Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By ERLINAWATI Student Number: 144214088




A Sarj ana Ssstra Undergraduate Thesis



July 12,2018

lL{ &,e^ J. Harris Hermansyah- S.S,. M.Hum. July 12,20tr8 Co-Advisor


A Sarjana S*stra Undergraduate Thesis


Br; ERX,{FiAWATT Studerlt N*mher" 1442 I 4C88



Chairperson : Dr. Fr. B. AIip, Seeretary -D&_

Member 1 : Wedhowe*i, S.Pd", M.Hunr.

Member 2 . Ilr. Fr. B. Alip- M.Pd,. hd.A.

Member 3 . J. Harris Hermansyah, S.S., M.l{urn. p(9- *& - t'6gPF

Yogyakarta, July 31, 2018 Faculty of Letters




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JuJy 9,2018




If you can't fly then run.

If you can't run then walk.

If you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

Martin Luther King Jr









Above all, I thank the almighty God, Jesus Crist, for giving me a huge blessing and an opportunity to finish my study. This thesis is completed because of the support and help of great people around me. For that reason, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of them.

First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis advisors, Mr. Fr. B. Alip, Ph.D and Mr. J. Harris Hermansyah, S.S., M.Hum., for their guidance and advice during the thesis writing process. My gratitude also goes to my academic advisor, Ms. Wedhowerti, M.Hum, and all Sanata Dharma

English Letters Department lecturers and staff for supporting me in every way.

A special thank goes to my parents, Suryani and Sudaryanto, my siblings

Danti, Agung and Sammy for the support, prayers, and trust. Besides, I thank my friends and acquaintances who always support in every situation. Those are

Septiani Ratna, Yovita Daite, Flaviana Wuryan, Maria Hesty, Yudith Aprila,

Elisabeth, Brandon Benedict, Kartika Ratnasari, Veronika Artamonova, Stephanus

Catholic Youth, AYD team, BEMU Driyarkara BISA, D‘FOM, and Tunggorono

1B. Last but not least, I would say ―Thanks‖ to everyone who has lent me her or his hands during my ups and downs. I have nothing to say but thank you so much.






CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of Terms ...... 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 7 1 Sociolinguistics...... 7 2. Swearing and Taboo ...... 8 3. Type of Swearing ...... 10 a. Epithet ...... 10 b. Profanity ...... 10 c. Vulgarity ...... 11 d. Obscenity ...... 11 4. Reasons for Swearing ...... 12 a. To Get Attention ...... 12 b. To Discredit ...... 13 c. To Provoke ...... 13 d. To Get Interpersonal Identification ...... 14 e. To Release One‘s Feeling ...... 14



C. Theoretical Framework ...... 15

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 17 A. Object of the Study ...... 17 B. Approach of the Study ...... 17 C. Method of the Study ...... 18 1. Data Collection ...... 18 2. Data Analysis ...... 19

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS (RESULTS AN DISCUSSION) ...... 22 A. Types of Swearing Analysis ...... 23 1. Epithet ...... 23 2. Profanity ...... 25 3. Vulgarity ...... 28 4. Obscenity ...... 33 B. Reasons for Swearing in David Mamet‘s Glengarry Glen Ross ...... 35 1. To Get Attention ...... 36 2. To Discredit ...... 38 3. To Provoke ...... 40 4. To Get Interpersonal Identification ...... 43 5. To Release One‘s Feeling ...... 44


REFERENCES ...... 49 APPENDIX I ...... 51




E : Epithets O : Obscenity P : Profanity TD : To Discredit TGA : To Get Attention TGII : To Get Interpersonal Identification TP : To Provoke TRF : To Release One‘s Feeling V : Vulgarism




No. Table Page

1 Table 1 – Types of swear word 21 2 Table 2 – Reason of swearing 34




ERLINAWATI. (2018). SWEAR WORDS AND REASONS FOR USING THEM IN DAVID MAMET’S GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Swear word is linguistics form of how people show their emotions such as anger, surprise, and frustration. This research investigate types and reasons for swear words that produced by the five main characters in Glengarry Glen Ross by using sociolinguistics approach. Glengarry Glen Ross (1982) is a play of four Chicago property salesmen, named Levene, Roma, Moss, and Aaronow. They and their supervisor, Williamson, work together on selling undesirable real estates at inflated prices. The play takes place at the end of a month in which the bosses of the company, Mitch and Murray, declared a "sales contest": The salesman who clears a certain high dollar amount will win a Cadillac and the two salesmen who perform worst will be fired.

Glengarry Glen Ross play depicted real examples of the use of swear words by the five main characters, Levene, Roma, Moss, Aaronow, and Williamson. As a result, it interested the writer to analyze the types and reasons for swearing by the main characters. Those two focuses were later formulated as the research problems. The first was the types of swear word produced by the five main characters of Glengarry Glen Ross play. The second was the reasons for the five main characters in Glengarry Glen Ross produced those swear words. The researcher used a qualitative method as the method of the study and purposive sampling to determine the primary data source. Glengarry Glen Ross play was later chosen as the sample as it provided information-rich cases related to swearing. The researcher collected the data by reading the manuscript and selecting the sentences which contained swears words. The sentences selected were spoken by the five main characters. After reading and collecting the datum, the researcher divided the swear words based on Battistella‘s theory (2005) of the types of swear word. Further, the researcher analyzed the reasons for swearing by using Rothwell‘s theory (1973). Based on the analysis, the writer found out that there were four types of swear word, namely obscenity, vulgarism, epithet, and profanity. Obscenity was considered as the most frequent type used in the dialogue spoken by the main characters, whereas profanity was considered as the least frequent one. Furthermore, the writer also concluded that there were five reasons why each main character produced swear word. Those were to get attention, to provoke, to release one‘s feeling, to create interpersonal identification, and to discredit.




ERLINAWATI. (2018). SWEAR WORDS AND REASONS FOR USING THEM IN DAVID MAMET’S GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Mengumpat adalah suatu bentuk ungkapan emosi seseorang seperti marah, terkejut, dan frustasi. Penelitian ini menganalisa jenis dan alasan mengumpat yang diucapkan oleh lima karakter utama di drama Glengarry Glen Ross dengan pendekatan sosiolinguistik. Glengarry Glen Ross (1982) adalah drama tentang empat penjual properti di Chicago, yakni Levene, Roma, Moss, dan Aaronow. Mereka bekerja bersama supervisor mereka, Williamson, menjual properti- properti yang tidak diinginkan dengan harga yang tinggi. Drama tersebut mengambil latar waktu pada akhir bulan saat bos perusahaan tersebut, Mitch dan Murray, telah menyatakan "kontes penjualan" dengan ketentuan penjual yang berhasil menjual banyak properti dan menghasilkan keuntungan yang besar akan memenangkan mobil Cadillac dan dua penjual dengan penjualan terburuk akan dipecat. Drama ini menggambarkan contoh nyata dari penggunaan kata-kata umpatan oleh lima pemeran utama, yaitu Levene, Roma, Moss, Aaronow, dan Williamson. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk menganalisis jenis dan alasan perkataan umpatan oleh pemeran utama tersebut. Kedua fokus penelitian tersebut nantinya akan dirumuskan menjadi dua permasalahan. Yang pertama adalah jenis kata umpatan yang diucapkan oleh lima pemeran utama dalam drama tersebut. Yang kedua adalah alasan kelima pemeran utama dalam Glengarry Glen menggunakan kata-kata umpatan tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif sebagai metode penelitian dan juga metode purposive sampling untuk menentukan sumber data utama. Drama Glengarry Glen Ross akhirnya dipilih sebagai sampel karena drama ini mengandung banyak kasus penggunaan kalimat umpatan yang dilontarkarkan oleh kelima pemeran utama. Peneliti membaca naskah dan mengumpulkan data, peneliti membagi kalimat umpatan tersebut menurut jenisnya berdasarkan teori dari Battistella. Selain itu, peneliti menganalisis alasan penggunaan kalimat umpatan berdasrakan teori dari Rothwell. Berdasarkan hasil kesimpulan, penulis menemukan bahwa ada empat jenis kalimat umpatan, yakni obscenity, vulgarism, epithet, dan profanity. Obscenity merupakan jenis kalimat umpatan yang paling banyak digunakan oleh lima pemeran utama, sedangkan profanity tergolong kalimat umpatan yang jarang digunakan dalam drama ini. Selain itu, peneliti juga menyimpulkan bahwa ada 5 alasan mengapa kelima pemeran utama melontarkan kalimat-kalimat umpatan tersebut. Alasan-alasan yang dimaksud adalah to get attention, to provoke, to release one’s feeling, to create interpersonal identification, dan to discredit.





A. Background of the Study

Human beings are known as social creatures that need to build relationship with others. Human beings need to have good communication skill as a social process and it can be fulfilled by using a certain medium. Language is a medium to build a relationship through communication. Language is a purely human non- instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols (Sapir, 1921, p. 6). People share ideas, give complaints, argue over an issue, and have discussions by using language as a way of communicating with others. Those activities mostly occur on our daily basis whenever we have conversations with our friends, family members, colleagues, and others. Trudgill states that language is not simply a means of shared information, but it also deals with relationship (2000, p. 13). In short, language plays an important role in the society because it is not only a way to communicate but also to maintain a relationship with other people.

In addition to maintaining relationships with others, language is also used to show emotions. People have their own ways to show their feelings. Some people may use non-verbal actions to do so. For instance, some people who are angry they prefer doing bad actions, such as throwing or slapping something. Others prefer swearing to show what they feel. For example, when someone accidently pinched others‘ toe, the ones being pinched will say, “Damn!” as an example of




swear word. They utter such a language in order to express their anger, inconvenience, disappointment, shock, and sadness. Some people have a tendency to use swear words to express their bad feelings and to give warnings to the hearer. In our daily lives, swear words are commonly used by people. People can easily hear swear words in private or public places. Besides that, we can also easily find swear words stated by characters in films, plays, dramas, and other literary works. However, people sometimes forget that they are using such a bad language that may ruin their relationships with the hearers.

In accordance with the issue of swearing and the awareness people may forget whenever they utter such bad language; the study on swearing is absolutely worth conducting since it raises people‘s awareness on the issue. In addition, it enriches students‘ understanding on sociolinguistics, especially swearing, as it provides examples, types of swear words, and reasons why people use swear words. Considering the benefits above, the writer is interested to analyze the use of swear words in one literary work, which is a play entitled Glengarry Glen Ross.

The play was written by David Mamet in 1982. It tells us about a story of four

Chicago property salesmen, named Levene, Roma, Moss, Aaronow, and their supervisor, Williamson, who sell undesirable real estates at inflated prices. One day, the bosses of the company, Mitch, and Murray, have declared a "sales contest": The salesman who clears a certain high dollar amount will win a

Cadillac and the two salesmen who perform worst will be fired. As the competition starts, the five main characters use swear words to either colleagues or bosses. The swear words that appear at the beginning of this play are bullshit



and fuck. Those swear words are seen in the sentence “Bullshit. John. Bullshit.

April, September 1981. It's me. It isn't fucking Moss”. The sentence consists of two swear words, which are bullshit and fuck. The character used those swear words to show his anger towards another character.

Sociolinguistics study, especially swearing, is a wide area to investigate.

Therefore, this study focus on the use of swears word which is an interesting and common social phenomenon. The use of swear words is a language variation which focuses on humans‘ pronunciation, dialect, the usage of standard and non- standard English. The label ―standard‖ English implies ―correct‖ English and therefore anything which deviates from this is considered ―incorrect‖. Standard

English based on Kate Burridge and Keith is the language that use in educational field and it is a kind of language that represent linguistics best practice which concern to use correct grammar, proper English word to use in public and good meaning of certain words in communication. (Kate and Keith, 2006, pp. 113-115)

The first aspect the writer would focus on was the types of swear words. In this case, Battistella‘s swear word theory (2005) was later used to classify the types of swear word found in the Glengarry Glen Ross (1982) play. The writer only focused on the five main characters, Levene, Roma, Moss, Aaronow, and

Williamson‘s swear word utterances. The other aspect the writer analyzed was the reasons why the five main used swear words when they were speaking.

Rothwell‘s theory (1973) of the reasons for swearing was later used to identify their intentions to do so.



B. Problem Formulation

There are two problems formulated in this study:

1. What swear words are produced by the five main characters in Glengarry

Glen Ross play?

2. Why do the five main characters in Glengarry Glen Ross produce swear


C. Objectives of the Study

This research focuses on the types of swear words which are produced by the five main characters in Glengarry Glen Ross and the reasons for swearing.

Based on the problem formulation, there are two objectives of the study that are expected to be achieved. Those two objectives are to classify the types of the swear word which are produced by the five main characters of Glengarry Glen

Ross and to analyze the reasons why the five main characters use swear words in their dialogues.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misinterpretation, the writer defines some terms which are later used in this study.

Sociolinguistics is a subject to analyze the social phenomenon of a language. It is a part of linguistics which is concerned with language as social and cultural phenomena. It investigates the field of language and society which has



close connections with the social sciences, especially social psychology, anthropology, human geography, and sociology (Trudgill, 2000, p.21).

Swear word is ―linguistics form of how people show their emotions such as anger, surprise, and frustration‖ (Esterika, 2016, p.7). Further, Jay adds that swear words means that the language is used to show emotion and anger towards the other characters (Jay, 2000, pp. 9-10). Swear word in this study refers to rude word(s) or statements which are produced by the five main characters of David

Mamet‘s Glengarry Glen Ross. The swear words show the characters‘ emotions towards either a situation or characters in the play.

Character is an intrinsic element in literary work. A character refers to a people involved in the story, whereas characterization is the way in which a character is created. Characters are all the product of characterization as they have been made a particular way (Gill and Richard, 2016, p.105). This term is used to refer to the five main characters in David Mamet‘s Glengarry Glen Ross.

David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross is an American literary work.

Glengarry Glen Ross is a play written by David Mamet that won the Pulitzer Prize in 1984. The title Glengarry Glen Ross originates from two real estate properties stated in the play: Glengarry Highlands, which is currently the major real estate everyone is trying to sell, and Glen Ross Farms, which is mentioned by several characters as having been very profitable for the sales trade it several years ago.




This chapter discusses three parts. The first part is a review of related studies. It discusses some previous researches which discuss swears words as the main point. The second is a review of related theories. It presents the theories that are used in this research. The last part is a theoretical framework. It discusses the reasons why the theories are needed and related to this research.

A. Review of Related Studies

This research used previouse research as the refferences related to researh about swear words. The first is Thiolinda Esterika‘s thesis ―The Analysis of

Swearing That are Used by White and Black Characters in 12 Years A Slave

Movie‖. The analysis of swearing that are used by white and black characters in

12 years a slave movie is a research written by Thiolinda (2016) which analyzes swearing. The research focuses on types of swearing used by the black and white characters of the movie. Besides, it also provides the background of the movie so that the readers would understand the situations involved. It also portrays ethnicity and also racism problems happened in America. In short, her research focuses on classifying the types of swearing and also defining the meaning of the swearing, whereas this research focuses on classifying the types of swearing and also analyzing the reasons why the main characters produce such swearing in their conversations.




The second related studies is ―The Utility and Ubiquity of Taboo Words‖

(2009) journal written by Timothy Jay. ―The Utility and Ubiquity of Taboo

Words‖ journal states that swearing functions to show emotions, morals and personalities of the speakers. Swearing is a rich emotional, psychological, and sociocultural phenomenon with implications for that studying language acquisition, child rearing, gender differences, neuroscience, mental health, personality, person‘s perception, emotion, verbal abuse and cross-cultural differences.

B. Review of Related Theories

This research presents the theory sociolinguistics. Moreover, it describes the theory of swearing which is the main focus. The theory of swearing is further used to discuss the five main characters of Glengarry Glen Ross‘ utterances.

1. Sociolinguistics

Language is a way of how society communicates in the society. It is not a simple, single code used in the same manner by all people in all situations.

Linguists believe that it is both possible and beneficial to tackle the complexity.

Sociolinguistics, thus, is a part of linguistics which concerns language as a social and cultural phenomenon. It investigates the field of language and society and has close connections with the social sciences, especially social psychology.

(Trudgill,i2000,ip.21). In addition, it states that language is a way to show personality, identity, emotion, and education level. Holmes (2013:1) emphasizes that sociolinguistics explains the way societies use language in different social



circumstances and the way people indicate aspects of their social identity through their language. It explains why people speak differently in different social situations and how they concern the ways used to convey the social meaning.

Observing the way people use language in different social contexts provides sufficient information about the way how language works as well as the way people create their characteristics of their social identities through their languages.

2. Swearing and Taboo

Cursing, swearing, slang, and taboo are words which are almost similar. The similarities of cursing, swearing, slang, and taboo are stated by Kerjalainen in a master thesis entitled ―Where Have All Swearing Gone‖. Kerjalainen (2002, pp.

18-20) saying that swearing is a part of taboo words, but not all the taboo words refer to swearing. This statement is supported by Ljung (2011, p.12) saying the taboo words used in swearing do not retain their literal meaning and that, conversely, taboo words used with literal meaning cannot be observed as swearing. Moreover, Ljung also divides taboo into two groups: swearing and non- swearing. Like in words bitch, it can be taboo but it is not a swearing statement if it goes to a female dog, but if it states to a mocked woman, it becomes a swearing statement. The statement about divides swearing and non-swearing supported by


Based on Pinker‘s statement, excrement categorized into taboo word but it is not categorized into swearing. Meanwhile, shit is not only a taboo word but also swearing. The example by Pinker gives a stronger explanation that bad words can



be divided into some swearing and non-swearing but they are the same categorize as taboo words (Pinker, 2007: p. 357).

Allan and Burridge (2006, p.27) define swearing as a prescription of behavior for a specifiable community, at a specifiable time and in specifiable contexts. In brief, someone who is swearing to other people is one of immoral behavior and need to be organized based on the situations of the society. Although

Alan and Burridge deliberate swearing as a bad attitude, the research of swearing conducted by Ljung gives a different sight that the swear words used in swearing do not retain their literal meaning and that, conversely, taboo words used with literal meaning cannot be regarded as swearing.

There is a different perspective of swearing whether swearing is literary bad or not then bring the question of the purpose of swearing. By knowing the purpose of swearing in the context, the reader or listener of certain literary work can be easy to differentiate is the statement bad or good. The statement above is supported by a statement written by Anderson and Trudgill (1990, p.53). It positions that swearing can be defined as a type of language practice in which the expression:

a) Refers to something that is taboo,

b) Should not be understood literally, or

c) Can be used to express strong emotions and attitudes.



3. Type of Swearing

Battistella (2005, p. 72) categorizes swearing into four types. Those are

epithet, profanity, vulgarity, and obscenity. The description and the examples of

each type are provided as follows.

a. Epithet

Epithet is a type of insults. Battistella (2005, p. 72) defines epithet as an expression which functions to denigrate a certain class or group of people, such as , ethnicity, gender, or sexuality. Besides that, using animal terms, such as dog, bitch, and bullshit, is also considered as epithet. In addition, it may also refer to look, disabilities, and other characteristics. The examples of epithet which denigrate race or ethnicity is nigger (refer to Afro American people), Polack (refer to people speaking Poland‘s dialect), and so on. Another example which is related to gender is motherfucker (refer to female).

b. Profanity

Battistella (2005, p. 72) suggests that profanity is a kind of religious cursing.

Profanity use religion term for non-religious purpose. Although it involves the coarse use of what is considered to be sacred, there is no intention of the speakers to denigrate God or anything which is associated with a certain religion.

Battistella further explains that profanity expresses emotional responses to certain conditions, such as surprise and annoyance. However for some people, uttering profanity in uncaring manner may be considered as disrespecting God. It may happen due to the fact that there is a command in The Ten Commandments which states not to use God‘s name in vain. Saying Jesus Christ or Goddamn are



considered sacred, whereas when those are spoken outside the religious ceremony or context is considered as disrespecting God. Other words which are considered as Profanity are Hell, Damn, Goddamn, God, Christ, and other religious words when those are showing inconvenience.

c. Vulgarity

Battistella suggests that vulgarity refers to words or expressions which characterize sex differentiating anatomy or sexual and excretory roles in a rough way (2005, p. 72). In addition, vulgarity and obscenity have the same reference, especially dealing with words and expressions which contain sexual anatomy or excretory. The only distinction between vulgarity and obscenity is primarily a matter of degree and prurience. Further, vulgarity is used to humiliate something and someone in which they refer to. For instance, the word ass is a vulgar term referring to a sexual activity which is considered as sexual partner only. You know he's just in it for his ass is an utterance which in some contexts may be considered as offensive statement for someone. The other vulgarity examples are shit, fuck, cunt, dick, cock, and tit.

d. Obscenity

According to Battistella, obscenity is a kind of expressions which is considered as taboo in every situation (2005, p. 72). It consists of expressions which are restricted in some ways it is used in public. The obscene language itself refers to an expression that is prohibited from the society since it is disgusting, impolite, and detestable to morality. The expression specifically goes to someone or something without any euphemism to the object. In the real life, when people



watch some television programs, there are some words said by characters or artists which get censored because it will be a big impact for those who are listening, especially children. For instances, many utterances dealing with sexual body parts or activities are sometimes removed because those are offensive to the listeners.

―Well, they fucked it up.” The word fuck here is an acclamation for showing extreme anger. The utterance literally means someone who stirs something up.

Besides using the word fuck, the word shit is other example of obscenity.

4. Reasons for Swearing

Swearing generally involves the use of bad languages. People tend to produce swearing which sound unpleasant and impolite for those who are listening. The fact that people do not always focus on linguistics aspects, such as grammar and vocabulary, leads to the use of swearing in speaking. The utterance, however, still functions to deliver information and emotion. As swearing lives on the society, there are several reasons why people use swears words in their conversations and social interactions. Rothwell (1973, pp. 232-238) suggests five reasons for swearing: to get attention, to discredit, to provoke, to get interpersonal identification, and to release one‘s feeling.

a. To Get Attention

Swearing is the kind of bad words that cannot be well accepted by a society.

It may happen due to the fact that swearing is impolite and may embarrass the listeners. However, some people keep using those bad words in order to attract attention from others. It happens because people who use swearing want to show up their power and strong characters. McEdwards, as cited in Rothwell (1973, p.



233), explains that people needs to gain attention by using strong, passionate language—language whose connotations evoke an immediate emotional response in the listeners. In addition, it is clearly seen that people who produce those words can draw people‘s attention to the speakers easily. By swearing, speakers want to give such a strong connotation to the listeners that the society will listen to and respect them. On the contrary, people who tend to use high standard language can be easily dismissed.

b. To Discredit

Rothwell (1973, p. 233) state that people who use swearing are not satisfied with the public image of a certain person, institution, government. Further he adds that swearing is a symbol of rebellion against the power structure (1973, p. 234).

They want to show that they are disappointed with either something or someone.

The speakers assume that the expressions showing their disappointment are not suitable for public opinion so they choose a different way to express it. As a result, they produce swearing but it not specifically directed to the object. The emphasis of saying those words is not simply upon "telling it like it is" but upon telling "it exactly like it is".

c. To Provoke

When someone produces swearing, he or she may have a purpose to provoke a certain response like violating or anger from others. Rothwell (1973, p.

234) believes that swearing is the most effective rhetorical method available to agitators for inciting a violent response. People may do some physical action in order to provoke, but swearing plays an important role to make someone mad



which mostly leads to violence. The listeners may have two choices, whether the swearing well accepted or not. It may be dangerous if the listeners cannot accept the swearing addressed to them as they will probably confront the speakers. The focus may change from the swearing, which provokes violence, to the violent response itself.

d. To Get Interpersonal Identification

Rothwell (1973, 235) mentions that the creation of strong interpersonal identification is another reason why people utter swearing. Swearing may be used to identify or to get a special name calling. Cursing is an example in this case. The sentence ―And so they kill the goose. I, I, I'll...and a fuckin' man‖ is an example of the context. The word man is a common name calling, however when the term fucking modifies the word man, the name calling becomes fucking man. It is later believed to be a new name to call someone. Rothwell (1973, p.237) concludes that the process of self-identity as shown above is developed by such verbal cursing word. Sometimes, it does not exactly state anger, but it just indicates someone‘s identity. For instance, calling someone with an animal name is considered as the way to get personal identification.

e. To Release One’s Feeling

Rothwell (1973, p. 238) suggest the other reason to swearing is to release one‘s feeling. People use bad words to show their anger, sadness, disappointed, and pain by words stated by the previous person. The expression to release one‘s feeling is more to show a response to sentence provoke previously. The use of swearing spontaneously conveys the emotional burst of the speakers in response



to something which happens to the speakers, either physically or mentally. It also be a response after a conversation which makes the listeners get mad, or disappointed. This response, Rothwell (1973, p. 238) adds, functions to release aggression through intense verbal insults. p. 238)

C. Theoretical Framework

This research focuses on the use of swearing in Glengarry Glen Ross play.

It particularly focuses on classifying types of swearing by the five main characters and identifying reasons why those characters produce swearing in their conversation. In order to classify and analyze the use of swearing, the theory of swearing by Bastitella (2005) and Rothwell‘s reasons for swearing have been presented previously. Besides, the theory of sociolinguistics is used to understand the language that is used in society. The theory of taboo words and swearing is also presented to identify the utterances produced by each main character.

In classifying the types of swearing as seen in the utterances produced by the five main characters of Glengarry Glen Ross play, the researcher used the theory of swearing as proposed by Bastitella (2005). Bastitella suggests four types of swearing which are epithet, profanity, vulgarism, and obscenity. In order to classify the types, it is crucial for the researcher to understand the reasons why the five main characters produce swearing in their utterances. As a result, the theory of reasons for swearing proposed by Rothwell (2005) is used. Rothwell, further, explains that there are five possible reasons why a character produces swearing.



The reasons are to get attention, to discredit, to provoke, to get interpersonal identification, and to release one‘s feeling.




A. Object of the Study

This research is an analysis of types and reasons for swearing in David

Mamet‘s play entitled Glengarry Glen Ross. Further, it focused on the five main characters of David Mamet‘s Glengarry Glen Ross. Those characters were

Williamson, Baylen, Roma, Lingk, Levene, Moss, and Aaronow. Hence, all utterances related to swearing produced by those five main characters when they were speaking to other characters, such as customers, colleagues and bosses, were taken as data. Those utterances were words, clauses, phrases, and sentences used in the conversations among the characters. In order to give a clear sight on how the conversations took place, the researcher would provide the dialogues in which swear words were used.

B. Approach of the Study

In order to examine the two research questions, which focused on classifying swear words and analyzing the reasons why the five main characters produced swear words, the researcher employed a sociolinguistic approach.

Sociolinguistics is a study on how a language is used in a society and how people communicate in the society. As the use swearing is growing rapidly in the society nowadays, hence, sociolinguistics approach is suitable for classifying the types of swearing and identifying the reasons for swearing. In order to understand what




sociolinguistics is, the researcher has gathered references taken from sociolinguistics books and also previous journals dealing with sociolinguistics.

C. Method of the Study

This part explains the method applied in this research to collect and to analyze the data.

1. Data Collection

In collecting the data, the researcher firstly watched Glengarry Glen Ross play. Secondly, the researcher read Glengarry Glen Ross manuscript. After watching the play and reading the manuscript, the researcher found a slight difference in term of vocabularies used. As a result, the researcher decided to use the manuscript as the characters‘ utterances in the play were spoken too fast.

However, the researcher also made use of the play in order to understand the situations and the characters‘ facial expressions. While reading the manuscript, the researcher found words, clauses, and phrases which were not familiar, such as the word lead and the phrase close the deal. To understand the meaning, the researcher consulted dictionaries and tried to figure out the situations involved. At last, the researcher collected utterances which indicated swearing. At last, the researcher found 215 swearing in 110 utterances. These numbers further show the population of the research. Due to the number of the data, the researcher only took some utterances which were suitable to be analyzed. This type of sampling was called purposive sampling. Purposive sampling allows the researcher to take samples based the research‘s need. In conducting the research, the researcher took



some samples of each type of swearing which provided vivid descriptions and situations.

The second data collection also applied purposive sampling. After reading the manuscript, the utterances which provided swear words in the conversations were listed. As a result, there were 110 utterances dealing with swear words. The choice of using full utterances was crucial as the second research problem focused on analyzing the reasons why the characters produced those swear words. Further, it was also important for the researcher to understand the context.

2. Data Analysis

This research applied a qualitative research method in analyzing the data.

The result of the analysis was explanations and descriptions rather than numerical data. The analysis gives a depth understanding on the situation: what happens and why it happens.

In order to answer the first research problem, the researcher applied several steps in analyzing the data. After collecting the utterances related to swear words, the researcher differentiated the swear words into several types as Battistella

(2005) proposed. Battistella (2005) suggests four types of swearing. Those are epithet, profanity, vulgarity, and obscenity. The theory was chosen as it provided sufficient explanations about the difference types of swearing. The researcher categorized the utterances in a table, while the data which were taken for the analysis was a sampling. The analysis then used initial letter of every type of swearing: E for Epithets, P for Profanity, V for Vulgarism and O for Obscenity.

The following table shows the types of swearing by the five main characters.



Type Expressions Speaker Page Expression Code E P V O ...I, if you'd listen to me. Please. I closed the cocksucker. His ex, John, LEVENE 9 Cocksucker his ex, I didn't know he was married...he, the judge invalidated the...

The second analysis discusses the possible reasons for swearing. After collecting the utterances related to swear words, the researcher figured out the situations when the characters produced swear words in the conversations. By understanding the utterances‘ meaning and the situations involved, the researcher was able to determine the reasons why the characters produced swear words.

Rothwell (1973) suggests five reasons for swearing: to get attention (TGA), to discredit (TD), to provoke (TP), to get interpersonal identification (TGII) and to release one‘s feeling (TRF). Some utterances which showed clear situations were taken as samples for the analysis. The following table shows the reasons for swearing by the five main characters.



Reason Of Swearing Cod Expressi Speak Pag Expressi TG T T TG TR Analy e ons er e on A D P I F sis ...sales promotio n, "You lose, then we fire your..." No. It's medieval. MOSS 15 Ass

.. it's wrong. "Or we're going to fire your ass." It's wrong.

To address the data, the researcher uses data coding to make the researcher and the reader easier to understand the data. The researcher use alphabet A to indicate the data followed by numbering 1, 2, 3, and so on. The following table shows the example of data coding to indicate the data.

Type Reason

Speak Expressions Page Expres T T T Code er T T sion E P V O G G R D P A I F ...I, if you'd listen to me. Please. I closed the cocksucker. His LEVE Cocksu ex, John, his ex, I 9 A1 NE cker didn't know he was married...he, the judge invalidated the...




This chapter presents the research findings. It discusses the research results and the data analysis concerning the two formulated research questions. The first question classifies the types of swearing produced by the five main characters of

Glengarry Glen Ross play. Those main characters are Williamson, Roma, Link,

Levene, Moss, and Aaronow. The classification of swearing is based on

Battistella‘s theory (2005). Those types are epithet, profanity, vulgarity, and obscenity. Some samples are presented in order to give a depth understanding of each type of swearing as the words are the most influential words in the utterances or dialogues. The second research question analyzes the reasons for swearing by the five main characters. In order to answer the second research question,

Rothwell theory (1973) is used. The reasons for swearing are to get attention, to discredit, to provoke, to get interpersonal identification, and to release one‘s feeling.

Types of swearing Number of Swearing

Epithet 29 Profanity 20 Vulgarity 43 Obscenity 123 Total 215 Table 1 – Types for swearing

Table 1 presents the number of swearing used by the five main characters of Glengarry Glen Ross play. Based on the data, obscenity is the most frequently




used by the five main characters of Glengarry Glen Ross in their conversations. It appears 123 times out of 215 swearing. Some of the examples are fucking, fuckin', fucked, and fuck. Vulgarity becomes the second type of swearing that is used in the Glengarry Glen Ross play. It consists of 43 swear words and some of the examples are shit, ass, asshole, piss, orgasm, cunt, shithead, and dick. Following vulgarity is epithet with 29 times appearing in the dialogues. The words belong to this type is bullshit, deadbeats, Patel, and Polack. The least frequently used is profanity. This type appears 20 times in the conversations among the characters.

The examples are Christ, goddamn, Shiva, Vishnu, and God. The four types of swearing are presented along with the examples and the situations in order to answer the two research questions.

A. Types of Swearing Analysis

1. Epithet

Epithet is a type of insults. This expression typically intends to denigrate a certain class of people, such as race, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality, but they may also refer to look, name calling, animal, name and disabilities.

A23 AARONOW. Well, I think I had one once. MOSS. You did? AARONOW. I...I don't know. MOSS.You get those names come up, you ever get 'em, "Patel?" You had one you'd know it. Patel. They keep coming up. I don't know. They like to talk to (pause) They like to feel superior, I don't know. Never bought a fucking thing. You're sitting down "The Rio Rancho this, the blah blah blah," "The Mountain View--" "Oh yes. My brother told me that..." They got a grapevine. Fuckin' Indians, George. Not my cup of tea. Speaking of which I want to tell you something: (pause) I never got a cup of tea with them. You see them in the restaurants. A supercilious race. What is this look on their face all the time? I don't know. (pause)



I don't know. Their broads all look like they just got fucked with a dead cat, I don't know.(pause) I don't know. I don't like it. Christ... (Mamet, 1982, p.14)

Another example of epithet is stated by Moss in the dialogue above. The conversation between Moss and Aaronow consists of more than one type of swearing. It consists of epithet and obscenity. However, the focus of this section is dealing with epithet only. One example of epithet is the one which denigrates race. In his utterances, Moss tries to denigrate a certain group or race. Both words

Patel and Indians are names referring to a specific group. Oxford dictionary defines Patel as ―the headman of a village in central, western, and southern India‖.

Besides, Indians herein refers to ―a native or inhabitant of India or of the East

Indies‖. As a result, both Patel and Indians refer to specific people or race in


In the context, Moss has already known that Indians love to talk to someone else for a long time. When they get an offer from a salesman, they will ask many questions concerning the product, location, benefit, and other promotions.

Beginner salesmen may think that people who keep asking a lot of questions are about to buy their properties, but the fact is the opposite. In the play, Moss is an old and experienced salesman. He knows that Patel will never buy any products or properties he offers although they actually need to have one. The words Patel and fucking Indians in his utterances show us that Indian people do not behave nicely as Moss further adds, ―A supercilious race‖ to describe how mean they are.

A21 MOSS. You have to cheer up, George, you aren't out yet. AARONOW. I'm not?



MOSS. You missed a fucking sale. Big deal. A deadbeat Polack. Big deal. How you going to sell 'em in the first place...? Your mistake, you shoun'a took the lead. (Mamet, 1982, p.14)

The third example of epithet is shown the dialogue between Moss and

Aaronow above. The phrase a deadbeat Polack is an epithet spoken by Moss. The word deadbeat is not a swear word. It describes a person who is not willing to work and does not behave in a responsible way. However, in this phrase, it modifies Polack which surely describes what kind of person a Polack is.

According to Merriam Webster, a Polack is a person of Polish birth or descent. It generally refers to Pole man or Poland native. As a result, a deadbeat Polack in the conversation above is a Pole who is lazy and irresponsible. The phrase may potentially be provocative and denigrate Polish in general.

In the context, Moss is angry for Aaronow cannot close the deal with people from Poland. It is stated previously in the play that Pole is opposite to Patel. Pole in this play is easy to deal with. Salesmen who offer a Pole a property can be successful as it does not take a lot of time to convince him. Unfortunately, Moss cannot close the deal with a Pole. He blames Aaronow for having a good lead but missing the customer. If it were Moss who offered the property to the Pole, he would successfully close the deal.

2. Profanity

Profanity is a kind of religious cursing. Even though it uses God name in vain, it does not really mean to denigrate God or a certain religion. The examples belong to this type are hell, damn, goddamn, God, Christ, Jesus Christ and any other word which are considered sacred.



A28 AARONOW. That's right? MOSS. Goddamn right, that‘s right. Guys come on: "Oh, the blah blah blah, I know what I'll do: I'll go in and rob everyone blind and go to Argentina cause nobody ever thought of this before (Mamet, 1982, p.15) One example of profanity in the utterances above is Goddamn. The

Forbidden American Dictionary (2000, p. 87) defines Goddamn as ―to declare someone to be disgraceful, wrong, or evil usually after contemplating evidence‖.

It is an expression of anger or pain using a religious terminology. This term was firstly used in 1640. The root of Goddamn is damn which according to Merriam

Webster Dictionary means to condemn to a punishment or fate; especially: to condemn to hell. As time goes, the word God is added to form a new word which shows how angry someone is or how painful it is. It must be understood that people must be careful to use the name of God and related expressions. It is sometimes observed as a violation by many people as it makes a reference to the goddess in an irreligious or improper manner. In fact, such term nowadays dominates everyday conversation. Although people frequently hear it on radio and television programs, this does not mean that such expression is tolerable to everyone.

In the context, Moss asks Aaronow to make a plan to rob the office and to escape to Argentina. He starts to dislike the rules applied by Mitch and Murray.

The utterance ―Goddamn right, that‘s right‖ shows how hard he has been working but never gets a reward. He realizes that what he has done only makes Mitch and

Murray much richer.




ROMA. Three? I count two. WILLIAMSON. Three. ROMMA. Patel? Fuck you. Fuckin' Shiva handed him a million dollars, told him "sign the deal," he wouldn't sign. And Vishnu, too. Into the bargain. Fuck that, John. You know your business, I know mine. Your business is being an asshole, and I find out whose fucking cousin you are, I'm going to go to him and figure out a way to have your ass... fuck you--I'll wait for the new leads. (Mamet, 1982, p.27)

The examples of profanity in the dialogue above are Vishnu and Shiva.

Vishnu and Shiva are the two out of the three gods (Trinity) in Hindu. Vishnu is the preserver god of the Hindu, whereas Shiva is the god of destruction and regeneration in the Hindu. For Hindu, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are important and have been worshipped since thousand years ago.

In the context, Roma states that even if Patel’s Gods, Vishnu and Shiva, gave Patel a million dollar, he would never buy the properties the salesman has offered. The statements do not only give a strong emotion but also has a literal meaning to denigrate Hindu‘s God. However, contextually the statements show how difficult the condition is to close a deal with Patel. Further, Roma shows his anger and frustration for not being able to clinch the deal.

A94 LEVENE. It's not right. I'm sorry, and I'll tell you who's to blame I Mitch and Murray. ROMA. Oh, Christ. (Mamet, 1982, p. 32)

Christ is an exclamation to mention Jesus Christ in Christian church. The word was firstly used before the 12th century to worship and to praise God. When someone utters the term ―Christ‖ in non-religious context, they want to show their



disappointment and anger towards someone or condition. Therefore, the utterance is considered as a profanity.

In the context, Levene tells Roma that his daughter is still in school, meaning that she is still a student who cannot make her own money. One day, she is getting sick. In that condition, Levene needs more money to bring his daughter to see a doctor. In fact, Levene cannot get good leads and close the deal with his customers. As a result, he cannot bring much money home and provide her a medical treatment. Roma pities her children having no medical care for his daughter and blaming Mitch and Murray as they create the situation more difficult to deal with. As a result, Roma mentions ―Christ‖ to show his anger and frustration.

3. Vulgarity

Vulgarity refers to words or expressions which characterize sex differentiating anatomy or sexual and excretory roles in a rough way. The examples belong to vulgarity are shit, fuck, cunt, ass, and dick.

A3 WILLIAMSON . All that I'm saying... LEVENE. What is this "you say"? A deal kicks out...I got to eat. Shit, Williamson, shit. You...Moss... Roma...look at the sheets...look at the sheets. Nineteen eighty, eighty-one...eighty-two...six months of eighty- two...who's there? Who's up there? (Mamet, 1982, p. 9) The dialogue between Williamson and Levene above shows an example of vulgarity. The term shit, which is used twice in the dialogue, is an example of vulgarity. Shit is one of some kinds of four-letter word. The four-letter word is one of a set of English words-so-called "dirty words" - that is spelled with four



letters. Literally, Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the term shit as the human excrement. It is further explained that the meaning of shit has become a bad word to state that someone or something is very bad since 14th century.

In the dialogues, Levene utters the word shit to show that he is getting mad because Williamson underestimates him without seeing the fact that Levene‘s name is on the top of the selling chart. Levene says, ―Nineteen eighty, eighty- one...eighty-two...six months of eighty-two...who's there? Who's up there?‖ The statement Levene mentioned shows his consistency in selling property in the three and a half years. Levene is absolutely better at selling property than his other colleagues. In fact, his colleagues neglect the fact that Levene is always on the top chart. Being angry to know the fact, Levene utters shit which belongs to vulgarity.

It shows his disappointment towards his colleagues for neglecting his existence and consistency.

A69 ROMA. What, they beat you with a rubber bat? MOSS. Cop couldn‘t find his dick two hands and a map. Anyone talks to this guy's an asshole... (Mamet, 1982, p. 28)

Other examples of vulgarity are found in the dialogue between Roma and

Moss. There are two expressions of vulgarity here. Those are the term dick and asshole. Dick refer to penis, men‘s genital organ. Merriam Webster Dictionary explains that the word dick was firstly used in 1553. The term dick becomes a vulgar expression because it is inappropriate to utter statements consisting of the human genital organ. The other word in the dialogue which belongs to vulgarity is



the term asshole. The term asshole refers anus, a part of body in which the feces leave. However, it is also a slang to mention someone stupid.

In the dialogue, Moss says, ―Anyone talks to this guy's an asshole..‖. The utterance means that it is not a good idea to talk to the cop because the cop does nothing to solve the criminal case happened in the office. As he is getting angry, he says the term asshole to say that the cop is an idiot for not being able to solve the case.

A100 Roma : (to Williamson) You stupid fucking cunt. You, Williamson...I'm talking to you, shithead...You just cost me six thousand dollars. (pause) Six thousand dollars. And one Cadillac. That's right. What are you going to do about it? What are you goin to do about it, asshole. You fucking shit. Where did you learn your trade. You stupid fucking cunt. You idiot. Whoever told you you could work with men? (Mamet, 1982, p. 40)

There are five words which belong to vulgarity. Those words are shithead, asshole, shit, and cunt. The explanation concerning the terms shit and asshole have been discussed previously. However, the other terms, such as shithead and cunt, haven‘t been explained in details. The term cunt and shithead are considered as vulgarity. The term cunt refers to vagina, the female genital. Merriam Webster

Dictionary explains that the term cunt was firstly used in the 14th century. It is derived from a Middle English word, ―cunte‖. ―Cunte‖ is widely known and considered as a vulgar one. It is the most offensive word addressed towards women and aims to make women less superior.

In the dialogue above, Roma is talking to Williamson. Both of them are male, but Roma prefers using the term cunt to curse Williamson. The utterance



puts Williamson in a situation where he is less superior to Roma, the speaker. The other example of vulgarity found in the dialogue is the term shithead. The meaning of shithead is a stupid and obnoxious person. In addition, it usually addressed to a male. In the dialogue, Roma is talking to Williamson. In a scene,

Williamson may not pay attention to what Roma has said. As a result, Roma uses the expression to show his anger and call Williamson shithead, which means stupid male.

A17 WILLIAMSON. I can't do it, Shelly... LEVENE. Well, I want to tell you something, fella, wasn't long I could pick up the phone, call Murray and I'd have your job. You know that? Not too long ago. For what? For nothing. "Mur, this new kid burns my ass." "Shelly, he's out." You're gone before I'm back from lunch. I bought him a trip to Bermuda once... (Mamet, 1982, p. 13)

The example of vulgarity is the term ass. The term ass in American English usually refers to the buttocks, a part of human body anatomy. It is considered as noun. In the context, Levene is having a conversation with Williamson. In this part, he is trying to make a deal with Williamson about leads. He is trying to get a good deal for leads by paying and giving Williamson commission for each case which is closed by him. Unfortunately, Williamson cannot give him the leads because Williamson is a good worker. Williamson obeys all rules applied by

Mitch and Murray. The rules mention that the good lead is only for the best salesman. The clause ―burn my ass‖ is actually an idiom which means extremely discomfort about something. In the utterance, Levene shows that he is not convenience with the distribution of the leads. Thus, he tries to get better leads.




BAYLEN . Could I... ROMA. I'm going to have your job, shithead. I'm going downtown and talk to Mitch and Murrray, and I'm going to Lemkin. I don't care whose nephew you are, who you know, whose dick you're sucking on. You're going out, I swear to you, you're going... (Mamet, 1982, p. 40)

The other examples of vulgarity in the dialogue are shithead and dick. In the conversation, Baylen, a detective who investigates the criminal case, interrogates all salesmen in the office. Baylen starts asking questions by saying ―Could I?‖

When it comes to Roma‘s turn, he directly answers the question with a very long explanation. He tries to avoid the detective‘s questions. He mentions that he is going downtown and talking to Mitch and Murray. He is not the thief and does not care who the detective is. To show that he does not respect who the detective is and for whom he works, as a result, he uses the term shithead and dick. He later thinks that whatever the detective has done is useless.

A4 LEVENE. Under him? WILLIAMSON. Moss. LEVENE. Bullshit. John. Bullshit. April, September 1981. It's me. It isn't fucking Moss. Due respect, he's an order taker, John. He talks, he talks a good game, look at the board, and it's me, John, it's me... (Mamet, 1982, p.10)

Epithet in this dialogue is bullshit. According to Online Slang Dictionary, the term Bullshit means ―bull feces‖. Although the literal meaning refers to animal‘s poop, but in this context the term bullshit means ―to say something stupid, deception or nonsense word‖. It states or confronts that something is not true and it needs to be unaccepted by the readers or listeners. Based on the context, Levene tries to confront Williamson for having different opinion. Levene



says, ―Bullshit. John. Bullshit. April, September 1981. It's me. It isn't fucking

Moss.‖ In these utterances, John refers to Williamson‘s name. Levene emphasizes that in April and September 1981, he was the best salesman in the company. On the contrary, Williamson said that the best salesman at that time was Moss. It clearly states that Levene tries to emphasize that Williamson‘s previous statement is a lie as he says the term bullshit twice. Further, Levene adds, “He talks, he talks a good game, look at the board, and it's me, John, it's me...” The statement is the that what Levene has said is true as his name is written on the top of the selling chart.

4. Obscenity

Obscenity is a kind of expression which is considered as taboo. The obscene language refers to an expression that is prohibited from the society since it is disgusting, impolite and detestable to morality. The expression of obscenity specifically goes to someone or something without any euphemism to the object.

A7 LEVENE. Marshal the leads...marshal the leads? What the fuck, what bus did you get off of, we're here to fucking sell. Fuck marshaling the leads. What the fuck talk is that? What the fuck talk is that? Where did you learn that? In school?(pause) That's "talk," my friend, that's "talk." Our job is to sell. I'm the man to sell. I'm getting garbage.(pause) You're giving it to me, and what I'm saying is it's fucked. WILLIAMSON. You're saying that I'm fucked. (Mamet, 1982, p. 10)

The examples of obscenity used used in the dialogue above are fuck, fucked and fucking. All terms mentioned above are derived from the term fuck. It may stand as a transitive and intransitive verb. In addition, it can also be a noun and an



adjective. In the dialogue, Levene says, ―What the fuck talk is that?‖ which means that he thinks that the discussion is not important and Williamson, as the listener, has done something stupid. In this case, Williamson only arranges the leads without taking part in other selling procedure. The use of the term fuck in this situation is not related to sexual harassment as mentioned in vulgarity.

A85 MOSS...Shut up. Decide who should be dealt with how? Is that the thing? I come into the fuckin' office today, I get humiliated by some jagoff cop. I get accused of...I get this shit thrown in my face by you, you genuine shit, because Sittin' on top of the world, sittin' on top of the world, everything's fucking peachfuzz... ROMA. Oh, and I don't get a moment to spare for a bust-out humanitarian down on his luck lately. Fuck you, Dave, you know you got a big mouth, and you make a close the whole place stinks with your farts for a week. "How much you just ingested," what a big man you are, "Hey, let me buy you a pack of gum. (Mamet, 1982, p. 30)

The utterance used in the sentence is the term fuck. In this context, Roma is really angry at Moss due to the fact that Moss always says something unpleasant.

Moss is boasting that he is in the top chart at that moment. He thinks that Roma will never be in the chart. Moss further adds that Roma‘s reward is only a humanitarian reward. Roma is getting mad because of what Moss has said. Thus,

Moss swears at Roma by saying ―Fuck you‖ and adds that he does not have any free time to talk about the luck nowadays.

A11 WILLIAMSON. The...Shelly?(pause) The hot leads are assigned according to the board. During the contest. Period. Anyone who beats fifty per... LEVENE. That's fucked. That's fucked. You don't look at the fucking percentage. You look at the gross. (Mamet, 1982, p. 11)



The dialogue above is another example of obscenity. The utterances are spoken by Levene when he is talking to Williamson. Levene mentions, ―You don't look at the fucking percentage‖. In this context, Levene is disappointed with leads which Williamson has prepared. He further describes that the lead is almost similar to a toilet paper. The utterance means that the lead is a really bad one for selling property. As a result, Levene uses the utterances, ―That's fucked.‖ to show how idiot Williamson is for not being able to provide a good lead to sell.

B. Reasons for Swearing in David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross

In this section, the analysis of reasons concerning the use of swearing is presented. The analysis focuses on the use of swearing by the five main characters, Williamson, Roma, Levene, Moss, and Aaronow. Rothwell‘s swearing theory is used to analyze the utterances. Table 2 below summarizes the reasons used by the characters of David Mamet‘s Glengarry Glen Ross.

Number of the Reasons for Swearing utterances To Get Attention 48 To Discredit 5 To Provoke 31 To Create Interpersonal Identification 13 To Release One‘s Feeling 13 Total 110 Table 2 – Reasons for swearing

From the table above, it is clearly seen that the reason why the characters frequently use swearing is to get attention. It consists of 48 data. Another reason, which is to provoke, follows the first reason with 31 data. To release one‘s feeling



with 13 data. There are 13 utterances which are spoken to create interpersonal identification, while to discredit is the least frequently used with only 5 data.

1. To Get Attention

Swearing is a kind of bad words that cannot be well accepted by a certain society. It may happen due to the fact that swearing is impolite and may embarrass the listeners. However, some people keep using those bad words in order to get attention from others.

A28 AARONOW. That's right? MOSS. Eh...? AARONOW. That's right? MOSS. Goddamn right, that's right. Guys come on: "Oh, the blah blah blah, I know what I'll do: I'll go in and rob everyone blind and go to Argentina cause nobody ever thought of this before." (Mamet, 1982, p.14)

The data above shows that Moss is having a conversation with his colleague, Aaronow. In the dialogue, Moss swears, ―Goddamn right, that's right.‖

He actually dislikes the rules which have been applied by Mitch and Murray.

Consequently, he is planning to rob the office and then escape to Argentina. The swear words spoken by Moss contextually means that he has been working so hard, but in fact that he never gets a reward nor a compliment. On the contrary, he always gets difficult and bad leads to close the deals. Those facts lead Moss to realize that he has done everything which makes Mitch and Murray richer but not himself.

The dialogue presented above includes an utterance which functions to get attention. In the context, Moss is having a conversation with Aaronow about the



criminal case they are planning in their office. Moss is extensively explaining the plans to Aaronow, who is sitting quietly. However, Aaronow only keeps asking

―That‘s right?‖ twice without giving further comments. Realizing that Arrronow does not really pay attention to what Moss has said, Moss says, ―Goddamn‖ in a high tone to attract his attention to listen to Moss‘ explanations.

A90 ROMA . That was a great sale, Shelly. LEVENE. Ah, fuck. Leads! Leads! Williamson! (Williamson sticks his head out of the office) Send me out! Send me out! (Mamet, 1982, p.14)

The dialogue between Roma and Levene is another example of swearing. In the context, Roma has a conversation with Levene when Levene is asking for a lead from Williamson. However, Williamson is busily arranging his table without paying attention to Levene. Roma, who is the same room, immediately falls into the conversation. He says that the lead given to Levene is the great one, but in fact, it is not. Levene prefers to have other leads, the good ones which Williamson has. However, Roma keeps saying that that the lead Levene has got is a good one.

Being neglected by Williamson, his boss, Levene is trying to attract his attention by saying ―Fuck‖. This utterance shows Levene‘s eagerness to get good leads.

Besides, Levene also wants to be respected by Williamson. Levene wants to show that he is not someone who Williamson can play with.

A23 MOSS. You did? AARONOW. I....I don't know. MOSS. You get those names come up, you ever get 'em, "Patel?" You had one you'd know it. Patel. They keep coming up. I don't know. They like to talk to salesmen. (pause)



They like to feel superior, I don't know. Never bought a fucking thing. You're sitting down "The Rio Rancho this, the blah blah blah," "The Mountain View--" "Oh yes. My brother told me that..." They got a grapevine. Fuckin' Indians, George. Not my cup of tea. Speaking of which I want to tell you something: (pause) I never got a cup of tea with them. You see them in the restaurants. A supercilious race. What is this look on their face all the time? I don't know. (pause) I don't know. Their broads all look like they just got fucked with a dead cat, I don't know. (pause) I don't know. I don't like it. Christ... (Mamet, 1982, p.14)

In the context, Moss is having a conversation with Aaronow. They are talking about a customer. Moss, in this dialogue, is trying to express his opinion on Aaronow‘s customer, which is a Patel. However, Aaronow does not seem interested in having a conversation about his customer. He says, ―I....I don't know‖. In this utterance, Aaronow doubtfully answers Moss‘ question by saying

―I‖ twice and adds that he does not know. By giving such an answer, Aaronow hopes that it will end the conversation up. In fact, Moss is not really satisfied with his answer and swears to get Aaronow‘s attention back so that Aaronow will be able to describe his customer. As a result, Moss uses a lot of swear words, such as

Patel, Indian, Fuckin’, fucking, and fucked. All swear words used by Moss are crucial to get Aaronow‘s attention back so that he will be able to listen to Moss‘ explanations about the Patel.

2. To Discredit

Rothwell (1973, p. 233) states that people who use swearing are not satisfied with the public image of a certain person, institution, and government.



They want to show that they are disappointed with either something or someone.

However, if they directly swear to the person, institution, and government they are addressed to, public may not accept it. As a result, they use a different way of swearing which is explicitly directed to the object. The emphasis of swearing is not simply upon "telling it like it is" but upon telling "it exactly like it is". The swearing may be vague and the listeners have to conclude whether the swearing addressed to them or not.

A12 LEVENE. I will close. John, John, ten percent. I can get hot. You know that... WILLIAMSON. Not lately you can't... ―Fuck that. That's defeatist. Fuck that. Fuck it...Get on my side. Go with me. Let's do something. You want to run this office, run it.‖ (Mamet, 1982, p.12)

This utterance is an expression of disappointment from Levene to

Williamson. Levene tried his best to close the deal with the customers and he will give ten percent of his profit to Williamson if Williamson gave him the good leads. Levene used word fuck that and fuck it to give a confrontation about the utterance produced by Williamson before. Williamson says that Levene cannot sell good leads and give the bad one, but on the other side, Levene is optimism that he can sell the leads. . The reason Levene stated swear words is to give an disappointment to Williamson which no words can describe better than swearing.

A38 MOSS. Someone should rob the office. AARONOW. Huh. MOSS. That's what I'm saying. We were, if we were that kind of guys, to knock it off, and trash the joint, it looks like robbery, and take the fuckin' leads out of the files...go to Jerry Graff. (Mamet, 1982, p.17)



Moss tried to make sure Aaronow about his thought. Moss‘ think someone has to pay for the leads but Aaronow doesn‘t understand the meaning. Arrownow thinks about someone who should rob the office and take the leads. In the sentence, Moss tries to to discredit their company which gave only bad leads and kept the good leads. In order to state his bad feeling to the company, Moss delivered his thought to Aaronow. The swear words itself used to described the good leads which kept by Williamson in his room.

A10 WILLIAMSON : Murray said... LEVENE : ...ah, fuck this... (Mamet, 1982, p.11) This utterance is a part of Levene and Williamson dialogue. Levene is trying to show that he is not satisfied to what Williamson talk to him. Levene asked for good leads to Williamson, but Williamson said that the good leads only for the winner of the competition. It is a special offer for sales who can earn highest profit to the company. It makes Levene state swear words to Williamson. To state this, Levene cut Williamson‘s speech and said fuck this.

3. To Provoke

When someone produces swear words, he or she may have a purpose to provoke a bad response, such as violating or anger from others. Certain swear words may likely hurt someone which leads to violence acts. The speakers basically need a certain respect from the listeners. The listeners may have two choices: accepting the statement or not. When the listeners do not accept it, it can be dangerous because the listeners will confront the speakers. As a result, it may provoke violence.



A1 didn't close... LEVENE. I, if you'd listen to me. Please. I closed the cocksucker. His ex, John, his ex, I didn't know he was married...he, the judge invalidated the... (Mamet, 1982, p.9)

In the dialogue above, Levene is having a conversation with Williamson.

Williamson judges Levene because Levene cannot close the deal with a customer.

In fact, Levene has closed the deal. However, a problem arises. Levene‘s customer was married. In the case of buying and selling properties, someone who has already been married, both husband and wife must have the same desire to buy a property. If one of them does not agree, the process of buying and selling property will fail. Levene just does not know that his customer was married.

In this case, Levene‘s word became a word to provoke because it is the answer for Williamson and also a word to confront and make a violent to


A69 ROMA. What, they beat you with a rubber bat? MOSS. Cop couldn't find his dick, two hands and a map. Anyone talks to this guy's an asshole... (Mamet, 1982, p.28)

This is a sentence said by Moss to Roma. This sentence is trying to blame

Roma about the cop working. Roma is thinking that the cop make a problem with

Moss. The cop in Moss‘ perspective, he couldn‘t work well and they will not beat anyone with a rubber bat. The rubbers bat only a property to a cop.

A7 WILLIAMSON. I have. And my job is to marshal those leads... LEVENE. Marshal the leads...marshal the leads? What the fuck, what bus did you get off of, we're here to fucking sell. Fuck marshaling the leads. What the fuck talk is that? What the



fuck talk is that? Where did you learn that? In school? (pause) That's "talk," my friend, that's "talk." Our job is to sell. I'm the man to sell. I'm getting garbage. (pause) You're giving it to me, and what I'm saying is it's fucked. (Mamet, 1982, p.10)

This is a part of a dialogue between Levene and Williamson. Levene is talking that he needs the leads because he always put his name on the rank board.

While Williamson is giving Levene explanation that he cannot give any leads without Mitch and Murray‘s agreement, Levene directly provoke Williamson, until Williamson talk that he must talk directly to Mitch and Murray. Williamson said that he has the good leads and his job is to arrange the leads and give it like

Mitch and Murray directions. Levene confront and provoke that statement.

Levene said that Williamson just rearrange the leads and he is the real person who sale those leads.

A35 MOSS. He made up those rules, and we're working for him. AARONOW. That's the truth... MOSS. To say "I'm going on my own." 'Cause what you do, George, let me tell you what you do: you find yourself in thrall to someone else. And we enslave ourselves. To please. To win some fucking and the guy who got there first made up those... That's the God's truth. And it gets me depressed. I swear that it does. At MY AGE. To see a goddamn: "Somebody wins the Cadillac this month. P.S. Two guys get fucked." (Mamet, 1982, p.16)

Moss talked with Aaronow in this dialogue. Moss felt so disappointed for

Mitch and Murray‘s new rules that make a unusual competition. The competition is sales contest to the salesmen in the company and the rules is two best salesmen will get a Cadillac and two salesmen who are worst will be fired. Moss disappointed because he is senior in the company. He already gave big profit to



the company when he was young and got many costumers. Now he is not young enough to move like the other young other salesman.

4. To Get Interpersonal Identification

When someone utters a swear word, it may be used to identify someone.

Sometimes, when people swear, it is not necessarily to show their anger, but it is just a name calling to mention someone. Mostly, people use an animal name or other names to indicate bad thing to the hearers.

A19 MOSS : Polacks and deadbeats. AARONOW : ...Polacks... MOSS : Deadbeats all. (Mamet, 1982, p.14)

Literally, the term deadbeat means a person who is not willing to work and does not behave in a responsible way. As time goes by, it has become a trend to call someone who is lazy and irresponsible with the term deadbeat. In this play, the term deadbeat modifies the term Polack (herein refers to Poland people). As a result, a deadbeat Polack describes a Poland person who is lazy and irresponsible.

The characters use both an adjective deadbeat and a noun Polack to build a negative perspective of Poland people. In the context, it refers to a Poland person who never pays his debt. As a result, whenever a listener hears the term Polack, he/she will refer to someone who is lazy which actually does not apply to all

Poland people.

A61 Williamson comes out of the office with leads. Roma takes one, reads it. ROMA. Patel? Ravidam Patel? How am I going to make a living on thse deadbeat wogs? Where did you get this, from the morgue?



WILLIAMSON. If you don't want it, give it back. (Mamet, 1982, p.26)

In the context, Roma is having a conversation with Williamson. Roma says,

―Patel? Ravidam Patel? How am I going to make a living on thse deadbeat wogs?‖ The term Patel herein refers to people in India. In this utterance, Roma uses the term Patel as the name calling for Mr. Ravidam. It is easier for Roma to identify and remember which customers are being discussed about. When his colleague mentions Patel, Roma immediately identifies him as his Indian customer.

5. To Release One’s Feeling

Rothwell (1973, p. 238) suggest the other reason to swearing is to release one‘s feeling. People use bad words to show their anger, sadness, disappointed, and pain by words stated by the previous person. The expression to release one‘s feeling is more to show a response to sentence provoke previously. The use of swearing spontaneously conveys the emotional burst of the speakers in response to something which happens to the speakers, either physically or mentally. It may also be a response after a conversation which makes the listeners get mad, or disappointed. This response, Rothwell (1973, p. 238) adds, functions to release aggression through intense verbal insults. p. 238)

A2 WILLIAMSON : ...I only... LEVENE : ...then what is this "you say" shit, what is that? (pause) What is that...? (Mamet, 1982, p.9)

Shit here does not have meaning or goal to insult someone. The word used is just to release the emotion of Levene because he mixes up with a little discussion



with Williamson. The discussion is about the leads, Williamson judge that Levene has four leads and all of them are failed. One of the lead fails and the other one is canceled. It means that Williamson considers that Levene failed to sell his property.

A76 MOSS : Hey, I don't want to hear your fucking war stories... ROMA : Fuck you, Dave... (Mamet, 1982, p.29)

The data above is the conversation between Moss and Roma. In the dialogue, Moss says that he does not want to hear any war stories which Roma wants to tell. Besides, Moss uses the term fucking to modifies the noun ―war stories‖ as seen in ―Hey, I don‘t want to hear your fucking war stories..‖. Moss mentions the term your fucking war stories to stop Roma from telling him a war story. Being insulted by the term fucking, Roma is getting angry and then replies with such a swear word ―Fuck‖ to show his emotion. Roma confronts Moss with a verbal catharsis.

A103 ROMA. Anyone in this office lives on their wits... (to Baylen) I'm going to be with you in a second. (to Williamson) What you're hired for is to help us-does that seem clear to you? To help us. Not to fuck us help men who are going out there to try to earn a living. You fairy. You company man...I'll tell you something else. I hope you knocked the joint off, I can tell our friend here something might help him catch you. (starts into the room) You want to learn the first rule you'd know if you ever spent a day in your never open your mouth till you know what the shot is. (pause) You fucking child... Roma goes to the inner room. LEVENE. You are a shithead, Williamson... (Mamet, 1982, p.40)



Based on the context, Levene is having a conversation with Roma.

Previously, Roma explains something using a lot of swear words. Firstly, Roma employs swear words to mock Williamson. Roma states that Williamson is a fucking child. This utterance means that Williamson is an inexperience salesman.

He knows nothing about the rules.

Levene felt that he is longer work in the company rather than Williamson and the rules Williamson know is for beginner. Levene also provide catharsis to

Williamson and said that he is shithead in response to Roma‘s statement.

Levene, as a listener, cannot accept the swear words and forget them.

The utterance to release one‘s feeling is stated by Levene and Roma. In the sentence Levene said that Williamson is a shithead to release one‘s feeling to the previous Roma‘s dialogue, Roma employ swear words to mocked Williamson. In the text, Roma stated that Williamson is fucking child means that Roma underestimated Williamson about his experience. Levene felt that he is longer work in the company rather than Williamson and the rules Williamson know is for beginner. Levene also provide catharsis to Williamson and said that he is shithead in response to Roma‘s statement.




Swear word is a word that counts as bad language in every situation. It identic with bad words and has negative meaning. Although swear words identic with negative way of communicating, many people use swear word to state some certain feeling that cannot be express freely in ordinary language.

This research found four types of swear words used in Glengarry Glenn

Ross play. They are Epithet, Profanity, Vulgarism, and Obscenity. Obscenity is the type that used the most in the novel, followed by vulgarism, epithet, and the last is profanity. Obscenity becomes a kind of expression measured as taboo in every situation. In humor or serious dialogue with other people, swear words always considered as taboo and not supposed to be express. The characters use the word that should not use when communicates with other, while in fact, the characters use this expression. It was the reason obscenity become the most type of swears words that used in the characters.

The second problem formulation is reasons for swearing. To get attention in the novel is the most utterance that uses in the play, followed by to provoke, to release one‘s feeling is the third and the next point is to create interpersonal identification and the smallest percentage is to discredit. Most of the characters used swear words to get attention. The characters in the novel need to get any attention from the other character in order to state that the speaker is stronger and has power. In the play, the types of swear words do not exactly state the reason




why the five characters produce swear words. The character‘s reasons to produce swear words are based on the context of the dialogue.

In spoken English, swear words are frequently used not only by the native speakers but also by the common English learner. English learner need to know what words to produce when talking with someone else. Swear words are not always bad, but sometimes it comes with different perspective between the speaker and the listener. In fact, employing types of swear words and reasons for produce swear words can help English learner to learn and produce more polite language in society. As a result, English learners are capable of applying types and reasons for swearing, so that they can maintain a decent relationship with people surrounding.

This research besides to give different sight about swear words also give some suggestion to other researcher who analyze swear words as language phenomena. First, the researcher focused on the type and reason of swear words in

Glengarry Glen Ross. Second, the researcher focused on the sociolinguistics approach in conduct the research. For the other researcher who wants to conduct research about swear words, it is possible to use other approach to analyze the swear words.



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Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F ...I, if you'd listen to me. Please. I closed the cocksucker. His ex, John, his ex, I didn't know he LEVENE 9 Cocksucker • • A1

was married...he, the judge invalidated the...... then what is this "you say" shit, what is that? LEVENE 9 Shit • • A2 (pause) What is that...? What is this "you say"? A deal kicks out...I got to Shit • eat. Shit, Williamson, shit. You...Moss... • Roma...look at the sheets...look at the sheets. LEVENE 9 A3 Nineteen eighty, eighty-one...eighty-two...six months Shit • of eighty-two...who's there? Who's up there? Bullshit • Bullshit. John. Bullshit. April, September 1981. It's me. It isn't fucking Moss. Due respect, he's an • LEVENE 10 Bullshit • A4 order taker, John. He talks, he talks a good game, look at the board, and it's me, John, it's me... Fucking •

Lately kiss my ass lately. That isn't how you build LEVENE 10 Ass • • A5 an, talk to Murray. Talk to Mitch. When




Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F we were on Peterson, who paid for his fucking car? Fucking • You talk to him. The Seville...? He came in, "You bought that for me Shelly.‖ Out of what? Cold Bullshit • calling. Nothing. Sixty-five, when we were there, with Glen Ross Farms? You call 'em downtown. What was that? Luck? That was "luck"? Bullshit, Ass •

John. You're burning my ass, I can't get a fucking think that was luck. My stats for those Fucking • years? Bullshit...over that period of time...? Bullshit. It wasn't luck. It was skill. You want to throw that Bullshit • away, John...? You want to throw that away? Bullshit •

Bullshit the thirtieth, I don't get on the board the bullshit, • thirtieth, they're going to can my ass. I need the LEVENE 10 • A6 leads. I need them now. Or I'm gone, and you're Ass • going to miss me, John, I swear to you. Marshal the leads...marshal the leads? What the fuck • fuck, what bus did you get off of, we're here to LEVENE 10 • A7 fucking sell. Fuck marshaling the leads. What the Fucking • fuck talk is that? What the fuck talk is that? Where



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F did you learn that? In school? (pause) That's "talk," fuck • my friend, that's "talk." Our job is to sell. I'm the man to sell. I'm getting garbage. (pause) You're fuck • giving it to me, and what I'm saying is it's fucked. fuck •

Fucked •

WILLIA You're saying that I'm fucked. 10 Fucked • • A8 MSON fuck • Fuck him. Fuck Murray. John? You know? You tell him I said so. What does he fucking know? He's LEVENE 11 fuck • • A9 going to have a "sales" know what our sales contest used to be? Fucking •

...ah, fuck this... LEVENE 11 fuck • • A10

That's fucked. That's fucked. You don't look at the LEVENE 11 Fucked • • A11 fucking percentage. You look at the gross.



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F Fucked •

Fucking •

fuck •

Fuck that. That's defeatist. Fuck that. Fuck it...Get on my side. Go with me. Let's do something. You LEVENE 12 fuck • • A12

want to run this office, run it. fuck •

John. (pause) Listen. I want to talk to you. Permit me to do this a second. I'm older than you. A man acquires a reputation. On the street. What he does when he's up, what he does otherwise...I said "ten," you said "no." You said "twenty." I said "fine," I'm not going to fuck with you, how can I beat that, you LEVENE 12 fuck • • A13

tell me?...Okay. Okay. We'll...Okay. Fine. We'll...Alright, twenty percent, and fifty bucks a lead. That's fine. For now. That's fine. A month or two we'll talk. A month from now. Next month. After the thirtieth. (pause)



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F Bullshit. They ain‘t been in the office yet. Geve ‗em some stiff. We have a deal or not? eh? two sits. The Des Plaines. Both of ‗em, six, and ten, you can do it. LEVENE 12 Bullshit • • A14 . . six and ten. . . eight and elevent, I don‘t give a shit, you set ‗em up? Alraight? Two sits in Des Plaines. Ah, shit, John. LEVENE 13 Shit • • A15

You fucking asshole. (pause) I haven't got it. (pause) Fucking • I haven't got it, John. (pause) I'll pay you tomorrow. (pause) I'm coming in here with the sales, I'll pay LEVENE 13 • A16 you tomorrow. (pause) I haven't got it, when I pay, Asshole • the gas...I get back the hotel, I'll bring it in tomorrow. Well, I want to tell you something, fella, wasn't long I could pick up the phone, call Murray and I'd have your job. You know that? Not too long ago. For LEVENE 13 Ass • • A17 what? For nothing. "Mur, this new kid burns my ass." "Shelly, he's out." You're gone before I'm back from lunch. I bought him a trip to Bermuda once... Deadbeats all. MOSS 14 Deadbeats • • A18



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F Polacks •

Polacks and deadbeats. MOSS 14 • A19 Deadbeats •

AARONO ...Polacks.. 14 Polacks • • A20 W Fucking • You missed a fucking sale. Big deal. A deadbeat Polack. Big deal. How you going to sell 'em in the MOSS 14 Deadbeats • • A21 first place...? Your mistake, you shoun'a took the lead. Polacks •

To get on the board. Yeah. How you goan'a get on the board sell'n a Polack? And I'll tell you, I'll tell MOSS 14 Polacks • • A22 you what else. You listening? I'll tell you what else: don't ever try to sell an Indian. You get those names come up, you ever get 'em, Patel • "Patel?" You had one you'd know it. Patel. They MOSS 14 • A23 keep coming up. I don't know. They like to talk to Patel • salesmen. (pause) They like to feel superior, I don't



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F know. Never bought a fucking thing. You're sitting fucking • down "The Rio Rancho this, the blah blah blah," "The Mountain View--" "Oh yes. My brother told Fuckin' • me that..." They got a grapevine. Fuckin' Indians, George. Not my cup of tea. Speaking of which I want to tell you something: (pause) I never got a cup Indian •

of tea with them. You see them in the restaurants. A supercilious race. What is this look on their face all fucked • the time? I don't know. (pause) I don't know. Their broads all look like they just got fucked with a dead Christ • cat, I don't know. (pause) I don't know. I don't like it. Christ... The whole fuckin' thing...The pressure's just too fuckin' • great. You're're absolu...they're too important. All of them. You go in the door. I..."I got to close this fucker, or I don't eat lunch," "or I fucker • MOSS 14 • A24 don't win the Cadillac..." We fuckin' work too hard. You work too hard. We all, I remember when we fuckin' • were at Platt...huh? Glen Ross Farms... didn't we sell a bunch of that..." Well, they fucked it up MOSS 15 fucked • • A25



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F fucking •

We're stuck with this fucking shit... MOSS 15 • A26 shit •

AARONO …This shit… 15 shit • • A27 W Goddamn right, that‘s right Guys come on: "Oh, the blah blah blah, I know what I'll do: I'll go in and rob MOSS 15 goddamn • • A28 everyone blind and go to Argentina cause nobody ever thought of this before And so they kill the goose. I, I, I'll...and a fuckin' MOSS 15 fuckin' • • A29 man, worked all his life has got to... For some fuckin' "Sell ten thousand and you win the MOSS 15 fuckin' • • A30 steak knives..." ...sales promotion, "You lose, then we fire your..." No. It's medieval... it's wrong. "Or we're going to MOSS 15 ass • • A31

fire your ass." It's wrong. So Graff buys a fucking list of nurses, one grand--if he paid two I'll eat my hat--four, five thousand MOSS 16 fucking • • A32

nurses, and he's going wild... That's what I'm saying. Why? The leads. He's got MOSS 16 shit • • A33 the good leads... what are we, we're sitting in the shit



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F here. Why? We have to go to them to get them. Huh. Ninety percent our sale, we're paying to the office for the leads. To say "I'm going on my own." 'Cause what you do, fucking • George, let me tell you what you do: you find yourself in thrall to someone else. And we enslave goddamn • ourselves. To please. To win some fucking and the guy who got there first MOSS 16 • A34 made up those... That's the God's truth. And it gets me depressed. I swear that it does. At MY AGE. fucked • To see a goddamn: "Somebody wins the Cadillac this month. P.S. Two guys get fucked." That's the God's truth. And it gets me depressed. I goddamn • swear that it does. At MY AGE. To see a goddamn: MOSS 17 • A35 "Somebody wins the Cadillac this month. P.S. Two fucked • guys get fucked." You fucking build it! Men come... MOSS 17 fucking • • A36

Look look look look, when they build your business, fucking • then you can't fucking turn around, enslave them, MOSS 17 • A37 treat them like children, fuck them up the ass, leave fuck • them to fend for themselves... no. (pause)



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F ass •

That's what I'm saying. We were, if we were that kind of guys, to knock it off, and trash the joint, it MOSS 17 fuckin' • • A38 looks like robbery, and take the fuckin' leads out of the files...go to Jerry Graff. I said, "Not actually." The fuck you care, George? MOSS 18 fuck • • A39 We're just talking... It's not something for nothing, George, I took you in on this, you have to go. That's your thing. I've made the deal with Graff. I can't go. I can't go in, I've 19 fucking • • A40 spoken on this too much. I've got a big mouth. (pause) "The fucking leads" et cetera, blah blah blah "...the fucking tight ass company..." That's none of your fucking business... MOSS 20 fucking • • A41

...all train compartments smell vaguely of shit. It gets so you don't mind it. That's the worst thing that I can confess. You know how long it took me to get ROMA 21 shit • • A42 there? A long time. When you die you're going to regret the things you don't do. You think you're queer...? I'm going to tell you something: we're all



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F queer. You think that you're a thief? So what? You get befuddled by a middle-class morality...? Get shut of it. Shut it out. You cheated on your wife...? You did it, live with it. (pause) You fuck little girls, so be it. There's an absolute morality? Maybe. And then what? If you think there is, then be that thing. Bad people go to hell? I don't think so. If you think that, act that way. A hell exists on earth? Yes. I won't live in it. That's me. You ever take a dump made you feel you'd just slept for twelve hours...? piss • Or a piss...? A great meal fades in reflection. Everything else gains. You know why? 'Cause it's only food. This shit we eat, it keeps us going. But ROMA 21 shit • • A43

it's only food. The great fucks that you may have had. What do you remember about them? fuck •

I don't know. For me, I'm saying, what is is, it's probably not the orgasm. Some broads, forearms on your neck, something her eyes did. There was a ROMA 21 orgasm • • A44 sound she made...or, me, lying, in the, I'll tell you: me lying in bed; the next day she brought me café au lait. She gives me a cigarette, my balls feel like



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F concrete. Eh? What I'm saying, what is our life? (pause) It's looking forward or it's looking back. And that's our life. That's it. Where is the moment? (pause) And what is it that we're afraid of? Loss. What else? (pause) The bank closes. We get sick, my wife died on a plane, the stock market collapsed...the house burnt down...what of these happen...? None on 'em. We worry anyway. What does this mean? I'm not secure. How can I be secure? (pause) Through amassing wealth beyond all measure? No. And what's beyond all measure? That's a sickness. That's a trap. There is no measure. Only greed. How can we act? The right way, we would say, to deal with this: "There is a one-in- a-million chance that so and so will happen...Fuck it, it won't happen to me..." No. We know that's not the right way I think. (pause) We say the correct way to deal with this is "There is a ROMA 22 fuck • • A45 one-in-so-and- so chance this will happen...God (CONT'D) protect me. I am powerless, let it not happen to me..." But no to that. I say. There's something else. What is it? "If it happens, AS IT MAY for that is not within our powers, I will deal with it, just as I do



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F today with what draws my concern today." I say this is how we must act. I do those things which seem correct to me today. I trust myself. And if security concerns me, I do that which today I think will make me secure. And every day I do that, when that day arrives that I need a reserve, [a] odds are that I have it, and [b] the true reserve that I have is the strength that I have of acting each day without fear. (pause) According to the dictates of my mind. (pause) Stocks, bonds, objects of art, real estate. Now: what are they? (pause) An opportunity. To what? To make money? Perhaps. To lose money? Perhaps. To "indulge" and to "learn" about ourselves? Perhaps. So fucking what? What isn't? They're an opportunity. That's all. They're an event. A guy comes up to you, you make a call, you send in a brochure, it doesn't matter, "There're these properties I'd like for you to see." What does it mean? What you want it to mean. (MORE) fuck • Don't fuck with me, fella. I'm talking about a fuckin' ROMA 23 A47 Cadillac car that you owe me... fucki' • •



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F Fuck •

Fuck •

Oh, fuck. Fuck. (he starts kicking the desk) FUCK FUCK! • FUCK FUCK! WILLIAMSON!!! WILLIAMSON!!! (goes to the door Williamson went into, tries the ROMA 23 • A48 door; it's locked) OPEN THE FUCK! • FUCKING...WILLIAMSON... FUCK! •


Who told me wh...? You've got a fuckin', you've...a...who is this...? You've got a board-up on ROMA 23 fuckin', • • A47

the window...Moss told me. How the fuck do I know? (to Williamson) ROMA 23 fuck • • A48 to me.

Then I'm over the fucking top and you owe me a ROMA 23 fucking • • A49 Cadillac.



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F fucking •

And I don't want any fucking shit and I don't give a shit • shit, Lingk puts me over the top, you filed it, that's fine, any other shit kicks out you go back. ROMA 23 reclose it, 'cause I closed it and owe me the shit • car. shit •

Fuck insured. You owe me a car. ROMA 24 fuck • • A50

I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm fucked on the board. You. You see AARONO how...I... (pause) I can' mind must be in other 24 fucked • • A51 W places. 'Cause I can't do any... Well, they're old. I saw the shit that they were ROMA 24 shit • • A52 giving you. Clear Meadow. That‘s shit’s dead. ROMA 24 shit • • A53

AARONO Yes. I‘m no fucking good. 24 fucking • • A54 W That‘s not… Fuck that shit, George. You‘re a, hey, ROMA 24 fuck • • A55 you had a bad month. You‘re a good man George.



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F shit •

You hit a bad streak. We've all... look at this: fifteen ROMA 24 fucking • • A56 units Mountain View, the fucking things get stole. He field half of them, he field the big one. All the little ones, I have, I have to go back and ah fuck. I ROMA 24-25 fuck • • A57

got to go out like a fucking

Christ •

They stole the phones. They stole the leads. ROMA 25 • A58 They're...Christ. What am I going to do this month? shit • Oh, shit... To the restaura...what do you fucking...? ROMA 25 fucking • • A59

Cause I don't have to eat this month. No. Okay. fucking • Give 'em to me... (to himself) Fucking Mitch and ROMA 25 • A60 Murray going to shit a br...what am I going to do shit • all... Patel? Ravidam Patel? How am I going to make a ROMA 26 Patel • • A61 living on thses deadbeat wogs? Where did you get



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F this, from the morgue? Ravidam • Patel deadbeat •

What's the fucking point in any case...? What's the fucking • point. I got to argue with you, I got to knock heads with the cops, I'm busting my balls, sell you dirt to fucking • fucking deadbeats money in the mattress, I come ROMA 27 • A62 back you can't even manage to keep the contracts deadbeats • safe, I have to go back and close them again...What the fuck am I wasting my time, fuck this shit. I'm fuck • going out and reclose last week's... Patel? Fuck you. Fuckin' Shiva handed him a Patel • million dollars, told him "sign the deal," he wouldn't sign. And Vishnu, too. Into the bargain. Fuck that, fuck • John. You know your business, I know mine. Your ROMA 27 • A63 business is being an asshole, and I find out whose fucking • fucking cousin you are, I'm going to go to him and figure out a way to have your ass... fuck you--I'll shiva • wait for the new leads.



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F vishnu •

fuck •

assshole •

fuccking •

ass •

fuck •

Get the chalk. Get the chalk...get the chalk! I closed 'em! I closed the cocksucker. Get the chalk and put me on the board. I'm going to Hawaii! Put me on LEVENE 27 cocksucker • • A64 the Cadillac board, Williamson! Pick up the fuckin' chalk. Eight units. Mountain View... You bet your ass. Who wants to go to lunch? Who ass • wants to go to lunch? I'm buying. (slaps contract LEVENE 27 • A65 down on Williamson's desk) Eighty-two fucking fucking • grand. And twelve grand in commission. John.



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F (pause) On fucking deadbeat magazine subscription fucking • leads. deadbeat •

AARANO Fuck. I had them on river Glen. 27 fuck • • A66 W Hey, big fucking deal. Broke a bad streak... LEVENE 27 fucking • • A67

fuckin' •

Fuckin' asshole. MOSS 28 • A68 asshole •

dick • Cop couldn't find his dick two hands and a map. MOSS 28 • A69 Anyone talks to this guy's an asshole... asshole •

Fuck you, Ricky. I ain't going out today. I'm going home. I'm going home because nothing's MOSS 28 fuck • • A70

accomplished here...Anyone talks to this guy is... Fuck the Machine. MOSS 28 fuck • • A71



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F Fuckin' cop's got no right talk to me that way. I MOSS 28 fucking • • A72 didn't rob the place... Fuck you. MOSS 28 fuck • • A73

fuckin' •

Those fuckin' deadbeats... MOSS 29 • A74 deasbeats •

Hey, I don't want to hear your fucking war stories... MOSS 29 fucking • • A75

Fuck you, Dave... ROMA 29 fuck • • A76

"Bruce, Harriet...Fuck me, believe in yourself..." LEVENE 29 fuck • • A77

goddamn: • Hey, they're fuckin' garbage any case...This whole MOSS 29 • A78 goddamn... fuckin' •



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F Shit. MOSS 29 shit • • A79

Fuck. You care..? ROMA 29 fuck • • A80

The fuck is that supposed to mean? MOSS 29 fuck • • A81

Fuck is that supposed to mean? MOSS 29 fuck • • A82

fuck • Shut the fuck up. (pause) Ricky. You have a mean streak in you... (to Levene) And what the fuck are MOSS 30 • A83 you babbling about...? fuck •

fuck •

"Fuck the Machine"? "Fuck the Machine"? What is fuck •

this. Courtesy class...? You're fucked, Rick—are MOSS 30 • you fucking nuts? You're hot, so you think you're the fucked •

ruler of this place...?! You want to... A84 fucking •



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F ...Shut up. Decide who should be dealt with how? Is fucki' • that the thing? I come into the fuckin' office today, I get humiliated by some jagoff cop. I get accused MOSS 30 of...I get this shit thrown in my face by you, you shit • genuine shit, because you're top name on the board... Oh, and I don't get a moment to spare for a bust-out • A85 humanitarian down on his luck lately. Fuck you, Dave, you know you got a big mouth, and you make a close the whole place stinks with your farts for a ROMA 30 fuck •

week. "How much you just ingested," what a big man you are, "Hey, let me buy you a pack of gum. (MORE) I'll show you how to chew it." Your pal closes, all that comes out of your mouth is bile, how fucked up ROMA 30 fucked • • A86

you are... fuck • (simultaneously with "trip") And fuck you. Fuck the MOSS 30 • A87 lot of you. Fuck you all. fuck •

Bullshit, you're...No. That's raw... well, if I did, then I'm glad I did. I, well. I locked on them. All on LEVENE 31 Bullshit. • • A88

them, nothing on me. All my thoughts are on them.



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F I'm holding the last thought that I spoke: "Now is the time." (pause) They signed, Ricky. It was great. It was fucking great. It was like they wilted all at once. No gesture...nothing. Like together. They, I swear to God, they both kind of God • A89 imperceptibly slumped. And he reaches and takes the pen and signs, he passes it to her, she signs. It fucking • was so fucking solemn. I just let it sit. I nod like this. I nod again. I grasp his hands. I shake his hands. I grasp her hands. I nod at her like this. LEVENE 31 • "Bruce...Harriet..." I'm beaming at them. I'm nodding like this. I point back in the living room, fucking • back to the sideboard. (pause) I didn't fucking know there was a sideboard there!! He goes back, he brings us a drink. Little shot glasses. A pattern in 'em. And we toast. In silence. Ah, fuck. Leads! Leads! Williamson! (Williamson sticks his head out of the office) Send me out! Send LEVENE 31 fuck • • A90

me out! What does that fucking mean? LEVENE 32 fucking • • A91



Type Reason

Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F Why should the sale not stick? Hey, fuck you. That's fuck • what I'm saying. You have no idea of your job. A man's his job and you're fucked at yours. You hear fucked • what I'm saying to you? Your "end of month board..." You can't run an office. I don't care. You LEVENE 32 • A92 don't know what it is, you don't have the sense, you don't have the balls. You ever been on a sit? Ever? cocksucker • Has this cocksucker ever ever sit down with a cust... And, and, and, I did it. And I put a kid through fuck • school. She...and...Cold calling, fella. Door to door. But you don't know. You don't know. You never fuck • heard of a streak. You never heard of "marshaling your sales force..." What are you, you're a secretary, John. Fuck you. That's my message for you. Fuck ass • LEVENE 32 • A93 you and kiss my ass. You don't like it, I'll go talk to Jerry Graff. Period. Fuck you. Put me on the board. fuck • And I want three worthwhile leads today and I don't want any bullshit about them and I want 'em close bullshit • together 'cause I'm going to hit them all today. That's all I have to say to you. (sotto) Oh, Christ. ROMA 32 Christ • • A94



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F Oh! My God...I've got to get you on the plane! ROMA 34 God • • A95

Oh, my God, you're right! I'm on the one... (getting LEVENE 34 God • • A96 up) Well, let's scoot... I've got to get Ray to O'Hare... (to Levene) Come on, let's hustle... (over his shoulder) John! Call American Express in Pittsburgh for Mr. Morton, will you, tell them he's on the one o'clock. (MORE) ROMA (CONT'D) (to Lingk) I'll see you...Christ, ROMA 34 Christ • • A97 I'm sorry you came all the way in...I'm running Ray over to O'Hare...You wait here, I' (to Levene) I'm meeting your man at the bank... (to Lingk) I wish you'd phoned...I'll tell you, wait: are you and Jinny going to be home tonight? (rubs forehead) Oh, God...Oh, God... (Roma takes Lingk aside, God • A98 sotto) Jim, excuse me...Ray, I told you, who he is is the senior vice- president American Express. His family owns 32 per...Over the past years I've sold ROMA 34 • him...I can't tell you the dollar amount, but quite a lot God • of land. I promised five weeks ago that I'd go to the wife's birthday party in Kenilworth tonight. (sighs) I have to go. You understand. They treat me like a



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F member of the family, so I have to go.

Oh, Christ... (starts out the door) Don't follow Christ • me...Oh, Christ. (pause, to Roma) I know I've let LINGK 40 • A99 you down. I'm sorry. For...Forgive...for...I don't Christ • know anymore. (pause) Forgive me. fucking •

cunt • (to Williamson) You stupid fucking cunt. You, Williamson...I'm talking to you, shithead...You just shithead • cost me six thousand dollars. (pause) Six thousand dollars. And one Cadillac. That's right. What are A10 ROMA 40 fucking • • you going to do about it? What are you goin to do 0 about it, asshole. You fucking shit. Where did you shit • learn your trade. You stupid fucking cunt. You idiot. Whoever told you you could work with men? fucking •

cunt •



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F I'm going to have your job, shithead. I'm going downtown and talk to Mitch and Murrray, and I'm shithead • A10 going to Lemkin. I don't care whose nephew you ROMA 40 • 1 are, who you know, whose dick you're sucking on. dick • You're going out, I swear to you, you're going... To help us. Not to fuck us help men who are going out there to try to earn a living. You fairy. You company man...I'll tell you something else. I hope you knocked the joint off, I can tell our friend A10 here something might help him catch you. (starts ROMA 40 fuck • • 2 into the room) You want to learn the first rule you'd know if you ever spent a day in your never open your mouth till you know what the shot is. (pause) You fucking child... A10 You are a shithead, Williamson... LEVENE 40 shithead • • 3 You listen to me, someday you might say, "Hey..." fuck • No, fuck that, you just listen what I'm going to say: your partner depends on you. Your partner...a man A10 LEVENE 40 • who's your "partner" depends on have to 4 shit • go with him and for him...or you're shit, you're shit, you can't exist alone...



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F ...excuse me, nothing, you be as cold as you want, fucked • but you just fucked a good man out of six thousand dollars and his goddamn bonus 'cause you didn't goddamn • know the shot, if you can do that and you aren't man enough that it gets you, then I don't know what, if A10 LEVENE 41 • you can't take some thing from that... (blocking his 5 way) you're scum, you're fucking white- bread. You fucking • be as cold as you want. A child would know it, he's right. (pause) You're going to make something up, be sure it will help or keep your mouth closed. fuck • Don't fuck with me, John, don't fuck with me...what A10 LEVENE 41 • are you saying? 6 fuck •

Okay: I...look: I'm going to make it worth your while. I am. I turned this thing around. I closed the old stuff, I can do it again. I'm the one's going to close 'em I am! I am! 'Cause I turned this thing a...I A10 LEVENE 42 fucking • • can do that, I can do anyth...last night. I'm going to 7 tell you, I was ready to Do the Dutch. Moss gets me, "Do this, we'll get well..." Why not. Big fuckin' deal. I'm halfway hoping to get caught. To put me out of



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F my... (pause) But it taught me something. What it taught me, that you've got to get out there. Big deal. So I wasn't cut out to be a thief. I was cut out to be a salesman. And now I'm back, and I got my balls back...and, you know, John, you have the advantage on me now: Whatever it takes to make it right, we'll make it right. We're going to make it right. What sales...? I just closed eighty-two grand...Are A10 you fuckin'...I'm back...I'm back, this is only the LEVENE 43 fucking • • 8 beginning. (to Baylen) Asshole... (to Levene) Guy couldn't find asshole • his fuckin' couch in the living room...Ah, Christ... what a day, what a day...I haven't even had a cup of fuckin' • coffee...Jagoff John opens his mouth he blows my Cadillac... (sighs) I's not a world of men... it's not a world of men, Machine... it's a world of A10 ROMA 43 • clock watchers, bureaucrats, officeholders...what it 9 is, it's a fucked-up world...there's no adventure to it. Christ • (pause) Dying breed. Yes it is. (pause) We are the members of a dying breed. That's...that's...that's why we have to stick together. Shel: I want to talk to you. (MORE)



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Expressions Speaker Page T T T Code Expression T T E P V O G G R D P A I F AARONO A11 (settling into a desk chair) Oh, God, I hate this job. 44 God • W 0