4. Superintendent's Report /Correspondence

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4. Superintendent's Report /Correspondence PLAZA SCHOOL DISTRICT 7322 County Roa.d}4 Orland, CA 95963 BOARD OF TRUSTEES RegularBoard Meeting May 20,2015 3:00pM Agenda l. Call to Order- 2. Pledgeof Allegiance- 3. MembersPresent- 4. Superintendent'sReport /Correspondence- 5. Information- A TeacherSelection B. Facilities C. QuarterlyReport on WilliamsUniform Complaintsas of April 2015-NoComplaints D. Prop 39 EnergyEfficiency Funds Update E. BoardMember for Graduation F, SetMeeting Dates for PublicHearing. G. Enrollment H. BusStop in Artois L 2015-16Staffing 6. Comments- AgendaItems Only - Any personwishing to addressthe Boardwill identifythemselves, the agendaitems about which they are speakingand limit their remarksto a maximumof three minutes. 7, Action- A. ApproveMinutes of April 15,2015Regular Board Meeting. B. ApproveWarrant Registers. C. ApproveBudget Transfers- D. Old Business-None E. New Business- t. Conductlottery for 2015-16Kinder 2, ConsentAgenda: Routine matters that canbe approvedwith onemotion: A. Appoint Superintendent/PrincipalPatrick Conklin ascontact for Officeof PublicSchool Construction B. Approve2014-2Q15 Summer School Stipends C. Approveupdate to ClassifiedSalary Schedule- D. Approve2015-2016ConsolidatedApplication E. CertificationThat 8th GradeStudents Meet Graduation Requirements/Sign Diplomas F. Approveacquiring the after schoolprogram from GCOE for the 2015-16year. G. Approvehiring one181 day,3.75 hour per day aidefor 2015-16year. H. Approvehiring three 181day, 3.5hour per day afterschoolprogram aides I. Approve appointmentof Veronice-SanchezBusincss Mrnager with Range15 Step 1 placementon ClassifiedSalary Schedule. 8' - Comments Non Agendaltems - The Board Clerk will allow threo minutesfor sperkersto addlossthe Board on appropriete matters. Speakerswill identify themselveswhen acknowledgedby the Clerk. e' crosedsessio"i:l$il:,1*'r*"^ 10. Adjournment- TheDistrict Board Packet is availablefor public viewing@ThePlaaElementary SchoolDistict's office locatedat 7322Road24, OrlandCalifomia on the dateand at thetimi the agendais posted.(SB 343 -Chapter298/2007 effecrive July 1,200E). PLAZA SCHOOL DISTRICT 7322Cotnty Road 24 Orland,CA 95963 BOARD OFTRUSTEES Regular^"1tJl#"Board Meeting Minutes l. Call to Order- DarinTitus called the meeting to orderat 3pM. 7. MembersPresent- Darin Titus, P.J. Dais, Connie King andPatrick Conklin-Principal/Superintendent 1 Princinal/Superintendent'sReport /Correspondence- 4. Information- A. LCAP Update-Public notice will beon May agendaand approval on Juneagenda. B. SmarterBalance Assessment- The 3-8 teachers have all donesome practice testing to preparefor the summativeassessments that begins April 20th.We've worked out a calendarfor thesix weektesting window.I've askedGCOE tech to providehelp in casesomething goes wrong with computers,internet, etc.Although our wirelessconnectivity is muchbetter, we still strugglegetting enough workable laptopsfor largeclasses. We currentlyhave one student whose family optedout of SmarterBalanced Assessments,but is ok with theirchild taking the 5th grade Science assessment. Both5th and 8th grade will still takethe paper and pencil Science assessment in May. C. Hirine Committee-The two teachingpositions are open until April 24th.We havetwo separatepaper screeningand interview committees for thesepositons. When we separatewe'll lookat who we wantto interviewfor 5thgrade and who for 7thgrade. Currently we havel5 applicants.I expect considerably morein thenext few weeks. Interviewsare May l3thand l4th. Committees for theinterview consist of me,two teachers,one board member,and one parent. D. 2015-2016Enrollment- We had22 familiesattend Kindergaften Roundup on April 2nd.One studentcancelled their enrollment request. I am going down the list of lotteryfamilies to fill onemore seat. Wehave 183 kids enrolled for nextyear. All grades5th and below are full, with theexception of next years3rd grade. I amnot actively recruiting anymore for grades7-8, but would accept a goodfit ifthere wasa siblingfrom a gradewe hadopen enrollment for or if someonecomes in seekingenrollment. I amcleaning up thewaiting list for studentswe currentlyhave on file. With boardpermission, I would liketo havea lotteryin May for theremaining kinders on our list for l5-16 schoolyear. E. 2015-2016After SchoolProeram- I havebeen looking into the feasibility ofPlaza School acquiring fundsfrom GCOEto operatean afterschool program. I met with Philip Jamesto seewhat that would looklike. If we wereto do so,we wouldreceive approx. $66,000 from the county program to run it as ourown. All recordkeeping, attendance, and grant writing would be doneby thecounty. They hold l2o/oof theallocated $75.000 for PlazaSchool to usefor theseadministrative costs. By takingover the program, we will beable to hireone additional after school monitor with lessfunds thanthe countybased one. I am anticipatingmore families wanting enrollment next year and am concernedwe will be overthe 20:l ratio. Programmatically,if we acquirethe programwe canrun it how we seefit. I would like to incorporate moreof an interventionmodel for someof theprogram, and would like to ensurethe homework club pieceofit is closelyconnected to theclassroom expectations. I will explainmore about both the financialaspect, including staffing concerns, as well aswhat the program would look like duringour meeting.With boardsupport, I will finalizedetails with GCOEfor boardapproval in theMay meeting. F. 2015-2016Staffine- I will discussseveral staffing related items. One, I havelooked into either hiring someoneor offeringadditional hours to a currentstaff member to do earlymorning cleaning and morningcafeteria duty. I am alsolooking into offeringhours or hiring someoneto work severalhours in the cafeteria.With our increasein enrollmentand two additionalclassrooms, the cafeteriawill needhelp. Lastly,with Trina resigningand Plaza having straight grades next year, I would like to discussour aide schedulefor nextyear. Trina is our only 7 houraide and it will be difficult to replaceher expertise and versatility.This yearshe worked with 4th,7th, 8th graders, as well ascoached, and cafeteria and yard dutysupervision. G. Tower Update- The towerconstruction was completed at the endof March.So far we havenoticed considerablymore speed and have been able to easilyadminister Smarter Balanced practice testing with littleproblems. Comments- Agenda Items Onlv - None 6. Action- A. ApproveMinutes of March 18.2015 Regular Board Meetins-P.J. Davis made a motionto approve the minutes,Connie King secondedand the motioncarried 3-0. B. ApproveWarrant Reeistersdated 3/17115 and 3/26l15-P.J. Davis motioned to approvethe warrant registers,Connie King secondedand the motion carried 3-0. C. ApproveBudeet Transfers- P.J. Davis motioned to approvethe budget transfers, Connie King secondedand the motion carried 3-0. D. Old Business-None E. New Business- l. ConsentAgenda: Routine matters that canbe annroved with onemotion: A. AnnualApnroval ofEPA SpendinsPlan per Prop.30 B. AnnualEvaluation of ParentInvolvement Policy Ed Code11503/PESD 8P6020 C. Approvalof20l5-2016 School Calendar D. Approvalof PacificEnvironmental Education Center Trin 2015-2016 E. Approval of Resolution15-07-(HCD) Housine & CommunityDevelopment Relocatable Buildinesare no lonserbeins used for schoolpurposes F. Approve Hirine of School Clerk as of 4/13/15-Aurora Esninoza G. Accept Resisnation of Classified Employee Katrina Poldervaart as of June 30. 2015 P.J.Davis motionedto approvethe consentagenda, Connie King secondedand the motion carried3-0. 1 eenon0pulr- Non Asendaltems - None 8. ClosedSession -Personnel- Pursuant to GovernmentCode 544957- Mr. Conklinand the Board of Trusteeswent into closedsession at 3:35PMand returned to opensession at 3:50PM.No actionwas taken. 9. Adiournment-The meetingwas adjourned at 3:50PM. Conklin, Secretary/Board of Trustees t{ 4 o o YI n I d r o { )|n A 4 g) H r,l a d FI d rF 4 oo x doolr2t 4 O.cAAOU' o aouoooH !.J!d0)orGi z tdddUt{O !.o.ooh o Ot'lc{Jo EOddod lOFt.rl0i Ut{>(r.no !&A'tJ.a> tio)o o>dru 0rolDl' Etoa H' 0rFlO o(,g a9H dH U H 6 N +++++++++++++*,++ x ++++++x* F.6 a ,3 O o N \o q1 Ud C) oo \o o @ .$ c) i.n o .:r Nc)CfC)CJOI'\' H\ o O O ':," -$ O. C) Fn ,- E{ CO c|\ rj.\ C) ,ff ,r. 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