Board Meeting Minutes
Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board February 19th to 22nd, 2013 Inuvik, NT – Alex Moses Greenland Building Attending: Board: Jozef Carnogursky, Joel Ingram, Johnny Charlie, Cindy Allen, Charlie Snowshoe, Eugene Pascal, Charlie Snowshoe Staff: Amy Thompson, Janet Boxwell, Kris Maier, Kristen Callaghan, Nick Westover **, Cheryl Greenland Renewable Resources Council Members: John Norbert, Peter J. Kaye, Fanny Greenland, Barry Greenland, Juraj Carnogursky, Jeremy Mosher, Rita Carpenter, Kayla Meeting notes: Mary Beckett 1. Call to Order / Opening Prayer / Introductions Eugene Pascal called the meeting to order at 9:14 a.m. Barry Greenland said the opening prayer. Eugene Pascal asked everyone to introduce themselves. 2. Review & Approve Agenda Motion #2013-01 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agenda be approved as presented. Moved by: Joel Ingram Seconded by: Johnny Charlie Question called: CARRIED 3. Review & Approve Minutes Eugene Pascal commented there are three teleconference minutes and one Board meeting minutes. It was decided to go through each one and then pass a motion to approve. Amy Thompson commented that the meeting binder is now paperless. If anyone in the public would like copies of the items, staff can get things printed. After the meeting, each of the Renewable Resources Council Coordinators will have a copy of all the documents for you to have access at the Renewable Resources Council. a. June 12, 2012 Teleconference Board Meeting Motion #2013:02 Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board February 19th to 22nd, 2013 – Inuvik, NT APPROVED Minutes – Public Sessions page 1 of 75 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the June 12, 2012, minutes be approved as presented.
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