Latitude & Longitude Review

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Latitude & Longitude Review Latitude & Longitude Introduction Latitude Lines of Latitude are also called parallels because they are parallel to each other. They NEVER touch. The 0° Latitude line is called the Equator. They measure distance north and south of the Equator How to remember? Longitude Lines of Longitude are also called meridians. The 0° Longitude line is called the Prime Meridian. It runs through Greenwich England They measure distance east and west of the Prime Meridian until it gets to 180° How to remember? Hemispheres The Prime Meridian divides the earth in half into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Hemispheres The Equator divides the earth in half into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. .When giving the absolute location of a place you first say the Latitude followed by the Longitude. .Boise is located at 44 N., 116W .Both Latitude and Longitude are measured in degrees. .Always make sure you are in the correct hemisphere: North or South – East or West. Latitude and Longitude Part 2 66 ½° N Arctic Circle 23 ½° N Tropic of Cancer Equator 23 ½° S Tropic of Capricorn 66 ½° S Antarctic Circle Prime Meridian Things To Remember • You always read or say the Latitude 1st then the Longitude (makes sense – it is alphabetical. ) – (30°N, 108°W) • Use your pointer finger on both hands to follow each line. • Don’t get hung up on 1 or 2 degrees. • Latitude and Longitude lines are the GRID on the map – smaller area maps may use a different grid. 1. Find 20°N & 100°W – Put a Dot & label 1 2. Find 20°S & 140°E – Put a Dot & label 2 3. Find 10° N & 0° -- Put a Dot & label 3 4. Find 0° & 120°E – Put a Dot & label 4 5. Find 40° S & 70°W – Put a Dot & label 5 6. Find 30°S & 20°E – Put a Dot & label 6 7. Use your atlas Pg 8-9, what city do you find at 30°N & 103°W? Put a Dot & Label it. 8. What city do you find at 60°N & 30°E? Put a Dot and label it. ° St. Petersburg ° Houston °1 °3 °4 °2 °6 °5 Lets try it Turn to your atlas pg 63 – Find the city the latitude and longitude refers to and place your finger on it. • What city do you find at 16° N, 32°E? Omdurman, Sudan • What city do you find at 34°S, 18°E? Cape Town, South Africa • What city do you find at 9°N. 13°W? Conakry , Guinea.
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