The Student Newspaper of Jjlfcrist; College Marist Sings at Holy

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The Student Newspaper of Jjlfcrist; College Marist Sings at Holy INNER CIRCLE- -SPORTS- Marist College women's rugby team has spectacular Marist baseball heats up season this spring, pg. SI with 7-2 week, pg.12 \W the student newspaper of jjlfcrist; College VOLUME #52 ISSUE # 18 APRIL 29;l999 named new editor by CHRIS GROGAN News Editor- i The Circle will be under new management next year. Patrick Whittle, the current A & E editor, will be taking over as editor-in-chief beginning in September. According to him, he is looking to continuing the qual­ ity the paper has achieved re­ cently. "The Circle has come a long way this ______ year," he . said. "The W7k quality of editing has really im^ proved and physically Photo courtesy of Tim Massie it's just a Marist Singers, seated upper right, watch as the Pope enters St. Peter's Square during the canonization ceremony in Italy. lot more at­ Whittle tractive." Whittle grew up in Fair Haven, Marist sings at holy ceremony Mass. and attended Bishop Stang High School in North by KRISTIN A BRTTO Marist Singers, said it was a Dartmouth, Mass. He was ac­ StaffWriter truly unforgettable experience. tive on the school newspaper "It was a privilege to be there and played on the varsity soc­ The founder o£ the Marist and was a peak experience for cer team. He said he has fond - Brothers has achieved the high­ the Singers," she said. * •. memories of his hometown. est honor given by-the-Roman Russell accompanied the "Fairhaven, the town I grew Catholic Church." -'". group of 52 Singers, who held up in, is a suburb of New Brother-Marcellin Champagnat fundraisers to help lower the Bedford," he said. "The prob­ was canonized April 18 in the cost of the trip. Although lem is that New Bedford abso­ Vatican City. The Marist Sing­ ' fundraisers helped, the stu­ lutely reeks of fish 24 hours a ers and several other Marist of­ dents paid for the remaining day." ficials, including President Den­ cost. Russell said they would Whittle, who is currently a nis J. Murray, attended this have liked to take more students, news correspondent for his monumental event. The delega­ but were limited. hometown weekly newspaper, tion spent the week" before the Keri Dixon, president of Marist has had much experience as a canonization in Italy and partici­ Singers, said she loved every raoto courtesy ot iim Massie writer for The Circle. He has pated in other events affiliated minute of the trip and was Keri Dixon, Diana Koserski, Matt Vinceguerra and Craig worked as a poller, staff writer with the canonization. Murray sing for the Pope as he arrives at St. Peter's Square. for Laura Russell, director of the ... please see SINGERS, pg. 4 ' ...please see WHTTTLE, pg. 3 18&EKLYPOLL Mr. Rogers to make Marist his 'neighborhood' INSIDE TODAY: Did you have a _ byJEEFDAHNCKE Fred;RogersV the host of the Mostly cloudy - StqffWriter popular children's program Mr. hi: 61° good school year? Rogers' Neighborhood. Gradu­ Io:34° ation ceremonies are scheduled Plans for the 53rd annual for May 22 at 11a.m. on the cam­ Community.......... .2 YES NO Marist College commencement pus green. Inner Circle SI 89 have been finalized, and they Tim Massie, chief college re­ Features 5 11 promise to produce a beautiful lations officer, said that Rogers A&E 9 Photo courtesy ofTim Massie day in. the neighborhood!-. is a true role model and is very Opinion 7 Rogers on cover of Esquire It has been confirmed that this This is an unscientific survey taken from 100 ... please see ROGERS, pg. 4 Sports 12 Marist students. as "American Hero" of 1998. year's graduation speaker will be THE CIRCLE APRIL29.1999 News PAGE 3 APRIL 29.1999 -PAGE 2 make predictions (Colorado killers had big SeCtirity •.•: ^» J1 IN?YQUR OPINION plans '" upcoming miUenium Briefs LITTLETON. Colo. - The two -compiled by Scott tfevilcy students who killed 13 people- Marist hopes at Columbine High wanted to kill at least 500 others, attack nearby for best when homes and then hijack a plane and crash it into New York City, 2000 arrives What are your plans investigators said Tuesday. The Marist Band Ah overturned, portable sani­ Authorities also weie ques­ The Marist Band will be hav­ tation enclosure and broken tioning an 18-ycar-old girl about byDOUGLASDEISS ing their Spring Ensemble in the folding table were left in the for the summer? whether she purchased two StajfWriter Nelly Goletti Theater on May 3 wake of Riverfest on April 16. guns used in the rampage. at 3 p.m. The following groups Numerous students were ob­ Jefferson County Sheriff John will be performing: served vomiting as they Stone earlier told reporters the The year 2000 is going to bring stumbled through the rain to 4 goal of the killers, Dylan Klebold many changes according to sev­ their residences, but no major 1 : ' : ** eral Marist College Students. Concert Band < V and Eric Harris, was to strike Brass Ensemble injuries were reported. flfei~ during the busy lunch hour to Some changes deal just with Flute Ensemble go for "a big kill." " us; here at Marist, while other Handbell Choir Two off-campus females filed • But sheriff's depaitmenl changes deal with predictions String Ensemble assault charges against one an­ fl&wS spokesman Steve Davis said the to come for the world. other after slapping each other gunmen's diary indicates that if Freshman Ryan Finger said he Some of the selected pieces will on Fri, April 16 at 7:25 p.m. The they survived, they wanted hopes for solutions to problems be: two were supposedly arguing i more. that have begun this millenium. over the possession of a male •3fe£ "They wanted to kill 500 "I hope to see that we will all Zampa Student. people, hijack a plane and take work together to make progress Army of the Nile \ it to New York City," Davis said. in eradicating the problems that Lincolnshire Posy An intruder in West Cedar's "If in fact they were able to cairy we have made this century," he English Folk Song Suite "S" block was reported by a out the entire plan, theie could said. screaming female resident on have been quite a bit more dam­ According to Finger, he would Sat, April 16 at 8:37 p.m. Offic­ " Hopefully to get "To catch up on age and quite a few more fatali­ like tosee another Renaissance. Gender Equality ers raced to the scene, keyed an internship and " Work.TI/-...7, » sleep and hopefully ties." "I would like to see my grand end to disease. tury are, Tim Duncan, Vince classes. The Gender Equality Club will into the apartment, and found playbaseball." make money." Asked why the gunmen were children experience a Renais­ "I think that they are finally Carter and Jason Kidd," he said. "Graduating classes are going be having its annual Take Back the intruder, who was also a thinking of New York, he said: sance, that would be cool." going to find a cure for AIDS In regards to our rights, Jer­ to have the tough problem of the Night March on Sun., May West Cedar resident and an ex- "I have no idea. Maybe the den­ Concerning the world, many and cancer," he said. emy Doran suggests some dealing with being the Class of 2 at 8 p.m. Meet them in the Ro­ boyfriend of the female resi­ sity of population, for all I students take issue.with some Junior Mark Smith goes out drugs will become legal to pur­ 00, or the Class of 01," she said. tunda wearing a white shirt to dent. The intruder climbed in Gene Antico Kristcn Nocerino -Stephanie Koutsares know." big problems that everyone is on a limb stating, "The United chase. Suydam also said that students show your support for putting through a window and pushed sophomore • •• sophomore sophomore forced to think about: war and States will once again rise to "We are going to see the le­ are going to be thinking they are an end to sexualrviolence. Be his ex7girlfriend when asked to disease. greatness as Y2K sends the galization of marijuana," he said. losers because of the 00. there rain or shine! Direct any leaved Town of Poughkeepsie In response to war, sophomore third world and rogue nations Fellow commuter Michael Fellow junior Becky Valk does questions to the GenderEqual- police officers were'called and Many dead in Serb TV Scott Garret said he has high into the dark ages." Craig said he hopes he will be riot make a prediction at all. Ac­ the intruder was arrested and ity Club atX7154 or e-mail them bombing hopes for peace in the future. Many students think the able to travel to school faster," cording to her, claims that the atHZWA. ,.-,': charged with criminal trespass­ "Many countries are going to world of sports will undergo big he said. world will end in eight months ing. At 11:20 p.m. the same join NATO in an attempt for changes, including sophomore BELGRADE. Yugoslavia - "The Speed limit is going to are untrue. evening, Peter Amato, associ­ world peace," he said. ./.. Michael Ferraro.. be increased," he said. "Nostradamus states that July ate dean of student affairs, Families, friends and co-work­ Fellow sophomore Kyle Wood "The three players who will English Department ers of six victims of last Friday's Focusing on Marist, junior 99 marks the end of the world, promptly banned the argumen­ said he wants to live to see an carry the NBA into the next cen- Heather Suydam said she pre­ so nothing is going to happen On May 7 and 9, at 2 p.m.
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