Guru Gopinath Natanagramam (Govt. of Undertaking) Dept. of Cultural Affairs Vattiyoorkavu Thiruvananthapuram - 695013 Tel: +91-471-2364771 E-mail: [email protected]

Reference No.16.GGNG/Dt 05.02.2014 February, 2014

© GuruGopinathNatanagramam, 2014

1 Contents Summary Disclaimer

PART-1: REQUESTS FOR CONCEPT AND CONTENT Objectives of the RFP Guidelines Pre-requisite Content and Format for Proposals Language of the Proposal Clarification on the Proposals Quote for preparing Proposal part-2 Submission of the Proposal Deadline for submission Extension of date Late Proposal Opening of the price quotes Modification of Proposals Ownership of the content Soliciting Part-2 Proposal Right to accept/reject/modify and cancel Evaluation of the Proposals Payment

PART-2: REQUESTS FOR DESIGN AND WALKTHROUGH Pre-requisite for solicitation Responsibilities Content and Format of the Proposal Language of the Proposal Clarification on the Proposals Submission of the Proposal Deadline for submission Extension of the date Late Proposals Modification of Proposals Ownership of the content Right to accept/reject/modify and cancel Communication requesting presentation Presentation to the Committee Evaluation of the Proposals Payment List of materials and resources Prequalification

PART-3: INFORMATION TO PROPOSERS/BIDDERS INTRODUCTION About National Dance Museum Layout of the Museum

MUSEUM CONTENT Overall Story Wax Museum Content Wax Gallery

2 Gallery- I: History and Evolution of dances Content of Gallery- I Gallery-II: Tribal Dances of Kerala Content of Gallery- II Gallery-III: Folk Dances of Kerala Content of Gallery- III Gallery-IV: Classical and Temple dances of Kerala Content Gallery- IV Gallery-V: Dances of Content Gallery -V Classical Dances Folk Dances Tribal Dances Contemporary dance forms Gallery VI: Dances of the World Gallery VII: Guru Gopinath Gallery

PART-4: ANNEXURE Floor plan: Ground Floor Floor Plan: Fist Floor Floor Plan: Second Floor

3 Summary

Guru Gopinath National Dance Museum is a unique Museum Project supported by the Government of Kerala and Government of India, undertaken by the Guru Gopinath Natanagramam, a society under the Department of Culture, Government of Kerala. The Museum is a tribute to the great dance maestro and reformer Guru Gopinath. The Museum will be established in a building specially designed and builtfor the purpose at Vattiyoorkavu, Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala.

ThisRequest for Proposal(RFP) for generating the concept, content, design and preparing a walkthrough solicits proposals in two parts. i. Part one is for creating concept and content either afresh or by modifyingthe content and concept contained in this document. This is addressed toindividuals and institutions interested and knowledgeable in the history,evolution and contemporary forms of dance and to institutions interestedand experienced in building dance Museums. ii. Requests for the Part-II (for detailed design and preparing a walk through) will be solicited from selected Proposers (ofPart-1) after the concept and content are finalised. Interested bidders are also requested show their interest for being considered for prequalification for building the Museum in part or in full.

DISCLAIMER Guru Gopinath National Dance Museum (GGNDM) makes no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this RFP document. GGNDM may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information contained in this RFP document.

Information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) document or provided subsequently at any stage of discussions or communication in this connection to the Proposer or applicants or his agent or representative whether verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of Guru Gopinath National Dance Museum is provided on the terms and conditions set out in this document and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided and not otherwise.


Individuals or institutions interested and knowledgeable in Dance may respond

Objectives of the RFP The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) document is to provide the Proposer with information to assist them in the formulation of their Proposals and request such Proposals. This RFP document is neither an agreement nor an offer by Natanagramam. The RFP document does not claim to contain all the informationrequired. Each Proposer should conduct their own research, studies and analysis and should check the completeness, comprehensiveness, accuracy and reliability of the information and mayobtain independent advice before finalising their Proposals.

The RFP seeks submission of Proposal in two stages. In the first stage, it is an invitation to individuals or institutions to submit a preliminary Proposal as detailed below:

Guidelines Part-1 Proposalis for generating the Content and Concept of the Museum. Proposals may be submitted as a document detailing the overall content and layout of the Museum to be established in the building and space as detailed in this RFP. The outline and flow of the story as provided in this document may be retained as far as possible. Additional information can be incorporated based on the Proposers’ knowledge, information, research, and studies to make the content more comprehensive. Information provided in the Proposals areassumed to be authentic and based on verifiable records.

Pre-requisite There is no pre-requisite for submitting Part-I Proposals. It is desired that theProposer is informed and knowledgeable in matters of Dance and preferably interested in the establishment of Guru Gopinath National Dance Museum. It is desirable that the Proposer is capable of conceiving the full Museumeither independently or based on the content given in this RFP.

Content and Format for Proposals Data contained in this document can be used as the baseline for preparing the Part-1Proposal. Proposals may be submitted as a separate hard copy document. A soft copy sent by E-Mail is also acceptable. A concept paper on the Museumwith sketches and a story line may form a part of the document. If the general concept brought out in this RFP is generally agreeable, the content alone may be considered for modification. As already stated, this document is not complete in all respect and any addition/modification to this document that will add value to the Museum is welcome. This same document may be returned with correction, addition, modifications marked legibly. Concept drawings and layout plans may be included wherever possible.

Language of the Proposal Part-1 Proposals may be submitted English or Malayalam

Clarification on the Proposals

5 Proposers are free to contact the Secretary of Natanagramam for any clarification. They may visit the Natanagramam premises and the Museum building, if deemed necessary, preferably with prior notice. It may be noted that the Natanagramam is functional from Tuesday to Sunday FN. It is closed on Mondays and Sunday AN.

Quote for preparing Proposal part-2 Proposers, who are capable and interested in being, considered for preparing Part-2 of the Proposal,may express their interest in writing and quote for the same. Please indicate the minimum amount chargeable for preparing the Design and Walkthrough. It may be noted that the Part-2Proposals will be based on the approved content which need not exactly be any of the Part-1Proposals, but a synthesised final draft of ‘Content and Concept’ as approved by the Natanagramam. Part -2 Proposers should be willing to make a presentation at the venue and incorporate modifications. The price quote should be in a separate sealed cover. Open quotes will not be considered.

Experience in designing Museums, creating designs, walkthrough etc may be brought forth separately as their profiles. Sample work may be included assisting the committee to assess their capability

Submission of the Proposal Part-1Proposal may be sent by post to the secretary or by E-mail given in the first page of this document.

Deadline for submission Part-1Proposal should reach the Natanagramam office on or before April 11th 2014

Extension of the date Extension of date for submission of the Proposal is not anticipated. However Natanagramam is at liberty to extend the date for submission is considered necessary.

Late Proposal Late Proposals will be considered only if the dates are extended and they cease to be late Proposals.

Opening of the price Quotes Price quotes of Proposers qualified in the first round only will be opened. In the event of a decision to invite better competition, Natanagramam will be at liberty to seek more quotes for design and walkthrough.

Modification of the Proposals Any of the Proposals will be modified as decided by Natanagramam.

Ownership of the content Once submitted, Proposals will be the property of the Guru Gopinath National Dance Museum and GGNDM will be entitled to use them in full or in part for creating the GGNDM. Proposers relinquish their copyright as soon as the Proposal is submitted and will not have any claim whatsoever.

Soliciting Part-2 Proposal

6 Part -2 Proposals will be solicited only from qualified Proposers, evaluated on the merit of their Part-1Proposal, experience, reputation and/or quote for Part-2. Previous experience in design, 3D graphics and walk through of exhibitions, Museums or of similar work will be important criteria for being considered for seeking Part-2 Proposals.Natanagramam will solicit the shortlisted Proposers by E mail, SMS and or through letters sent to address provided in the Part- 1Proposal

Right to accept/reject/modify and cancel Natanagramam reserves the right to accept, reject, and modify any of the Proposals and/ or to cancel the RFP without assigning any reason.

Evaluation of the Proposals The Proposals will be evaluated by the technical committee of the Natanagramam

Payment Part-1 Proposals will not be compensated. The best Proposal will be considered for a rewarded of Rs 25000 based on the recommendation of the technical committee.


Part-2 Proposals will be solicited based afterPart-1Proposals. Only Solicited Proposals will be considered

Pre-requisite for solicitation Submission of Part-1Proposal against this RFP is a prerequisite for being considered for request for Part-2 Proposals. Parties evaluated based on the Part-1Proposals and their previous experience /capability in the field of designing exhibitions/Museums or similar projects will be short listed. Parties with aptitude and resources but without previous experience also may be considered.

Responsibilities The Proposer is responsible for preparing and providing a design document, an animated 3D walkthrough and a bill of materials described in the design. They should make a presentation on their design. The Proposer should be willing to make modifications if necessary without any additional charges.

Content and Format of the Proposal The Proposal should be based on the final Content and Concept Document provided by Natanagramam to the Proposer. A list of exhibits such as statuettes, models, costumes, instruments, jewels, photographs, graphics, texts, mode of display, references etc. should be provided in the document. A detailed design document on the how the exhibits are displayed, the performance ambience, accompaniments, draft texts, graphics, should be illustrated in the design document. Method of display of each of the items their surroundings, platforms, podiums, mural sections, location for photographs, plasma TVs, Projectors, kiosks, signage, decorative and informative exhibits on the corridors and aisles, lighting, audio multimedia tools etc. should be clearly brought out in the document and in the walkthrough. The walkthrough should be prepared in appropriate software amenable of being run on standard PCs. Walkthrough should give aexperience of visiting a virtual Museum. One copy of the documents and DVD should be submitted and the contents presented before a committee, later The Proposer should be willing to make modifications based on the recommendations of the committee and submit two copies of the final document and DVD without any additional payment. The design document, Bill of materials and walkthrough will be used as input for tendering the work.

Language of the Proposal Proposals are to be submitted in English

Clarification on the Proposals The Proposer is responsible for providing clarification and reference to the material provided by him during any time of the construction of the Museum.

Submission of the Proposal

8 One Hard copy of the design document and soft copy of the design document and walk through should be sent to the secretary to reach him before the deadline. One copy each of the of the revised proposal should be submitted later

Deadline for submission Part-2Proposal should reach the Natanagramam office on or before May 9th 2014

Extension of the date Extension of date for submission of the Proposal is not anticipated. However Natanagramam is at liberty to extend the date for submission is considered necessary.

Late Proposals Late Proposals will be considered only if the dates are extended and they cease to be late Proposals with the extended dates

Modification of the Proposals The Proposer should be willing to make modifications if necessary without any additional charges

Ownership of the content Proposals will be the property of the Guru Gopinath National Dance Museum and GGNDM will be entitled to use full any part of the Proposals for creating the GGNDM. Proposers relinquish their copyright as soon as the Proposal is submitted and will not have any claim on the economic rights whatsoever.

Right to accept/reject/modify and cancel Natanagramam reserves the right to accept, reject, and modify any of the Proposals and or to cancel the RFP without assigning any reason.

Communication requesting Presentation Proposers will be intimated about the schedule, time and date of the presentation either through SMS, E mail or letter

Presentation to the Committee Proposers are required to present their design and walkthrough before a committee at the venue of GGNDM at an appointed date and time

Evaluation of the Proposals The Proposals will be evaluated by the technical committee of the Natanagramam

Payment Payment for part -2 Proposals will be released immediately after the acceptance of the deliverables. List of materials and resources A list of materials that will be exhibited in the Museum halls will for a part of the Proposal

Prequalification Proposers interested in prequalification for construction of the Museum may indicate so. Prequalification bids will be invited later.




About Guru Gopinath National Dance Museum

Guru Gopinath National Dance Museum is an initiative of Guru Gopinath Natanagramam society, a cultural institution functioning under the Department of Culture, Government of Kerala. The society is named after the late Dr. Guru Gopinath a pioneer reformer of Kathathakali dance. The Museum is being established at a sprawling two acre premises in Vattiyoorkavu, a suburb of Thiruvananthapuram in the land donated by Viswakalakendram, a dance Centre founded by Guruji.

The Dance Museum is the first of its kind, coming up in the Country. GGNDM is indented to serve as Centre for display, documentation, dissemination, education, and research pertaining to the heritage of dances in India and also to present a comprehensive picture of the evolution of dances in India and abroad and the diversity of dance forms.

The Museum will host permanent exhibitions on the Guru Gopinath and will provide thematic exhibitions containing statuettes, models and collections of various dance forms, costumes, their evolution, photo galleries, audio visual presentations, replica, memorabilia, musical instruments, and other materials. The Museum will provide avenues for research, and teaching in dance.

The galleries will be provided with state of the art facilities required to showcase the content in an aesthetic, elegant and appropriate manner. A visit to the Museum is expected to be informative, entertaining and educative and should be a rewarding experience for the visitor. Guru Gopinath National Dance Museum must be developed as a unique centre in the world.

Guru Gopinath National Dance Museum is funded by Central and State Governments. Construction of the Museum building is nearing completion. The Museum will be established and managed by the Guru GopinathNatanagrama Society.

Layout of the Museum The Museum building is an aesthetically built civil structure with two floors above the ground. Galleries and exhibitions are to be distributed it separate halls constructed for the purpose. Thearchitectural plan envisages 11 halls for exhibitions. These Halls will be available in exhibitions and display. Guest House facility for research scholars, public reception, Museum shop, lecture halls, Library and other infrastructural support also form a part of the Museum complex. An aerial view of the building and the floor plans of the three floors are given in the appendix 1.An imposing statue of Bharatha Muni is proposed in front of the building. The statue will be the verdant surroundings to be created for the purpose

For the visitors, the Museum will have a briefing Hall, a wax Museum,5D theatre, Live performance Hall in the first floor. Four galleries (gallery I-IV) will be housed on the first floor and three galleries including the one on the half level on the second floor.

Audience Apart from casual and tourist visitors and school children on sightseeing trips,students and researchers of arts and culture, serious dance lovers and people

10 interested in dances are expected to visit the museum regularly.Hence The content and display should suit all kinds of visitors, including casual, serious visitors and researchers.


Overall Story The first part of the Museum is a briefing hall where the visitors will be briefed about the Museum. From the Briefing Hall, visitors will be guided to the wax Museumwhich will host life size statuettes the of dance maestros in full costume. The next 5D theatre will have short 5D movies on various dance forms shown at periodic intervals and the succeeding live demonstration hall will host short live performance at regular intervals. There are open verandas where displays can be arranged to connect the story

The storyline starts from the very early days of dance with specific milestones in the history and evolution of dances. This is the story of the first gallery. Here, visitors should feel the significance of dance in the cultural evolution of mankind and his rich heritage. The next gallery displays the tribal dance forms of Kerala starting from its primitive forms. Specific dance forms will be displayed to thread the story leading to the present forms of tribal dances. The third gallery on folk dances will showcase the evolution and present forms of folk dances of Kerala followed by the classical and forms of the regions displayed in Gallery-IV.

The huge hall earmarked as the Gallery V on the second floor will showcase the prominent Indian dance forms in all its vibrancy. The next hall will give a feel about dances in the world and the last gallery is earmarked as an exclusive gallery in the memory of Guruji.

Wax Museum The wax Museumwill host a display of a collection of wax statuettes of famous people from history and contemporary personalities in Indian dance, exhibited in lifelike poses in their full costumes. The Hall can accommodate about 20 sculptures. 14 sculptures will be built in the first phase leaving room for future additions. A brief description will be appropriately displayed with each of thestatuette. List of proposed displays are given in below:

Content Wax Gallery (This list of dance maestros is indicative: omission & modifications may be pointed out) • Guru Gopinath receiving an award • Guru Gopinath and Thankamani (Kerala Natanam) o Ragini Devi ( Guru’s partner in dance) • SwathiThirunal • VallatholNarayanaMenon • PanditUdaya Shankar • SidhendraYogi ( ) • Balasaraswathy ( Bharahanatyam) • PazhayannurChinnammmuAmma • Kakamandalm Krishnan Nair () • Malabar Raman Nair (Thullal) • KelucharanMohapatra () • PK Kalan (Gaddika) • Mani MadhavChakiar ( )

11 Gallery- I: History and Evolution of dances The gallery is indented to unfold the history and evolution of dances in India. Reference to the evolution of dances in India can be seen in the exquisite rock paintings of Bhimbetka caves of Madhya Pradesh, the bronze statue of dancing girl in the ruins of Mohenjodaro, the ‘apsaras’ dancing carved at the gateways of Sanchi, the wall paintings of Ajantha and Ellora, the sculptures of Khajuraho and the temple walls of Hoysala dynasty. The origin of dances through the evolution of Natyveda and Bharathamuniwill show the mythological background of Indian dance.

Content of Gallery- I(This is only an indicative list: An exhaustive list of exhibits and sequence may be provided by Proposers) • Siva thandava • Siva parvathy • Natyavedea • Replicas of Rock Paintings and engravings of ancient and historical and evolutionary significance • Model of Mohenjadaro dancing girl • Models of ( pataliputra-Mayurian) • Dancing scene ( Prasenajit Pillar- Barhut) • Ancient Greek bronze statuette of a veiled and masked dancer, 3rd - 2nd century BC, found in Alexandria, Egypt • Bronze, Brass, stone wood and terracotta collections: original or replica • Mural paintings • Modern presentation tools jiving with the gallery

Gallery-II: Tribal Dances of Kerala Indian Folk and Tribal dances are the offshoots of the social economic evolution of civilization. There are hundreds of Tribal dances in the State. A storyline representing the evolution of tribal dances in Kerala would unfold in this gallery.

Content of Gallery- II(This is only an indicative list: An exhaustive list and sequence may be provided by Proposers) • : Mavilan,Veeran • Gadhika : Adiyan • Kanichattu • Malappulayattam: Marayur • Irulanritham • Mangalam Kali • MuramKilukkiPattu: Malayar, • PaliyaNritham • OoraliNritham: MullaKuruva • MudukaNritham • KovilanKooth

12 Gallery-III: Folk Dances of Kerala Folk Dances present the gaiety of various groups of people living in the State. With its brimming energy and vitality Fork dances are an integral part of our social milieu. They are performed at every possible occasion to celebrate the seasons and festivals. Folk dancers lavish costumes and are flamboyant with exquisite ornaments and jewels. The gallery showcases the Folk dances of Kerala.

Content of Gallery- III(This is only an indicative list: An exhaustive list and sequence may be provided by Proposers)

• Theyyam: KarinkudiSasthan, MuchilottuBhagavathi, Bali, Rakthachamundi, • Mudiyettu: Kaali, Dharika • Kummatti: RamachapulluVesham- Thalla, Kattalan, ThirayumPoothanum- Poothan, Therayattam • : Bhairavan, Kalan • Kodhamoori: Evolution – Kamadhenu • Pulluvanpattu: PulluvanumPulluvathiyum • ThiriyuzhichilPadam, Ashtanagakalam, Thiriyuzhichil • Margam Kali • Chavittunadakam: Sthree- Purushavesham • : Silpam (VadhuAdakam 7) • Padakam • : NalukettinteVilakkuVahullathu • ParayanThiruvathira: Kalam–BhadrakaliKalam • –ThirayileBhairavan • Velichapadu • KurathiVelanKoppalan • Chavittunadakam - Rajavu, Penvesham

Gallery-IV: Classical and Temple dances of Kerala Kerala has a rich tradition of classical and temple dance which are to be displayed in Gallery-IV. A draft list of Exhibits isgiven below:

Content Gallery- IV(This is only an indicative list: An exhaustive list and sequence may be provided by Proposers)

• Kadhakali: Pachcha, Kathi, Kari, Thaadi, and Minukku and Sthree • Koodiyattam: Ninam( Soorpanakha), Pacha(Sreeraman) • : Ngiarkooth, Chakyarkooth • Krishnanattam: Krishnan, Rugmini • Ramanattam • Thullal • : Antholanam, Aramandalam • Yakshaganam: Vesham ( SthreeVesham, Rajapart)

Gallery-V: Dances of India

Dance in India comprises of many styles and schools of dances in the country. The different styles and forms originated in different parts at different times and developed in tune with the local traditions and were also influenced by other forms. Eight distinctive traditional dances are recognised as Indian classical dances. Folk dances

13 are numerous in number and style, and vary according to the many local factors. Contemporary dances include refined and experimental fusions of classical, folk and Western forms.

The gallery on the dances of India is envisaged as a complete display of representative dance forms of the country including tribal, folk and classical dances. Representative and unique dance forms from all major regions are to be displayed in the gallery to give flair of the diversity in our dance forms. He seven classical dance forms are to be evenly brought out.

Content Gallery-V (This is only an indicative list: An exhaustive list and sequence may be provided by Proposers)

• Classical Dances . . . Kathakali . Kuchipudi . Manipuri . Mohiniyattam . Odissi . • Folk Dances • Hallisaka, Rasaka, DandRasaka and Charchari • BedaraVesha, DolluKunitha • , Gagari • Ghodakhund • , , • Neyopa, BachaNagma • & dance • dance • Sambalpuri Dance • Tribal Dances . Ankia Nat of . Bahakawata of Orrisa . Bhangra of Punjab . Chakri of Jammu & Kashmir . ChamarGinad of . Chappeli of Uttar Pradesh . Chhau of West Bengal . Chiraw (Bamboo dance) of Mizoram . Dahikala of Maharashtra . Damdiyaras of Gujarat . KummiofTamil Nadu . KajriofUttar Pradesh • Contemporary dance forms

14 . Dance

Gallery VI: Dances of the World It is impossible to contain the vast array of dances of the world in a Museum like this. Some of the most celebrated dance forms will be displayed in Galley–VI to give a flair of the dance forms in the world • Yakunnatima of • Indonesian Kekak Trance Dance • Argentinean Tango • Brazilian dance, Capoiera • Cambodian Celestial Dance • Aerial Dance • Ballet Dance • Middle Eastern dance RaqsSharqi (Belly Dance) • Break Dance • Flamenco • Waltz • Salsa • Polka • Swing Dance • Fandango • Cancan • Kabuki • Irish Stepdance • Tinikling • Cossack Dance • Shaolin Monk Dance

Gallery VII:Guru Gopinath Gallery The Guru Gopinath galley is to be specially built to display the statuettes of guru in various dance forms, photographs, memorabilia, and a collection of his personal belongings and dance costumes.

15 Appendix-1 Floor Plans: Ground Floor

16 Floor Plans: First Floor

Floor Plans: Second Floor