Dedicated to California & Club Turtle & Tortoise Conservation, Preservation the Tortuga Gazette and Education Since 1964 Volume 55, Number 3 • May/June 2019

Cuora picturata, the Southern . Photo by Torsten Blanck. Public domain. Indochinese Box , Cuora galbinifrons The Complex by M. A. Cohen ndemic to the forest highlands of the Cuora galbinifrons complex Bourret’s, or Central Viet- Eof , , , and is a subject of debate within the namese box turtle Vietnam, the Asian box turtles in chelonian community. In keeping (Cuora bourreti Obst & Reimann, the Indochinese box turtle complex with the current , the gal- 1994) are classified by some researchers binifrons complex will be considered Indochinese, or North as three , while others three separate species for purpos- Vietnamese box turtle consider them to be a single spe- es of this article. (Cuora galbinifrons Bourret, cies with geographic variations, In 2002 herpetologist R. Bour 1939) and another group believes the published a paper expressing the Southern Vietnamese box “subspecies” are separate species opinion that the members of the turtle altogether. galbinifrons complex should be (Cuora picturata Lehr, Fritz & As the previous paragraph indi- transferred from the Cuora Obst, 1998) cates, the taxonomy (classification) or the genus Cistoclemmys. This 2 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019

C The Indochinese Box Turtle Complex by M. A. Cohen 1 O Cuora head portraits: a photographic collage by Torsten Blanck 5 N Mike's Turtle Net Picks by Michael J. Connor, Ph.D. 6 Sulcata Going Native by Robert Parker 8 T Customs Find More Than 1,500 Live Turtles in Suitcases 9 E Your Email Address is Changing...Now What? 11 N Meetings and Programs T The Turtle’s Garden: Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritima) 12 S Ban Sought on Commercial Wild Turtle Trapping in Maryland 13 taxonomic change is not yet widely programs in Southeast Asia, Ger- ecosystems, coastal marine envi- accepted in the literature. There- many, and the United States exist, ronments and tropical woodlands. fore, the genus name Cuora will be but their success has been limited Among the least aquatic members used in the current article. because propagation of these spe- of the genus Cuora, members of The term Cuora, a local Indonesian cies in captivity is challenging. the galbinifrons complex occupy name for the (C. According to the Convention on terrestrial habitats, although they amboinensis), is currently used as International Trade in Endangered willingly enter water and sometimes the genus name of a group of Asian Species (CITES), since 2000 the feed in it. box turtles with some 12 recog- galbinifrons complex is listed in Their ecosystems are typically de- nized species. Appendix II because of commercial scribed as cool upland woodlands According to the Red List of the de ­mand. During the next CITES and moist evergreen forests with International Union for the Con- Conference of the Parties in Sri closed canopies. Shy and secre- servation of Nature, beginning in Lanka (23 May – 3 June 2019), a tive, members of the galbinifrons the year 2000, all members of the proposal will be introduced by Viet- complex favor the protection of the galbinifrons complex were listed as nam to transfer C. picturata from dense understory brush in their for- 2 critically endangered with popula- Appendix II to Appendix I. est habitats. tion trends that are decreasing. General Information The Asian box turtles in the galbin- Rarely observed in the wild, these Cuora bourreti, C. galbinifrons, and ifrons complex are medium-sized, populations have been severely C picturata are members of the reaching a carapace length of affected by intensive collection for family, one of the approximately 8 inches (20 cen- local consumption as well as for largest and most diverse of all che- timeters). All members possess a the pet trade and food markets, lonian families. While it was once domed carapace and a hinged plas- both national and international. called the Bataguridae family, the tron that allows their soft tissues to Frequently used to find wild turtles, Geoemydidae family is endemic to be completely enclosed within their hunting dogs increase the severity tropical and subtropical regions of hard shells, affording them protec- of the collection impact. Asia, Europe, and North Africa, with tion from predators. The plastral one genus——inhab- hinge, which is absent in hatchlings, In captivity females lay a single iting Central and South America. develops some time after two years clutch of only one to three eggs Some 70 species comprise the of age. each season, which is considered family, including Eurasian pond and 1 Sexual dimorphism in the galbin- to be low fecundity. Clutch size in river turtles, and Neotropical wood ifrons complex is minimal; the main the wild is unknown. Commercial turtles. exploitation for trade coupled with difference in appearance between low fecundity place the galbinifrons Preferred habitats of the family males and females is that males complex at considerable risk for of geoemydids include freshwater have somewhat thicker tails than . females. 2 Comparatively small breeding CITES Appendix I: this listing affords en- According to the Naturalis Biodi- dangered species maximum protection from versity Center’s website Turtles commercial exploitation, allowing trade only for of the World, the diet of the gal- 1 scientific research and only when accompanied fecundity: the ability to produce an abundance binifrons complex in the wild is of offspring. by valid import and export permits. 3 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019

to yellow with a dark Endemic to north Vietnam, blotch on each plastral Island and Yunnan and Guangxi scute. The head of C. provinces in China, C. galbinifrons bourreti is usually buff, is sometimes called the flowerback light yellow, pale green, box turtle. This common name may or gray, and its limbs are be referring the delicate dark pat- generally gray or tan. terning that is often present on the According to a 2017 light-colored, longitudinal bands press release from the that alternate with dark bands on Smithsonian National the species’ carapace. The Indo- Zoo, researchers esti- has a somewhat mate that only 2,300 flattened and elongated carapace Bourret’s box turtles when compared to the other mem- exist in the wild. These bers of the galbinifrons complex. populations “have de- The species’ plastron is typically clined more than 90% dark gray or black in color in young- since the mid-1950s er turtles, and, as the individual because of habitat de- ages, some overall lightening or forestation and illegal lighter blotching may appear. The trafficking in the food soft tissues of the limbs, head and and pet trade.” tail are sometimes accented with While some scientists bright red markings. generally recognize While C. galbinifrons is considered Bourret’s box turtle as to be terrestrial, the ancestors a separate species as of the contemporary Cuora were Top: Bourret’s box turtle, Cuora bourreti, also known as the central described Vietnamese flowerback box turtle which typically has a carapace in the 2004 that is dark in coloration. Photo by Torsten Blanck. Public domain. paper by Bottom: Plastral view of a Bourret’s box turtle. Note the plastral Stuart and hinge between the abdominal and femoral scutes. Photo © 2002 by Parham, Torsten Blanck. Source: Wikimedia Commons; license: CC BY-SA 3.0. others continue unknown. In captivity, the group to hold the is primarily carnivorous, feeding traditional view that C. on earthworms, fish, beef, and bourreti is conspecific canned dog food, and reportedly on with C. galbinifrons, mushrooms. meaning they are Species Descriptions members of the same Bourret’s, or Central Vietnamese species. The basis for box turtle, Cuora bourreti this opinion is skeletal Named in honor of French her- studies recounted in petologist René Léon Bourret the 2006 paper by Fritz (1884-1957), Bourret’s box turtle et al. Thus, its correct is endemic to northern and central classification would be Vietnam and the adjacent nation C. galbinifrons bourreti. of Laos (officially known as Lao People’s Democratic Republic), and North Vietnamese, or Indochinese box tur- possibly northeast Cambodia. tle, Cuora galbinifrons Bourret’s box turtle typically has a The specific name dark carapace with buff patterning galbinifrons derives or irregular striping on some scutes, from Latin root words Top: The carapace of the Northern Vietnamese box turtle, Cuora although sometimes individuals meaning “yellow-green galbinifrons. Photo © 2007 by Torsten Blanck. Source: Wikimedia have a carapace that is light-col- front” and refers to the Commons; license: CC-BY-SA-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0. ored overall. general coloration of in- Bottom: The dark plastron of a C. galbinifrons male. Photo © dividuals in the species. 2007 by Torsten Blanck. Source: Wikimedia Commons; license: The plastron of the species is buff CC-BY-SA-3.0. 4 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019 aquatic. According to a study by related to C. bourreti and C. galbin- Natchev et al. that was published ifrons while differing significantly in 2010, the Indochinese box turtle enough from the others in the com- retains the structures in its tongue, plex to be considered a separate mouth, and jaws that allow aquatic species. feeding as well as terrestrial con- First described in 1998, C. pictur- sumption of food items. ata is often called the Southern Southern Vietnamese, or Lesser Vietnamese box turtle because Indochinese box turtle, Cuora its comparatively small range is picturata located in the mountains in south Vietnam. According Hatchling Southern Vietnamese box turtle. Photo to Ly et al., the species was © 2015 by Ulrich Hennen. Source: Creative Com- known only from Asian food mons; license: CC BY-SA 2.0. markets, and no individuals were observed in the wild References until 2010. Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP). From July 2010 to Janu- (n.d.). Southern Viet Nam Box Turtle (Cuora ary 2011, the species was picturata). [online] Available at: https:// first recorded in the wild southern-viet-nam-box-turtle/ at three localities on the Asian Turtle Project. (n.d.). The Cuora Box Turtle eastern slopes of the Lang- Project. [online] Available at: http://www. bian Plateau of southern Vietnam in moist forests Fritz, U., Petzold, A. and Auer, M. (2006). Os- at comparatively high al- teology in the Cuora galbinifrons complex titudes. The range of C. suggests conspecifity of C. bourreti and C. picturata, according to galbinifrons, with notes on shell osteology and the Asian Species Action phalangeal formulae within the Geoemydidae. Partnership, is estimated Amphibia-Reptilia 27, pp.195-205. to be some 10 square miles Keim, B. (2011). Turtle Known Only From Asian (25,000 square kilometers). Markets Finally Found in Wild. [online] Available at: https://www.wired. The total population of the com/2011/04/vietnamese-box-turtle/ species, according to IUCN, Ly, T., Hoang, H. and Stuart, B. (2011). Market is estimated at 3,000 to turtle mystery solved in Vietnam. Biological 10,000 individuals. Conservation 144, pp.1767–1771.

Top: Cuora picturata. Photo by Adrian Pingstone. Public The Langbian Plateau, the Natchev, N., Lemell, P., Heiss, E., Beisser, C. and domain. only verified habitat of C. Weisgram, J. (2010). Aquatic feeding in a picturata, is undergoing terrestrial turtle: a functional-morphological Bottom: The plastron of a male C. picturata. Photo © 2007 study of the feeding apparatus in the Indochi- by Torsten Blanck. Source: Creative Commons; license: deforestation as the land is nese box turtle Cuora galbinifrons (Testudines, CC-BY-SA-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0. cleared for agriculture and Geoemydidae). [PDF] Zoomorphology, pp.111– coffee plantations. Such 119. Available at: The carapace of the Southern habitat loss is a dire threat to the s00435-010-0104-x Vietnamese box turtle has a higher ecosystem and all its inhabitants. Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation dome than other Cuora species Biology Institute. (2017). Critically Endan- as an adult. Its plastron is buff to A small range, a declining popula­- gered Bourret’s Box Turtles Hatch at the pale yellow with black blotches and tion, deforestation, and exploitation Smithsonian’s National Zoo. [online] Avail- irregular tan markings. The head due to intensive commercial de- able at: mand pose serious threats to critically-endangered-bourrets-box-tur- of the species is pale yellow with tles-hatch-smithsonians-national-zoo a gray net-like pattern known as the survival of the species. Some Stuart, B. and Parham, J. (2004). Molecular phy- reticulation. researchers theorize that the Southern Vietnamese box turtle is logeny of the critically endangered Indochinese Genetic and morphological 3 stud- box turtle (Cuora galbinifrons). Molecular Phy- already be extinct in the wild. Many logenetics and Evolution 31, pp.164–177 ies confirm that, within the genus believe that identifying the habitat Cuora, C. picturata is most closely of this rare species may lead to Turtles of the World. (n.d.). Cuora galbinifrons. [online] Available at: https://turtles.linnaeus. confirming the ranges of other un- 3 morphology: biological study of the form of common Cuora species known only .php?id=8053 living things and their structural relationships. from the food and pet trades. [ 5 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019

A head portrait comparison of the different Cuora species and their subspecies. Photographic collage © 2007 by Torsten Blanck. Source: Creative Commons; license: CC BY-SA 3.0. Key to the images from left to right and Row 3: Cuora cyclornata cyclornata Row 5: Cuora galbinifrons galbinifrons top to bottom: (Annam, central Vietnam), Cuora cyc- (north Vietnam), Cuora galbinifrons Row 1: Cuora amboinensis amboin- lornata meieri (north Vietnam), Cuora galbinifrons (Hainan, China); Cuora ensis (), Cuora amboinensis mccordi (Guangxi, China), Cuora zhoui bourreti (Annam, central Vietnam), kamaroma (), Cuora am- (unknown). Row 4: Cuora flavomargi- Cuora bourreti (Laos). Row 6: Cuora boinensis ssp. (unknown), Cuora nata sinensis (, China), Cuora cyclornata cyclornata × Cuora am- amboinensis ssp. (Philippines). Row 2: flavomarginata evelynae (Ryukyu boinensis kamaroma hybrid, Cuora Cuora trifasciata (Guangdong, China), Islands, Japan), Cuora flavomarginata cyclornata × Pyxidea mouhotii, Cuora Cuora aurocapitata (, China), flavomarginata (), Cuora pictur- trifasciata × Pyxidea mouhotii, Cuora Cuora pani pani (Shaanxi, China), Cuora ata (southern Annam, south Vietnam). galbinifrons × Pyxidea mouhotii = "Cuo- yunnanensis (Yunnan, China). ra serrata". 6 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019

Sea Turtle Conservancy News Mike’s Turtle Net Picks by Michael J. Connor, Ph.D. A varied selection of recent articles, stories and sites on the Web that some of you Migration/ may find as interesting as I did. This list is also posted at Tracking Programs netpicks/turtlenetpicks.html The Florida-based, non-profit Sea Turtle Southern California’s Sea Turtles Galápagos Tortoise Migration Conservancy (STC) offers a free, edu- • Did you know hundreds of Scientists are not finding it easy to cational service that enables website sea turtles are now Southern understand the triggers for the seasonal visitors to follow the open-ocean move- California residents? migrations shown by Galápagos ments of migrating sea turtles fitted that live on the side of volcanoes. with radio transmitters that are tracked • Olive Ridley spotted off by satellite. Dana Point. Pinzón Tortoise Hatchlings Thriv- ing Hunting Toll The eradication of black rats has allowed • Researchers have determined that giant tortoises on Pinzón Island to between 1844 and 1992, nine million reproduce naturally for the first time in hawksbill sea turtles were killed for centuries. their shells. Box Turtle Care • Read the original research Learning from forty years of Box Turtle paper. husbandry (pdf). Queensland Green Sea Turtles Still Southeast Asian Box Turtles Vital Struggling After Die-Off To Indonesian Environment New study found heavy metals and evi- The world’s most heavily trafficked turtle, dence of poor health in the Great Barrier Cuora amboinensis, plays a key role in Reef’s population that ’s environment. suffered an unexplained die-off in 2012- Green turtle, Chelonia mydas, fitted with a radio 2013. Recent Advances In Turtle transmitter for satellite tracking. Photo by US Science Geological Survey. Public domain. Climate Change Coping Strategies • Painted turtles threatened by Sea turtles are being born mostly female the increased thermal fluctua- due to climate change. Male hawksbills To provide information about the tech- tions predicted to accompany are responding by breeding with larger nology of satellite telemetry, the STC climate change numbers of females! created a web page describing “How It • MarTurtSI Marine Turtle Newsletter Works.” This page includes a section a global database of stable iso- The latest MTN. of Frequently Asked Questions about tope analyses of marine turtles tracking sea turtles by satellite. Giant Softshell Turtle The only known female Yangtze giant CTTC on Facebook Details about the currently active softshell died a day after an artificial For breaking news updates visit and “like” sea turtles, as well as records for insemination procedure. us on Facebook! all tracked turtles, include a brief Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle biography, and such facts as the num- Good news from Cambodia about Cantor’s ber of days tracked, the average speed giant softshell turtle, cantorii. of movement, distance covered and amount of time since last recorded up- date, etc. Migration data in both satellite Foothill Chapter California Turtle & Tortoise Club. and map forms accompany each turtle’s listing. Annual Health Clinic Silent Auction: donations come from Friday, June 28 at 7:00 pm restaurants, businesses, stores, gift Furthermore, the STC has compiled cards, and specially selected items. an extensive list of its ongoing and Health clinic includes de-worming archived tracking projects and micro-chipping for turtles and Foothill Chapter meeting location: throughout the Caribbean Sea, eastern tortoises. Los Angeles Arboretum (Palm Room), Atlantic, and other oceanic regions. De-worming fee: $10.00; 301 North Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA micro-chipping fee: $20.00. 91007. The STC website provides a wealth These services are provided by Dr. Additional information: contact chap- information on all aspects of marine Dennis Fees of the Arcadia Small ter president Robin Robb turtles, including the species, habitats, Hospital. To participate and (951) 359-3003 or and threats, as well as the annual Tour de Turtles marathon migration. [ receive health services, one must [email protected] be a member in good standing of the 7 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019 8 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019 Sulcata Going Native text and photographs by Robert Parker, President, CTTC Ridgecrest Chapter ome years ago I constructed wild sulcatas, which takes a bit of appears that the sulcatas spent Sa great heated brick structure work as most web sites deal with more time in their burrows during for my sulcata tortoise (Geoche- the care of captive and the dry season, although they did lone sulcata), who used it in the provide information from captive find some active in December. They winter, in addition to her natural sulcatas. One study dealing with didn’t answer the question whether underground burrow. She would vol- wild sulcatas is Habitat Determi- some of these tortoises spent the untarily enter the heated structure nants of the Threatened Sahel winter in their burrows, essentially until about three years ago. She re- Tortoise (Geoche- brumating. With nothing to eat and mained in her underground burrow, lone) sulcata at two Spacial Scales dry conditions, it would make sense but I could see her, as it wasn’t too by Petrozzi et al.2017. I checked that they would spend the winter in deep. I proceeded to dig her out and the paper to see if the researchers their more humid burrows. put her in the heated residence, as found evidence that wild sulcatas “Kamp Kenan” at https://www. everyone said they don’t brumate. brumated. They did state “… there DKRg visits a facility in Arizona are virtually no field with about 200 sulcatas. These studies devoted to un- tortoises were allowed to come out derstanding patterns of their burrows in the winter but of habitat use and/ they lost several to freezing tem- or selection, either at peratures, so the owner began to the local or at the re- block the entrances with hay bales gional scale for several to prevent this. They would emerge species of high conser- in the spring and resume their nor- vation concern.” This mal activity. I’m aware of two other includes the sulcata sulcatas in the Ridgecrest area that tortoise, which seems came out in the winter every five to to be an adaptable, ro- six days and ate if food was present Sulcata emerging from brumation. bust species to be able and then return underground. to live in all the various In conclusion there are no studies I outsmarted her three years ago environments we put them in. They and blocked off the outside burrow of wild sulcatas to indicate that searched a number of habitats for these tortoises do or do not bru- and put her in the artificial struc- sulcatas in August of the short wet ture. Two years ago she beat me mate for extended periods. They season — July to September and in are apparently very adaptable and underground and remained all win- December — the dry season, which ter, emerging in March, along with robust, so they may choose to includes the rest of the year, as one brumate in certain situations or the desert tortoises. She sunned can see, making this an arid part herself for a week like the desert may stay up for the winter. More of the world. They observed “…the field studies are needed but for us tortoises do, and began to eat, no majority (83.9%) of above-ground worse for wear. She repeated this with our captive sulcatas we have tortoises in August during the peak options. Most people in southern performance in 2019 and as of April phase of the wet season…”, so it 1 is active and eating. Our win- California do not have the required ter temperatures range into the deep burrows to allow for 20s F (-7s C) so I checked with a brumation, and we enjoy our probe and her burrow was at least sulcatas and like to see them up 10-12 feet (3-3.7 meters) long for the winter anyway. [ (I never reached the end). I place Reference Petrozzi, Fabio, Emmanuel M. Hemma, Djid- Bermuda straw at the entrance ama Sirima, Benoit Douamba, Gabriel after I was sure she wasn’t com- Hoinsoude Segniagbeto, Tomas Diagne, ing out to reduce the cold air flow. Nioking Amadi, Giovanni Amori, Godfrey C. Akani, Edem A. Eniang, Laurent Chirio, See the photograph of her after and Luca Luiselli. 2017. Habitat Determi- emerging and beginning to eat nants of the Threatened Sahel Tortoise grasses. Centrochelys sulcata at two Spacial Scales. Herpelogical Conservation and I decided to do a little research to Biology. 12(2): pp 402-409. see if this is a normal behavior in Sulcata eating after five days of sunning itself. 9 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019

Philippines customs find more than 1,500 live turtles in suitcases posted on 6 March 2019

7 Customs officials in the Customs officials in the Phil- Philippines have seized 1,529 ippines have seized 1,529 live live turtles found wrapped turtles that they found wrapped in duct tape inside four in duct tape inside four suit- suitcases abandoned at cases abandoned at Manila’s the international airport in international airport. Manila. The confiscated turtles include 7 The confiscated turtles threatened species like the In- include threatened species dian star tortoise ( like the Indian star tortoise, elegans), red-footed tortoise red-footed tortoise, and the ( carbonarius), and sulcata or African spurred the sulcata or African spurred tortoise, as well as red-eared tortoise (Centrochelys sulca- Red-footed tortoise, Chelonoidis carbonarius. Photo © ta). The bags also contained 1999 by Bernard DuPont. Source: Creative Commons; sliders, one of the most com- license:CC BY-2.0. monly traded turtles in the red-eared sliders ( world. scripta elegans), one of the The illegal wildlife trade is among most commonly traded turtles in biggest threats to several turtle 7 The officials say the suit- the world. cases belonged to a Filipino species. One of the seized spe- passenger who had arrived The officials say the suitcases be- cies, the Indian star tortoise, was on a flight from Hong Kong. If longed to a Filipino passenger who the “single most seized species caught, the passenger could had arrived at Terminal 2 of Ninoy of tortoise in the world in 2016,” face up to two years in jail Aquino International Airport on a according to TRAFFIC, the wildlife and a fine of up to $3,800 flight from Hong Kong. “The passen- trade monitoring network. Nearly for violating the country’s ger may have been informed of the 15,000 Indian star tortoises were wildlife and customs laws, vigilance of the port against illegal seized from the illegal trade be- customs authorities said. wildlife trade and its penalties, thus tween 2016 and 2018 alone. 7 The seized turtles, esti- leaving the four (4) x-rayed luggage “Philippines Customs is congrat- mated to be worth $86,000, unclaimed in the arrival area,” the ulated for stopping this illegal have been turned over to the Philippine Bureau of Customs said in shipment from entering its market,” Department of Environment a press release on March 4. Kanitha Krishnasamy, TRAFFIC’s and Natural Resources– The seized turtles, estimated to be director for Southeast Asia, said in Wildlife Traffic Monitoring worth 4.5 million pesos ($86,000), a statement. “None of the turtles Unit. have been turned over to the found are native to Hong Kong and Department of could have been sourced from all Environment and corners of the globe.” Natural Resourc- Philippine officials have regularly es-Wildlife Traffic seized smuggled wildlife. Earlier this Monitoring Unit. year, they intercepted 63 iguanas, The identified pas- chameleon and bearded dragons, senger, if caught, while in 2018 they turned over “a could face up to total of 560 wildlife and endan- two years in jail gered species including the 250 and a fine of up to geckos, 254 corals and other rep- 200,000 pesos tiles which were smuggled through ($3,800) for vio- air parcels, baggage and shipments” lating the country’s to the Department of Environment wildlife and cus- and Natural Resources. [ toms laws, Manila An Indian star tortoise, Geochelone elegans, one of the species found in airport customs suitcases abandoned at Manila’s international airport in the Philippines. Photo © 2016 by Davidvraju. Source: Wikimedia Commons; license: CC chief Carmelita Ta- BY-SA 4.0. lusan told AFP. 10 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019 11 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019

Your Email Address is Changing...Now What? Meetings and Programs Click on your Chapter’s website link for the latest program information. Programs may be People change email addresses for any scheduled after newsletter publication. number of reasons. When your email ad- dress changes, it is important to inform Chino Valley Santa Clarita the publisher(s) of your digital newslet- 17 May; 21 June 18 May – Field trip to Valley ter(s) about that change. Foothill Chapter Show; no regular meeting. CTTC continues to publish its newsletter 24 May; 28 June digitally and uses a bulk mailing service High Desert T Ooslo (San Luis Obispo) for notifying the membership when each 13 May; 10 June 21 May; 18 June newsletter is published. To clarify the Inland Empire TTCS (Long Beach) sequence of events that precede the 17 May; 21 June delivery of the members’ notices, we are 3 May; 7 June running this short article. Kern County Valley 13 May; 10 June 17 May – set-up for Annual Because membership business is han- Show @ 6 pm; 18 May – Annual dled by each chapter, that the best place Low Desert Show; 21 June to start the process of changing your 3 June email address. Executive Board Orange County 13 July. Meetings take place 1) Send your new email address 10 May; 14 June at the Los Angeles County to the person in your chapter who Ridgecrest Arboretum in Arcadia, CA. manages the membership list. Using 13 May; 10 June GoogleDocs, your chapter member- ship officer assembles a list of all Santa Barbara-Ventura current chapter members. Contact the chapter for meeting information. 2) Our newsletter distribution man- ager compiles a master mailing list from GoogleDocs in the form of an Excel spreadsheet which is the ba- Classified Advertisements sis for the mailing house database. Classified advertisements run for one issue at $500 for up to four lines. Ads are 3) The Excel spreadsheet is then accepted at the discretion of the Editor. Classified ads are available to members sent to the newsletter editor for and subscribers only and are run as a service to our members. California Turtle importation into the mailing house & Tortoise Club is not responsible for merchandise placed for sale in the Tortuga database, updating member infor- Gazette. mation such as changed emails, Please make your check payable to the California Turtle & Tortoise Club. expiration dates, and so on. Please send ad fee to: CTTC Tortuga Gazette, attn Treasurer, P. O. Box 7300, Van 4) The imported data is used by the Nuys, CA 91409-7300. mailing house to send a newsletter Mail fee with ad copy to the Tortuga Gazette mailing address; OR, mail fee to the notification to each member’s inbox, postal address above, and email the ad copy to the Gazette Editor. providing the email address is valid. Typographical errors and other California Turtle & Tortoise Club: a Society The Tortuga Gazette (ISSN 1073-1334) is owned mistakes invalidate addresses, and Dedicated to Turtle & Tortoise Preservation, by the California Turtle & Tortoise Club Execu- those are automatically deleted Conservation and Education since 1964. Pro- tive Board, which is incorporated in the State of from the mailing house database. moting and Facilitating the Care, Rescue and California as a Not-for-Profit Corporation and is Adoption of Native and Nonnative Turtles and tax-exempt under IRS code 501(c)(3). It is important to email addresses Tortoises. All material is copyright © CTTC unless carefully and completely, with correct otherwise attributed. CTTC policy permits repro- spelling and punctuation of every ele- duction of articles by other not-for-profit groups and educational institutions when permission is ment from the username to the domain requested. Permission is granted on a case-by- name and extension. Is your email address changing? case basis and CTTC must be cited as the source Update your email address through your of the material. CTTC wants to ensure that members re- MailChimp account by clicking the “Update Views expressed in the Tortuga Gazette are ceive their newsletters. Please contact Your Preferences” link on your newsletter those of the contributors and not necessarily your chapter membership officer if you notice. Or send your changes and corrections those of the Editor or the California Turtle & Tor- will be changing your email address. [ to [email protected] toise Club. 12 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019 the Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritima) Turtle’s arden planting for chelonians by M A Cohen

ative to the Mediterranean year-round in mild clim­ Nregion, Lobularia maritima is ates with both proper known by several common names, placement and suitable including Sweet Alyssum, Carpet care. Alyssum freely Flower, and simply Alyssum. self-sows and will, in both warmer and cooler Close-up of the buds and blossoms of a white sweet alyssum flower The generic name Lobularia derives cluster photographed in Genova, Italy. Photo © 2010 by Hectonicus. climates, sprout a new from the Latin root word glob-, Source: Wikimedia Commons; license: CC-BY-SA-3.0. meaning a globe, which refers to crop of seedlings as the growing season begins. pots and hanging baskets. When the rounded shape of the blossom grown in a container, sweet alyssum clusters. The specific name mari- Typically green to gray-green in will need more water than plantings tima derives from the Latin root color, the leaves of sweet alyssum in the ground and will benefit from word maritim–, meaning “of the are small and simple (unlobed) in monthly applications of fertilizer. sea,” referring to the plant’s salt form with smooth margins, and may tolerance and its ability to thrive in be slightly tomentose (fuzzy) on When planted in the garden, fertil- seaside locations. the underside. izer is not usually required unless the soil is nutrient-poor. A member of the cabbage or Frequently utilized as a “temporary” mustard family, the Brassicaceae ground cover, sweet alyssum can L. maritima benefits the garden or Cruciferae, sweet alyssum is a fill in a planting area while more by attracting a variety of bene- versatile species that can be used permanent herbaceous or woody ficial insects such as flower flies, in flower beds, border plantings, and perennials become established. bees, and butterflies, as well as meadow and wildflower plantings. Bear in mind, however, that the hummingbirds. Alyssum also thrives in containers, self-sowing alyssum will often set Culture and attracts a variety of pollinators, viable seeds that will germinate In all but the hottest climates, including bees, butterflies, and long after the original annual com- sweet alys­sum grows best in full hummingbirds. pletes its life cycle. sun. In hot, dry areas, some shade Because of its tendency to spread, during the hottest part of the day Description coupled with regular watering pro- A fine-textured, herbaceous annual sweet alyssum is a good candidate for containers such as motes good growth and flowering. ground cover, sweet alyssum is a Consistent watering is species that typically reaches 3 required for best perfor- to 6 inches (8 to 15 centimeters) mance in any climate. in height with a spread of about 12 inches (30 centimeters) at While for sweet alyssum maturity. tolerates a wide range of soil types, its ideal soil is At the peak of bloom, alyssum is a loam with a neutral pH. covered with clusters of minus- Being subject to stem rot, cule, four-petaled flowers with a L maritima requires good fra ­grance like honey, hence, the drainage regardless of the common name “sweet alyssum.” soil in which it is planted. Flower colors range from pure Removal of spent flowers, white to cream and yellow a technique known as through pink and red to laven- deadheading, stimulates der-blue and purple. Although the the plant to produce fresh most prolific bloom occurs in mild growth and flower buds. weather, flowering can continue A lavender-flowering variety of sweet alyssum, Lobularia maritima. Source: Wikimedia Commons; license: CC-BY-SA-3.0-migrated. If deadheading individual 13 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019 stems is impractical, shearing back Ban Sought on Commercial Wild Turtle Trapping in Maryland a group of stems by one-third Unlimited Numbers of Snapping Turtles Can Currently Be Caught, Sold to one-half is an acceptable alternative. Aside from promoting Annapolis, Maryland—27 March flowering, both deadheading and 2019—The Center for Biologi- shearing encourage compact cal Diversity (CBD) petitioned growth, keeping the plant from the Maryland Department of becoming lanky. Natural Resources today to end commercial collection of the Propagation state’s wild freshwater turtles. Easily grown from seed, L. maritima can be sown directly in the garden Under current Maryland law, or started in pots and planted turtle trappers can legally out as the weather warms. It is collect unlimited numbers of important to place the seeds of common snapping turtles to sell alyssum on the soil surface and domestically or export for Asian press them into the soil just enough food and medicinal markets. Common snapping turtle, serpentina. Photo © to anchor them. Misting the seeds More than 70,000 wild common snapping turtles were trapped 2017 by Asklēpiós. Source: Wikimedia Commons; license: will promote germination without CC-BY-SA-4.0. dislodging the seeds as they form in Maryland between 2008 and sustainable for wild turtles. roots. 2016, according to reports sub- mitted by holders of snapping turtle Until recently, Maryland’s reg- harvest permits. ulations were similar to those in Today’s petition asks the depart- neighboring Virginia. But earlier ment to amend its rules to prohibit this year, Virginia adopted new this unsustainable practice. The restrictions for commercial trap- agency has 60 days to begin the ping of common snapping turtles rulemaking process or deny the pe- in response to a multiyear study in tition with a written explanation. the state that found its regulations were not sustainable. Scientists “Turtle trappers shouldn’t be al- have repeatedly documented that lowed to profit off a practice that freshwater turtles cannot sustain puts the state’s natural heritage at Sweet alyssum with pale pink blossoms. Photo © any significant level of wild collec- 2007 by Kenpei. Source: Wikimedia Commons; risk,” said Jenny Loda, an attorney tion without population declines. license: CC-BY-SA-3.0-migrated. and biologist at the Center who works to protect vulnerable “Commercial trapping is devastat- With proper care, sweet alyssum and amphibians around the country. ing to turtle populations that are grows rapidly and will bloom just six “Scientists know that even modest already suffering from habitat loss, weeks after seeds are planted. commercial trapping of freshwa- water pollution and vehicular colli- Edibility ter turtles can lead to population sions,” said Loda. “Maryland needs to take action now to keep its turtle Sweet alyssum is a nontoxic plant crashes. For the sake of our native populations from plummeting.” that can safely be planted in the turtles, Maryland needs to rein in enclosures of herbivorous and exploitative turtle trapping.” Background omnivorous reptiles. In 2007 Maryland banned com- Millions of turtles classified as wild-caught are exported from the In human cuisine, the flowers, mercial collection of diamondback United States every year to supply leaves, and young stems of sweet terrapins. Then, in 2008 and 2009, food and medicinal markets in Asia, alyssum are added to salads and the Maryland Department of Natu- where native turtle populations other dishes for a “peppery” accent. ral Resources adopted regulations restricting trapping of common have already been depleted. References snapping turtles to tidal waters and Brenzel, K. (2012). The New Sunset Western As part of a campaign to protect Garden Book. 9th ed. New York, NY: Time setting a minimum size for turtles turtles in the United States, the Home Entertainment Inc., pp.419-420. captured. CBD has been petitioning states Deane, G. (n.d.). Edible Flowers: Part 12. [online]. Eat the Weeds. Available at: While these were important steps, that allow unrestricted commercial recent research from neighbor- turtle collection to improve their Fell, D. (1983). Annuals: How to Select, Grow ing Virginia and elsewhere shows regulations. [ and Enjoy. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Fisher that current harvest regulations —Center for Biological Diversity Publishing Inc., pp.62-3. in Maryland are not likely to be press release 14 Tortuga Gazette 55(3) • May/June 2019

2019 CTTC Events Calendar 11 May: Santa Clarita Chapter at Placerita Canyon Nature Center Open House—Placerita Canyon Nature Center, 19152 Placerita Canyon Road, Newhall, CA 91321. 9 am to 3 pm. 18 May: Valley Chapter Annual Show—Woodland Hills Christian Church, 5920 Shoup Ave., Wood- land Hills, CA 91367. 11 am to 4 pm. 8 June: Adoption Event with CTTC Chino Chapter, CTTC In- land Empire Chapter, and CTTC Orange Country Chapter—Chino Girl Scout House, 5007 Center St., Chino, CA 91710. 10 am to 3 pm. 27 July: Inland Empire Chapter A prehistoric pictograph painted on a wall of the Chugai cave on Rota Island in the Annual Show—Redlands Senior Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, a United States territory situated Citizen Center, 111 W. Lugonia Ave., northeast of the island of Guam in the Pacific Ocean. Depicting two sea turtles, this Redlands, CA 92374. 10 am to 3 pm. pictograph is one of some 90 rock art images in the Chugai cave that archaeologists surmise are related to the activities of Chamorro shamans. The Chamorro people are 25 August: Chino Chapter/Or- the Austronesian indigenous residents of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, ange County Chapter Show—La and their ancestors are credited with creating the rock art in the Chugai cave. Habra Community Center, 101 La Habra Blvd., La Habra, CA. 91631. The exact era of the Chugai pictographs is unknown, as the carbon-dating procedure 9 am to 3 pm. required to establish their epoch would involve destruction of the images.

The California Turtle & Tortoise Club (CTTC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Contri- CTTC Mailing Addresses butions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please pay by USA funds only (US bank Chino Valley Chapter: P. O. Box 1753, Santa Barbara-Ventura Chapter: P.O. check, money , or International Postal Chino, CA 91708-1753 Box 3086, Camarillo, CA 93011-3086 Order). Membership in the CTTC and subscriptions to Foothill Chapter: P. O. Box 51002, Pas- Santa Clarita Chapter: P.O. Box 4012, the Tortuga Gazette are handled through the adena, CA 91115-1002 Castaic, CA 91310 CTTC Chapters. The Chapters also manage membership renewals (see postal addresses High Desert Chapter: P. O. Box 163, TOOSLO Chapter: P.O. Box 763, Grover below). Victorville, CA 92393 Beach, CA 93483 Many members choose to join a nearby Chapter Inland Empire Chapter: P.O. Box 2371, Turtle & Tortoise Care Society Chap- to participate in Chapter meetings and other San Bernardino, CA 92406-2371 ter: P O Box 15952, Long Beach, CA activities. Print membership forms from the 90815 CTTC website. Kern County Chapter: P.O. Box 81772, Your Chapter and your renewal date (month/ Bakersfield, CA 93380-1772 Valley Chapter: P.O. Box 7364, Van year) are displayed on your newsletter notifi- Low Desert Chapter: P.O. Box 4156, Nuys, CA 91409-7364 cation. Mail your new or renewal membership/ Palm Desert, CA 92261 subscription to the Chapter of your choice. Tortuga Gazette Orange County Chapter: P.O. Box California Turtle & Tortoise Club Membership fees 11124, Santa Ana, CA 92711 Post Office Box 7300 •Student membership $1500 Van Nuys, California 91409-7300 Individual membership $2500 Ridgecrest Chapter: P. O. Box 1272, • Ridgecrest, CA 93555 •Family membership $3500 •Life membership $50000