The Daily Skiff
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Sailor drama, Storage, phone plans 'Billy Budd/ to be presented Housing makes summer changes Summer is coming, and residence hall students should to sorority houses only. Further information will be "Billy Budd," a play adapted begin to make plans to leave, Nan Rebholz. Housing available in the residence halls and Housing Office. from Herman Melville's sea reservations coordinator, said. novel, will be staged at Students with phones will be given metered post cards Univerisity Theatre in Ed The Office of Kesidencial Living and Housing is which should be returned to Southwestern Bell to notify Landreth Hall April 24-29. making plans to help students get rid of excess them of the date the student desires service .to be Curtain time i£8 p.m. April Craig McElvain (left) and Gary Logan star in "Billy Budd. possessions and telephones, she said. discontinued. ' 24-28 and 2^p.m. April 29. The phone company will have representatives at A local storage company will pick up, store and Reservations will be taken at the .The play, directed by Henry terludes ol wonder and i aim .it Daniel Meyer Coliseum the week of May 7-12 so that deliver up to 250 pounds for a total cost of $50, Hebholz box office, 921-7626, with tickets Hamrnack of TCU's theatre arts SCI. students may turn theirjahones in. priced at $2.50 lor general faculty, concerns life on board a mid. Items Students wish to store for the summer will be The Housing Office will provide further information admission, $1.50 for students British warship in 1789. It The 20-member, all-male casl picked up from the dorms May 4, H, 9, 10. in the form of pos'crs and hand-outs as the month and senior citizens, and free with examines the feuds between the is TSplcil bv Cm Logan of San The stored items will be delivered back to the dorms progresses Any Inquiries should be directed, at this aTCUID. men and officers and the in- Francfscn in the title role. Aug. 28, 29. 30 and Sept 4 with an August 21 delivery time, to the Housing Office, Hebholz said. The Daily Skiff Vol. 77, No. 102 Tuesday, April 24, 1979 Texas Christian University Image national Amin looked contest finalist TCU's Image magazine was named best student magazine in central for Arab guns Texas in the Sigma Delta Chi Region 8 Mark of Excellence competition in NAIROBI. Kenya (API - Ousted intended to re-open an American lluntsville, Texas. Saturday. dictator Idi Amin visited Iraq over Sue Fahlgren was editor of the October-November 1978 and Deeember- diplomatic office In Uganda and to the weekend on an Arab-states slud\ aid problems. January 1978-79 issues that qualified for national competition, linage is shopping tour for weapons to make Amiri's whereabouts has stirred among eight that will compete, ,i comeback in his tribal birthplace speculation ever since he lost Troy McKelroy's story about the tor best non-fiction magazine ar- in northwestern Uganda, Arab control ol Kampala two weeks ago. transportation of hazardous ticle. diplomats said Monday. Tanzania!) soldiers lighting lor the materials (/magf, December- The competition, sponsored by the Society .pi Professional Jour- Their reports raised thejirosnefcl 1 -iil<- government Found no trace of January 1978-79) took second place nalists. Sigma Delta Chi, also gave ol protracted lighting that could him on Sunday when they took first and second place awards/for dr the energies ol provisional Jinja. Uganda's second city and site Carter says best student newspaper, spol news president Vusufu l.ule's 2-week-old ol a vital power dam and bridge ■newspaper story, newspaper depth government as it seeks to repair over the Nile river economic damage caused bv sis reporting, newspapei ed/torial Arab diplomats said Amin flew Cong];ress for writing. newspaper editorial months ol war..two weeks of looting from Uganda to Libya and then to and eight years ol Amin's rule cartoon, news photo, feature photo, Iraq, traveling to two hardline The first American diplomatic oil loopholes and radio and television depth ■.talcs that had helped him establish mission in six years - three men reporting. Moslem-minority rule in Uganda. "Image was the hinds-down from the U.S. embassy in Nairobi — WASHINGTON (AP) - President From Iraq, the sources said. Amin winner." Fred BonavitH of the arrived in Kampala, to discuss Carter said Monday an effort is continued to an undercrinincds in Houston Post's^stale capitol bureau ■ reconstruction aid,. I nidus said he being made "to hoodwink the nuns JIMI most ol his remaining and Judge of the entries'.'said. expels major .issislaucc from American people" by building army was in disarray. "TCU's entry was I lie most Washington, which closed its loopholes into his proposed oil professional ol all. It showed good embassy in the Ugandan capital in Hul analysts said Amin could be a profits tax to enrich the oil industry. imagination in stories; line use ol 197! and cut iitt trade with Amin dangerous opponent on his home In his text for an address at the photos. and. most ujiporiantlv last yea) ground, particular!} il Tunzanlan National Academy of Sciences. John Blane, I S. deputy chief of supplv lines were burdened bv Carter was sharply critical of tightly written and well edited pieces." the judge said. He cited' mission in Nairobi, told reporters he prolonged skirmishing. proposals to amend his tax plan to layout, and use of photos and line shelter from taxation "windfall" drawings as other factors which put profits ploughed back into ex- TCI) ahead. ploration and development of oil The Shorthorn, from the resources. 'Get off campus' University ol Texas at \rlington, The president argued that was named best student newspaper* adoption of a "plottghback" in the region. amendment would actually be a Phil Record, managing editoi lor "kickback" that would give ojl the Tort Worth Star-Telegram and TCU proposes companies "another $4 billion or $5 billion in unearned profits on top ol Region H director, said first-place winners from each region will be I5y Muriel Jolmstonc transfer to other schools is that the $6 billion they would gel under Skiff plmto h\ Duniw Kij^, Students who have to gel awav people aren't getting involved or (oil price) decontrol with an honest entered ill the national competition. Rainy days from it all periodicallv can use then establishing themselves here." she windfall profits tax." National winners will be decided talents constructive!) bv joining a said. Carter said his lax proposal was during the summer and announced Weekend showers caught man) TCU students out in the new Programming Council com- making progress because it had shortly before the national Sl'| SDX rain. But this jn'rl was prepared and she decided to sit and Also, students talked about mittee, public support. convention in November. gelling together Io do things during wait out this downpour. 1 he Recreation and 'Travel the liohdavs. bin were Frustrated committee will help students because there was no coordinating participate in ski trips, picnics, organization for them to go to, she skating, camping, and backpacking said. Public support for press urged [luring weekends, and can schedule trips during holiday breaks, Dottle "Programming Council came up Phillips, program coordinator tor with the idea, and with approval NEW YOKK (AP) - The 93rd in libel suits can force journalists to He said a I amis Harris public he dedicated to developing greatei Student Activ ilies. said. Irom the House of Representatives, annual convention of the American answer questions about their opinion poll io br released lodav public understanding on the slakes "Right now we are reallv looking dissolved the Human Awareness Newspaper Publishers Association thoughts in making editorial would show strong support loi the involved." he said. for people who want to be on the committee and established the opens today with its chairman decisions. press on confidentialih and othei President Carter is scheduled to committee.*" Phillips said. Recreation and 'Travel committee," saying public support must l>e "While the impact ol lliis latest news coverage issues address the convention Wednesday Nancy Snyder, vice-president ol Snyder said mustered to reaffirm free press Supreme (aunt decision may not be ' \ l.l us espec l.illv III the i our! . as Other scheduled Speakers include Programming for the House ol rights guaranteed bv the First great, it is one more piece ol the well as in the press ni.iv be sur- Waller Cronkilcol CHS. Sen. Lloyd Student Representatives, said that The committee will also be Amendment. pattern ol restraint which the prised In the degree of public Bentsen, D-Tex., Barbara Walters ol there are loo many students at TCU responsible for putting together a Allen H. Neuharth, chairman and current court is imposing upon the approval the press has on con-, \BC. "Roots" author Men Hale) with nothing to do on weekends and brochure about activities in and president of the ANPA, said in a people's right to know," Neuharth Iroversial issues and that is the ami Bill Veevk, owner ol the holidays. around Texas, to l>c used by the statement issued during the said. leasoii^lhis WTA convention will Chicago While Sox baseball team. One ol the reasons students students, she said. weekend that the U.S. Supreme Court, in a recent decision, was Teachers free from reprisals "setting itself above the Con- stitution by its lack of sensitivity to a free society's need for a lull and robust discussion of public issues." Tenure means never having to say sorry Neuharth's statement was more faculty involved in the prompted by the Supreme Court's The end of the school vear means To receive tenure now, a faculty decision-making pWtcess, a laculty ruling last Wednesday that litigants anxiety for some faculty members Tenure: permanent profs person must first be recommended * who wonder if they'll have a job at member who asked not to be by the department chairman to the identified said.