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 2 About the Selection Of the two great epic poems attrib- 2 “Twenty years gone, and I am back again . . .” uted to , the has been called a war poem, and the has finished telling his story to the Phaeacians. The has been called a postwar poem. The next day, young Phaeacian noblemen conduct him home by wanderings of Odysseus after his ship. He arrives in after an absence of twenty years. victory at and the difficulties of The goddess appears and informs him of the situation readjusting to a civil society upon his at home. Numerous suitors, believing Odysseus to be dead, eventual return home have helped make the themes of rele- have been continually seeking the hand of his wife, , vant to many generations of readers. in marriage, while overrunning Odysseus’ palace and The theme of the returning veteran, enjoying themselves at Penelope’s expense. Moreover, they are with the struggles to reestablish rela- plotting to murder Odysseus’ son, , before he can tionships with spouses and friends inherit his father’s lands. Telemachus, who, like Penelope, still (and perhaps with a child for the first hopes for his father’s return, has journeyed to and time) add a human poignancy to this to learn what he can about his father’s fate. Athena epic adventure. Discuss with students disguises Odysseus as a beggar and directs him to the hut of the difficulties and emotions that ,1 his old and faithful swineherd. While Odysseus 1. Eumaeus (yØ mè« ßs) Odysseus is likely to face after twenty and Eumaeus are eating breakfast, Telemachus arrives. years away. Athena then appears to Odysseus.

3 Reading Check ... From the air Answer: Athena tells Odysseus that she walked, taking the form of a tall woman, there are many suitors at the palace handsome and clever at her craft, and stood trying to persuade Penelope that 1000 beyond the gate in plain sight of Odysseus, Odysseus is surely dead after all this unseen, though, by Telemachus, unguessed, time, and so she must marry again. for not to everyone will gods appear. Each wants to be her new husband. Odysseus noticed her; so did the dogs, Athena tells Odysseus that it is time who cowered whimpering away from her. She only he put an end to all this. 1005 nodded, signing to him with her brows, a sign he recognized. Crossing the yard, he passed out through the gate in the stockade to face the goddess. There she said to him:

“Son of and the gods of old, Vocabulary Builder 1010 Odysseus, master of landways and seaways, dissemble (di sem» dissemble to your son no longer now. bßl) v. conceal under The time has come: tell him how you together a false appearance; will bring doom on the suitors in the town. disguise I shall not be far distant then, for I 1015 myself desire battle.” 3 Saying no more, What does Athena she tipped her golden wand upon the man, reveal to Odysseus making his cloak pure white, and the knit tunic about the situation he fresh around him. Lithe and young she made him, will find at home?

994 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism

Think-Aloud: Context Direct students’ attention to the dogs’ behavior and seem to run away from her. at the appearance of Athena on this page: they Are there any more clues? Well, Athena cowered at the sight of the goddess. Using a is a goddess and very powerful. The think-aloud process, model how to use context dogs might be afraid and run away from to infer the meaning of an unknown word. a powerful person. I think that to cower The dogs cowered because they means to show fear before a powerful see Athena. In the sentence, person or thing. they also whimper, or cry,

994 4 Humanities Eumaeus, the Swineherd, by N.C. Wyeth This illustration, like many for this selection, was among the sixteen paintings N.C. Wyeth, America’s fore- most illustrator of children’s books and classics, painted for a 1929 edi- tion of the Odyssey. Use the following questions for discussion: 1. In the Odyssey, Eumaeus is characterized as being loyal and noble. How does Wyeth’s paint- ing convey these traits? 4 Possible response: Eumaeus is pictured as tall, straight, and sturdy. He looks like a man who will not be easily moved. This firmness of his stance makes him look trustworthy. 2. Which dog in the illustration might be ? Possible response: Argus is described in lines 1163–1168 as “an old dog lying near.” Argus would be the dog on the left, lying down.

5 Critical Viewing Possible Response: Eumaeus appears to be patient, loyal, and practical. The pigs in the sty behind him are a clue to his profession.

5 Critical Viewing What can you tell about Eumaeus from this illustration? [Infer]

from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 995

Strategy for Less Proficient Readers Strategy for English Learners Have partners paraphrase the opening passage Students may find the appearance of a goddess that describes the entrance of Athena. A in this scene challenging. Explain that gods and possible paraphrase might be: “The goddess goddesses often appear in human form in Athena, looking like a beautiful, intelligent Greek literature. Tell them that readers would woman, appeared to Odysseus. Telemachus, be familiar with this convention, as well as with however, could not see her.” the Telemachus’ inability to see the god, although his father sees her plainly. Ask students to identify details that emphasize Athena’s godlike qualities—for example, her height and the dogs’ fear of her—and the details that make her seem more like a human being.

995 6 Reading Skill ruddy with sun, his jawline clean, the beard Historical and Cultural 1020 no longer gray upon his chin. And she Context withdrew when she had done. Reading Skill •Tell students that the Greeks Then Lord Odysseus Historical and believed their gods often inter- reappeared—and his son was thunderstruck. Cultural Context vened in the affairs of human Fear in his eyes, he looked down and away What do lines 1021– 1029 suggest about beings, taking an interest in their as though it were a god, and whispered: the way ancient welfare and helping or hindering Greeks responded them. Remind them of the gods 6 “Stranger, to the presence of who have made Odysseus’ journey 1025 you are no longer what you were just now! agod? back to Ithaca so difficult. Your cloak is new; even your skin! You are • Ask students the Reading Skill one of the gods who rule the sweep of heaven! question: What lines 1021–1029 Be kind to us, we’ll make you fair oblation2 2. oblation (äb là» §ßn) suggest about the way ancient and gifts of hammered gold. Have mercy on us!” n. offering to a god. Greeks responded to the presence of a god? 1030 The noble and enduring man replied: Possible response: Taking the transformed Odysseus for a god, “No god. Why take me for a god? No, no. Telemachus shows awe, fear, and I am that father whom your boyhood lacked reverence. However, he also speaks and suffered pain for lack of. I am he.” freely to the “god,” and makes requests. These lines suggest that Held back too long, the tears ran down his cheeks Greeks responded to the gods as 1035 as he embraced his son. higher, but approachable, beings. Only Telemachus, uncomprehending, wild Vocabulary Builder with incredulity, cried out: incredulity (in« krß dØ» “You cannot lß tè) n. unwillingness be my father Odysseus! Meddling spirits or inability to believe conceived this trick to twist the knife in me! 1040 No man of woman born could work these wonders by his own craft, unless a god came into it with ease to turn him young or old at will. I swear you were in rags and old, and here you stand like one of the immortals!”

1045 Odysseus brought his ranging mind to bear and said: “This is not princely, to be swept away by wonder at your father’s presence. No other Odysseus will ever come, for he and I are one, the same; his bitter 1050 fortune and his wanderings are mine. Twenty years gone, and I am back again on my own island.

996 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism

Word Forms Two of the Vocabulary Builder words for the a partner, to determine the related forms. The Odyssey can form other parts of speech by final chart should look like the one shown. adding suffixes. Give students a blank Word Hold students accountable for integrating Form Chart (General Resources, p. 16) with the related forms of the words into their speak- dissemble and incredulity in the correct columns. ing and writing. Work with the class, or have students work with

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb dissembler dissemble dissembling dissemblingly incredulity incredulous incredulously

996 7 As for my change of skin, Literary Analysis that is a charm Athena, Hope of Soldiers, Epic Simile uses as she will; she has the knack •Remind students that an epic simile 1055 to make me seem a beggar man sometimes is a device to help describe what is and sometimes young, with finer clothes about me. happening in the Odyssey. Beyond It is no hard thing for the gods of heaven that, however, an epic simile to glorify a man or bring him low.” underscores the drama of the action and paints vivid images in When he had spoken, down he sat. the reader’s mind. Then, throwing • Ask students the Literary Analysis 1060 his arms around this marvel of a father question: To what are Odysseus’ Telemachus began to weep. Salt tears and Telemachus’ cries compared in this epic simile? rose from the wells of longing in both men, Literary Analysis Answer: The cries of Odysseus and cries burst from both as keen and fluttering Epic Simile To what 7 and Telemachus are compared to as those of the great taloned hawk, are Odysseus’ and those of a hawk that has lost its 1065 whose nestlings farmers take before they fly. Telemachus’ cries nestlings to a farmer. So helplessly they cried, pouring out tears, compared in the and might have gone on weeping so till sundown, epic simile in lines 8 had not Telemachus said: 1063-1065? Reading Check Answer: Telemachus is initially “Dear father! Tell me doubtful because of the change in what kind of vessel put you here ashore Odysseus’ appearance, which leads 1070 on Ithaca? Your sailors, who were they? Telemachus to assume he is a god. I doubt you made it, walking on the sea!”

Then said Odysseus, who had borne the barren sea:

“Only plain truth shall I tell you, child. Great seafarers, the Phaeacians, gave me passage 1075 as they give other wanderers. By night over the open ocean, while I slept, they brought me in their cutter,3 set me down 3. cutter (kut»ßr) n. small, on Ithaca, with gifts of bronze and gold swift ship or boat carried aboard a large ship to trans- and stores of woven things. By the gods’ will port personnel or supplies. 1080 these lie all hidden in a cave. I came to this wild place, directed by Athena, so that we might lay plans to kill our enemies. Count up the suitors for me, let me know what men at arms are there, how many men. 1085 I must put all my mind to it, to see 8 if we two by ourselves can take them on Why is Telemachus or if we should look round for help.” initially doubtful that Telemachus the man before him is replied: Odysseus, his father?

from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 997

Strategy for Less Proficient Readers Some readers may need help following the time span covered by Odysseus’ lengthy journey. Display the Timeline (Graphic Organizer Transparencies, p. 242) and have students chart some of the important events that occurred in the Odyssey in the twenty years between the end of the and Odysseus’ return to Ithaca. Remind students to plot events that Odysseus tells about long after they happen— such as the arrival of the suitors.

997 9 Reading Skill “O Father, all my life your fame Historical and Cultural as a fighting man has echoed in my ears— Context 1090 your skill with weapons and the tricks of war— •Remind students that Athena was but what you speak of is a staggering thing, the goddess of wisdom. Then ask beyond imagining, for me. How can two men students why she might be particu- do battle with a houseful in their prime?4 4. in their prime in the best or larly interested in helping For I must tell you this is no affair most vigorous stage of their lives. Odysseus. 1095 of ten or even twice ten men, but scores, Possible response: Odysseus is throngs of them. You shall see, here and now. known for his wit and cleverness. The number from alone Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is fifty-two picked men, with armorers, may admire his intelligence. a half dozen; twenty-four came from Same, •Then ask students the Reading 110 0 twenty from Zacynthus; our own island Skill question: What does Odysseus’ accounts for twelve, high-ranked, and their retainers, statement in lines 1109–1111 the crier, and the Master Harper, suggest about beliefs besides a pair of handymen at feasts. about the gods’ interest in human If we go in against all these affairs. 110 5 I fear we pay in salt blood for your vengeance. Possible response: Odysseus’ You must think hard if you would conjure up response indicates that the Greeks the fighting strength to take us through.” believed they could depend on the Odysseus gods to help them in very specific who had endured the long war and the sea Reading Skill ways in time of need. answered: Historical and •Discuss with students how Homer’s Cultural Context 9 “I’ll tell you now. story shows the Greek gods What does Odysseus’ 1110 Suppose Athena’s arm is over us, and responding to humans’ material statement in lines her father’s, must I rack my brains for more?” needs in very active ways. In this 1109–1111 suggest section, for example, Athena has about ancient Greek Clearheaded Telemachus looked hard and said: disguised Odysseus and then beliefs about the restored him to his youthful gods’ interest in appearance. “Those two are great defenders, no one doubts it, human affairs? but throned in the serene clouds overhead; 1115 other affairs of men and gods they have to rule over.”

And the hero answered: “Before long they will stand to right and left of us in combat, in the shouting, when the test comes— our nerve against the suitors’ in my hall. 112 0 Here is your part: at break of day tomorrow home with you, go mingle with our princes. The swineherd later on will take me down the port-side trail—a beggar, by my looks, hangdog and old. If they make fun of me 112 5 in my own courtyard, let your ribs cage up

998 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism

Vocabulary Builder Reinforcement Students will benefit from additional examples Then give students these sentence prompts and and practice with the Vocabulary Builder words. coach them in creating the clarification part. Reinforce their comprehension with “show-you- 1. The bemusing singer drew us in with her know” sentences. The first part of the sentence amazing voice; ______uses the vocabulary word in an appropriate Sample answer: her songs lulled us into context. The second part of the sentence—the forgetting all our troubles. “show-you-know” part—clarifies the first. 2. We questioned the equity of the law; Model the strategy with the example for ______bemusing: Sample answer: it seemed to favor one The bemusing air in the garden made us sleepy group of people over another. with its odor of sweet flowers.

998 10 10 your springing heart, no matter what I suffer, Literature in Context no matter if they pull me by the heels Cultural Connection The Greeks Cultural Connection or practice shots at me, to drive me out. had more than one god whom they Look on, hold down your anger. You may even Athena Athena was the goddess of believed was assigned to war. The wisdom, skills, and warfare. When god represented the spirit of 1130 plead with them, by heaven! in gentle terms she helps Odysseus in this epic, it is battle—a grimmer, bloodier side of to quit their horseplay—not that they will heed you, not the first time that she offers war than that associated with rash as they are, facing their day of wrath. assistance to a Greek hero. In Athena. Her association was more Now fix the next step in your mind. Homer’s Iliad, Athena helps the with the intellectual and civilized side Greek hero defeat the of war, which she combined with the Trojan warrior . Athena Athena, values of justice and skill. Athena was favored Achilles for his unmatched counseling me, will give me word, and I associated with war, but she was also skill in battle, but Odysseus was her 1135 shall signal to you, nodding: at that point a keeper of civilization, as shown by round up all armor, lances, gear of war favorite among the Greeks. He displayed not only skill in warfare, her namesake city, Athens, the birth- left in our hall, and stow the lot away but also ingenuity and cunning. place of democracy. back in the vaulted storeroom. When the suitors Connect to the Literature miss those arms and question you, be soft Remind students of Odysseus’ early 1140 Which of Odysseus’ deeds in the in what you say: answer: claim that he is “formidable for guile Odyssey might have helped him to in peace and war” (line 19). Then earn Athena’s favor? Explain. ‘I thought I’d move them ask the Connect to Literature ques- out of the smoke. They seemed no longer those tion: Which of Odysseus’ deeds in bright arms Odysseus left us years ago the Odyssey might have helped him when he went off to Troy. Here where the fire’s to earn Athena’s favor? Explain. hot breath came, they had grown black and drear. Possible response: Athena may 1145 One better reason, too, I had from Zeus: have been impressed by Odysseus’ suppose a brawl starts up when you are drunk, clever thinking as he escaped from you might be crazed and bloody one another, the . She may have appreci- and that would stain your feast, your courtship. Tempered ated how his escape required both iron can magnetize a man.’ intelligence and physical strength. Say that. 11 1150 But put aside two broadswords and two spears Reading Check for our own use, two oxhide shields nearby Answer: If the suitors “practice when we go into action. Pallas Athena Vocabulary Builder shots” on Odysseus, who is pretend- and Zeus All-Provident will see you through, bemusing (bè myØz» ing to be a beggar, Telemachus is to bemusing our young friends. i¢) v. stupefying or hold his anger and refrain from Now one thing more. muddling acknowledging his father. 1155 If son of mine you are and blood of mine, 5. shirkers (§†rk»ßrz) let no one hear Odysseus is about. n. people who get out of doing Neither Laertes, nor the swineherd here, what needs to be done. nor any slave, nor even Penelope. But you and I alone must learn how far 11 1160 the women are corrupted; we should know How does Odysseus how to locate good men among our hands, tell his son to respond the loyal and respectful, and the shirkers5 if the suitors “practice who take you lightly, as alone and young.” shots” on Odysseus?

from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 999

Strategy for Special Needs Students Students may need additional support and To model how to analyze the historical and practice with the Reading Skill, Historical and cultural context, show students Reading Skill Cultural Context. Explain that many details Graphic Organizer B (Graphic Organizer within the text offer insight into the way Greeks Transparencies, p. 204) The completed chart lived at the time of Homer. For example, will give students insight into the process of Odysseus’ instructions to hide weapons from analyzing a story’s context. They can use it as a the suitors (lines 1137–139) reveals how much model for their own analysis as they read. “gear of war” was stored in a house at any time.

999 12 Critical Viewing Argus Answer: Students may say that the Greeks incorporated worship of their Odysseus heads for town with Eumaeus. Outside the palace, gods into everyday events. The Odysseus’ old dog, Argus, is lying at rest as his long-absent scenes on the pottery show the master approaches. importance to the Greeks of honoring and commemorating significant events in Greek history While he spoke and mythology. an old hound, lying near, pricked up his ears 1165 and lifted up his muzzle. This was Argus, 13 Humanities trained as a puppy by Odysseus, Greek vessel but never taken on a hunt before his master sailed for Troy. The young men, afterward, This vessel is one of several being hunted wild goats with him, and hare, and deer, used to illustrate this edition of the 1170 but he had grown old in his master’s absence. Odyssey. The Greeks used this vessel Treated as rubbish now, he lay at last to store or transport liquids such as upon a mass of dung before the gates— oil or wine. Greek artists used several manure of mules and cows, piled there until methods to decorate these vessels. In the “black figure” technique, color is fieldhands could spread it on the king’s estate. 1175 Abandoned there, and half destroyed with flies, applied to the figures, with the back- 12 Critical Viewing old Argus lay. ground taking the natural color of What can you infer But when he knew he heard the clay. The vessel on p. 1000 is an about the ancient example this style. In the “red figure” Odysseus’ voice nearby, he did his best Greeks based on the technique, the process is reversed; to wag his tail, nose down, with flattened ears, fact that they depicted the background is painted black. The having no strength to move nearer his master. their gods on everyday krater, or bowl, on p. 972 is an exam- 1180 And the man looked away, objects like this urn? ple of the “red figure” process.” wiping a salt tear from his cheek; but he [Infer] These artifacts have survived for hid this from Eumaeus. Then he said: thousands of years—a durable art form that is not only intrinsically “I marvel that they leave this hound to lie beautiful, but that presents a detailed here on the dung pile; 13 picture of the life and culture of 1185 he would have been a fine dog, from the look of him, ancient Greeks. Use the following though I can’t say as to his power and speed question for discussion: when he was young. You find the same good build •In a thousand years, what objects in house dogs, table dogs landowners keep from our own culture might reveal all for style.” our values to the people who find them? And you replied, Eumaeus: Possible response: Our televi- sions, computers, and musical 1190 “A hunter owned him—but the man is dead equipment might indicate our cul- in some far place. If this old hound could show ture’s interest in entertainment. the form he had when Lord Odysseus left him, going to Troy, you’d see him swift and strong. He never shrank from any savage thing 1195 he’d brought to bay in the deep woods; on the scent

1000 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism

1000 14 no other dog kept up with him. Now misery Reading Skill Reading Skill has him in leash. His owner died abroad, Historical and Cultural Historical and Context and here the women slaves will take no care of him. Cultural Context You know how servants are: without a master How do Eumaeus’ •Discuss with students how many 1200 they have no will to labor, or excel. beliefs about cultures have practiced slavery, 14 For Zeus who views the wide world takes away servitude and slavery often enslaving people that were half the manhood of a man, that day compare with those of captured in war. Slavery based on he goes into captivity and slavery.” your own culture? race was practiced in American colonies and in the United States Eumaeus crossed the court and went straight forward until the Civil War. 1205 into the megaron6 among the suitors: 6. megaron (meg«ß rön) •Then ask the Reading Skill ques- but death and darkness in that instant closed n. great, central hall of the tion: How do Eumaeus’ beliefs house, usually containing a the eyes of Argus, who had seen his master, center hearth. about servitude and slavery com- Odysseus, after twenty years. pare with those of your culture? Sample responses: Eumaeus believes that slaves will not do good work if they are not super- The Suitors vised. My culture believes that enslaving people is morally wrong Still disguised as a beggar, Odysseus enters his home. He is 7. haughty (hôt»è) adj. and that no one should be sub- 7 8 arrogant. confronted by the haughty suitor . jected to slavery, even if it is under 8. Antinous (an tin«òßs) a “good” master such as Odysseus. But here Antinous broke in, shouting: 15 Reading Check “God! Answer: Antinous berates Odysseus 1210 What evil wind blew in this pest? and throws a stool at him. Get over, stand in the passage! Nudge my table, will you? Egyptian whips are sweet to what you’ll come to here, you nosing rat, making your pitch to everyone! 1215 These men have bread to throw away on you because it is not theirs. Who cares? Who spares another’s food, when he has more than plenty?”

With guile Odysseus drew away, then said:

“A pity that you have more looks than heart. 1220 You’d grudge a pinch of salt from your own larder to your own handyman. You sit here, fat 16 on others’ meat, and cannot bring yourself 15 to rummage out a crust of bread for me!” How does Antinous react to Odysseus, Then anger made Antinous’ heart beat hard, who is disguised as a 1225 and, glowering under his brows, he answered: beggar?

from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 1001

Strategy for Gifted/Talented Students Strategy for Advanced Readers Challenge students to draw a portrait of Ask students why they think dogs are often Odysseus in his disguise as a beggar. Tell stu- called “man’s best friend” and discuss their dents that their portraits should reflect not only ideas. Point out that the bond between dogs Odysseus’ humble appearance, but also should and people may go back as far as 25,000 years, suggest his hidden qualities as a hero. Students as shown in Paleolithic cave drawings of dogs. may want to contrast his appearance with that Have students find out more about how of the swineherd Eumaeus or with one of the dogs are viewed in different cultures. Assign proud suitors, such as Antinous. students to research the roles dogs have played in diverse societies, such as the hunting dog, the farm dog, the sled dog, and in ancient Egypt, the dog god. Have students share their findings with the class.

1001 16 Reading Skill “Now! Reading Skill Historical and Cultural You think you’ll shuffle off and get away Historical and Context after that impudence?9 Oh, no you don’t!” Cultural Context •Remind students of Greek culture’s What conflicting emphasis on hospitality. Point out The stool he let fly hit the man’s right shoulder values does this also that Antinous is an unwanted on the packed muscle under the shoulder blade— exchange between Antinous and guest in another person’s home, 1230 like solid rock, for all the effect one saw. Odysseus reveal? and that he has been treated with Odysseus only shook his head, containing courtesy. thoughts of bloody work, as he walked on, 9. impudence (im» pyØ • Ask students how they think a then sat, and dropped his loaded bag again dßns) n. quality of being 16 shamelessly bold; disrespect- polite guest would treat the upon the door sill. Facing the whole crowd ful. entrance of a beggar. 1235 he said, and eyed them all: Possible response: Students may say that a more polite guest could “One word only, have offered food to the beggar my lords, and suitors of the famous queen. Reading Skill and asked him to leave. An even One thing I have to say. Historical and more gracious guest would offer to There is no pain, no burden for the heart Cultural Context share his meal and find the beggar when blows come to a man, and he defending What values regarding a seat. the use of physical 1240 his own cattle—his own cows and lambs. force are evident in • Ask students the first Reading Skill 17 Here it was otherwise. Antinous this speech? question: What conflicting values hit me for being driven on by hunger— does this exchange between how many bitter seas men cross for hunger! Antinous and Odysseus reveal? If beggars interest the gods, if there are Furies10 10. Furies (fyør»èz) n. three Possible response: Odysseus terrible female spirits who 1245 pent in the dark to avenge a poor man’s wrong, then may practices the values of the gods punish the doers of Antinous meet his death before his wedding day!” and treats strangers with courtesy. unavenged crimes. Antinous is not only rude, he also Then said ’ son, Antinous: violates his culture’s rules regarding hospitality. “Enough. 17 Reading Skill Eat and be quiet where you are, or shamble elsewhere, unless you want these lads to stop your mouth Historical and Cultural 1250 pulling you by the heels, or hands and feet, Context over the whole floor, till your back is peeled!” •Review the exchange between Antinous and Odysseus, beginning But now the rest were mortified, and someone with the suitor’s insult of the spoke from the crowd of young bucks to rebuke him: disguised Odysseus. • Ask students why Antinous “A poor show, that—hitting this famished tramp— Reading Skill becomes so angry with the beggar. 1255 bad business, if he happened to be a god. Historical and Answer: The disguised Odysseus You know they go in foreign guise, the gods do, Cultural Context points out Antinous’ selfish and 18 looking like strangers, turning up What ancient Greek inappropriate behavior. in towns and settlements to keep an eye belief is conveyed in this suitor’s speech? • Ask the second Reading Skill on manners, good or bad.” question: What values regarding But at this notion the use of physical force are evi- dent in this speech? Possible response: Odysseus’ 1002 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism speech indicates that physical force is appropriate when defending one’s property. Antinous, however, used force for an inappropriate rea- son. •Discuss with students the differ- Expressive Vocabulary ence in power between Antinous As students are discussing Odysseus’ encounter (a suitor) and a beggar, who is with the suitors, encourage them to use the expressive vocabulary presented earlier. You Odysseus in disguise. Tell them that might encourage them with sentence starters Antinous takes advantage of like these. someone who is in a lower social 1. Odysseus practiced deception when and economic class, and who is not he . . . in a position to defend himself. 2. The suitors’ behavior made Odysseus furious because . . . 3. The Greek culture required that hosts extend courtesy to . . .

1002 18 Historical and 1260 Antinous only shrugged. Telemachus, Cultural Context after the blow his father bore, sat still •Recall with students Odysseus’ without a tear, though his heart felt the blow. speech to the Cyclops. Ask them Slowly he shook his head from side to side, to recall why Odysseus hoped the containing murderous thoughts. Cyclops would welcome the Greeks Penelope he found in his cave. 1265 on the higher level of her room had heard Possible response: Odysseus the blow, and knew who gave it. Now she murmured: hoped that the Cyclops would observe the rules of hospitality. He “Would god you could be hit yourself, Antinous— also hoped that the Cyclops might hit by ’s bowshot!” fear angering the gods if he was not courteous to strangers. And Eurynome11 11. Eurynome (yØ rin«ßm è) her housekeeper, put in: • Ask students how Odysseus’ position in relation to hospitality is “He and no other? similar or different than it was in 1270 If all we pray for came to pass, not one Cyclops’ cave. would live till dawn!” Possible response: Students may say that Odysseus was thinking of Her gentle mistress said: robbing the Cyclops, and perhaps was not so deserving of hospitality. A penniless beggar, however, is “Oh, Nan, they are a bad lot; they intend certainly worthy of hospitality. ruin for all of us; but Antinous appears a blacker-hearted hound than any. •Nowask students the Historical and Cultural Context question: 1275 Here is a poor man come, a wanderer, driven by want to beg his bread, and everyone What ancient Greek belief is conveyed in this suitor’s speech? in hall gave bits, to cram his bag—only Possible response: The suitor’s Antinous threw a stool, and banged his shoulder!” speech reflects the belief that gods can travel in human form and So she described it, sitting in her chamber punish those who do not treat 1280 among her maids—while her true lord was eating. them well. Then she called in the forester and said: 19 Reading Check “Go to that man on my behalf, Eumaeus, and send him here, so I can greet and question him. Answer: Penelope regards Antinous Abroad in the great world, he may have heard as the worst suitor. 1285 rumors about Odysseus—may have known him!”

19 Penelope

In the evening, Penelope interrogates the old beggar. How does Penelope regard Antinous? “Friend, let me ask you first of all: who are you, where do you come from, of what nation

from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 1003

Strategy for Advanced Readers On his arrival, Odysseus is greeted with insults: that students begin by looking for references to “pest,” “nosing rat,” and “famished tramp.” animals and to poverty. Ask students to write Have students record the insults on a Cluster an essay analyzing the insults, showing how Diagram (Graphic Organizer Transparencies, they reveal what Greeks despised—and, by p. 235) and see whether they can find any implication, what they valued and esteemed. common elements in these insults. Suggest

1003 20 Literary Analysis and parents were you born?” Epic Simile And he replied: •Read aloud lines 1290–1297 and “My lady, never a man in the wide world tell students it is an example of an 1290 should have a fault to find with you. Your name epic simile. has gone out under heaven like the sweet •Ask students to draw the Literary honor of some god-fearing king, who rules Vocabulary Builder Analysis graphic organizer on 20 in equity over the strong: his black lands bear equity (ek» wit è) p. 1014, or give them a copy of both wheat and barley, fruit trees laden bright, n. fairness; justice Literary Analysis Graphic 1295 new lambs at lambing time—and the deep sea Organizer A (Graphic Organizer gives great hauls of fish by his good strategy, Transparencies, p. 203) Have so that his folk fare well. students write down the two items O my dear lady, that are being compared in this this being so, let it suffice to ask me epic simile, and the details that are of other matters—not my blood, my homeland. included in the comparison. 1300 Do not enforce me to recall my pain. •Discuss with students Odysseus’ My heart is sore; but I must not be found reasons for drawing this extended sitting in tears here, in another’s house: comparison and point out that he it is not well forever to be grieving. is avoiding Penelope’s question One of the maids might say—or you might think— Vocabulary Builder about his homeland. Then ask 1305 I had got maudlin over cups of wine.” maudlin (môd» lin) what they think Odysseus’ compar- adj. tearfully and ison reveals about his feelings And Penelope replied: foolishly sentimental toward his wife. Possible response: The epic sim- “Stranger, my looks, ile indicates that Odysseus believes my face, my carriage,12 were soon lost or faded that Penelope has been faithful to 12. carriage (kar» ij) when the Achaeans crossed the sea to Troy, n. posture. him. Odysseus my lord among the rest. •After students have discussed 1310 If he returned, if he were here to care for me, Odysseus’ comparison, ask them to I might be happily renowned! fill out the “Purpose” section of But grief instead heaven sent me—years of pain. their graphic organizers. Sons of the noblest families on the islands, Monitor Progress: Review stu- Dulichium, Same, wooded Zacynthus,13 13. Zacynthus (za sin«ªus) dents’ graphic organizers to ensure 1315 with native Ithacans, are here to court me, that they understand the items against my wish; and they consume this house. being compared in the epic simile Can I give proper heed to guest or suppliant and the purpose of the compari- or herald on the realm’s affairs? son. How could I? Reteach: If necessary, review with wasted with longing for Odysseus, while here students the trick that Odysseus is 1320 they press for marriage. playing on Penelope by hiding his 14 Ruses served my turn 14. ruses (rØz« iz) n. tricks. identity. Discuss how the epic sim- to draw the time out—first a close-grained web ile is a way of testing her faithful- I had the happy thought to set up weaving ness. on my big loom in hall. I said, that day:

1004 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism

Word Analysis Call students attention to the word equity and its definition. Tell students that the Latin root –equi- means “same” or “equal.” Ask students to think of other words that contain this root, and ask a volunteer to list them on the board. Possibilities include equidistant, equilateral, and equivalent. Have students look up the listed words in a dictionary to clarify the definitions. Then have students use each word in a sentence that illus- trates its meaning.

1004 21 ‘Young men—my suitors, now my lord is dead, Reading Skill Historical and Cultural 1325 let me finish my weaving before I marry, Context or else my thread will have been spun in vain. Reading Skill It is a shroud I weave for Lord Laertes Historical and •Read aloud Penelope’s description when cold Death comes to lay him on his bier. Cultural Context of making her husband a shroud. The country wives would hold me in dishonor How do the ancient Then discuss with students how a 1330 if he, with all his fortune, lay unshrouded.’ Greek ideas in shroud would represent Penelope’s I reached their hearts that way, and they agreed. Penelope’s speech respect for her dead husband. Ask So every day I wove on the great loom, about honoring the how weaving a shroud could show but every night by torchlight I unwove it; dead compare to honor toward the person who had and so for three years I deceived the Achaeans. modern ideas? died. Possible response: Students may 1335 But when the seasons brought a fourth year on, say that weaving a shroud is an as long months waned, and the long days were spent, 21 established custom that has through impudent folly in the slinking maids evolved to show respect. They may they caught me—clamored up to me at night; say that the Greeks may have I had no choice then but to finish it. believed that they should clothe a 1340 And now, as matters stand at last, dead person in a fine garment I have no strength left to evade a marriage, before they send them into the cannot find any further way; my parents underworld. urge it upon me, and my son • Ask students why Penelope says will not stand by while they eat up his property. the “country wives” would disre- 1345 He comprehends it, being a man full-grown, spect her if she did not weave a able to oversee the kind of house shroud. Zeus would endow with honor. Answer: Penelope would be vio- But you too lating a Greek custom by neglect- confide in me, tell me your ancestry. ing to clothe her dead husband’s You were not born of mythic oak or stone.” body properly. •Then discuss with the class ways that people today try to honor Penelope again asks the beggar to tell about himself. He their dead. You may want to men- makes up a tale in which Odysseus is mentioned and tion the custom of traffic stopping declares that Penelope’s husband will soon be home. to let a funeral procession pass, the playing of taps at military funerals, or holidays such as All Saints’ Day 1350 “You see, then, he is alive and well, and headed 15. god of the zenith, noblest homeward now, no more to be abroad of the gods Zeus. or Dia de los Muertos that remem- far from his island, his dear wife and son. ber loved ones who have passed Here is my sworn word for it. Witness this, 22 away. Have volunteers offer exam- god of the zenith, noblest of the gods,15 ples they have seen of people How was Penelope showing respect for the dead. 1355 and Lord Odysseus’ hearthfire, now before me: able to delay marriage • Ask students the Reading Skill I swear these things shall turn out as I say. for three years? Between this present dark and one day’s ebb, question: How do the ancient after the wane, before the crescent moon, Greek ideas in Penelope’s speech Odysseus will come.” about honoring the dead compare to modern ideas? Possible response: Students may say that both the Greeks and from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 1005 people in modern times have rituals that honor the dead. They may observe that modern society does not always follow a strict set of burial customs as people did in ancient .

22 Reading Check Answer: Penelope said that she could not marry until she completed weaving her dead husband’s shroud. She wove the shroud by day and unraveled it each night.

1005 23 Humanities The Trial of the Bow, by N.C. Wyeth N.C. Wyeth studied with Howard Pyle, an illustrator famous for his work on children’s classics such as the tales of Robin Hood. Pyle encour- aged Wyeth to use make his paint- ings dramatic and to paint from his own experience. In The Trial of the Bow, Penelope promises that she will marry the man who can string Odysseus’ bow and shoot an arrow through twelve ax handle sockets. In this painting, Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, has succeeded in the first part of this 23 challenge. Use these questions for discussion: 1. Why do you think Wyeth chose to illustrate this particular moment in the story? Answer: This is an especially dramatic moment because Odysseus is about to win the contest, reveal his true identity to the suitors, and then take his revenge. 2. Why didn’t the artist illustrate the scene a few moments later, when the arrow goes through the ax handles? Answer: At that point, Odysseus would no longer be focusing on the target, but would be giving instructions to Telemachus. This moment shows Odysseus at his best—muscles flexed and his attention fixed on his target. 24 Critical Viewing The winner of the archery contest will win Penelope’s 24 Critical Viewing hand in marriage. What details or artistic techniques capture the tension Answer: The emotional tension is in this scene? [Interpret] captured in the physical tension of Odysseus’ arm and leg muscles and the taut bowstring. In addition, everyone else is focused on the targets. Additional suspense comes 1006 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism from the point in time the picture captures: The arrow has not been released, and the viewers, like the people in the painting, wait in expectation.

1006 25 Literary Analysis The Challenge Epic Simile Pressed by the suitors to choose a husband from among them, • Ask students to discuss why Penelope says she will marry the man who can string Odysseus may give such special Odysseus’ bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axhandle attention to the bow. sockets. The suitors try and fail. Still in disguise, Odysseus Possible response: Odysseus has not seen this cherished possession asks for a turn and gets it. in twenty years; he is clearly savor- ing the experience of holding it And Odysseus took his time, again. He must also make sure the 1360 turning the bow, tapping it, every inch, bow is fully reliable as a weapon. for borings that termites might have made • Ask students the Literary Analysis while the master of the weapon was abroad. question: Which of Odysseus’ The suitors were now watching him, and some qualities is highlighted in the epic jested among themselves: simile in lines 1372–1379. Possible response: The epic sim- “A bow lover!” ile highlights Odysseus’ skillfulness with the bow. The comparison with 1365 “Dealer in old bows!” a musician shows the grace and ease he brings to archery. “Maybe he has one like it •Draw students’ attention to the at home!” aptness of the simile, pointing out the similarity of a taut bowstring to “Or has an itch to make one for himself.” the taut string of a harp.

“See how he handles it, the sly old buzzard!” 26 Reading Check Answer: Penelope says that she will And one disdainful suitor added this: marry whoever can string Odysseus’ “May his fortune grow an inch for every inch he bends it!” bow and shoot an arrow through twelve ax handle sockets. 1370 But the man skilled in all ways of contending, Literary Analysis satisfied by the great bow’s look and heft, Epic Simile Which like a musician, like a harper, when of Odysseus’ qualities with quiet hand upon his instrument is highlighted in the 25 he draws between his thumb and forefinger epic simile in lines 1375 a sweet new string upon a peg: so effortlessly 1372–1379? Odysseus in one motion strung the bow. Then slid his right hand down the cord and plucked it, so the taut gut vibrating hummed and sang a swallow’s note. 26 In the hushed hall it smote the suitors What means does 1380 and all their faces changed. Then Zeus thundered Penelope decide she overhead, one loud crack for a sign. will use to choose a And Odysseus laughed within him that the son husband?

from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 1007

Strategy for Special Needs Students Strategy for Less Proficient Readers Students may need help to understand the Students may have difficulty understanding comparison made by the epic simile. Have how the epic simile fits into the plot of the students use a Venn Diagram (Graphic Odyssey. For support, show them Literary Organizer Transparencies, p. 244) to see the Analysis Graphic Organizer B (Graphic major similarities and differences in the com- Organizer Transparencies, p. 206) Use the parison between the bow and the harp. After completed graphic organizer to demonstrate students have made these broad distinctions, how the simile reveals more about Odysseus’ discuss with them how the long list of details in character. the comparison makes up the literary form called the epic simile.

1007 27 Critical Viewing of crooked-minded Cronus had flung that omen down. Answer: Students may find the He picked one ready arrow from his table hunter’s posture on the pottery to be 1385 where it lay bare: the rest were waiting still somewhat stylized and artificial in in the quiver for the young men’s turn to come. contrast to the easy grace that He nocked16 it, let it rest across the handgrip, 16. nocked (näk«d) set an Odysseus displays. and drew the string and grooved butt of the arrow, arrow into the bowstring. aiming from where he sat upon the stool. Now flashed 1390 arrow from twanging bow clean as a whistle through every socket ring, and grazed not one, Answers to thud with heavy brazen head beyond. Then quietly 1. Students may respond that even Odysseus said: though Odysseus arrives dis- guised as a beggar, they would “Telemachus, the stranger be more intrigued and curious you welcomed in your hall has not disgraced you. than Telemachus and Penelope 1395 I did not miss, neither did I take all day seem to be. The beggar seems to stringing the bow. My hand and eye are sound, know more about their situation not so contemptible as the young men say. 27 Critical Viewing than most strangers would. Does the hunter The hour has come to cook their lordships’ mutton— pictured here show 2. (a) Telemachus first thinks supper by daylight. Other amusements later, Odysseus is a beggar. Then, after the same race as 1400 with song and harping that adorn a feast.” Athena changes his appearance, does Odysseus in Telemachus thinks he is a god. lines 1370–1392? He dropped his eyes and nodded, and the prince (b) Telemachus is at first con- Explain. [Compare Telemachus, true son of King Odysseus, fused and skeptical, then throws and Contrast] his arms around his father and belted his sword on, clapped hand to his spear, begins to cry. Tears run down and with a clink and glitter of keen bronze Odysseus’ face as he reveals 1405 stood by his chair, in the forefront near his father. himself to his son. 3. (a) Antinous insults the apparent beggar and flings a stool at him. (b) Antinous may despise people he regards as his inferiors. 1. Respond: If you were Telemachus or Penelope, how would you 4. (a) Odysseus initially tells react to the stranger’s arrival? Why? Penelope that he is a wanderer 2. (a) Recall: Who does Telemachus think Odysseus is when they first with a past too painful to reveal. reunite? (b) Compare and Contrast: Compare Odysseus’ emotions (b) Students may suggest that with those of Telemachus at their reunion. Odysseus feels that he is not yet ready to trust that his wife has 3. (a) Recall: Describe Antinous’ treatment of Odysseus. (b) Analyze been loyal to him. Or, he may Cause and Effect: Why do you think Antinous treats Odysseus as not want to reveal too much he does? until he has executed his plan. 4. (a) Recall: What does Odysseus tell Penelope about himself? (c) Some students may say that it (b) Infer: Why do you think Odysseus chooses not to reveal his is always wrong to deceive a identity to his wife? (c) Take a Position: Is it wrong for Odysseus loved one. Others may say he is to deceive Penelope? Explain. acting in their mutual best inter- ■ est—that to execute his planned 1008 Themes in Literature: Heroism revenge successfully, it is best not to involve his wife.

Archery Terms Have students identify the words used to shooting web. Examples of this special vocabu- describe Odysseus’ bow. Ask them to fill in a lary would include arrow, quiver, nocked, Web (Graphic Organizer Transparencies, handgrip, string, and twanging. Have students p. 245) with the archery terms used in the use the web to show the relationships between selection. Students can write the words used to the words and how they explain the act of describe the bow, the arrow, or the act of shooting an arrow.

1008 28 Reading Skill Odysseus’ Revenge Historical and Cultural Context Now shrugging off his rags the wiliest17 fighter of the islands 17. wiliest (wìl»èßst) adj. leapt and stood on the broad doorsill, his own bow in his craftiest; slyest. •Remind students that Antinous was hand. the most obnoxious suitor and the first to insult Odysseus. Penelope He poured out at his feet a rain of arrows from the quiver thought he was the worst of the and spoke to the crowd: lot. “So much for that. Your clean-cut game is over. •Tell students that there are different cultural responses to insults. Ask 1410 Now watch me hit a target that no man has hit before, if I can make this shot. Help me, Apollo.” students to give examples of cultural responses to anger or insult that they have found in their He drew to his fist the cruel head of an arrow for Antinous reading. just as the young man leaned to lift his beautiful drinking Possible response: Students may cup, say that in some cultures, people embossed, two-handled, golden: the cup was in his fingers: fight duels in response to insults. In 1415 the wine was even at his lips: and did he dream of death? other cultures, insults may be 18 How could he? In that revelry amid his throng of friends 18. revelry (rev»ßl rè) n. noisy forgiven with apologies or gifts. who would imagine a single foe—though a strong foe festivity. • Ask the Reading Skill question: indeed— Does the manner in which could dare to bring death’s pain on him and darkness on his 28 Odysseus kills Antinous agree with eyes? your idea of a “fair fight”? Odysseus’ arrow hit him under the chin Possible response: Students may 1420 and punched up to the feathers through his throat. say that the fight was not fair because Antinous did not get a Backward and down he went, letting the winecup fall Reading Skill chance to fight back. Other stu- from his shocked hand. Like pipes his nostrils jetted Historical and dents may say that Odysseus acted crimson runnels, a river of mortal red, Cultural Context fairly because Antinous had and one last kick upset his table Does the manner in insulted him and taken advantage which Odysseus kills 1425 knocking the bread and meat to soak in dusty blood. of his family and their hospitality. Antinous agree with Now as they craned to see their champion where he lay your idea of a “fair the suitors jostled in uproar down the hall, 29 fight”? Explain. Reading Check everyone on his feet. Wildly they turned and scanned Answer: Odysseus kills the suitor the walls in the long room for arms; but not a shield, Antinous first. 1430 not a good ashen spear was there for a man to take and throw. All they could do was yell in outrage at Odysseus:

“Foul! to shoot at a man! That was your last shot!” “Your own throat will be slit for this!” “Our finest lad is down! You killed the best on Ithaca.” “Buzzards will tear your eyes out!” 29 1435 For they imagined as they wished—that it was a wild shot, Whom does Odysseus an unintended killing—fools, not to comprehend kill first? from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 1009

Strategy for English Learners Enrichment for Advanced Readers Students may need help reading and under- To enrich the Reading Skill exercise, encourage standing Odysseus’ battle with the suitors. students to research rules of warfare. For exam- Before addressing the Reading Skill question, ple, students might find information about preview the bracketed passage with Listening ancient Greek customs that were observed dur- to Literature Audio CDs. Have students read ing wartime, the various customs that once along as they listen. They may need particular applied to dueling, or the Geneva Convention help understanding how the descriptions break guidelines that apply to the treatment of pris- into the action. For example, explain that lines oners today. Have students share their research 1415–1418 break to show that Antinous did with the rest of the class. not dream that he had a deadly enemy in Odysseus’ house.

1009 30 Humanities The Slaughter of the Suitors, by N.C. Wyeth In this painting of Odysseus’ revenge, Wyeth adds drama and animation to an already exciting story. His depic- tion includes several pieces of Greek armor; the fighters’ helmets and armor would likely have been made of bronze. Use the following ques- tions for discussion. 1. Which lines from the Odyssey does this painting illustrate? Answer: It illustrates lines 1521–1530. 2. Who are the four figures on the right side of the painting? How do you know? Answer: They are Odysseus, Telemachus, Eumaeus, and the cowherd. They are wearing armor, have weapons, and are obviously winning the battle. 30 3. What details make the painting exciting? Possible responses: The flung spear, the spears about to be thrown, the position of the men’s bodies, or the dust of battle make the painting exciting. The Art Museum giant columns in the background e create a heroic mood for the scene.


Critical Viewing N. C. Wyeth, Delawar Answer: Students may say that the suitors were sitting at tables. Others may say that Odysseus’ bow and arrows should have been represented. The Slaughter of the Suitors, 31 Critical Viewing Do you think this illustration presents the slaughter of the suitors accurately? Explain. [Evaluate]

1010 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism

1010 32 they were already in the grip of death. Reading Skill But glaring under his brows Odysseus answered: Historical and Cultural Context “You yellow dogs, you thought I’d never make it •Review with students the indigni- 1440 home from the land of Troy. You took my house to ties that Odysseus has suffered at plunder. . . the hands of the suitors, reminding You dared bid for my wife while I was still alive. Vocabulary Builder him that they have abused his Contempt was all you had for the gods who rule wide contempt (kßn tempt») home, his wife, his child, and his 32 heaven, n. disdain or scorn hospitality. contempt for what men say of you hereafter. • Ask students to recall the Greeks’ Your last hour has come. You die in blood.” beliefs about the rules of hospitality and how the gods’ figure into 1445 As they all took this in, sickly green fear Reading Skill those beliefs. pulled at their entrails, and their eyes flickered Historical and Answer: Strangers to one’s home looking for some hatch or hideaway from death. Cultural Context should be treated with courtesy. Eurymachus19 alone could speak. He said: What cultural values The Greeks believed that gods are revealed by could visit homes in disguise and Odysseus’ explanation “If you are Odysseus of Ithaca come back, would punish humans who did not for his anger in treat them well. 1450 all that you say these men have done is true. lines 1441–1444? Rash actions, many here, more in the countryside. • Ask the Reading Skill question: But here he lies, the man who caused them all. 19. (yØ ri« mß What cultural values are revealed Antinous was the ringleader, he whipped us on kßs) by Odysseus’ explanation for his to do these things. He cared less for a marriage anger in lines 1441–1444? Possible responses: Odysseus is 1455 than for the power Cronion has denied him angry because the suitors have as king of Ithaca. For that plundered his house and tried to he tried to trap your son and would have killed him. claim his wife while he was gone. He is dead now and has his portion. Spare He also is angry because the suitors your own people. As for ourselves, we’ll make have dishonored the Greeks’ reli- 1460 restitution of wine and meat consumed, gious laws regarding hospitality and add, each one, a tithe of twenty oxen and the authority of the gods. with gifts of bronze and gold to warm your heart. Meanwhile we cannot blame you for your anger.” 33 Reading Check Odysseus glowered under his black brows Answer: He offers to make restitution of all the meat and wine 1465 and said: consumed, plus gifts of oxen, bronze, “Not for the whole treasure of your fathers, and gold. all you enjoy, lands, flocks, or any gold put up by others, would I hold my hand. There will be killing till the score is paid. You forced yourselves upon this house. Fight your way out, 1470 or run for it, if you think you’ll escape death. 33 I doubt one man of you skins by.” What does Eurymachus offer They felt their knees fail, and their hearts—but heard Odysseus to try to Eurymachus for the last time rallying them. calm his anger?

from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 1011

1011 34 Literary Analysis “Friends,” he said, “the man is implacable. Epic Simile 1475 Now that he’s got his hands on bow and quiver •Have students review the Literary he’ll shoot from the big doorstone there Analysis section of the Build Skills until he kills us to the last man. page, p. 992. Ask them to com- Fight, I say, pare a typical simile with an epic let’s remember the joy of it. Swords out! simile and to give and example of Hold up your tables to deflect his arrows. each. 1480 After me, everyone: rush him where he stands. Possible response: A typical sim- If we can budge him from the door, if we can pass ile makes a comparison to one into the town, we’ll call out men to chase him. thing, for example, “The arrow This fellow with his bow will shoot no more.” flew like a hawk.” An epic simile is longer and more complex. A possi- He drew his own sword as he spoke, a broadsword of fine Literary Analysis ble example is, “The arrow flew like 34 bronze, Epic Simile Why is the a hawk. Its feathers glinted in the 1485 honed like a razor on either edge. Then crying hoarse and comparison of sun, and it point bit like a hawk’s loud Eurymachus’ sharp beak. It attacked its victim as a he hurled himself at Odysseus. But the kingly man let fly sword to a razor only a hawk clutches its prey.” simile and not an epic an arrow at that instant, and the quivering feathered butt simile? •Stress to students that not all simi- sprang to the nipple of his breast as the barb stuck in his les in the Odyssey are epic similes. liver. •Thenask students the Literary The bright broadsword clanged down. He lurched and fell Analysis question: Why is the com- aside, parison of Eurymachus’ sharp 1490 pitching across his table. His cup, his bread and meat, sword to a razor only a simile and were spilt and scattered far and wide, and his head slammed not an epic simile? on the ground. • Possible response: This is a simile Revulsion, anguish in his heart, with both feet kicking out, because it compares a sword to a he downed his chair, while the shrouding wave of mist closed razor. An epic simile, however, is an on his eyes. elaborate comparison that can run across several lines. Here, the com- now came running at Odysseus, parison is mentioned once and is 1495 broadsword naked in his hand. He thought to make not sustained. the great soldier give way at the door. Monitor Progress: Review But with a spear throw from behind Telemachus hit him students’ graphic organizers to between the shoulders, and the lancehead drove ensure that they understand the clear through his chest. He left his feet and fell comparison and why it is not an 1500 forward, thudding, forehead against the ground. epic simile. Telemachus swerved around him, leaving the long dark Reteach: Work with students to spear expand this simile into an epic planted in Amphinomus. If he paused to yank it out simile. Brainstorm words that someone might jump him from behind or cut him down with might be used to extend the simile, a sword including blade, slice, sever, slash, at the moment he bent over. So he ran—ran from the tables and cut. 1505 to his father’s side and halted, panting, saying:

35 “Father let me bring you a shield and spear,

1012 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism

1012 35 a pair of spears, a helmet. Reading Skill I can arm on the run myself; I’ll give Historical and Cultural outfits to Eumaeus and this cowherd. Context 1510 Better to have equipment.” •Discuss with students the ways that different cultures emphasize that Said Odysseus: children should honor their par- “Run then, while I hold them off with arrows ents. You may want to cite the as long as the arrows last. When all are gone example of ancestor worship in if I’m alone they can dislodge me.” Chinese culture or the biblical com- mandment to “honor thy father 35 Quick Reading Skill upon his father’s word Telemachus Historical and and mother.” 1515 ran to the room where spears and armor lay. Cultural Context •Have students describe how He caught up four light shields, four pairs of spears, What cultural values Telemachus responded to his four helms of war high-plumed with flowing manes, are reflected in father’s return and what those and ran back, loaded down, to his father’s side. Telemachus’ behavior actions reveal about him. toward his father? He was the first to pull a helmet on Possible response: Telemachus wept with joy when his father 1520 and slide his bare arm in a buckler strap. The servants armed themselves, and all three took their revealed himself, and he has obeyed his father’s commands to stand prepare for battling the suitors. beside the master of battle. Telemachus’ response shows his While he had arrows love and respect for his father. he aimed and shot, and every shot brought down one of his huddling enemies. • Ask the Reading Skill question: What cultural values are reflected in 1525 But when all barbs had flown from the bowman’s fist, Telemachus’ behavior toward his he leaned his bow in the bright entryway father? beside the door, and armed: a four-ply shield Answer: Telemachus shows hard on his shoulder, and a crested helm, respect for his father as he fights horsetailed, nodding stormy upon his head, beside him in battle and hurries to 1530 then took his tough and bronze-shod spears. . . . bring him the weapons that he needs for the fight.

Aided by Athena, Odysseus, Telemachus, Eumaeus, and 36 Literary Analysis other faithful herdsmen kill all the suitors. Epic Simile • Ask the Literary Analysis question: And Odysseus looked around him, narrow-eyed, Literary Analysis Which aspects of the slain suitors’ for any others who had lain hidden Epic Simile Which appearance does the epic simile in while death’s black fury passed. aspects of the slain lines 1535–1539 emphasize? In blood and dust suitors’ appearance Possible responses: The image he saw that crowd all fallen, many and many slain. does the epic simile in of the fish flopping on the deck of lines 1535–1539 a ship emphasizes the suitors’ emphasize? 1535 Think of a catch that fishermen haul in to a half-moon bay struggling and writhing in their in a fine-meshed net from the whitecaps of the sea: 37 final moments. 36 how all are poured out on the sand, in throes for the salt sea, •Point out to students that the com- twitching their cold lives away in ’ fiery air: Who helps Odysseus parison of the suitors to dying fish so lay the suitors heaped on one another. defeat the suitors? does not serve to make their from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 1013 deaths glorious. Homer does not try to immortalize the suitors.

37 Reading Check Answer: Athena, Telemachus, Strategy for Less Proficient Readers Strategy for English Learners Eumaeus, and a herdsman help Review with students some of the critical details Preview with English Learners some of the Odysseus defeat the suitors. that take place in Odysseus’ slaughter of the vocabulary that relates to Odysseus’ battle with suitors, beginning with the death of Antinous. the suitors. The specific vocabulary can include Have students use a Series-of-Events Chain words that relate to weapons, such as (Graphic Organizer Transparencies, p. 239) to broadsword, spear, armor, shields, and helms. It plot important moments in the story, including also can include poetic phrases such as bow- Odysseus’ use of his bow and arrows, man’s fist, and the master of battle. Eurymachus’ offer of reparations, and Telemachus’ coming to his father’s aid.

1013 38 Humanities The Fall of Troy, by Romare Bearden Born in North Carolina, African American artist Romare Bearden grew up in New York. His work is most remarkable for its sophisticated rk NY

use of the idiom of Cubism to por- o tray the everyday realities of African American life. The Fall of Troy is a col-

GA, New Y 38 lage from a series done by Bearden A on the adventures of Odysseus. The

large white horse to the right is the V Licensed / ; the boats in the harbor are waiting to carry Odysseus and his men from Troy to numerous den Foundation adventures. Use these questions for discussion: e Bear •Which aspects of the collage recall 24 © Romar

what you have read from the × Odyssey? Which aspects of the collage reflect a modern mind at work?

Answer: Students should recog- den, serigraph 18

nize epic references such as the e Bear Trojan Horse, the burning towers of Troy, and the sea and ships.

Modern references include the col- Romar 1979, lage technique; the flat, childlike style of the cutouts; and the whim- sical inclusion of dolphins and The Odysseus Suite, Odysseus The

other sea creatures. om fr oy r 39 Critical Viewing T of all

Answer: Students should compare The F their impressions of such specific 39 Critical Viewing How does your mental image of events in the details as the Trojan Horse, the Odyssey compare to this artist’s interpretation of those events? burning towers, and the waiting [Compare and Contrast] ships.

1014 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism

“Deceptive” Terms Odysseus’ return is full of the idea of secrets and deception. Review with students the words that Penelope uses on p. 1015 here to describe this deception: frauds: means of deceiving people impostors: cheaters, people who assume false disguises underhanded: secret, not straight- forward

1014 40 Literary Analysis Penelope’s Test Epic Simile Penelope tests Odysseus to prove he really is her husband. •Discuss the contrast between Odysseus’ appearance and his ear- lier appearance as a beggar. Ask 1540 Greathearted Odysseus, home at last, students why they think Homer was being bathed now by Eurynome emphasizes Odysseus physical and rubbed with golden oil, and clothed again attractiveness as this point. in a fresh tunic and a cloak. Athena • Possible response: Homer is lent him beauty, head to foot. She made him Literary Analysis drawing a sharp contrast to 1545 taller, and massive, too, with crisping hair Epic Simile Which Odysseus’ previous guise as a beg- in curls like petals of wild hyacinth details in the epic gar. Odysseus is being prepared but all red-golden. Think of gold infused simile in lines 1547– almost as a new bridegroom, an on silver by a craftsman, whose fine art 1551 compare appropriate comparison as he 40 Hephaestus20 taught him, or Athena: one Odysseus’ hair to a work of art? approaches Penelope to renew 1550 whose work moves to delight: just so she lavished their marriage. beauty over Odysseus’ head and shoulders. 20. (hè fes» tßs) god of fire and metalworking. •Then have students which parts He sat then in the same chair by the pillar, of Odysseus’ appearance are facing his silent wife, and said: emphasized. Answer: His hair and his height “Strange woman, are emphasized. the immortals of Olympus made you hard, • Ask the Literary Analysis question: 1555 harder than any. Who else in the world Which details in the epic simile in would keep aloof as you do from her husband lines 1547–1551 compare if he returned to her from years of trouble, Odysseus’ hair to a work of art? cast on his own land in the twentieth year? Possible responses: The compar- ison to gold and silver, as well as Nurse, make up a bed for me to sleep on. the term craftsman and the refer- 1560 Her heart is iron in her breast.” ences to Hephaestus and Athena all compare Odysseus’ hair to artwork. Penelope spoke to Odysseus now. She said: 41 Reading Check Answer: Odysseus describes “Strange man, Penelope as hard and aloof. if man you are . . . This is no pride on my part nor scorn for you—not even wonder, merely. I know so well how you—how he—appeared 1565 boarding the ship for Troy. But all the same . . .

Make up his bed for him, Eurycleia. Place it outside the bedchamber my lord built with his own hands. Pile the big bed 41 with fleeces, rugs, and sheets of purest linen.” How does Odysseus describe Penelope’s 1570 With this she tried him to the breaking point, attitude toward him?

from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 1015

Concept Connector Anticipation Guide Connecting to the Literature Have students return to their Anticipation Have students write a paragraph about the con- Guides and respond to the statements again in flict between Odysseus and Penelope. Challenge the After Reading column. They may do this students to use at least five of the expressive individually or in their original pairs or groups. vocabulary words provided earlier in their para- Then, lead a class discussion, probing for what graphs. students have learned that confirms or invali- dates each statement. Encourage students to Literary Analysis Graphic Organizer cite specific details, quotations, or other evi- Ask students to review the graphic organizers dence from the text to support their responses they completed to chart historical/cultural to each statement. details. Show them Literary Analysis Graphic Organizer B (Graphic Organizer Transparencies, p. 206) as an example. Then have students share their graphic organizers.

1015 42 Literary Analysis and he turned on her in a flash raging: Epic Simile •Read aloud the bracketed passage. “Woman, by heaven you’ve stung me now! Then ask students to identify the Who dared to move my bed? items that are being compared. No builder had the skill for that—unless Answer: The trunk of the olive 1575 a god came down to turn the trick. No mortal tree is compared to a pillar. in his best days could budge it with a crowbar. •Ask students to list any supporting There is our pact and pledge, our secret sign, details about the appearance or built into that bed—my handiwork other qualities of the pillar. and no one else’s! • Answer: No other details are included. 42 An old trunk of olive Literary Analysis • Ask students to respond to the 1580 grew like a pillar on the building plot, Epic Simile Explain Literary Analysis prompt: Explain and I laid out our bedroom round that tree, why the simile comparing the olive why the simile comparing the olive lined up the stone walls, built the walls and roof, trunk to a pillar is not trunk to a pillar is not an epic gave it a doorway and smooth-fitting doors. an epic simile. simile. Then I lopped off the silvery leaves and branches, Answer: The text compares the 1585 hewed and shaped that stump from the roots up two items but does not draw out into a bedpost, drilled it, let it serve the explanation by including other as model for the rest. I planed them all, details. The comparison is men- inlaid them all with silver, gold and ivory, tioned only once and is not and stretched a bed between—a pliant web extended. 1590 of oxhide thongs dyed crimson. There’s our sign! I know no more. Could someone else’s hand have sawn that trunk and dragged the frame away?”

Their secret! as she heard it told, her knees grew tremulous and weak, her heart failed her. 1595 With eyes brimming tears she ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck, and kissed him, murmuring: “Do not rage at me, Odysseus! No one ever matched your caution! Think what difficulty the gods gave: they denied us 1600 life together in our prime and flowering years, kept us from crossing into age together. Forgive me, don’t be angry. I could not welcome you with love on sight! I armed myself long ago against the frauds of men, 1605 impostors who might come—and all those many whose underhanded ways bring evil on! . . . But here and now, what sign could be so clear as this of our own bed? No other man has ever laid eyes on it—

1016 ■ Themes in Literature: Heroism

Vocabulary Knowledge Rating When students have completed reading and example or sentence in the appropriate discussing the Odyssey, Part 2, have them take column. Then have students complete the out their Vocabulary Knowledge Rating Chart Vocabulary Builder Practice activities on for this selection. Read the words aloud once p. 1019. Encourage students to use the words more and have students rate their knowledge of in further discussion and written work about the the words again in the After Reading column. Odyssey. Remind them that they will be Clarify any words that are still problematic. accountable for these words on the Selection Have students write their own definition and Test.

1016 43 Literary Analysis 1610 only my own slave, Actoris, that my father sent with me as a gift—she kept our door. Epic Simile You make my stiff heart know that I am yours.” •Review with students some of the incidents in which Odysseus faced Now from his breast into his eyes the ache Literary Analysis storms or rough seas on his return of longing mounted, and he wept at last, Epic Simile In what home. 1615 his dear wife, clear and faithful, in his arms, way does this epic • Ask the Literary Analysis question: longed for as the sunwarmed earth is longed for by a simile recall the In what way does this epic simile swimmer dangers Odysseus recall the dangers Odysseus faced faced on his journey spent in rough water where his ship went down on his journey home? 43 home? under ’s blows, gale winds and tons of sea. Possible response: Odysseus Few men can keep alive through a big surf longs for his wife as a drowning 1620 to crawl, clotted with brine, on kindly beaches person longs for dry land. The in joy, in joy, knowing the abyss21 behind: 21. abyss (ß bis») n. ocean comparison to “rough water,” and so she too rejoiced, her gaze upon her husband, depths. “gale winds,” and “tons of sea” her white arms round him pressed as though forever. recall the many times that Odysseus faced and that Odysseus was nearly drowned before he could return home. The Ending

Odysseus is reunited with his father. Athena commands that peace prevail between Odysseus and the relatives of the slain suitors. Odysseus has regained his family and his kingdom. Answers

1. Students may believe that some sort of revenge is justified, but that Odysseus overreacts. They 1. Respond: Do you think Odysseus acts heroically in this section of may say that he also could have the Odyssey? Why or why not? been heroic by showing forgive- ness. 2. (a) Recall: How does Odysseus respond when Eurymachus offers to repay Odysseus for what the suitors have taken from his house? 2. (a) Odysseus will not be satisfied (b) Infer: What does Odysseus’ response reveal about his character? with treasure. He says the suitors must fight their way out. (b) 3. (a) Recall: How does the fight turn out? (b) Analyze: Why does Possible response: Odysseus Odysseus take equal revenge on all the suitors? can be inflexible and unforgiving 4. (a) Analyze: What does Penelope’s doubt about her husband’s when he thinks he has been return suggest about her character? (b) Draw Conclusions: Given treated Odysseus’ reputation for guile, in what way is Penelope an appro- disrespectfully. priate companion for Odysseus? 3. (a) Caught by surprise, the suit- 5. (a) Summarize: During Odysseus’ long absence, how does Penelope ors are quickly overcome by handle the problem of the suitors? (b) Summarize: How does Odysseus, his son, and his ser- Odysseus handle the problem upon his return? (c) Make a vants. (b) Odysseus regards all Judgment: Do you think their means of handling the problem is the suitors as equally guilty of appropriate? Why or why not? invading his home. 4. (a) Penelope’s doubt shows her from the Odyssey, Part 2 ■ 1017 caution. It may show how she has had to protect her feelings as she waited for her husband’s return. (b) Penelope is an appro- priate companion for Odysseus because she, too, is clever. 5. (a) Penelope handles the prob- lem by weaving a shroud, then unraveling it each night. (b) Odysseus disguises himself and, after seeing the suitors’ disrespect, makes a plan to kill them. (c) Students may say that Odysseus should have forced the suitors to leave, rather than kill them. They may say that Penelope should have been more assertive in expelling the suitors.