8 Virginia Department of Historic Resources Survey and Planning Report Series No. 5

Prepared by:

William and Mary Center for Archaeological Research Department of Anthropology The College of William and Mary Williamsburg , Virginia 23 187

Project Directors Donald W. Linebaugh Dennis B. Blanton

Authors Patricia L. Kandle Charles M. Downing Donald W. Linebaugh Veronica Deitrick The preparation of Archaeological Investigations at Site 44CF 102. Osbornes Town Site.. .was financed in part with federal hdsfrom the U.S. Department of the Interior, through the Department of Historic Resources, Commonwealth of Virginia. Under Title MI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the U.S. Department of Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin or handicap in its federally assisted programs. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any program or activity described herein, or if you desire further information, please write to: Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240. The contents and opinions of this book do not necessarily reflect the views of policies of the Department of the Interior, nor does any mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Department of the Interior. The Virginia Department of Historic Resources, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, will make this publication available in braille, large print or audio tape upon request. Write to: Department of Historic Resources, 221 Governor Street, Richmond, VA 23219, (804) 786-3 143. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. MANAGEMENT SUMMARY

The William and Mary Center for Archaeological Research (WMCAR) conducted archaeological investigations at Site 44CF102 in Chesterfield County, Virginia, from April 11 to May 3, 1994, under an agreement with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR). The purpose of the fieldwork was to aid in determining the approximate boundaries of 44CF 102, identify components, and preliminarily assess its archaeological integrity.

Site 44CF102 is a multicomponent site spanning from the Archaic period to the twentieth century, including an extensive prehistoric quarrying resource, the eighteenth-century town site known as Osbornes and/or Gatesville, nineteenth- and twentieth-century railroad and road features, and several twentieth-century domestic complexes. The site also includes two eighteenth-century concentrations and a Civil War battery in the less intensively surveyed northeast corner. Site 44CF102 runs across a soybean field, east through the Virginia Power right-of-way to the banks of the James River. Two elements of the Osbornes\Gatesville town period have been recently excavated in part by the Chesterfield Historical Society-Archaeology Committee, under the direction of Dawn Burns.

During the WMCAR fieldwork, the plowed field was surface collected, and two wooded sections and the Virginia Power right-of-way were systematically shovel tested. A total of 51.5 acres (20.8 ha) was surveyed. The archaeological investigations at 44CF102 identified 18 clusters of artifacts likely representing multiple structural ruins belonging to the mid-eighteenth- to mid-nineteenth-century OsborneslGatesville town period. Ten of these clusters are located in the plowed field and the remainder are located in the wooded areas.

The initial survey and assessment of 44CF102 indicate that the site likely retains excellent integrity in several portions, with a high probability of features related to individual town lots that date to the period from the mid- eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century; however, parts of the plowed field and Virginia Power corridor have been impacted from deep plowing and construction activities. It thus has high research potential to provide information important to our understanding of the development of inland port town sites in Tidewater Virginia during the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, as well as investigating settlement dynamics along the James River during this period.


Authors: Patricia L. Kandle Charles M. Downing Donald W. Linebaugh Veronica Deitrick

Graphics and Report Production Editors: Donald W. Einebaugh David W. Lewes

Graphics Contributor: John B. Roberts

Historical Researcher: Charles M. Downing

Artifact Inventory and Analysis: Deborah L. Davenport Veronica Deitrick

Copy Editor: David W. Lewes




Management Summary ...... ii ... Report Contributors ...... 111

Table of Contents ...... iv

List of Figures ...... v

List of Tables ...... viii

Chapter 1: Project Background (Patricia L. Kandle) ...... 1

Chapter 2: Historical Context (Charles M. Downing) ...... 11

Chapter 3: Project Methodology and Research Design (Patricia L. Kandle) ...... 35

Chapter 4: Research Results (Patricia L. Kandle and Veronica Deitrick) ...... a.47

Chapter 5 : Research Summary (Patricia L. Kandle, Donald W. Linebaugh, and Veronica Deitrick) ...... 69

References Cited ...... 75

Appendix A: Artifact Inventory

Appendix B: Dick Helm's Calculations of Scales for Watkins Plat of 1760



1 Project area location ...... 1

2 Site 44CF102 and environs (U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute Chester 1987, Drewery's Bluff 1987. Dutch Gap 1986. and Hopewell 1969 topographic quadrangles) ...... 2

3 Site 44CF102. aerial photograph. looking east ..... : ...... 3

4 Site 44CF102. plan showing survey area. topography. and current roads ...... 4

5 Site 44CF102. plan showing previously identified features ...... 6

6 Site 44CF102. plan of house foundations at Site B excavated by Dawn Bums and the Chesterfield County Historical Society-Archaeology Committee (Bums 1993) ...... 7

Site 44CF102. volunteers from Chesterfield Historical Society-Archaeology Committee working at Site B ...... 8

Site 44CF102. volunteer Dick Helm of Chesterfield Historical Society-Archaeology Committee excavating cooling/storage pit at Site B ...... 9

9 Site 44CF102. profile of Shovel Test 173 ...... 18

10 Map of Virginia in 1612 (Smith 1986) ...... 12

11 Plat of Osbomes/Gatesville drawn by Benjamin Watkins in 1760 (CCR DB 6:l) ...... 17

Re-survey of Gatesville. copied from 1760 plat (La Prade 1858) ...... 18

Sketch of the Action at Osburns. April 27th. 1781 (Simcoe n.d.) ...... 20

Insurance declaration for William Durn and Jeremiah Vaughan (MAS 1803.No . 2058) ...... 22

Insurance plat for Richard Gregory (MAS 1815.No . 1953) ...... 23

Insurance declaration for Francis Puckett (MAS 1803.No. 1051) ...... 25

Insurance declaration for Frances Evans (MAS 1806.No . 1687) ...... 24

Map of the Howlett Line (Freeman 1935:III:48 1) ...... 28

Map of the James River from Chaffin's Bluff to City Point (U.S. War Department 1880:XI:632-633) ...... 28

Portion of Confederate map showing Battery Dantzler near Site 44CF102 (Ost 1864) ...... 29

Map of Bermuda Hundred (Michler 1867) ...... 30

22 Plat of 1913 land grant showing former site of railroad tenminus and possible eighteenth-century wharf (VSLO Record of Surveys 7: 1) ...... 32

23 Plat showing part of Osbornes/Gatesville tract in 1939 (CCR DB 247:355) ...... 33

24 Survey of part of Osbornes/Gatesville tract in 1907 (CCR DB 114:270) ...... 34

25 Site 44CF102. plan showing archaeological survey grid ...... 36

26 Site 44CF102. plan showing surface collection units and shovel tests ...... 37

27 Site 44CF102. detail plan of surface collection units ...... 38

28 Site 44CF102. detail plan of shovel tests ...... 40

29 Site 44CF102. plan of architectural artifact distribution overlaid by Watkins plat of 1760 (scale of Watkins plat is based on street widths indicated on original plat) ...... 41

30 Site 44CF102. plan of architectural artifact distribution overlaid by Watkins plat of 1760 scaled to Dick Helm's calculations (scale of plat relative to current site plan is based on an overall plat width of 1.452 ft.) ...... 42

31 Site 44CF102. plan of architectural artifact distribution overlaid by Watkins plat of 1760 scaled to La Prade map (1858) (scale of plat relative to current site plan is based on an overall plat width of 1.485 ft.) ...... 43

32 Map of Section of Chesterfield County. Virginia. redrawn from 1823 version (La Prade 1931) .... 44

33 Site 44CF102. plan of architectural artifact distribution overlaid by Watkins plat of 1760 (scale of plat relative to current site plan is based on an overall plat width of 1.518 ft.) ..... 45

34 Site 44CF 102. distribution of architectural artifacts recovered from surface collection and shovel tests ...... 50

35 Site 44CF 102. distribution of architectural artifacts recovered from surface collection and shovel tests with clusters outlined ...... 51

36 Site 44CF102. distribution of ceramics recovered from surface collection and shovel tests ...... 52

37 Site 44CF102. distribution of tin-glazed earthenware (a) and pearlware (b) recovered from surface collection and shovel tests ...... 53

38 Site 44CF102. distribution of glass recovered from surface collection and shovel tests ...... 55

39 Site 44CF102. distribution of cobblestone recovered from surface collection and shovel tests ...... 56

40 Site 44CF102. distribution of all artifacts (except cobblestone) recovered from surface collection and shovel tests ...... 57

41 Map showing Old Main Road bed based on Chesterfield County Tax Map 1974. Section 116-4 (Bosher 1990) ...... 58

Site 44CF102. profile of Shovel Test 324 ...... 58

Site 44CF102. distribution of nails and miscellaneous metals recovered from surface collection and shovel tests ...... 59

Site 44CF102. diagnostic hafted bifaces and lithic tool ...... 61

Site 44CF102. plan showing areas of high prehistoric artifact density ...... 62

Site 44CF102. plan of area investigated by Dawn Bums ...... 65

Site 44CF 102. recent photograph of gravestone taken by A1 Pfeffer of the Chesterfield Historical Society-Archaeology Committee ...... 66

Site 44CF 102. gravestone inscription transcribed by A1 Pfeffer of the Chesterfield Historical Society-Archaeology Committee ...... 67

Site 44CF102. profile of Shovel Test 235 showing disturbed nature of edge along top of railroad bed ...... 68

Site 44CF102. plan showing revised site boundaries and major features ...... 70

Site 44CF102. plan showing agricultural and utility impacts ...... 72

Site 44CF102. plan of total artifact distribution (including cobblestone) showing best fit with Watkins plat of 1760 oriented to La Prade map of 1931 (see Figure 32) ...... 73




1 Artifacts recovered from surface collection and shovel tests by group/type ...... 48

2 Summary of prehistoric artifact types ...... 60

3 Summary of hafted bifaces ...... 61

4 Summary of cerarnic types ...... 63

8 5 Summary of lithic raw materials ...... 63


-- CHAP'IER 1: Project Background


The William and Mary Center for Archaeological Committee worked with the WMCAR crew every day. Research (WMCAR) conducted archaeological These participants included Dawn Burns, Kathleen investigations of Site 44CF 102 in Chesterfield County, Baker, A1 Pfeffer, Dick Diamond, Bruce Baker, and Virginia, from April 11 to May 3, 1994 (Figures 1-3). Dick Helm. Historical research was conducted by The investigation was conducted under an agreement Charles M. Downing. Deborah L. Davenport with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources supervised the laboratory analysis of the artifacts. Final (DHR). The purpose of the fieldwork was to aid in graphics for this report were prepared by John D. determining the approximate boundaries of 44CF102, Roberts. Donald W. Linebaugh oversaw administrative identify components, and preliminarily assess its aspects of the project. All artifacts and project archaeological integrity. The fieldwork was conducted documentation are temporarily stored at the WMCAR in two stages. During the first phase of testing, a 23- in Williamsburg, Virginia, and will be turned over to acre soybean field was disked and surface collected to the DHR for curation upon completion of the project. establish site boundaries and to delineate areas of artifact concentration in the field indicating structural Previous Research remains, and to investigate any possible correlations with the grid pattern of the eighteenth-century town of The area including 44CF 102 is locally known as the OsbornesIGatesville. The second phase of investigation site of the eighteenth-century town of involved the shovel testing of a wooded area and Osbornes/Gatesville and has been visited by relic powerline cut between the plowed field and the James hunters for many years. Local historian and author River to likewise establish boundaries, concentrations, Marshall Bosher has compiled abstracts of records of and patterns (Figure 4). A total of 5 1.5 acres (20.8 ha) the area and shared his personal insights into the land was surveyed. use of the immediate area with members of the Chesterfield Historical Society. In 1977, Howard A. MacCord reported an artifact assemblage of prehistoric debitage and stone tools and a late eighteenth-century artifact concentration indicating two house sites. In April and May 1984, Fred Gleach and Dan Mouer led a brief surface investigation and detected a 200- x -300- m historic artifact scatter, which they identified as the probable location of Osbornes/Gatesville, as well as prehistoric artifacts including fire-cracked rock and lithic debitage. The site has been collected by relic hunters who primarily seek prehistoric biface stone Figure 1. Project area location. tools and metal artifacts, especially Civil War equipment. Several of these people have mentioned Donald W. Linebaugh and Dennis B. Blanton finding coins. Local collectors also find lead and zinc served as co-directors of the project. Patricia L. Kandle shot, which they suggest is from World War I training acted as project archaeologist and was responsible for activities. A concentration of these munitions was noted the organization and implementation of the field in the parking area, probably discarded by relic program and preparation of the find report. WMCAR hunters. staff members contributing to the field effort were Joanne Robbins, Tom Ogren, Jonathan Matthews, Rob The Osbornes/Gatesville site was brought to the Haas, Ken Stuck, and Jonathan Danz. Volunteers from attention of Dawn Bums of the Chesterfield Historicd the Chesterfield Historical Society-Archaeology Society-Archaeology Committee in 1989. With the Figure 2. Site 44CF102 and environs (U.S.Geological Survey 7.5-minute Chester 1987, Drewery 's Bluff 1987, Dutch Gap 1986, and Hopewell 1969 topographic quadrangles). Figure 3. Site 44CF102, aerial photograph, looking east. Figure 4. Site 44Cfl02,plan showing survey area, topography, and current roads.

4 permission of the landowner, she began excavation in roadbeds, spoil piles, bulldozed spots, and on exposed an area of surface brick rubble in the southeast corner bluffs. of the soybean field. These excavations have uncovered a laid brick rubble walkway (designated Site A by To the north of the surveyed soybean field lies a Bums) and a brick foundation (designated Site B by large multiheaded spring, known as Osborne Spring, Burns) (Figures 5-7). The foundation is one and a half which is surrounded on the west and south by bricks wide and measures 20 ft. x 17 ft . 8 in. The generously sized, flattened plateaus (see Figure 4); the southeast wall contains a large brick fireplace base with one to the west contains a twentieth-century house ruin. an apparently reconstructed triangular inner edge. The area seems promising as the site of earlier Along the same wall is a double-walled rectangular pit, utilization. which contained several whole eighteenth-century glass bottles (Figure 8). Environmental Setting

The Osbornes/Gatesville site has also been visually Site 44CF102 lies on an elevated terrace inspected by staff of the DHR and has been the focus overlooking the Jarnes River in Chesterfield County. of speculative investigation into the possible orientation The bluffs forming the edge of the terrace are of the town plat by Dick Helm, a member of the approximately 50 ft. high, and the James River is Chesterfield Historical Society-Archaeology accessible by two natural guts or ravines to the north Committee. and south. The river is a silted backwater near 44CF102 because of the completion of the Dutch Gap Other Previously Identified Components of 44CF102 Canal in the nineteenth century. The new canal directed the natural flow of the river away from its historic bed Four other related components lie immediately to (see Figure 2). This portion of the river lies east of the the north of 44CF102, and while not intensively fall line separating the Piedmont and the Tidewater surveyed during the present project, were reported by sections of Virginia, and consequently was easily informants and reidentified through surface inspection. accessible to boat traffic from downriver. East across The Civil War-period Battery Wood complex lies the James River some 500 to 600 ft. away is Farrar's within the boundaries of the Virginia Power property Island, which has been extensively quarried: While *the and on the same terrace as the Osbornes/Gatesville greater part of 44CF102 is currently utilized as town site (see Figure 5). It overlooks the James River farmland and seasonally planted with soybeans, the and appears to contain several redoubt elements. To the neighboring tracts along Old Stage Road are north of this battery and overlooking the river are the undergoing rapid development as industrial facilities ruins of a twentieth-century house site consisting of a (see Figures 3 and 4). To the west and directly abutting house foundation, an unidentified secondary structure, the edge of the soybean field is the TIMLAPH possibly a spring or pump house, and large clusters of Company. To the south is American Home Care, the daffodils, day lilies, and at least one rose bush. This first in a new development along Coyote Drive. New garden area is heavily disturbed by large holes that construction was under way in this area during the expose artifacts dating from an earlier period. These survey. Across Old Stage Road from Coyote Drive, the holes seem to have been dug by relic hunters and have subsoil has been exposed from topsoil removal and left exposed a large subsurface rubble pile of handmade construction. Several businesses are located along this brick and scattered artifacts, such as white clay edge of the property. pipestems, creamware, and porcelain fragments, dating this subsurface feature to the middle or second half of The majority of the land north of 44CF102 is part the eighteenth century. Several ditches run through the of the Virginia Power transmission line corridor and area as well as various dirt roads. Approximately 150 the Chesterfield Power Plant complex. While 30 acres ft. to the west and overlooking the ravine formed by of the land is under cultivation, the remainder is owned Osborne Spring is a large bulldozed scatter of by Virginia Power and is reserved for their right-of- eighteenth-century artifacts including brick, window way, which passes through a wooded tract between the glass, creamware, dark green bottle glass, and field and the James River. The open right-of-way is porcelain. This bulldozed component lies within the patrolled by Virginia Power dong a system of dirt cleared high power line right-of-way. In addition, there roads and is cleared seasonally by heavy machinery. is an almost constant scatter of prehistoric lithics in Construction of a new powerline has recently been

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Figare 6. Site 44CF102, plnnof housefourúations at Site B accovated fu DawnBarns andthe Chesterfield County Historical Society-Archaeology Committee (Barns 1993).

7 Figure 7. Site 44CF102, volunteersporn the Chesteg5eld Historical Society-Archaeology Committee working at Site B. Figure 8. Site 44CF102, volunteer Dick Helm of the Chestefleld Historical Society-Archaeology Committee excavating cooling/storage pit at Site B. completed in the right-of-way, and evidence of Several boggy areas, characterized by standing bulldozing is apparent. The majority of the trees in this water and cattails, were apparent in the right-of-way. tract are less than 30 years old and consist of pine, The spring to the north of the survey area is located in sweet gum, and oak.'One man-made ditch in a wooded a large natural ravine and is reputed to have been area contained over 20 specimens of the wildflower constant in its flow for at least 300 to 400 years. Cypripedium acaule or pink lady's slipper, and the Quarrying seems to have been conducted in this ravine tracks of deer, racoon, and groundhog were evident near its outlet to the James River. The ravine to the after rains. Introduced plants such as asparagus, day south of the survey area has had a concrete culvert lilies, and narcissus were noted; the woods also added to the middle and may also contain a stom contained many grape hyacinth. drain. This ravine has been obscured by an abandoned twentieth-century road, the roadbed of the nineteenth- century railroad, a dam across the ravine head, possibly related to the powerline construction but as yet unidentified, and perhaps extensive earth movement associated with the Coyote Drive development and stomwater drainage system.

Soils and Stratigraphy

A soil survey of Chesterfield County from the early 1970s classifies the soils in the project area as the Lucy-Orangeburg-Rumford association, characterized as "deep, well drained and somewhat excessively drained soils that have a dominantly loamy subsoil" (Hodges 1978:7). The plowed field is composed of Gritney fine sandy loam and Lenoir silt loam, while the wooded area is primarily Bourne sandy loam; all are very highly acidic and low in organic matter. These soils are formed in Coastal Plain sediment and occur on a broad convex ridgetop in the field and in a slightly concave upland depression associated with the southern Osbornes ravine. The natural profiles range from a surface layer of brown sandy loam 8 to 13 in. thick KEY when uneroded and overlie a variable upper subsoil that is generally a yellowish brown loam about 8 to 11 in. A - Dark Yellowish Brown (lOYR4/4) Sandy Loam thick. The remainder of the subsoil is generally B - Yellowish Brown (lOYR5/4) Sandy Loam yellowish red firm clay overlaying gray or yellowish C - Yellowish Brown (1OXR5/8) Sandy Clay brown friable sandy clay (Hodges 1978: 14- 15, 30-3 1, 33-34) Figure 9. Site 44CF102, profile of Shovel Test 173.

The soil profiles found in the shovel tests were from the adjacent strip of woods. There is reason to intervention but generally follow the soil survey. The 1966, possibly explaining this anomaly (Bosher topsoil was approximately 1 ft. of dark yellowish 1990:337-339). brown (10YR413) sandy loam, over 1 ft. of yellowish brown (10YR516) sandy loam, above a yellowish The occurrence of large quantities of quartzite and brown (10YR518) sandy clay subsoil (Figure 9). The quartz cobblestone in the center of the field is not Munsell color classification names the soil colors as mentioned in the USDA soil survey. The present yellowish brown, but the appearance in the field varies survey did not locate any obvious sources or from dark brown topsoil, to yellowish sandy loam, to outcroppings but identified a large linear concentration orange sandy subsoil. The plowzone includes the upper of cobblestone running roughly northeast to southwest dark topsoil and occasionally some of the second level across the plowed soybean field. This. may be a of yellowish sandy loam. The topsoil and rnidlevel naturally occurring feature or a road trace or cultural yellowish sandy soil were almost completely absent feature. The eroded faces of the ravines also show from the southwest portion of the cultivated field and some exposed cobblestone. CHAPTER 2: Historical Context


Historical research for the Osbornes/Gatesville was to be called "Gatesville." (The area set aside for project was conducted at the following institutions: the the new town now roughly comprises 44CF102 and is Virginia State Library and Archives and the Virginia the subject of the current project). Eighteenth- and Historical Society in Richmond, the Earl Greg Swem nineteenth-century tax assessors and court clerks Library of the College of William and Mary in dutifully referred to the town by the official name of Williamsburg, and the Office of the Clerk of the "Gatesville," but in local parlance both the Osborne Circuit Court in Chesterfield, Virginia. Marshall property and the town were called "Osbornes." Even Bosher7s 1990 compilation of record abstracts local landowners saw the collective use of the name pertaining to the Coxendale section of Chesterfield "Osbornes" for these two distinct locations as County also provided useful information (Bosher 1990). potentially confusing and were usually careful to draw The project area encompasses an area previously the distinction. In 177 1, Alexander Marshall identified as Site 44CF102 by the DHR. Historic bequeathed "two lots in Gatesville at Osborne's settlement of the area around Osbornes/Gatesville Warehouse" to his son, William (Weisiger 1979a: 106). began during the first decade of the English presence In 1785, William Rowlett wrote out his will and left his in Virginia. While the impact of nearly four centuries son a lot "in the Town of Gatesville, commonly called of activity near Osbornes/Gatesville will be discussed, Osbornes " (Weisiger 1979b:53). Similarly, in 1804 the focus of this section of the report is the town itself, James Hodges sold four lots in "the town of Gatesville, which was founded in 1761 and continued to function sometimes called Osbornes" to William Dunn and as a small village until shortly before the Civil War. Jeremiah Vaughan (CCR Deed Book [DB] 16:478).

An explanation of the name "Osbornes" as it was Settlement to Society (1607-1750) applied to this town and its environs is required before proceeding. In 1761, the Virginia Assembly approved In May 1607, a 22-man expedition led by Captain the appropriation of 100 acres of Dale Parish's glebe Christopher Newport left Jamestown to explore the land for the creation of a town and "public landing" on upper reaches of the James River. Newport's pa the Chesterfield bank of the James opposite Farrar's were probably the first Englishmen to set foot on what Island (Hening 1819- 1823: VII:408). John Osborne would become Osbornes/Gatesville over a century and owned the land immediately to the north of the a half later. One of the explorers, George Percy, proposed town tract. In 1748, the Assembly had recounted that his party had stayed for a day at a small sanctioned the creation of tobacco inspection Indian settlement that the English called "Port (or warehouses on Osborne's riverfront property (Hening Poore) Cottage" before proceeding upriver to the larger 1819- 1823:V: 174). Osborne then built "tenements" (or town of Arrohattock (Manarin and Dowdey 19845-6). rental houses) on his land near the warehouses On his map of Virginia, John Smith depicted a small, (Chesterfield County Records [CCR] Will Book [WB] unnamed Indian village on what is now the Chesterfield 1:319). Within a decade the name "Osbornes" was side of the James River, just west of Farrar's Island already commonly applied to the wharf and the (Smith 1986:I: 167) (Figure 10). The Indian village on complex of public warehouses and buildings on John the Smith map is located within or very near the Osborne's land. The Osborne farnily had in fact owned current project area and may indicate the site of Port land in the immediate area since the 1630s. John Cottage. Osborne9s warehouse and tenements were not located within the current project area. Between 1607 and 1611, the English made two unsuccessful attempts to establish permanent outposts The Assembly's act of 1761 stipulated that the new near the falls of the James River (Manarin and Dowdey town immediately to the 'south of Osborne's property 1984: 11). In September 1611, Thomas Dale arrived on Figure 10. Map of Virginia in 1612 (Smith 1986).

Farrar's Island with 350 men "to plant a new town." on the opposite (or Chesterfield) side of the river. Five Dale described Henrico City as "a neck of very high forts protected the enclosure that held the settlement's land, three parts thereof environed with the main river, parsonage and "churchland," as well as a large area set and cut out between two with a strong pale which aside for raising hogs. The five forts were: Hope in [made] the neck an island." The pale lay across what Faith, Coxendale, Mount Malado, Elizabeth Fort, and is now Dutch Gap. A palisade enclosed "seven English Fort Patience (Sams 1939: 158). In 1615, the year acres of ground" (Sams 1939:157-158). In 1615, Ralph Hamor wrote his account, there were 182 men living in Hamor, writing perhaps more in the vein of an the vicinity of Henrico City (Foley 1976: 11). aggressive publicist than as a chronicler, described a well-planned, well-constructed, and amply provisioned Henrico City's "twelve-mile enclosure" on the settlement (Sams 1939: 157- 158). opposite bank of the James very likely included the future site of the town of Osbomes/Gatesville and Also associated with the settlement of Henrico City 44CF102. Mount Malado was a hospital or guesthouse. was a contained area of "12 English miles of ground" The name was apparently later corrupted into "Mount My Lady." Local historian Marshall Bosher has entire corporation of Henrico (Manarin and Dowdey suggested that Mount My Lady was located due west 1984:30). and directly across Redwater Creek from the site of OsborneslGatesville (Bosher 1990:4-5). In 1634, the Virginia House of Burgesses divided the colony into eight shires, of which Henrico was the With the exportation of the first crop from Virginia westernmost. At the time of its formation as a shire, in 1617, tobacco cultivation became the consuming Henrico contained extensive territory on the south side interest of many settlers, to the detriment of many of the James. The project area remained a part of activities necessary for the effective maintenance of the Henrico until the formation of Chesterfield County in colony. In 1619, John Rolfe wrote of the need for 1749. carpenters and husbandmen, noting that "our want of experience brings but little to perfection but planting In February 1637, Captain Thomas Osborne Tobacco. " Historian Edmund S. Morgan summed up obtained an 800-acre patent on which his descendants early Jarnestown's economy as having an "oversupply would live for the next century. The southern boundary of glass makers and not enough carpenters or of the Osborne patent may have run along or near the blacksmiths, an oversupply of gentlemen but not current northern extremity of 44CF102. Osborne's enough plowmen" (Morgan 1975: 34). The shortage of patent was bounded on the north by Proctor's Creek artisans and the emphasis on tobacco may have and extended "Southerly upon the river towards characterized the state of H~MCOCity's economy as Henrico [Farrar's] Island by Mount my Lady'' (Nugent well. 1992:1:80). A few months later, Thomas Osborne, Jr., secured a 500-acre grant that appears to have been Shortly before he returned to England in 1616, located to the west of his father's tract (Nugent Thomas Dale set aside 100 acres of land near Henrico 1992:1:78). City for the creation of another town. Dale called the proposed town "Gatesville" in honor of Sir Thomas Exclusive of the references to Henrico City, the Gates. Francis Earl Lutz identified the proposed site of earliest recorded land transaction that probably included Gatesville as "on or below the south mouth of Proctors 44CF102 was a 1664 patent issued to Captain William Creek." There is no indication that the town ever came Farrar and Thomas Liggon. The two men received a to fruition. If there were buildings constructed within 335-acre tract, which lay to the south of the Osborne the 1616 town of Gatesville, they were probably patent and may have been bounded by it (Bosher destroyed by the Indians in 1622 (Lutz 1954:30-3 I), 1990: 12). According to the 1664 patent, the land of Farrar and Liggon began "at a white oake upon the In March 1622, the Powhatan Indians, fearful of River in Mont Malada feild against a place where an English expansion, executed a coordinated series of old Oven had stood, running North West by West to surprise attacks primarily against the settlements west the red Water Slash & down the falling ground of of Jarnestown. A total of 347 men, women, and Proctors" (Nugent 1992:1:5 16). No mention was made children (or about one-third of Virginia's English in the Farrar-Liggon patent of adjacent landowners. population) were killed. The so-called "massacre" of 1622 put an abrupt end to Henrico City and slowed A discrepancy in the patent records regarding the settlement near the falls of the James. Seventeen later disposition of the Farrar-Liggon patent should be tenants on the college lands across the James and five noted. In a patent dated 6 October 1671, Henry people at Henrico City were killed (Manarin and Randolph was granted 335 acres with the same Dowdey 1984:27). Virtually all of the settlements on boundary description as the 1664 Farrar-Eiggon patent. the upper James were evacuated. Several months after The document also notes that the 335 acres had the attacks, a London Company official found Henrico previously been granted to Farrar and Eiggon and had City and Charles City "wholly quitted and lefte to ye subsequently been "deserted" by them (Nugent spoil of the Indians who not only burned the houses 1992:II: 100; Bosher 1990: 17). Curiously, one year said to be once ye best of all others, but fell uppon the later in September 1672, Thomas Liggon received a Poultry, Hoggs, Cows, Goates, and Horses" large patent of 1,468 acres. The document noted that (Kingsbury 1906:11:375-376). In 1625, only 22 English 168 acres of the grant comprised "half a devident inhabitants and 10 dwelling houses comprised the granted Thomas Liggon & Major Wm. Farrar" at Osbomes/Gatesville was created on the glebe land of "Mount my Lady Feild" (Nugent 1992:II: 116). Perhaps Dale Parish is well documented. The connection Liggon convinced the Virginia land office that he had between the Jefferson land and the Dale parish glebe is not abandoned his portion of the property and was thus less concrete. There is no deed of record between the able to reclaim his share from Randolph. Jeffersons and Dale Parish. However, in his compilation of Coxendale documents, Marshall Bosher During the final two decades of the seventeenth found a reference in a Henrico County order book that century, the land encompassing 44CF102 came into the strongly suggests that, prior to its use as the glebe land ownership of I, the great-grandfather of Dale Parish, 44CF102 was owned by the Jefferson of the third president of the . In 1682, family. In July 1739, Field Jefferson, the eldest Jefferson acquired 160 acres from William Byrd, surviving son of Thomas Jefferson 11, appeared before probably located near the current project area. The the Henrico justices to acknowledge a deed that he had early Henrico County deed contains no description of given to the church wardens of newly formed Dale the property but notes that Byrd had acquired the Parish for an unspecified amount of lad. His wife, property after it had escheated to the crown (Bosher Frances Jefferson, renounced her dower rights to the 1990:24). The boundary description of a 1685 land same property (Bosher 1990:68). The old Jefferson grant to Thomas Osborne indicates that Jefferson then property apparently proved to be ill suited for use as owned land in the immediate vicinity of Redwater glebe land in Dale Parish. In 1761, the Virginia Creek (Bosher 1990:25). There are no records that Assembly noted that the Dale parish vestry had been suggest the type or location of buildings on the "empowered to sell the glebe-land of said parish, and Jefferson land during the family's period of ownership, to purchase other land's more convenient for a glebe in which extended from the 1680s to 1739. Biographer lieu thereof"' (Hening 1819-1 823:VII:408). Dumas Malone found that in the early 1690s, Thomas Jefferson I petitioned the House of Burgesses for relief The land comprising 44CF102 served as part of the after suffering serious losses from a fire on his land. Dale Parish glebe land for just over two decades Soon after, the Henrico County court attached a lien between the sale of the Jefferson property in 1739 and against Jefferson's property to satisfy a debt of over the creation of Osbornes/Gatesville in 1761. During 6,000 pounds of tobacco. According to Malone, that period, John Osbome became the focal point of the Thomas Jefferson I1 was more prosperous than his local economy with the Assembly's decision to order father i~ terns of Iir/estnck m-d servants, hut the early the construction of tobacco inspection warehouses on records "leave many questions unanswered about his land" (Malone 1948: 10). raise the price of tobacco by setting and guaranteeing In 1699, Thomas Jefferson I1 purchased 167 acres the level of quality of Virginia's marketable crop. of land "known by the name of Mount my Lady" from Under the 1730 law, no tobacco could be exported or one Robert Hancock, a boatwright (Bosher 1990:54). used to pay private debts or taxes without passing In 1683, Hancock had purchased the same property inspection at a government-sanctioned warehouse from William Byrd. The deed notes that the 167 acres (Breen 1985:62). had once been part of the Fanar-Liggon patent of 1664 (Bosher 1990~46).When Hancock purchased the 167 When the legislation went into effect, only two acres from Byrd in 1683, it was leased and occupied by tobacco warehouses were established to handle the one Francis Carter (Bosher 1990:25). Thomas Jefferson entire output of Henrico and GoochlanB counties. (As I1 married Mary Field and had six children. His noted above, 44CF102 was located within Henrico youngest son, Peter, was the father of President County until the formation of Chesterfield in 1749). Thomas Jefferson (Harrell 1983 :1 7). One was located "at Shockoe's upon Col. Byrd's land" (now Richmond) and the other at Warwick near Falling Between 1680 and 1785, the Assembly gassed three Creek, a few miles up the James River from John Town Acts in an attempt to spur urban growth in Osborne's land (Hening 1819-1823 :IV:266). In 1748, Virginia. However, Osbornes/Gatesville was created in the Assembly approved the creation of the town of response to legislative petitions from Chesterfield Warwick on Archibald Cary's land. The Assembly had County residents. The fact that the town of previously rejected petitions to grant Warwick the status of a town in 1730 and again in 1734. Warwick and four other prominent Glasgow merchants granted became a prosperous, if small, tobacco port and town power-of-attorney to Alexander Mackie and Robert (Lutz 1954:90, 92). Hastie to handle their affairs in Chesterfield (CCR DB 1:292). Alexander Spiers ran one of the most Colony to Nation (1750-1789) successful of the Scottish tobacco exporting companies, and his firm operated dozens of general stores in the During the seventeenth and early eighteenth Chesapeake region (Kulikoff 1986: 123). A former centuries, most of Virginia's tobacco planters shipped employee once characterized Spiers as the "Mercantile their crop to merchants in Britain on consignment. In God of Glasgow " (Soltow 1959:87). the mid-eighteenth century, the rapid expansion of tobacco production in the Piedmont region posed new John Osborne attempted to profit from the presence challenges in marketing and transportation. The new of the tobacco warehouses and the busy wharf on his areas of tobacco production lay above the fall line and property. During the late 1750~~Osborne made a beyond the reach of ocean-going vessels. British substantial investment in building rental houses to serve tobacco merchants, who were well established in the the factors, planters, and others who did business in the Tidewater, did not actively follow the trade into the vicinity of the warehouses. He may have overextended Piedmont. Scottish mercantile firrns, especially those himself. In 1760, Osborne drew up his will. He left his based in Glasgow, filled the void and aggressively plantation and house to his wife, Anne. He instructed pursued the new Piedmont market. Rather than accept his executors to separate "that other part of my land shipments on consignment, Scottish firms sent agents wheron the public warehouses and other tenements now or factors into the Piedmont who purchased directly stand" from his plantation. He was concerned that he from the planter. They also sold agricultural supplies had "been at a great expence in building on to the lands and consumer goods to their clients. Between 1738 and adjoining to the warehouses and had not yet discharged 1769, firms based in Scotland increased their share in the debts. " He hoped that his creditors would be patient Britain's tobacco market from 10 % to 52 % . Historian and would "stay for their money ti1 the rents of [his] J. H. Soltow explained the changes brought about in houses" would be sufficient to settle his accounts. In the Virginia landscape by the Scottish system of direct the event that his creditors insisted on payment, his purchase. "Resident factors established stores at likely brother, Francis Osborne, was authorized to sell off locations, " Soltow noted, "particularly in the small whatever rental properties were necessary (CCR WB communities which grew up at the fall line, or those 1:3 19; Bosher 1990:77-78). around the tobacco warehouses along the rivers" (Soltow 1959:83-83). The creation of inspection By 1760, warehouse space at John Osbornes's warehouses on John Osborne's property in 1748 and property was at a premium. In January 1760, the the formation of Osbornes/Gatesville in 1761 constitute tobacco inspectors complained to the county justices. specific examples of an overarching trend in Virginia's The court ordered the inspectors to "rent houses for the eighteenth-centuryeconomic history. Between 1750 and reception of tobacco till such time as there shall be 1780, the number of towns in the Chesapeake region room sufficient in the warehouses" (CCR Order Book more than doubled (Kulikoff 1986: 123). [OBI 3:36; Bosher 1989:136). The problem of overcrowded warehouses persisted. In the spring of The public warehouses on John Osborne's property 1761, the county court appointed Seth Ward, Edward answered a pressing local need, if the salaries of the Osborne, and James Deans "to view the storage of inspectors can be taken as a reliable indicator of the tobacco at Osbornes and report if [additional] houses level of business there. In 1748, the first tobacco are wanted there" (CCR OB 3: 124; Bosher 1989: 1137). inspector at Osborne's warehouse received an annual Within a few months after the death of John Osborne, salary of £30. By comparison, the inspector at the preparations for the town of Osbornes/Gatesville "Shoccoe" earned £50, and the lowest paid inspectors were well under way. were getting £25 during that year. In 1752, the salary of the inspector at Osborne's warehouse was raised to Although the legislation that created £40 and in 1755 to £50 (Hening 1819-1823:VI: 176). Osbornes/Gatesville was not officially passed until March 1761, the town trustees had conducted a lottery Scottish merchants were soon drawn to newly in November 1760. One hundred acres had been set formed Chesterfield County. In 175 1, Alexander Spiers aside for the town. The Bale Parish vestrymen divided the glebe land into 120 lots (CCR DB 6: 1) (Figure 11). would indicate. The fact that a much higher percentage The size of the lots was not mentioned on the town of merchants came from outside the county might plat, but the individual deeds described each as one-half indicate that Chesterfield landowners tended to acre of land. Apparently not all of the 100 acres of purchase lots for private rather than commercial use. land were used. The apparent lack of warehouse space at John Osbome7s property may have prompted Chesterfield The seven trustees of the town of tobacco planters to provide their own. Osbomes/Gatesville were prominent Chesterfield County landowners. Three of the town trustees also The original 1760 plat of the village of served as vestrymen in Dale parish: Archibald Cary, Osbomes/Gatesville was made by Benjamin Watkins. Richard Eppes, and Benjamin Watkins. At the lottery, The 1760 plat does not include a scale but does note all but three of the lots were selected. A list of the lot that the streets "running to the River" were 100 links numbers and their owners was appended to the plat. (or 66 ft.) wide and the cross streets were 60 links (or Twenty of the new lot owners purchased more than one just over 40 ft.) in width (see Figure 11). Over a parcel. Peter Johnston, a Chesterfield County cenmry later, in 1858, David La Prade, the merchant, acquired four lots, and John Fleming of Chesterfield County surveyor, resurveyed the town and Cumberland drew three, but none of the other lottery produced a plat with a scale of 20 poles (or 330 ft.) to participants purchased more than two (CCR DB 6: 1; the inch (La Prade 1858) (Figure 12). The town of Bosher 1990:83-84). Osbornes/Gatesville was rectangular with a "beveled" comer to accommodate the bend in the James River, The list of lot owners contains only the names of Based on La Prade's scale the town was 1,320 ft. the purchasers. A deed was recorded for the sale of wide. The shortened "upriver" side of the town each of the Osbomes/Gatesville town lots. In the deeds, measured 2,O 10 ft . and the longer side downriver came the purchaser's county of residence (or city, in the case to 2,685 ft. of Williamsburg merchant James Tarpley) was given. Ninety-four individuals purchased 117 of the Recently, Dick Helm, a local researcher with an Osbomes/Gatesville lots. The vestrymen of Dale Parish interest in the history of Osbomes/Gatesville, made collected £7 10 s. per lot. For this study, a total of 90 some calculations to determine the size of the town-lot deeds were located in the records and Osbornes/Gatesville town lots. Helm's calculations are exxi~n~d.P_ncghly two-thirds of the lot purchasers based on the fisres given in the Watkins and La Prade were residents of Chesterfield County. Of the 33 who surveys of Osbomes/Gatesville. First, given the

Piedmont counties to the immediate west. Six of the assumed that at least one side of the rectangular town new lot owners were from Henrico County and six lots would measure out to be a multiple of a chain. Ten from Dinwiddie. Other counties were represented as square chains equal an acre and thus each half-acre follows: Cumberland (five), Amelia (four), Prince town lot should contain about five square chains. A Edward (three), Prince George (two), Sussex (two), chain equals 66 ft. in length, but Helm concluded that Charles City (two). Localities represented by a single the survey may have been conducted in so-called "short lot purchaser were the city of Williamsburg, and chains" that measure only 33 ft. Helm calculated that Goochland and Gloucester counties (CCR DB 6). the "short side" of the rectangular half-acre town lots were 4 chains each, while the long side measured 5 Some of the lot grantees were identified as short chains. Helm stated that "if [his] calculations are merchants or gentlemen in the deeds. Eleven of the correct" the Osbornes/Gatesville town lots would have thirty-three lot owners from outside Chesterfield were measured 132 x 165 ft. A four-lot "block" in the town listed as merchants. Despite the fact that two-thirds of would have measured 264 x 330 ft. (Appendix B). the lots were bought by Chesterfield County residents, only three were identified as merchants. It should be Land tax records for Chesterfield County are extant noted that Peter Johnston of Chesterfield was identified as far back as 1790, but building assessments were not as a merchant in only two of the four deeds he received recorded in Virginia counties until 1820. Consequently, (CCR DB 6). This may indicate that the number of there are virtually no records that document the size, merchants who bought lots at Osbomes/Gatesville was location, or even the existence of buildings at the town actually somewhat higher than the individual deeds of Osbomes/Gatesville until after the revolutionary Figure 11. Plat of Osbornes/Gatesville drawn by Benjamin Watkins in 1760 (CCR DB 6:l).

17 Figure 12. Re-survey of Gatesville, copied from 1 760 plat (La Prade 1858).

18 war. References to "Osbornes" in the contemporary Portsmouth for the remainder of the winter. In April records pose a problem of interpretation. They could 1781, British general William Phillips along with potentially allude to the town of Osbornes/Gatesville or Arnold carried out a series of destructive raids in to the adjacent collection of warehouses and tenements Virginia. Phillips's force entered Chesterfield County, on John Osborne's property. Entries in the county court scattered the local militia, and proceeded to burn the orders regarding the repair and maintenance of the courthouse. Arnold was ordered to move up the main public warehouses "at Osbornes" in the 1760s and road to Richmond. Along the way, Arnold's force 1770s almost assuredly refer to the Osborne property consigned the "warehouses, wharf, and supplies" at rather than the town (CCR OB 3:279, 4:447; Bosher Osbornes to flames (Lutz 1954:120-121). It seems 1989: 137, 140). In 1771, the James River overflowed likely that any buildings standing within the town of its banks in one of the greatest floods in Virginia's Osbornes/Gatesville that the British determined to have recorded history. In late 1772, the tobacco inspectors military value were destroyed. After the war, British at Osbornes/Gatesville submitted to the county court a lieutenant-colonel John Simcoe published a memoir of "list of tobacco saved at Osbornes during the last his wartime service with the Queen's Rangers. freshet" (CCR OB 4:447; Bosher 1989:140). Any Simcoe7s unit was engaged at Osbornes/Gatesville in buildings then standing within the town were likely April 1781. A map "taken on the spot" by one damaged or even destroyed by the flood. Lieutenant G. Spencer of the Queen's Rangers and later redrawn for Simcoe7s history shows the In 1768, John Osborne, Jr., purchased his late deployment of the British forces near Proctor's Creek father's warehouse and home tract from Francis (Simcoe n.d:n.p.) (Figure 13). The map is highly Osborne, the "surviving executor. " John Osborne, Jr., schematic. At the southern edge of the map, three paid £2,000 for the "land whereon Ann Osborne [the buildings are shown in the vicinity of " Osburns ." One widow of John, Sr.] now lives together with that part of the structures probably depicts the Osborne house, and parcel allotted to the warehouses containing in the and another appears to be a church. The town of whole 300 acres more or less or thereabouts" (CCR Osbornes/Gatesville would be located outside the area DB 6: 185). In the early 1770s, John Osborne, Jr., also shown. purchased several town lots at Osbornes/Gatesville. Osborne purchased Lots 15, 23, 40, and 55 between A short distance upstream from the warehouses at 1772 and 1775 for £7 10 s. each, the original selling Osbornes/Gatesville, the Virginia naval vessels were price charged by the Dale Parish vestry in 1760 (CCR prepared to escort a group of cargo ships downriver DB 7:81, 387; 8:66, 186) (see Figure 11). and then to move against the British stronghold at Consequently, it is almost certain that no improvements Portsmouth. Arnold was apprised of the Virginia fleet's had been made. intentions and positioned his artillery on the bluffs south of Proctor's Creek to challenge their passage In March 1774, John Osborne purchased Lots 34, (Lutz 1954:120-121). As the ships approached, the 39, 69, and 90 from Peter Johnston for just over £42. British opened fire. Whatever return fire the doomed In 1760, Johnston was designated as a merchant ships were able to return was ineffective. The Virginia residing in Chesterfield County. By 1774, he had navy was seriously undermanned. Arnold's force moved to Prince Edward County (CCR DB 7:355). suffered no casualties during the engagement. All of The price would seem to indicate that one or more of the Virginia vessels were sunk, scuttled by their crews, the lots had at least some modest buildings. Had or captured (Selby 1988:273). Many of the sailors Osborne paid what appears to be the "going rate" for abandoned their ships and. swam to safety on the unimproved town lots in Osbornes/Gatesville, the cost Henrico shore (Lutz 1954: 121). The entire Virginia would have been about £30. navy was lost within the space of a few hours.

During the American Revollution, an engagement Early National Period (1789-1830) between British troops and the Virginia Navy took place along the James River shoreline near Despite the presence of the warehouses on the Osbornes/Gatesville. In December 1780, Benedict Osborne property and the substantial level of shipping Arnold, then in the service of the British, entered in the vicinity, the town of Osbornes/Gatesville never Chesapeake Bay at the head of an armed fleet. After a developed into more than a small village. The January raid on Richmond, Arnold's force retired to Chesterfield County land tax book for 1791 indicates the number of lots in the county that were leased out century. There are no extant deeds for many of the and the rent each landowner received. It appears that town lots that appear in the land tax books. lot owners were taxed only if their property was Fortunately, the property attributed to Townes in the leased. The list of town lots in the 1791 book does not 1791 book can be traced through recorded deeds. specify the location of the lot or even if the property was located at Osbornes/Gatesville (CCR Land Book In 1784, Archibald Farley sold Lot 36 at [LB] 1791). Later books indicate that town lots from OsbornesIGatesville to William Walthall for £5. The Bermuda Hundred and Warwick were also included. It purchase price indicates that there were no was not until 1817 that the Chesterfield County land improvements on the lot. The deed noted that tax books organized the lists of taxable lots by town Archibald Farley was the heir of Forrest Farley who (CCR LB 1817). had been the original purchaser of the lot in 1460 (CCR DB 10:463). In 1790, William Walthall sold Lot According to the 1791 land tax book, it appears that 36 along with Lot 44 to Richard Townes of Nansemond there were eight landowners who leased out a total of County for £130 (CCR DB 11:731). In the 1760 fourteen lots at OsbornesIGatesville. The most valuable lottery, Lot 44 had been purchased by Henry Walthall property comprised two lots owned by Richard of Chesterfield (CCR DB 6:l). The purchase price Townes, which brought an annual rent of £50 (CCR indicates that Lot 44 possessed a substantial building or LB 1791). The Townes property comprised one of two that both lots had been improved by Townes. On the substantial complexes of buildings known to have stood plat of OsbornesIGatesville, Lots 36 and 44 lie within at OsbornesIGatesville at the turn of the eighteenth the same "block" (see Figure 11). On May 1, 1793, Joseph Bass of Chesterfield sold In 1815, Richard Gregory insured the tavern Lots 35 and 54 to William Townes "of Gatesville" for complex. The Mutual Assurance Society declaration £50. The deed notes that the first lot had originally indicates that Gregory's policy was for the same been drawn by Joseph Bass, Sr., and the second by property that had been insured by Dunn and Vaughan, Colonel Archibald Cary (CCR DB 12:303). Three but some marked changes had taken place. The large weeks later, William Townes purchased Lots 36 and 44 tavern building shown on the 1803 declaration either no from "John Townes, Senior, heir-at-law of Richard longer stood or had been radically remodeled (MAS Townes, dec7d[deceased] late of Gatesville." William 1815:No. 1953) (Figure 15). In its place were three Townes paid £500 for the two lots (CCR DB 1353). buildings with two porches that were insured as a Sometime during the next three years, William Townes single structure. The 1815 complex was insured for also acquired Lot 45, which gave him an entire block $1,200-the same amount as the two buildings on the of fourblots(i-e., Lots 35, 36, 44, and 45) in addition 1803 declaration. It might be safe to assume that the to Lot 54. In 1796, William Townes sold the block of "exposed" porch at the top of the sketch probably four lots to James Hodges for £800 (CCR DB 15:24). faced the river. The building furthest to the right was Based on the scale given on La Prade7s 1858 plat of described as a "wing" measuring 24 x 20 ft . and may Osbornes/Gatesville, the eastern edge of Lots 35 and be the "off house" shown in the 1803 declaration (see 36 were about 240 ft. due west of the point where the Figures 14 and 15). Attached to the building was currently unnamed drainage within the project area another wing measuring 24 ft. square. To the rear and empties into the river (see Figure 12). attached by an 8-fi. porch was the single-story tavern building. The tavern measured 36 x 18 ft. and was James Hodges sold the "one square of four half- apparently covered with shingles. There is no mention acre lots" to William Dunn and Jeremiah Vaughan "as of the brick foundation described in the 1803 tenants in common" for £500 (CCR DB 16:478). The document. deed was dated February 6, 1804, but a Mutual Assurance Society declaration indicates that Durn and The 1815 declaration states that Richard Gregory Vaughan had owned and occupied the property since at lived at New Oxford in Chesterfield County and that least May 1803. According to the declaration, Dunn Edmund Taylor occupied (i.e., rented) the tavern and Vaughan stated that the property was occupied by property (MAS 1815:No. 1953). In 1817, Richard "ourselves as a Tavern and Dwelling House." Two Gregory received $150 in rent for three of his lots and buildings were insured in the declaration. The larger of $2 for the fourth (CCR LB 1817). Edmund Taylor the two structures appears on the left in the sketch acquired the four-lot tavern property from Gregory in accompanying the declaration (Mutual Assurance 1819 (CCR LB 1819). In 1820, buildings were Society [MAS] 1803:No. 2058) (Figure 14). The one- assessed for the first time. Taylor's four lots contained story wooden building measured 50 x 22 ft. and was buildings valued at $500, but the total assessment of "underpined about two feet with brick from the present the four-lot tract was set at $1,500 (CCR LB 1820). surface of the earth." Dunn and Vaughan insured the Unimproved lots at OsbornesIGatesville were assessed tavern building for $800. About 12 ft. away stood a at about $20 per lot, while Taylor's tavern property wooden building described as an "off house" for which was charged at $250 per lot exclusive of the building no measurements were given. The "off house" was assessment (CCR LB 1820). In 1828, Richard B. Perry insured for $400 (see Figure 14). acquired the four-lot tavern property from Taylor's estate. The buildings were still assessed at $500 (CCR The day after the deed between James Hodges and LB 1828). Durn and Vaughan was recorded, Dunn sold his interest in the property. On February 7, 11 804, Richard The chain of ownership for the second substantial Gregory paid Dunn £250 for a "one-half moiety" in the group of buildings at OsbornesIGatesville is not as well four-lot parcel (CCR DB 17: 139). By 1806, Richard established. In 1803, Francis Puckett insured the Gregory had apparently purchased Vaughan7s interest buildings on "his lot at Osbornes" with the Mutual as well. In 1,806, Richard Gregory paid taxes on two Assurance Society. There were two buildings on lots from which he received an annual rent of $52.10 Puckett's property lying 60 ft. apart. The larger (CCR LB 1806). building was a single-story wooden dwelling house . .

-.- d, C GI d, s. .e 2. 1, d> . . J4 Ti: d, >. 0 1.) d~ - -. Y!-: dr F c: .:, dJ 1 .-GI. I?* C cr 6, d~ ...... II dl ,, a &'-.- ...... -. -- 7 - . . . Jl.-..- -- I. /I4 c -= . -. C P41-VLin all. - 4,'. . .

- i

Figure 14. Insurance declaration for William Dunn and Jeremiah Vaughan (MAS 1803:No. 2058). Figure 15. Insurance plat for Richard Gregory (MAS 1815:No. 1953).

23 measuring 42 x 18 ft. The house was insured for The tavern property and the Puckett-Evans lots $1,000. The smaller structure was a 28- x -20-ft. stable (which may also be the Michael K. Murray property) valued at $120 (MAS 1803:No. 1051) (Figure 16). were the only Osbornes/Gatesville properties to appear in the Mutual Assurance Society records and by all Three years later, in 1806, the property was owned indications they were also the most valuable in the by Frances Evans and the buildings were virtually town. During the period 1789- 1830, several other lots unrecognizable from the Buckett declaration. The 1806 in Osbornes/Gatesville were leased out, but for document specifically states that the Puckett and Evans substantially less money. In 1817, there were 11 declarations refer to the same property (MAS 1806:No. landowners who paid taxes on a total of 23 lots at 1687) (Figure 17). Likewise, the 1806 land tax book Osbornes/Gatesville. Between 1817 and 1819, Tindal lists Frances Evans a zi 1:o ;owiier f~rthe first time Gregory and D. Wooldridge were credited with three with the notation that ,the two lots were formerly owned lots that together rented for $95 per year. After 1819, by Francis Puckett. The two lots credited to Francis the Tindal-Gregory lots no longer appear in the land Evans were rented for $26 per year (CCR LB 1806). tax books (CCR LB 1820-). Several other lots in 1817 There are no deeds in either Puckett's or Evans's name rented for only $2 per year. The nominal amount in the Chesterfield records which refer to property in suggests that these lots were unimproved and that the or near Osbornes/Gatesville. The 1806 declaration renters were merely paying for space on which to shows a 26- x -20-ft. dwelling house with a 16- x -12-ft. stockpile lumber or other cargo related to the river wing to which a 12- x -6-ft. wing was appended in turn. economy. A detached kitchen lay 42 ft. away. A stable measuring 24 x 20 ft. was situated 42 ft. behind the kitchen (see In 1820, the first year for which there are building Figure 17). After 1806, the name of Francis Evans no assessments, there were only three lot owners at longer appeared in the county land tax books. Osbornes/Gatesville with improved property. The tavern property and the Michael K. Murray lots have Until 1817, Chesterfield County town lots were been discussed above. The other improved property listed in a rather haphazard fashion. In some years, was two lots credited to Phebe Williamson that there are separate lists for town lots, but no indication contained buildings valued at $80 (CCR LB 1820). given as to which of the county's towns the lot was situated. In other years, town lots are listed by the According to Marshall Bosher's valuable research owner's name in the general list of landowners. In in the unindexed county order books, there are no 1817, the town lots with the highest rent were those references to the inspection warehouses at Osborne's that comprised the tavern property discussed at length property after 1795. The September 1795 court order above, The next most valuable town property was two required that the "proprietors" of the Osborne tract be lots owned by Michael K. Murray, which rented for summoned to answer for the poor condition of the $70 per year. It is possible, but far from certain, that warehouses (Bosher 1989:144). In 1812, Thomas the Puckett-Evans property of 1803 and 1806 was the Howlett purchased the old Osborne property from same attributed to Murray in 1817 (CCW LB 1817). As Thomas A. Taylor. Previous to the 1812 sale, the stated above, in 1820 the tavern property contained "High Court of Chancery" had ordered that the land buildings valued at $500. The same year, the buildings "which some years ago belonged to the estate of John on Murray's lots were assessed at $300 (CCR LB Osborne" be sold at auction. Taylor had been the 1820). Munay added $250 in improvements in 1821 highest bidder. The old Osborne property comprised for a total building assessment of $550 (CCR LB two tracts of about 200 acres. The larger of the two 1821). In 1830, Thomas A. Taylor acquired Murray's tracts was bounded on the south "by the north line of two lots (CCR LB 1830). In 1832, the tax assessor the Town of Gatesville to the James River" (CCR DB noted for the first time that Taylor's two lots were in 19:278). Howlett's 1812 purchase of the Osbom fact Lots 67 and 86 (CCR LB 1832). These two lots property marked the first in a series of acquisitions that were not adjacent, but were located relatively close to by the 1850s would make him the owner of most of the one another as can be seen on the Osbornes/Gatesville land on the Chesterfield shoreline near Farrar's Island. town plat (see Figure 11). It is not certain if the In 1823, Howlett paid Martha Turpin $600 for a tract of imG cdied UCaPcs99 --A -:-----:-----.-A building assessment indicates that fnere were "oiidings dllU SlA u111111~1u v GU on one or both of the lots. lots at Osbornes/Gatesville (CCR DB 25:338). Figure 16. Insurance declaration for Francis Puckett (MAS 1803:No. 1051). Figure 17. Insurance declaration for Frances Evans (MAS 1806:No. 1687).

26 Antebellum Period (1830-1860) James River and harass the Union forces under General Benjamin F. Butler at Bermuda Hundred. From north The antebellum period in the Osbornes/Gatesville to south they were Batteries Semmes, Wood, and area was characterized by the steady acquisition of the Dantzler. Union and Confederate maps offer conflicting surrounding land by Thomas Howlett and the views as to the location of the Confederate batteries. continuing decline of the town. By 1849, there were The Union map appears in the Official Naval Records only three men listed who owned town lots at where it is described as having been drawn from earlier Osbornes/Gatesville. George Cox owned three lots, surveys (U. S. War Department 1880:XI: 632-633) including Lot 64, which had no improvements. Thomas (Figure 19). The Confederate map was drawn the same Winfree was credited with two unimproved lots. year that the batteries were constructed and by Thomas Howlett owned eight lots at engineers who had immediate access to the terrain that Osbornes/Gatesville. Two of the lots (67 and 86) were they were surveying (Ost 1864) (Figure 20). The Union the old Michael K. Murray property on which the map shows Battery Wood as the nearest fortification to building assessment had fallen to $100. The tavern 44CF102 (see Figure 19). According to the property, which comprised Lots 35, 36, 44, and 45, Confederate map, Battery Dantzler was situated just to now contained $2 10 in buildings (CCR LB 1849). The the south of the Osbornes/Gatesville town tract (see Murray buildings and the tavern complex had been Figure 20). Site 44CF102 was located roughly between demolished by 1851, but the town tract was not yet the two Confederate batteries. completely deserted. In 1851, one Guinn Thomas erected a building worth $75 on an unidentified lot Major Francis Williamson Smith commanded (CCR LB 1851). Thomas Howlett died about 1850. His Battery Dantzler from June 1864 until January 1865. son, Dr. John Howlett, inherited most of his land Smith described the level of destruction brought about including the eight vacant lots at Osbornes/Gatesville by the repeated artillery duels between the Union and (CCR LB 1851). Confederate emplacements. In July 1864, Smith wrote of Dr. John Howlett's house that the "the Yankees Civil War (1861-1865) have thrown through it at least 50 shells of all sizes and you never saw such a wreck" (Smith 1864). The Civil War placed the nearly abandoned town of Presumably any buildings within 44CF102 would have Osbornes/Gatesville directly within a major been similarly damaged. Confederate line of defense. At the onset of the Petersburg campaign of 1864, most of the defenses Reconstruction and Growth (1865-1914). around Richmond had been in place since General George McClellan's unsuccessful strike against Dr. John Howlett acquired ownership of the entire - Richmond two years earlier. After the Wilderness and Osbornes/Gatesville town tract sometime between the Spotsylvania campaigns, General Ulysses S. Grant late 1850s and the end of the Civil War. According to moved his army across the James River to envelop an 1878 deed, Thomas Howlett had died owning a 40- Petersburg. In an undated message probably written in acre tract "embracing a part of the land known as June 1864, Lee wrote to General Richard Ewe11 at Gatesville" (CCR DB 61 :267). In 1878, part of the Chaffin's Bluff, informing him that he had "ordered a Howlett property was sold in compliance with a court new line to be taken on the high ground running from order from the chancery suit of Ham'et Burfoot, et als. Howlett's farm across the neck toward Howlett's v. Howlett. The chancery suit was brought in the house" (Lee 1864). These works ultimately stretched Chesterfield County circuit court in the 1870s and was from the Howlett farm on the north side of 44CF102 transferred to the Manchester circuit court in 1895. southward across the "neck" of Bermuda Hundred to (Manchester at that time was an independent city.) The the Appomattox. A map reproduced from Douglas chancery files of both Chesterfield and Manchester Southall Freeman's R. E. Lee provides a general were searched extensively, but the papers from the suit overview of the works that became known as the could not be located. The Burfoot v. Howlett papers Howlett Line (Freeman 1935:111:481) (Figure 18). would likely explain specifically how the Howletts came to acquire the remainder of the Osbornesl At the northern end of the Howlett Line, three Gatesville tract and might contain pre-Civil War naval batteries were constructed to both protect the descriptions of the property. Figure 18. Map of bhe Howlett Line (Freeman 1935:III:481).

Figure 19. Map of the James River from ChacjjTn's Bluff to City Point (U.S.War Depaament 1880:lX:632-633),

28 Figure 20. Portion of Confederate map showing Battery Dantzler near 44CF102 (Ost 1864).

In July 1866, John Howlett signed an agreement "taverns or storehouses" on the property without with James H. Cox, an agent for the Clover Hill Howlett7s permission, and then all profits from such Railroad, in which he agreed to sell up to 25 acres of establishments would be his. The railroad company his land to the company in exchange for a right-of-way declared it was interested only in constructing "a and for the use of "railroads, coal wharfs, and shipping railroad wharf with dumping privileges and buildings purposes. " The Clover Hill Railroad was preparing to for the accommodation of [its] agents and servants" extend its track from "Chester to some point on James (CCR DB 48: 184). When Nathaniel Michler produced River at or near Osbornes" (CCR DB 48: 184). his 1867 map of the military positions at Bermuda According to the 1866 agreement, "the land to be Hundred, the Clover Hill Railroad's extension to ceded shall not exceed more than 400 yards up and Osbornes/Gatesville had already been completed down the River, nor more than 250 yards inward." (Michler 1867) (Figure 2 1). Despite the fact that the town of Osbornes/Gatesville had probably disappeared without a trace at this point, The Clover Hill Railroad went bankrupt in 1877. Howlett apparently felt that there was a possibility that James R. Worth, the special commissioner and receiver it might be revived. The railroad could not build in the suit against Clover Hill, conveyed the track Figure 21. -Map of Be-muda Hundred (Michler 1867).

"from the mines of [Clover Hill] to the point known as River and now occupied by wharves, railway track, Osbornes on James River" to the Brighthope Railway and Woad bed" (CCW DB 67:53). The railway Company (CCR DB 60:65). The opening of the Dutch reservation later reverted to the state. In 1913, the Gap Canal after the Civil War had caused the old Virginia State Land Office granted the 3 25-acre parcel channel of the James River to silt up. Coal boats could to Samuel A. Perdue (Virginia State Land Office no longer negotiate the bend around Farrar's Island. In [VSLO], Land Grant Book 123: 195). A plat of the 1881, the Brighthope Railway abandoned the property shows the abandoned railway and the drainage Osbornes/Gatesville extension and rerouted the line to that once marked the waterfront of Bermuda Hundred (Lutz 1954988). Osbornes/Gatesville. A bridge had been built over the river to Farrar's Island (VSLO Record of Surveys In 1882, the Brighthope Railway conveyed 21,5 Book 7: 1) (Figure 22). The 3.25-acre railroad property acres of its land on the old site of Osbornes/Gatesville was acquired by Virginia Power in 1982 after having to A. J. Angel for $825. However, the railway gone through four owners during the twentieth century. reserved from the sale "the land fronting on James The twentieth-century chain of title has been outlined in Bosher's compilation of Coxendale records (CCR from the commissioner in the Buvoot v. Howlett suit DB 177:69, 179:322, 303:202, 1437:357, and (CCR DB 61:267). A. J. Angel died in 1885, and his 1577:360; Bosher 1990:230). estate was settled in the circuit court of the city of Manchester. In 1888, Mrs. L. J. Angel gave a The 21.5-acre portion of the Osbornes/Gatesville deposition in which she described the "40-acre Osborne tract is also currently owned by Virginia Power. Lillie tract" as "good [farm] land and all cleared" Eichelberger acquired the property from the Angel (Manchester City Records Chancery File 258). In estate and in 1907 sold it to J. R. Henshaw. In 1913, 1902, a commissioner in the Angel estate suit conveyed Henshaw sold the lot to Benjamin Trout along with two the 40-acre portion of the old Osbornes/Gatesville tract other neighboring tracts (CCR DB 1323518). In 1933 to Eudora Fitzpatrick for $320 (CCR DB 102:534). In and 1936, Trout sold the land to J. M. Turner through 1907, Fitzpatrick sold the property to Lillie two deeds that gave Turner a half-interest in the Eichelberger (CCR DB 114:268). A new survey of the property (CCR DB 232:249). From the time of property shows that the tract contained 62 rather than Turner's tenure in the 1930s to the current Virginia 40 acres (CCR DB 114:270) (Figure 24). A few Power ownership, there were five owners of the tract months later, Eichelberger conveyed the property to (CCR DB 247:354, 354:206, 736:337, 1093:380, Samuel A. Perdue (CCR DB 114:267). There have 1577:360, 1577:358). In 1939, a plat of the property, been four twentieth-century owners since this tract was later increased to 30 acres, was produced showing the conveyed to the current owner, Virginia L.A.D. smaller railroad tract and the James River waterfront Company, in 1987 (CCR WB 32:388; DB 177:68, (CCR DB 247:355) (Figure 23). 179:322, 303:202, 1147:814, 1886:992).

In 1878, A. J. Angel had purchased a 40-acre "inland7' portion of the old Osbomes/Gatesville tract Figure 22. Plat of 1913 land grant showing former site of railroad terminus and possible eighteenth-century wharf (VSLO Record of Surveys 7:1). Figure 23. Plat showing part of Osbornes/Gatesville tract in 1939 (CCR DB 247~355).

33 I-."7 . . - ----.--- -..* --"-"------rr- - - --"

Figure 24. Survey of part of Osbornes/Gatesville tract in 1907 (CCR DB 114:270).

34 CHAPTER 3: Project Methodology and Research Design

Research Objectives

The objective of investigations at 44CF102 was to boundary of the soybean field. This boundary appears examine the site in light of its potential to provide to be parallel with the abandoned railroad bed in the significant information about the development and woods to the south of the field (Figure 25). The function of this important colonial town, and its northern boundary was established along an old relationship to the development of Chesterfield County roadbed crossing the soybean field from the and Tidewater Virginia. Further objectives were to northernmost edge of the TIMLAPH Company determine the size of the site and to orient the known property to an area immediately south of the Osbome town plan to the physical features of the property. This Spring. This northern boundary of the survey area would allow the location of the boundaries of the town continues east to the uppermost edge of the terrace of Osbornes/Gatesville, and would also correlate the lot overlooking the James River. The southern boundary of numbers with the previously excavated structure the survey area runs from the westernmost comer of (Bums's Site B). If the town plan could be aligned with the plowed field to the northern edge of the Osborne actual points on the topography, artifact clusters could ravine overlooking the James River. The eastern be identified within specific lots, and their owners boundary is formed by the bluff edge overlooking the studied using records from the early nineteenth century. James River. A 5000N 5000E datum point was set 115 For instance, the exact location of the Taylor tavern ft. from the southern field edge and 450 ft. from the has interested DHR staff and members of the center of Old Stage Road. Labeled wooden stakes were Chesterfield Historical Society. While the major focus set at 200-ft. intervals over the entire plowed field of investigation was the eighteenth-century town, the within the survey area, and pin flags used to mark the survey was also directed at identifying any other 504. collection units. No vertical datum was archaeological resources on the properties. established as no elevations were to be taken. The northern and southernmost east-west transects were Field Methods extended into the forested area to the east by means of a K&E pocket transit, 20043. surveying tapes, and Field investigation was undertaken to assess the flagging. The surface collection and shovel tested archaeological potential of 44CF102 prior to possible areas, important cultural features, and physiographic industrial development. It should be noted that while features were drawn on a measured plan map. the Virginia Power land between the field and the James River will likely remain in its present state, the During the first phase of testing, an area measuring construction of additional transmission lines and general 900 ft. north-south x 1,100 ft. east-west was maintenance of the right-of-way by patrol vehicles and systematically surface collected in a checkerboard land-clearing machinery will continue to cause new fashion (approximately 50% of the area was surface impacts. The survey and assessment process involved collected) within units measuring 50 x 50 ft. (Figures recovery of a representative sample of materials to 26 and 27). The goal of the surface collection was to determine the potential of the survey area to supply aid in identifying the boundaries of 44CF102 and to information on the town site of Osbornes/Gatesville. delineate components by identifying any concentrations Identification of other archaeological elements, such as of artifacts that would indicate structural ruins or prehistoric, seventeenth- and late nineteenth- and activity areas. Beginning in the southwest corner, twentieth-century components, was considered surface collection unit numbers were assigned secondary. consecutively from west to east on each transect and moving from south to north. Each 50-ft. unit had a A grid was established over the site oriented 24" surface collection number (e. g ., S. C. 1, S.@ .2) and a east of magnetic north and aligned with the southern grid designation read at the southwest comer (e.g., Figure Figure 26. Site 44CF102, plan showing suvace collection units and shovel tests.

37 Figure 27. Site 44CF102, detail plan of suvace collection units.

38 5400N 5250E). Volunteers from the Chesterfield images to look for correlations. Overlays of the Historical Society-Archaeology Committee assisted in Osbornes/Gatesville town plat were created at four the surface collection. The Virginia Power right-of-way different scales to check for pattern matches between was surface collected, primarily in bulldozed spots. All the plat and the artifact distribution. The plats were artifacts were collected except brick, shell, cinder, and used with the distribution of architectural materials to coal. These were counted and noted on the artifact bag, search for correlations between the previously and one sample of each retained. Cobblestone was excavated features (Burns's Sites A and B) and specific counted, but no samples were saved. Prehistoric lots on the plat. artifacts were collected only within a 2-m circle in the center of each collected unit. The Osbornes/Gatesville plat is available in several versions but initiates with the Ben Watkins drawing of The second phase of testing involved the shovel 1760 (see Figure 11). This original map shows the testing of the forested areas to the east of the plowed layout and numbering of the 120 lots. The lots are field (Figure 28). Shovel Test 1 was placed at gridpoint recorded as .5 acre in size, but no dimensions of lots 5000N 5650E and the shovel tests numbered or blocks are given. The streets are listed as being 60 consecutively south to north from that point. The links wide for the cross streets and 100 links wide for irregular edge of the northeastern boundary of the field the streets running to the river. made it necessary to add several extra shovel test numbers. Shovel tests were placed at 50% intervals The first overlay using the Watkins plat was created and screened through .25-in. mesh. The Virginia by adjusting the scale of the plat to that of the Power right-of-way was also shovel tested at intervals computer-drawn base map using the stated street widths varying from 100 to 200 ft . Alternating positive shovel (Figure 29). The streets on the Watkins map, however, test profiles were drawn and the soils recorded using do not correspond with the written street widths, standard textural and color descriptions (Munsell Soil leading to the conclusion that this drawing was not to Color Charts 1990). scale. The second scaled plat was also based on the Watkins map but used calculations produced by Dick After the original survey area was completed, Helm that attempt to establish the dimensions of the additional testing of the wooded area south of the lots and blocks (Figure 30) (Appendix B). The third soybean field was undertaken. Shovel testing at an scaled plat was based on an 1823 version of the alternating interval of 50 to 100 ft. was performed and Watkins plat produced by the La Prade Company screened through .25-in. mesh. Every other positive (Figures 3 1 and 32). This uses the same base drawing shovel test had profiles drawn and soils recorded using as Watkins but includes new dimensional information standard textural and color descriptions. As shovel indicating that the width of the town is 45 chains. The . testing proceeded from east to west, a truncated soil fourth scaled plat is based on an 1858 map by the La profile with no artifacts became evident; therefore, the Prade Company, which appears to be a version of the interval of shovel testing was increased, and tests were 1823 map with a scale and new dimensions (Figure 33) alternated between two transect rows. Throughout the (see Figure 12). shovel testing phase, units that included architectural artifacts were probed in four compass directions to The position of each of the different scaled versions locate any intact foundations. of the Osbornes/Gatesville plat was determined by alignment of the central ravine on the original plat with Map Analysis the present mouth of the ravine along the southern edge of the survey area and shoreline of the James River. An important part of the analysis for this project Although the ravine is drawn slightly differently on has been the attempt to determine the true orientation modern topographic maps, the match is relatively of the mid-eighteenth-century plat of the town of close. Each scaled plat was placed over artifact Osbornes/Gatesville in relation to topographical distribution mags to check for correlations between features of tRe survey area. This has been accomplished artifact densities and lot and street patterns. Attempts by overlaying topographic details, the survey grid, to shift the entire 1760 grid plan so that features other artifact distributions, and the historic plats using the than the ravine were used to orient the plat was done AUTOCAD program and then manipulating these on the CAD program, but the potential combinations Figure 28. OSBORNE SPRIHG(7)

OLD STAGE ROAD Figure 30. Site 44CF102, plan of architectural artifact distribution overlaid by Watkins plat of I760 scaled to Dick Helm's calculations (scale of plat relative to current site plan is based on an overall plat width of 1,452ft.). Figure 31. Site 44CF102, plan of architectural artifact distribution overlaid by Watkins plat of 1760 scaled to La Prade map (1858) (scale of plat relative to current site plan is based on an overall plat width of 1,485ft.). Figure 32. Map of Section of Chesterjield County, Virginia, redrawn from 1823 version (La Prade 1931).

44 Figure 33. Site 44CF102, plan of architectural artifact distribution overlaid by Watkins plat of 1760 (scale of plat relative to current site plan is based on an overall plat width of 1,518 ~7.). increase to an unmanageable number. In addition, each database using Paradox software; from the resultant new position completely throws off the relationship of files, summary reports were generated for pattern the town plat to the ravine and river. Finally, historical analysis. For this assessment, the analysis focused on maps were used to identify the major roadbeds existing the periods, extent, distribution, and function of the from the mid-nineteenth century to present. archaeological components.

The La Prade map gives the width of the town as The hierarchical historic artifact coding scheme 46 chains but includes an extra street on the upriver includes both functional and temporal categories. At the side. With a short chain equaling 33 ft. the town's most general level, material is classified according to width is 1,518 ft. Subtracting the extra road drops the Group, which includes the Food Preparation1 width to 1,482 fi, , the satme measurement derived from Consumption, _A_rchitecturd, Furniture, _A_m-sand calculations using the scale of 20 poles to the inch from Military, Clothing, Personal, MedicinalIHygiene, the 1858 La Prade map. This also equals the 45-chain Domestic Activities, Activities, Smoking, width given on the La Prade map of 1823 (see Figure Industrial/Commercial, and Unassigned categories. 32). The long side is 2,970 ft. using a scale of 20 poles Within the Groups are artifact Classes including, for to the inch. example, Ceramic CookingIStorage, Ceramic Tableware, Glass Tableware, Window Glass, Nails, Calculations made by Dick Helm based on the Firearm, Apparel, and Writing categories. The next original Ben Watkins map of 1760 put the dimensions level consists of objects that describe specific artifact at 1,452 ft. wide and 2,752.2 ft. on the longest side forms such as Flatware, Jug, Jar, Bowl, Nail, (see Appendix B) . This difference between Doorknob, Musket Ball, Button, and Auto Part. measurements is problematic for determining which Temporally significant attributes are described as town plat to use as an overlay with the artifact Datable Attributes such as Creamware:Edged; distribution maps derived from the present survey. Pearlware:Mocha, Whiteware:Flow Blue, Wrought Another problem is that the scale given on the La [nail], and Cut [nail]. An additional descriptive level is Prade map of 1858 of 20 poles to the inch does not provided under the Descriptor category that includes produce the street widths referenced on the 1760 such information as coin dates, pipestem bore

Watkins map: 60 links for the cross streets .and 100 diameters, glass color, and vessel part. Each artifact , links for the streets to the river. category is further recorded by count and, in the case of brick and shell, also by weight. The results of Laboratory Methods analysis are tabulated in Appendix A.

All artifacts recovered were returned to the Following preliminary analysis, the artifacts were WMCAR laboratory for washing, identification, placed in resealable polyethylene bags and packed in numbering, and cataloging. Following analysis, an acid-free boxes for storage. A complete inventory of inventory was assembled using a standard descriptive historic artifacts and preliminary inventory of typology (Appendix A). All artifacts were prepared for prehistoric artifacts collected from 44CF102 is curation according to the standards of the DMR. provided in Appendix A. All material is temporarily stored at the WMCAR and will be turned over to the Historic Artifacts DMW following analysis.

The WMCAR has developed a hierarchical, Prehistoric Artifacts codified scheme for artifact description across multiple categories, and this scheme was employed during the Prehistoric material received limited analysis. These Baboratory phase of the analysis. The codified methods are summarized in the discussion of the descriptive information was entered into a relational prehistoric component in Chapter 4. - - - CElAPTER 4: Research Results


The historical context outlined in Chapter 2 and the buildings not containing brick would appear on this project methodology described in Chapter 3 provide a distribution map because it includes concentrations of basis for the survey and preliminary assessment process nails. The overall count of nails was somewhat low undertaken at 44CF102. Emphasis was placed on a (266 nails and spikes for all periods). Of this structured and systematic recovery of a sample of assemblage, only six of the nails were cut and one was materials from the site. This includes surface wire; the rest were wrought, probably dating to the collections from the field and from within the Virginia eighteenth century. The quantity of brick found is Power right-of-way, and the shovel testing in the somewhat misleading as it consists of fragments of wooded areas. brick that have presumably been created by plowing. Nevertheless, the distribution over the 10 cluster areas Surface Collection Results indicates that brick was used, at least in part, in the construction of most of the structures. The majority of A total of 9,857 historic artifacts (not including the window glass dates to the eighteenth and nineteenth cobblestones) was recovered from 100 surface century; only two of the 305 pieces of pane glass were collection units. Of these units, 84 were 50 x 50 ft. identified as modern. units within the soybean field, 15 were irregularly shaped units within the cleared Virginia Power right-of- Ceramic way, and one surface collection unit was placed around a twentieth-century concentration found in the wooded The ceramic assemblage from the surface collection shovel test area (see Figure 28). The artifact density consisted of 2,942 fragments of 50 datable ceramic results were plotted using Surfer computer software for types (see Table 1). Only 49 fragments were tabulating different groups of artifacts, including post-nineteenth century, found in S.C. 54, 156, 207, architectural, bottle glass, ceramics, cobblestone, and 218, 234, 270, 282, 300, and 320. The remainder of total artifacts. the ceramics are mainly from the period of the Osbornes/Gatesville town occupation. The distribution Surfer computer software allows for the creation of indicates the close fit between these datable artifacts a contour map indicating where concentrations of and the clusters of architectural artifacts (Figure 36). artifacts are located by creating a regularly spaced grid Only Cluster 8 is shown without ceramics, but this using irregularly spaced data. This method uses three occurred because the density is too low to have values, the first two ('x' and 'y') being grid points and appeared on this map. the third ('2') being the total number of items. This contour map is statistically based on regression, or Further dating refinement was achieved by plotting smoothing, of total numbers of artifacts to show areas two temporally representative ceramic types: tin-glazed of concentration. or delft and pearlware (Figure 37). These ceramics are expected to reflect their respective periods of use, with Architecture the tin-glazed generally common in the early part of the Osbornes/Gatesville occupation and becoming less so The architectural group contained brick, mortar, as creamware, and then pearlware gained prominence. nails, and windowpane glass (Table 1). The distribution The spatial distinction is very clear: pearlware occurs map created for this category suggests 10 clusters or in its highest concentrations in Clusters 1, 4, '7 andl 10 distinct contour patterns within the soybean field and in lesser amounts in Clusters 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, md 9. (Figures 34 and 35). These clusters are assumed to Tin-glazed, which lost favor toward the end of the indicate the remains of individual structures, groups of eighteenth-century, is only found in Clusters 3, 4, 5, structures, or overlapping ruins of structures. Even and 9. Artifact Group/ Total Total Artifact Group/ Total Total Type (Surface (Shovel TYpe (Surface (Shovel Co11.) Coll.) Tests)

Architectural Ceramics, Pearlware (continued) Brick Mocha 2 DoorfWindow Hardware Painted 88 Hinge Pastel Polychrome 5 Bintle Printed Blue 100 Mortar Printed Other 2 Nail b Total Porcelain 143 Wrought Unid. Porcelain 1 Cut Bone China 6 Wire Chinese Porcelain 134 Unid. English Porcelain 2 Unid . Fragments Porcellaneous 5 Spike Refmed Earthenware 22 Wrought Staffordshire Slipware 9 Cut Total Stoneware 267 Unid. fragments Unid. Stoneware 9 Windowpane Glass Albany Slip 5 American Blue and Grey 7 Ceramics American Brown 30 Total Coarse Earthenware American Grey . 11 Unid. Coarse Earthenware Bristol Slip 7 Buckley Debased Scratch Blue 5 English Iron-Glazed English 80 Colono Ware Nottingham 2 Total Cream-Colored Refmed 1 Unid. Cream-Colored Rhenish Blue and Grey 8 Green-Glazed Rhenish Grey 4 Total Creamware White Slip-Dipped 1 Unid. Creamware Total White Saltglazed 89 -- Dipped Unid. -w-hite Saitgiazed -II Edged Molded 12 Painted Scratch Blue 8 Printed Total Whiteware 30 Delrnare Unid. Whiteware 26 Jackfield Ware Printed Blue Total Pearlware Printed Other 2 Unid. Pearlware Printed Polychrome 1 Bright Polychrome Flow Blue 1 Dipped Edged Cobbles 4398 Embossed Edged

Table I. ArtiJacts recovered from suvace collection and Table I (continued). Artifacts recovered from surface shovel tests by group/type. collection and shovel tests by group/type, Artifact Group1 Total Total Type (Surface (Shovel Coll.) Tests)

Faunal Bone Shell

Glass Storage Containers Bottle Jar Unidentified Tableware Holloware Stemware Tumbler Unidentified Misc. Container1 Tableware Unidentified Vial

Miscellaneous Metal Misc. Hardware Bolt Chain Chain Link Hook Nut Staple Unidentified Misc. Material Bar Mineral (bog iron/slag) Scrap metal Sheet metal Unidentified

Tobacco Pipe 93 8 Reed Pipe Stem 1 White Clay Pipe 92 8 Bowl 22 6 Stem 70 2

Table I (continued). Artifacts recovered from surface collection and shovel tests by group/type.

49 Figure 34. Site 44CF102, distribution of architectural artifacts recovered porn surface collection and shovel tests.


OUI STAGE ROAD Figure 36. Site 44CFI02, distribution of ceramics recovered from surface collection and shovel tests.

52 Figure 37. Site 44CF102, distribution of tin-glazed earthenware (a) and pearlware (b) recovered from sulface collection and shovel tests. Glass suggests a lack of concern with the rigid street and block pattern of the Osbornes/Gatesville settlement. If Tavern sites for the Osbornes/Gatesville period are this roadbed dates from a time prior to the layout of expected to have high concentrations of white clay pipe the town plat, it is interesting that no accommodation fragments and dark green bottle and drinking glass was made for its irregular path through the property. fragments (see Table 1). Few fragments of white clay pipes were found, but the distribution of glass shows Surface Collection Conclusions heaviest concentrations in Clusters 1 and 3, and significant concentrations in the remainder of the Surface collection of the field resulted in a rich and clusters (Figure 38). Only Clusters 8 and 10 had minor complex collection of artifacts. These results occ~rrences of glass. Bottle glass totded 724 demonstrate that a? !eat_ ten Q~h~me~jGate~vil!etown fragments, with 702 from dark green bottle glass. Total structures exist here and strongly suggest that more can vial glass for the surface collection was 18 fragments, be distinguished. This is in addition to the brick while the total of all miscellaneous glass, which foundation previously excavated. Each cluster shows includes drinking glass fragments, was 108. distinctive attributes begging further analysis. For instance, artifact types such as nails and miscellaneous Cobblestone metals have produced a distribution map that may indicate the location of barns and outbuildings (Figure Initial assessment of the open field revealed a large 43). occurrence of cobblestone. To determine whether these were a natural or cultural feature, all cobbles not Post-Osbornes/Gatesville use of the field indicates considered to be prehistoric artifacts (i.e., unworked) occupation in the area between the TIMLAPH property were counted, and the distribution plotted (Figure 39). and the Osborne Spring, probably oriented toward the In addition, examination sf the distribution map for intersection of the original Old Stage Road and the total artifacts shows a distinct path, with no artifacts cobblestone road (the main road or Osborne Turnpike). corresponding to the cobblestone concentration (Figure The construction and abandonment of the cobblestone 40). Two possibilities exist for this phenomenon: the road as well as its relationship to the Osbornes/ feature predates the eighteenth-century Catesville grid remain to be investigated. OsborneslGatesville settlement and was still in existence during this and later occupations, or it Prehistoric Component postdates the Osbornes/Gatesville settlement and was excavated, thereby displacing Osbornes/Gatesville- Introduction. Although the primary emphasis of this period artifacts from this path. project has been to uncover data about the eighteenth- century town site, a significant number of prehistoric Examination of nineteenth-century maps indicates a artifacts was collected in conjunction with these road, known as the main road or Osborne Turnpike, in investigations. The existence of prehistoric activity in this area (Figure 41) (see Figure 32). Although the area, which is located directly adjacent to the James Marshall Bosher's abstracts contain references to many River, is hardly surprising. The purpose of this section earlier local roads, documentation is unclear and should is to provide a preliminary examination of this be verified in county records (Bosher 1990). prehistoric component and the 3,021 artifacts that were recovered. An attempt has been made to describe these Additional shovel testing was designed to help materials, as well as to suggest recommendations for answer the question of the cobblestones' origins. The the future examination of the prehistoric occupations at results indicate that the cobblestones only occur in the 44CF 102. plowzone level and do not extend into subsoil levels as they would if they were a natural deposit (Figure 42). Prehistoric artifacts were collected in shovel tests Therefore, the cobblestones were likely brought in and and from 2-m diameter surface collection units (see used to construct the roadbed. Chapter 3). Artifacts were washed and separated from historic materials in the lab and subjected to a basic The exact date of the road relative to the level of analysis. In this analysis, lithic materials were OsborneslGatesville settlement has not been sorted into general class categories, examples of determined, but the curve apparent in the southern end Figure 38. Site 44CF102, distribution of glass recovered from suvace collection and shovel tests.

55 Figure Figure 40. Site 44CFl02, distribution of all artifacts (except cobblestone) recovered from su@ace collection and shovel tests. centimeters inches


A - Bark Brown (1OYR3/3) Sandy Loam with Heavy Gravel and Cobble Inclusions Figure 41. Map showing Old Main Road bed redrawn B - Yellowish Brown (1OK?5/4) Silty Sandy Loam by Bosher based on Chestefleld County Tm Map 1974, Section 116-4 (Bosher 1990). Figure 42. Site 44CF102, profile of Shovel Test 324. OSWRNE SPRING(?)

OU) STAGE ROAD which would be debitage, coi-es, and bifaces, all further Only 17 prehistoric ceramic sherds were recovered distinguished by context and raw material (Table 2). from the site, representing only 1 % of the total Hafted bifaces and ceramics were examined in more assemblage. Of the collected sherds, 4 1.2 % (n =7) detail to illuminate the temporal aspects of the contained an identifiable surface treatment (Table 4). prehistoric component. Four of these are cord-marked, two are fabric- impressed, and one is plain. The remaining 58.8 % (n= 10) were eroded or had an unidentifiable surface Quantity treatment. Fifty-three percent (n =9) of the recovered sherds were shell-tempered, 17.6% (n =3) sand- Debitage 2699 tempered, and 29.4% (n=5) sandlgrit-tempered. Most -Riface-- 53 of the shell-tempered sherds contained some type of Hafted biface 7 inclusion consisting of either mineral or grit. All of the Core 15 cord-marked sherds were shell-tempered and fit the Informal tool 1 parameters for the Middle Woodland Mockley ware. Informal groundstone 1 All four originated from surface collection units along Ceramic 17 the northern boundary of the site in or adjacent to Fire-cracked rock 226 Artifact Concentration Area 1 (S.C. 168, 292, 300, Misc. stone 2 3 12). These were part of a light scatter of ceramics that occurred in the northern and western portions of the Total 3021 area that was surface collected. One of the other sherds recovered in the vicinity was fabric-impressed and an indicator of Late Woodland activity (S .C. 2 18). Except Table 2. Summary of prehistoric artifact iypes. for one sherd collected at Shovel 'Test 37, all of the ceramics recovered in shovel tests came from a cluster Results. Lithic materials formed the majority of of tests located along the westernmost edge of the site prehistoric artifacts recovered. Debitage comprised overlooking the James River (Shovel Tests 234, 232, 89% (n=2,699) of the total assemblage (see Table 2). 230, 211) within Artifact Concentration Area 3 (see The high frequency and characteristics of lithic Figure 45). A second Late Woodland fabric-impressed debitage suggests that intensive quarrying occurred in sherd was recovered from Shovel Test 234 within this or near the recovery area. Two percent (n=76) of the area. remaining artifacts were flaked stone tools. The majority (n =53) of these were staged bifaces, and their The composition of the rest of the collection was presence strongly suggests extensive use of the area for 7.5 % fire-cracked rock (n =226), with small amounts biface production. Many of these artifacts represent of unmodified stone (n=2) and informal groundstone primary stages of lithic tool manufacture. (n= 1) completing the assemblage.

Seven hafted bifaces were recovered. One is an Lithic Raw Materials. Quartzite dominated the unidentifiable distal fragment, and the remaining six assemblage, comprising 93% (n=2585) of all flaked are temporally diagnostic. Types represented are stone materials. The rest of the collection was made up Rossville, Morrow Mountain, Orient, Large Woodland of 6 % (n = 167) quartz and 1% (n =2 1) other materials Triangular, and Small Woodland Triangular points (Table 4). It is assumed that all of these materials are (Figure 44 and Table 3). The temporal range readily available in the local area, most likely in the represented by these artifacts is Middle to Late Archaic form of cobbles from the nearby James River or through the Late Woodland period. Most common are terrace deposits. Laboratory observations during types diagnostic of the Late Archaic and Early processing would indicate that the majority of the lithic Woodland. Both of the Rossville points were recovered materials did have cortex consistent with such an from surface collection units in the northern half of the origin. grid (S.C. 252 and 284) and are possibly associated with Artifact Concentration Area 1 (Figure 45). The Distribution. Prehistoric artifacts occurred across Large Woodland Triangular point was recovered near the majority of the site; however as has been Artifact Concentration Area 2 (see Figure 45). previously alluded, three areas of high artifact density Provenience Raw Material Temporal Affiliation

SC 108 Unidentified Quartz Unknown SC 256 Rossville Quartzite Early to Middle Woodland SC 284 Rossville Quartz Woodland SC 346 Lg . Woodland Triangular Quartzite Early to Middle Woodland ST 24 Sm. Triangular Cluster Quartzite Middle to Early Woodland ST 207 Orient Cluster Quartzite Late Archaic to Early Woodland Surface Morrow Mountain Quartzite Middle to Late Archaic

Table 3. Summary of hafled bifaces.

Figure 44. Site 44CF102, diagnostic hafted bifaces and lithic tool, all qualtzite except b (a - Orient Cluster [ST 2071; b-c - Rossville @ - SC 284; c - SC 2561; d - infoml tool, retouch Pake [SC 1061; e - Morrow Mountain [surjCace]; f - Large Woodland Triangular [SC 3461; g - Small Triangular Cluster [ST 241). Figure 45. Site 446F102, plan showing areas of high prehistoric artifact density.

62 Decoration Sand SandIGrit Shell Total Temper Temper Temper

Cord marked Fabric impressed 1** Plain 1 Unidentifiable 3 Eroded 2 1

Total 3 5 9 17

" Mockley; Middle Woodland ** Late Woodland

Table 4. Summary of ceramic types. were located (see Figure 45). These areas were defined Raw Material Quantity as portions of the site in which surface collection units and/or shovel tests consistently contained more than 16 Quartzite 2585 prehistoric artifacts. Often the quantities recovered Quartz ' 167 imensely exceeded this number (Appendix A). The Crystalline Quartz 1 highest densities occurred in Area 3, where Shovel Felsic Tuff 1 Tests 222 and 322 both contained more than 100 Vitric Tuff 2 prehistoric artifacts each. Area 3, which overlooks the Metavolcanic 2 river, is also where the concentration of prehistoric Limestone 1 ceramics was found. The northern extent of Area 1 is Unidentified Chert 12 potentially expandable beyond current site boundaries, Unidentified Material 2 a fact strengthened by reports that relic hunters feel the best area for recovering bifacial tools is in the field Total 2773 north of the surveyed field adjacent to Osborne Spring.

Summary. A preliminary analysis of the prehistoric Table 5. Summary of lithic raw materials. artifacts recovered from 44CF102 indicates that this component of the site is extensive and in places Whitaker's parsonage, Rock Hall, and the northern intensive. A number of important research topics could ravine as the site of Thomas Dale's 1616 gristmill. be addressed, especially in the area of lithic tool However, a walkover survey of this area did not manufacture and procurement of raw materials. confirm this identification. The survey area may be the Although artifacts were dispersed across the site, three seventeenth-century Mount Mylady or Malado Field, areas in particular yielded considerably higher but no archaeological data supports this. Seventeenth- concentrations (see Figure 45). Temporally diagnostic century artifacts may be thinly scattered through the materials seem to cluster around a Late Archaic to survey area and obscured by long periods of ceramic Early Woodland time period. Recovered ceramics and metal collection by relic hunters. Certainly, the confirm a Middle to Late Woodland occupation. general eighteenth-century artifact cluster around the Battery Wood could include a seventeenth-century Seventeenth-Century Component component.

Historical documents identify this general area The roadbed dong the north edge of the survey along the James River as the 1611 site of Reverend area paralleling the surface collection field may be the remains of a road that split from the nineteenth-century illustrated in more detail in the later declaration and has stage road (the curved roadbed visible on the back side a new "shed" added to one end. There is no indication of the TIMLAPH property) and continued down to the of how these structures are oriented on the lot. Osborne Plantation warehouse development (see Figure 41). This road may have originated as the eighteenth- The second possibility is that the foundation is one century road from Procters Plantation to the Osborne of the smaller structures associated with the Taylor warehouses on the northern ravine and perhaps as a Tavern such as the "off Dwelling House" for which no seventeenth-century road as well. dimensions are given (see Figures 14 and 15). Less likely possibilities are the 1851 structure belonging to Eighteenth-Century Component: Guinn Thomas and valued at $75, or the Phebe Osh~.m.e_s/GatesviLLeTown Williamson structures valued at $80 in 1820.

The majority of the historic artifacts can safely be The brick "walkway" (Bums's Site A) lies just ascribed to the Osbornes/Gatesville settlement, which outside of the southeast comer of the soybean field in was dated based on historic documents from 1760 a clear patch at the edge of the woods. An examination through 1851. These artifacts appear in concentrations of the insurance declarations leads to the suggestion that indicate at least some discrete structure patterns that this may be the porch shown on the 1815 version with enough temporal distinctions to separate early of the Taylor tavern property, then owned by Richard from later use. The assemblages may also indicate Gregory, or an associated foundation feature (see variations suggesting domestic versus public functions. Figure 15). The "walkway9s" exposed measurements Certainly the artifact deposit indicated by the large of 20 x 5 ft. could fit the porch feature. Preliminary quantity of surface-collected material promises probing in the immediate area revealed spaced relatively rich subsurface artifact assemblages. The subsurface brick on the eastern edge of the "walkway" depth of the soils may be protecting subsurface features which may be footings for a related foundation. such as the structure foundation excavated by Dawn Burns and the Chesterfield Historical Society- Osbomes/Gatesville Overlays Archaeology Committee members and the paved brick '3valkway" excavated earlier by the same group. Oddly Of the four different scales used in determining the enough, this same soil depth may be protecting size of the Osbornes/Gatesville overlays, only the three archaeological resources below the three "islands" of larger versions (width 1,452 ft., width 1,485 ft., and trees in the southeastern edge of the plowed field. width 1,518 ft.) place the block containing Lots 36,35, Shovel tests were inconclusive here and mainly 45, and 44 known as the Taylor Tavern, over the indicated groundhog disturbance and sparse artifact Bums's Site A area (see Figures 30, 31, and 33). deposits. These '9isands" occur in an area rich with the There is no perfect match between the previously mentioned brick foundation and brick Osbornes/Gatesville-period clusters and the 1760 plat. '"walkway" and with the artifact Clusters 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, Perhaps the correct scale has not been found or and 9 (Figure 46). possibly the reality of the placement of the town lots in geographic space was less exact than the ideal Attempts to identify the 20 ft. x 17 ft. 8 in. brick represented by the plat. Because of the demonstrated foundation excavated by Burns were inconclusive, but correlation between these tnree grids (i452, i485, and two possibilities exist. The first is that the brick 1518 ft.) and the clusters found in the wooded shovel foundation is the kitchen mentioned in the Frances test area, the lack of correlation here may be due to a Evans insurance declaration of 1806 (see Figure 17). longer occupation obscuring the original alignment. The dimensions of this structure are not given, but it is noted that it lies 27 ft. from an unidentified structure, Post-Osbomes/Gatesville Nineteenth- to Twentieth- 42 ft . from the "dwelling house, * and 42 ft . from the Century Component

"wooden stable. " This document records that this is the same property as a previously entered declaration, The major post-Osbornes/Gatesville nineteenth- and number 1051, for Frances hckett in 1803 (see Figure twentieth-century elements in the surface collection 16). These two plats are obviously drawn from two field are the cobblestone roadbed and a late nineteenth- different directions but can be seen to represent the and twentieth-century artifact scatter on the far western same "Dwelling house" and "Stable." The house is edge of the plowed field associated with Cluster 10. BRICK FOUNDATION

Figure 46. Site 44CFIO2, plan of area investigated by Dawn Bums.

Historic documents indicate that a building or group of orange and yellow subsoils were exposed in some buildings stood here. The cluster is possibly related to areas. Marshall Bosher mentions the sale of soil in the construction of the Osborne Sunday School in 1896, 1966 from the area to the south of the northern ravine which was used as a home through the mid-twentieth (Bosher 1990:337-339), and the lack of artifacts and century (Bosher 1990: 188). The scatter of whiteware topsoils would seem to indicate that soil removal also and Albany and Bristol slip stoneware may indicate that occurred here. Clusters 1 and 2 involved a longer occupation. Shovel Test Results A small scatter of nineteenth- and twentieth-century artifacts occurred in the southeast comer of the surface A total of 1,706 historic artifacts was recovered collection field east of the cobblestone roadbed. No from 95 shovel tests in the wooded areas to the east documentary evidence exists for a structure in this area and south of the soybean field (see Figure 28). The during this period. distribution of these artifacts was plotted using Surfer computer software by tabulating different groups of Another minor scatter of late nineteenth- and artifacts, including architectural, bottle glass, ceramics, twentieth-century ceramics and glass occurred on the cobblestone, and total artifacts. northern boundary of the surface collection field in S.C. 282, 300, and 320. This cluster lies on top of a Architectural ridge to the east of the cobblestone road feature and may be related to a twentieth-century house complex on Brick, nails, mortar, an8 windowpane glass were the western edge of Osborne Spring. A 1939 map combined to create the architectural artifact group, shows a barn in this spot (see Figure 23). Marshall which was then plotted (see Figure 34). A total of 767 Bosher suggests that the "homeplace at Osborne artifacts in this class allowed the distinction of at least Spring" existed from the early twentieth century to the eight additional clusters including the eighteenth- to 1950s (Bosher 1990:332). nineteenth-century scatter found by surface collection within the cleared Virginia Power right-of-way (see A large portion of the soutlhwestern area of the Figure 35 and Table I) . A11 of the clusters appear to surface collection field from the southern edge of the be from the period of occupation of the cobblestone road to the southwestern edge of the Osbornes/Gatesville town, 1760 through 1861. plowed field was completely devoid of artifacts, and Figure 4Z Site 44CF102, recent photograph of gravestone taken by A1 wefleer of the Chesterjield Historical Society-Archaeology Committee.

Clusters 13, 14, 15, 17, and 18 in the shovel test OsborneslGatesville period, and include 56 fragments area were probed in four compass directions to check of dark green bottle glass and 20 fragments of vial and for foundations. In the area of Cluster 15, two brick miscellaneous glass. foundation walls were documented measuring approximately 20 x 18 ft. Gravestone

Ceramics Several large fragments of one gravestone have been located in the woods south of the soybean field. A total of 406 ceramic fragments was cataloged, The fragments containing writing have been collected, almost all dating to the Bsbornes/Gatesvi111e occupation pieced together, and are currently in the possession of period (see Table 1). The distribution maps created A1 Pfeffer of the Chesterfield Historical from this data confirm the clusters identified from the Society- Archaeology Committee (Figures 47 and 48). architectural materials but, because of lower total One fragment remains in this same wooded area, artifact counts, do not allow the same level of temporal probably because of its size and weight (see Figure definition as the surface collection (see Figures 36 and 46). No evidence of any other gravestones was found, 37). but historical documents suggest that a church built by the Jefferson f&iy existed in this general area from Glass 1723 to 1770. Script on the stone fragments indicates that they may be from this period. The totals for categories of glass were too low to do much more than confirm the existence of the The soil profiles in the nearby shovel. test were architectural clusters (see Table I). However, Cluster disturbed, and no artifacts were found from the area of 13 has a higher occurrence of glass than the other the gravestone west to the present-day Old Stage Road. clusters in the shovel test area (see Figure 38). The Soil removal in other parts of the property in 1966 may majority of the glass artifacts are of the have extended to this area also (see Figure 28). Figure 48. Site 44CF102, gravestone inscription transcribed by A1 Pffler of the Chesterfield Historical Society-Archaeology Committee.

Shovel Test Conclusions lots and the clusters (see Figures 30, 31, and 33). Cluster 13 and 17 lies within the tavern block (as does Osborne Overlays Cluster 7 from the soybean field). Cluster 14 lies within Lot 26, and Cluster 12 lies within Lot 42. Testing of the four versions of the Cluster 15 lies within Lots 22 and 23. The remaining Osbornes/Gatesville grid was attempted over the clusters, 16 and 18, are outside of the architectural data. Although the grid overlay based on OsborneslGatesville town grid. the street widths allowed the tavern block to intersect with Cluster 14 and Cluster 12 to lie within Lot 5 1, the Seventeenth Century rest of the clusters were not in alignment (see Figure 29). The remaining three overlays based on the three No artifactual evidence was located during this widths, 1,452 ft., 1,485 ft., and 1,518 ft., proved to survey to indicate seventeenth-century occupation, but have a high rate of meaningful correlation between the the complexity of the concentrations along the river to period of Osbornes/Gatesville Town use. The clusters line up nicely with the overlays of the town grid and allow for further testing to identify household lots and businesses, However, artifact counts are too thin to say very much about these clusters.

Post Osbomes/Gatesville

Although few of the shovel tests were dug in the bed of the mid-nineteenth-century railroad, this feature ~qj W~S 0~ is yi~ib!~,ad eailxrJ I~Aqped the supje\r field map (see Figure 25). The railroad bed begins at Old Stage Road and continues east to the river and passes along the top of the cliff face past the eastern boundary of the survey area. The shovel tests performed along the edge of this cliff demonstrated a high degree of disturbance. Whether this is solely the result of the construction of the railroad bed is, however, as yet undetermined (Figure 49). The existence of Battery Wood, dating to the Civil War, just to the north of the survey area presents the possibility of continued trench lines related to the Confederate Howlett Line, which could run dong the top of the cliff edge. The dirt road which currently runs parallel to the cliff edge seems to be a twentieth- century property boundary but serves to add another KEY element of obscurity to the area. A collapsed tarpaper structure also lies in the bed of the abandoned railroad A - Dark Yellowish Brown (lOYiTi3/4) Sandy Loam between the cliff and the James River. Early twentieth- B - Light Yellowish .Brown (1 OYR6/4) Loamy Sand century maps show that the abandoned railroad bed was used as a roadbed by Southern Materials and identified Figure 49. Site 44CF102, profile of Shovel Test 235 as Dutch Gap Road from the intersection of Old Stage showing disturbed nature of edge along top of railroad Road to the river (see Figure 23). Here it intersected bed. with another now abandoned twentieth-century road identified as "old route 6 16," which led to a 400-ft. the north combined with the evidence from historical timber bridge across the James River to Farrar's documents suggests the possibility of seventeenth- Island. century archaeological components in that area. One twentieth-centuy structural ruin was found Osbomes/Gatesville Town Period between the railroad bed and the Route 616 roadbed overlooking the southern ravine of the survey area and The majority of the artifacts and the artifact clusters the James River. This is probably the "old store" in the shovel test area are from the one hundred year where Dance and family lived (Bosher 1990:296). CHAPTER 5: Research Summary

The William and Mary Center for Archaeological and cleared areas in the Virginia Power right-of-way, Research conducted archaeological investigations at and the second, systematic shovel testing to assess the 44CF102 in Chesterfield County, Virginia, from April archaeological potential of the wooded areas. A grid 11 to May 3, 1994, under an agreement with the using 50-ft. units was established over the entire survey Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR) . The project area; the surface collection consisted of purpose of the fieldwork was to aid in determining the alternating units in a checkerboard fashion, while the approximate boundaries of 44CF 102, identify shovel tests were generally performed at 50-ft. components, and preliminarily assess its archaeological intervals. integrity. The investigations at 44CF102 resulted in the Previous research in the survey area occurred identification of prehistoric, eighteenth-, nineteenth- during surface examination and registration of 44CF 102 and twentieth-century components. The 18 artifact by Howard MacCord and later by Fred Gleach and clusters dating from the OsbornesIGatesville period Dan Mouer. These investigators identified both from 1760 to 1862 confirm the existence of the town prehistoric and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century and demonstrate the richness of the deposits, which lie historic components. Dawn Bums of the Chesterfield in the plowed field as well as in the wooded property Historical Society-Archaeology Committee conducted to the east and south. The site also includes two excavations on two components, a brick "walkway" (or previously identified eighteenth-century concentrations porch platform), and a brick house foundation and and a Civil War battery. Site 44CF102 runs across a fireplace (designated by Burns as Site A and Site B). soybean field, east through the Virginia Power right-of- way to the banks of the James River. The proposed Historical documents indicate that the survey area expanded site boundaries include an area slightly larger is the site of the town of OsbornesIGatesville, distinct than the present survey area, measuring approximately from but related to the Osborne warehouse area located 1,353 ft. north-south x 1,908 ft. east-west, or 59.25 on the Osborne Plantation property. Osbornesl acres (Figure 50). Gatesville town was established in 1761 but does not appear to have been completely developed lot by lot Three brick features have been located, and the until later in the century according to historical density of the brick artifact collection in the field and evidence. Separately owned lots had structures built on in the woods presents the likelihood of evidence of them for use as homes and businesses, including two more structural remains. The testing of the taverns. Other lots were probably used as temporary OsbornesIGatesville plat overlays now presents the storage for bulk commodities and may have included opportunity to investigate the 18 clusters of artifactual sheds or lean-tos. OsbornesIGatesville town seems to concentration and the foundations and brick "walkway" have dwindled away by the mid-nineteenth century, within specific lots and against period insurance particularly with the development of the bluff edge as records. In particular, the excavated foundation part of the Confederate Howlett Line defenses, known (Burns's Site B) may be the ,kitchen in the 1806 Evans as Battery Wood, and the construction of the Clover insurance declaration. The brick "walkway" (Burns's Hill Railroad. The Main Road appears on local maps Site A) should be investigated as a possible porch from for the first time in the mid-nineteenth century but is the 18 15 Gregory tavern insurance declaration. Mid- replaced by the new Old Stage Road to the west eighteenth-century artifacts also occurred in the sometime during the twentieth century (see Figures 32 disturbed area from the construction of the nineteenth- and 41). century railroad on the top edge of the cliff overlooking the river. This may indicate utilization of the lots along The present investigation was conducted in two the cliff edge during the OsbornesIGatesville town parts: the first, a surface collection in the plowed field occupation.

The Civil War use of the area is most visible in the plowed. The cleared Virginia Power right-of-way also Battery Wood complex but may include camp sites and shows extensive impacts from bulldozing. Nevertheless, other support facilities. The twentieth-century domestic the majority of the town may have escaped destruction sites found along the cliff face from Osborne Spring to (Figure 5 1). the southern ravine range from the fish camp of Hardy Bolton to the ruins of the "colored" Dance family Although this survey did not include the land house (Bosher 1990:296). Other early twentieth-century surrounding the Osborne Spring and between it and the domestic ruins most likely exist under the TIMLAPH James River to the north, this area is likely part of the Company development on Old Stage Road and in the overall site. The northern boundary of the town of northern portion of the survey field near the Osborne Osbornes/Gatesville probably lies very close to the Spring and the cobblestone roadbed. Two abandoned northern boundary of the survey area; both the Osborne twentie,th-century roadbeds approached the river from warehouse development and the OsbornesIGatesville the southwest, one in the old railroad bed and the other town site are overlapping in occupation periods, and further to the south near the present-day Coyote Drive. both were established to transport tobacco via the James River. An intriguing aspect of these two ports is Some bulldozing in the right-of-way and in the that, though both are so close and similar, one was southeastern corner of the field seems to have begun as a private development, owned and constructed destroyed portions of the town in the present survey by one individual, 'and the other as a planned area, but the majority appears to be relatively intact. If community with individually owned parcels. the town grid overlay the Coyote Drive development to the south of the survey area, as anticipated, that portion The initial survey and assessment of 44CF102 of Osbornes/Gatesville town is most likely destroyed indicates that the site retains excellent integrity in except for a small strip of woods to the south of the several portions, with a high probability of features abandoned railroad bed. The construction of the related to individual town lots that date to the period nineteenth-century railroad and Route 616 seems to from the mid-eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century have changed the area around the ravine used as by (Figure 52); however, parts of the plowed field and Osbornes/Gatesville town as access to the James River, Virginia Power corridor have been impacted from deep but further investigation in the ravine may reveal new plowing and construction activities. Site 44CF 102 has archaeological information. high research potential for providing information important to our understanding of the development of The depth of the deposits is quite promising for site inland port town sites in Tidewater Virginia during the greservation, particularly in many areas in the field; eighteenth and early nineteenth century, and for however, it appears that portions of the field between investigating settlement dynamics along the James TIMLAPH and the three tree islands have been deeply River during this period (see Chapter 2). Figure 51. Site 44CF102, plan showing agricultural and utility impacts.

72 Figure 52. Site 44CF102, plan of total artifact distribution (including cobblestone) showing best Jft with Watkinsplat of 1760 oriented to La Prade map of 1931 (see Figure 32).


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Simcoe, Lieutenant Colonel () n.d. A Journal of the Operations of the Queen's Rangers from the End of the Year 1777 to the Conclusion of the Late American War. Printed by the author, Exeter, England. Copy on file, Virginia Historical Society, Richmond. Smith, Francis Williamson 1864 Letter of July 10, 1864. Letters of Francis Williamson Smith. Ms. collection on file, Virginia Historical Society, Richmond.

Smith, John 1986 A Map of Virginia (Oxford 1612). In The Complete Work of John Smith, 1580-1 631, edited by James Barbour. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.

Soltow, J. H. 1959 Scottish Traders in Virginia, 1750- 1775. Economic Historical Review 2nd ser ., 12(1):83-98.

U. S . Geological Survey 1969 Hopewell quadrangle. 7.5-minute topographic series. USGS, Washington, D .C.

1986 Dutch Gap quadrangle. 7.5-minute topographic series. USGS, Washington, D .C.

1987 Chester quadrangle. 7.5-minute topographic series. USGS, Washington, D. C.

Drewery7sBluff quadrangle. 7.5-minute topographic series. USGS, Washington, D. C.

U. S. War Department 1880 The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Oficial Records of the Union and Confederate Armies 1st ser., vol . XI. U.S . Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

Virginia State Land Office n.d. Record of Surveys. On microfilm, Virginia State Library and Archives, Richmond.

Weisiger, Benjamin B., I11 1979a Chestefleld County, Virginia: Wills, 1749-1 774. Privately published, Richmond. Copy on file, Virginia State Library and Archives, Richmond.

- 1979b Chestefleld County, Virginia: Wills, 1774-1 795. Privately published, Richmond. Copy on file, Virginia State Library and Archives, Richmond.

Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 1

Provenience C 1ass Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Weight(g9 Quant ity ------...... ------* ...... ------CSC 003 Debi tage ~Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 033 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 035 Debi tage Metavolcanic Provenience Total: CSC 043 Debi tage Quartz Provenience Tota 1: CSC 049 Debi tage Quartz CSC 049 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 051 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: CSC 053 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 054 Biface CSC 054 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: CSC 059 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 071 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 071 Debi tage Unident. Chert CSC 071 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: csc on Debi tage Quartz csc on Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 074 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 077 Body Sherd Unidentifiable Sand/Grit Tempered CSC 077 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 083 Debi tage Quartzite Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 2

Provenience Class Subclass I Subclass 2 Raw Material Wei ght(g) Quanti ty

------D---_--O-----*------_------_------Provenience Total:

CSC 089 Debitage , Quartz Provenience Total: CSC 091 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 091 Debi tage Unident. Chert CSC 091 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total : CSC 093 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 095 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 095 Debi tage Unident. Chert Provenience Total: CSC 096 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 098 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 102 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 104 Debi Page Quartzite Provenience Totat: CSC 106 Informal Tool Retouched Flake Concave Edge Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 108 Hafted Biface Unidentified Type Distal Fragment Quartz Provenience Total: CSC 112 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 114 Debi tage Quartz CSC 114 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 114 Debi tage Unident. Chert Provenience Total: CSC 115 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 122 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 126 Debi tage Quartz Provenience Total: Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 3

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Weight(g1 Quantity

------0------CSC 132 Body Sherd Unidentifiable Sand/Grit Tempered i CSC 132 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 132 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total: 4 CSC 134 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 1 CSC 138 Core Sand Tempered 1 Provenience Total: 1 CSC 144 Biface Quartzite 1 CSC 144 Debi tage Quartz 2 CSC 144 Debi tage Quartzite 2 CSC 144 Debi tage Quartzite 3 CSC 144 Informal Groundstone 1 Provenience Total: 9 CSC 148 Debi tage Quartzite 1 CSC 148 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 2 CSC 150 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 150 Debi tage Quartzite 3 CSC 150 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 5 CSC 152 Body Sherd Unidentifiable Shell Tempered 1 CSC 152 Debi tage Quartzite 6 Provenience Total: 7 CSC 153 Biface Quartzite 1 CSC 153 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 153 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 3 CSC 154 Debi tage Quartzite 13 Provenience Total : 13 CSC 160 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 160 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 2 CSC 164 Core Quartz 1 CSC 164 Core Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 2 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 4

Provenience Class Subclass 1 'Subclass 2 Raw Material Ueight(g) Quantity ------...... ------CSC 168 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 168 Debi tage Quartzite 2 CSC 168 Rim Sherd Cord Marked Shel t Tempered 1 Provenience Total: 4 CSC 170 Biface Quartzite 1 CSC 170 Debi tage Quartzite 8 Provenience Total: 9 CSC 172 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total: 2 CSC 173 Debi tage Quartzite I Provenience Total : II CSC 176 Qebitage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 1 CSC 182 Debi tage Quartz 2 CSC 182 Debi tage Quartzite 1 CSC 182 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 4 CSC 188 Debi tage Quartzite 6 Provenience Total: 6 CSC 189 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 189 Debi tage Quartzite 3 Provenience Total : 4 CSC 190 Core Quartzite a Provenience Total : 1 CSC 191 Debi tage Quartzite a Provenience Total : 1 CSC 196 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 1 CSC 198 Debi tage Quartzite 2 CSC 198 Debi tage Quartzite 18 CSC 198 Fire-cracked Rock 1 CSC 198 F ire-cracked Rock 5 Provenience Total: 26 CSC 202 Debi tage Quartz 1 Provenience Total: 1 CSC 206 Debi tage Quartzite I Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 5

Quanti ty Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Ueight(g)

------C------...... ------CSC 206 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total:

CSC 207 Body Sherd Plain SandIGri t Tempered CSC 207 Debi tage Quartz Provenience Total: CSC 208 Bi f ace Quartzite CSC 208 Debi tage Quartz CSC 208 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 209 Biface Quartzite CSC 209 Debi tage Quartz CSC 209 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 209 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: CSC 210 Biface Quartzite CSC 210 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 211 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 212 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 214 Debi tage Quartz CSC 214 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 216 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total:

Body Sherd Fabric Impressed ' Sand Tempered Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total:

CSC 228 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 234 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 6

Subclass 2 Raw Material Quantity Provenience Class Subclass 1 ------_---_------__------_-_---__...... ------I------3 CSC 236 Debi tage Quartzite 2 CSC 236 , Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: 5 CSC 240 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total : 1 CSC 244 Debi tage Quartzite 4 Provenience Total: 4 2 CSC 246 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: 2 CSC 248 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 248 Debi tage Quartzite 3 Provenience Total : 4 CSC 250 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 250 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total: 3 1 CSC 252 Body Sherd E roded Sand Tempered Provenience Total: 1 1 CSC 254 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 254 Debi tage Quartz Provenience Total: 2 CSC 256 Hafted Bif ace Rossvi 1le Proximal Fragment Quartzite a Provenience Total : 9 CSC 262 Biface Quartz a 1 CSC 262 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 262 Debi tage Quartzi te Provenience Total: 3 1 CSC 264 Biface Quartzite 1 CSC 264 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: 2 1 CSC 266 Biface Quartzite CSC 266 Body Sherd Unidentifiable Sand/Gri t Tempered a 3 CSC 266 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: 5 1 CSC 260 Debi tage Quartzite 1 CSC 260 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: 2 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 7

Proveni ence C 1ass Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Weight(g) Quantity

------D------CSC 270 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 272 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: CSC 274 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 282 Debi tage Quartz CSC 282 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 284 Debi tage Quartz CSC 284 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 284 Hafted Bi face Rossvi 1le Proximal Fragment Quartz Provenience Total : CSC 286 Debi tage Quartz CSC 286 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 286 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: CSC 288 Core Quartzite CSC 288 Debi tage Quartz Provenience Total: CSC 292 Body Sherd Cord Marked Shell Tempered Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartz Provenience Total: CSC 300 Body Sherd Cord Marked Shell Tempered CSC 300 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 302 Biface Quartzite CSC 302 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 302 Debi tage Unidentified Material Provenience Total: CSC 304 Biface Quartzite CSC 304 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 306 Debi tage Quartzi te Provenience Total: 9/15/95 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 8

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Wei ght(g) Quant ity

------...... ------*------we------CSC 310 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 310 Misc./Unmodif ied Stone Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 312 Biface Quartzite ESC 312 Body Sherd Cord Marked She! l Tempered Provenience Total: CSC 314 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 316 Debi tage Quartz Provenience rota1 : CSC 318 Body Sherd Unidentifiable Shell Tempered CSC 318 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 320 Biface Quartzite CSC 320 Debi tage Quartz CSC 320 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 322 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 324 Core Quartzite CSC 324 Debi tage Quartz CSC 324 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 324 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: CSC 332 Debi tage Quartz Provenience Total : CSC 334 Debi tage Quartz CSC 334 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : CSC 336 Biface Quartzite CSC 336 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Tota 1 : CSC 338 Biface Quartzite CSC 338 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 338 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 9

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Ueight(g) Quant ity ------_--_...... ------...... ------CSC 340 Biface Quartzite 3 CSC 340 . Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total : 5 CSC 342 Biface Quartzite 1 CSC 342 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 342 Debi tage Quartzite 12 CSC 342 Fire-cracked Rock 4 Provenience Total: 18 CSC 343 Fire-cracked Rock 7 Provenience Total: 7 CSC 344 Debi tage Quartzite 6 CSC 344 Fire-cracked Rock 6 Provenience Total: 12 CSC 346 Biface Quartzite 4 CSC 346 Debi tage Quartzite 79 CSC 346 Hafted Biface Large Woodtand Triangular Complete Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 84 CSC 347 Biface Quartzite 4 CSC 347 Core Quartzite 3 CSC 347 Debi tage Quartz 2 CSC 347 Debi tage Quartzite 85 CSC 347 Fire-cracked Rock 7 Provenience Total: 101 CSC 348 Debi tage Quartzite 13 CSC 348 Fire-cracked Rock 2 Provenience Total : 15 CSC 349 Core Quartzite 1 CSC 349 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 349 Debi tage Quartzite 6 CSC 349 Fire-cracked Rock 3 Provenience Total : 11 CSC 350 Debi tage Quartzite 8 Provenience Total: 8 CSC 351 Biface Quartzite 1 CSC 351 Debi tage Quartz 1 CSC 351 Debi tage Quartzite 6 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 10

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Ueight(g1 Quantity -..------_-C------^----_------_------~ ---I------*------Provenience Total:

CSC 352 Biface Quartz , CSC 352 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 352 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total : CSC 353 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 353 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: CSC 354 Debi tage Quartz CSC 354 Debi tage Quartzite CSC 354 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: CSC 357 Debi tage Quartz CSC 357 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: CSC 358 Bi face Quartz CSC 358 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Totat: CSC 359 Biface Quartzite CSC 359 Core Quartzite CSC 359 Debi tage Quartz CSC 359 Debi tage Quartzite csc 359 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: ST 001 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: ST 003 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total : ST 006 Bebi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 007 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 008 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 009 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Totai: Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 11

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Weight(g1 Quantity ------...... ------ST 010 Debi tage Quartzite 17 Provenience Total: 17 ST 012 Debi tage Quartz a Provenience Total: 1 ST 013 Debi tage Quartzite 2 ST 013 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total : 3 ST 014 Debi tage Quartzite 14 Provenience Total: 14 ST 016 Debi tage Quartz 2 ST 016 Debi tage Quartzite 5 ST 016 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 8 ST 017 Debi tage Quartzite 5 2 ST 017 Fire-cracked Rock 4 Provenience Totat: 56 ST 019 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total: 2 ST 021 Debitage Quartzite 1 ST 021 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 2 ST 022 Debi tage Quartzite 7 Provenience Total : 7 ST 023 Debi tage Quartzite 8 ST 023 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 9 ST 024 Debi tage Quartzite 1 ST 024 Hafted Biface Small Triangular Cluster Complete Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 2 ST 027 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Totai : 2 ST 028 Debi tage Quartz 1 ST 028 Debi tage Quartzite 5 ST 028 Fi re-cracked Rock 11 Provenience Total : 17 ST 029 Debi tage Quartzite 12 Bsborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 12

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Ueight(g1 Quantity -----0 ------_------...... ------Provenience Total: 12 ST 030 . Debi tage Quartzite 19 ST 030 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 20 ST 031 Debi tage Crystalline Quartz 1 ST 031 Debi tage Felsic Tuff 1 ST 031 Debi tage Quartzite 37 ST 031 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 40 ST 032 Debi tage Quartz 1 ST 032 Debi tage Quartzite 9 Provenience Total: 10 ST 033 Debi tage Quartz 3 ST 033 Debi tage Quartzite 11 ST 033 Debi tage Unident. Chert 1 ST 033 Fire-cracked Rock 2 Provenience Total: 17 ST 034 Debi tage Quartzite 22 ST 034 Fire-cracked Rock 2 Provenience Total: 24 ST 035 Debi tage Quartz 1 ST 035 Debi tage Quartzite 27 Provenience Total: 28 ST 036 Debi tage Quartz 2 ST 036 Debi tage Buartzite 21 ST 036 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 24 ST 037 Body Sherd Eroded Sand Tempered I ST 037 Debi tage Quartzite 15 ST 037 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 17 ST 038 Debi tage Quartzite 1 ST 038 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 2 ST 040 Debi tage Quartz '1 ST 040 Debi tage Quartzite 3 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 13

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Ueight(g) Quant ity ------...... ------*------...... ------Provenience Total: 4 ST 041 Debi tage Quartzite 58 ST 041 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 59 ST 042 Debi tage Quartzite 16 Provenience Total : 16 ST 043 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 1 ST 044 Oebi tage Limestone 1 ST 044 Debi tage Quartzite 3 Provenience Total: 4 ST 045 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total: 2 ST 046 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 1 ST 047 Biface Sand Tempered 1 ST 047 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 2 ST 049 Debi tage Quartzi te 17 ST 049 Fire-cracked Rock 2 Provenience Total: 19 ST 050 Debi tage Quartzite 3 ST 050 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 4 ST 051 Debi tage Quartzite 3 Provenience Total: 3 ST 052 Debi tage Quartzite 4 ST 052 Debi tage Unidentified Material 1 Provenience Total: 5 ST 053 Debi tage Quartzite 38 Provenience Total: 38 ST 055 Debi tage Quartzi te 5 Provenience Total: 5 ST 057 Biface Quartzite 1 ST 057 Debi tage Quartzite 6 Provenience Total: 7 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 14

Provenience Class Subctass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Weight(g) Quanti ty ------...... ------ST 058 Debi tage Quartzi te Provenience Total: ST 059 Debi tage Quartzite ST 059 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total : ST 060 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 061 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 063 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 065 Debi tage Quartz ST 065 Debi tage Quartzite ST 065 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: ST 072 Debi tage Quartz ST 072 Debi tage Quartzite ST 072 Debi tage Unident. Chert Provenience Total: ST 073 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 075 Debi tage Quartzite ST 075 Fi re-cracked Rock Provenience Total : ST 076 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 077 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : ST 078 Biface Quartzite ST 078 Debi tage Quartz ST 078 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 079 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 083 Debi tage Quartz ST 083 Debi tage Quartzite Osborne (44CF102) Phase 1 Prehistoric Inventory Page 15

Provenience Class Subclass 1 'subclass 2 Raw Material Weight(g) Quantity ------Provenience Total : ST 087 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 089 Biface Quartzite ST 089 Debi tage Quartz ST 089 Debi tage Quartzite ST 089 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: ST 090 Debi tage Quartzite ST 090 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 091 Debi tage Quartzite ST 091 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: ST 092 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 093 Debi tage Quartz ST 093 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 106 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : ST 107 Debi tage Quartzite ST 107 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: ST 113 Core Quartzite ST 113 Debi tage Quartzite ST 113 Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: ST 121 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 122 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: ST 123 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : ST 126 Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: Bsborne (44CF1021 Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 16

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Weight(g1 Quanti ty ------..------...... ------ST 138 Debi tage Quartzite 5 Provenience Total: 5 Debi tage Quartzite 11 Fi re-cracked Rock 8 Provenience Total : 19 Debi tage Quartzi te I F ire-cracked Rock 4 Provenience Total: 5 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 1 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Fire-cracked Rock 2 Provenience Total : 4 Debi tage Quartzite 11 Provenience Total: 11 Debi tage Quartz 1 Debi tage Quartzite 15 Fire-cracked Rock 3 Provenience Total: 19 Debi tage Quartzite 5 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total : 6 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 1 Debi tage Quartzite 5 Provenience Total : 5 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total: 2 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Tota 1: 1 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total: 2 Debi tage Quartzite 9 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 10 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 17

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Quant ity ------_ ------ST 185 Debi tage Vitric Tuff I Provenience Total: 3 Debi tage Quartzite 8 Provenience Total: 8 Debi tage Quartzite 7 Provenience Total: 7 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total: 2 Debi tage Quartz 1 Debi tage Quartzite 4 Fire-cracked Rock 3 Provenience Total: 8 Debi tage Quartz 4 Debi tage Quartzite 22 Provenience Total: 26 Biface Quartzite 2 Debi tage Quartzite 6 Provenience Total: 8 Fire-cracked Rock 2 Provenience Total: 2 Debi tage Quartz 1 Debi tage Quartzite 12 Provenience Total: 13 Debi tage Quartz 3 Debi tage Quartzite 51 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 5 5 Debi tage Quartzite 2 1 Provenience Total: 2 1 Debi tage Quartz 1 Provenience Total : I Debi tage Quartzite 3 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 4 Debi tage Quartzite 12 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 18

Provenience CLass Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Ueight(g) Quant ity ...... ------Provenience Total: 13 ST 205 Biface Quartzite 1 ST 205 Debi tage Quartz 2 ST 205 Debi tage Quartzite 18 ST 205 Fire-cracked Rock 10 Provenience Total: 3 1 ST 207 Debi tage Quartz 1 ST 207 Debi tage Quartzite 9 ST 207 Hafted Biface Orient Cluster Complete Quartzite 1 ST 207 Misc./Unmodified Stone 1 Provenience Total: 12 ST 208 Debi tage Quartz 1 ST 208 Debi tage Quartzite 19 ST 208 F ire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total : 2 1 ST 209 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total : 1 ST 210 Debi tage Quartzite 8 Provenience Total: 8 ST 211 Body SRerd Eroded Sand/Grit Tempered 1 ST 211 Debi tage Quartz 1 ST 211 Debi tage Quartzite 1 I ST 211 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 14 ST 213 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 1 ST 214 Debi tage Quartz 1 ST 214 Debi tage Quartzite 4 Provenience Total : 5 ST 215 Qebi tage Quartzite 9 Provenience Total : 9 ST 216 Debi tage Quartz a ST 216 Debi tage Quartzite 9 Provenience Total: 10 ST 217 Debi tage Quartzite 13 ST 217 Fire-cracked Rock 10 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 19

Proveni ence C t ass Subclass I Subciass 2 Raw Material Weight(g) Quanti ty ------*------______-_-______------...... ------Provenience Total: 23 ST, 218 Debi tage Quartz 2 ST 218 Debi tage Quartzite 15 Provenience Total: 17 F ire-cracked Rock 2 Provenience Total: 2 Debi tage Quartzite 10 Provenience Total: 10 Debi tage Quartzite 5 Fire-cracked Rock 2 Provenience Total: 7 Debi tage Metavolcanic 1 Debi tage Quartz 7 Debi tage Quartzite 183 Fire-cracked Rock 20 Provenience Total: 21 1 Debi tage Quartzite 6 Provenience Total: 6 Debi tage Quartz 9 Debi tage Quartzite 48 Provenience Total: 57 Biface Quartz 1 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total: 3 Debi tage , Quartz 3 Debi tage Quartzite 22 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 26 Body Sherd Unidentifiable Shell Tempered 1 Debi tage Quartz 1 Debi tage Quartzite 7 Provenience Total: 9 Debi tage Quartzite 6 Provenience Total: 6 Body Sherd E roded Shell Tempered 1 Debi tage Quartz 19 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 20

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Ueight(g) Quantity ------ST 232 Debi tage Quartzite I ST 232 Qebitage .Quartzite 21 1 ST 232 Fire-cracked Rock 15 Provenience Total: 247 ST 233 Debi tage Quartz 12 ST 233 Debi tage Quartzite 72 ST 233 Debi tage Vitric Tuff 1 ST 233 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 86 ST 234 Biface Quartzite 1 ST 234 Body Sherd Fabric Impressed Shell Tempered 1 ST 234 Debi tage Quartz 3 ST 234 Debi tage Quartzite 4 1 ST 234 Debi tage Unident. Chert 1 Provenience Total: 4 7 ST 235 Debi tage Quartz 8 ST 235 Debi tage Quartzite 61 ST 235 Fire-cracked Rock 1 Provenience Total: 70 ST 236 Debi tage Quartz 1 ST 236 Debi tage Quartzite 9 Provenience Total: 11 0 ST 237 Biface Quartzite 1 ST 237 Debi tage Quartz 1 ST 237 Debi tage Quartzite 26 ST 237 Debi tage Unident. Chert 1 ST 237 Fire-cracked Rock 14 Provenience Total: 43 ST 238 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 1 ST 239 Debi tage Quartzi te 1 Provenience Total: 1 ST 240 Debi tage Quartzite 1 Provenience Total: 1 ST 241 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total: 2 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 21

Raw Material Weight(g) Quantity Provenience C 1ass Subclass 1 Subclass 2 ...... ------*------_---__--_-____-_-----* ------ST 247 Biface Quartzite ST 247 Debitage . Quartzite Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : Debi tage Quartzite Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartz Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total : Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartzite Debi tage Unident. Chert Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartzite Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartzite Debi tage Unident . Chert Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartz Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: Debi tage Quartzite Provenience Total: Fire-cracked Rock Provenience Totat: Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Prehistoric Inventory Page 22

Provenience Class Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Raw Material Ueight(g) Quantity ------...... ------u------...... ------ST 326 Debi tage Quartzite 2 Provenience Total : 2 ST 327 Debi tage Quartzite 4 Provenience Total: 4 SURFACE Hafted Biface Morrow Mountain Complete Buartzi te 1 Provenience Total: 1 Site Total: 3021 9/ 15/95 Osborne (44CF102) Phase 1 Historic Inventory Page 1

Provenience Class Bbj ec t Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight&) ...... ------...... ------CSC 001 Construction Materials Brick Machine Made not col lected CSC 001 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 6 CSC 003 Misc. Items cobble, not collected Provenience Total: 1 CSC 005 Misc, Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 5 CSC 007 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 007 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 4 CSC 009 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 3 CSC 011 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 5 CSC 013 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 2 CSC 015 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 34 CSC 017 Misc. Items cobble, not collected Provenience Total: 1 CSC 021 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass colonial Dark Green Provenience Total: 1 CSC 029 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 6 CSC 031 ConstructionMaterials Brick Hand Made not cot lected CSC 031 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 747 CSC 033 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 71.70 CSC 033 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 033 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 033 Jewelry/Ornamentation Bead Colored Glass half Opaque White Provenience Total: CSC 035 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total : CSC 037 Ceramic Tableware Tea Bowl Chinese Porcelain Base CSC 037 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected Osborne (44CF102) Phase H Historic Inventory Page 2

Provenience Cl ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ...... ------CSC 037 Mist. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 037 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 5 CSC 041 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 121.20 CSC 041 Historic ShelL Mot lusk oyster 18.30 Provenience Total: 2 CSC 043 Misc. Items cobble, not collected Provenience Total: 1 CSC 045 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 045 Misc. Items cobble, not collected CSC 045 Nai \s Nai l(s) Wrought Provenience Total: 11 CSC 047 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 047 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 047 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 335 CSC 049 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 29.50 CSC 049 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 049 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 049 Misc. Material Nineral bog iron CSC 649 Misc. Material Mineral bog iron, not collected CSC 049 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected CSC 049 Misc. Material Mineral not collected Provenience Total: 28 CSC 051 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware low fired, American brown? CSC 051 Ceramic Tableware Bowl Pearaware: Dipped olive green Base CSC 051 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged shel l blue Rim CSC 051 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 051 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 051 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped Blue CSC 051 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 051 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 051 Historic Shel l Mol lusk oyster CSC 051 Historic Shel l Mol lusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 051 Misc. Hardware Unidentified Ferrous cast, machinery CSC 051 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 051 Misc. Material Mineral bog iron, not collected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 3

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) Qty ------...... ------CSC 051 Mist. Material Mineral s lag 161 .I0 4 CSC 051 Misc. Material Mineral Coa l/Cinder discarded 28.30 5 CSC 051 Misc. Material Mineral Coal/Cinder not collected 18 CSC 051 Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous 4 CSC 051 Nai ls Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments 1 Provenience Total: 89' CSC 053 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware bisque, silty body 1 CSC 053 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim 2 CSC 053 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Bone China Rim 1 CSC 053 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue 1 CSC 053 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 18 CSC 053 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Pearl ware 7 CSC 053 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue 4 CSC 053 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 67.90 3 CSC 053 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass colonial Dark Green 5 CSC 053 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Solarized/Maganese 1 CSC 053 Glass Tableware Unidentified Colorless Glass acid-etched decoration 1 CSC 053 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster 10.20 3 CSC 053 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colored Glass mot ten Green 2 CSC 053 Misc. ContaiWTablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass 1 CSC 053 Misc. Hardware Unidentified Ferrous cast , machinery I CSC 053 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected 4 CSC 053 Misc. Material Ferrous bog iron/slag/ iron, not collected 14 CSC 053 Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous 1 Provenience Total: 70 CSC 054 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hol loware English Stoneware Base 1 CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware CUP Refined Earthenware printed poly- chrome, Late 19/20t Rim 1 CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Creamware Base 1 CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Pear lware Handle 1 CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Hot loware Pearlware: Printed Blue burned Ri m 1 CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim 1 CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pear lware Base 1 CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Printed Blue Rim 1 CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Chinese Porcelain underglaze blue Rim I CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain 5 CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue 2 CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Coarse Earthenware agate, clear glaze 1 Osborne (44CFIOi!) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 4

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g) ...... ------..---- ...... ------CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Rim CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware I-burned CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped Brown CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Edged she1 1 blue CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 054 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware Late 19th- 20th c. CSC 054 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 054 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 054 Glass Storage Containers Bottle colored Glass Dark Green CSC 054 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass late 19th-20th c.? Green CSC 054 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Solarized/Maganese CSC 054 Historic Shell Mot tusk oyster CSC 054 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 054 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 054 Misc. Material Unidentifiable Glassware Coloriess Glass late 19th- 20th c.? CSC 054 Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass Green CSC 054 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 054 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 054 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 152 CSC 057 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 3.00 CSC 057 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 057 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster 5.10 Provenience Total: 4 CSC 058 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 7.30 CSC 058 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 058 Misc. Hardware Hook Ferrous CSC 058 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. Provenience Total: 4 CSC 059 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 32.80 CSC 059 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 3 CSC 061 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 12.50 CSC 061 Historic She1 l Mollusk oyster 4.70 Provenience Total: 2 CSC 063 Misc. Items cobble, not collected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 5

Provenience C1 ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g1 ------...... ------Provenience Total : I CSC 065 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1.30 . CSC 065 Historic She1 l Mol lusk oyster .I0 CSC 065 Misc. Items cobble, not collected CSC 065 Misc. Material Mineral slag 177.80 Provenience Total: 4 CSC 067 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 5.70 CSC 067 Historic Shell Mol lusk clam? .20 CSC 067 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 27 CSC 069 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 66.20 CSC 069 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 069 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Mould Blown color less Base CSC 069 Misc. Items Ferrous clothes iron CSC 069 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 069 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous misc. ProvenienceTotal: 62 CSC 071 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 139.20 CSC 071 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 071 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 071 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster 6.60 CSC 071 Historic She1 1 Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 071 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 071 Misc. Items grey f lint spa1 1 CSC 071 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 071 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected CSC 071 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous flat CSC 071 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous misc. fragments CSC 071 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous plate-like CSC 071 Pharmaceutical Contain. Viai Colored Glass Green Provenience Total: 149 csc 873 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 073 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware American brown? CSC 073 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue csc 073 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 073 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Blue CSC 073 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearl ware Osborne (44CF102) Phase H Historic Inventory Page 6

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g) ------..------a ...... ------CSC 04 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 10.40 CSC 073 Construction Materials Brick Ha,nd Made not collected csc 073 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green csc on Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass 19th-20th c.? CSC 073 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 073 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous CSC 073 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 073 Pipes Reed Pipe Stem localky made?, green/yellow glazed CSC 073 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 50 CSC 074 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Creamware Hand 1e CSC 074 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged shell green Rim CSC 074 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 074 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 074 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 074 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 074 Construction Materials Brick Machine Made esc 074 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 074 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster CSC 074 Historic ShelL Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 074 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware! Colorless Glass CSC 074 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. CSC 074 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 42 CSC 075 Cerami c Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified American Grey CSC 075 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware bisque CSC 075 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware Hand le CSC 075 Cerami c Tableware Holloware Rhenish Grey Base CSC 075 Ceramic Tableware Plate. Pearlware: Embossed Edged blue Rim CSC 075 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 075 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 2- burned CSC 075 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware I-burned CSC 075 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P: Pastel Polychrome CSC 075 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware CSC 075 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped B1 ue CSC 075 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Edged Green CSC 075 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted B1 ue Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 7

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g) ------...... ------*------...... ------CSC 075 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Green CSC 075 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 19.40 CSC 075 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 075 Construction Materials Mortar not collected CSC 075 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 075 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass embossed, 19th c.? Green- blue CSC 075 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass indeterminate date Aqua CSC 075 Historic Bone Unsorted Bone CSC 075 Historic Shell Mollusk clam CSC 075 Historic Shell Mot lusk not collected CSC 075 Misc. Material Mineral bog iron, not coliected CSC 075 Misc. Material Mineral s 1ag CSC 075 Uindow Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 89 CSC 077 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 077 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 077 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 077 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware Base CSC 077 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 077 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 077 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not col lected CSC 077 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total : 14 CSC 079 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 079 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 079 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 079 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought Provenience Total : 4 CSC 081 Ceramic Tableware Plate Delftware blue Rim CSC 081 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 48.70 Provenience Total: 2 CSC 083 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pear lware Base CSC 083 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged shell; I-blue, 1-green Rim CSC 083 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 083 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 083 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 083 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Osborne (4l+CFlOi!)Phase I Historic Inventory Page 8

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------..------*----- ...... ------CSC 083 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 083 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 083 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not col lected CSC 083 Misc. ftems cobble, not collected Provenience Total: 17 CSC 085 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster .30 Provenience Total: 1 CSC 087 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 087 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 087 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 087 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 087 Misc, Items cobbles, not cot lected Provenience Total: 13 CSC 089 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 43.30 CSC 089 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Coiored Glass Dark Green CSC 089 Historic Shell Mot tusk oyster .50 CSC 089 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 089 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 089 Misc. Items greyflint spa11 CSC 089 Misc. Material Mineral slag 22.50 Provenience Total: 106 CSC 091 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Chinese Porcelain iron oxide rim slip, overglaze Rim CSC 091 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware CSC 091 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made esc 091 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected CSC 091 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 091 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 091 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 091 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected CSC 091 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 091 Misc. Material MineraC slag, not collected CSC 091 W indow G1 ass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 56 CSC 093 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int . black glaze CSC 093 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Uni dent if ied English Stoneware CSC 093 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 093 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 9

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Coments Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------_------CSC 093 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 093 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green, CSC 093 Historic Shel l Mol tusk oyster 23.00 CSC 093 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Hol loware Colorless Glass Base CSC 093 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected

CSC 093 Misc. Material Mineral slag ' 63.20 CSC 093 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not cot lected CSC 093 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. CSC 093 Other fasteners Spike Wrought ? Provenience Total : 66 CSC 095 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware bisque CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Chinese Porcelain underglaze blue Rim CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Pear lware R im CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Base CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Creamware CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware: Dipped CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P: Bright Polychrome CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped Blue CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware bisque CSC 095 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 095 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 095 Construction Materials Mortar Shel l 64.00 CSC 095 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 095 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass I-molten Blue-green CSC 095 Historic Shei i Mot lusk oyster, not collected CSC 095 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass modern? CSC 095 Misc. Items cobble, not collected CSC 095 Misc. Material Mineral s lag CSC 095 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous horseshoe like? CSC 095 Nai ls Nai 1 (s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 095 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 095 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 095 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 172 Qsborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 10

Provenience C1 ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g1 Qty ------...... CSC 096 Cerami c Cook ing/S torage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze 1 CSC ,096 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Pearlware: Painted blue Rim 1 CSC 096 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim 1 CSC 096 Ceramic Tableware Unidentif id Creamware 16 CSC 096 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware 1 CSC 096 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Pear lware 5 CSC 096 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue 2 CSC 096 Ceramic Tableware Unidentif ied White Saltglazed 1 CSC 096 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 2 CSC 896 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 150 CSC 096 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 11 CSC 096 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster 1 CSC 096 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected 6 CSC 096 Misc. Hardware Unidentified Ferrous machinery 1 CSC 096 Nai 1s Nai l(s1 Cut 1 CSC 096 Nai 1s Nai (s) Unidentified Fragments 1 CSC 096 Stable/barn Horseshoe Ferrous ha 1f 1 CSC 096 Window Glass Pane Glass a ProvenienceTotal: 209 CSC 098 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Amer ican Grey 2 CSC 098 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware: Albany Slip 1 CSC 098 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Chinese Porcelain overglaze Rim 1 CSC 098 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware 1 CSC 098 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1 CSC 098 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 2 CSC 098 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected 2 CSC 098 Nai 1s Nai 1(s) Unidentified Fragments -2 Provenience Total: 12 CSC 100 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware 3 csc 100 Window Glass Pane Glass 1 Provenience Total: 4 CSC 102 Agricul t/Horticul ture Farm Machinery Ferrous plow part, not collected 1 CSC 102 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted B1 ue I CSC 102 Ceramic Tabieware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue 1 CSC 102 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 9.00 1 csc 102 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 8 CSC 102 Glass Storage Containers Bott be Colored Glass Dark Green 1 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 11

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g) ------...... ------...... ------csc 102 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern, disc. Amber CSC 102 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster . 1.40 Provenience Total: 15 CSC 104 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Bone China Base CSC 104 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Chinese Porcelain overg 1aze Base CSC 104 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 104 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1 ware CSC 104 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 104 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 104 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 104 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 104 Glass Tableware Unidentified Colorless Glass CSC 104 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 104 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 104 Uindow Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 23 CSC 106 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 106 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Pear lware CSC 106 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 106 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 106 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 11 CSC 108 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected ProvenienceTotal: 100 csc 110 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 110 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 36.20 CSC 110 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected csc 110 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 110 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 110 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not col lected esc 110 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 23 CSC 112 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hol loware English Stoneware Base CSC 112 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Creamware CSC 112 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Pear lware CSC 112 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 112 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Bsborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 12

Proveni ence C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Cments Descriptor Ueight(g) Qty ------...... P-_-_-_------...... ,------CSC 112 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 2 CSC112 , Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster 1.70 1 CSC 112 Historic She1 1 Mollusk oyster, not cot lected 1 CSC 112 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected 5 CSC 112 Misc. Material Mineral slag 13.50 1 csc 112 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous handle- like fragment 1 Provenience TotaC: 40 CSC 114 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Pan Coarse Earthenware orange, int. green glaze Rim 1 CSC 114 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware hard red-orangeint/ext brown gtaze 3 CSC 114 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware silty orange, int. brown glaze 4 CSC 114 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware 1 CSC 114 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware American brown? 1 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Bow i Pear lware Base 1 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware FLatware Pearlware: Painted blue Rim 1 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Piate Creamware Rim 2 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware PLate Creamware I-burned Base 2 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged she1 1 blue Rim 1 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Tea Bowl Chinese Porcelain underglaze blue Base 2 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Cream-Colored mottled glaze, I-barley 2 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware I-burned 70 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Blue 2 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Pear lware 8 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Pear lware Rim 2 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified MSG: Scratch Blue 1 CSC 114 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed 2 CSC 114 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 71 -10 3 CSC 114 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 56 CSC 114 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 2 1 CSC 114 Historic Shelt Mol lusk oyster 35 -30 1 CSC 114 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not col lected 20 CSC 114 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous f lat 2 CSC 114 Nai ls Nai l(s1 Cut 1 CSC 114 Nai 1s Nai l(s9 Unident if ied 1 CSC 114 Nai 1s Nai l(s9 Unidentified Fragments 3 CSC 114 Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass 2 CSC 114 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl 1 CSC 114 Window G lass Pane Glass 4 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 13

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Ueight(g) Qty ------...... ------Provenience Total: 221 CSC 115 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Uni~dentif ied American Brown 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Grey 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware buff, int/ext clear glaze 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. green glaze 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze 2 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Bowl Creamware Base 2 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Chinese Porcelain underglaze blue Rim 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Fiatware Creamware Base 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Holloware pearlware Hand 1e 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Plate Chinese Porcelain iron oxide rim slip, underglaze bl Rim 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Plate Chinese Porcelain overglaze Base 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Plate Chinese Porcelain overglaze Rim 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware 2- feather 1 -Royal Rim 3 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged she1 1 blue Rim 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Tea Bowl English Porcelain ?, painted blue Base 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue 4 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Cream-Colored mottled glaze 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 60 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware: Printed Black 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware 3 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Rim 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified English Porcelain ?, painted blue 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware 2- burned 25 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted blue Rim 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue 1 CSC 115 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed 6 CSC 115 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 39.80 1 CSC 115 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected 150 CSC 115 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 19 CSC 115 Historic Bone Unsorted Bone 1 CSC 115 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster .90 1 CSC 115 Historic She1 l Mollusk oyster, not collected 21 CSC 115 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Hol loware Mould Blown color less Base 3 CSC 115 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Color less Glass Base 1 CSC 115 Misc. Items grey f 1int spa1 1 1 CSC 115 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments 2 Osborne (44CFlOi!) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 14

Provenience C1 ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------..------CSC 115 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Pl.ain Bowl CSC 115 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 337 CSC 116 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware bisque CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Bottle Chinese Porcelain ?, underglaze blue Base CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Creamware Rim CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Pearlware: Painted Handle CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Base CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pear C ware Base CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Base CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified MSG: Scratch Blue CSC 116 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 116 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 116 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 116 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 116 Historic Bone Unsorted Bone CSC 116 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 116 Historic Shel B Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 116 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 116 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Totat: 124 CSC 118 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 118 Historic Shell Mollusk not collected CSC 118 Historic Shell Mollusk sys t er 16.00 Provenience Total: 3 CSC 120 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged she1 1 blue Rim CSC 120 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 120 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear (ware CSC 120 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 120 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected Provenience Total: 8 CSC 122 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified English Stoneware Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 15

Provenience C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Comnen t s Descriptor Ueight(g) ------*------...... ------csc 122 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 122 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 122 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made ,175.90 csc 122 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 122 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster 33.60 csc 122 Historic Shel l Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 122 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 122 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 122 Misc. Material Minera l slag 8.90 CSC 122 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 31 CSC 124 Amnunition/Arti llery Buck and Ball Shot Lead CSC 124 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 124 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 124 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 124 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 124 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 124 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 124 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 124 Historic Shel l Mollusk oyster CSC 124 Misc. Hardware Unident if ied Ferrous ring-like frag. CSC 124 Misc. ltems cobbles, not collected CSC 124 Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous Provenience Total : 41 CSC 126 Misc . Hardware Unidentified Ferrous clevis-like/ attachment coupling CSC 126 Misc. ltems cobbles, not collected CSC 126 Misc. Material Mineral slag 3.30 Provenience Total: 132 CSC 128 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Hot loware Engl ish Stoneware Base CSC 128 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 128 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 128 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 128 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected CSC 128 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 128 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not col lected Provenience Total: 70 CSC 130 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain overglaze ghosts Osborne (44.CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 16

Provenience C lass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g1 ------...... ------*--*-- ...... ------CSC 130 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 130 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 13.10 CSC 130 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 130 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 130 Historic Bone Unsorted Bone CSC 130 Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster CSC 130 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 130 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 130 Misc. Material Minerat slag CSC 130 Nai is Nai l(s) Wire CSC 130 Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass CSC 130 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 27 CSC 132 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hal loware Coarse Earthenware buff, int./ glaze Rim CSC 132 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze CSC 132 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unident if ied Coarse Earthenware orange, int. green glaze CSC 132 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware ? CSC 132 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Creamware Base CSC 132 Ceramic Tableware Plate Cream-Colored mottled glaze, barley Rim CSC 132 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Creamware CSC 132 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 132 Construction Materiats Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 132 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 132 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 132 Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster, not col lected CSC 132 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected CSC 132 Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous CSC 132 Nails Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total: 156 CSC 134 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unident if ied Coarse Earthenware purple, intlextdark brown glaze CSC 134 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unident if ied Engl ish Stoneware CSC 134 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged shell green Rim CSC 134 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 134 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified C reamwar e 1-burned CSC 134 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Blue CSC 134 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Pear lware CSC 134 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Refined Earthenware bisque Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 17

Provenience C lass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g) -----..------...... ------...... ------CSC 134 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Uhi te Sal tglazed CSC 134 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 134 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 134 Glass Storage Containers Bott le Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 134 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 134 Historic She1 l Mollusk oyter 1.90 CSC 134 Misc. ContaiWTablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Color less Glass CSC 134 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Base CSC 134 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected CSC 134 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 CSC 134 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 73 CSC 135 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware black iron glaze CSC 135 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware American brown? CSC 135 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Pearlware: Painted blue Rim CSC 135 Ceramic Tableware Tea Bowl Chinese Porcelain Rim CSC 135 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 135 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Creamware CSC 135 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 135 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P: Bright Polychrome ? CSC 135 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear i ware CSC 135 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped Blue CSC 135 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware bisque CSC 135 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 135 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 135 Construction Materials Mortar not collected CSC 135 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 135 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 135 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 135 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Base CSC 135 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 135 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem f ragment CSC 135 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 172 CSC 136 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Grey CSC 136 Construct ion Materials Brick Hand Made 9.20 CSC 136 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 18

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Cments Descr l' ptor Ueight(g1 ------...... ------...... ------CSC 136 GLass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base Provenience Total: 19 CSC 140 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque CSC 140 GLass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total: 2 CSC 142 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Blue and Grey CSC 142 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 142 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 142 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1.50 CSC 142 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 142 Glass Tableware Unidentified Colorless Glass CSC 142 Historic Shel 1 Mot lusk oyster CSC 142 Historic Shel 1 Mot tusk oyster, not collected Provenience Total: 14 CSC 144 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 144 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 144 Historic She1 1 Mollusk oyster CSC 144 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 16 CSC 146 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hol loware Stoneware indeterminate, int. black glaze Rim CSC 146 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified C:reamwa re CSC 146 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster CSC 146 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware C:olorless Glass CSC 146 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 146 Misc. Material Mineral slag 103.60 CSC 146 Misc. Material Minera 1 slag, not collected Provenience Totai: 52 CSC 148 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 148 Construction Materials Brick bland Made 20.50 CSC 148 Construction Materials Brick Eland Made not cot lected CSC 148 Glass Storage Containers Bottle C:olored Glass Dark Green CSC 148 Historic She1 1 Mol lusk oyster CSC 148 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 148 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 148 Nai 1s Nai l(s) klrought Provenience Total: 12 CSC 150 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 19

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------CSC 150 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 11.90 CSC 150 Construction mate ria!^ Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 150 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 150 Historic Shel l Mollusk oyster 21.80 CSC 150 Historic Shel l Mol lusk oyster, not col lected CSC 150 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 150 Misc. Material Mineral slag 89.10 CSC 150 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl Provenience Total : 15 CSC 152 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Brown CSC 152 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware silty orange, int. clear glaze CSC 152 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Cream-Colored green melon, exterior CSC 152 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 152 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Rim CSC 152 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 152 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 152 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 152 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 152 Historic Sheli Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 152 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected CSC 152 Window Glass Pane Glass I -modern Provenience Total: 35 CSC 153 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 153 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified MSG: Scratch Blue marked t1811 CSC 153 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 153 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed Base CSC 153 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 153 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 153 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 153 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster 7.20 CSC 153 Historic Shel 1 Mol tusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 153 Misc. Material Mineral slag 5.20 CSC 153 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc . Provenience Total: 18 CSC 154 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 154 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 154 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Osborne (44CF102) Phase I iistoric Inventory Page 20

Provenience I= 1ass Object Datable Attribute Comments Descriptor Ueight(g) ------*------. ------*------...... ------CSC 154 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected

CSC 154 ~ Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 154 Historic She1 1 Mollusk oyster 5.10 CSC 154 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 154 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 154 Misc. Hardware Unidentified Ferrous handle- like CSC 154 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 154 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 154 Nai 1s Nail(s1 Unidentified Fragments CSC 154 Nai 1s Nail(s1 Unidentified Fragments CSC 154 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 46 CSC 156 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 156 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 156 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware modern CSC 156 Construction Materials Brick Had Made CSC 156 Glass Storage Containers Bott ile Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 156 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern, disc. CSC 156 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster CSC 156 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected Provenience Total: 12 CSC 158 Ceramic f ableware Unidentified Whi teware CSC 158 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern, disc. Amber CSC 158 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 158 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Giassware Mould Blown colorless Base Provenience Total: 5 CSC 160 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 76.50 CSC '160 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 160 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 168 Historic Shell Mol lusk osytes 1.20 CSC 160 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 160 Stable/barn Horseshoe Ferrous Provenience Total: 97 CSC 162 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Brown CSC 162 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Plear 1ware CSC 162 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 162 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Wlh iteware Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 21

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------...... ------...... ------CSC 162 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 14.20 CSC 162 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 162 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 162 Misc. Items cobble, not collected CSC 162 Nai ls Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total : 14 CSC 164 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 20.60 CSC 164 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 164 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not col lected CSC 164 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected CSC 164 Misc. Material Mineral slag 767.60 CSC 164 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected ProvenienceTotal: 385 CSC 166 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 166 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified MSG: Molded basket CSC 166 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 166 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 166 Historic She1 1 Mollusk oyster .I0 CSC 166 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 166 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous misc. CSC 166 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 166 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 37 CSC 168 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int . brown glaze CSC 168 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 168 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 168 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 168 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 168 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster 7.00 CSC 168 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 168 Misc, Items cobbles, not collected CSC 168 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous bar- 1i ke f rag. CSC 168 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 22 CSC 170 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Holloware Coarse Earthenware orange, int. blackglaze Base CSC 170 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged she1 1 Rim CSC 170 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Qsborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 22

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Descriptor Ueight(g) ------...... - ..------CSC 170 Construction Materials Brick tiand Made 119.40

CSC 170 Construction Materials Brick , Hand Made not col lectd CSC 170 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 170 Glass Storage Containers Bottle 119ould Blown dark green Neck CSC 1170 Historic Shel 1 Mol tusk oyster 1.oo CSC 170 Misc. Material Mineral slag 39.10 CSC 170 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not cot lected CSC 170 Misc. Material Unidentified f:er rous plate iron, cast

CSC 172 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware red body, dark brown glaze CSC 172 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Engl ish Stoneware CSC 172 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Creamware CSC 172 Construction Materials Brick Itand Made CSC 172 Construction Materiais Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 172 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 172 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Machine Made color less Base CSC 172 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Cjould Blown dark green Base CSC 172 Historic Shell oyster (marl?),not collected CSC 172 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 172 Misc. Items mar 1 CSC 172 Misc. Material Minerat slag CSC 172 Misc. Material Uni dent if ied Ferrous Provenience Total : 26 CSC 173 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 173 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged feather Rim csc in Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 173 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware csc in Ceramic Tableware Unidentified MSG: Debased Scratch Blue csc in Construction Materials Brick tland Made csc 173 Construction Materials Brick tiand Made not collected CSC 173 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Aqua csc in Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 173 Historic ShetL Mol lusk oyster CSC 173 Historic Shel 1 Mol lusk oyster, not col lected CSC 173 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 173 Misc. Material MineraL slag, not collected CSC 173 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous misc., I-ring like Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 23

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnen t s Descriptor Weight(g) ------*------Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 104 CSC 174 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 174 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted CSC 174 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 174 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 174 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern, disc. CSC 174 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster 26.30 CSC 174 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not coilected CSC 174 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 37 CSC 176 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 176 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 7.40 CSC 176 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 176 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 176 Glass Tableware Unidentified Colorless Glass CSC 176 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous machinery/stovepart, cast CSC 176 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 8 CSC 178 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 178 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 178 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware CSC 178 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 178 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 178 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 178 Historic She1 1 Mollusk oyster 1.30 CSC 178 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 178 Window Glass Pane Glass ProvenienceTotal: 90 CSC 180 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 180 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 180 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 180 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 180 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 180 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 180 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 180 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I istoric Inventory Page 24

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------. ------...... ------CSC 180 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 160 CSC 182 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 491.20 CSC 182 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Coiored Glass Dark Green CSC 182 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 182 Glass Storage Containers Jar Machine Made colorless, discarded Neck CSC 182 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster 2.40 CSC 182 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected CSC 182 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 182 Other fasteners Spike Cut Provenience Total: 57 CSC 184 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Coarse Earthenware int, white tin-ext. brown glaze CSC 184 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 184 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 184 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected CSC 184 Misc. Material Unident if ied Ferrous mi sc. CSC 184 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought Provenience Total: 55 CSC 186 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque CSC 186 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware red-orange, int. black glaze CSC 186 Ceramic Tableware FILatware Creamware Rim CSC 186 Cerami c Tableware Holloware White Saltglazed Rim CSC 186 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 186 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 186 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC '186 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified S: Staffordshire CSC 186 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 186 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 186 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 186 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster CSC 186 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 186 Misc. Material Unidenti f id Ferrous tool fragment? CSC 186 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 186 Window Glass Pane Gaass Provenience Total: 35 CSC 188 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware Bocal?, int.(?)clear glaze CSC 188 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 25

Provenience C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g) ------...... ------CSC 188 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int . brown glaze CSC 188 Cerami c C0ok.i ng/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, white slip, int/ext clear CSC 188 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware red-orange, int/ext black glaze CSC 188 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Chinese Porcelain Handle CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Coarse Earthenware red-orange, dark brown glaze Handle CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Pear [ware Handae CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Pearlware: Painted blue, burned Rim CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware White Saltglazed Handle CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged feather Rim CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Tea Bowl Chinese Porcelain underglaze blue Base CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 188 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Rhenish Blue and Grey CSC 188 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 188 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 188 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 188 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 188 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 188 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 188 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 188 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 188 Misc. Hardware Unidentified Ferrous machinery part? CSC 188 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 188 Misc. Material Mineral s 1ag CSC 188 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total: 109 CSC 189 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Bow 1 Coarse Earthenware orange, int, clear glaze Rim CSC 189 Cerami c Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified CE: Buckley CSC 189 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque CSC 189 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze, local? CSC 189 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware red, int. blackiron glaze CSC 189 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Colono Mare ? CSC 189 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Engl ish Stoneware CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Creamware Base CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Chinese Porcelain Rim Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Hisltoric Inventory Page 26

Proveni ence C1 ass Object Datable Attribute Deser iptor Weight(g) ------...... ------CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware Rim CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Vhite Saltglazed Rim CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged feather Rim CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Saucer kdhi te Saltglazed Base CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified (:hi nese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain overg laze CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 1- burned CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Blue CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P: Bright Polychrome ?, burned CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware I-burned CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified G!ef ined Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze CSC 189 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 189 Construction Materials Brick bland Made CSC 189 Construction Materials Brick Eland Made not collected CSC 189 Glass Storage Containers Bottle t:olored Glass Dark Green CSC 189 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Green CSC 189 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Ylould Blown dark green Neck CSC 189 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Ylould Blown dark green Rim CSC 189 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 189 Historic She1 1 Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 189 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 189 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Base CSC 189 Misc. fltems cobbles, not collected CSC 189 Misc. Materiai Mineral slag CSC 189 Misc. Material Uni dent if ied Ferrous cast, plate iron CSC 189 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous misc. CSC 189 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous tang with bladeportion CSC 189 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 189 Nai 1s Nai l(s) U'rought CSC 189 Nai 1s Nai l(s) U'rought clouting- type? CSC 189 Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass Green CSC 189 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 189 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 CSC 189 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem fragment Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 27

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Cmnts Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------Provenience Total: 259 CSC 190 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware I-bisque, 1- interior clear glaz CSC 190 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified CC: Green Glazed CSC 190 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 190 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware: Printed Black CSC 190 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 190 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Blue CSC 190 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 190 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 190 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 190 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 190 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 190 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 190 Historic Shell Mollusk not col lected CSC 190 Historic She1 1 Mollusk oyster CSC 190 Misc. Contai n/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 190 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 190 Misc. Material Minerat slag CSC 190 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not cot lected CSC 190 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 190 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 190 Window Glass Pane Glass ProvenienceTotal: 89 CSC 191 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hot loware English Stoneware Rim CSC 191 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Engl ish Stoneware CSC 191 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamwa re R im CSC 191 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Base CSC 191 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 191 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed burned CSC 191 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 191 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 191 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern, disc. CSC 191 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 191 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 191 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 191 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 191 Misc. Material Mineral bog iron, not collected Qsborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 28

Provenience C1 ass Object Dlatable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Ueight(g3 --we------...... ------CSC 1911 Mist. Material Mineral slag 305.80 CSC 191 Window G lass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 46 CSC 192 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unident if ied Coarse Earthenware local?, clear glaze CSC 192 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified C reamware CSC 192 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware CSC 192 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 192 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected CSC 192 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 192 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould B'lown dark green Neck CSC 192 Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster CSC 192 Historic She1 l Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 192 Misc. Items grey f 1int spa1 l CSC 192 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 192 Mise. Material Mineral slag, not col lected CSC 192 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous misc. fragments CSC 192 Nai ls Nai l(s) Unidentified CSC 192 Pipes White CLay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 CSC 192 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 78 CSC 194 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Brown CSC 194 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Whi teware Rim CSC 194 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 194 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Base CSC 194 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1 ware CSC 194 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Mocha CSC 194 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 194 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware bisque CSC 194 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 194 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 194 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 194 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 194 Historic ShelL Mollusk oyster CSC 194 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 194 Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous CSC 194 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 194 Window Glass Pane Glass Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 29

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Descriptor Ueight(g) ------...... ------...... ------Provenience Total: 41 CSC 196 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage ,Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 196 Ceramic Tableware Hot loware Pearlware: Printed Blue Base CSC 196 Cerami c Tableware Plate Chinese Porcelain Base CSC 196 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain I -overglaze ghosts CSC 196 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 196 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware: Edged diamond molded rim Rim CSC 196 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware: Printed Black CSC 196 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 196 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware indet. painted/printed Blue CSC 196 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 196 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 196 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 196 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 196 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster CSC 196 Historic She1 1 Mot tusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 196 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Mould Blown color less Base CSC 196 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 196 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous strap- tike CSC 196 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 196 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 59 CSC 198 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int./ ext. brown glaze CSC 198 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pear lware Base CSC 198 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged shell green Rim CSC 198 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Printed Blue Rim CSC 198 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 198 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P: Bright Polychrome CSC 198 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 198 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware orange, int./ ext. clear glaze CSC 198 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 198 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 198 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 198 GLass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark greem Base CSC 198 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected CSC 198 Nai is Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 198 Uindow Glass Pane Glass Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 30

Provenience Class Object Dtatable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g)

------*------em------...... ------..------Provenience Total : 71 CSC 200 ,Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged she1 l blue Rim CSC 200 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified C reamware CSC 200 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware CSC 200 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified klhi teware: F low Blue CSC 200 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 200 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 200 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green csc 200 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mlould Blown dark green Neck CSC 200 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 200 Mise. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 200 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected CSC 200 Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous CSC 200 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 200 Pharmaceuticai Contain. Vial Colorless Glass ? Neck CSC 200 Window Glass Bane Glass Provenience Total: 35 CSC 202 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware CSC 202 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted CSC 202 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 202 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 202 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mlould Blown dark green Base csc 202 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster .70 CSC 202 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected Provenience Total: 518 CSC 204 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Bottle English Stoneware Neck CSC 204 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentif id Coarse Earthenware buff, int. clear glaze, local? CSC 204 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, black glaze CSC 204 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified C:oarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze CSC 204 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 204 Ceramic Tableware Holloware ES: Nottingham Rim CSC 204 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged spearhead Rim CSC 204 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 204 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Weamware CSC 204 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware esc 204 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified ES: Nottingham CSC 204 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 31

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Descriptor Ueight(g) ------...... ------CSC 204 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 204 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified S: Staffordshire CSC 204 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 204 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 253.60 CSC 204 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected CSC 204 Construction Materials Mortar not collected CSC 204 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 204 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 204 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 204 Historic Sheli Mollusk oyster CSC 204 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 204 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 204 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous hinge/s t rap- 1 ike CSC 204 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 204 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 4/64 CSC 204 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 Provenience Total : 104 CSC 206 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware buff, int. greenglaze CSC 206 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Uni dent if ied Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque CSC 206 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze CSC 206 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extblack glaze CSC 206 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 206 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Pearlware: Painted blue Rim CSC 206 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged feather, burned Rim CSC 206 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 206 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 206 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P: Pastel Polychrome CSC 206 Ceramic Tableware Unidentif id Pear 1ware CSC 206 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware: Painted Blue CSC 206 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified WSG: Molded basket CSC 206 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 206 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 206 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 206 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 206 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 206 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 206 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster Osborne (44CF102) Phase I istoric Inventory Page 32

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Ueight(g) ------...... ------...... ------CSC 206 Historic She1 1 Mol lusk oyster, not col lected CSC 206 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 206 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Mould Blown color less Base CSC 206 Misc. Items slate CSC 206 Misc. Material Mineral stag CSC 206 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 206 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 206 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Bowl Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extblack glaze Rim CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Holloware Coarse Earthenware orange, ext. white slip, clear CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Holloware Coarse Earthenware orange, int clear, ext brown gl Rim CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Holloware Stoneware Albany slip, Late 19th-20th c. Rim CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified CE: Buckley CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware buff, ext greenglaze, burned CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. brown glaze CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extblack glaze CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extclear g%aze CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze, local? CSC 207 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Creamware Base CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Creamware Rim CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Holloware S: Staffordshire Handle CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged feather, burned Rim CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Plate White Sal tglazed Base CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Cream-Colored ext. green glaze CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 1 -burned CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware beaded CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware: Painted overglaze CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Blue CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Rim CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 33

Provenience Cl ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g1 ------...... ------CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted I-burned B1 ue

CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware bisque , CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware red, sgraff ito dec., burned CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Rhenish Blue and Grey incised CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified S: Staffordshire CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified MSG: Molded basket; burned CSC 207 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 207 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 207 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 207 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 207 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 207 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 207 Glass Tableware Tumbler Colorless Glass Base CSC 207 Historic Bone Unsorted Bone CSC 207 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 207 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 207 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 207 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Base CSC 207 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 207 Misc, Material Mineral slag CSC 207 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. CSC 207 Nai ls Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 207 Nai ls Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 207 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought clouting-type? CSC 207 Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass Green CSC 207 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 207 Pipes Uhite Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 207 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 207 Stable/barn Horseshoe Ferrous halves CSC 207 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 452 CSC 208 Cerami c Cooki ng/Storage Bottle English Stoneware Neck CSC 208 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified CE: Buckley CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware bisque CSC 208 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware dark orange, int, clear glaze CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware int. white slipint/ext clear glaze CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware local?, ext. clear glaze Osborne (44CF102) Phase I istoric Inventory Page 34

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g1 Qty ------...... ------_------CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware local?, int. iron oxide wash 4 CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware local?, int. & ext. clear glaze 1 CSC 208 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze 1 CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. dark brown glaze 1 CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. ye1 low/green glaze 2 CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. & ext. clear glaze 2 CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange-red, int& ext dk brown glaz 3 CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware red, int. clearext. black glaze 2 CSC 208 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware 4 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Chinese Porce 1a in underglaze blueiron oxide rim slip Rim 1 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Creamware Base 3 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Chinese Porcelain overglaze, 1 w/underglaze blue Rim 2 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware I-beaded Rim 5 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Holloware White Sahtglazed Rim 2 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Mug WSG: Scratch Blue Rim 2 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim 2 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Plate W'SG: Molded I-barley, 1- basket Rim 2 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Saucer White Saltglazed Base 1 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified CC: Green Glazed foliate-molded 1 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue 7 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain 2-overglaze ghosts 4 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 172 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware I-reticulated Rim 2 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Dlelf tware 8 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Dlelf tware Blue I CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Dlelf tware I-mang. spatterl-polychrome 2 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P: Bright Polychrome 1 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware 7 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue 5 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware 2- bisque, 1-burned 3 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Whenish Blue and Grey 1 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified S: Staffordshire burned 1 CSC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified WSG: Scratch Blue 2 ESC 208 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed 3 CSC 208 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 101.20 1 CSC 208 Construction Materials Brick Htsnd Made not collected 46 CSC 208 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 28 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic inventory Page 35

Provenience C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Weight(g) ------em------* ...... ------...... ------CSC 208 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC, 208 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green, 1-square-bodied Base CSC 208 Glass Tableware Stemware Colorless Glass stem fragments CSC 208 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster 29.00 CSC 208 Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster, not col lected CSC 208 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass includes modern CSC 208 Misc. Items grey flint ballast CSC 208 Misc. Material Mineral slag 18.70 CSC 208 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not col lected CSC 208 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous tapered end CSC 208 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 208 Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colorless Glass embossed CSC 208 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 208 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 208 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 208 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 409 CSC 209 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified CE: Buckley CSC 209 Cerami c Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, ext. white slip, clear CSC 209 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. brown glaze CSC 209 Cerami c Cook ing/S torage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze CSC 209 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extbrown glaze CSC 209 Cerami c Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware red/grey, int/ ext black iron glaz CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Hol 1oware CE: English Iron Glazed ? Base CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Chinese Porcelain underglaze blue R im CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze Rim CSC 209 Cerami c Tableware Hol loware Creamware Rim CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Base CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pear [ware Base CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Plate WSG: Molded dot, (diaper,) basket Rim CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Cream-Colored melon exterior CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware: Dipped Blue CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Blue CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue Page 36

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g1 ------...... ------...... ------CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified WSG: Molded dot CSC 209 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 209 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 209 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 209 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 209 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 209 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 209 Metal Cookingware Pot Cast ?, iron, frag. esc 209 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 209 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 209 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not cot lected CSC 209 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous sol id, 1 3/811 XI3/811 CSC 209 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 209 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Marked Stem slTDtl on heel 4/64 Provenience Total: 126 CSC 210 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware dk. orange, intext black iron glaz CSC 210 Ceramic Tableware Saucer MSG: Scratch Blue Base csc 210 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 210 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 210 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Rim CSC 210 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware csc 210 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 210 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 210 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 210 Historic She1 1 Mol lusk oyster csc 210 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 210 Misc. Items cobbles, not col iected CSC 210 Misc. Material Mineral slag csc 210 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous I-flat CSC 210 Pipes Uhite Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 4/64 ProvenienceTotal: 35 CSC 211 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. brown, ext. black CSC 211 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze csc 211 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware thick-bodied, orange, int. clear CSC 211 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Creamware burned Rim CSC 2111 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim CSC 211 Ceramic Tab1 eware Unidentified Creamware Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 37

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------. ------CSC 211 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 103.70 CSC 211 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 211 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 211 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 211 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown green Base csc 211 Historic Shel l Mollusk oyster 8.50 csc 211 Historic Shel l Mollusk oyster, not col lected CSC 211 Misc. Items amber flint ballast CSC 211 Misc. Items grey flint spa1 1 CSC 211 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 211 Misc. Material Mineral stag, not cot lected CSC 211 Misc. Material Scrap Metal Copper-A1 loy CSC 211 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous I-tooi frag.? Provenience Total: 116 CSC 212 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 212 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware Base CSC 212 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged she1 1 blue Base CSC 212 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Printed Blue Rim csc 212 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware I -burned CSC 212 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped Brown CSC 212 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue csc 212 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 212 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 212 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green csc 212 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern, disc. Amber CSC 212 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass CSC 212 Historic Shell Mol lusk not col lected CSC 212 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 212 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Mould Blown color less Base CSC 212 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected csc 212 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. CSC 212 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 212 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 99 CSC 214 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Whi teware Handle CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Plate Chinese Porcelain overglaze Base Osborne (44CF102) Phase I istoric Inventory Page 38

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Descriptor Weight(g) ...... ------CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged she1 1 blue Rim CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pear lware: Edged shell green Rim CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified W: Printed Polychrome CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified WSG: Debased Scratch Blue CSC 214 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Whi teware CSC 214 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 327.60 CSC 214 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 214 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 2'14 Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster 27-60 CSC 214 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 214 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 214 Pharmaceuticai Contain. Vial Colored Glass green-blue Base CSC 214 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 CSC 214 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 92 CSC 216 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Blue and Grey CSC 216 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Brown CSC 216 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Grey CSC 216 Ceramic Tableware Plate Wh iteware Rim CSC 216 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 216 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware CSC 216 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 216 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 216 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware burned CSC 216 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Whi teware CSC 216 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 216 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected CSC 216 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 216 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 216 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 216 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Base CSC 216 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Base CSC 216 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 39

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------*------...... ------CSC 216 Uindow Glass Pane Glass

, Provenience Total: 71 CSC 218 Cerami c Cooki ng/Storage Hol loware Stoneware: Bristol Slip interior Albanyslip Rim CSC 218 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware int. Albany slip, late 19th c.? CSC 218 Ceramic Tableware Unidentif ied Creamware CSC 218 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware CSC 218 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted CSC 218 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 218 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 218 Glass Storage Containers Bottle colored' Glass Dark Green CSC 218 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 218 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 218 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 218 Misc. Material Bar Ferrous fragment CSC 218 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 218 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. CSC 218 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified CSC 218 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 CSC 218 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 83 CSC 220 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 220 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 9.60 CSC 220 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 220 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster 1.60 CSC 220 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 14 CSC 222 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 222 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 222 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Uhite Saltglazed CSC 222 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made csc 222 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 222 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 222 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern, disc. Green CSC 222 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 222 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster 9.90 CSC 222 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected Provenience Total : 72 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I istoric Inventory Page 40

Provenience C1 ass Object Datable Attribute Comnen t s Descriptor Weight(g) Qty

------...... -em------...... ------me------CSC 224 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified coarse Earthenware orange, bisque I CSC 224 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze I CSC 224 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Creamware beaded Rim 1 CSC 224 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged l-feather, ?-Royal Rim 2 CSC 224 Ceramic Tableware Saucer White Saltglazed Base 1 CSC 224 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 8 CSC 224 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware 1 CSC 224 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware 1 CSC 224 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified S: Staffordshire 1 CSC 224 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 60.60 2 CSC 224 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 3 2 CSC 224 Glass Bev. Containers Liquor Bottle Mould Blown solarized Neck 1 CSC 224 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 8 CSC 224 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass 1 CSC 224 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster a CSC 224 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not cot lected 10 CSC 224 Misc. Material Unidentified Flerrous sol id, 2 3/411 x7/8" 1 CSC 224 Nai 1s Nai 1 (s) Uinidentif ied Fragments 2 CSC 224 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought 2 CSC 224 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl 1 CSC 224 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 4/64 2 CSC 224 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 2 CSC 224 Window Glass Pane Glass 1 ProvenienceTotal: 83 CSC 226 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze 1 CSC 226 Cerami c Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware red, int./ext. black iron glaze 1 CSC 226 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware 2 CSC 226 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware R l" m 1 CSC 226 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware White Saltglazed Base 1 CSC 226 Ceramic Tableware Punchbow l Chinese Porcelain Base 1 CSC 226 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Clh inese Porcelain Overglaze 1 CSC 226 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue 4 CSC 226 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified C reamware 14 CSC 224 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware 2 CSC 226 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware: Printed Blue 1 CSC 226 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed 1 CSC 226 Construction Materials Brick Hiand Made 2 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 41

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weigh t(g) ------...... ------CSC 226 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected

CSC 226 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Bl,own dark green Base , CSC 226 Glass Storage Containers Unidentified Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 226 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster 15.80 CSC 226 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 226 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless GLass CSC 226 Misc. Items grey flint ballast CSC 226 Misc. Material Mineral s lag 109.30 CSC 226 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 226 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 226 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 226 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 226 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 72 CSC 227 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hol loware English Stoneware Base CSC 227 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified CE: Buckley CSC 227 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware buff , bisque CSC 227 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze CSC 227 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze CSC 227 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 227 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Delftware polychrome Base CSC 227 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Creamware Hand le CSC 227 Ceramic Tableware Plate Chinese Porcelain underglaze blueiron oxide rim slip Rim CSC 227 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 227 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Rim CSC 227 Ceramic Tab1 eware Unidentified Delftware polychrome CSC 227 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 227 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 227 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 227 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 227 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 227 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 227 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 227 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 227 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster CSC 227 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 227 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 42

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descr iptor Weight(g) ------...... ------...... ------CSC 227 Mist. Items shark's tooth CSC 227 Hisc. Material Mineral slag 94.20 CSC 227 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not cot lected CSC 227 Misc. Material Scrap Meta! Ferrous mi sc. CSC 227 Nai ls Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 227 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 227 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5 /64 Provenience Total: 123 CSC 228 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze CSC 228 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 228 Ceramic Tableware Plate Delftware Rim CSC 228 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 228 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 228 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 228 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 228 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 228 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 228 Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster, not collected CSC 228 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 228 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 228 Misc. Material Minera 1 slag CSC 228 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not cot lected CSC 228 Pi pes Uhite Ctay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 Provenience Total: 48 CSC 230 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Pan Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze R i m CSC 230 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Bone China CSC 230 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 230 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware CSC 230 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 230 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected CSC 230 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 230 Historic SRell Mollusk oyster CSC 230 Misc. Items cobble, not cot lected CSC 230 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 230 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous f tat CSC 230 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 Provenience Total: 20 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 43

Proveni ence C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------CSC 232 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze CSC 232 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze CSC 232 Ceramic Tableware Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 232 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged 2-shell blue, 2-shell green Rim CSC 232 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Chinese Porcelain overglaze ghosts Base CSC 232 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Creamware CSC 232 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Pearlware CSC 232 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware Rim CSC 232 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 232 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 232 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 232 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 232 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster CSC 232 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 232 Misc. ContaiWTablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 232 Misc. Items slate CSC 232 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 232 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought Provenience Total : 89 CSC 234 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hol loware American Brown cobalt dec. Rim CSC 234 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Blue and Grey 1-I1. . NHATTAN ../NEW YORK" CSC 234 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Ameri can Brown CSC 234 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Coarse Earthenware orange, int. whiteslip Rim CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Creamware Rim CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Whi teware overglaze ghosts Rim CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Pearlware Rim CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Uhi teware overglaze R im CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged 7-shell blue, 2-shell green Rim CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Printed Blue Rim CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Bone China Base CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Tea Bowl Chinese Porcelain Base CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Tea Bowl Chinese Porcelain overglaze ghosts Rim CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Cream-Colored mottled glaze CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 44

Provenience C1 ass Object Dlatable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Weight(g) ---.,------...... ------CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped I-brown, I-polychrome CSC 234 . Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Mocha CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Brown CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Stoneware Shaw- li ke CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Rhenish Blue and Grey inc ised CSC 234 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified klhi teware CSC 234 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 234 Construction Materials Brick Machine Made 551.70 CSC 234 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 234 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mlould Blown dark green Base CSC 234 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mlould Blown dark green Neck CSC 234 Historic Shel l Mot lusk oyster 37.20 CSC 234 Historic Shel 1 Mol tusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 234 Misc. ConPain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 234 Misc. Items cobble, not collected CSC 234 Misc. Items grey flint ballast CSC 234 Nai ls Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 234 Nai 1s Nai l(s) klrough t CSC 234 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 234 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 234 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 326 CSC 236 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Holloware Coarse Earthenware red, dark brownglaze Hand le CSC 236 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified American Blue and Grey CSC 236 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Brown CSC 236 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. black iron glaze CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Bowl Pearlware: Painted blue Rim CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Chinese Porcelain Base CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Chinese Porcelain overglaze Rim CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Pearlware: Printed Blue Rim CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware Base CSC 236 Ceramic Tabteware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware I-burned CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware: Dipped polychrome Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 45

Provenience C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g) ------...... ------...... ----*------CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P: Bright Polychrome CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted B1 ue CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Brown CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted burned Blue CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed BLue CSC 236 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Wh iteware CSC 236 Construction Materials Brick Machine Made CSC 236 Construction Materials Brick Unidentified not collected CSC 236 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 236 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Green CSC 236 Glass Tableware Ho 11 oware Colorless Glass Rim CSC 236 Glass Tableware Unidentified Colorless Glass r ibbed CSC 236 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 236 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not col lected CSC 236 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 236 Misc. Hardware Unidentified Ferrous machinery CSC 236 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected CSC 236 Misc. Items grey f lint spa1 1 CSC 236 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 236 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected CSC 236 Nai 1s Nai 1(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 236 Nails Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 236 Pharmaceutical Contain. Via! Colored GLass Green CSC 236 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 236 Window G 1ass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 425 CSC 238 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Holloware American Grey Base CSC 238 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Ho 11 oware Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze Rim CSC 238 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 238 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware I-burned CSC 238 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped polychrome CSC 238 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 238 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 238 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 238 Historic She1 1 Mol lusk oyster 16.30 CSC 238 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 46

Provenience C lass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g1 Qty ------...... ------_-*-----e------CSC 238 Window Glass Pane Glass 4 ProvenienceTotal: 43 CSC 240 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 35.40 1 CSC 240 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 2 CSC 240 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster 9.70 1 CSC 240 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not col lected 3 CSC 240 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected 400 esc 240 Nai 1s Nai l(s) U'rought 1 ProvenienceTotal: 408 CSC 242 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware Rim 1 CSC 242 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware S: Staffordshire Rim 1 CSC 242 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 1 CSC 242 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified English Stoneware 1 CSC 242 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1 CSC 242 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 6 CSC 242 Construction Materials Mortar not collected 2 CSC 242 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 2 CSC 242 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster 1 CSC 242 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected 1 CSC 242 Misc. Contain/Tabtewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass 2 CSC 242 Misc. Hardware Nut Ferrous 1 CSC 242 Misc. Material Mineral slag 43.60 1 CSC 242 Misc. Material Minera i slag, not col lected 1 Provenience Total: 22 CSC 244 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 1 CSC 244 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 1 CSC 244 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored G 1ass Dark Green 2 CSC 244 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster 1 CSC 244 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected 3 ESC 244 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Solarized/Maganese a CSC 244 Misc. Hardware Chain Ferrous 2 links 1 CSC 244 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected 20 ProvenienceTotal: 30 CSC 246 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware 1 CSC 246 Ceramic Tableware CUP Coarse Earthenware orange, ext. black iron glaze Base 1 CSC 246 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 1 CSC 246 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed 1 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 47

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------CSC 246 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 246 Construction Materiaks Brick Hand Made CSC 246 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 246 Construction Materials Brick Machine Made CSC 246 Construction Materials Brick Unidentified not collected CSC 246 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 246 Historic She1 1 Mol tusk oyster CSC 246 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 246 Misc. Items cobble, not cot lected CSC 246 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected CSC 246 Misc. Material Unidentified Cast iron, flat CSC 246 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous misc. fragments esc 246 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 246 Other fasteners Spike Unidentified Fragments CSC 246 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 4/64 CSC 246 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 Provenience Total: 146 CSC 248 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 248 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified WSG: Molded barley CSC 248 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 248 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 248 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 248 Fasteners But ton Copper-A1 loy tin-plated CSC 248 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Green-blue CSC 248 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 248 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown -dark green Neck CSC 248 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster CSC 248 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 248 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 248 Misc. Material Mineral slag 183.80 CSC 248 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. fragments Provenience Total: 23 CSC 250 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 250 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Overglaze CSC 250 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamwa re CSC 250 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware CSC 250 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Hist:oric Inventory Page 48

Provenience C1 ass Object Datable Attribute Oescr iptor Ueight(g) ------.. CSC 250 Construction Materials Brick Bland Made 14.50 CSC 250 Construction Materials Brick . Hand Made not col lected CSC 250 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern, disc. Amber CSC 250 Glass Storage Containers Bottle C:o 1ored G 1ass modern, disc. Bright Green CSC 250 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Machine Made bright green, disc. Base CSC 250 Historic She1 1 Mot tusk oyster CSC 250 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Gtassware C:o lor less G 1ass CSC 250 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 250 Nails Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 250 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 70 CSC 252 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hol loware English Stoneware Handle CSC 252 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Pmer ican Brown CSC 252 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Grey CSC 252 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified C:olono Ware ? CSC 252 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified E:nglish Stoneware CSC 252 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged 3-shell blue, 2-shell green Rim CSC 252 Ceramic Tableware Plate klhi teware Rim CSC 252 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Bone China CSC 252 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 252 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P': Pastel Polychrome CSC 252 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 252 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 252 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Porcelain indeterminate CSC 252 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Vh iteware CSC 252 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Whi teware overglaze Lid CSC 252 Construction Materials Brick Hland Made CSC 252 Construction Materials Brick Hland Made not collected CSC 252 Glass Storage Containers Bottle C:olored Glass Dark Green CSC 252 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mlould Blown dark green Neck CSC 252 Historic Shela Mol tusk oyster CSC 252 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 252 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 252 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 252 Nai 1s Nai l(s) klrough t CSC 252 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 252 Window Glass Pane Glass Oslborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 49

Provenience C lass Object Datable Attribute Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... -..------Provenience Total: 131 CSC 254 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Americpn Brown CSC 254 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque CSC 254 Cerami c Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze CSC 254 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 254 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 254 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Pearlware: Edged she1 1 blue Rim CSC 254 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Pearlware: Printed Blue R im CSC 254 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged shell green Rim CSC 254 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Pearlware: Painted blue Rim CSC 254 Ceramic Tableware Tea Bowl Chinese Porcelain Base CSC 254 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain overglaze ghosts CSC 254 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 254 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P: Pastel Polychrome CSC 254 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 254 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 254 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified USG: Debased Scratch Blue CSC 254 Construction Materials Brick Machine Made CSC 254 Construction Materials Brick Unidentified not collected CSC 254 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 254 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 254 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 254 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 254 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass 1 -burned CSC 254 Misc. Hardware Unidentified Ferrous machinery? CSC 254 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 254 Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous CSC 254 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 254 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Urough t CSC 254 Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass Green CSC 254 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 401 CSC 256 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hol loware English Stoneware Handle CSC 256 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze CSC 256 Ceramic Tableware Hot loware Pearlware: Dipped brown Rim CSC 256 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Pearlware: Painted blue Rim CSC 256 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Pearlware: Printed Blue Rim Osborne (44CF102) Phase Historic f nventory Page 50

Proveni ence C L ass Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Ueight(g) ...... ------.- ...... ------CSC 256 Ceramic Tableware Unidentif id Chinese Porcelain Overglaze

CSC 256 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Cream-Colored ext. green , glaze CSC 256 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 256 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified P: Bright Polychrome CSC 256 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 256 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped Brown CSC 256 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 256 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 256 Construction Materials Brick tland Made not collected CSC 256 Glass Storage Containers Bottle (:olored Glass Blue CSC 256 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 256 Glass Tableware Unidentified 6olorless Glass Base CSC 256 Historic Shel l Mot lusk oyster CSC 256 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 256 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 256 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected CSC 256 Misc. Items slate CSC 256 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 256 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous flat CSC 256 Nai 1s Nai l(s) llrought CSC 256 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 CSC 256 Window Glass Pane Glass ProvenienceTotal: 132 CSC 258 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 258 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 258 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 258 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Elhi teware CSC 258 Construction Materials Brick tland Made CSC 258 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 258 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 258 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 258 Historic Shel l Mol tusk oyster, not col lected CSC 258 Misc. Hardware Chain Link Ferrous CSC 258 Nai 1s Nai l(s) hlrough t CSC 258 Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass Green- blue ProvenienceTotal: 49 CSC 260 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 51

Proveni ence C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... - ...... ------CSC 260 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware

CSC 260 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made ~ CSC 260 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 260 Misc. Hardware Bolt Ferrous eye CSC 260 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 260 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous spl it CSC 260 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total: 108 CSC 262 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 262 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 262 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 262 Historic Shell Mot tusk oyster, not collected CSC 262 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected ProvenienceTotal: 14 CSC 264 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware Rim CSC 264 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 264 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made csc 264 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 264 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 264 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 264 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 264 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 264 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 14 CSC 266 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Creamware CSC 266 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware CSC 266 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified MSG: Molded bar ley CSC 266 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made esc 266 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 266 Fasteners But ton Copper-Alboy tin-plated, 7/8" diameter csc 266 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green csc 266 Historic Shelt Mot lusk oyster 20.50 CSC 266 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 266 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 266 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected csc 266 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 266 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought Osborne (44CF102) Phase I His1:oric Inventory Page 52

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Descriptor Weight(g) ...... ------Provenience Total : 40 CSC 268 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Pan Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze Rim CSC 268 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified elngl ish Stoneware CSC 268 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Cream-Colored motttled glaze CSC 268 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 268 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware indet. paintedlprinted Blue CSC 268 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 268 Construction Materials Brick tiand Made CSC 268 Construction Materials Brick tland Made not coi lected CSC 268 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 268 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 268 Historic Shell Mot tusk oyster, not collected CSC 268 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 268 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 268 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected CSC 268 Nai 1s Nai l(s) \drought CSC 268 Pharmaceutical Contain. Via 1 Colored Glass CSC 268 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 268 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 53 CSC 270 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Iirner ican Brown int. Albany slip CSC 270 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Pearl ware Base CSC 270 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearl ware Base CSC 270 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pear lware: Edged she1 1 blue Rim CSC 270 Ceramic Tableware Saucer F'earlware: Painted blue Rim CSC 270 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 270 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearl ware CSC 270 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified F'earlware: Painted Blue CSC 270 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 8.60 CSC 270 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 270 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 270 Glass Storage Containers Bottle (:olorless Glass modern, disc. CSC 270 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Ctould Blown dark green Neck CSC 270 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster CSC 270 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 270 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 270 Misc. Items cobble, not collected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 53

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Ueight(g) ...... ------CSC 270 Nai ls Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 270 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 39 CSC 272 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Brown cobalt dec. CSC 272 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Creamware Rim CSC 272 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Pear 1ware Base CSC 272 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged royal Rim CSC 272 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 272 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Creamware CSC 272 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 272 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 272 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Brown CSC 272 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 272 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Uhi teware CSC 272 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 272 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 272 Historic She1 1 Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 272 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 272 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 272 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 272 Window Glass Pane Glass ProvenienceTotal: 67 CSC 274 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unident if ied American Grey CSC 274 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unident if ied Coarse Earthenware orange, int. white slip, clear CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Pear 1ware Base CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Pear 1ware Base CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Cream-Colored ext. green glaze CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Other Brown CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Refined Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze CSC 274 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Uhi teware CSC 274 Construction Materiats Brick Machine Made Osborne (44CF102) Phase I (istoric Inventory Page 54

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g) ------*------. ------*-- CSC 274 Construction Materials Brick Unidentified not cot lected CSC 274 GLass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 274 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 274 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster 7.40 CSC 274 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 274 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 274 Misc. Material Sheet metal Ferrous CSC 274 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. CSC 274 Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass CSC 274 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 121 CSC 276 Ceramic Tableware Hot loware Pearlware: Painted blue Rim CSC 276 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Printed Blue Wi1 low? Rim CSC 276 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 276 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified C reamware CSC 276 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 276 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 126.90 CSC 276 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 276 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 276 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass indeterminate CSC 276 GLass Storage Containers Bottle Solarized/Maganese CSC 276 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 276 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 276 Misc. Items cobble, not cot lected CSC 276 Misc. Materiai Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. CSC 276 Nai 1s Nai l(s) c:ut CSC 276 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 276 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 276 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem fragment CSC 276 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 40 CSC 278 Ceramic Tableware Hot loware Creamware Rim CSC 278 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 278 Historic She1 l Mollusk not collected CSC 278 Historic She1 6 Mollusk oyster CSC 278 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 278 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware C:olorl"es Glass indeterminate Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 55

Proveni ence C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Ueight(g) Qty ------...... ------CSC 278 Mist. Items cobbles, not col lected 300 CSC 278 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. 1 CSC 278 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments 1 CSC 278 Stable/barn Horseshoe Ferrous fragment 1 Provenience Total : 310 CSC 280 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 1 CSC 280 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1 .I0 1 CSC 280 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected 10 Provenience Total: 12 CSC 282 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware: Bristol Slip int. Albany slip 2 CSC 282 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain 1 CSC 282 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 12.60 1 CSC 282 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 2 CSC 282 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster .60 1 CSC 282 Misc. Hardware Ferrous spike/bolt-likefragment 1 CSC 282 Misc. Material Ferrous bar- li ke, bent 1 Provenience Total: 9 CSC 284 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 1 CSC 284 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 14.20 1 CSC 284 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 1 CSC 284 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 1 CSC 284 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base 1 CSC 284 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster 12.70 1 CSC 284 Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster, not col lected 1 CSC 284 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected 6 CSC 284 Misc. Material Mineral slag 21 .oo 1 CSC 284 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not col lected 1 CSC 284 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous handle- li ke 1 CSC 284 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments 3 CSC 284 Pipes Uhite Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 1 ProvenienceTotal: 20 CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware Handle 1 CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware Rim 1 CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware Lid 1 CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Uhite Saltglazed Handle 1 CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Uhite Saltglazed Rim 2 CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Plate Chinese Porcelain underglaze blue Base 1 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Hist:oric Inventory Page 56

Proven ience Cl ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g1 ------...... ------CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged feather Rim CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified [:hi nese Porcelain Underg laze B 1ue CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified (:hi nese Porcelain CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware esc 286 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Blue CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 286 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Uhite Saltglazed CSC 286 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 286 Construction Materials Brick Nand Made not collected CSC 286 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 286 Glass Storage Containers Bottle C:olorless Glass modern CSC 286 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Plould Blown dark green Base CSC 286 Glass Tableware Hol loware C:olorless Glass Rim CSC 286 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 286 Historic Shell Mol lusk shel1,not collected CSC 286 Misc. Hardware Unidentified Ferrous c levis/hasp- li ke? CSC 286 Misc. Items Buckle/Buckle Part Ferrous fragment CSC 286 Misc. Items Unident if ied Ferrous tool eye? CSC 286 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 286 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected CSC 286 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 286 Nai is Nai [(s) Wrought CSC 286 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 286 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 4/64 CSC 286 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 Provenience Total: 113 CSC 288 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Ameri can Grey CSC 288 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 288 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Chinese Porcelain overg laze ghosts Rim CSC 288 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 288 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware CSC 288 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped 1-green; 1-polychrome CSC 288 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 288 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 288 Glass Storage Containers Bottle C:olored Glass Dark Green CSC 288 Glass Storage Containers Bottie Colored Glass modern, disc. Green Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 57

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------CSC 288 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern, disc. CSC 288 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Machine Made amber, disc. Neck CSC 288 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Machine Made color less, disc. Base CSC 288 Historic She1 1 Mol lusk oyster CSC 288 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 288 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 288 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 288 Misc. Items grey flint spa 1 1 CSC 288 Misc. Material Sheet metal Ferrous CSC 288 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified CSC 288 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 288 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 288 Window G 1ass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 79 CSC 290 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified American Brown CSC 290 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified Eng 1i sh Stoneware CSC 290 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware: Albany Slip CSC 290 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Chinese Porcelain overglaze Rim CSC 290 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged shel 1 blue Rim CSC 290 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 290 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 290 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 290 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 290 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 290 Glass Tableware Tumbler Color less Glass Base CSC 290 Glass Tableware Unidentified Colorless Glass CSC 290 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 290 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 290 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 290 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 290 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 ProvenienceTotal: 31 CSC 292 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware. Albany Slip CSC 292 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Fdged shel 1 blue Rim CSC 292 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 292 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P\\arlware CSC 292 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pea-[ware: Dipp.d Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Histor ic f nventory Page 58

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnen t s Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... - ...... ------CSC 292 Construction Materials Brick Iiand Made 25.90 CSC 292 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 292 Glass Storage Containers Bottie Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 292 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster 11.70 CSC 292 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 292 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 292 Nai is Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 292 Nai ls Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 292 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl CSC 292 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 47

CSC 294 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified , Chinese Porcelain saucer? Base CSC 294 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Creamware CSC 294 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified [>earlware CSC 294 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 294 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 294 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified \Jhi teware CSC 294 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Whiteware: Printed Other Green CSC 294 Construction Materials Brick Iiand Made 57.40 CSC 294 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 294 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 294 Historic She1 l Mot lusk oyster 22.90 CSC 294 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 294 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 38 CSC 296 Amnuni tion/Arti llery Buck and Ball Shot Lead CSC 296 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 296 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 296 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 296 Construction Materials Brick Iiand Made CSC 296 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 296 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster CSC 296 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected CSC 296 Nai 1s Nai l(s) llnidentified Fragments CSC 296 Nai 1s Nai l (s) \Jrough t Provenience Total: 20 CSC 298 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 59

Proveni ence C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Cments Descriptor Ueight(g) ------...... ------...... ------CSC 298 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 298 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green, CSC 298 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Provenience Total: 103 CSC 300 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hol loware Stoneware: Bristol Sl ip Rim CSC 300 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware: Albany Slip [ate 19th- 20th c. CSC 300 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware: Bristol Slip CSC 300 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware Rim CSC 300 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 300 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 300 Construction Materials Ferrous pipe CSC 300 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 300 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 300 Construction Materials Drain Pipe/Tile Ceramic CSC 300 Door and Window Hrdwre Pintle Ferrous CSC 300 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 300 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass late 19th- 20th c. CSC 300 Misc. Hardware Ferrous attachmlt holesat ends, 4" length CSC 300 Misc. Hardware Ferrous bolt/spi ke f rag CSC 300 Misc. Hardware Ferrous machinery? CSC 300 Misc. Hardware Ferrous snap bo lt CSC 300 Misc. Hardware Bolt Ferrous CSC 300 Misc. Hardware Staple Ferrous CSC 300 Misc. Material Ferrous bolt/spike-like10 1/8" length CSC 300 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. CSC 300 Misc. Material Unidentified Metal 2-part, iron/ copper/lead, 3" dia CSC 300 Nails Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 300 Rai lroad Railroad Spike Cut CSC 300 Window Glass Pane Glass late 19th- 20th c. Provenience Total : 41 CSC 302 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 302 Construction Materials Brick Machine Made CSC 302 Construction Materials Brick Unidentified not col lected CSC 302 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 302 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass late 19th- 20th c. CSC 302 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 302 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Solarized/Maganese (44CF102) Phase I iistioric inventory Page 60

Provenience C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Corrments Descriptor Ueight(g9 ------...... ------...... ------CSC 302 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster 5.70 CSC, 302 Historic She1 l Mollusk oyster, not co1,lected CSC 302 Misc. Hardware Chain 3 Links esc 302 Misc. Material Mineral stag 444.40 CSC 302 Nai as Nai l(s) Unidentified ProvenienceTotal: 24 CSC 304 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hol loware Coarse Earthenware orange, black iron glaze Handle CSC 304 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentif ied Coarse Earthenware brown/orange, int/ext iron glaze CSC 304 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, ext. black iron glaze CSC 304 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unident if ied Coarse Earthenware orange, int. green glaze CSC 304 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 304 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Creamware Handle CSC 304 Ceramic Tableware Holloware S: Staffordshire Handle CSC 304 Cerami c Tabieware Mug Pearlware: Painted Base CSC 304 Ceramic Tableware Tea Bowl Uhite Saltglazed Base CSC 304 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Cireamware CSC 304 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Delftware Blue CSC 304 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 304 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Rhenish Grey CSC 304 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified S: Staffordshire trai led CSC 304 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Uhite Saltglazed CSC 304 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 304 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 304 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 304 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green, 2- square-bodied Base CSC 304 Grooming/Hygiene Chamber Pot Rhenish Blue and Grey CSC 304 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster CSC 304 Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster, not collected CSC 304 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected CSC 304 Misc. Items grey flint spall CSC 304 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 304 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not cot lected CSC 304 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. fragments CSC 304 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified CSC 304 Nai 1s Nai l(s9 Unidentified Fragments CSC 304 Nai 1s Nai l(s9 Wrought CSC 304 Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass Aqua Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 61

Proveni ence C1 ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueighttg)

------...... ------em------CSC 304 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem f ragment CSC 304 Stable/barn Horseshoe Ferrous f ragment CSC 304 Uindow Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 145 CSC 306 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int. brown/ext iron glaz CSC 306 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Delftware bisuqe Rim CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Holloware Uhite Saltglazed Base CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Plate Chinese Porcelain overglaze ghosts Base CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged Royal Rim CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Plate Uhite Saltglazed Rim CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain underglaze blue Rim CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Blue CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware 1 -polychrome CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Rhenish Grey CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified USG: Debased Scratch Blue CSC 306 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Uhite Saltglazed CSC 306 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 306 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 306 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 306 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Green-blue CSC 306 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass late 19th c.? Dark Green CSC 306 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 306 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster 8.60 CSC 306 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 306 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable GLassware Colorless Glass CSC 306 Misc. Hardware Ferrous machinery CSC 306 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 306 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected Provenience Total: 134 CSC 308 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim CSC 308 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Creamware Rim Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 62

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Gomnents Descriptor Ueight(g)

------...... ------*------...... ------D------CSC 308 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 308 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 308 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware CSC 308 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 308 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue CSC 308 Construction Materials Brick Mach ine Made CSC 308 Construction Materials Brick Unidentified not collected CSC 308 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass embossed 18...0T...8i CSC 308 Historic Shel l Mol lusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 308 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 308 Nai 1s Nai l(s) clouting-type? Provenience Total : 27 CSC 310 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pear 1ware: Edged shell green Rim CSC 310 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified C reamwa re CSC 310 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 310 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 310 Construct ion Materials Brick tiand Made not collected CSC 310 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 310 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 310 Misc. Hardware Unidentified Ferrous flat, curved CSC 310 Misc. Material Mineral slag esc 310 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments csc 310 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 310 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 310 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 19 CSC 312 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Holloware Coarse Earthenware orange, int. clear glaze Rim CSC 312 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 312 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamwa re CSC 312 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 312 Construction Materials Brick tland Made not collected CSC 312 Glass Storage Containers Bottle [:ol ored G 1ass Dark Green CSC 312 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Color less Glass modern, disc. CSC 312 Historic Bone Unsorted Bone CSC 312 Historic Shel 1 Mol tusk oyster CSC 312 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 312 Misc. Material Mineral slag Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 63

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------CSC 312 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 4/64 ProvenienceTotal: 14 CSC 314 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 314 Historic She1 1 Mollusk oyster 6.70 CSC 314 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 314 Misc. Material Ferrous blade- li ke CSC 314 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 314 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 7 CSC 316 Ceramic Tableware Plate pearlware: Printed Blue Rim CSC 316 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 316 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 316 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 316 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster .50 CSC 316 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 316 Other fasteners Spike Cut Provenience Total: 256 CSC 318 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 318 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 318 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 318 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 318 Construction Materials Mortar not collected CSC 318 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 318 Historic Shel l Mollusk oyster CSC 318 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected CSC 318 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 318 Pipes Uhite Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 Provenience Total: 18 CSC 320 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware: Bristol Slip int. Albany slip CSC 320 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 320 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 64.50 CSC 320 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 320 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass late 19th- 20th c. Aqua CSC 320 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern Ambe r CSC 320 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern Green CSC 320 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass late 19th- 20th c. CSC 320 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown colorless, patented11..190..11 Base Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 64

Provenience C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Cments Descriptor Weight(g) Qty ---..------,----..-----..------...... ------CSC 320 Glass Storage Containers Bottle $.;o 1ar ized/Maganese 2 CSC 320 Glass Tableware Unident i f ied Solar ized/Maganese r ibbed 2 CSC 320 Misc. @ontain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware C:olored Glass I -mol ten Opaque Uh ite 2 CSC 320 Misc. Hardware F:errous S-shaped attachment 1 CSC 320 Misc. Hardware Ferrous hinge-like frag 1 CSC 320 Misc. Hardware Ferrous hook- 1i ke 1 CSC 320 Misc. Hardware Ferrous mach inery? 2 esc 320 Misc. Materiat Ferrous plow parts?, not collected 5 CSC 320 Misc. Material Ferrous sleeve/fitting-like 1 CSC 320 Misc. Material Ferrous spike-like withspigot-like termina 1 CSC 320 Misc. Material Ferrous stove/firepiacegrate part 1 CSC 320 Misc. Material Mineral slag 14.70 1 CSC 320 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous misc., flat 2 CSC 320 Nai 1s Nail (s) Unidentified 4 CSC 320 Nai 1s Nai 1(s) Unidentified Fragments 3 CSC 320 Window Glass Pane Glass 3 ProvenienceTotal: 53 CSC 322 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Pearlware: Painted Rim 1 CSC 322 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 2 CSC 322 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified klhite Saltglazed 1 CSC 322 Construction Materials Brick Nand Made 80.90 1 CSC 322 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 2 1 CSC 322 Construction Materials Mortar 2 CSC 322 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Dark Green 1 CSC 322 Historic Bone Mollusk oyster 8.80 1 CSC 322 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not col lected 3 CSC 322 Misc. Hardware Ferrous polle tip? 1 CSC 322 Misc. 'items battery carbon,discarded 1 CSC 322 Misc. Items cobbles, not cotlected 5 CSC 322 Misc. Material Mineral slag 99.40 4 CSC 322 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected '1 5 CSC 322 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous chisel-like tool fragment? 1 CSC 322 Misc. Material Unidentified F:errous mi sc . 3 CSC 322 Nai 1s Nai 1(s) Cut 1 CSC 322 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified 3 CSC 322 Nai 1s Nail(s1 Unidentified Fragments 2 ProvenienceTotal: 66 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 65

Provenience C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Cmnts Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------...... ------CSC 324 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Stoneware burned, indet . CSC 324 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged feather Rim CSC 324 Ceramic Tableware Plate MSG: Molded basket Rim CSC 324 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Chinese Porcelain underglaze blue Rim CSC 324 Ceramic Tableware Saucer White Saltglazed Base CSC 324 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 324 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 324 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 324 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1 ware CSC 324 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 324 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 324 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 324 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 324 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern, disc. CSC 324 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base CSC 324 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 324 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster CSC 324 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not collected CSC 324 Misc. Hardware Staple Ferrous CSC 324 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 324 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected CSC 324 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous scrap/misc. fragments CSC 324 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unident if ied CSC 324 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 324 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 324 Other fasteners Spi ke Unidentified Fragments CSC 324 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem CSC 324 Stable/barn Horseshoe Ferrous fragment Provenience Total: 154 CSC 326 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 326 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Rim CSC 326 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 24.30 CSC 326 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 326 Fasteners But ton Plastic 9/16It dia. CSC 326 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern, disc. Amber CSC 326 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern, disc. CSC 326 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Machine Made colorless, disc. Base Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Histor ic Inventory Page 66

Proveni ence C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g) Qty ------...... - ...... ------CSC 326 Misc. Hardware Ferrous bail handle- like fragment I CSC 326 Misc. Items cobbles, not coliected 4 Provenience Total: 26 CSC 328 Ceramic Tableware Flatware Pear lware Base 1 CSC 328 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Base 1 CSC 328 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Base I CSC 328 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porce la in 1 CSC 328 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified I:reamware 1 CSC 328 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware 1 CSC 328 Construction Materials Brick Hand ~ade 1 CSC 328 Construction Materials Brick tiand Made not col lected 2 CSC 328 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern Green 1 CSC 328 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern 3 CSC 328 Misc. Hardware Ferrous hook- 1i ke 1 CSC 328 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected 4 CSC 328 Uindow Glass Pane Glass 1 Provenience Total: 19 CSC 330 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged shell green Rim 1 CSC 330 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 1 CSC 330 Construction Materiais Brick Pland Made 2 CSC 338 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 1 CSC 330 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern, disc. 1 CSC 330 Glass Storage Containers Jar Machine Made colorless, disc. Neck 1 CSC 330 Historic She1 1 Mot lusk oyster 3.40 1 CSC 330 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified 1 Provenience Total: 9 CSC 332 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware I CSC 332 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware 2 CSC 332 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue 1 CSC 332 Construction Materials Brick tland Made 1 CSC 332 Construction Materials Brick Nand Made not col lected 1 CSC 332 Glass Bev. Containers Pop Bottle Colored Glass Coke, disc. Green 4 CSC 332 Glass Storage Containers Bottle C:olor less Glass modern, disc. 3 CSC 332 Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster, not col lected 2 CSC 332 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected 6 CSC 332 P ipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 1 CSC 332 P ipes White Ctay Pipe, Plain Stem 1 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 67

Provenience Class Object ' Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------...... -*------CSC 332 Window G 1ass Pane Glass Provenience Tota l: 25 CSC 334 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster 1.40 CSC 334 Historic Shell Mot tusk oyster, not collected Provenience Total: 2 CSC 336 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Eng li sh Stoneware CSC 336 Ceramic Tableware Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 336 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware indet. CSC 336 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 336 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected CSC 336 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 336 Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous CSC 336 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 336 Window Glass Pane Glass

CSC 338 Anunition/Artillery Cannon Part Ferrous barrel? CSC 338 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 338 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 338 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern Amber CSC 338 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern CSC 338 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Solarized/Maganese modern CSC 338 Misc. Hardware Ferrous pulley part? CSC 338 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 338 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. CSC 338 Nai ls Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total: 24 CSC 340 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 340 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 8.70 CSC 340 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 340 Door and Window Hrdwre Hinge Ferrous ? CSC 340 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 340 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern, disc. Amber CSC 340 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern, disc. Blue CSC 340 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern, disc. CSC 340 Glass Storage Containers Closure Glass Lid Liner Opaque White CSC 340 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 340 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 68

Provenience Cl ass Object Datable Attribute Descriptor Ueight(g1 Qty ------...... ------CSC 340 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified i Provenience Total: 25 CSC 342 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified C:E: Buckley i CSC 342 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extdk. brown glaze 1 CSC 342 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware 2 CSC 342 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue - 1 CSC 342 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 13 CSC 342 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware 2 CSC 342 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware 2 CSC 342 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped Blue 1 CSC 342 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted B 1ue 1 CSC 342 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified MSG: Molded barley 1 CSC 342 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed ename 1l ed Green 1 CSC 342 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 111.70 2 CSC 342 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 48 CSC 342 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 12 CSC 342 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base 1 CSC 342 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck 1 CSC 342 Historic She1 1 Mollusk oyster .80 1 CSC 342 Historic Shell Mol eusk oyster, not collected 4 CSC 342 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected 10 CSC 342 Misc. Material Ferrous f tat, cast 1 CSC 342 Misc. Material Ferrous mi sc. 24 CSC 342 Misc. Material Mineral slag 100.50 2 CSC 342 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected 12 CSC 342 Nai ls Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments 4 CSC 342 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought 6 CSC 342 Pipes Uhite CLay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 1 Provenience Total : 155 CSC 343 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified E,oarse Earthenware orange, bisque,olive jar? a Provenience Total: 1 CSC 344 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extbrown glaze 1 CSC 344 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware 3 cse 344 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Delftware Base 1 CSC 344 Ceramic Tab1eware Plate Chinese Porcelain undergtaze blue Rim 1 CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged Queen's Rim 1 CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain 1 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 69

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnen t s Descriptor Ueight(g) ------*------...... ------CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Cream- Colored mottled glaze Rim CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Creamware CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Base CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware bisque CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified P: Pastel Polychrome CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Rhenish Blue and Grey CSC 344 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 344 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 344 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 344 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 344 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster 40.20 CSC 344 Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected csc 344 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass CSC 344 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected CSC 344 Misc. Material Ferrous mi sc. CSC 344 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 344 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected CSC 344 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments CSC 344 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought CSC 344 Other fasteners Spi ke Unidentified Fragments CSC 344 Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl csc 344 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem csc 344 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 114 csc 345 Ceramic Tableware Hol Loware Jackfield Ware ?, burned Base CSC 345 Construction Materials Mortar Sand Provenience Total: 2 CSC 346 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Whi teware CSC 346 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total : 2 CSC 347 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Whi teware Base CSC 347 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Uh iteware Rim CSC 347 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 347 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Uh iteware CSC 347 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 70

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) - _------*------...... ------Provenience Total: 8 CSC 348 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Mhenish Blue and Grey. inc ised CSC 348 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified WSG: Debased Scratch Blue CSC 348 Construction Materials Brick tland Made 40.20 Provenience Total: 6 CSC 349 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 349 Ceramic Tableware Jug Rhenish Grey manganese, reeded neck Rim CSC 349 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 213.30 CSC 349 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 349 Pi pes White CLay Pipe, Plain Stem 4/64 Provenience Total: 8 CSC 350 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain CSC 350 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 350 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 37.60 Provenience Total: 3 CSC 351 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware manganese stipple CSC 351 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not c01 lected CSC 351 Gtass Storage Containers Bottle Colored GLass Dark Green CSC 351 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base Provenience Total : 13 CSC 352 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 352 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified WSG: Molded basket CSC 352 Construction Materials Brick tland Made not collected CSC 352 Glass Storage Containers Bottle C:olored Glass Dark Green CSC 352 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 5/64 Provenience Total: 17 CSC 353 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware CSC 353 Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware: Edged Rim CSC 353 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 353 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 353 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware I -blue CSC 353 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Mhite Saltglazed CSC 353 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Mhite Slip-Dipped CSC 353 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 353 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 353 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Green-blue CSC 353 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 71

Proven ience Cl ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------CSC 353 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Neck CSC 353 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Base CSC 353 Misc. Items grey flint ballast CSC 353 Misc. Material Mineral slag CSC 353 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 64 csc 354 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Pear lware Handle CSC 354 Ceramic Tableware Saucer Chinese Porcelain underglaze blue Rim csc 354 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 354 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 354 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware CSC 354 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue CSC 354 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed I-burned CSC 354 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 354 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected CSC 354 GLass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 354 Historic She1 l Mol lusk oyster, not cot lected CSC 354 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 32 CSC 355 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 355 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green CSC 355 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Ceramic Ware Porcellaneous Provenience Total: 7 CSC 356 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue CSC 356 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 356 Construct ion Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 356 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total: 5 csc 357 Ceramic Tableware Holloware White Saltglazed Rim CSC 357 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Provenience Total: 2 CSC 358 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware CSC 358 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Blue CSC 358 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed CSC 358 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made CSC 358 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected CSC 358 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 72

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Ueight(g) ...... ------Provenience Total : 22 CSC 359 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware CSC 359 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 23.00 CSC 359 Uindow Glass Pane G lass Provenience Total: 4 ST 001 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 001 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Ereamware Rim ST 601 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 27.00 ST 001 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected ST 001 Historic She1 1 Mot lusk oyster, not coleected Provenience Total: 8 ST 002 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 002 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware R irn ST 002 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware ST 002 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made ST 002 Nai 1s Nai 1 (s) Unidentified Fragments ST 002 Window Glass Pane Glass 18th c.? Provenience Total: 11 ST 003 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 003 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware I-? ST 003 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 16.90 ST 003 Misc. Material Minera 1 Coal/Cinder discarded 7.20 Provenience Total: 6 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster (mar! fragment?) Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster, not collected Misc. Material Minera 1 slag Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Uindow Glass Pane Glass 18th c.? Provenience Total: 18 ST 005 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 005 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 2.70 ST 005 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected ST 005 Misc. Material Mineral slag 35.90 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 73

Provenience C1 ass Object Datable Attribute Coment s Descriptor Ueight(g) ...... ------.------Misc. Material Mineral slag, not cot lected Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass ? green- blue Provenience Total : 8 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 35.60 Glass Storage Containers Unident if ied Creamware Misc. Material Mineral slag Window Glass Pane Glass 18th c. Provenience Total: 7 Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Misc. Material Mineral slag Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Uindow Glass Pane Glass modern

Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Misc. Material Mineral s lag Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total : 31 Ceramic Cooking/Storage HolLoware English Stoneware Hand le Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied S: Staffordshi re bisque Misc. Material Mineral slag 93.10 Provenience Total: 5 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 3.80 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total : 7 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 11.80 Misc. Material Mineral slag 5.80 Provenience Total: 2 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified WSG: Molded diaper Misc. Material Mineral slag Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrough t Other fasteners Spike Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total: 5 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 74

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) -..-.------...... ------..------Provenience Total: 2 ST 014 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 014 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total: 2 ST 015 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown square-bodied Dark Green ST 015 Misc. Items amber 'flint ballast ST 015 Misc. Material Mineral slag ST 015 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not cot lected ST 015 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought ST 015 Stable/barn Horseshoe Ferrous fragment Provenience Total: 6 ST 0'96 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 016 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made ST 016 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected ST 016 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green ST 016 Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous Provenience Total: 9 ST 017 Ceramic Tableware Plate Pearlware: Edged shell green Rim ST 017 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 017 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 4.40 ST 017 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green ST 017 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass ST 017 Misc. Material Mineral slag ST 017 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought

ST 018 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified . American Brown ST 018 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 018 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware ST 018 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made ST 018 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green ST 018 Historic Shell Mot tusk oyster 2.00 Provenience Total: 11 ST 019 Misc. Items cobbles, not cot lected Provenience Total: 5 ST 020 Ceramic Tabteware Unidentified Creamware ST 020 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected Provenience Total: 6 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 75

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------ST 021 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1.40 ST 021 Glass Storage Containers Unidentified Creamware ST 021 Misc. Items cobble, not collected ST 021 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 4 ST 022 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1.80 Provenience Total: 1 ST 023 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 023 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected ST 023 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass ST 023 Misc. Items cobbles, not col lected ST 023 Window G 1ass Pane Glass 8.20 Provenience Total: 12 ST 024 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 024 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected ST 024 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green ST 024 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought Provenience Total: 15 ST 027 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 68.40 ST 027 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected ST 027 Misc. Material Mineral slag ST 027 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 9 ST 028 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, ext, clear giaze Provenience Total: 1 ST 029 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1.30 Provenience Total: 1 ST 031 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1.50 ST 031 Misc. Material Mineral slag 8.70 Provenience Total: 2 ST 032 Amnuni tion/Arti llery Buck and Ball Shot Lead ST 032 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extbrown glaze ST 032 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 032 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware ST 032 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Green ST 032 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected ST 032 Glass Storage Containers Bottle colored Glass Dark Green Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 76

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Weight(g) ------.- ...... ------Sf 032 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments ST 032 Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl Provenience Total : 16 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear [ware: Painted BLue Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Misc. Material Minera 1 slag Nai 1s Nai i(s) Unidentified Fragments Nai ls Nai l(s) Wrought Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bow[ Provenience Total: 10 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Unident if ied Engl ish Stoneware Ceramic Tableware Baking Dish Delftware bisque Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped BLue Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Rhenish Blue and Grey I - incised Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 17.60 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total : 9 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue Provenience Total: 2 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Engl ish Stoneware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 'I - burned Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Class Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Green Historic Shel B Mol lusk oyster, not collected Nai 1s Nail(s) Wsough t Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl Provenience Total: 29 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Engl ish Stoneware Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Delftware Rim Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Glreamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 77

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Cments Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------ST 037 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 44.70 ST 037 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected ST 037 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green ST 037 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not cot lected ST 037 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought ST 037 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 22 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made .80 Provenience Total: 2 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 1 - burned Provenience Total: 2 Amnunition/Artillery Buck and Ball Shot Lead Provenience Total : 1 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamwa re Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colored Glass Provenience Total: 2 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Provenience Total : 16 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 15.80 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass Dark Green Hand/Maintenace Tools Unidentified Ferrous socket for handle Misc. Material Mineral slag 21.20 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 20 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware Ceramic Tabl eware Unidentified White Saltglazed Provenience Total : 4 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified English Stoneware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Provenience Total: 2 Misc. Material Mineral slag 28.00 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic: Inventory Page 78

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Ueight(g) ...... -----*------Provenience Total: I Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored G 1ass Dark Green Provenience Total: 1 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total: 1 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made .30 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total: 3 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1 .oo Provenience Total : 1 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Misc. Material Mineral slag Provenience Total: 3 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Uindow G 1 ass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 7 Ceramic Tableware Bottle Colored Giass Dark Green Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Uindow Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 5 Ceramic Tableware Flatware C reaniware Rim Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied P: Pastel Polychrome Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearl.ware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Nai ls Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Nai 1s Nai ((s) Wrought Provenience Total: 21 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamwa re Construction Materials Brick Hand ~ide Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 79

Proveni ence C1 ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ST 062 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected ST 062 Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Provenience Total: 7 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 7.70 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total: 2 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 6.20 Misc. Material Mineral slag 161 -70 Provenience Total: 4 Misc. Material Mineral slag 13.80 Provenience Total : 1 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 13.30 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total : 39 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made .SO Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total: 3 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 5.00 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected Provenience Total: 5 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware bisque Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total : 4 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 2.60 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Tota 1: 7 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made .70 Provenience Total: 1 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total : 3 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Osborne (44CF102) Phase % Historic Inventory Page 80

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Ueight(g) Qty ------...... ------...... ------ST 087 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 3 ST 087 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected 2 Provenience Total : 9 ST 090 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1 Provenience Total: 1 ST 092 Ceramic Cooki ng/Storage Pan CE: Buckley Rim 1 Provenience Total: 1 ST 093 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 2 ST 093 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 3 ST 093 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 1 ST 093 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected 2 Provenience Total: 8 ST 106 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware: Printed a Red 1 ST 106 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware 1 ST 106 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 3.40 1 ST 106 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 16 ST 106 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 1 ST 106 Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster, not collected 1 ST 106 Window Glass Pane Glass 1 Provenience Total: 22 ST 107 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware 1 ST 107 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 1 Provenience Total: 2 ST 147 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green 1 Provenience Total: 1 ST 151 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1.50 I Provenience Total: 1 ST 152 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 3.20 a ST '052 Misc. Material Minera 1 slag 1.10 1 Provenience Total : 2 ST 154 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 3.20 1 ST 154 Construction Materials Siding Material Composi te discarded 22 ProvenienceTotal: 23 ST 167 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain 1 ST 167 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 3.00 1 ST 167 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected 4 ST 167 Construction Materials Mortar She1 1 8.80 2 Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 81

Provenience C lass Object Datable Attribute Comments Descriptor Ueight(g) ------*------Construction Materials Mortar She1 1 not collected Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 12 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware Cerami c Tabl eware Unidentified White Saltglazed Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col tected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Historic Shell Mollusk Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 45 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total: 1 Cerami c Tableware Uni dent if ied Creamware Provenience Total: 1 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made .90 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Nails Nai l(s) Wrought Provenience Total : 3 Cerami c Tabl eware CUP S: Staffordshire Rim Construction Materials Brick Hand Made .40 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Nai 1s Nai 1(s) Wrought Provenience Total: 9 Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Creamware burned Hand 1e Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected Construction Materials Uall Finishing plaster Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base Historic Bone Unsorted Bone Historic Shell Mollusk oyster Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 82

Provenience Class Object ' DatableAttribute Comments Descriptor Wei ght(g) ------...... ------...... ------ST 184 Misc. Hardware Unident if ied Ferrous key- 1i ke f ragme~t ST 184 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought ST 184 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 119 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Pearlware: Painted Blue Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Historic She1 l Mol lusk oyster, not col lected Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Pipes Ox Shoe Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 14 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1.60 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total: 4 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 25.90 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total: 5 Misc. Material Minerat Coa l/Ci nder 3.80 Provenience Total: 1 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1.70 Provenience Total: 1 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1 .I0 Construction Materiaes Brick Hand Made not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern, disc. Amber Glass Storage Containers Bottle Color less G lass modern, disc. Dark Green Provenience Total: 12 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 324.20 Provenience Total: 1 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 9.50 Provenience Total: 1 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 2.20 Nai l(s1 Unidentified Fragments Haits I Provenience Total: 3 Unidentified Creamware Hand Made Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 83

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnen t s Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------ST 200 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected ST 200 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments ST 200 Window Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 15 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 5.20 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total: 9 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 166.90 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected Historic Bone Unsorted Bone Historic Shell Mollusk oyster .50 Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster, not col lected Provenience Total: 55 Ceramic Tableware Uni dent if ied Pear lware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 17.10 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not col lected Misc. Material Mineral slag 6.30 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected Provenience Total : 10 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware burned Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 13.80 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Misc. Material Mineral slag .80 Misc. Material Mineral 1 - coal 2 - cinders 6.00 Provenience Total : 10 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Hol loware English Stoneware Rim Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Rhenish Grey Construction Materials Brick Machine Made 4.90 Construction Materials Brick Unidentified not collected Provenience Total : 5 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected Provenience Total: 1 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern, disc. Misc. Material Mineral slag 58.90 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 84

Proveni ence Cl ass Object Datable Attribute Comnent s Descriptor Weight(g) ------ST 210 Mist. Material Mineral discarded ST 210 Misc. Materiaa Mineral not collected Provenience Total : 50 Misc. Items cobbles, not collected Misc. Material Minerat slag, not cot lected Nai ls Nai l(s) Cut Provenience Total: 5 Cerami c Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total: 6 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Urought Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl Provenience Total: 2 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 8.60 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total: 4 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware I - burned Blue Ceramic Tableware Unidentified S: Staffordshire trai led Ceramic Tableware Unidentified White Saltglazed Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 12.90 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Historic Shell Mollusk oyster 1.90 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Stem 4/64 Provenience Totat: 13 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made .40 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Historic Shelt Mollusk oyster 1.oo Provenience Total: 4 Misc. Material Mineral Coal/Cinder 3.80 Misc. Material Unidentified Ferrous mi sc. Provenience Total: Misc. Material Mineral slag, not cot lected Provenience Total: Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 85

Proveni ence C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) ------...... ------ST 226 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made .70 ST 226 Nails Nai l(s) Unident if ied ST 226 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments ST 226 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wire Provenience Total: 6 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern Nai 1s Nai l(s) Cut Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Tota l: 7 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern Amber Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass modern Bright Green Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern Glass Storage Containers Bott le Machine Made extract- type, colorless Neck Misc. Material Mineral slag 1 .I0 Misc. Material Minerak Coal/Cinder not collected Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wire W indow G lass Pane Glass modern Provenience Total: 134 Misc. Contai n/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Provenience Total: 1 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue Construction Materials Brick Hand Made .90 Lighting Devices Light Bulb Glass discarded

Misc. Items , cobble, not collected Misc. Items slate Misc. Material Mineral Coal/Cinder Misc. Material Mineral Coal/Cinder not collected Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous Nai 1s Nai l(s) Cut Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Nails Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total: 62 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware bisque Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Historic Shell Mol lusk oyster Misc. Material Mineral slag Oshrne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 86

Provenience C1 ass Object Datable Attribute Descriptor Weight(g1 ------...... o------Nai is Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Pipes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl Provenience Total: 8 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 8.90 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not coi lected Pipes Uhite Clay Pipe, Plain Stem with heel 5/64 Widow Glass Pane Glass modern Provenience Total: 8 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Dipped polychrome Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Nai 1s Nai l(s) Cut Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Window Geass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 8 Ceramic Tableware Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Ceramic Tableware Hol loware Uhi teware: Printed Blue Rim Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Wh iteware Construction Materiaes Brick Machine Made Construction Materials Brick Unidentified not col lected Fasteners But ton Colored Glass 9/76" diameter Opaque White Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass late 19th-20th c. Amber Historic Bone Unsorted Bone . Historic Shell Mot tusk oyster Misc. ContaSn/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Misc. Material Mineral Coal/Cinder not collected Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous Nai 1s Nai l(s) Cut Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total : 156 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain burned Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Blue Construction Materiats Brick Hand Made Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 87

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Conents Descriptor Weight (g) ------...... ------ST 236 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected ST 236 Historic Shell Mot lusk oyster 26.10 ST 236 Historic She1 1 Mol tusk oyster, not collected ST 236 Misc. Material Mineral slag 1.50 ST 236 Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected Provenience Total: 26 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Late 19th-20th c. Green-blue Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Solarized/Maganese Misc. Material Mineral Coa l/Ci nder 6.90 Provenience Total: 6 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Bowl Coarse Earthenware orange, int. black iron glaze Rim Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Unidentified Construction Materials Brick Unidentified not collected Construction Materials Mortar Sand Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colorless Glass modern Misc. Material Mineral 84.10 Provenience Total: 8 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Misc. Material Mineral slag, not collected ProvenienceTotal: 18 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware bisque Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Green Misc. Material Mineral bog iron, not cot lected Window Glass Pane Glass ProvenienceTotal: 15 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 2.20 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total: 2 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear 1ware Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 88

Proveni ence Class Object Datable Attribute Comnents Descriptor Weight(g) --..------ST 242 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 3.90 ST 242 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected ST 242 Misc. Material Mineral s 1ag 46.10 ST 242 Misc. Material Mineral. slag, not collected Provenience Total: 62 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified CE: Buckley Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total: 2 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 2.10 Provenience Total : 3 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 1.90 Provenience Total : 2 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Refined Earthenware burned Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Nai 1s Nai t (s) Wrought Pi pes White Clay Pipe, Plain Bowl Provenience Total: 17 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Painted Green Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 82.90 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total: 9 Ceramic TabCeware Flatware Pear lware R im Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware 1 - burned Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Glass Storage Containers Bottle Mould Blown dark green Base Historic Shell Mollusk oyster Historic Sheti Mollusk oyster, not col lected Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 89

Proveni ence C 1ass Object Datable Attribute Descriptor Weight (g) ------...... ------Mist. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Provenience Total : 32 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 55.80 Provenience Total: 2 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 11.20 Misc. Material Mineral slag 5.30 Provenience Total: 3 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Engl ish'stoneware Ceramic Tableware Plate Creamware Rim Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Chinese Porcelain Underglaze Blue Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 18.20 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Construction Materials Mortar Shel 1 33.50 Construction Materials Mortar Shel l not collected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Historic Shel 1 Mot lusk Historic Shell Mollusk oyster, not collected Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrough t Uindow Glass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 56 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pearlware: Printed Blue Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Window G 1ass Pane Glass Provenience Total: 9 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Misc. Material Mineral bog iron, dircarded Misc. Material Scrap Metal Ferrous

Misc. Material Mineral slag Misc. Material Unidentified mi sc. Osborne (44CF102) Phase % Ijistoric Inventory Page 90

Provenience CLass Object Datable Attribute Comnen t s Descriptor Ueight(g1 ------...... -- ...... ------ST 271 Nai 1s Nai 1 (s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total: 4 Misc. Material Mineral slag 7.00 Provenience Total: 1 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not cot lected Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total: 3 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total: I Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Provenience Total: 4 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extblack iron glaze Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Nai 1s Nai l(s) Unidentified Fragments Provenience Total: 7 Ceramic Tabteware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 11.60 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Historic Shell Mol tusk oyster 1 .00 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought Pharmaceutical Contain. Vial Colored Glass Window G Lass Pane Glass Provenience Total : 42 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Construction Materials Brick Hand Made not collected Misc. Contain/Tablewre Unidentifiable Glassware Colorless Glass Provenience Total: 15 Ceramic Tableware Baking Dish Pearlware: Painted Blue Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 143.50 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green Provenience Total: 3 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware Ceramic Tableware Unident if ied Pearlware Osborne (44CF102) Phase I Historic Inventory Page 91

Provenience Class Object Datable Attribute Comnen t s Descriptor Ueight(g) ...... ------ST 322 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 4.10 ST 322 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made discarded ST 322 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Urough t Provenience Total : 22 ST 323 Cerami c Cooki ng/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, bisque ST 323 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 323 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Pear lware ST 323 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made ST 323 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made discarded ProvenienceTotal: 18 ST 326 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Unidentified Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extdark brown glaze ST 326 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 6.70 Provenience Total : 4 ST 327 Ceramic Cooking/Storage Holloware Coarse Earthenware orange, int/extclear glaze Rim ST 327 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Creamware ST 327 Ceramic Tableware Unidentified Delftware ST 327 Glass Storage Containers Bottle Colored Glass Dark Green ST 327 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought Provenience Total: 7 ST 328 Construction Materials Brick Hand Made 13.10 ST 328 Nai 1s Nai l(s) Wrought Provenience Total: 3 Site Total: 16071


Statute Acr2 = 4840 sq ,yd. Had - Pole = 5.5 yd. Chain = 4 Rad = 22 yd. = 66 ft. 10 sq. Chain = Statute Acre

Map by Ben Watkins copied by D, 22. SEF 1853

3treet.j runni~gto river 1(30 links wide = 1 chain Crass strests 60 links wide = .b chain Back side of town marked 46 chains

li2 acre la* Assumption: at least one side.wouid be a multiple of a chain Acre = 10 sq, chains 1.12 Acre' = 5 sq. chains

If the chain measurements an the maps are the short chains (1/2 full chain = 11 yd = 33 ft) then each lot would be 4 chains on the short side

9 lots acrass the short end of town = 36 chains 46 chains from map - 36 chains = 3.0 chains Map shows 5 streets to river (one on side) Each street = 160 links (full chain) = 2 short chains 5 streets = 10 chains, 9 lots = 36 chains == 46 chains

If abave is true, each 1at would be 5 short chains an long side

Qsborne Town Block

If the above calculations are correct, a 1./2 acre lot is 132 ft. by 165 ft. and a four lot block is 264 ft, by 330 ft. (8 short chains by 10 short chains)

The streets ta the river are 100 links (full chain) = 66 ft,

The cross streets are 60 links (full chain) = 39-6 ft.