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Kkcbmco 6.90 for 14.2 Million 65, Over i ’ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, IM l Average Daily Net Prees Run PAGE SIXT EEW The Weather''/^' jKanrt|?jati?r ^wnitts For ta* Weak « a M Faraeaat af V. 8. WaatMe M N De«.<ii, luee Baoontaig partly 13,314 night, not aa eoid. Low iO-M, 9Mt T ^ Church Units }. day paitbr olaady, no* aa^idML'f A bout Tow n MamUer o f tlM Audit Afternoon terapensturee hi IHe’f l ^ Bonan of Oinalatloa Manchester-^A City o f Village Charm >n>* PolUh Ainerlc»n C5ub ■Win To O bserve I .............. .......iiiiiiiiiAiininiiai ,pon«r * pre-L«iten party Satui^ x : ^ «v«niu« at the clubhouse. 106 • Cimtoq S t A buffet will be tprved Day of Prayer VOL. LX X X, NO. 110 (EIGHTEEN PAGESf MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1961 (Classified Advertising on Page 16) PRICE FIVE CBNtE • a tS p.M.. and there will be dans- MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER FREE PARKING ing until 1 a.m. Church bells wiU ring at noon Rear of oUr store TWdsht'a neetins ot ^ e Italian on Friday, Feb.' 17, calling wor- Your Store of Village Charm .., Inspector Finds American Ladles' Auxiliary has ahippers to the Word Day of Pray­ ■ ' been canceled because of parking er service at 2 p.m. at the Center PUC Chairman Says 40 Dead Swine problems created by the snow. The , Congregational Church. anxillary will meet March 8 at the Theme of fhla year’s ohaerv- In East Hartford cluUiouae on Eldridge S t ance. aponaored by the Manches­ ter Council of Oiurch Women, New Haven Railroad Two Manchester residents and a will be "Forward Through the Samuel and John Lombardo, op­ Coventry resident have been made erators of the Eaatem Meat Peck­ new ciUxens at U S. District Court ?S e service will he preceded by a potluck luncheon at 12:30 p.m. ing Co. of Kaet Hartford, have in Hartford. They are Miss Anna at Center Church. Reservationa been arrested, charged with feed­ '■'.Edlte Fogelia 92 Woodland St., Can Be Revived Now i^ould be made as aoon aa pos­ ing tmcooked garbage to awine. 0 mM Miss Gilda Aujnra PeUto. 209 Spruce St., both of Manchester. sible with Church Council repre- Hie Lombardos were placed tm- senUtives in Individual churches Hartford, Feb. 9 (/P)— e pledged thalr auppoit of tax i»- a i« Mrs. Fay Laura Hietala, Oak or with Mrs. J. WiUia Kelley, der arrest Tuesday after Max Kor- For 14.2 Million 65, Over President George Alpert .of measures, Gbrove, Coventry. Engaged luncheon chairman. A nursery will Several biUa before the commit­ man, a livestock inspector for the The engagement of Miss Judith be provided from 12:30 through) the New Haven Railroad to­ tee would repeal the state’s gross State HealUi .Department, report­ Nancy Weber of Rockville to the service. day asked the General As- earnings tax on the railroad. This ed he found 40 dead pigs at the Jarold W. Spath of Branford is Church wotnten partidpating in tax now brings <1.2 millions in Lombardo farm which Ilea in Man­ acmUy to wipe out $394,000 in chester and Glastonbury off Hille- THURSOAY IS announced by her parents, Mr. and Uie worship service will be Mm. ' back taxes owed the state by revenue to the state yearly. The Mrs. Russell J. Weber. 26 Crown Clifford 0. Simpson, Center Con­ railroad has been operating at a town Rd. Calls for Increased St. Rockville. gregational Church; Mrs. Thomas the railroad and take quick deficit, however, and Is In arrears Korman was the complainant on Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Spano, Community Baptist action on other tax Yelief on Its tax payments. a warrant for the arrests. COLOR East Hartford Detectives George Mrs. Harold Spath of Branford. Church: Mrs. Walker Briggs, REGULARLY TO 4 9 .0 0 measures. \___ Loughlin, spoke in behalf of the Miss Weber U a 1958 graduate South Methodist Church: Mrs. “PUC and““Si a meiHber of the In­ Garrity and William Pottinger terstate Staff Committee that has served the warrants. of Rockville High School, and U Frank Starr. North Methodist Hartford, Feb. 9 (ff)— The Social Security Tax TV DAY in her junior year at the Univer- Church; Mrs. Carroll Nelson, proposed a 4-year financial felief Korman also reported that on A aitv o f Connecticut. chairman of the State Public program of some <54 railllona for Feb. 2 the ste..m b-iler which the Emanu^ Lutheran Church. the railroad. Connecticut's share SMRCACdorTV Mr. Spath is a 1958 graduate of Eleven women will participate Utilities Commission today company uses to cook garbage Washington, Feb. 9 (iPj-Lpresident Kennedy todty stol Branford High School, and is also told-a legislatiye hearing that of that would be <1.7 milllona an­ was frozen, some of the pipes were In a dramatisation; -"With Tomor­ nually. Congress a controversial health insurance program for 14.2 a Junior at the University of Con­ row Yet to Come,” written by he believed the New Haven broken, and there was evidence of necticut where he in enrolled in The ’ governors of Connecticut million Americans 65 or older. It would cost about |1A billton James Milton Buell. The. drama, Railroad could be “financially and Rhode Island have joined in BARLOyrSTV the School of Engineering. commemorating the 75th anni­ C^C^ntinued en Page Ten) annually in increased Social Security taxes. No date has been set for the and physically rehabilitated, urging thb. Interstate Commerce im t 'Mlnad Tpke.T-Bocldaiid versary of the World Day. of Pray­ Commission'' to act favorably on a Benefit outlays for the calendar year 1963, the first year of wedding. er. explains how the observance t The statement was made by Eu­ gene 8. Loiighlin, PUC chairman, request by the New Haven Rail­ full operatioh, are estimated at about $1.1 billion but solid started, developed through the road for a . <5 million loan guar years, and what may be done in bi urging the General Assembly spending figures do not go much further than that. to provide tax relief for the road. antee. State News In addition to calling in a special message for the health the future. ; Loughlin was one of aeveral The governors announced their Those taking part in the drama­ witnesses to testify during the position yesterday after the rail­ insura.nce levy against workers and employers, Kennedy tisation, aupplementing the serv­ first part of the hearing. road submitted the pi^tlon to the recommended spending many additional millions of dollars— ice, are Mrs. Donald Richter, Cen­ NOW’S^THE TIME TO BUY! President George Alpert of the ICC in Washington. *016 railroad R ou n d u p he didn’t specify the total—for safeguarding the natiob’s te r' Congregational; Mrs. Sarkis railroad and other railroad officials said it must have a substantial Meseriain, St. Mary's Episcopal; health and helping care for the ill from infancy through were among those waiting to tes­ part of the money by Feb. 15 to adulthood. Mrs. Wtothrop Ballard, Cbnir tify. meet the payroll “ and other items k munity ■ Baptist; Mrs. Hldward • FLEECES • TWEEDS • POLISHED FABRICS A spokesman for the Democrat­ which will then be due.” Ex-Judge Dies The President, basing his plea on what he called the harsh K CBMCO Ralph, - North Methodist; Mrs. ic administration ot Gov. John N. The railroad said it will supply consequences and sometimes crushing cost of illness, said the Every Friday Night At 8 P.M, Everett Johnson, Emanuel Luther­ _,t>Dempsey, and both Dem'ocratic In Bristol Fire spending he wants—apart from the insurance program under an; Mrs. Herbert Klecolt, Center dmknd Republican legislative leaders (Continued on Page Tep) Congregational; Mrs. Max Schu­ ^ MANY COLORS * MANY STYLES Social Security—would provide for: KNI8HTS OF COLUMBUS HOME bert, Concordia Lutheran; Mrs. Bristol, Feb. 9 {/P)— Former An increase in community health services and facilitleB Alfred Whitney, South Methodist; Judj|;e William J. Malone, 81, such as nursing homes, nursing aid and expansion of hospital 1 3 t MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER Mrs. William SpaUg. Salvation Sizes 5 to 15; 8 to 20; l4'/2 to lA V z Bristol, died early today of research and development, training of more doctors and d (^ Army; Mrs. Joel Hitt, Second Rev. A. L. Williams Congregational, and Mrs. Charles suffocation and burns in his tists through federal scholarships, a broader health care pro* Baxter, Center. Congregational. • lambs wool linad home. He had been smoking in gram for children and youth, more vocational rehabilitation Ushers will be Mrs. Reinhold bed. training of the disabled and expansion of medical research. Rautenbeng, Concordia Lutheran; . * orlon pile lined Resigns at St. Mary’s Malone, a Hfelong resident of "The health of our "nation,” the'f’ ........................... ...... Mrs. Mark W. Htth^ente'r Congre­ Bristol, was police court judge President said, "is a key to its fu­ gational; Mrs. Nicholaa Derewian- • full length The Rev. Alfred L. Williams, rec­ for 30 years and a former state ture—to Its economic vitality, to ka. Community Baptiat; Mrs. Ken­ tor of St. Mary’s Elpiscopal Church, representative. the mprale and efficiency of -its Kennedy Aides LAST CHANCE neth Ogren, Covenant Congrega­ • ihort with last night submitted his resigna­ He was graduated from Yale citizens, to our success in achiev­ tional; Mr*. Ruaaell Miner, North raccoon collar tion to the vestry of the church. Law School and eegired^in World ing our own goals and dem­ JUNIOR SqOME UNOE LE8S0H8 Methodist; and Mrs. Hugo Carl The resignation, submitted "for War I as a major in thC Air Force.
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