
KS2 Geography ~Polar Regions

In this unit… Key Skills Pupils will identify the - I can ask geographical questions. –Y3-6 position and significance - I can analyse evidence and draw conclusions. –Y3-6 of , longitude, - I can find patterns and suggest reasons for them. –Y5/6 , Northern - I can identify and explain views of different people, including myself, about an environment –Y3/4 Hemisphere, Southern - I can give increasing detail, justification and reasons that Hemisphere, the Tropics may influence these views. –Y5/6 of Cancer and Capricorn, - I can communicate my findings in ways appropriate to the Arctic and Circle, purpose, task and audience .–Y3-6 the Prime/Greenwich - I can use geographical vocabulary –Y3-6 and time zones.

Key Knowledge Key Vocabulary 7 Asia, Africa, North America, South Years 3 & 4 America, Europe, Oceania (Australasia) A large area of land that consists of 5 Oceans Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, several countries. A large area of sea. Time zones Countries all over the world are Equator An imaginary line around the middle of divided into 24 time zones, based on the at an equal distance from the longitudinal lines. and the Prime / An imaginary line from North to South Human feature A man-made feature of a place Greenwich Pole which runs through Greenwich, Physical feature A natural feature of a place Meridian UK. It is 0° longitude. Climate The usual weather conditions of a place Greenwich GMT is the clock time at the Royal Imaginary circle around the Earth about Mean Time Observatory in Greenwich, London. It three quarters of the way from the equator to the North Pole also referred to as Universal Antarctic Circle Imaginary circle around the Earth about Coordinated Time, or UTC. three quarters of the way from the When the is at its highest point equator to the South Pole over the , it is 12:00 North and South The northern and southern ends of the at Greenwich. Poles Earth’s axis. Facts about the -The Arctic region is made up of parts Arctic of 8 countries in N America and Europe -It has a number of natural resources, Key Vocabulary including fish, oil, gas and various Years 5 & 6 minerals. The following, in addition to vocabulary learned in Y3&4. -Almost entirely covered in water, Northern The half of the Earth that is north of the most of which is frozen. hemisphere Equator Facts about -It is the coldest, driest, windiest Southern The half of the Earth that is south of the continent. It is considered a desert hemisphere Equator because of its low rainfall. An imaginary circle around the Earth 23° -98% of the continent is covered in ice north of the equator. -There are no permanent residents An imaginary circle around the Earth 23° -It is very important for scientific south of the equator. research. Different countries have Latitude Imaginary horizontal lines that circle the research centres there. Earth parallel to the equator Longitude (Also Imaginary vertical lines that stretch from Risks to the -Climate change known as Meridians) the North Pole to South Pole. environment of -Exploitation of natural resources Natural resources Natural materials that can be used or Polar Regions -Tourism sold by people eg: oil, wood, minerals -Pollution Land-use The way that land is used eg: farming. Biomes An area providing a specific habitat.

“Why then do we feel this strange attraction for these polar regions, a feeling so powerful and lasting, that when we return home we forget the mental and physical hardships and want nothing more than to return to them?” ~Jean-Baptiste Charcot (Scientist and Doctor)