Service for the Lord's Day REFORMATION SUNDAY and KIRKIN’ O’ the TARTANS 28 October 2018

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Service for the Lord's Day REFORMATION SUNDAY and KIRKIN’ O’ the TARTANS 28 October 2018 Our sole purpose is to glorify God, proclaiming through word and deed the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. We trust God’s Spirit to lead and nurture us in all our community and congregational endeavors. We desire that all who come through our doors find deeper faith, larger hope, and more complete love. Service For The Lord's Day REFORMATION SUNDAY and KIRKIN’ O’ THE TARTANS 28 October 2018 ** PRELUDE “Carolan’s Concerto” and “The Clergy’s Lamenation” O’Carolan/Barlow RINGING OF THE BELLS PROCESSIONAL “Scotland the Brave” & “March Medley” Patrick Knox Unrein, piper (Congregation remains seated for Processional) * THE OPENING OF THE WORD The Beadles: Morgan Leigh Jackson & Savannah Kate Jackson THE CONGREGATION GATHERS Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. CHORAL CALL TO WORSHIP “Clap Your Hands!” GENEVAN 47 “Clap your hands, all you people! Shout for joy! God is Lord, Most High, King of all the earth. Nations bow to the might that God has shown; we have triumphed through God and God alone. Sound the trumpet, O sing with heart and voice. All you people, unite in God, rejoice!” BLESSING OF THE TARTANS Rev. Dr. Stephen Howell Wilkins, Pastor Dr. Falvy Carl Barr, Jr., Clerk of Session Leader 1: Thank you, O Lord, for your self-revealed Word which has ordained a rich heritage of faith and sacrifice from our ancestors, from Adam to Noah, from Noah to Abraham, from Abraham to David, so onwards to the incarnation of Jesus Christ to the establishment of his church: our brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere. Leader 2: Never let us forget that a heritage of faith is a responsibility, not a treasure to be hoarded. People: Bless us that we may be a blessing, O Lord. Leader 1: Thank you, O Lord, for the blessing of family; the warmth, comfort, and security of family love. Leader 2: Never let us forget that our family love is a gift to be shared, that the stranger may be as welcome as the brother. People: Bless us that we may be a blessing, O Lord. Leader 1: We praise you, O Lord, for those who have lived and died in Christ that we might have the freedom to dwell in a community of faith. Leader 2: Never let us forget that the days of sacrifice are not yet over, that we too, have lives to live in faith. People: On behalf of all clans, families, and nations, we raise these tartans before Almighty God in gratitude for our heritage and pray God’s blessing on His servant people in all lands. PRAYER OF INVOCATION (Adapted from the weekly worship resources of the Church of Scotland) Glorious and gracious God, your people once scattered are now gathered; invited to join you in the house where a welcome always waits; ready and willing to praise you with open hearts and eager minds. Enter our lives and hearts, we pray, that we may begin this day assured of the love which came from on high to live and grow among us and which springs fresh every day through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. * HYMN 45 “I to the Hills Will Lift My Eyes” DUNDEE * PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Adapted from John Knox’s liturgy of 1560) Rebekah MacKay Bryan Almighty God, we are unworthy to come into your presence, because of our many sins. We do not deserve any grace or mercy from you, if you dealt with us as we deserve. We have sinned against you, O Lord, and we have offended you. And yet, O Lord, as we acknowledge our sins and offenses, so also do we acknowledge you to be a merciful God, a loving and favorable Father, to all who turn to you. And so we humbly ask you, for the sake of Christ your son, to show mercy to us, and forgive us all our offenses. Forgive the sins of our youth, and the sins of our old age. By your Spirit, O God, take possession of our hearts, so that, not only the actions of our lives, but also the words of our mouths, and the smallest thoughts of our minds, may be guided and governed by you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, now and forever. Amen. * CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE “Amazing Grace” (first verse) AMAZING GRACE Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see. * ASSURANCE OF PARDON (Adapted from The Scots Confession, chapters 6-8) Rebekah MacKay Bryan When the fullness of time came God sent his Son, his eternal wisdom, the substance of his own glory, into this world, who took the nature of humanity from the substance of a woman, a virgin, by means of the Holy Ghost… We acknowledge and confess that this wonderful union between the Godhead and the humanity in Christ Jesus did arise from the eternal and immutable decree of God from which all our salvation springs and depends… Further, it behooved the Messiah and Redeemer to be true God and true man, because he was able to undergo the punishment of our transgressions and to present himself in the presence of his Father’s judgment, as in our stead, to suffer for our transgression and disobedience, and by death to overcome him that was the author of death. So we confess, and most undoubtedly believe. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! * CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE “Amazing Grace” (fourth verse) AMAZING GRACE The Lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures. ** INSTRUMENTAL RESPONSE “Amazing Grace” Columbian Harmony, 1829 (Congregation remains seated for Instrumental Response) ** ANNOUNCEMENTS FIRST LESSON: Ephesians 2:1-10, NT 192 Rebekah MacKay Bryan ANTHEM “In Praise of the Trinity” Beall/Carter SECOND LESSON: Isaiah 6:1-8, NT 635 SERMON “The Faith of the Kirk” Rev. Dr. Stephen Howell Wilkins, Pastor * HYMN 739 “O for a Closer Walk with God” CAITHNESS, Scottish Psalter - 1615 * THE AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (Taken from The Scots Confession, Chapter 1; the prayer is the epilogue to The Scots Confession) We confess and acknowledge one God alone, to whom alone we must cleave, whom alone we must serve, whom alone we must worship, and in whom alone we put our trust; who is eternal, infinite, immeasurable, incomprehensible, omnipotent, invisible; one in substance and yet distinct in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; by whom we confess and believe all things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible to have been created, to be retained in their being, and to be ruled and guided by his inscrutable providence for such end as his eternal wisdom, goodness, and justice have appointed, and to the manifestation of his own glory. Arise, O Lord, and let thine enemies be confounded; let them flee from thy presence that hate the godly Name. Give thy servants strength to speak thy Word with boldness, and let all nations cleave to the true knowledge of thee. Amen. * CHORAL GLORIA PATRI (Congregation remains standing for choral Gloria Patri) Scottish Chant, Hymn No. 580 OFFERTORY “Fantasy On An Irish Tune” arr. Arnold Sherman * DOXOLOGY Genevan Psalter – 1551, Hymn No. 606 * PRAYER OF DEDICATION * HYMN 833 “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go” ST. MARGARET * BENEDICTION AND BLESSING * CHORAL RESPONSE “A Scottish Blessing” David Blackwell “Be a light before to lead me; be a guiding star above; Jesu, may I always know Thee, may I always know Thy love… Be a kindly shepherd for me, keep me safe through all my days; Jesu, may I always know Thee, may I always sing Thy praise… As the day falls into evening, as the night is lit with stars, at the ending of life’s journey may Thy heavenly peace by ours…” * RECESSION OF THE TARTANS “March of the Champion Supreme” W. Baird Patrick Knox Unrein, piper In honor of all former members of Graves Memorial whose membership is now in the Church Triumphant. * Those who are able, please stand ** Seating of worshipers A covered dish luncheon will follow in the MacQueen Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited. Please allow senior adults priority in line and seating. The stained glass image of the lion pictured on the front of the bulletin represents the Gospel According to Mark; the image is taken from the stained glass panels in the rear of our sanctuary. There are four figures in the stained glass, each representing one of the gospels. In addition to the lion, you will find a winged angel (Matthew), a winged ox (Luke), and an eagle (John). The four figures are taken from visions found in the Ezekiel 1:1-21, and later in Revelation 4:6-8. In the second century AD, each symbol was associated with a particular gospel. (Photo credit: Steve Wilkins) __________ MR. AND MRS. WILBERT FAIRCLOTH AND MR. AND MRS. NEAL MATTEWS CELEBRATE THE MEMORY OF MR. AND MRS. J. ALFRED BUTTS, MR. AND MRS. CROOM FAIRCLOTH, AND MISS CAROLE FAIRCLOTH WITH A GIFT TO OUR YOUTH MINISTRY IN LIEU OF FLOWERS. TO GOD BE THE GLORY. __________ October ushers are: Carl Barr, Bonnie Barr, Mike Carter, Jeff Heath, Hal Price, Boyde Bristow FLAGS & TARTAN BANNERS PROVIDED BY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF GMPC In 1999, paraments in the clergy tartan for the pulpit and lectern and the pastor’s stole, were handmade and anonymously given to GMPC in honor of the ministry of The Rev.
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