Gebrochts and Kitniyus on Shevi'i Shel Pesach-Article and Sources

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Gebrochts and Kitniyus on Shevi'i Shel Pesach-Article and Sources Gebrochts and Kitniyus on Shevi’i Shel Pesach-Article and sources Making Gebrochts for Achron Shel Pesach/Shabbos after Pesach May one cook Gebrochts on Friday Shevi’i Shel Pesach for the sake of eating it on Shabbos? Some Poskim1 rule it is permitted to do so, and so is the custom of some.2 However, if one treats Gebrochts as if it is forbidden from the letter of the law, then some Poskim3 rule one may not cook it on Shevi’i Shel Pesach, and so is the custom of others.4 [Practically, every person should follow the rulings of his Rav. In absence of any directive, it is best to avoid cooking it on Yom Tov, and rather it is to be cooked on Erev Yom Tov, taking care to designate these utensils only for Gebrochts and not to reuse them anymore that Pesach.] May one cook Gebrochts/Kitniyos during Chol Hamoed Pesach for the sake of eating it on Shabbos that is after Shevi’i Shel Pesach? Yes.5 1 All Poskim who permit cooking Kitniyos [See Halacha 6 in Q&A]; Rav Akiva Eiger Beitza Mareches Zayin and Shut 1:5 regarding the Chumra of dried fruit and the same would apply here; Halef Lecha Shlomo 343; Minchas Yitzchak 7:33; Chazon Ish 49:15-16 [See however Chazon Ish ibid that if this matter is held as forbidden from the letter of the law then it is forbidden to cook on Yom Tov.]; Nitei Gavriel 3 19:9 in name of many Poskim and Gedolei Doreinu; Otzer Minhagei Chabad p. 255; Hiskashrus 39 p. 24 footnote 10; Rabbi Leibel Groner records that one year in which Shevi’i Shel Pesach fell on Erev Shabbos the Rebbe stated with dissatisfaction that Kneidlach were not made on Erev Shabbos to be served on Acharon Shel Pesach in his home. [Hiskashrus 45 p. 24; Otzer Minhagei Chabad p. 225] 2 The reason: As the refraining of eating Gebrochts on Pesach is merely a stringency and is not forbidden from the letter of the law, and it is thus not truly inedible on Pesach. Therefore, it is permitted to do so even according to those Poskim who rule that one may not cook Kitniyos on Yom Tov for the sake of Shabbos in Eretz Yisrael. [Poskim ibid] 3 Chasam Sofer O.C. 79 regarding dried fruits, and seemingly the same would apply to Gebrochts [However, see Sdei Chemed 6:6 that this ruling of the Chasam Sofer only applies in areas that no one eats dreid fruits/Gebcrochts on Pesach]; Chazon Ish 49:16 that if Gebrochts is held as forbidden from the letter of the law then it is forbidden to cook on Yom Tov just like the Poskim who rule it is forbidden to cook Kitniyos on Yom Tov; Rav Levi Bistritzky in Kovetz Tiferes Limelech and Shut Ara Degalil concludes that according to Admur one may not cook Gebrochts on Shevi’i Shel Pesach or even Chol Hamoed as according to Admur there is Chashash of Chametz even in owning it; Rav Eliyahu Landau Shlita related to me that his father never allowed Gebrochts to be cooked on Shevi’i Shel Pesach even if years such as the above. 4 The reason: As some Poskim rule one may not cook Kitniyos on Yom Tov for Shabbos and seemingly the same would apply to Gebrochts if it is held as an actual prohibition. The Chabad custom: Rabbi Leibel Groner records that one year in which Shevi’i Shel Pesach fell on Erev Shabbos the Rebbe stated with dissatisfaction that Kneidlach were not beforehand to be served on Acharon Shel Pesach in his home. [Otzer Minhagei Chabad ibid] It however makes no reference as to when in the Rebbe’s opinion the Kneidlach should have been made, before Yom Tov, or even on Yom Tov itself. Upon It .שביעי של פסח asking Rabbi Groner as to when the Gebrochts should be made he replied “If I remember correctly we make the Kneidlach on should be done much before lighting the Shabbos candles.” Thus, clearly Rabbi Groner did not receive a clear instruction from this story as to when the Gebrochts should be made, as otherwise there would be no room for his uncertainty. Rabbi Eli Landau told me that in his home they would not cook Gebrochts on Yom Tov for the sake of Shabbos even in such a year. 5 The reason it is not prohibited due to the prohibition of cooking on the Moed for after the Moed: As one may even cook on Yom Tov for the sake of Shabbos, and the Sages only required Eiruv Tavshilin on Yom Tov to cook for Shabbos and not on Chol Hamoed to cook for Shabbos. Now, although earlier we brought that according to some Poskim one may not cook Kitniyos on Yom Tov for the sake of Shabbos, and the same would apply to Gebrochts according to those who hold it is forbidden and not just a stringency, nevertheless, seemingly regarding Chol Hameod even these Poskim would be lenient as a) cooking on Chol Hamoed for after the Moed is only a Rabbinical prohibition; b) Cooking for Shabbos is a Tzorech Mitzvah that cannot be done another time. The reason why there is no prohibition in making Gebrochts: Seemingly, the stringency of Gebrochts is only with regards to eating and not to owning. See Admur 463:2 that even regarding roasted flour we are lenient regarding owning and benefit if cooked, and here this would seemingly apply even Lechatchila, as even the avoidance of eating is a stringency; So is also proven from the fact the Rebbe in the earlier years allowed feeding Gebrochts to children even initially, thus showing that we do not suspect for an owning prohibition. [See Toras Menachem 3:7]; So is proven from Maaseh Rav that the Rebbe had Kneidlach prepared on Erev Yom Tov for the last day of Pesach. [Otzer Minhagei Chabad p. 255]; We do not find any source for prohibiting wetting Matzah over Pesach if one does not plan to eat it. Hence, we do not avoid washing the floor or the table over Pesach even though there is certainly a crumb of Matzah to be found there. A similar difference between eating and owning can be found in the following areas: 1) One may not eat any amount of Chametz, although one may Biblically own less than a Kezayis of Chametz. 2) One may not eat Kitniyos although one may own it. There are many examples of cases brought in 442 and 447 of mixtures that may not be eaten but may be owned. Thus, unless one has explicitly received otherwise in his tradition, we cannot simply assume that the avoidance of Gebrochts includes not owning it over Pesach. However, see Rav Levi Bistritzky in Kovetz Tiferes Limelech and Shut Ara Degalil who concludes that according to Admur that Gebrochts is a real worry of Chametz one may not make it at all on Pesach. Copyright © A project of Page 1 Gebrochts and Kitniyus on Shevi’i Shel Pesach-Article and sources The Seder in Eretz Yisrael when Shevi’i Shel Pesach falls on Friday May one eat Kitniyos on Shabbos which follows the last day of Yom Tov in Eretz Yisrael?6 It is permitted to eat edible Kitniyos on Shabbos which follows the last day of Pesach.7 Thus, one may buy Chumus and Techina which are Kosher for Pesach during Chol Hamoed and eat it that Shabbos. May one cook the Kitniyos on Friday which is Yom Tov for the sake of eating on Shabbos?8 Some Poskim9 rule this is permitted to do so.10 Other Poskim11 rule it is forbidden to do so.12 Practically, one is to avoid doing so unless it is a time of need.13 May one cook Kitniyus during Chol Hamoed for the sake of eating on Shabbos? Yes.14 However, one must take the following precautions:15 a) One must designate a pot for the Kitniyus. The pot is not to be used for Pesach foods for at leats 24 hours. There is no need to Kasher the pot after Pesach. b) One is to check the Kitniyus for any infiltration of the five grains. This especially applies towards rice. May one eat Chametz that was sold to the gentile on Shabbos which follows the last day of Pesach in Eretz Yisrael? From the letter of the law, one may eat Chametz on this Shabbos.16 The Chametz is not considered Muktzah17, and one is not considered to be stealing from the gentile.18 However, the custom is not to do so in order not to get Chametz on one’s Pesach vessels and kitchenware.19 6 So is evident from all the early and late Achronim who deal with the question of cooking foods on Shevi’i Shel Pesach for Achron Shel Pesach and do not mention it as being Muktzah. [See Chukas Hapesach 453:1; Erech Hashulchan 453:4; Machazik Bracha 467:6; Chasam Sofer 79; Rav Akiva Eiger Beitza Mareches Zayin and Shut 1:5; Halef Lecha Shlomo 343] Tzitz Hakodesh 1:35; Birchas Mayim O.C. 446; Benei Binyamon in end of Sefer; Tzitz Eliezer 14:54; See Admur 310:4; Yechaveh Daas 2:64 Other Opinions: The Minchas Yitzchak 7:33 brings that according to some opinions Kitniyos is Muktzah on the Shabbos directly following Pesach being that it was set aside by Bein Hashmashos from being eaten. See Chazon Ish 49:16; Dovev Meisharim 1:49 7 The reason it is not Muktza: 1) Edible Kitniyos is not Muktza on this Shabbos, despite it being inedible during Bein Hashmashos, as it is similar to a cow which was slaughtered, that as soon as its prohibition leaves it is permitted, and only by those things which were pushed away with one’s hands and thus became Muktzah [such as candles/esrog/dried grapes] do they remain Muktzah even after their reason of Muktzah has left.
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