University of Dayton eCommons Uhuru Student Produced Media 12-1-1979 Uhuru Vol. 3 Issue 2 University of Dayton. Black Action Through Unity Follow this and additional works at: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/uhuru Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation University of Dayton. Black Action Through Unity, "Uhuru Vol. 3 Issue 2" (1979). Uhuru. 10. https://ecommons.udayton.edu/uhuru/10 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Produced Media at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Uhuru by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. 'THE DARKEST THING ABOUT AFRIKA IS AMERICA'S IGNORANCE OF IT.' VOLUME NO.3, ISSUE NO.2 DECEMBER 1979 AN AFRO-AMERICAN CENTER PUBLICATION, UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON . Dick Gregory Visits U.D. to educate, but indoctrinate . Gregory told the price we must pay for a white racist system ." more than 300 students in the audience that when He said "This country has never been ran on a hu­ we come to college we bring all of our fears , hang­ man standpoint, always dollars and cents ." While ups , "isms" and "osms", racism and sexism . It talking about America 's current bleak economic should seem that four years of college would de­ picture he asked whether or not it was a coinci­ solve them , many of us leave with just as many or dence that when we were celebrating the crash of more than we came with . Kinda hits close to the stockmarket's 50th anniversary two weeks home , doesn 't it... ago the real estate market crashed. Gregory says Gregory responded upon various subjects of im­ that this crash will have the same repercussio n portant significance including the current situa­ across the country . "I don't believe it was an acc i­ tion in Iran where 49 Americans are being held dent ," he added . hostage by Iranian students. "We are the mightiest Gregory lashed out at television also , because of nation on the planet, we 're paralyzed, and the the exploitations of sex and violence. He feels that whole world is standing in awe because some stu­ television sets are poison . They are not to enter­ By Wayne Tipton dents have messed up," he said . "The most power­ tain but to detain . He stated that movies do noth­ "The No . 1 problem facing America today is not ful students should be you ." ing but control the mind . A statement which was racism , it's not sexism , and it's not the gap be­ Gregory stated that Americans are not aware of filled with satire had a very important message tween the rich and the poor. "The No . 1 problem the hatred the Iranian people have for Shah Mo­ behind it. Gregory said they gave us (blacks) facing America today is that America is spiritually hammad Reza Pahlaui . "Iranians feel the same Superfly so that they could use blacks to get us and morally bankrupt ... " said Dick Gregory , hu­ way about the Shah that the Jews and decent hooked on cocaine. But we took the cocaine, and man rights activist and former comedian during people feel about Hitler," he said . the outfit too , the big hat, the cape and the heels ." his speech in the U.D. Fieldhouse back on Nov. 12th . "You 'd better hope Carter's ignorance doesn 't up­ Also on a satirical note Gregory adds "We have a Gregory 's lecture, was sponsored by the Center set the whole Muslim world , because if they pull real problem in the Black Community, and that for Afro-American Affairs , directed by James all of their money out of U.S. banks, the stock problem is that 60% of our Black youth are un­ Stocks and the Bolinga Center at Wright State market will crash in 24 hours ," he said. employed. The government says the range is from University, directed by Carolyn Wright. Gregory "I felt sorry when I heard that the president had 16 to 30 years old . If you haven 't found a j ob by the became famous as a professional comedian but decided to cut off oil imports from Iran!" "What the age of 32, prepare yourself for a life of rest." has since become a political activist and currently president did was give the oil cQmpanies another Gregory said John Kennedy did not die until 1971 spends much of his time concentrating on human reason to rip us off this winter," he added . on Aristotle Onassis island in Greece, and Secret rights movements and lectures. Two weeks ago the Iranian government asked the Service men were responsible for turning him into "The United States is the mightiest nation on the United States for permission to send two of their a vegetable before he died . face of this planet , and has enormous surplusses doctors over to examine the Shah, our govern­ He said the movie "Capricorn One ," is true in that of food yet people still die of starvation ." said ment said no. This reinforces Gregory belief "that Americans have never been on the moon. Since Gregory in his three hour lecture here at U.D. Greg ­ the Iranians don 't believe the Shah has cancer, " the moon landing was staged , he asked what hap­ ory ran from Chicago to Washington , D.C . to call he said . pened to the $30 billion that was supposed Iy spent attention to the problem of world hunger and to Another Question Gregory answered was why on the program . prod Americans into responding to today 's crisis . didn 't the Shah go to the best doctors for cancer The Jonestown disaster, he said was the largest Gregory believes "there is a great social revolu ­ treatment in the world , why did he come to New heroin transport the world has ever seen. Heroin tion going on in America today , and the wonderful York City? "He wanted to get to New York City was sewn inside the Jonestown corpses and sent thing about this revolution is that it is not black with David Rockefeller and the Chase Manhattan to the U.S. "Wasn't it strange that 500 more bodies' against white . It is simply right against wrong. " Bank can invest the 33 million." Gregory tells us were found underneath the 400 already dis­ Gregory stated that the American population is again and again , don 't be fooled . covered?" sai d Greg 0 ry. being taken advantage of by the few who control Gregory , who also ran from Los Angeles, Cali­ Robert Kennedy didn 't die from the shots fired by the country . He added "This would be a great na­ fornia to New York City in 1967 also to dramatize Syhan Siron but instead from a shot from the tion if we (Americans) knew what we should World Hunger said "Rosalyn Carter went over to shots fired at a close range in the back of the head know!! " Cambodia and held up two malnourished and in the ambulance on the way to the hospital , he "You got to keep your eyes open 24 hours a day ," starving kids ... when all she had to do was go two stated . he said , because Americans are led to bel ieve blocks from the White House .... Washington , D.C. Lyndon B. Johnson , president's Kenndy 's suc ­ anything our government wants us to believe , is predominantly black populated . cessor spoke with Walter Cronkite in a nationally many such things are not true . Getting back to his statement concerning America televised interview right before he died in which The big job ahead of today's youth is to change being morally and spiritually bankrupt. Gregory he stated to have information concerning J.F. these colleges , Gregory feels . He feels that the adds "That's why we can sit back and let the oil Kennedy 's assassination , Gregory says the film purpose of today 'scolleges and universities is not companies rip us off to the tune of billions . It's the was edited and L.B.J. died soon after the interview before he could tell the American public. tricks." peating his version of Mary Jo Kopechne's death "There's one big difference from being young in In closing remarks concerning the racist men­ in July 18, 1969 at Chappaquiddick Island, an issue America today and when I was your age ," Gregory tality of this society Gregory simply adds "Parents that weighs on Kennedy like an unremovable told the audience. He said "Yes, we had problems­ that put their kids in schools to keep them away enigma. but the big difference is today's youth has all from blacks are only making out a check .... That To many Kennedy seems like a lesser of two evils. these problems plus more, but for thefirst time in will someday read Insufficient Funds .. ." It is not my theme to drum up support for either the history of America, we've used up all the Kennedy or Carter. I only ask the question ... "Will Kennedy create a better material environment for Blacks on matters such as jobs, health care , tax First of a three-part series. reform and so forth ... or have we given the incum­ bent President Carter enough time to do a suffi­ cient job on the matters?" The 1980 Presidential Elections Virtually nothing that Kennedy has proposed to do at this date differs retrogressive policies of A Dilemma For the Black Voter ... Jimmy Carter. CARTER or KENNEDY - Congressional leader, John Conyers from Michi­ gan sums up the point of this essay quite explic­ Who Is The Lesser of Two Evils ..
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