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12-1-1979 Uhuru Vol. 3 Issue 2 University of Dayton. Black Action Through Unity

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Recommended Citation University of Dayton. Black Action Through Unity, "Uhuru Vol. 3 Issue 2" (1979). Uhuru. 10.

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to educate, but indoctrinate . Gregory told the price we must pay for a white racist system ." more than 300 students in the audience that when He said "This country has never been ran on a hu­ we come to college we bring all of our fears , hang­ man standpoint, always dollars and cents ." While ups , "isms" and "osms", racism and sexism . It talking about America 's current bleak economic should seem that four years of college would de­ picture he asked whether or not it was a coinci­ solve them , many of us leave with just as many or dence that when we were celebrating the crash of more than we came with . Kinda hits close to the stockmarket's 50th anniversary two weeks home , doesn 't it... ago the real estate market crashed. Gregory says Gregory responded upon various subjects of im­ that this crash will have the same repercussio n portant significance including the current situa­ across the country . "I don't believe it was an acc i­ tion in Iran where 49 Americans are being held dent ," he added . hostage by Iranian students. "We are the mightiest Gregory lashed out at television also , because of nation on the planet, we 're paralyzed, and the the exploitations of sex and violence. He feels that whole world is standing in awe because some stu­ television sets are poison . They are not to enter­ By Wayne Tipton dents have messed up," he said . "The most power­ tain but to detain . He stated that movies do noth­ "The No . 1 problem facing America today is not ful students should be you ." ing but control the mind . A statement which was racism , it's not sexism , and it's not the gap be­ Gregory stated that Americans are not aware of filled with satire had a very important message tween the rich and the poor. "The No . 1 problem the hatred the Iranian people have for Shah Mo­ behind it. Gregory said they gave us (blacks) facing America today is that America is spiritually hammad Reza Pahlaui . "Iranians feel the same Superfly so that they could use blacks to get us and morally bankrupt ... " said Dick Gregory , hu­ way about the Shah that the Jews and decent hooked on cocaine. But we took the cocaine, and man rights activist and former comedian during people feel about Hitler," he said . the outfit too , the big hat, the cape and the heels ." his speech in the U.D. Fieldhouse back on Nov. 12th . "You 'd better hope Carter's ignorance doesn 't up­ Also on a satirical note Gregory adds "We have a Gregory 's lecture, was sponsored by the Center set the whole Muslim world , because if they pull real problem in the Black Community, and that for Afro-American Affairs , directed by James all of their money out of U.S. banks, the stock problem is that 60% of our Black youth are un­ Stocks and the Bolinga Center at Wright State market will crash in 24 hours ," he said. employed. The government says the range is from University, directed by Carolyn Wright. Gregory "I felt sorry when I heard that the president had 16 to 30 years old . If you haven 't found a j ob by the became famous as a professional comedian but decided to cut off oil imports from Iran!" "What the age of 32, prepare yourself for a life of rest." has since become a political activist and currently president did was give the oil cQmpanies another Gregory said John Kennedy did not die until 1971 spends much of his time concentrating on human reason to rip us off this winter," he added . on Aristotle Onassis island in Greece, and Secret rights movements and lectures. Two weeks ago the Iranian government asked the Service men were responsible for turning him into "The United States is the mightiest nation on the United States for permission to send two of their a vegetable before he died . face of this planet , and has enormous surplusses doctors over to examine the Shah, our govern­ He said the movie "Capricorn One ," is true in that of food yet people still die of starvation ." said ment said no. This reinforces Gregory belief "that Americans have never been on the moon. Since Gregory in his three hour lecture here at U.D. Greg ­ the Iranians don 't believe the Shah has cancer, " the moon landing was staged , he asked what hap­ ory ran from Chicago to Washington , D.C . to call he said . pened to the $30 billion that was supposed Iy spent attention to the problem of world hunger and to Another Question Gregory answered was why on the program . prod Americans into responding to today 's crisis . didn 't the Shah go to the best doctors for cancer The Jonestown disaster, he said was the largest Gregory believes "there is a great social revolu ­ treatment in the world , why did he come to New heroin transport the world has ever seen. Heroin tion going on in America today , and the wonderful York City? "He wanted to get to New York City was sewn inside the Jonestown corpses and sent thing about this revolution is that it is not black with David Rockefeller and the Chase Manhattan to the U.S. "Wasn't it strange that 500 more bodies' against white . It is simply right against wrong. " Bank can invest the 33 million." Gregory tells us were found underneath the 400 already dis­ Gregory stated that the American population is again and again , don 't be fooled . covered?" sai d Greg 0 ry. being taken advantage of by the few who control Gregory , who also ran from Los Angeles, Cali­ Robert Kennedy didn 't die from the shots fired by the country . He added "This would be a great na­ fornia to New York City in 1967 also to dramatize Syhan Siron but instead from a shot from the tion if we (Americans) knew what we should World Hunger said "Rosalyn Carter went over to shots fired at a close range in the back of the head know!! " Cambodia and held up two malnourished and in the ambulance on the way to the hospital , he "You got to keep your eyes open 24 hours a day ," starving kids ... when all she had to do was go two stated . he said , because Americans are led to bel ieve blocks from the White House .... Washington , D.C. Lyndon B. Johnson , president's Kenndy 's suc ­ anything our government wants us to believe , is predominantly black populated . cessor spoke with Walter Cronkite in a nationally many such things are not true . Getting back to his statement concerning America televised interview right before he died in which The big job ahead of today's youth is to change being morally and spiritually bankrupt. Gregory he stated to have information concerning J.F. these colleges , Gregory feels . He feels that the adds "That's why we can sit back and let the oil Kennedy 's assassination , Gregory says the film purpose of today 'scolleges and universities is not companies rip us off to the tune of billions . It's the was edited and L.B.J. died soon after the interview before he could tell the American public. tricks." peating his version of Mary Jo Kopechne's death "There's one big difference from being young in In closing remarks concerning the racist men­ in July 18, 1969 at Chappaquiddick Island, an issue America today and when I was your age ," Gregory tality of this society Gregory simply adds "Parents that weighs on Kennedy like an unremovable told the audience. He said "Yes, we had problems­ that put their kids in schools to keep them away enigma. but the big difference is today's youth has all from blacks are only making out a check .... That To many Kennedy seems like a lesser of two evils. these problems plus more, but for thefirst time in will someday read Insufficient Funds .. ." It is not my theme to drum up support for either the history of America, we've used up all the Kennedy or Carter. I only ask the question ... "Will Kennedy create a better material environment for Blacks on matters such as jobs, health care , tax First of a three-part series. reform and so forth ... or have we given the incum­ bent President Carter enough time to do a suffi­ cient job on the matters?" The 1980 Presidential Elections Virtually nothing that Kennedy has proposed to do at this date differs retrogressive policies of A Dilemma For the Black Voter ... Jimmy Carter. CARTER or KENNEDY - Congressional leader, John Conyers from Michi­ gan sums up the of this essay quite explic­ Who Is The Lesser of Two Evils ... ? itedly . Conyers says that at this date the Demo­ cratic Party has not presented the Black voter By Wayne Tipton with any real and new alternative as far as candi­ dates are concerned , and that the Republican Party hasn't anyone at all worthy of the black vote. In 1976 America's largest minority demonstrated is soft and unchallenged . Polls however are ques­ its political maturity when 91 % of the Blacks who tionable , we the Black voters of this country must went to the polls, cast their ballots for the rela­ not be taken by this means of persuasion. We tively unknown son of a Georgian peanut farmer must choose the candidate we undoubtedly feel is namely Jimmy Carter, thus enabling him to win the best for the office, and we must not be gullible the highest office in the land . to the various slick advertising campaigns. Be­ Yes , it was indeed the Black vote that carried Mr. cause money can buy inflated statistics and allow Carter to his margin of victory, and the entire po­ the polls to be used in whatever manner the candi­ NBA REVIEW litical electorate knew this, too. The right to vote , date wants to secure. a right that Blacks in this country have widely ne­ The Carter-Kennedy contest will pull the Demo­ glected as a means of power, was the most power­ cratic Party apart, says the president's men and ful weapon in the land on that cool , crisp windy women . But the real truth is that the party is al­ By Rich Stephens day in November some three years ago . ready divided. This clash could conceivably pit Did someone say NBA? The hands that used to pick cotton in the South, the South against the North , Catholics against were most undoubtedly the ones that helped pick Protestants , liberals against conservatives and Well , this season is so well rounded, predicting the now incumbent President Carter. But now "a moral , family man-Carter's strongest point in the final four is extremely difficult right now , be­ some three years later Blacks have discovered the polls "against" a playboy, millionaire woman­ cause there are so many variables such as: fatigue that they voted for a man who knew the words to izer with a wife , whose emotional problems are from being on the road so many days before play­ their hymns .. .but not the numbers on their pay­ due to his moral weaknesses." ing a game , injuries that cause everyone else on the team to work harder which is difficult on the checks. Blacks from all ends of the political spectrum road but much easier when the team is at home , Blacks in this country have always has a hope for seem to think that Kennedy will make a far more lastly and most important timely execution of the responsible chief executive than Jimmy Carter a "messiah"-like leader to come and ease their basics. burdens and troubles, and the optimism in Carter has proved to be in the past three years. Anti­ was no different. Many thought that a president busing advocates support him. But what will hap­ Here is a brief description of the stronger teams. from the South would have a sympathetic ear to pen when they focus on his records of votes favor­ The were almost the recipients of the plight of the Black man here in the United States. ing forced busing? the "surprise of the year award" for coming close But as we approach the eve of this another presi­ Both politicians have "supported expansion of to defeating ·the Washington Bullets last season dential year, anti-Carter sentiment is strong with­ federal taxation and spending" and both exhibit during quarter finals of the East Championship. in the Black community. Masses with his adminis­ "unconcern about the decline of the U.S. world The Hawks have a team of hustling ball players tration. Black unemployment, especially among role and the rise of Communist expansionism." like Charlie Criss, , Terry Farlow , Eddie blue collar workers, youth and women, has climbed Both candidates advance "free health care," al­ Johnson , Steve Hawes and Don Roundfield. Once steadily under Carter. though Carter's budget is much tighter. In eco­ again they can expect to be in the middle of things at the seasons' final weeks. Carter hasn't taken an aggressive enough posture nomic policy, Kennedy offers no thought for re­ to expand federal jobs and has been virtually storing incentives to the economy. The have added two key players to silent on the white backlash against affirmative I agree with many of the political medium who say their roster that will help them to recover last sea­ action. Therefore , many Blacks in this country that once into the race Kenedy will lose the luxury sons depression. and M. L. Carter will have turned to a liberal senator from Massa­ of ducking the tough issues, Russians in Cuba, the complement Nate Archibald , Dave Cowens and chusetts , namely Ted Kennedy as an acceptable PLO , inflation, desegregation in Chicago, etc. His "Cornbread" Maxwell. Starter and subs alternative. old-line brand of throwing more money at prob­ and Rick Robeys will determine how far the team can go. The glue , cement, or binding force that holds pro­ lems will make Carter's indecision look pro­ Kennedy forces together within in the Black com­ gressive. The have changed to a "run munity is a combination of three things , (1) a com­ Two very evident facts come into center focus as and gun" style of ball playing . Letting Campy Rus­ bination of nostalgia, (2) anti-Carter sentiment, the Black American in this country prepares to de­ sel , Mike Mitchell , Randy Smith , "Footsie" Walker and (3) an historical commitment to the Demo­ cide which political candidate is worthy of the and Austin Carr get loose. I don't expect too much cratic Party . Kennedy is riding on the sentimental Blac~ vote , (1) disenchantment with Carter be­ of them though, being a team from Cleveland . values that come from the assassination of his cause of the current economic crisis, and the (2) Denver Nuggets still have Anthony Roberts , Dave two brothers, the charismatic qualities of the Ken­ charismatic condition of Kennedy. Thompson and George McGinnins . It will be hard nedy mystique, and the growing frustration by President Carter could possibly neutralize Ken­ for them to make the Western Division playoffs Black Americans at Mr. Carter's leadership ability. nedy's mystique in a debate of the issues, but he because of the development of the teams in that Early polls showed Kennedy over Carter almost could bury him with the Chappaquiddick division . three-to-one. But despite Kennedy's lead over rumors that won 't die. Kennedy will have to once The are finally playing Bob McAdoo Carter among the nation's Democrats , his support again contend with the many inuendoes , by re- at forward alongside Bob Lanier. an explosive center . With and Jim McElroy in addi­ tion to supersubs like Greg Keiser , Phil Hubbard and Leon Douglas the team has a good chance of WAKE UP: making the playoffs . Once again I must stress execution . The have last years best re­ bouAder and MVP in . John Shir­ It's Time to Get mate, Kevin Reid , , Calvin Murphy and Randy Tomjanovich come together to produce a It Together well balanced scoring and defensive attack. Many feel the addition of Steve Henderson will help but may not compensate the loss of Jeff Newlin. Los Angeles is strong with Kareem Adbu l Jabbar, By Yvonne Allsopp Norm Nixon and Ervin "Magic" Johnson. They form What happened to the "Black Awareness " and the such a well rounded attack they will be hard to "Black Power" ideology that swept across Ameri­ stop . and Jamal Wilkes should not be ca 's college campuses and black communities in overlooked . the 60's? Have we become so comfortable and The Kansas City Kings have a team full of talent. settled , that we can 't see what is going on around Scott Wed man , , and Lee us? Lacy are as good as any team in the League. In the 60's there was a mind revolution and the The Milwaukee Bucks are stronger this season Blacks shouted out a·gainst the vicious system , wi th the right touch of youth to combine with play­ racism , and discrimination. As a result of Stokely ers who have a little exper ience , to be a su re win­ Carmichael , Charles Hamilton , Angela Davis , ner. Marquis Johnson, Quinn Bucknell , and Brian CORE , SNCC and other activists and activist or­ Winters are the team s strongest po ints . Look for ganizations; bloodshed , beatings, and killings, to be a facto r, too. America stood still and listened . The in my eyes could be the team The United Council of Civil Rights Leadership held to watch. They have two seven foot centers in periodic consultations at the top leadership level Marvin Webster and rookie . They on strategy . While the thrust of this group was also have a pair of explosive guards in Ray Wil­ toward "coalition politics"-essentially a drive to liams and Mike "Suga r Bear" Richardson . Toby invigorate the liberal-labor elements around the Knight adds to a very mellow situation in New Democratic Party as a pressure group to push for York , if they stay away from lengthy injuries dur­ civil rights-a simultaneous thrust was beginning ing the season. within the younger and more militant civil rights The Philadelphia 76'ers are well rounded at all organizations toward independent action . PAUL ROBESON positions with the team leader with Were all these people's energies and efforts in "rejuvenated knees ." Dough Collins , Maurice vain? History repeats itself and "I THINK IT IS TIME Cheeks and Henry Bibby are good guards. Bobbie FOR US TO WAKE UP AND GET IT TOGETHER!" The Many remember Paul Robeson for his magnificent Jones and Steve Nix add strength to Erving and KKK is no longer quiet. They are increasing in singing voice and for his stirring interpretation of at forward . Dmyl "Sir Dunk" number and have a strong membership drive all Dawkins has taken over at center. Othello. But how many are aware that 40 years be­ over this country. They have been burning crosses fore Roots Paul Robeson wrote and spoke about The are as tough as they were last on the homes of blacks and marching to show us African culture and mastered 20 African lan­ season. Healthy "Truck " Robinson and Alvin they are still strong! guages; 30 years before "black is beautiful" he Adams in addition to Paul Wesphal and Walter What is wrong with the black people today? We wrote and spoke about his pride in being Negro ; Davis make a strong team. However, the bench see Iran has got the U.S . tied up in knots and stun- · 20 years before "detente" he wrote and spoke depth is questionable. ned . Pakistan is nottaking any shit either! There is against the Cold War; and 10 years before the anti­ The Portland Trailblazers are well organized . a feeling of unrest across the world!! Vietnam protest movement he wrote and spoke Michael Thompsons injury will hurt them in the Other nations are sick and tired of this white against American involvement in Indochina. beginning but, Tom Owens, , Maurice viscious government exploiting and supressing Paul Robeson summed up his own view of life in Lucas and T. R. Dunn are good team ball players. them. We should stand up with these non-white these words which were to put him on a collision , former UD Flyer is also there . people and fight for human dignity. course with the American establishment: have the same faces and are Don 't you dare say that nothing is wrong! Blacks "THE ARTIST MUST TAKE SIDES. HE MUST still as tough , maybe tougher , now that they have still have the highest rate of unemployment and ELECT TO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM OR SLAVERY . three seasons of playing together.b George "Ice crime. Blacks are still starving and living in sub­ Man" Gervin , , Billy Paultz, Dave Ol­ poverty and subhuman conditions. Isolated nci­ I HAVE MADE MY CHOICE .' berding and are all deadly. dents of blatant racism occur here at U.D. and I HAD NO ALTERNATIVE." The Seattle Supersonics biggest asset is in the ef­ across America, and you still think that nothing is fective coaching of Lenny Wilkens. Not that they wrong!! don't have the talent to complement. The defend­ America is in for some terrible times because of UHURU STAFF ing champs consist of Dennis Johnson, Jack the narrow minded jackasses of men who sit back Sikma, Gus Johnson, Freddie "Downtown" Brown , and make decisions that hurt blacks in America Phil Silas and Lonnie Shelton . The addition of and poor people in other countries . These men fly Editor ...... A. Pat Byrdsong rookie and James Bailey is enough up in the face of God , and oppress and exploit Assistant Editor ...... Torry Armfiled to give any opposing teams team trouble . people. God is not pleased with this at all and we Reporters ...... Ingrid Jennyfer Greenidge Patricia Harvey The Washington Bullets will be strong competitors can see Him working , by seeing the trouble this country is facing . All of the top officials don 't Tracey Howard again . Last season critics and Bullet players said Jacqueline Mitchell it was the lack of depth at the guard position that know what the hell is happening , and if they don't watch out they will have to deal with another Wayne Tipton hindered them . They 've added Kevin ~orter , Mini-Facts ...... Pat Davis league leader in assists the past two seasons and surge of "BLACK POWER " awareness in this country . Photographers ...... Suzann e Anderson a healthy Phil Cheiner. Harold Pope Realistically, any of these teams could be part of PLEASE, brothers and sisters , don 't let the sparks Advisor ...... Sharon Martin the final four, so if we're smart we'll save our burn out in the "BLACK POWER" ideology. Contributors ...... Yvonne Allsop bets for later and enjoy the season. WAKE UP AND GET IT TOGETHER!!!!! BLACK MINI-FACTS New Blues By A. Pat Byrdsong Lucille Clifton, a black writer who has published over three books of poetry over the last decade BLACK FAMILY AtSBA has been named Maryland's new poet laureate. Gov. Harry Hughes selected her for this honorary WORKSHOP That the beleaguered Small Business Administra­ position. tion continues to have problems was revealed at The first National Conference of Afro-American Congressional hearings last October . Writers convened November 8-10, 1974 on Howard An internal audit of the SBA's 8A program has University's historic Black campus for an equally found that 21 percent of the firms in the program historic conference. as of April 1978 "were headed by disadvantaged in­ By A. Pat Byrdsong dividuals who did not appear to control or man­ BERRY RESIGNS "The strongest thing we will ever have is the black age the day-to-day operations of their firms or Mary Frances Berry, one of the highest ranking community," said Dr. Bobby Wright, director of whose status as socially or economically dis­ blacks in the Carter administration submitted her the Garfield Park Comprehensive Mental Health advantaged individuals was doubtfuL " Some of resignation as assistant secretary of HEW for Center. Wright was the keynote speaker at the these firms, according to an SBA auditor, are still education effective January 31. second annual black family workshop. This work­ in the SBA portfolio. In addition , the audit found shop was sponsored by the Center for Afro-Ameri­ Berry joined the Department of Health, Education inadequate standards for graduating firms from can Affairs. The topics that were addressed in­ the program and inadequate oversight of firms. and Welfare in 1977. Berry was formerly chancel­ cluded The Current Status of Black Families in lor of the University of Colorado at Boulder before America , Growing Up Black in a Color-Coded So­ A General Accounting Office report found fault coming to HEW. She was the first black woman ciety and The Black Couple. with the SBA's new Small Business Development ever named chief administrator of a major U.S. Centers. The GAO said that in a survey of three of university. Dr. Wright said it was a mistake to use white defi­ nitions to define something black. He asked blacks the SBDCs, 56 percent of the clents who had used Berry was being considered for the job of Secre­ to use their minds and think , instead of always ac­ them found thei r assistance to be of "moderate tary for Edllcation but Carter looked outside of the cepting definitions from others . use" or "little or no use." In addition , private firms education community to fill the job. He chose U.S . providing similar services to the SBDCs rated the "Let us begin to define our family, " he said. Wright Circuit Judge Shirley Hufstedler. Some question SBDCs negatively. The SBDCs are intended to said blacks need to program their children in Hufstedler's ability because she has no formal ex­ provide to small businesses professional level, perience as an educator and little as an adminis­ certain ways that would help to keep the black family alive. private sector advice on management problems, trator of a large organization . using colleges and universities as the major de­ He also cited problems with integration . He said Berry's departure creates two key education job livery mechanism . vacancies in HEW . white women are taking black men. "Usually the brother who deals with white women have more The SBA's general loan program was also found options in the black community." Wright felt these to be deficient. according to another GAO report. JANUARY CALENDAR resources should be kept in the black community. The GAO found that the agency is still making Eleanor Stocks, associate professor of Early questionable loans , and not following up on the Jan. 15 Film about the struggles of blacks at Childhood at Sinclair College, talked about raising firms that the loans are made to . Similar findings 2:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. black children . She said, "We must groom our were made three years ago and apparently there has not been much progress since that time. Jan. 15 Dr. Lionel Newsome - 7:30 p.m. children to let them know that there are limita­ tions." She also stressed helping children to feel SBA administrator Vernon Weaver contended Jan . 26 Black History Workshop and Mini­ comfortable being black. Course - 1 credit hour. that part of the reason for SBA's problems is a Dr. John H. Clarke Stocks said black children must be trained to staff shortage due to a budget crunch in the re5pect blackness and to respect black families. A Dr . Josef Ben' Jochamon agency. He recommends transferring SBA's lend­ positive image must be created. "Train them to ing authority to private sector banks . In support For additional information contact Mr. James accept our cultural heritage. Let them see blacks of that argument, he points to a pilot program Stocks , Director of Center-for-Afro-American in leadership position. We must stop seeing our­ involving a New York bank which is successful. Affairs at 229-3635. selves by other definition ," she said . Weaver says thatthe effect of transferring loan Dr. James Dobbins, a psychology professor at authority to private banks would be to cut out Wright State University talked about the black virtually all the red tape involved with making JAZZ CORNER couple. Dobbin said , "The black family has proven to be amazing resilient." He stressed flexibility of SBA loans and would free employees to provide By Tony Armfield roles between black men and black women. other forms of assistance and oversight. Here is a little slot filled with some "good stuff" for "We should sit down as equals rather than domi­ Minority business men are opposed to this idea , you contemporary jazz lovers. nant and submissive." Although , he noted some however. They say that this will make it sub­ If you enjoy the mellow sounds of guitar. Earl problems black men and black women have com­ stantially more difficult for them to obtain loans Klugh 's "Heartstrings" will surely satisfy you . The municati ng with each other he feels the problem from an unwilling private sector. In fact, there is selections titled "Heartstrings" and "Spanish could be minimized if a more active role was taken even internal dissension within the SBA over this Nights" are highly recommended . .to minimize the problem . One of his solutions was proposal. Leon Bechet, director of the Wash ington Noel Pointer has a new one-"Feellt" and you can more active listening . SBA office , openly opposed the idea in a recent definitely feel every beat of his melodies; lyrics or "He who defines the world rules the world ," said interview. no lyrics. Imagine, those violins , the smoothness , Wright . Blacks need to develop a social theory . -Isaiah J. Poole the rhythm , AHHH!!! Jarvis, one of his best gives This would help determine the destiny of blacks you all this and more. and would help to define their relationships with Do you remember Stanley Clarke's "School Days"? others . Reprinted from the December 1979 Issue 01 If you liked what you heard then , you should hear Although 9:00 on a Saturday morning is early for BLACK ENTERPRISE what Stanley has done to "School Days" now . His many people , about 30 people attended the work­ bass talks its own language. On his latest album , shop. Students and professionals alike enjoyed "I Wanna Play For You" , a two album set, Stanley the presentations . displays his talents accompanied by such artists as Tom Scott and Freddie Hubbard . So if you get a chance, sit back , listen, and enjoy these melodious sounds. You will be glad you did.