Football Program
• COMMANDER THOMAS J. HAMILTO N, U. S. N. OMMANDER THOMAS J. HAMIL he was flying from the U. S. S. Milwaukee, C TON, originator of the Naval Pre and was detached to handle coaching duties Flight program, whose picture appears in the Fall. on the front cover of this program, was born When only 27 years of age he became Head at Hoopestown, Illinois. He attended Doane Football Coach at the Naval Academy. In Academy where he was a three sports star his first year, his team won eight games out and valedictorian of his class. He was ap of nine and was voted the third best in the pointed to the Naval Academy in 1923 and Nation. Most important victory was a triumph he was an outstanding man on the Annapolis over Army, first Navy win in 13 years against campus for four years. He earned nine var the West Point squad. He served as Head sity letters, three each in baseball, basketball Coach for three years. and football. He captained the varsity basket ball team and he is the permanent class presi While coaching at Annapolis, m 1936, he dent of his class. In 1926 at Soldiers' Field was made a lieutenant: In addition to coach in Chicago, 106,C'.)0 fans, the largest crowd ing at the Naval Academy, he was an instruc in football history, saw Tom Hamilton crown tor in aviation for Midshipmen. a brilliant day by kicking the point after Upon finishing his coaching work at the touchdown which gave the Navy a 21-21 tie Naval Academy, he flew with patrol squad with the Army.
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