Development and Validation of a Surname List to Define Chinese
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ORIGINAL ARTICLE Development and Validation of a Surname List to Define Chinese Ethnicity Hude Quan, MD, PhD,*† Fulin Wang, MD, PhD,§ Donald Schopflocher, PhD,§ 10/05/2020 on BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3pxNPODIEKBpIl4WIJuUC31egChUPWMamUWCB2/x04ixEj+23gP8nSw== by from Downloaded Colleen Norris, PhD,¶ P. Diane Galbraith, BN,*† Peter Faris, PhD,* Michelle M. Graham, MD,ʈ Merril L. Knudtson, MD,‡ and William A. Ghali, MD, MPH*†‡ Downloaded from any secondary databases cannot be readily used to Objective: Surnames have the potential to accurately identify an- Mstudy ethnic variations in population health because of cestral origins as they are passed on from generation to generation. the lack of information on ethnicity. To overcome this limi- In this study, we developed and validated a Chinese surname list to tation, surnames have been used as an alternative source of define Chinese ethnicity. information for defining ethnicity.1–4 Surnames have the Methods: We conducted a literature review, a panel review, and a potential to accurately identify ancestral origin because they telephone survey in a randomly selected sample from a Canadian by are passed on from generation to generation. Chinese sur- BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3pxNPODIEKBpIl4WIJuUC31egChUPWMamUWCB2/x04ixEj+23gP8nSw== city in 2003 to develop a Chinese surname list. The list was then name lists have been developed as an indicator of Chinese validated to data from the Canadian Community Health Survey. ethnicity. In 1990, Hage et al2 developed a list of 145 Chinese Both surveys collected information on self-reported ethnicity and surnames by checking the Melbourne telephone directory. In surname. 1993, Choi et al,5 using the Ontario vital statistics registry, Results: Of the 112,452 people analyzed in the Canadian Commu- developed a Chinese surname list that included 217 distinc- nity Health Survey, 1.6% were self-reported as Chinese. This was tive male surnames and 194 female surnames. In 2000, similar to the 1.5% identified by the surname list. Compared with Lauderdale and Kestenbaum6 developed a list of 791 Chinese self-reported Chinese ethnicity (reference standard), the surname list surnames using the U.S. Social Security Administration File had 77.7% sensitivity, 80.5% positive predictive value, 99.7% spec- for people aged 65 or older, and then from the list, they ificity, and 99.6% negative predictive value. When stratifying by sex selected 461 surnames to form a subset for predicting Chinese 7 and marital status, the positive predictive value was 78.9% for ethnicity with a high accuracy. In 2001, Tjam selected all married women and 83.6% for never married women. possible Chinese names from the Waterloo telephone direc- Conclusions: The Chinese surname list appears to be valid in tory in Canada following Cantonese and Mandarin phono- logic rules, resulting in 266 distinctive Chinese surnames. In identifying Chinese ethnicity. The validity may depend on the 8 geographic origins and Chinese dialects in given populations. 2004, Quan et al assessed the agreement between self- perceived Chinese ethnicity and the ethnicity assigned using Key Words: ethnicity, Chinese, survey, population, surveillance Tjam’s list7 and proposed a revised surname list, including 259 surnames for defining Chinese ethnicity. (Med Care 2006;44: 328–333) These published lists are inconsistent in the number and content of surnames as a result of inherent limitations of a relatively small sample, including a small geographic From the *Department of Community Health Sciences, the †Centre for area2,5,7,8 or earlier Chinese immigrants6 in previous studies. Health and Policy Studies, and the ‡Department of Medicine, University Thus, the comprehensiveness and validity of these lists are of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; §Alberta Health and Wellness, uncertain when this methodology is applied to a large and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; and the ¶Faculty of Nursing and the De- partment of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. current population. In this article, we describe work toward The conduct of this study was supported by operating grants from the developing a comprehensive and valid Chinese surname list on 10/05/2020 Calgary Health Region, Calgary, the Institute of Health Economics, and with which Chinese ethnicity can be defined in large population. Alberta Health and Wellness, Alberta, Canada. Drs. Quan and Norris are supported by a Population Health Investigator Award from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and by a New Investigator Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health METHODS Research. Dr. Ghali is supported by a Health Scholar Award from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, Edmonton, Alberta, Development of a New Chinese Surname List Canada, and by a Government of Canada Research Chair in Health The following steps were taken to develop the sur- Services Research. name list: Reprints: Hude Quan, MD, PhD, Department of Community Health Sci- Step 1: We extracted Chinese surnames contained in ences, University of Calgary, 3330 Hospital Dr. NW, Calgary, Alberta, 2,5–8 Canada, T2N 4N1. E-mail: [email protected] the published surname lists. The list was then enhanced Copyright © 2006 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins by adding additional surnames from the book of A Hundred ISSN: 0025-7079/06/4404-0328 Chinese Surnames9 and Chinese surnames reported in the 328 Medical Care • Volume 44, Number 4, April 2006 Medical Care • Volume 44, Number 4, April 2006 Surname List to Define Chinese Ethnicity U.S. Census.10 We excluded Chinese surnames that were Step 2: Five people (1 Mandarin-speaking Chinese, 1 recommended by previous studies2,5,7,8 to be excluded, be- Cantonese-speaking Chinese, 1 Korean and Mandarin-speak- cause those surnames were highly likely to misclassify non- ing Chinese, 1 Canadian-born European-origin white, and 1 Chinese individuals as being of Chinese ethnicity. Vietnamese-speaking Canadian) reviewed the list indepen- TABLE 1. The New Chinese Surname List (1186 Surnames) AI, AN, ANG, AO, AU, AYE, BA, BAI, BAK, BAO, BAT, BAW, BEI, BEN, BI, BIAN, BIAO, BING, BIU, BO, BOK, BONG, BOU, BU, BUK, BUY, CAN, CANG, CAO, CENG, CHA, CHAI, CHAIM, CHAING, CHAK, CHANG, CHANGCHIEN, CHAT, CHAU, CHAUN, CHAUNG, CHAW, CHE, CHEAH, CHEANG, CHEAR, CHEI, CHEING, CHENCHANG, CHEO, CHEONG, CHERN, CHEUG, CHEUICHEUK, CHEUN, CHEUNJ, CHEW, CHHAY, CHHOR, CHI, CHIA, CHIAN, CHIEU, CHIEW, CHIK, CHIM, CHINN, CHIONG, CHITING, CHIUZ, CHIW, CHO, CHOCK, CHOENG, CHOH, CHONG, CHOO, CHOONG, CHOUNN, CHOUW, CHOWN, CHUA, CHUE, CHUH, CHUK, CHUN, CHUNE, CHUNG, CHUONG, CHUP, CHUY, CHYE, CHYI, CHYOU, CHYU, CHZUNG, CING, CIU, CO, COI, CONG, COU, COY, CU, CUAN, CUI, CYU, CYUN, DAI, DAN, DAU, DEA, DEE, DEFU, DEONG, DERE, DI, DIAN, DIAO, DIEC, DIEP, DIK, DIN, DING, DIU, DJANG, DJENG, DO, DOI, DONG, DOO, DOOH, DOU, DOUNG, DOW, DU, DUAN, DUANMU, DUEN, DUGU, DUNG, DUO, DUONG, EAR, ERH, FAH, FAI, FANCHIANG, FEI, FI, FING, FOCK, FOONG, FOU, FUEN, FUK, GA, GAA, GAI, GAM, GAN, GANG, GANN, GAU, GAUK, GAW, GE, GEI, GEN, GENE, GENG, GEOI, GEUNG, GIANG, GIM, GING, GIT, GIU, GO, GOENG, GOH, GON, GOO, GOOEY, GOOI, GOON, GOT, GOU, GOY, GUANG, GUEN, GUEY, GUI, GUK, GUM, GUN, GUU, GWAI, GWANG, GWIK, GWOCK, GWOK, GWON, GYUN, HA, HAHM, HAI, HAK, HAN, HANG, HAO, HAP, HAR, HAU, HECK, HEE, HEI, HENG, HEOI, HEP, HEU, HEW, HG, HIM, HIU, HO, HOI, HON, HONG, HOP, HOR, HORNG, HOTUNG, HOUNG, HSA, HSANG, HSIAD, HSIGH, HSIH, HSIUN, HSUEN, HSUNG, HUA, HUAI, HUAN, HUE, HUEN, HUIE, HUK, HUM, HUMS, HUN, HUNE, HUU, HWA, HWAI, HWANG, HWE, HWO, HWUNG, I, ING, ISANG, JAIN, JAM, JANG, JAO, JAU, JAW, JEA, JEE, JEHNG, JEI, JI, JIAO, JIE, JIEN, JIN, JIP, JOENG, JOIE, JOM, JONE, JONG, JOO, JOR, JOU, JOY, JSE, JU, JUAN, JUM, JUO, JYU, JYUN, KA, KAI, KAM, KAMKAN, KAN, KANG, KAT, KAU, KAUNG, KAWN, KE, KEE, KEET, KEH, KEI, KEN, KEOI, KEONG, KER, KEU, KEW, KHAY, KHOR, KHU, KIAO, KIEW, KIN, KIP, KIT, KLYHN, KO, KOA, KOE, KOH, KOK, KONG, KOO, KOT, KOUNG, KOWNG, KOY, KU, KUEN, KUK, KUM, KUN, KUOK, KUON, KUT, KWA, KWAIN, KWANG, KWON, KWUNG, KYOK, LA, LAM, LAN, LAO, LAU, LEM, LENG, LET, LEU, LEVNG, LEW, LIAN, LIEU, LIEW, LIK, LING, LIP, LIV, LOENG, LOH, LOI, LOK, LOR, LOUEN, LOUNG, LUAN, LUN, LUNG, LUONG, LYUN, MAI, MAK, MAN, MANG, MAO, MAT, MAU, MAW, MEI, MEN, MENG, MI, MIAN, MIAU, MIE, MIN, MING, MIU, MO, MOH, MOI, MOK, MON, MONG, MONK, MOU, MOW, MU, MUA, MUK, MUN, MUQI, NA, NAN, NANG, NANN, NAP, NAU, NEI, NENG, NEU, NEW, NGAN, NGAO, NGAU, NGAY, NGEUN, NGHEM, NGHIEM, NGIM, NGIN, NGING, NGON, NGOON, NGOR, NGOW, NGU, NGUI, NGUY, NIAN, NIE, NIN, NIPP, NOE, NOI, NOM, NUNG, NYI, OCK, OEI, OI, ON, ONG, OOI, OR, OU, OUONG, OUYOUNG, OWN, PA, PAI, PAK, PANG, PAO, PAU, PHANG, PHUA, PHUNG, PI, PIAN, PIAU, PIEN, PIH, PIN, PING, PIU, PO, POK, PONG, POO, POU, PUEN, QIANG, QIAO, QING, QUAN, QUE, QUELCH, QUEN, QUEY, QUNG, QUOORK, QWONG, RAN, REN, RONG, ROUGH, RUI, RUN, RUO, SA, SAEBAE, SAEUNG, SAH, SAI, SAM, SAN, SAT, SAU, SE, SEAH, SEC, SEEN, SEID, SEK, SEN, SENG, SEON, SEOW, SET, SHA, SHAM, SHAN, SHANGGUAN, SHAU, SHAZHA, SHEIH, SHEK, SHENH, SHEW, SHI, SHIC, SHINN, SHION, SHO, SHOON, SHOU, SHUANG, SHUE, SHUM, SI, SIAO, SIAUW, SID, SIE, SIEU, SIEW, SIKONG, SIMA, SIN, SING, SITOU, SO, SOK, SONG, SOO, SOP, SOU, SU, SUE, SUEY, SUK, SUM, SUNG, SUO, SUTU, SY, SYU, SYUN, SZETU, TA, TAN, TANG, TAT, TAY, TCHAO, TCHENG, TCHOU, TEANG, TED, TEH, TENG, TEO, TEOH, TEU,