
Woodwind Family

What makes an instrument part of the Woodwind Family? • Woodwind instruments are instruments that make sound by blowing air over:

• open hole • internal hole • single reeds • double • free reeds Some woodwind instruments that have open and internal holes:

• Panpipes

• Recorder • Some woodwind instruments that have: single reeds free reeds

• Sho Some woodwind instruments that have double reeds: •

• English

• Rhaita • Sarrusaphone

• Tromboon

• Zurla Assignment: Watch: Mr. Gendreau’s woodwind lesson How a flute is made How bagpipes are made How a bassoon reed is made

*Find materials in your house that you (with your parent’s/guardian’s permission) can use to make a woodwind (i.e. water bottle, straw and cup of water, piece of paper, etc). *Find some other materials that you (with your parent’s/guardian’s permission) you can make a different .

*What can you do to change the sound of each? *How does the length of the straw effect the sound it makes? *How does the amount of water effect the sound?

When you’re done, click here for your “ticket out the door”. Some optional videos for fun: • Young woman plays music from “Mario” on the Sho • Young boy on saxophone • 9 year old girl plays the flute