
Tilted Dirac cone effects and chiral breaking in a planar four- model

Y. M. P. Gomes1, ∗ and Rudnei O. Ramos1, † 1Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 20550-013 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil We analyze the chiral symmetry breaking in a planar four-fermion model with non-null chemical potential, temperature and including the effect of the tilt of the Dirac cone. The system is modeled with a (2 + 1)-dimensional Gross-Neveu-like interaction model in the context of the generalized Weyl Hamiltonian and its phase structure is studied in the meanfield and large-N approximations. Possible applications of the results obtained, e.g., in connection to graphene, are discussed. We also discuss the effect of an external magnetic field applied to the system, which can give rise to the appearance of the anomalous Hall effect and that is expected to arise in connection with two-dimensional Weyl and Dirac semimetals.

I. INTRODUCTION the properties of the first detected (for reviews, see, e.g., Refs. [29, 30]). Condensed matter systems, in particular those with We study in this work how this gapless property as- linearly dispersing fermionic excitations, have been serv- sociated with Weyl would hold against possible ing as perfect platforms for testing predictions made by chiral symmetry breaking. Here, the usual Weyl Hamilto- quantum field theories. This interplay between high en- nian used in the description of Weyl semimetals [23, 24] ergy and condensed matter has been producing is extended by the introducing of a four-fermion inter- new insights about the quantum phenomena. This in- action. The properties of this system are then studied cludes since the parallel between the Ginzburg–Landau under the effects of both a finite chemical potential and model of superconductivity and the spontaneous symme- temperature. try breaking in the Higgs sector of the Let us recall that four-fermion interacting models, par- of particle Physics to the relation between topological ticularly Gross-Neveu (GN) type of models [31] in (2+1)- insulators and axion electrodynamics, with applications, dimensions, are of particular interest. This is because e.g., in two-dimensional systems [1–7]. The physics of of their simplicity and ability to capture the relevant graphene [8], is of particular relevance in this context, physics of planar fermionic systems in general and, thus, where the electrons can be treated in a quasirelativistic these type of models have been extensively considered way through the in (2 + 1)-dimensions. in the literature. These models can have either a dis- Although the relativistic character of the electrons in crete chiral symmetry, ψ → γ5ψ, or a continuous one, graphene is intrinsically connected with the Lorentz sym- ψ → exp(iαγ5)ψ. These type of models have been metry, this is not the case in most materials in condensed employed to study, e.g, low energy excitations of high- matter. In these material, the dispersion in the vicin- temperature superconductors [32], while analogous mod- ity of band touching points, though they can be generi- els with four-fermion interactions have also been used to cally linear and to resemble the Weyl equation, they lack study the quantum properties of graphene [33]. Taken Lorentz invariance. Despite Lorentz symmetry breaking as an effective low-energy description of the intrinsic in high energy physics may emerge in specific contexts [9– physics of many relevant condensed matter systems of in- 15], they face strong constraints in general [16–18], De- terest, the four-fermion models of the GN type have then spite this, models exhibiting Lorentz symmetry break- served as motivation for many previous studies (see, e.g., ing have been recently applied in the condensed matter Refs. [34–39] for examples of application). In particular, area, e.g., as a path to model three-dimensional Weyl these models can make a role in understanding possible semimetals [19–22], quasi-planar organic materials and dynamical gap generation in the planar condensed mat- hetero-structures made of a combination of topological ter systems, e.g., in graphene [33, 40, 41]. and normal insulators [23–26]. The aim of this paper is then to study a Weyl-like These new systems are described by Weyl-like Hamil- Hamiltonian, augmented by a four-fermion interaction tonians and, therefore, these systems have of the GN type. We study the interplay between the that behave like Weyl fermions [27]. These quasiparti- arXiv:2106.09239v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 17 Jun 2021 characteristic anisotropy and tilting of the Dirac cone, as cles are by construction massless and are more stable typically considered in these models, with both tempera- against gap formation in comparison with Dirac ones. ture and chemical potential (i.e., the effects of doping) in After several theoretical predictions, the first experimen- the phase structure of the resulting system. This study tal measure of this kind of material [28] shed light on is performed in the context of the effective potential in the meanfield and large-N approximation. It is expected that this study will be of interest for learning some of the analogous effects that might be important when consid- ∗ [email protected] ering fermionic quasiparticles and excitonic bound states † [email protected] in planar fermionic systems of relevance. 2

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we show the relevant properties of two- dimensional Dirac and Weyl semimetal systems. In Sec. III, we extend the model by considering a four- fermion interaction and analyze the effective potential at the meanfield and large-N level when taking into account the effects of both the anisotropy, tilting of the Dirac cone, chemical potential and temperature. In Sec. IV, we discuss some expected features for this Weyl-type model when an external magnetic field is applied to the system. Finally, in Sec. V, we give some additional discussions concerning our results and also our concluding remarks. FIG. 1. Illustration of a generic Dirac cone for an isotropic Throughout this work, we will be considering the natural Dirac semimetal (a), type I Weyl semimetal (b) and type II units where ~ = kB = c = 1. Weyl semimetal (c).

II. TWO-DIMENSIONAL WEYL SEMIMETALS where λ = ±1 defines the conduction and valence bands, respectively. In the untilted case tx = ty = 0 and The generalized Hamiltonian which describes the elec- isotropic one, ξx = ξy = 1, we recover the spectrum of trons in the two-dimensional Weyl semimetal (2D WSM) isotropic graphene. The Hamiltonian Eq. (2.1) commutes is given by [23, 24], with the operator given by  0 x y H (p) = v (t · p) τ + (ξ p ) τ + (ξ p ) τ , (2.1) (ξxpx)τx + (ξypy)τy t F x x y y C = , (2.4) p 2 2 0 (ξxpx) + (ξypy) where vF is the Fermi velocity, τ = I the 2 × 2 identity matrix, τ x and τ y are the , t is the vec- and the eigenvalues of C are given by α = ±1. Due to 0 tor defining the tilt of the Dirac cone and ξ = (ξx, ξy) the two-fold degeneracy of the Dirac cones D and D , is the vector that describes the anisotropic character of with representative index ρ = ±1, the band index can be the crystalline structure. The tilt vector t is related properly identified as λ = ρα. Taking these degeneracies to the separation between the Dirac cones in the Weyl into account, we can write a four-component Weyl semimetal. A consequence of the non-null tilt term in ψ and a Dirac-like Lagrangian density can be written as 0 Eq. (2.1) is that the Dirac points, denoted by D and D , " # no longer coincide with the Brillouin corners K and K0 X L = iψ¯ (∂ − v t · ∂) γ0 − v (ξ ∂ )γi ψ (see, e.g., Ref. [24] for details and a review). In particu- 0 t F F i i lar, type-I Weyl semimetals are characterized by |t| < 1, i ¯ µν while type-II ones by |t| > 1 (see Fig. 1 for an illustra- = iψM γµ∂ν ψ, (2.5) tion). Although |t| is not restricted, in order to maintain where the physical meaning of the Hamiltonian Eq. (2.1), it is 1 0  imposed that γµ = τ µ ⊗ , (2.6) 0 −1 s  2  2 tx ty + = |˜t| < 1, (2.2) τ µ = (τ , iτ , iτ ) and ψ¯ = ψ†γ0. The γ-matrices re- ξ ξ 3 x y x y spect the algebra {γµ, γν } = 2ηµν (for details of this rep- where |˜t| is called the effective tilt parameter. When the resentation for fermions in (2 + 1)-dimensions see, e.g., condition given by Eq. (2.2) is not respected, the isoen- Ref. [42]). We also have that ergetic lines are no longer ellipses, but instead they are   1 −vF tx −vF ty hyperboles [23, 24]. The value of |˜t| depends on the ma- µν M = 0 −vF ξx 0  . (2.7) terial and, e.g., in quinoid-type deformed graphene [23], 0 0 −v ξ it is of order of 0.6, with the relative strain parameter F y  < 0.1 for moderate deformations. The degree of free- One should note that M µν contains the parameters that dom described by the Hamiltonian Eq. (2.1) is that of a explicitly break the Lorentz symmetry. Note also that we (massless) Weyl fermion. do not introduce the two-fold spin-degeneracy here and, in case of interest, we have to double the ψ → ψs for s = ±1. It is easy to show that the Lagrangian The Hamiltonian spectrum obtained from Eq. (2.1) is density Eq. (2.5) has a discrete chiral symmetry given by ¯ ¯ given by, ψ → γ5ψ and ψ → −ψγ5 with [42]  q    2 2 0 I E(p) = vF t · p + λ (ξxpx) + (ξypy) , (2.3) iγ5 = . (2.8) −I 0 3

Though there are some different ways for adding a that the Lagrangian density Eq. (3.1) is still invariant term in the Lagrangian density Eq. (2.5) breaking the under the discrete chiral symmetry, unless hψψ¯ i 6= 0. chiral symmetry [42], the simpler is the mass term ψψ¯ . In Introducing an auxiliary field σ, the Lagrangian density particular, this mass term can be generated dynamically Eq. (3.1) can be rewritten as once the model given by Eq. (2.5) is extended to include a four-fermion interaction of the GN-type. This extension is considered next. ¯ µν N 2 L = ψ(iM γµ∂ν − σ)ψ − σ . (3.2) 2vF λ

III. EXTENDING THE MODEL WITH A FOUR-FERMION INTERACTION By integration of the fermionic degree of freedom in the meanfield approximation, where σc ≡ hσi is a constant For the propose of analyzing the metal-insulator phase background field, the effective potential for σc, at one- transition in the 2D WSM, the Lagrangian density loop order, is given by Eq. (2.5) is extended to include a four-fermion interac- tion, N V = σ2 + tr ln (iM µν γ ∂ − σ ) . (3.3) λv eff 2v λ c µ ν c L = iψM¯ µν γ ∂ ψ + F (ψψ¯ )2, (3.1) F µ ν 2N where ψ is a fermionic field with N flavors (the sum over Writing Eq. (3.3) in Euclidean and the flavors implicit) and λ is the coupling constant. Note taking the trace, we find that

+∞ N X Z d2p V = σ2 − 2NT ln (ω + iv t · p + iµ)2 + v2 (ξ · p)2 + σ2 . (3.4) eff 2v λ c (2π)2 n F F c F n=−∞

where ωn = (2n + 1)π/β (with n ∈ Z, β = 1/T and T approximation [42]. Even though for practical purposes is the temperature of the system) are the Matsubara’s N is finite (e.g., in graphene N = 2), we will assume frequencies for fermions and µ is the chemical potential. that Eq. (3.4) still provides a sufficiently good approxi- Note that the chemical potential can be interpreted as to mation as generally assumed in these four-fermion type account for the extra density of electrons that is supplied of models [34–37]. to the system by the dopants and, hence, it is directly re- After summing over the Matsubara’s frequencies in lated to the doping concentration. It is also worth point- Eq. (3.4), we find that the effective potential is given ing out that Eq. (3.4) is an exact result in the large-N by

N Z d2p  1 h i 1 h i 2 −β(Eσ +µ) −β(Eσ −µ) Veff (σc, µ, T ) = σc − 2N 2 Eσ + ln 1 + e + ln 1 + e , (3.5) 2vF λ (2π) β β

where which gives

q Z 2 E = v t · p + v2 p˜2 + σ2, (3.6) d p 1 σ F F c 1 = 2λvF (2π)2 p 2 2 2 vF p˜ +σ ¯c  1 1  2 2 2 2 × 1 − − , (3.8) β(Eσ +µ) β(Eσ −µ) with p˜ =p ˜x +p ˜y ≡ (ξ · p) . e + 1 e + 1 σc=¯σc The so-called gap equation is given by

along with the trivial solutionσ ¯c = 0. ∂V Special cases of the above equations will be analyzed eff = 0, (3.7) next. ∂σc σc=¯σc 4

A. The T = µ = 0 case where Θ(x) is the standard Heaviside function. For a small tilt parameter, |˜t|  1, we can find for Eq. (3.14) Note that the effective potential Eq. (3.5) is divergent. the approximated result Considering the limit β → ∞ and µ → 0 in Eq. (3.5) N 2 2 and perfoming the (divergent) momentum integral with Veff,R(σc, µ) = Veff,R(σc) − Θ(µ − σ ) 2πξ ξ v2 c a cutoff Λ, we can define the condition x y F 1 1  for the four-fermion interaction λR as [35, 43] × µ3 − 3σ2µ + 2|σ |3 + |˜t|2µ(µ2 − σ2) 3 c c 2 c 1 v d2V (σ ) = F eff c (3.9) + O(|˜t|4). λ (m) N dσ2 σ =m R c c (3.15) 1 2m Λ = + − , λ πξxξyvF πξxξyvF 0.5 where m is a scale. Next, defining the renormalization invariant coupling λR as 0.0 1 1 2m 0

= − , (3.10) / V λR λR(m) πξxξyvF eff,R

V -0.5 we arrive at the renormalized effective potential as given by

-1.0 N 2 Veff,R(σc) = σc 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2vF λR σ /σ N 3 c 0 + 2 |σc| . (3.11) 3πξxξyv F FIG. 2. Normalized plot of the renormalized effective po- When λR < 0, the nontrivial vacuum solution of tential at zero tmperature, Eq. (3.14), in units of V0 ≡ 3 2 ˜ Eq. (3.11) is given by Nσ0 /(6πvF ξxξy), for µ = 0, |t| = 0 (solid line), µ = 0.6σ0, |˜t| = 0 (dashed line), µ = 0.6σ0, |˜t| = 0.6 (dotted line) and for µ = 0.6σ , |˜t| = 0.8 (dash-dotted line). vF πξxξy 0 σ¯c = σ0 ≡ , (3.12) |λR| while for λR > 0 we have thatσ ¯c = 0. Note that The Eq. (3.15) shows that the effect of the tilde pa- N(πξ ξ )2v rameter is to enhance the chemical potential. This is V (σ = σ ) = x y F , (3.13) eff,R c 0 3 confirmed by the result shown in Fig. (2), which shows 6λR the result of Eq. (3.14) for the effective potential as a and, hence, Eq. (3.12) corresponds to the true minimum function of the gap parameterσ ¯c for some representative ˜ of the system. We can also see that the value of σ0 values of µ and |t|. It is then seen that the tilt parame- is modified by the dependence on the anisotropy con- ter has the effect of improving the stability of the chiral stants, ξxξy, and we recover the usual result [34, 35] in symmetry in the planar fermionic model. This can be the isotropic limit: ξx, ξy → 1. One can further notice confirmed by determining the critical point µc for which here, in the zero temperature and zero chemical potential the chiral symmetry gets restored. Let us recall that at limits, that the tilt parameter t does not contribute to vanishing tilt parameter, |˜t| = 0, the chiral symmetry the effective potential. is restored through a first-order phase transition [44–46]. The critical point is then determined by the condition Veff,R(σc = 0, µc) = Veff,R(σc = σ0, µc). Using Eq. (3.14), B. The T = 0 and µ 6= 0 case we then find that the critical chemical potential as a func- tion of the tilt parameter is given by At zero temperature but with a non-null chemical po- ˜ 21/2 tential, from the effective potential Eq. (3.5) and consid- µc = 1 − |t| σ0. (3.16) ering Eq. (2.2), one obtains that

Veff,R(σc, µ) = Veff,R(σc) At the critical value µ , the potential losses its non- Z d2p c trivial minimum, i.e.,σ ¯c(µ = µc) = 0. The critical value − 2N 2 (µ − Eσ) Θ(µ − Eσ), (2π) µc as a function of the tilt parameter is shown in Fig. 3. (3.14) For |˜t| = 0 we recover the known result µc = σ0. The 5

1.0 8

0.8 〈σ〉=0 6

0.6 0 0 / σ 4 c μ 0.4 〈σ〉≠0 n /

0.2 2

0.0 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ˜ 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 t μ/σ 0

FIG. 3. The critical chemical potential µc (in units of σ0) as FIG. 4. Density at zero temperature (in units of n0 ≡ a function of |˜t|. 2 2 Nσ0 /(2πvF ξxξy)) as a function of the chemical potential for |˜t| = 0 (solid line) and for |˜t| = 0.6 (dashed line). result for the critical µc shown in Eq. (3.16) clearly shows that in the presence of a non-null tilt parameter, the gap whichσ ¯ (T , µ ) = 0 is obtained from the gap equation σ¯ will vanish at a smaller doping and, hence, facilitating c c c c Eq. (3.8), the chiral symmetry restoration.

Note that the tilt parameter also affects the Fermi mo- µc/Tc  µc − 2Tc ln e + 1 mentum, which is now given by σ0 + = 0, (3.20) ˜ 21/2 q 1 − |t| 2  ˜ 2 2  2 ˜ µ − 1 − |t| cos (θ) σc − µ|t| cos(θ) p˜ = , (3.17) which reproduces the result Eq. (3.16) in the zero tem- F  ˜ 2 2  vF 1 − |t| cos (θ) perature limit, while at zero chemical potential it gives where θ is the angle between pF and the tilt vector t. q 2 σ0 We see that for −π/2 < θ < π/2, the tilt parameter Tc = 1 − |˜t| . (3.21) acts towards increasing the Fermi surface. This is also 2 ln 2 reflected on the behavior of the charge density n, which Thus, both Tc and µc are suppressed by the tilt parame- is defined as ter, exhibiting again the tendency of facilitating the chi- ˜ ∂Veff,R ral symmetry restoration when |t|= 6 0. The behavior of n = − , (3.18) T at µ = 0 and as a function of the tilt parameter is ∂µ σ =¯σ c c c shown in Fig. 5 and, using Eq. (3.14), it gives the result µ2 − 1 − |˜t|2 σ¯2 c 2 ˜ 2 2 n(σc, µ) = N Θ[µ − 1 − |t| σ¯c ]. 2 ˜ 23/2 2πξxξyvF 1 − |t| 0.6 〈σ〉=0 (3.19)

At the critical value µc given by Eq. (3.16) we have that 0 0.4 / σ

q c 2 2 ˜ 2 T 〈σ〉≠0 n(¯σc = 0, µc) = Nσ0/(2πξxξyvF 1 − |t| ), which is al- ways larger than in the absence of the tilt parameter. 0.2 This is explicitly seen also in Fig. 4, where Eq. (3.19) is shown as a function of the chemical potential, for a non- 0.0 tilted Dirac cone case and also for a tilted one. The dis- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 continuity is the characteristic behavior due to the first- ˜ t order phase transition at the critical point µc.

FIG. 5. The critical temperature as a function of |˜t| for µ = 0.

C. T 6= 0, µ 6= 0 The overall behavior of the critical curve obtained from Let us now analyze the case where both temperature Eq. (3.20) is shown in Fig. 6. and chemical potential are included and, hence, the effec- tive potential is given by Eq. (3.5). The critical curve for 6

0.7 ˜ Bk = ξyBk. Thus, the external magnetic field generates an electrochemical potential given by 0.6 〈σ〉=0 e s µ˜ = µ + v xxˆ · (B × t) + gµ |B˜ |, (4.4) 0.5 s 2 F 2 B

0 0.4 where g is the spectroscopic Land´efactor of the electrons / σ c (g ≈ 2 in graphene), s = ±1 and µ is the Bohr magne- T 0.3 B ton. 0.2 〈σ〉≠0 We can then see that the tilting of the Dirac cone and the anisotropy generate two effects. Firstly, the 0.1 combination of a external magnetic field and the tilt 0.0 vector t generates a non-null chemical affinity Ai ∝ ˜ e jk 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 −∇iµs = e(E)i = 2 vF B⊥ξij tk and, therefore, by Onsager reciprocal relations, it will generate a current μc /σ0 perpendicular to t. This current will be proportional R 2 to Φ = d xB⊥. Hence, one can affirm that the 2D FIG. 6. Critical curveσ ¯c(µc,Tc) = 0 for |˜t| = 0 (solid line) and for |˜t| = 0.6 (dashed line) and |˜t| = 0.8 (dotted line). Dirac (Weyl) semimetal will have an anomalous Hall ef- fect [47]. Secondly, the magnetic field coupling generates an anisotropic Zeeman effect and, therefore, it can be in- IV. THE EFFECT OF AN EXTERNAL terpreted as an effective giromagnetic term dependent on MAGNETIC the direction of the Bk field. It would be worthwhile to further explore these effects in applications of these type of planar models when subjected to an external magnetic Let us now briefly discuss some possible consequences field and which we leave as a future work. of adding an external magnetic field to the system. Since the electrons in the 2D Dirac (Weyl) semimetal are charged, we can add a coupling with the electromagnetic V. CONCLUSIONS sector through the minimal coupling, i.e., ∂µ → ∇µ = ∂µ − ieAµ. The Lagrangian density Eq. (2.5) is then modified as follows, In this work we have analyzed the problem of chiral symmetry breaking in a planar four-fermion model when ¯ µν L0 = ψ (iM γµ∇ν ) ψ considered in the context of the generalized Weyl Hamil- tonian. The Gross-Neveu-like four-fermion interaction = ψ¯ (iM µν γ ∂ ) ψ + eψγ¯ ψA˜µ, (4.1) µ ν µ provides a way to study the chiral symmetry breaking where we have defined an effective electromagnetic po- in the model. The free Hamiltonian that we have em- tential A˜µ with components ployed in this study was the generalized Weyl one, which includes the anisotropies and the explicit tilting of the

A˜0 = A0 − vF t · A, A˜i = ξijAj, i = x, y. (4.2) Dirac cone. We have then studied how the tilting of the Dirac cone, parameterized by the so-called effective ˜ where ξij = ξiδij. Thus, by considering the 2D system tilt parameter |t|, affects the chiral phase transition as in the (x, y) plane and in the presence an external and a function of both chemical potential (e.g., doping) and constant magnetic field B, we can, without loss of gen- finite temperature. Both the critical temperature and q erality, choose a gauge such that the external four-vector critical chemical potential decrease by a factor 1 − |˜t|2 potential is given by A = 0 and A = − 1 xxˆ × B, 0 3D 2 with respect to the untilted case. Thus, the tilt param- which leads to a magnetic field component perpendicular eter suppresses the chiral symmetry breaking, easing its to the system’s plane, B ≡ B and another component ⊥ z restoration. At the same time, the chiral order param- that is parallel to the plane, B ≡ B . Hence, from the k y eter σ , which introduces a mass gap in the system, is tilt vector defined by t = (t , t , 0), it is easy to see that 0 x y affected by the anisotropy through the geometric mean Eq. (4.2) can be expressed in the form, ∗ p Fermi velocity, vF = ξxξyvF . ∗ 1 1 The difference between the effective Fermi velocity vF A˜ = − v xxˆ · (B × t) = v xt B . (4.3) 0 2 F 2 F x ⊥ and the usual one in fully isotropic materials (considering the case of, e.g., graphene, where vF ≈ c/300) can alter Therefore, B⊥ generates a non-null contribution to the significantly the critical temperature and critical chemi- ˜ ∗ time-component of the effective vector potential A0 and, cal potential. This is because the dependence of vF on thus, the magnetic field will act analogous to an effective the anisotropies does not have a strong physical bound ˜ 1 ˜ external electric field, with magnitude Ei = 2 vF ξij(B × such as the one observed by the tilt parameter |t| and t)j. Besides of this, the anisotropy in the spatial di- given by Eq. (2.2). rection modifies the magnetic field in the perpendicular It is worth to provide some estimates, even though direction, B˜⊥ = ξxξyB⊥, while in the parallel direction, that they might be rough ones, based on results ob- 7 tained from some current planar systems of interest, tem that we have studied will respond to an external particularly organic conductors. For instance, in a re- magnetic field differently in the absence and presence of cent study with a two-dimensional organic conductor [48] the Dirac cone tilt. There will be an anomalous Hall α − (BEDT-TTF)2I3, the tilt vector t and anisotropy effect and its magnitude is proportional to the Lorentz- ξ vector can be estimated as given, respectively, by violating parameters ξ and t. This effect changes the t ' (−1.7, 0.3) × 10−4 and ξ ' (2.3, 2.4) × 10−4, where effective chemical potential and a current perpendicular we have assumed a graphene like Fermi velocity as a to t appears. The anomalous Hall effect [47] is related to base one (i.e., in the isotropic case). Thus, the effec- the emergence of this unusual current j ∝ t × B. In the ∗ tive Fermi velocity is vF ≈ 0.02vF and the effective tilt model case we have studied, this effect comes from the parameter can be estimated as |˜t| ≈ 0.76 . Therefore, explicit Lorentz-violating structure of the matrix M µν from Eqs. (3.16) and (3.21), the critical chemical poten- in Eq. (4.1). It generates a non-constant contribution to tial and critical temperature get both reduced by a factor the chemical potential, which is an explicitly character of q non-equilibrium systems and which can lead to interest- 1 − |˜t|2ξ ξ ≈ 3.6 × 10−8 with respect to the untilted x y ing features in the study of transport phenomena. These and isotropic critical values. This is quite a substan- and other features found here as a consequence of this tial reduction. This is to be contrasted with the case of study will analyzed in more details a future work. Quinoid-type graphene under uniaxial strain [23], where ∗ vF ≈ vF and the critical temperature and chemical po- tential of this system can be estimated to decrease by a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS factor (1 − 0.022), where  is the relative strain. Given that  < 1 for moderate strain, this leads to a much Y.M.P.G. is supported by a postdoctoral grant from smaller suppression of µ and T . Thus, our results indi- c c Funda¸c˜aoCarlos Chagas Filho de Amparo `aPesquisa do cate that planar organic conductors can remain gapless Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ). R.O.R. is partially down to very small temperatures and dopings as a result supported by research grants from Conselho Nacional de of the combined effects of anisotropy and Dirac cone tilt. Desenvolvimento Cient´ıficoe Tecnol´ogico(CNPq), Grant No. 302545/2017-4, and from FAPERJ, Grant No. E- Lastly, we have shown that the planar fermion sys- 26/202.892/2017.

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