to illustrate this one. A third are willing to make economic sacri- 12,13,14 Sports economic knowledge. is deal bargaining. This is when nego­ Continued on Page 3 Page 2 November 3, 1978 Prop. 6 Election Preview: Prop. 5 The key issue that one must con­ sider when scrutinizing Proposition 6 Proposition 5, the antismoking is this — "should school boards be ordinance on this November's ballot, allowed to fire teachers who demon­ has stirred a vast amount of emotion strate to children that homosexuality during this election season. is a viable alternative lifestyle?" Unfortunately, most of the realities of 1 the issue have been obfuscated by the Child molestation is not a relevant smoke which has risen from these issue here, because homosexuals heated debates. Clever advertising, have no greater propensity for it than financed by the tobbacco interests, heterosexuals do. In addition, has proven the most flagrant catalyst present laws adequately deter people BE SURE TO VOTE for clouding this issue. from engaging in molestation. What Prop. 5 actually does is outlaw One should not conclude that Prop smoking in all public buildings, such 6 will result in every gay teacher as schools, libraries, and government getting fired. Prop. 6 permits school offices, and requires owners of all boards to take action, but does not commercial buildings to partition force them to do so. Clearly, school NOVEMBER 7 certain areas of floorspace in which boards in places like San Francisco persons will be permitted to smoke. would not be disposed to exercise this priviledge. Onedisadvantage to6 The pros and cons of this is that it will make gay teachers policy proposition are quite mundane, as an issue in local school board opposed to the philosophical drive elections and will deter attention proffered by its advocates and from reading, writing and arith­ opponents. metic. The advantage of 5 is that it will help discourage smoking, a practice that is Without a doubt, the major commonly accepted to be unhealthy, problem with Prop 6 is that it can lead and therefore undesireable to to inquests based upon misinforma­ society. In addition 5 helps protect tion or malice against particular Battle of the Undefeated those hwo choose not to smoke by teachers that will sully teachers reducing their exposure to cigarette reputations unjustifiably and will waste the time of both the teacher by David Harpster smoke blown into the air around and the school board. It is also widely Four days before the California gubernatorial election Younger is them. Exhaled smoke has been believed by legal scholars that such a hurting. Brown is not. If the opinion polls are to be believed, Brown will be scientifically demonstrated to be a system is not consistent with the re-elected and Younger will be out of a job.
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