

SCOTTJSIIn;,:cOJIJ> OFH('E ·~:'. : '; 1 •.... Eelillbu r:_;h • _::.0 I .", .. r,ener'u Hf3zister House r I t. I \ L- ~, 4 'V ~ ·.0':_..'... ,'. CH.l/l/;~2. CHUnCIIOF S(;OrJ.M!D. General, Assembly. Minutes and Acts, ~.. ' ... " 170$-1711. Unnurrberod 17D. V:>y 23. pagea, llct ,IIICrtt !3turlcr~t~ (nnn others) going nbr-oad from the Church of Scotl -uid rt'IC\ tn.kiltg upon tlmmsel"es t.o pr-each t,h~ COSf'~' thon:~11ci Lhe r deponed for sC"',l"\cblsor n('v~r r.".'IiTlt; .v~on 1ic('nsed. For th» f'utur-o , th9y ""lst hove suf'I'Lc Lont, tl')ctimoni-:J.s, and this 1.01.. is to be advertised '1bro::d.

!'Iote (1\ prennm,.,rl 1Tn 1,.,tt0r ·tl"~ rf'tition from J'\mQr. Cou t.Ls nnd membern of ::t Pr'e aby t·'rl".tl CO!).:;,·".;·'tl~nin, and o. c ongregat.Lon u"ar, NeH- c"'st) e, J'n,.; ve rs not I'ound in thin vo.lum« oJ: ,rinntpq, thouCh oxpec t=d, Del')Cf!.1/2/.~~//... Pre eumuhly the rpt1tior:s'1,!ld. lotter '''re ntlll horn ill t'le Lr ro sut L, '111d wcre nev= r br'Ylght to the 'l.ttention to the Gone rnl, Assombly i1:!. its 'lnTIunl s~3sion.) •

CIl.l/1/21 •• CIItJRCHOF SCOTL1\i-lD. Gencrnl. Aasembly. Minutes and Aots, 1712-1715 • 171.;' 11"'~'17. • Col.Lect.i.on to h~ t'ti(en to a.ssi:>t th~ Presbyterians in tlC\-'c'l1t:.l", ~'r. n'lvld L"\-lis, , to holp them build 'I mOf'tlrc,; h'J'.t ...o "nd btlJ' ,. burif'lJ. pJ.acc. Refers to n reccorll- m'~n(btlntl of the A83cmhly in 17_ (blank), concerning the col' "'cti 011. (ThIs 9ntry rrobably rel'ltes to Newcastle in Enc1mld, from ,,!hich "n nppe::rl had come in 17('$, e.nd not to £JI3I!castlc, P',., I'hose minil'lter \...~~c:. ..Tohn\,/lison in 1705/6.)

CIl.l/1/2,). CIIUHC!IOF f)COTLAj~D. r.en~rl:lJ. Assembly. t1inutes and Acts, 172')..1725. r.Jc)Z 1724 th~'16. II./~f)~/~l?. P~titlon of Dr. John Nichol on behalf of the Presbyterian congr"c"til)n i'1 the cit:,r of 1'1"\-1 York who n"-:>dapsistanc~ in ~Tf>ctlr.e '1 Ch111'c11in the city \oJherc the Church of Ennlond, the Dutch, tho FT'<'>nch,J.uthf1r:.ms, J\nn., '.luakers, and .Te'IIs 1lJ h'w'" ::'.rlace of ruhlic Horship, but not the Preshy- teri,'llls. :'~ct of th~ Ge!l~rD1 Assemhly :,mthori~in3 fl col1ecti<;n to ho t'IK"ltl tilrou,"rhont Scotl!'ItlO for th~ relief of the Nm.r

York concrr·'(Y"tion"t> u· fJ"i.\'es som'"- history of the cOl.1I'TrnC"ationU 0 (\.rho h'w" :'..Scots minister, J311l'3SAnderson, orn'lined to them h:,' thl') Prnshyt"'I"J of Long Inland) a.nd their church-buD ding effort. r.555 1725 I·b~r 17. r.566 L~tt(~r of th:lnk9 l'I:'ceivBd from the Scots Prashyt.p.rie.n cOIlGrlC'g3t.i(·nin !I"'H York. Further coll"'ctions on th'?ir hehtt1f orr1eI'Pd to be nent to "Ir. ,John Hurtine of Airies, CoUJ'ctor fol' ttJ" flP1d, 'lS S'>O!1 :1S po~c;ihllJ.

CH, 1/1/31. cqmlcl: 0: SC0'T'L:IJ.!)). ~"'ner!.ll Assembly. N:irntcs and Act'), 1726-1'/19. 1'.56,) 1729 ~1'~ 16. p.581-581 ... R~rort 'lbOllt r~'rnqr:s DJJd.tho co11f'ctiol"\ for tIm,! York n.Pl'1'ovf'(l. TIlClllriC.!!1 thn t"'.xt 0(' tpp r"I.'Ol't" th~ orieinil. of \Jhlch is ill CIf.J/2/5? h.". COl''-lit al>str:)ct:.). • • Continul1rl on next sh'?et MICROFILM 2.5.277

cn. 1/1 Cont.Lnucd

CII.1/1/3). CIIUHCH(IF !iGOTL;dlD. fJeneroJ. AR!:embJy. Minutes and Acts, 173f)...17J/~• p, ]J~6 1731 1'1'1.: f.? p.155-166. Rpport 011the e ol.) "ction to build II Presby te rf an church in NeHYork. Cites l~ttp.rs from: John J~ichol (30 June 1730) ...... "r\'~ I'ro'n Ebenn 'er femberton enclosing n deed vesting the tleH York prop"rt-J in Scottish tnlgte~s. C03t of church, £9C}C::!I.!/~~, p.Y. cur-rency, Th'e deed is rehenr-sed on p.158-166. 1'.1, ;f'l 173J ll"~'12. I'.~J7-la8. (FrOOlth~ repor-t of the Committ.ee Upon the Comlni~sio" Book i ) S\lmrn~ryof a d~crt;!et ag'lil1.st Dr. }\.lexander Ml1rtin, aon of ..Tohn H,\rti.n, d9ce ....sed, l'\te col.Loc t.or- of various ch-vr-i,t"lhle f'und s of tl0 Church of Scotlcnd. Includnl'l f'\ finrliltlJ th~t th0 est" t.~ of thrtin o':l~S £/~C;/12!8! ste nl.. 1;.0 the "ccoullt for er~cti.",; '.l Pr(>::hyt'~riCU1church in Lhe city of r~"'\-IYork. l1ncr~')t obt'litlCd Crom th" O~iJJ_ien or J~dinbureh (procunably ill tIl" hnr[;h c 011"'1.,) , "rlj'ldic·l.t~d h.)' thf> Lords of t;ouncil :.nd Session (i .. e., iF! the Cour-t, of Se!?sion) on 6 Df'C17)2, and th~ ~bb~vLt~ r-ic ordcd jp the BilJ. Chamber 3 Jan 1733. SL'1ce Dr. John lIichol had to payoff the bnl.nncs of tho bu.i'ldina costs in !'eH York, nn effort. "D) be made to bring r.1~ficient col 1_,.,ct.or~ to !!ccount so tlt~t the ontsts.nning monies con tribu t~d crm b~ brollght to~ether and rami tted to rim. (S'lMO 30dcnmt.) Orrler of the Genp.r'll ASrlembly to con'lE'y the NOH York property in trust to the congregation therp-. Jncludl):"; t}lfl t8xt of the deed.

~ (An E'ntry Committee for nov i.Si11~ till> Co'mllin~ion Hook th'\t tho J\ sS9mbJy renew i t!J reaoln- mendutinn 1,.0 I'T"~d!Yt"'ries to de~l with deficient pnrit'hes \tho huve not hrolleht in th~ir coUp-ctions, IS UOTBEHK} COPIED.)

CIJ.l!J!35. CHUHCIIOF SCO'J'L!I!lD.General Assembly. Minutes and Acts, 1735-1738. 1'.91 1735 t+~ 19. p.92-93. fioceirt of n. lett('r from Casp!lr Stover, t1ichael Smith, ~.nrl Hich1lel Hold on heh'llf of the German Lutheran congre[;9.tion in Or:!ll~ County (formerly SpottSYlvania), Virgini~. The congreg~tif)n of ~b~lt 200 has been settled on the ve~ borders of t.he MOI.mt'1inran3e as 0. huffer 'lg..~.inst the Indians since 1717. THO ,YP'trs "::;0 th9Y finllly got ~ Gernan Lutheran minister, bnt I'M ton I'oor to ::ilJl'l,ort the mini~ter :md bu:ild n church, 3cllof)l, 'Ulri r'l'msc. F'tcts ott eoted by Lt. Gov. Gooch of Virgir.i". Tre Gpnprql Aq~embly reconmends n charitrb1p coUp-ction for th01n thrOl.lt.:hout Scot.lc.nd. r.D 7 1735 M'W 2(). r.128. Rp.~eiI't of ll?t.t.p.r from J onathun Dickson, moriprator of thr:- rr,?/3bytr>~ or 11m" Jersey (rnbrio R1yS NewYork) creving UI'lt Dr. Ui.chol M'W bo reimhur~p.d for hi~ p'tYfIlents on the buUoinU of thp frlJslJ'Jtprian church in NewYork. r. 21J.-2] 8. 1736 r'hy 1.9. Act of the r.~n"r"l.l Assembly of the Church of Scotlnnd r(\com'~lIdiog a col.l.ecti_on be taken for thp. ')SrCK on hehal1' of eotlcatin,3 ::\ V'lst Multituoe of poor "'chol'!.rs and thp. con- v~rsion of th~ r·~or IInatr.en m.tion on the borders of Ne\.J En~lanr1. [·lotic~s trn.t thp. SSrCK hr..s th~e mi&sionaries to th'=! Indi::..tJs, awl ., fourt.h to "th", natives of I}~or&i:l" Hho ru.r10 has care of t.b~ ~OU15 of the Highl!l.nders in th!lt col0l'\Y.

Contirmed on next sheet ~1TCROP T L~l Z.S.277

CH,1/1 Continued

'. ' :~~:,/:.:; CH,1/1/35 cOlltinu~d Note (1Ul entry of 21 H\y 1736 at page 253 noticing that, money c ol.Lec ted for the Pr'o Lr-n t.ant, coloqy in Vireinia. m'W be paid over to Alexander Arbuthnot, of Knox, TI1P.rcll1.ntin (penrUne the comp'L=tdon of th~ col l pction ann its delivery to repreaentat.Lve s of the Lut.he r-vn congr=g-rtd on, of course), IS NOTBRIf-n COPJED.)

r.368 1737 j-by 18. p.37?. Hecelpt of l.,tt,"r from Ebeneze r Pp.mbprton, minist.er of the fle\-, York congrr'f.".tinn, 'lcl

r.I,18 1737 M'V 2ih r- "31+-435. llepor-L on tb,.. 9 I:.~ndillg of thr> c ol.Lec t.i.on for HerTYork, not i ng tInt nome nXI ense s of buildina the PresbyteriAn church t}'t?Tf>w""rr>born» hy Dr. [Hcho1 who II is thereby much out of Pocket. II r,526 1738 H"Y 23. r.5/ ..9-552. (Thp Cor'llTlitl,r.>eon Public Accounts report) letter from Dr, Fichol rropl')~in[; that th~ ~cottich holders of the deed for thr> Hev, York rrl)perty make it b-ick over to him. Since he is obviO\l_~~rnot Going to be reimbursed out of the monoy c'·11.,-,cted for bllilding that church, he coul.d recover "'Ihn.t is due him 1"-y :;;nll.ine sent s or pe..1S in the church. Considera- tion of c onveyi ng n right in the seat.a and pews, but deed is not to Iv- mide over to Nichol. The sum of t21/5/6 sterl. ~d for the Lutherans in Vireilli'\ h'l~ neve r b=e n called for. The conunitv.!o recommends the monoy bp. Given to Lhe SSPCK.

GII.l/l/lrO. CHIJHCHOF :,COTLi\l:D. General Assembly. Hinutes and Acts, 173')-17/r2. 1739 fillY 17. Nel-!York con:Jrpgo.tion agrees to conform to the recommenda- til')n of the (h"ner'1l o\ssemb1y of the Church of Scotland in means to rein:bur'39 Dr. lJichol for his expenditures on the chnrch.

r.~1) 173CJ H~. ~2. p.123-126. Rerort I')nlle\-1York by the Committee of Public Accounts. nt!lt9~l1t of 1727 s=o/s 0..66/3/6 sterl. collpcted in Scotlarrl; £401/2/6 rami tt"d 1:.0 Dr. Nichol i a balance of £49/12/8 (one- thim in sterling). ~Jhen seals \.Jere broken on 18 Apr 1727 aftAr thrtln' S op.!ll:.h, smother £15/8/3~' found and paid over to Nichol Sl'e'1ce, ncent to thp Church of Scotlnnd, receipt for ...thich 1./.1 in CU:3 I:.odj'of the TO\m Clerk of Edinbureh. Sui t bro\l~h I., by llichol Spence to !'Pcover the 0..9/12/8, etc., sometime Df~r ...!hich £139/15/2 Scots (£lJ/12/1 IJ/12ths ster1.) were delivpr~d to Srenc~, 19 H~\)'1738. Nichol Spence hl}$ paid out '1.1) fund!,! of thp collection received by him C1.S directed by the orop.rs of Dr. John Nichol. Order that fl1\Y rutstanding funr'ls be10ngin~ to th~ collection be got in. 17,...0 l'h~'19. An overturf! :lbollt rrobationers, 6Rthp.ring togeother nlJ EI.cts of the G'?n~r1.1Ar.sel"lbly concerning trillS, ~xaminQ.tionR, Mld 1icens:i n..; of prohationers to pre'lch, panged between 1638 p.nd 1736. (jJot~: Hepptition at P.5/1~-551), 17 Ii'\}' 17/,2, IS IJOT H!EJIIGCOrn.D.)

Continu8d on next sheet HICROFILM Z.5.277 CH.l/l Continued :'.'; , .. .", ' .. :';i<~.-.. , CH.l/l/40 continued ( "-'.' -. ' I ... : , p.272-273. 1740 Hny 19 (cint~ from r.255) . .~: From thp. reuor-t of the Comrnit.t ee on Public Accounts • .:. J;... . The lC'.tf!st cor~espOnrience on the NewYork property. Also, Nichol Sp~nce has received an order in London for the money

.~. • ° • 0 colJect~d for the Vireinia Lutherans; it was paid over to the SSPCK, nnd it should be retrieved and sent on to Virginia.

Cit.1/1/1. 5• CIIUIlClICF SCOTI.hhD. General Assembly. Minut~s and Acts, 17/16-17/~9.

(No entries rnl~ting to Amer-i.e a W'9renoted in the volume of minutes and ac t.s for 1743-1745, CH.l/l/L~3.)

r.225 1747 '·h_y 18. 1'.?LI·8-251. nccommendution for a CoJlection by the SSPCK,cB11ine att.entirtl to its var-Lous Horks, .inc.Iud Lng 136 schools (in the Hiehlru1cls and Islnnds) ""ith 5600 echolara, 2 missionary ministers ~d Rn int~rpreter to the Indians on the border~ of Ne"l York, New,rersey, and Pennsylvania, etc.

CH.l/l/I*8. CHUHCHOF Sr;OTLA1JD.General Assembly. Minutes and Acts, 1750-1753. p.37) 1752 Mf1.~' 21. p.375-376. Report of Committ~~ for Bills on the petition of David Thompson, minister of the Enelish Reformed Church at in hp.half' of' bho Germon Protp.:1tont Churches settled in Pennsy Lvani.o nnd Horth America praying a c o'l.Lectd.on he l'.uthori7.ed to the end that clergy and schoolmasters may be supplied them. p.380 1752 N£W 22. p. 38'~-389. flct on behrtLf of the 30,000 members of the '~6German Protestants scut Lered throughout the British colonies in America (namp.s of colonies in which located, not specified). Honey collected on their behalf to be paid over to James Mnnsfield und William Hogg, merchants in Edinburgh. 1".398 1752 ~1ny23. 11.400. Cornmi, ttee to dr'lft replies to the letters from the Deputies of th~ Provincin1 of HoI]and, the Presbytery of Amsterd~m, and the Consistorv of the EntTlish Church at Amstp.rdamon beh'uf of the Ger~~ln Protest~nts in North America. p.4lJ~ 1752 Hny 25. p. It 1.2. Potd tion from thp. CollAGo of NewJers~ received in General J\R:>emblyand re f'err-ed to the Commissionprs of the Church. 1753 Jun /1. Orner that mflnil"!Rcollectp.d in Scotland for Pennsylvania be transmittp.d to the Rev, Hr. Chandler in London, A.cting for the SOCiety of 'I'rus'te=s for the Hl'Inagementof the Charity for the l'rotegt':J.nt~ in Pennsylvania.

CH.l/J/2l. CmmCHOF SCOTLAI·l]).Genernl, Assembly. Minutes and Acts, 175/1-1757. 175/~t1:-.y27. Peti tions for Col] "!a(' of Ne'vl .rerp,ey from governors of Nf;?14 Jer~ey nnn Fennqylvania, RRsociated pastors in Ne,.,rEneland, and Synod of He,,,York, Rsking for a collection of money.

Continued on next sheet ~1l CHOF 1LM Z.S.277 CH.1/l Continued t, CH.l/l/51 continued ...... p.56-57 1751.. H!'tj' 30 • : " " ,. .•.. Report from the Committ~e to Correspond td th Dr. Ch1tndler ...... et Rl in London concerning the money for the Germnn Protest:mt~ in Pennsylvonia. (£11,,0/9/lJ. sterl. colJ ecbed in Scotland). .~-. Lett~r~ to bp nr~ft~d to the Synod of South Hol Land and CID.Rr.iaof Amsterdnm. p.57-65 Proposed rul.e s for the Li.censfng of prob'\tioners, and ministers 1icen!)Po in England and in foreign parts.

1'.65 175/ .. Ufo..}' J1. p.67-71 Act for 'l l!pnr.r:1.l collection to r'lisp. an endowment, for the Co11 (>e~ of Hot.] J e rney,

p. ?)I.. 1755 ,TU~l 2. p.239. H!lc"il)t of (\ pub.l.Lcn t.Lon entitled History of the Ch~ritt\ble Sch"OIe for Ius truc tin q- poor Gf'rmruls in Pennsyl venin printed by ordo r- of th(' t.nHltfl"s for the fund, 1'.2/..°-;'.111. Coll"cti'ms for Eymolltb, NewJerpey, and Pennsylvnnia orde r=d to be br-ought, in. p.319 1756 tt.,~r 29. p.31..0. I.cti cr of bh-urks received from the truatees of ths Col.Iene of rJet.J ,T ersey •

• efl.1/1/51t- CflllHCII(W:;COTLAltD. Generru. Assemb~r. Minutes and Acts, l753-17f)1. p.171) 1759 Hit,}' 29. p.171-17J. R~pOlt of Mr. Thvi.c1 Thompnon on hie m'!atine with the deput.Les of the Synod of South And North Ho'LLand con~enl1.ng scbonl s 'llld clprBY for nenna.n Protnstants in the British colonie') in North Amo r'Loa, p.297 1760 t""'y 21. p.298-?99 Corrmi.ttee for Bills rnpor-b on a represen btion from Hr. Chllrl'?s BP.n~ty, minister at Ni.shamf.ny, Pennsylvnni(l, \.:ith n r"rr~gent'ltion by the Corporation for the Relip.f of r)j_str~~sed PrcRbytp.riM tlinisters, their ~1idO\.IS & Orphl\lls in thp Provinc0 of Penrll3ylvWlia, and NeHcast1e &. Sussex on n"'lt1I"ltr~, pnyin;:: for fJ. nAtional coll action in Scotland for their r"'li'O"f. It'" f'?rred to a commit tAe. p.32? 1760 thy 26. 1'.357- )61. ilct for 't co] lee t.inll for t.he rpli~f of Presbyterifll1fl in Pennflylv'l1lj,\ 'lilt] Del{'.l.rare, rp.he'lrsing the petition from thc>re tll'lt r~f~r') to th'3ir sllffer:i.ng at the hands of the Indians. p.396 1761 SP.p J. p. J99-1rI..7. Hp.port of thp. Visi tor.:, of the Highlands, &ca. Authori?f'd so I1S to ill form the;) Chnrch of ScotllJnd on conditions in that nre'\ of th~ country ,h"'r", the Church "".18 t-!p.nkest, the rnport deccribef1 th" p'Irish0s in th~ HighlIJnrl8 nnd Islands so as to r"n~ct th<:> 11umbl".!rof r:trishionprs, ('xtent of the , rr'?nenc,) of p"rint:-, rrngre'l"l of t~E\chi.IIGEnglish to Gnel ic spe~ersJ ?nd so fortr. • •

ContLnup.d on next shf'pt • MICROFILM 2.5.277 ".'l·', ... ~'.. .. \ :' .; . '. .'... " " ,;,... /...... CH,1/l/55 • CHUnG" OJ-' S{:O'lLi,IW. (;"'nt'r::l.l AascmhIy , Ninutes and Acts, ~ J ...... •• ...... ' 1762-1765• ..•. p.76 1762 !hy 31. : J. ... 0:.. r.79-8?, !\ct foT' c011pcttn~ n. fund II for Spreading the Knowll!!cige ...• :.: t . of th~ Cro::>pe1l\m1mf_! the Horth Am~ric·~.nIndi ans;" . '. p.J7J 1761~Jun 1. p.377-J80 Le t.t.or of th"tlks from the Corporu td.on of Phj1Il.or>lphirt, d rt.ed 1n Feb 176), 'lcrnO'.-!ledgine receipt of £J2~.//,/11 stp.rl. rfl.i3E'ci in Scot.Lnnd for Pre!lbytpr Lans ' re1i"!f in Amerd.c-r, p.387 1761~Jun 2. r.31J1-393. Pptiti.oll of t,hP ,}SPGKnsking that steps be t'lken to ge t in tht> r"~t of thp collection a.uthorized for the conversion of thp Am"ric'1!l Lr df.ann, p.572 1765 f.1"'y 7. p.590-62R, Dr. \·Jalker';. TIe.port Goncf'nlillC thp Hi.ghlands &c. Reports on those He:;tern '1re13.S not included in the 1761 rpport vhi.ch deolt chirfJy v'itl-} tho nor-thr-rn and nor-thwes te rn Highl'1nds: Kintyre, Is1"y, Jur" &. Col.onsay, and 90 forth •

CH.l/l/58. cnmcn OF ~C01'1 Aim. General Assembly. Hirnttes and Acts, 176(~1768. 1'.111 1766 N"", 3f). p.1J/,-lJ3, 14111"1or1-.1.from tho Presbyt"'rian Church in Nnw York (cir:ttnn IFl Hllr 17M» ",skinc; th(' Gp.npr"l As:'\embly to US'3 itn innucncf' at COl.1rt to obt'lin "Ill 1nst.I'lction to th~ Govpmor and Council of NC'w York to i!'lnul'>" ohllrtnr to tho r~AW York church. Sf'tn forth thf' ("'Tly hi" tory of the church thrr'3, t.hp. crimi nAl rro~ecutton "G'1 inst t1cKemi~, nnd opinion!'; on thn effect of Hritil'lh l,\,.·!S in Americ:l touching rp.1i&ion. Referred to 8. committre. p.1J/ .. 1766 Mny 31. p.lI,6- V~7. Committ~p. r"'port in f'1vor of gr'mting the Ne'" York petitiC'n. Act n.l'!,ointiIlG 1\ committr.;>eto put into pffect the inter- vention ...t C()llrt th'lt h~9 been re1uest~d from New York •

CII.IN61. ClltntCII OF SCOTLfd'D. G~ner"l A!1sembly. Ninutes and Acts, 1769-17'11. p.32() 1770 H',y ;>9. p.J21- J26. Lp.tter frn," the modp.r'1.tor of the Synod of Ne\o!York de"crihi'1:; p1''Hf' of the SynoO of No\"York Md P~nnsy1"Etni!l. to oren " Europe')n corrnspondence for the benefit of the chlJrchf'og in J~e", York, He\-!,Tersoy, PennClylvnnil\, Mnry1and, Vireini'1., flnrl thn r,'lrn1in[lR (-lll of Hhich presum'\bly nre \ofi thin t.h,.. Syn~ of' Uf'WYork !:\nd Pennsyl vn.'1ia. which is s"lid tn cnl)·'i"l. of 1fJ prC'shyterios .,nd 127 ministors '-'part from about ?f)n ""r;:'.nc;ps) "nd setti.nG fort.h tht> erpt>t need for Scnl.ti..,h cni.tlintt>r·r.tr, cnm~ to 1\mf'rtca. 1\ct to erect I\. st1.nd.i.tlg cO'OI·titt"o of corr'?sponr.1ence. p.J!)7 1770 ,Tun I~. p./,2()-/~?2. Anflwer to thp '~ttnr frorn th~ .synoo of Np\ot York And Ph;1'l.rlplrhi9.. A~1(8 for !'lpecific il1forcn

Continued on next ~h(let • rrrCROfIUI Z.S.277 CH,l/l Conl;,inu(~ci

CH.l/UQ3. CHUnCIl {'l" ;'COTL!\'lD. r,onerul iI.!'lsombly. t·1inutps and Acts,

4. •• ' 17'12-1775. .:~;' p.l06-108. 1772 "1"'~1 2.8...... •. Lette r from crt'=! Synod of Ne\" York and Philadelphia ". (dutf'd ~1 f1n] 17'11) c1'lriIyinc th!lt the need in America is for vol.unt-vry emigration of c1~rcy from Scotland rather bhnn 'lsBie"'fTlr?nt~ of yonna ministers sight unseen to Am"!ric:>n vec-mc i es , nef~rrf'd to the st'lnding committee. 1'.115 1772 t~7 ?'J. p.1~6-1J5. Dr. .r ohn \hJ leI" r' ~ rf'port llrdntine the 1761 and 1765 reports of i.h'3 Visitors of t'1~ Hichlsmds and Islands Lns of'-vr M> thl>~r CO'1Cr>MC"c1the west~rn Hieh1·l11ds. The eIJ.r1ipr repor'ta Tf?vc")_f'fl thp si.t11"tion, extent -md state of the pnrishes and th", numbo r- of inh'lhiLnnt9 in t.I-tAnt. This urciflt~ c once rns i t"elf ,,,Uh V)I" st'lte of rol ieion 'lnd thf' distr.i button of +,}I() noy·.l ROll111;/ for Ro fonni.nG th" II Leh1.'\IJ(l~. No c ogni.z ...ncr- i~ t"l<~n of "miGr·'tinn f'r'cm the Hiehlnnd::lj to the c ont.r-iry , Dr. \-/:llk"r "'1:. I t~n tktt ho h-id not I'oun-l m- tprial '\.ltf'rotions needed to b·, m'lne in thp popul, "'-tinn, etc , , 111'1 reported in 1765.

CII.1/1/G6. CIlUnCllOF SC()'1'L·\HD. f'len"'ral Assembly. Ninntes and 1\cts, 17'16-17'18. 1776 "":I 28. }\r\or'1ss t:) thl" kin~, expressinG the Assembly' fJ devotion to thr> II0llS!" of lhnov"r (from "'hom their protestll.nt blessings flc\,,) I '1l1n '\l'l'roving of JiM's mn'1.8UreS for nenling with the "prest)nt d'mg(')ro1.ls and ulln:lturl1~ Rebellion" in North Amp-ricH. p.161-161,. 1777 tI·,y ;>6. AorlroG~ to the king on th/? present sitll!1tion of affairs in North J\mr>ric.,\. Th0 conduct of !-IN's subjects in the co1onil'!' nstf'lninhc3 thQ minutes of 1778 with n drawing of the sp.ul '\nOr t:.0d VIII t, ye·~r.

1'.315 1778 f1"'~' ~).

r. )21- )a', • Ad,] rn:>s to t.he kinl'" on the "unn"lturt1l nnd unprovokp.d neb"!1) ion sti'), :1llbGi~tinG in North America."

CH,l/Jj67. C!IDHCII0f "lCOTl.AJ!D. Gen"'r'l1 A.qsembly. t-1inutes and Acts, 1779-1781. r. JO- )1.. 1779 t1"": ;~2. 1'.)6-)9. Addrc~~ to th,., king coneratu1:lting him on tho birth of ''nothr>r prince ....wi l'r~lyinr. th'\t r.oci wil] eo forth \-lith Ht-fls fleet'l "nd '1rn i"''' and h~ll' thp,m defe~t "the nebe11ious Coloni<:!s it! tlorth Americ'l" f1Ild thpir nl1il"ls, ..the N~turel Rivals and En"!mip.$ or Gre·'t nrltflil1." r.Y.) 17$1 ~'1"'.f 25. r. )I/J- J52. 'ric1r

s>, gH,l/l/68. ClIlmCfJ ()f Sr;OTLAI

p.1S 1782 ).1'", 23. 1'.25. , , Not.i.·-m to UdnI"'~33 tile ki "1t:, and recommendataon that the ' ... '. mini:> c0rs vho 1.r~ to pr'\y nt t.h(' Di~t tomorrow "be purt.i.cular .... in th'1ir Th'1nksf;i Vi11(~ to Alm.eht-/ God for the 1 atp, Signnl $IlCCP,S1l he h'l::; be-n pIel'sp.d to nr-tn t. his N~\jp,sty 's arms ," P,J() l7R2 1/"y 25. n r.35-JB. Adnr !,'1 t.o thr. ki!1t; hOl'.i.nG th" t th,... Br i t.i3h victory in th ... \':C'1C It),li,..:; ',li,1 I h"v~ '1. ::;:'lllt'1.ry eff"ctj "thp. dp.nir,tl!) of ¥ollr Combine'l EIl""ni"3 A""ti:lst aome of onr mO!11;. v,ult'1.blo ,s" Lt.10ln(>nt·: h't"'_: b"cn i~ ure"t mcasurr- d""feut~n." Prnyn th'le "th" CJ'!)\.r n In'lV' I~"":jccnn ,.,rith nnrlimini-;h,..d Spll"nnol.lr, t.hr-o ! yo t1' ill .... ~,1'i."H' F·uni.1.J I to the l'ltcot r,~tlf)r"tl()lln,1I Th""r(> ·l.rc t\10 ve rn.i.ona of the Udd~~I3G, one npprov/~ci und the ochI'r noe. 1'.222 1783 t h~r ~~/... 1'.226-2~7. lvldresG t~ tI,,... kirlc; em ~I(\ pe:lC~ comine "nt the end of' a \'br los!'! !JtJCCP.3Df'11 th·,-') former wars huve been."

• ~lICROFIU1 Z.S.278 SCOTTl SII HECOnn OFJo'ICE l~cUnburgh

(. ,)(t) J.I" ~ ~ (innerrl Iip.gister House ., ,

CH.1f2/21.LJ,/2. CHUhGHOF SCOTLilND. General Assembly. Papers. 1704. f.llOa, lila. 170,._i\pr 12. Let.Le r, ConGrec~til)n vt Wando River, S.C., to Robert S'\ndfllands, H1 at Eddnbu rgh (presumably for the Presby tery of Edinburgh), f>skin:! th~t '1 minister be sent to them in South Ce r-ol.Lna, Sian"'o by Johnson and Thos. Lynch; /\br., Joseph and Andw. ~/llrf}llCk;Thoa Kingj and Thos. Moody. f.1128. & b. (170ft?) Drnf't, r=pIy (of Preshytery of Edf nburgh} to the re'lunst f'or '\ m.i'lis ter from the Prcsbytl"rian o ongr-egatd on nt Hando Hiver, S.G•

• glLlI,?/;U,&!3 .•__ GII1~(GII_IH"SG01].AIJD.General Assembly. Papers. 170,.2. f.221.'l-2.25b. 1705 ""'I~' J. Ltr, Arch. Stobo, Chanl=s t.on, S.C., to Prp.sbyt'olIY of EdL1'lbureh, rpferr'; ng to his last of l>lt\rch1702/3 by the hands of J I-lrnesKi.nl.och-m, vhich setn forth the wil3hl:)sof a "Body of peopLe in 11 corne r of this provinoe o'll. Id Kinhigh very desirous of h:l.ving " rresbyt~ri."n minister rq,thcr from Scotland than fl.l'\Y wh~rc else t}wt th9y m'\Y be under the Irispec td on of that Church." Rene1.,shis endorsement of their request. Ob se rve s tha.t part of his congreG'ltinn Li.ve s "in the c ourrt.rey to thc Sutherd parts" and his hwin:; to divine his time betveen town and country exposes both con~ret;i.,Li"lls 1:,') bej nt;i IIgdvcn up to tho erroneous priTlcil'les of /I nebap ti!'Jm ~,'hich h 'lth b=en endeavord too too (n ic) much to

t1.ke I'oot i.n«u. itl this pl:;ce." Mentions the S.C. veat rv_oJ A.Ctof necember 17Of, (Sll.:rill~ th·tt the S.C. Assembly is "commonly calld th~ r"rli'"ncnt") 'tun di!'cu3ses the implications of the act for his ministry in S.O. f.226-227b. 1705 Sep 10. Ltr, Arch. Stobo, Charleston, S.C., to the Preshyt'1ry of l~rlinbureh (per via Jllmaica), noticine that the Kenhieh 1,e01'lo hud \"ri tlcn to the Presbytery for 0 minister without Stobl) ,S knO\.!lcdge. r:cntiollS divisions in the Charleston congregation and the> nverthro~1 of Stobo's plnn to brinu the church in S.C. within th~ rule of the Church of !3cotland. Observes that the Kenhigh l'eol'le hnve no\,' \-Iritt~n to Ireland for a m:inister, and now the pllrt of Stobo I s congregation to the South,,,ard want to maintain a minister of their 0\"11, sgying that they arE' as able as the Kenhigh people to oupport one. Hr. Boone, fUl Independent who is now in Lonrion, hILs \.,rritten to his \.,rife in Chnrleston to sD\:! he will brine 11 minister from Lon(ion for the South'''aro congr€'gation if they will contribut~ to hi!) maint<>n"lnce. Stobo flSSum(>S Boone "/ould bring back FInJndcI'ennont minister, \oIhich "/ould meSJnthe loss of that heretofore Prosbyt<>ri"ln congregation-("a. peOple which will be taken up \dth pvpr;_.J1,..-i.n!t~of (Joctrine, some taking exceptions agt. me • uron eccot. of c~lntrie, others s~ing that it is an affront to their 0l.fl1 n'ttion for to sono for ministers to Scotland •.• "). Stobu, his wife, 'l.nd two children q,re in poor health, but hupes the cure of his Ol·.rn conntry will restore him.

CH.l/::>/27/J. CHURCHOF !lCOTJ.AfJD.General Assembly. Papers, 1708. f.?26a & b. 1707/8 Feb 4. Ltr, Archib~d Stobo, Tubedoo, S.C., to the Prf'sbytery of Edi nbllreh, acKnowledgi.ng receipt of the PreRbytp.1YIS letter of If) July 17()6. Of the three congreg!ltions ~ettlcd by Stobo, two Are fllrlJishcd by h/o Irish young men of Scots education flent from the I"illi~t~rs of London. He is no,·!\mitill~ for three things beforu returnill~ to Scotland: "pe!1ce, f\ supply to IJtf people, 'lIld ability to tr'1.n!Jport lTC' family."

Continued on next sheet .' ':" .... :!-! • :-"., MTCHOFILM 2.5.278

CH,II? Continu~d

CH.l/2/2~1A. CHUnCHor' SCOTL/lJ'IlD,nencl'nJ. Assembl,y, Papers, 1709. f.38&\ & b. 1705/6 Fr-b 11. Pptition of 20 persons (most of whomvo re .•i~,"I "boTT!onn educ-rt-xt ill Irpl"lnd unde r the ministry of Mr. \·/HJ iam •••••••I.:, Tr"D~, n Prpsbyt"riq,n minister formerly 'it J.isforcill) settlpd "t and about. NevcaabLe, Pennsylvania. unde r the care of John Wilson, ~. Scotsman, Ilsking for advice on how to secure for themselves 11 miru.s+e r 1111d ~ meot.:inchouse, they being unnbl.e on their own to secure either. Endor-sarl in the Committee for Bills of the General Ao semb'Iy of thp. Church of Scotland on 19 Apr 1707. f.389a & b. l7cn (Endorsed). Petition, 20 persons as represento.tives of the P're sby t"ri'ln con:;rt>g·\tion in the town of Ne",co.stle, Penn- syl van.in, 11clrh'f's'1ento the GeneI'$\].Assembly of the Church of Scot.Land asking for as~ir.tf\nce in completing the buildine of t:beir church nnd in tll~ fTI'lintnn'lnce of a minister, f.39001-3?11\. (17'.:97). ],r>ttf!r, .Tnrrl~s Cou t t.s , to Right Reverend Sir, reinforcing the pr(lyer of thp petition from the congregation in NpHcltStle, 1''1.., of Hl·ich Coutts is a member, and reminding the Nidres~ee of his promiqp to Coutts, when h~ vas in Edinburgh with tit,:, petition, to lI"P his innu~nce on thpir behalf,

• , •

CH,l!2/30!2...__CHUnClJOF SCOTLANDtGeneral Assembly. Papers. 1710.

f .1)4n & b, 1710 Al1lJ 11... Letter, J ohn Henry, Nary-land, to II Deo r Cousin." F.ndor·1I3dwith 'l p"'tit.iC'n from John Henry and John Hampt.on to HobE'rt 81'lir or Hr. GAr~tares, Prpsbytery of Edinburgh, complaining of In.mns Fu'l l e r-t.on who stf\tp.s that he was ordained by th~ Presby- teny of EdinburCh. The \oIritel'S doubt that this was the case, end mako C'n'luirif's.

CIl,1/2/31. CHUIICH OF SCOTLidID, General Assembly. PtlPers, 1711.

f.500e-501b. 1711 JFlll ~5. Drf\ft of a Le tter, Presbytery of Edinburgh to (John Henry rmd John Hampbon, Maryland), respondine to their enqua ry nbout, J flln()S Fullerton. ~1r. fuJ lerton had intimated to the Pr~sbytplY of F:rii.nhureh on lit Mar 1701 his design to go abroad, am he was at thn..t time eiven a reoommendation liS a private Chrit::ti '\n, He npi ther l';olJght nor obtained, however, a warrant to pre·.lch thE' Gospn1.

CII,l/212?Lh CIIUHCIIOf SCOTLlliJD. General AGsemhly, Pllperfl, 1712, f.5311\ & b. 1712 Sep (). COrY, Lpttp.r, Jonth. Drake, Jon. Hearne, Tho. • \/nsbury J /lno J os, Cl~rp, S. C~lrol; nil, To the Revrend WhoMay Bxc~rt of tId!; Ollr C1tll, An open letter nolici ting a minister for an UWll\mNjS. C. conerp.tr'tion, noting thnt the signers have m3de npplic!ltion to the Presbytery of Edinburgh. f.532Jl & b- 1712 SE'P16. .r onth. Droke et al, to the Presbytery of 533. Edinburgh (by thn h1.nds of Thomas Soott, merchl)Ilt in London, brother to Hm. Scott, ono of the regents of the College of Eelinbl1reh). Not~s th"lt the three minist~rs in South CIlrolin8, Archibald Stono, J olm Pol] uck, f\.OdHill inm Livingston, were all educntp'G in Scotl'tnd. Th~y CfU\l1.0tserve the whole province. Tho writp.rs s,lsk for flirt in spourinc a ministp.r who will 00 Ordained

for thpir Utl"1"m9nconrorr>O'.\tionI.> u • f.5J4~, 5J5. 1712 Allg 'V.. (I\rchihpld Btobo), South CRrolina, to the Pr~~hyt~ry of Erl.i.nhureh, pndorsing a. call from M utlnnmed conero- eo.t10n. (Part of thp letler is torn a\.JBy; copy at f,538 belo\OI.)

Contimled on next shpet :.- .. " ...... '. . HI CROF I L~I ·1...... , ... Z.5.278 .. , . '. !!!11L2 ContitJ\IPd ... ', . , '. ", ' . CIl.l/2/32/6 continupd f. 536. 171~ Sep 16. Inh'\hit:l.Ilts of .Tl\mp.sIs] 0.00, S. C., to Reverend Sir (John S'lHire) f.i.LLed in the Appropriate blank in the body), soliciting him us 11 minister for their o cngrega'td on, (The 19 SiL,'ll!ltories include Jonth. Drake, Jon. Hearne, Tho. Wasbury, and J as. Clare.) f.537. (I'll?). Inh'lhit'mts of Jnmes LsLand (S.C.), an open cnlJ for n mi nister ~iCtlf"d hy thn nineteen signers of the 16 Sep 1712 letter. f.5J~~ &. h. 1712 Sep 9. coPY. Archibnld Stobo, S. Cl\rolJua, to the Pr=sby te ry of Eoinhuq;h. F.;ndorses the c al.L for "a Serious Sober youna mnn'' HS n ministe r for a congregatd.on in S.C.

f.539, 5/10. 171;> f\Ue 19•. Forrth, Drake and four others, (.JRmes Isl~nd), to th~ Prprby Lory of Ed in bur-gh, Duplica tP. of the lettP.r of 16 Sep I'll? 'It r. 53? above,

CH.J/2/31J3. CHUnc"OF r.COTLAIJD,GenertJ.1. Assemhl,y, Papers, 171A. f.287-2P.S. 17l) (F.ndor~l"d). Dr"ft letter} Preshytpry of Edinburgh to Den r-ly Ao1ovf'c]in our Lord Jesus. (Endor-sed at Love r left finn =rnsed, 1I~lrote to Hr. Stoboll but with Il ,...rapper endorsed "Copied '\lld DiI"f?~tpd to .Iohn DM.k~, John Hearne, Thomas W~sbury, -I oaeph Cl'7..re}, other-s C'lU.P.rs of Hr. John S'luyre to he minister-- South Carnlill'l.") Aunounco s the ordination of John S'ltlYre to be ministP.r to th~ln.

f.289. 1713 ""~ 2~. Prp.~bytf'ry of Ed Inbu rgh to Archihnld Stobo in S.C., l\l1nO'lOcilll! th'lt Hr. Blackmore hna rot'uaed but Mr. Sqtzy're res I.lccf"pted It ccl.J. to !~outh CHrolJ nne •

CH.l/2/35. CI!UUGHOf SCOTLJilW, General Assembly. PDpp.rst 1715. f.1899.-190a. 1715 Apr /,. .J ohn S'luyre, Charleston, S. C., to the Presby- tery of Edinbnreh, Givl"o 'U1 account of his vqyage from Edinburgh vhich took ten \.'e<:?ks}mo~t of which was filled with tempesttlOU9 \.'~!lther. The ship put in nt Bermuda. to be refitted, ,,,hich took 5 mor~ ,.reeks. From B"!nTnldaS'ltwre WIlSoblieed to sail to Virzi,nh., thencp tQ M,q~rl f1l1r'1, nnn 011 to Pennsylvania where h~ was abl~ to t:tke passt'S~ for Gh!'rlpstQn. Arrived at CharlestQn on 18 ~TunF~1714, 'lnd fOlP\d thp. rrosh-.ftoritm ministers in S.C. divided--one came from Englanrl, Ill'. Stoho h'.1.sbeen at law \.lith his congregation, etc. f.191.n. 171.5 SPY'1?. 1\ rehd. Stobo} Roston, NewF:nelancl, to the Presby- telY Qf F:dinhnrah} (11H'101U1Cingth~ t. hp. (1nd hi~ f~mily, Mr. TraiJ J J I'nd Nr. f,'ll\yrp h"vp l"ft S.C, for BO!'3ton!ncnusp. of a b~.rbaro..s Tnrlinn Wflr thrat hrnk'" Qut ; n April flIld which has n.p.pOPll.lf1.t~n thf" count.ry. Hj:) ~pttl "',"<'.liltth~re has b<:!"Jnhurnt and destrc;y~ci hy thp tndinn~} I" te.

f.192:\ /?, b. 171.5 .Tun 15. .Tohn S luyre, nboo.rd the M·lr:p.ret off the bc.r "t S. C., to tIl" Pr~'1hytpry of Eninburgh. The Indians launched a ~lIrrri7.f" f\ tt3CY f)n th0 coloni.:1ts on 15 April. He is on his way to Boston in ord"!r to t"k~ p,,~sagp. to Scotland. f.193-19li-. 1715 Sep lR. .John S'l'lYI'P., RostOIl, N.E., to the Presbytexy of EdinbnrCh, ~!.I.y i.n£; h~ \,/"15 of no use to the r~nrle in S.C., ~ven had the InriiJ;lrl \.I:1.rnot hrnl(r:m onto GivP.s some c'lP.:1cription of Tf'ltii 'UI tort~lrp':l} 'md opi tll"S th~.t tile war \.I(~S visi tf?d on the English colon.i..,tq by ';o-! i.n orcil"r t.o vindi.c'lte His honor by "some SiCnr:tl J u(l~ern~nt on thr>r.p J)bQmin',ble Hrr>tches."

Continued on np.xt ~h~~t ~JICJWFrLM 2.5.278 CII,J/2 C()ntillHr~rl

.;;..Ci;.;,.j.:...:.l::.the Gospel, to the C:C'llcr'\l A'~omhly of the Church of Scotland, praying finnncilll (l"'ni!]t.:U1ceto cmigrat<3 to the British plantations, and nskine that th~ Pr~"'bytpry of ordain him for preaching there.

CH.l/2/1.9. CHUHCHOF SCOTLAilf).Genf"ral A:~sembly. Papers, 17211;. f./au f< b. l7?/~ .Iunr- 30 (Ennorsed). Petition of John Nicholl from the Scots Pre!'lhyt~ri'\n Con.;r":;'ltion in the Citv' of NewYork to the r;f"ller"J A5!3f>lIlblyof thp. Church of' Scotland, prving the Aflsembly wi] 1. look ",i Lh r'.lvor on thp. momor-LaLh,.,inr; l\resentPd for 1\ col.Lr-ctLon to h"" rlir't;lrl ill nid of the N~hr York congrr-gntd.on, S.?ys th'Jt hn h'l'1 !)lre·~t\)' got the recommr'l'ld'\tion of executive Comml ttee nnd of the of Dl.lmbries, Glnsljo\" and Ayr, Herse "lld T~viotchl0, :1IJc1 Lobh i.nn nnd Tweeddule. (PJ'.RTIALLOSSOF TEXT JlJ OI!E EJlJX)HSI~I,m;JT.)

'1/1 a, (172/~). Hemornndumfor Nr. Nichol Spence to "Sir," asking for thp. intercf>!1sion of the addressee at II the throne of O'rnce both upon the 'ICCOunt of the r~fonnp.d Church- s of Christ in mi::lerflhlc Amenc'1.,. and al.s o upon ITlYo-m acc ounb;" Asks "th1:lt y ou would he p1""scd to put, Nr. John Martine in mind of our nrCtl.ir from tim~ to time." (~ee tUsO GD,95/2/7, p, .501-503, • 'lnn GD.95/')./8, r.l,-5, tlin1.ltes of Committee Mp.etings of the SSJ'CJ';,6 Apr 1758 "net 9 Feb 1759 for references to a mission tn thf> Cheroke~ I'nd Lnna by John H[lrtine, SSPCKmi.sad.onary, ) Also fll'lks for the corrosponnp.nce of the addrossee in the futu~ to Nicholl in London or in HewYork. /~5a & b. 17'?l~thr 11 :md l? PHTlll'ED. "The C,se of the Presbyterian ConUrr>G'ltlon 'lt lJe\,r York, hllmhly l'tid b!:!for~ the charitable Christiruls in Scotl:mrl." A printpct circular to be sent to congreG'ltions in ScotJrtnd in aid of a collection authorized by th,., Gener!ll l\:3spr.lbly of the Church of Scotlnnd. Includes Nicholl's plea I.lll't arguments on behlllf of the Presbyt~rian cont:t'''e~ti'm in the city of NewYork and the act of the General Assembly :,utllOrhil1t! the coll~cti.on to a.id 1.'1 building a church in Ue",York. (UichnUrlencrihcs himself as a native of Livingston Pnrish, educnted 'tt \~P:3tC3.1l'ierand the Coll~ge of Edinburgh, und 'l physic btl \.,thohno Ii-ved and practised in America for 12 years.) f.52a-53b. 1724 lug /~. John lJich01, London, to Nichol Spence, Agent. for t.hp Church of Scotlnnci, Snys the dissenting clergy in J..oTlist'lnce to 11ewYork. The charter for the illcorpor'ltio'l of t"lP.NewYork congr"?g(ltion is being entrtlsted to 'J.n attorm'y, Hr, i3f1mf·lAld,also ueent for r~ewYork. Desires tt) kilO'"\-,'tnt. ~ncces:; thnr~ has be'\!.tlut Edinburgh in making the collection for the He\oJYork PI'P,sbyt~riuns.

f.54:]. p, b. 172) Nov 18. Thn Humble Ad(lr~ss of the Preshyt~IY of Lone 131'md in thf' Prov lnce of NeH York in America concerning the nped of t~lf~HewYork ci ty ct)ncr·~e·\tion for a church, a minister havinrr • u beem ordul.neti to them hy thn Presbytp ry of Long Inland about six Yf'Sclr!l n~o. COlllpl'\ln!l tl1Ut thoueh n. church bllilning was commenc~d it w"\s ci"'3"'rt"c! npon thp o'lthr~nk of purty wUllin the cone g<'1tion re , ~tc., no'" p.xacerbat~d hy the Connt!>cticut ministArs who Ilre senciinl~ in mission'lries ",ho urp Tlliniflg the Presbyt~rian in~re3t in New 0 York. Siened by thf> m()~"'r:ttor Hnd the cIl:'rk of the presbyt"?r,f, SfllmJ"'lrumry "nd Uohnrt Cross.

Continueri on next S}tr~nt • - ~1JCROfILM Z.5.278

Gil. 1/?IJt2-.£2!l~innf!ri

f.55a & b. 1723 ~Jov18. The Bl.lInbl'3 AnoIYlsSand Supplication of thp. Hi.lli~t~t' and r8preGcnb.t.Lves of thp. Prer.hyterian Congregat.ion in N'.?H York to the r:enernl AS!"lemblyof the Church of SCOtJ.9.nrt. Conce rns t.ilE>Lr rlifCicllltie!3 in erf'lctine 11 church in the city, .._ . and anI:::; for :.'ts!)lsbncc. Signed hy JIlInCSAnderson} VDNj John Rl.I1.k.:P.;J on, teci.del j n.nd 'I'honas Inglis • f.57a-58b. (J.721.). "1·'F:mor"Lnl.Ghe,.,rincrthe BogLnni.ng, Inc reaac, and prene nt. di!3tr<>:~;,f>ris bt,~ or the Scots Pre3hytflrian church ann Cr)Y)[.!r~G{ILi.f)t1in Lho City or Hc,.,rYork in America" preaerrt-sd hy ,T ohn Nichol tl) th ....r,'m0rIl1. A~sembJ.y of thl'! Church of Scot.l'lnrl. (This tp.xt. ei""s til,... mp.:H;urerncnt~of the lund in NewYork to be built UPOll.)

CTI.l/2/51. cmmcii OF 39()TLA~ID.Gel1erfll Assembl,y. Pl1pers,~. f.99a ~ b. (17~5?). H'1I~::lOnsof John SI1 .ly-re(upon his return to ScotJJmd ' fr:)10 Bos con) for Lerv Lng his ministr.f at Jnm~s Island, S.C., reduced to a memoranrhlmof minute by SI11Jyre for l-1r. Sr,.mcp., clerk t.') thp Prf.'!'bJ-t"IY of Edi.....bur-gh, Sets forth the unHillinfJl1ess of bhe peol'ln to br- crrtoch.Ized, their failurp. to attend worship, • S1t1yre I sst·'). Lp.of heal th, etc. . CII.lLY.:5..2. CHUnCIIOf SCOTT-AHD,Generr.U Assembly. Pnpers. 1729. f.2Lt-~5b. 1729 N"y 16. Rp.port. iln~nt t.hp. Collections for Durness and ].Tn •." York in ArnAricH. TncLud i ng thp. 8ent~n0f3 of fll'provA..l by. thf3 f}~n'?rrQ l\.$~~'nbly of thlJ Church of Scot.1.t1.nn. Reports ab

~H.laL22_,____Q_f!!Il9.LOFSCOTLAf;D,General Assembly. PApers, 1732. f.133b. l7~9 .Jun ~6. I.tr, Archn. Stobo, ChHrlp.ston, S. C., to the Pre3hytAry of 8rii.nbllrgh, p.xrlaining th'lt something in Hr. MI:l.JC1oJ911.IS delivory un'1cc('pt'lbl~ to h.i.s S. C. coner~eat.Lon is the rP.a.son he hat'l not hnd sui ttl.ble cnCOtlrngement from thp.m, but Maxwell is or B. just Cln(llrtud:J.ble char:lctr:?r. b f.13lt Be 1'1•• 1732 Nov? Archrl. Stobo and.T. \Jith~rspoon, Willtown (S.C.), to the Preshy t.P.ry of Eni.nh·.trgh, p.nquirine a.bont .~,call of somo years nGo for ~ minist~r to he furn.ished for the congr8e,<1.tiol1on Ponpon Hiver, find an()ther call of about I? months ago for a minister for Edist0 Islf1nn. Sets forth the setUements tn be made for rn;.Yli.st~rs hy t.he t\W congr"'e~l.tinns. Thp.y nre not asking for pS3ist!lnce--only for mi.nistp.rs from Scotland to be ordained to them. • Cont.Lrrued on next sheet

, flICROFILM 2,5.278

" ; .... '. ' " ' ted .. ' CII.V_?::L§2 Contini

f.135fl. ~ b. 17?9 AI,r 10. (;'1J.1 for n clpreYm.,\n (blank) from the Presby- tP-rinn concrr'tj"lt-.ion ')11 Ponpon niw~r in S.C., si.gned by six .. ' members of t.he con.1r~ea Cion for all • "'. f.136n & b. 17J2 Allg JO, ,T~s. tJi.sbet, Hoder'\tor, Edinburgh, to th<:! Pr~sbyte:ry of Penpont , ~nc10sing a cnll am tHO 1ettors from S.C., exp'l 'lint "le th'\t thp Preshy teIjr of Eni.nhllrCh cannot fill thp M.1.1, but, I1skinf! \·/hp.thflr thny con ord-rin thp bearer, Penponb ' s licf'ntiClt", .J Hml'3 Brown for Ponpon flivlo>r, South Car-al.Lnn;

f.137rl p< h. 17J? S"r 6, In. Rro·.m, ~lini'\wp, to .John W"lk~r, W~ in C'lnllOne'~tA(Erlinhllrah), rnt'lrnlne pnpe'rs meant, for thp attentIon of the Prosbyt"!T'".fof ppnpnnt. He has hnarrl vP.ry discollrlleine thl"l{js nbout, South G'lroli'1'l from Mr. M'\xwell, and is no loneor wi 11 i"C to ~~o. Th» p"pl"rn ahoul rt be not1lrned to the Presbytery ()f I~ninbllf'~h.

f.138.-". /l, b. 1733 J"n 31. (Dr...rt of f\ If'tter f'r-omthn PresbytAry of F;rlinbureh bo Sn'tth C'lrn1ir)I\). R<:!~pond~to a S.C. letter ann call. for f\ mini.qt~r for r,~rtj_stnInll'lnd naterl 5 Oct 1731. JAmes Moore (i.F3., Hoir) WIlS rpP'!ittor'l to the Pr~sbytp.r.f of Dllnblanp. for his tr L'llfl !1M (\rdim tion. Upon th~ comr1p.tion of th~m, he rlir'l not ,,,,,.L t for tllp Pr'?shy t."!IYof ~-:rtinbllrghto ordain hi.m for J;;disto Is1.'\nrl, hut tOl)k Ghi;, dir~ct1y for S. C. from Lonr'lon (the Concord; Robp.rtson, m'13tor) h'lvi.n~ rpceived lettp.rs froM Professor Jlamil toY'} (no\-.ldp:>d). The cnnrtifbte m~unt for Ponron River has resiled, 8nrl a repl·'cp.mpnt i.~ beina Rought. - f.139o.. 1733 J:ln 19. "/i.l. Simson, Dunb1ane, to (ror thp. P~sb.r tory of Ertinh'lq~h), nnnouncin:; th!\t JA.~s Hoir Wl'\9 ordnined for Edisto, S.C., by th~ Prf3sbytery of DunbJ.ane on 11 ,Tu~ 1732 "nd Ipft for America immedia~~ly. f.lI,o'l, 1729 H!lr 29. Archn. Stobo, South Cllrol ina, to the Presbytp.ry 1I,lb. of Edinbureh, f'oI"H'lnHng (l cnll for a mil1i.ster for a ne,., Presby- teriAn congrngati.on (not mmed) whpre there is wlU1teda. man flble to hold his own in (lispute with sectaries without having to fall btlck on note~, but "who is affablp in his temper and curteoua in his conv~rs:.it Lon to\.,aros nll men." f .11.211 & b. 1733 AnC22. Pr~s~·tory of Edinburgh to J o. Witherspoon and Archei. Stobo, Pre9hytory of South Cnrolinll. Acknow1edees receipt of '\ Iptter of nec 31 wi.tIl 1\ cflll for a minisw.r for the Preshy- tpri~n conf.f'·'lP+.jrm in Prlncp Georee's Parish, S.C., 'lnri a 19tter from Htther::apoon tl) Professor H1.milton (nOl.,def1d) for anoth~r mjniqt~r. S'lmup..lHunter, remitt<:!d to thP. Presbytery of Ponpont for tr-Lals I\nd 1i~~nsing hilS be~n ordai.ned by thnt presbytery for S.C. r:nhburgh h~s ;ns"rted his nam"]in the blank left in thp. call for Princ~ ~eoren' s P:lrish. They ~.ro Atil1 trying to gf! t !t mIni.stnr for Pnnpon Ri.v~r. L9.st June thpy remit tAd Aul£\y Cl1m'1ronto th" Prl"r:hytery of r,ln~~O\.,for trill.1.s, licensing and ordj n~\tion. He j') '''illine to go to Ponpon River, but he has not complpterl his trilll.'3.

f.lI,)'\ & b. 1731 Dnc ?J.• Prf'!3hytnry of South C:lroli.nll, Archerovp, S.C., to the Prel'\tr.ft.~ry of r~riinhlJreh, enc1osi.ne a clll from the Presby- u:>ri~n conerpgll ticm on HIllck Rivpr, Prince George I s Parish, S. C. , Spttine forth p~lrti.Cl1l1.rs of support intended for the minister, (lnrl thp. p.xpectlltinns of the conereg'ltion in a mj'lister. f.1It4a & b. 1731 nf3c31. Jo. Hitherspoon, JsmP.s Is1ano, S.C., to Willie.m Hnmilton, Prof. of Divj ntty in the Uni.v. or Edinhurgh, Rsking for his support i.n eetting mini.!ltp.rs for Ponpon Riv~r, Edisto, and Princp G<:!oref3'!1 Prtrish. Ch"r·....cterl7.es th~ earl i".r ministprs of Princ~ Georgp's Pnrish (or Hi1\"A.'''): first '·11'. Porter, n mnn of h'\d rrincirlr~s 'lOclno cood lif0j Nr. Pnul, Il m'm hA.1.t'cr~?,;"'d; then Hr. C"l.mpb"llJ 1 rn'm not orrt:.linerl, pho "'''\s n pedlAr once, and of no goOtl life, fc hns blrnci to his 01=) trade. Th::l.tpnrt of the colo'\{ is filling rnridly, Il.nn they cm soon expect congregllti.ons at BJ.!lck nivorJ Peedee, 1'I1ldS'\nt~e--un(l not one minister among them.

Contimlcd on next sheet

I~ ------...... ------~---- ~ITCROr: T LM Z.5.278 CII.1/2 Contirnwu

CII.1./2/65 con timtpd

f.1I+5a &. b, 1731 Oct 5. Jo. \,Jitherspoon, Jf\me~ Tal.nnd, S.C., to Professor l/+6b. lIf\mUton, UnLv, of r:dinburgh (to be comrmmicuted to 'the Presbytery), trnn$mittLng t\ cnll fot' a miniflter from the coneregation on Erlisto I~lpnd. Di~cunses nbility to live eentp.ely on sRlRri~s offered .... to Pre sby to r i.an mlnistp.rs in South Carol Ina, Includine '. 1732 ~hr 2/h Receipt by J runes Moir from tho clerk of the Pro':lhyl.t!ry 'If Erli"htlrt:h of thr> 1':'111 1.0 lii1i!1i.n ln1'lrYl • •

.Qll..UU76,._ CHlJHCHOF flCOTLt\IJD.GenerflJ. AsnembJy. Papers. 1738. f.477a & b. 1738 t-hy 1. Pe t l t l on of poor Joseph GrtJY, tailor in Erli.nburgh, vhose f'a bhe r' w~s a gentleman of subabance in EcUnburgh '"ho he Ld :t c omnins ion undor King Cha r'l ee , But his father t S 7.el\l Cor th,., es t',bl i.nhnn church and hi!! oppos it ion to the IIM::tliennnt l"lrtil)lI in orxlo r- to protect the Church of Scotland, forced h im to lJ.fly th.i~ Cf)IU1 Lt'Py and to re tire to Cnr-rol.fnn vhe re he dyed. II (Includes testimnni.nls of Gray's distressed condition.) • •

CH.V2/79. CI"IDHCHOF SCOTl..I\IW.General AssemblY. Papers, 1741. f.~78a, 479b. 174~/1~ Fpb 7. Lettp,r, (Adam) Anderson, London, to Cornl'littee of Dd r=c bor-s of the SSPCK, Edinburgh. Remarks on neoreill' '1 hope to t.ranspor-t, 40 highlanders to Georgia to supply th~ place of tho:Je lost at tho late seIge of st. Augustine; thinks it m''Y b" hrm) t.o find 1,0 willine to eo. Notes that hI'! hnn written to J·Yc:l.l?ocl in neoT{~iH. r~imltes transmitted by this lp.tt~r nre NOT PRE.'3EHT. A mn.rei.m.\lnote (I.O:)TIN THEGUTTft~R): "!lomp.of tho Sr>rrnonsmontd on td in our Himlt,es Shull be Sent to the Comrntttp.c of Dirpctors very Soon."

CH,I/2/95. CmmCHOF SCOTLJ\!W.Cienerru. Assembly, Papers, 1752. f.3970. &. b, 1750 Apr 20, El.de r-s and Trustees of the Presbyterian Congre- 398b gation, Chnrleston, S.C., to the Presbytp.ty of Edinburgh, thanking the rrBS~'tcry for sending the Rev, Charles Lorimer as a minister to them. (LOSS OF TEXTIN MAltGIN)

f.399a & b. 1750 Oct 28. Bonn from three of the principal members of thl'! PI'P,sbyteri~n congrogat.Ion at Will TO\m, S.C., to the Presby- tP.ry of Sonth Cnrol ina, binciine the congrpel\tion to support It'1Y minister for three yp..'lrs who may be ordained to them. f.400a p~ b. 1750 Spr ?;., l3l'\nk c ....ll from the congregation at Will. Town, S.C., for n mini.nter lito come ov"'r nnn t.l\ke charge of our Souls," the ReV. \.Jilliflm Short, their minister, h.l\vlng died. f,/~OlA.- 1750 noc). Ch',r1cn Lori11lf1r,Chnrleston, S. C., to the Preshy- I+02b. u-ry of Enlnhllrgh, trl\n~mittine the call ann bond from Will Town. (LOSSor Tr.:XTIN GUTI'ERS) f.lr031l &. b, 1750 Apr 10. S'unuel Huntp.r, South Carolinll (for the Presby- 4'Y+b tAry of S. C.) to the PrP.shytcry of F.dinhllrgh, thankinu them for their lp.ttpr of 17 Oct 1749, and i.nformin~ them of Lorimer's instftilment ut Charleston. (Lo...:;SOF TEXT) f.L..05a & hi 1750 Arr 16. Chfl.rles Lorimpr, CharleRton, S.C., to the 1/)6b. Prp.sbytery of Eciinhnrf!h, introollcinC John RnttrflY, Es'l., who hIlS r.Oll1l' to Scn1.11l1llt t.o :l('('k " rf'plllcr>lll"t1t rnr till' ] '1 ~,r> t·lr. SYIO, mini~ter to thp, congrf'81l.tion on John's Island. (LOS~ OF 1'EXT) Concluded on nexe shp.p.t •

.. ~/.,;·/!!." - (,,1' ., MICIWFILM I • :1 • ~..,: ". ~? . 2.5.278 ~? . .. '. . . CH,)./? Concluded . ; .. '.. ,0, ... ' .. ":/" ' .9.L1L2/95 continued t , • ',' ...... 0. ,t. , :. : ..' f.407n. 8, b. 1749/50 l'hr lJ~. PreAbyterlsJn Congregat.Lon, Johns Isll\Tld, s.C., to tll" Presbytnry of Ed Lnbur'gh, enclosing a blank cpll for :<"'.'.. _. . 1\ minister who they hope can be furnished to them. (LOSS OF TEXT) . _.'"_ :. ~ ., , f.4080, 1~09a &. b. 1751 Nar 27 • .Tohn HF.tttray, Ed.inburgh, to the Presby- " . tP.ry of Edinburgh, f'orve rd Lng th~ S. C. correspondence and rec om- mendi.ng they ordai n Thomas Hurray, now on his trials, as minister of JOhn'R 181fl.))ll, S.C. (LOSS OF TEXT) f.4].On. 17/ ..9/50 ~lnr lit. .I os , St'U'\Yl\rllf~, Jos. Gibbons, am vIm. \/ass'by, Johns IB1"\nd (S.C.), to Nt'. John Hnttray, c over-Lng a bond am a. cn.Ll, for H mininter. (LOSS OF TF.XT) f./~55, 456. 175~ AUf;5. .Tllmcs Ilurrte r-, ltuntlPy, to the Preshyte.ry of r~r1i.nhllq~h, r~c,)m"l"rvlil1l!\,JiJli"lm F'ornyth, iti..nf'rant prcncho r in GlF!rum.Ii.cl<,who w.Ll.L IIcht>'lrfull.y eo to Carolina" if the presbytery will choose him.

CH.l/~/l()l. CHUHCIIOF r.COTLAIID.Gener~ AMiembly. Pllpers, 1760. f.27711. N h- 278.'1 8, b. 176() ~hy 26. "Act nnd Rec ommenda'tLon ,., for a Col.Lec td on for the nf'l i'3f of poor & d Lstresned Preshyterinn Ministers in th~ Province of PATUlrtflvania &c." The "P

CH,l/?/105. ClIUHCIIOf SCUTLAIJD.Genernl Assembly, Pnpers, 176ft• f.301n & h. 1763 Feb 10. Th.. Address 01' the Corporntion in the Cizy of Ph ilruic1phin for the Helief of poor Ilnd distressed Presbyterinn I'Li.nisters unci of their \/ido\o,s and Children, to the General Assembly of the Church of ScotllUlti. Acknowledges receipt of £1281./4/11 r'1i5en by thp. AS3embly, lU'ldexpresses thanks for their kindness. £500 of it h'\8 been used to redeem captives from the In:lians and "n considp.r'lble sum" hl1.s been used for the relief of Christian Indians.

CH.l!2!ll). ClnmCHOF SCOTLJ\lID, General A~sembly. Papers, 1771. f.268(\ & b. 1771 Dec 6. Don. '.hc'llleen, Cilchrist, to the Committee for H'lO"eine th,., nOY'l.l Bounty, rncomrnenciing n. new cgtR.chist for the pl rish of KilrmIir (in !l~,." tho burinl pl'lce of Flora Mn(...tionnld), whf're c()nditinn~ nr" rlisord~rAd b"'clluse of p("ople moving from one f~nn to nnothAr "ftar "\ ne\oIset" and others bussyed About an Emigration to AmAricu.."

f. 379- 380a. 1771 MI\)' 27. Hi 11iam Rrunsay, Modera.tor of the Synod of NewYork nnd l'hU:vi~lphi 9, to the GenerAl Assembly of the Church of Scot1anO. Thanks th" A!l3emhly for its Ip.ttf'r of 4 Junp 1770, I\nO informs tJ1Pmth'lt th~ conareentinns in the American synod continue yeflrl_y to incroase in number. The Coll~ee of Ue\-l J orsey, nnti the mfll1Ynchools !In<1 smn11er seminaries in Am~rica. connot furni.sh thp requisite- numbp.r oC clerey for the congreg1\tions.

for prl'\cticnl re:ls'mSJ thp Hritf'r c~nno+' furnish a list. of v!'lc:\ncip~ in Americ'l to be rf"'t'lrnf"'Oto Scotlnnd with thp hope of filling th~m frolO there. VoJnntary cmil1r~tion 'oftth a specific cull is thp. only practicftl nnll1tion. TI1~nks the I\Gsomhly for h'1.ving erp.cted (' c ommi ttp.e of corrCRllonclnnce to work 'of j th thp. Synod of New York 'lnO Ph.i.lllde1phi..A. • • rl1 CROFT LM Z.5.277

SCOTTI:;'!HI~C('hn OFfICE r -, Sd i.,btl r'gh 'fcnl?r'\.l neeis ter HO'..lGe

ClI.1/3L1. CHUnC!!OF SCOTLI\IID. Reci.~ters of Acts of the Commission of the Church of Sc ohl.nnd, 1703-1705.

... . r.l(>,!- 171).',~\rr J • p.J 68. ppti. ~il')n for ,J ohn l

CI!r:V..JL~. CllUnCHOF SGOTL,V'D. }{el!ist~rs of Acts of tho Comnd.as Lon of th" Church 0(' !;cot1'mo, 17n6-1.7fY:J.

p .1)0. 171Yl ,T I'll ?_(). !-1r>fTlori.,lof \rchib".ld Stobo concerning his (ond other minis t~rs t) 10!J!::es i'1 s tipcnd 9J1d expense s, he beIng one of thp. mltli3tf)rs t'Cl"}t out to Dlirien. It is acknowledged th'l,t "tho Conml.nsi on hnd D chief hand in send'ing these brpthren th l tIler," r-nrl u commit tAc is num=d to find out Hh:Jt 'lrre'\rs 'lr<;?still ow ing to the Darien Jninist~rs • (The en try CiV0!l no LrY.licati')n of thf> pl'lce of origi.n of the memori-il. f'r-om Stobo, but it p re sumahly came from South • C3T01inn '-litit tli') l~tt~r from Stobo f'cund in CH.1/2/27/3.) 17CJl ..T 'HI )0. Report of th~ cornmitt'3~ to wait on the Afrioan Complll'\Y ~lOdth,.. J'l'rli'ltn"ntnrJ oornrnit.tCEIoonoornina nrrears owin/.! to Arch ih"ld Stobo NtO the other J}lri.en ministers. Stat~s th'tt their Hrr~'lrs figure in the debts of the COmpfU1yand \"il1 be pllid.

CtnlRCIIOF SCCl'l'JAIJD.Rp.gistP.rs of Acts of the Conuni.ssion of the Church of Scotland, 1716-1720. r.28 1716 AU3 9. p.34 Reoeipt of pntition of some Scots in Boston in New England \.rho '\1''' resolved to hllve a minister on the principles" of th~ir Nothpr Chllrch," '1.ski.'1g for hplp in building a CUO!) chqrch. r,nr)sinpr'ltL0n dpll\Yed until anothp.r d~. (The s11bject "pr!lrpntl.y not tnk')n up ftg'lin, however.) 1719 st"t'1S. Ov~rb\"'n C~PC"rrting Sessions !3.ndPresbytp-rip$, inclnoing ~. t·,ble ~h(lHbe the synorls of the Chnrch of Scotl'md, with the p!,p,!)b:,-tcrips i.n P!lch synoo, and the churches in each rrp.!'lbyt~Tj' (p.J5()-)70), ·'U1n discussion of the Po\·lCUS ann dutieR of the .,C' ...~ i.')Il[;l ann the p"'esl:r.rterips. Sets forth roli ty prol'osnn for ndoption in 1719.

C}J .1/3I.xz. ClllmCII OF SCOTJ.lU·!D.Reeisters of Acts of the Corruni:'lsion of th'2 Church of Scotl~md, 1721-1725. 1723 Nov 15. l1f>muer!:lof th~ Pre:::byter.f of Edinbllreh wish thP. d lrection of th~ C01"1I1i.!'vlio'1 of th'1 Church of Scotlnnn in the proprip.ty of ApprotlchinG JnMp.s John"lton, D G~elic speaking sbJrlent of di"init~ irr the Coll "!!~ of Edinburgh ("Jho haR not h1\d the re'}uireo six ye·,r<; of divinity I'ltlldiPIl) Ahouc eoing ~)S a. ministr-r to t; r')l i '11\. Th~ Cnmmis:3ion er'lnt con~ent for the rre!1b~rt'~lJ' to no Il!> it ~"ill in the mntter • • Continued on next sheet ;.' '. ~

\"~J":,1'::1,'1° • • MICROFILM 0 ;': • Z. 5 , 277

· . , • -;-. 1° •• 0

°0' • CH,1/3/l7 conl;iTlllp.n :i'·':·,:...... ··t. ' p.J5() 17V" t-l'1r ll • p.356-J57. n1". l"Iichol of "No", York in t.he Host Indies" wishes to :~~/ make 1. propo~'ll to the Commi.set.on, • 0 ...... •' .. . :0:.: ~I p.J57 1721+ Nr.l.r 12 (morning). . , [1.J58 • 0_ •• Dr. tJichol £,rf>:J~nts his add re sa from the Pre9byt~ry of Long I:)I'mn (18 Nov 172J) on beh1u.f of the congregnt.Lon in Nel·'York, "no (l !311l'l,lic'ltion from thl) c ongrega td on nsking for ano i e- bncf' t.n bu i I dint; It church. A larGO ml?mori?l ~ho','ine the bneintli"1!;, Lnc r-ssso , lind pr"''''cnt ~tl'tP. of th'1t concrog" ti'm W'W rrn!lontr>d. Pnper-a tr!ln8mittf:!d to tile (1" ncr-·J. j\'" "~I"lb)'y in -mnual, session. 172/1 Ihr l? ("fternoon). John ThroLl ton, ,.,,'rch'lOt !lcnt I'r-om South C·.rolirlA to seek for mi.nist"rn thi th~r h-rs foum tHO, \/i l1.inm l1:lxwell AIld .l ohn Do+ns , 1'h~ t,,,o n("~d hell' in gettl!1g pasnuge to South C'l rol l"'l. Al tholle}1 the Cormri ss Lon is not "luthorized to DI1Qnd1I'\0I\il"8b~lon~in'l to thp Cinnerul A!'Jsembly, it will H:lrr,'l1t thl" p rocur-vt or; in II such ''.n Ext.rnord.inary Cnse," to 'lllol" thl1 tMO m i.nisters £5 ster1. eD-ch, and. if the q"'opr'll A~s~mb'Y nool) not concur, the Commissionl1rs will P?Y the mon"'~'b:~ck to the procurAtor. p.37/. 1724 t.hr 28. p.38l Orrier,"d tll"lt th(' Cl)ll('cUo" for Ne\o'York ~ brought in, f\nd to br> ace ounted for vi th Mr. John M9nine. p.J90 172/1 HAy 29. r.393. Sllll\Jll"lryof orrler~ to eet in various colloctiona, incll1tiine the one for NI')\.,York. THIS ENTRY mT HICnOFD,HED. P.)97 l72/~ An~ U. p.tjlQ. f-1r. th rt l!1~ rpportirls th~ co11ec tion for Np.,o/York II coming bllt, slQ1..!)yin, II presbytP.ries a.rp to be askpd to hURten dofi~isnt pnri~hf's in turni "lg in their money.

CII,1/3/l9. CIIIJHCHOF SCOTl.ftIJD. n'~gist~rs of Acts of the Corrrnission of th~ Church of Scotlanrl, 1726-1732. 1'127 r''''r 8. Lf'tter r"cP.ivpn from the rrSynod of Philadelphia in NeH Engll\nn, Coml'lt'llnif"le of Dr. John Nichol his m9.nage~nt of thllt ColJ '"'etLon" for th~ Pre8byt~rif1.n coogreg'~.tion in New York. S~rs :li.CllOl rp,f'llsos to retire old bonns, charges exorbit""t inter~nt 01'} money due hims~lf, th1.t he hJ!\s disCOllr'1z('n th" Hev. Hr. Ancierson (ministf!r in NewYork), Ilnd th'lt hl1 rl"fl181"s to lV his comi'l"intB bpfore his preshy- tl?!j' (th'? Prn3hyt~I"J of LonG I~l~nd). Lett-er of vindication r9ceiv'~(1 frfJln ,)1". r1ichol. LettDrs '\re to be ,.,rritten to: II tlv~ !3Ylll)dof Pll'i1'lr.1~11,hiain New F.;ncland,rr th" PrpsbytP.r.f of 1.one 1:'1)'mn, th~ C(llwistoT',{ of thl3 Pr~qb-Jterian congreGI:l- ticn in 11~..., v ork, '1nn to Dr. tJiohol. p.1!)J 172A r·hy ;>.1•• p.19l..-I95. P~l1bytprlo!'l nrC'!tl) be ....rritten ·')bout opficiencies in v"lriC)ltS Cr11'_,..ctionn, incl'lCiins the oo"! for building 11 church in tIp,,, York. 1729 '·hr 1J. Spnci'll r"'rort orrif'rl"d on thp. op.fi.r.-lpnt co11p.ctions, including th" onl" for tJ,.,\o/York.

Conc1u(lE~non Jlext shp.p.t MICR()FTL~I Z.5.277

CII.1LY19 contil'1lll":_9 1731 tl"r 11. Lptters ....hout the Ne\.'York church from Dr. John Nichol (cbt(>o 30 June 173n) '1110 Eb~n(>7.erPember-ton (dated 1 JuJ.y 173n). p.556 173? ~hr 8. p.55H-559. Report tJl,'t thp. rJe\~York cnl1c;rpe'lttl)n has not yet retn!11pd to Scot1 "'11d thn need to the rrojip.rty in Nel.,York. p.591 1732 1\IlJ 9. n- 59~'• L"ttt:>rs from NI"wYork are rf'fArred to n co'nmitt,~e. p.6'17 173? flov 8. I.61.l-61?. Repor t on th~ tlP,\.f York church proper ty ,

cmmell OF SGOr('AlJD. Registers of ActR of the Commt ssd on of th'1 Church of Scotland, 17/~8-1757. I'.J?I, 175? lIov 22. p.328-330. LI"tt<>r to thf! Connistory nt AmsterdAm on the sllbjp.ct of r01i",f for t.he (G~m'U1) Pr'cbe s tanba in Pennsy Lvani.a expressing th~ int"" ti.on of the Church of ScobLnnd to come to their E1.id by rflising Iunds in 11 gene ral, collection • p.37J 1753 Nov 22. r. 37'), 380. Arlverti!3prnellt to be put in the Edinburgh nevspope rs • rlJoluiring c ol.Jnc bor-s of the morley for the German Pr'o tes tnn bn in P"'tlt1n~'lv·Uli.n. Lo sur-render- the money to William Hogg (no t.itl(! '\8 1\ bnnke r to tile Church of ScoUnnd).

175/~ .TIlII I~. Corrun1Lt,·,., to c1r'li't 1n tters to the Synod of SOIlth HolllU1d "\oct thp Cl "\')sis of Amst~rdrun 1\I'e to 1~ their drnf't.s before th':? COTTDni.'3!1 ion upon the risinG of the Aaaemb'ly, flOTE: 1-1-1t.Lors in th.l s j ournal, follo\J closely on the heels of t.hIJ secession of the Relief Chnrch from the Church of .sCotl'lml. From thp errbry for 4 June 175/" untU 3 June 1755, the Commi.aai.onnever had a quorum, nnd no busaness WlS attended to. Thpre is no further Tf'!ferpnce to the Dutch correspondence in subsequerrt minutes. I!0TE ALSOthnt the consideration of the Goll f'[!e of IJ~\" Jerspy mutter, referred to the Commi.sadon h.y the Gel11"rn.l.AS3embly of 1752., does not nppear in this volnmo of minutes • •

Tiler'" nr9 no ilm'?riC'\tl "ntrl"'!) in thl1 two rp.m"l,nlrlG j ourmus for the colon to1 period, CH.1/3/27 (1757-1768) I1nrt CH.1/3/29 (1768-1783) •

• MICIWFILM Z.S.277 ...... '. . ,'. . SCOTTISHtU,i;CORDOFFIC}O'; .... ·...... 1~dinbur8h ~..~~ ..1. ': • ..... 'f l '• ( .... ". . Gener-al, Registp.r House

" CH.2/l90/2. CHUHCHor SCOTLI\.ND. Presbytery of Jnve raray, Minut~s, '. :';...... 1715-17/,,5. p.3/.4- 173'1 Feb 27. p.34o. Compcarnd Duncan Campbe.Ll. of Klld.1Skl!ll1d &. Dugal.d tlcTJlvi:'lh 'Cr. of Dunard ry & presented a paper Intitled, Petition (f'r-om) the Argyle Coll.ony to the Presbyt~ry of Inver'1rl,}', and mother desig(at)ed Call (from) the Argyle Col.Lony to the lteverend Hr. Robert Fullerton Hinistp.r of Gl9.srie} as a.Lso a Lett'3r Subscribed by other Gentlemen f1mnbers of the said Collony Suppor'b.l.ng the said Petit Lon nnd Cllll k Likowise Lns truc ting Klldusklrmd to prosecute th~ Intp.r'~st of the above Specified Papers. AJ.l which paper-s being reid over .'?c over again, and the Presb'.ftcuy. huving nov sitten Lute about their ot.her Business, and an regard the purport. of them is a very Singu.lar Case, and 'lppears to deserve serious and matllI'P. deliber'itionj Ther9fore the Presby te ry did and hereby do referr further reasoning on the suid papers and ccna Ide rat.Lon of them} till next sede runb they have adjourned till nine of the Clock to Norrow.

p.347-349. The Petit Lon of the Argyll Colo'W going to North Carolina. • Signed by Kildusklanrl & Dunu rdry the Younger, 27 Feb 1739. To thp. Right Reve rend the Noderntor & Remnant Members of the Pr'e sb.i.bary of Inv~rar~ to Sitt at Kilmichael in Gl!lsrie February 27th 1739 The Petitlon of the Argyle Collo~ &0 Seeing it ha s been the LaudahLa practice of the Church of SCOtll\l'ld upon good 8{ weighty Reasons to loose a Hinister from one Charge, & fix him in another, we hope tJle Reverend Presl:r,ft-er.f Shall concur with the Call which is herewith p roducad before them, to the Reverend Hr. Robert Fullerton Hinister of the Gospel in Glasrie, inviting and Entreating him to bke upon him the Office of a Pastor among us. The Parish in \"hich he serves is both so exbsnsdve & populous that he CUIUlOtby Course of Uature be long in a Condition to Serve in it ~s he has done hithert.o. It being but ref.lsonubl~ to Suppose thl\t the Vast fatieue of it, will render him tendar .& infirm in his Consti tutiOll, & of Course he wil Daily be the more Discouraged, the more unequal. he will. find himself for Such a Charge _ It was i.ndeed expected at his Settlement t.hat another l!;rec tion might out'lin in the Parish of Glasrie, which would • rAnuer his work en.sy; but as tJlat HattAr has all this time been put off, tJlere is renson to expect that. Us no more forward th'm it was at tJle time of his Settl~ment; It is likAwise mor~ t.h.s.nprobable, that tho' he has all along wa.nt~d a lianse, he cannot now obtain it, nor

------~I rCROF 11.~1 Z.S.277

CH.].jl~2 Continued

p, )1..7-349. ~~-!:l!ued at n Ureat Distance from our Native Countrey, we shtQl neve r ... be 11l11n lndf'ul, of it, nor of the Church of Scotland whose .. ~. Sons we shal.L always be• , /: ! e ... '._. Tis well known how much more parts of America need to have the ;os1'el Preached & pr-cpagabad among them, few of the NabLvea have yet been converted to our Holy Religion. Tho the Hembers of the CollOl\y cannot promise much for themselves, they never-the'Less hope thro' Gods Gr"ice to endeavour better things than they rnigh t have done in time past. At the last General Heoting of the Argyle Collony they were all So unun.imous for having Hr. Fullerton to be their Ninist.:>r', most, of thern from their OIm Experience of him, beLng perswaded that he is vell qun.I Lf'Lad for being Hinis tar to I). Young Co'lLony, thnt is to Sett up in our way, in a lhrbarous & dis btlt plirt of the Worlrl, that if the Presby t~ry Should refuse to concur r with their Call to him, it is much to be feared we cannot now make another Choice, & So Sett out ~/ithout My to preach among us. The Consequences of which \-lill be (it is to be fenred) that we will Soon grm~ Cool in Matters of HeliGion, nt last be easy whether the Gospel be preached 'unong us or not, & of Course become very backward in giving aI\Y Encouragp.ment for having Gospel Ordinances amongus. Wherel.lsif the Rever-end Presbytery Shall loose Mr. Fullerton I s rel!iti~n to the Pur-i.sh of Glllsrie, in order to Serve as our Pnat or-, we shull give him all due Encoura.goment and the same Hight to it, us the Ninisters of the Church of Scotland hnve • to their Stipends for which we will give in our Obligations or SecllrLty ill his favours to the Presbytery as well as to himself for the Surne; And likewise bind us ull in our Co'l.Lcny to give him Rll the Hegurd due to a Pastor. t1u,y It therr~.rore plt'1uoe your Wisdoms to take the premises under your most Serious Conafderatd on & grant our Desire, which is So Jus t & Reasonable, & your Petitioners shall ever pray , DunC'U1 Campbell. Dug.al.d McTavish. p, )49- 350. To Duncan Campbell of Kllduskland EsqF Sir In conserlU(mc~ of your & our Hesolution of going to th~ Continent of America in Summernext and fixing a CoUony there, & our Design of huving a Clergyman that can Speak the Highlllnd Language Since from that Countrey all our Servants are to be, Many of which cannot Speak any other Language & that we are not of ourSelves able to give that Encourage- ment to a C'Lergyman as ml\Yenable him to go along with us, Notvdthstundillg our Sincere Intention of having the worship of '}od ~hintJl.ined amongus, & not Degenerating into that Slothfullness (to sny no more) which we are grieved to hear our Countreymen in thos~ parts are fallen. Wherefore we begg you to go to Edinburgh & Petition the Hambers of the Socie'tQr for prOpa&'lti.ng Christim knowledge, & the Commission of the Kirk to meet there in Hareh next, and Endeavour to get an Aid from them to Support our Clergyman. the re 's no time to be lost in prosecu Ung this. we doubt not your Diligence ,~ their as!3ist'l.!Jc"Jto so laudable a Design. Wewish you all Success and we are, Sir, your most humble Servants. Dugald I1cTavish, Danl. t·lcNeill, Arch. Campbell, J~s HcLachlan. P.S. As we have unanlmously made choice of Mr. Fullerton to be our Clergyman we begg you use all the Necessary Steps for Transporti.ng him from the Parish of Glasrie.

Continued on next sheet • ~IICI~nFfLM • :1 • ,'0: .. 2.5.277 '". ....' .. ' ....' . CH.2/1~9L2 Continu~d r i·, '. , . " ' p.350-35l. CtU..l '<-;~" " the Argyl~ Collo~r to the R~verend Mr. Robert Fullerton 1739• ...: .. -.. ' 1 ..... ' WeDuncan Campbell of Kilduskland and Dugald t1cTavish YounGer of Dunerd ry for our Selves and in name of the other member-s of the Argyle Collony design'd to Settle this year at Cape fair or Somepurt of North Carol.i.na ill Amerioa, being desirous to Carry a fixt Pastor alongst with us, and being • -0.0 very well assured by good information & our ownExperience of the 11:illisterial Abilities, Pi,=ty, Literature & other Gifts of you Hr. Robert Fullerton Hinister of the Gospel at Kilmichael in GI'lsrie, have agreed with thA advice & Consent of the Mernbersof the Co'Ll.ony foresaid, to Invi te Call & Entreat Like as we by thir (sic) presents heartn_y Invite CuI and Entreat you to undertake th~ office of a Pastor among us and the Charge of our Souls. And further upon your AcceptLng this our Cull p romiee you all Dutiful Respect Eno ourugemenb and obedience in the Lord. In \"itness vhe re of we have Subscribed thir presents (written be (sic) Donal.d Campbell NerchlIDt in Kilmichael the t\o/enty Seventh Day of Februury one Thousand Seven hundred & thirtvr nine Yeara before these witnesses Al.exande r McKellar of Daill & the sain . s/(witnesses, and) DuncanCampbell; Dugald HcTuvi.sh.

p.351-352. 1739 Feb 27 (sic; Feb 28?). Ann they (L. e, , the Presbytery of Invera.rfl\Y)having hea.rd Duncan CampbsLl, of Kilduskland & Dugald HcTavish of Dunardry viva voce & at full length concerning the In~ntion of sa.ids Papers, & likewise th"!y having conversd Hr. Robert Fullerton upon the s-une Subj ect, and taken the whole as the Case nov lip.B before them to Serious & matur~ Consideration, they found, that hovever they might huve cnuae to demur upon the Grounds of SomeSinguJ.rlrities in the wO¥of tlibling this Affair before them, Such us the unusual, manner-of the Commi.ssLon and th., Cal.U a being upon plain paper & Subscribed only by the t\~OPetitioners, which the Presbyt~ry have the rath!3r dbpensed \lith for the time, that it was represented by the Petitioners, that the Hembers of the Intended Collony live nt Such distances that the la.t~ Storrrnr weather did not admitt that their Subscriptions Could be fully had to the Said COlrrnissionand Call, & Especially that the Petitioners have Judiciully obliged themselves to Supply the above mentioned Defects against the next t-1eetLng, and that there appears to be 11 very cordial Invit&tion & Encouragement from the Gentl~rn"'nprincipally concerned in the Intended Collony ••• (the remrinder of the entry has to do with the justice of the grievances about Nr. Fullerton's present parochial l'Situlltion Ilnd a resolution that the heritors shall be given an opportunity to reply to them. It observes that "the time • for the said Collouie' s Trllnsportati-::m is limited to Mlzynext.") p.352. 1739 llpr 3. p.354-355. Unrlert:lking to support Hr. Fullerton in NortJl C9.rolina (not transcribed into the minutes) is tendered by the Argyll COI01:t)'to [LC. Presbytery of InverarlW agree to \lrite to the other presbyteries in tJle Synod of Argyll for thp.ir opinions re allowing a minister to be trWlsported outside the bounrls of the Synod, they hnving no rule or sufficient preoedent to follow.

p.355-358. 1739 tlpr 24. The heritors of Glassary successfully prevent the trAnS- porting of Nr. Fullerton from their pt>.rish by the Argyll Colony.

Concluded on next sheet • ~11CROF II.~I Z.S.277

Cli. 2!l~:..::O!.-V:::.2~C:..:::o:!..!n::::.cluded

1>.)68 1740 Feb 21. p.3?oJ-3'71. Pet.ltion of Hr. Fullerton for an act of trwlsportability from the p re sby te ry, the he rLbor-a of Glassazy having not fulfilled their promises, de) Ezyed for consideration until the next meeting of the Presqytezy of Inverarc\y.

p.3?';. 1740 Apr 15. Act of transporta.bility granted to Hr. Fullerton by the presbytery, of which he is in subsequent years moderator. p.)7) ftACeipt of 11 letter from James Campbell of Ormeary inti- muting thut seve ruk \oIithin th~ bounds of the Presby eery of Iny~rar'\Y who Lrrbend to transport themselves to America wit.h n minister to go with them.

p.)79 17/..l Jun 16. p.)80 Heceipt by Presbytezy of Inve raray of a letter from Hr. Hclntosh, Clerk of the SSPCI( relative to a missionary for the Argyll Col ony in America. Presbytery decide to wnit unt, U they can learn that the co101'\}' has been a success. p.)82. 1741 Jul 20. Presbytezy of Enve rarny put off until next meeting the r'ec omnendat.Lon of the SSPCK that they seek out a missionary for the llrgyll Col.ony , p.383. 1741 Sep 28. R(>ceipt by the moderator of the Presbytery of Tnve ra ray of u letter from Kilduskland intimnting that he would be at their next meeting, nnd requesting thot they wait until then before deciding their reply to the SSPCK regarding u misBionar,y f:or the Argyll Colon;y. p , )86- Jef7 • 1741 Nov J. Representation to the Presbytezy of Inveraray from Duncan Campbell of Kilduskland for himself and the Argyll Col.ony settled Itt Cupe Fear in Nor-th Carolina "where there is a considerable number from our Bounds alreaqy Settled, & a prospect of a great number of the poorer sort to follow, ann who are in Deplorable Circumstances for want of Gospel Ordinances," etc. Presbytezy agree to write to the SSPCK on their account. p.J92 17/tl Nov 18. p.J93 thrmte of a l~tter on behalf of the Argyll Colorv in North Carolina sent by the Presby te ry of Inveraray to the SSPCK.

• • "'1(,/~IlFI UI 2.5.277 .. scorrrsn Ji.:.';UllDorrrce Edinburgh , I' (. ~..' Gone raJ. Hegis ter IIouae L h. I

CIl.2/1l5J/J. GliUHCIIUF SCOl'LAilD. Presbytery of Kintyre. ~linut;e9, '.. 1724-1748.

~: T.i1.ere is an hiatus in the mirrutes; none are reported for ru~r meetings occurring after July 1737 and prior to February 1742.

p.2/.2 17/t8 J ~UI M.. p.241..-2/..6. Thor0 was tnulsrnittcd to the Presbytery a letter from tit.. Scots ":;0101\)' in ';I)pe Fea r in Nor-th Carolina, be:}ring their de s I:.ittl Le c ond i,tion for w"nt of Gospel ord Lnance s dillpcns"d 'llnon.; th~m and be.'{ginr, th It th" Pr'eeby tr-ry woul.d look out for It p r-oper person well skilled in the Irish lrlnl:ru.·ir,r>& to : U thoriz~ him to be th".ir minister, \I.'ith a Jlromise of 1.:50 s t.er'L, ye.rrLy stipend, \-lith 11 m-insa t< 320 aores of land for h i s enco\lr'l~(>ment ns the said Le tter vhi.ch is kept in ret~lltes more ful\y bear-s &c. The Presby~ry . PI oints n letter to be wr i t ten to them the Contents of~. hich f'ol.i.owa, viz Yours of the ~8th Sept. c me to our hmda am it ga.ves us no smlul ,leisure to find you ret~in so much of the

Chr Lst Lnn Educ s t i.on you h id in your native Country as to express such forr~ th,..y un well us thn Elders should subscribe the call &. aJ..no the U')nd." The presbytery is sending to North Cnrolina a cOlY of a call ll11da bond to be signed "by all the heads of families in your Colorzy'. II •