(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,113,981 B2 Slate (45) Date of Patent: Sep
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US007 113981B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,113,981 B2 Slate (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 26, 2006 (54) CELLULAR TELEPHONE DOWNLOAD 5,513,272 A 4/1996 Bogosian, Jr. LOCKER 5,517,605 A 5, 1996 Wolf 5,526,620 A 6/1996 Hallsten (75) Inventor: Michael L. Slate, Indianapolis, IN (US) 5,530,852 A 6/1996 Meske, Jr. et al. 5,533,115 A 7/1996 Hollenbach et al. (73) Assignee: Mixxer, Inc., Seattle, WA (US) 5,534.855 A 7/1996 Shockley et al. 5,537,586 A 7/1996 Amram et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,542,046 A 7/1996 Carlson et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,544,255 A 8, 1996 Smithies et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 244 days. 5,544,322 A 8/1996 Cheng et al. 5,548,726 A 8, 1996 Pettus (21) Appl. No.: 10/747,588 5,550,976 A 8, 1996 Henderson et al. (22) Filed: Dec. 29, 2003 (Continued) (65) Prior Publication Data FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS US 2005/O1442.51 A1 Jun. 30, 2005 WO WO99/43136 8, 1999 (51) Int. Cl. G06F 5/16 (2006.01) (Continued) (52) U.S. Cl. ...................... 709/217; 709/206; 709/219; OTHER PUBLICATIONS 455/414:455/418; 455/419:455/420 (58) Field of Classification Search ................ 709/217, WAP 2.0 Technical White Paper, Wireless Application Protocol 709/219, 206; 705/26: 455/414,412.1, Forum Ltd., Jan. 2002. 455/418, 419,420; 463/41; 725/112 Primary Examiner Zarni Maung See application file for complete search history. Assistant Examiner V. Korobov (56) References Cited (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Lee & Hayes, PLLC U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (57) ABSTRACT 4.866,766 A 9, 1989 Mitzlaff 4,868,561 A 9, 1989 Davis A system and method for providing data files, such as 5,414,444 A 5, 1995 Britz ringtones, screensavers, games, and other types of applica 5,452,354 A 9/1995 Kyronlahti et al. tion Software, to a mobile telephone, such as a cellular 5,461,666 A 10, 1995 McMahan et al. telephone, is disclosed. 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Lockers Files Wireless Telephone Internet 39 Network U.S. Patent Sep. 26, 2006 Sheet 2 of 17 US 7,113,981 B2 EGS dip o a d - e o m' signup login Homes Topics - Downloads • Your ACCounts My Locker a Top 10 R72 s o/ 1 121 201 User Registration/Login Main Ment 72 User Login Secure Login ACCeSSOriesHome 4-1/7t COMPATIBILIT 7. Nickname: Usex -s8es. TESTIMONIALS 1. Password: the r- (to - - - -2. 4. • ScreensaversGames e-8 48 Me Logged In (If you have problems logging in, leave this unchecked) ... MyAPPs 3G as-88 go t4 Lost your Password? New User Registration • My Locker21 q l 7. Personal Files e-1 (at f t8 Private Messages o Phone Reviews 15 • 3G Forums 4- 04 a 3G News a 0. - Help 4-08 • FAQ 6-d e HOWTOS K-12 - f' (a f" (''2. ('2. Home e Topics e Downloads a Your Account e Submit News a Top 10 U.S. Patent Sep. 26, 2006 Sheet 3 of 17 US 7,113,981 B2 EGS dip to a d. c o m' Welcome User:X logout Home o Topics • Downloadso Top o 10Your ACCount e My Locker 7 Riz - O (3)DOLLOfDS, • eACCeSSOries All Search • Ringtones 28 30 34. 22 ScreenSavers e 34 Downloads Main Add Download New Top 10) * AppsGameS a - go--morra / 131, 1 is 1 N2c • My 3G Downloads Main Categories My Locker a Personal Files Private Messages o SMS Sender • 3G Community e Phone Reviews a 3G Forums is 3G NeWS • Chat Room • Help O FAQ ringers Utilities to HOWTOS RR-2 DonateEnjoying your Services... Applicationsg/ sThere are 30123 Downloads and 540 Categories in Our database 120 Home o Topics o Downloads o Your Account s Submit News o Top 10 U.S. Patent Sep. 26, 2006 Sheet 4 of 17 US 7,113,981 B2 o a d - c o m" Topics o Downloads o Your Account My Locker Welcome User:X o Top 10 70 Main .