download sql file starfield Page not found. Here are some similar questions that might be relevant: C# Equivalent of SQL Server DataTypes .NET Format a string with fixed spaces and Connection Pooling How to get the connection String from a database Why not inherit from List? How to register multiple implementations of the same interface in Asp.Net Core? Access MS SQL Server with ntlm authentication from .net core app on Setting connection string with username and password in ASP.Core MVC What replaces WCF in .Net Core? PeachPie WordPress with MS SQL Server. If you feel something is missing that should be here, contact us. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. How To Run WordPress On SQL Server. You might not realize it, but it is possible to make use of SQL Server to run a WordPress site, albeit with a slightly complex and roundabout setup process which requires a degree of patience and expertise to orchestrate correctly. Of course, if you are well versed in the ins and outs managing a server, handling everything from SQL server blocking to hardware faults and beyond, then you may still be eager to take the plunge and attempt WordPress integration. To that end, here are some tips on the options you have for achieving this, ranging from the straightforward to the more challenging. Make use of comprehensive tools. Rather than having to start tackling the issue of getting WordPress and SQL Server to play ball with one another from scratch, it makes sense to take advantage of the hard work that others have already done to overcome it. Project Nami is one such solution, which was built from the ground up to allow the SQL server to act as the app database on which WordPress operates. There are some conditions that need to follow and limitations to consider with this route; it is only compatible with SQL Server 2012 or later, so if for some reason your database is running on an older version then it will not support. Although the group to which this problem applies is vanishingly small. Another issue to keep in mind if you take this route is that not all WordPress plugins are supported since this is a forked version of the platform and so compatibility is not guaranteed. Even so, the team behind this platform is constantly tweaking, improving, and updating it. With crowdsourced support from users helping to cover the cost. The good news is that the project is free to access and use. So, you can take it for a spin without needing to commit any cash upfront. Take a different approach. If you are willing to get your hands dirty and find a slightly more fiddly workaround for getting WordPress to run on SQL Server, then this guide is worth considering in more detail. It outlines the steps involved in effectively duping WordPress into accepting SQL Server. As its database in part by piggybacking on the implementation of MySQL that is on support. The main downside of this approach is that it is at SQL Server 2008. So your success at getting the results you want with newer iterations will vary. WordPress on SQL Server: Use an alternative. Ultimately you may decide that the hassle involved in getting WordPress to cooperate with SQL Server is too great. In which case you will almost certainly be better off sticking with MySQL. The officially supported database management system that is in this particular CMS. The advantage of sticking with MySQL is that it is open source. So, does not necessarily come with the same costs as are with ’s SQL Server. Indeed the aforementioned Project Nami is reliant on integration with Azure. Which adds extra costs to the process of integration, whereas the native support for MySQL in WordPress avoids these. It is also entirely possible to migrate from an SQL Server database to MySQL with comparative ease. Which could provide you with another way to embrace WordPress. Without having to find a workaround for the conflicts and incompatibilities. That exists between it and Microsoft’s platform. Should you feel overwhelmed by any of this, it makes sense to let a professional assist you. With any kind of WordPress adoption or migration, as this will iron out issues effectively. Install WordPress with SQL database. I am very new to WordPress. I didn't even know it existed until I had to do it for my work. So I started in with a WAMP server with WordPress. That worked fine until we needed multiple sites with WordPress, so I had to move it over to IIS. That still had MySQL involved and the CTO of the company wants it to run on SQL instead. I have Installed a fresh copy to mess around with from here "" then I downloaded and installed db-abstraction. That done, I extracted them to the location I wanted (wordpress/[site]). Log into your current site and export your data as an xml file Disable all your current plugins Back up your existing config. file Download the plugin package. Upload wp-db-abstraction.php and the wp-db-abstraction directory to wp-content/mu-plugins . This should be parallel to your regular plugins directory. If the mu-plugins directory does not exist, you must create it. Put the db.php file from inside the wp-db-abstraction.php directory to wp-content/db.php Visit $your_wordpress_url/wp-content/mu-plugins/wp-db-abstraction/setup-config.php to generate your wp- config.php file Install WordPress Log into the newly installed system and import your data Reinstall and test your plugins. Up to step 6 it works fine. Then when I try and go to the php page, 1) I can't set the database type from MySQL to SQL 2) about 50% of the time I get a 500 error. I really don't know if this makes any sense to anyone. I'm sorry if I am confusing you as it really confuses me as well. Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks. 1 Answer 1. Install WordPress Locally. WordPress is well-known for its ease of installation. Under most circumstances, installing WordPress is a very simple process and takes less than five minutes to complete. If you wish to install WordPress on local, the following guide will help. Before install WordPress Checking to ensure that you and your web host have the minimum requirements to run WordPress. Step 1: Download WordPress. Download the WordPress package to your local computer from Unzip the downloaded file to a folder on your local computer. Steep 2: Create MySQL Database and User. WordPress stores its information in a database. Therefore, a database will need to be created. For Step 1: Create A Database. For Step 2: Create Database Users, enter the database user name and password . For Step 3: Add User to the Database, click the All Privileges checkbox . For Step 4: Complete the task, make note of the database name, username and password, as you will need them for next step. Step 3: Configure wp-config.php. The wp-config-sample.php file contains the database information and tells the WordPress application which database to pull information from. This step must be completed to ensure the correct database information is associated with the WordPress installation. The wp-config-sample.php file can be found in folder where WordPress is installed. To modify the file: Go to folder where WordPress is installed From the folder, open wp-config-sample.php in a text editor Right click on the file, select Rename and change the name of the file to wp-config.php. Right-click on the wp-config.php file and select Code Edit. When the file opens, look for the following information: define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘database_name_here’);/** MySQL database username */ define(‘DB_USER’, ‘username_here’);/** MySQL database password */ Replace database_name_here with the name of the database you created (above in step). Replace username_here with the username of the database you created. Replace password_here with the password of the database that you created. When done editing, click the Save Changes button, then close the file. Step 4: Run the Installation. Open a new browser window and go to the installation page to run the installation script. Depending on where you installed the script, you will find it at either of the following URLs: Loading following URL into your web browser: Be sure to replace wordpress in the example above with your actual folder name. You should now see a welcome page that says “Welcome to the famous five minute WordPress installation process!” Step 5: Complete the Installation. On this page, fill in the fields for: Password (needs to be entered twice) Email address (login information will be sent to this email address) Select whether or not to have the search engines index the site. Click Install Now, and you should be taken to the final screen, showing the success message. Where/how to install sql folder files from my site developer. Hello! Full disclosure: I don’t know crap about crap! I am a HUGE DUMMY (but I learn fast and can usually just hash my way through things like this). That said, I hired somebody to rebuild my site for me in WordPress and they seemingly did, but to conclude the job, after I paid them, they simply dumped on me a WP folder and an sql folder with .sql files in it and no instructions on how to install this. Then they ghosted. I was able to get the WP stuff FTPed to my Dreamhost root folder, log in to WP and set up the account, but my site is still the blank WP template. I know the actual site they built is in the wp files somewhere (I see the images in a folder), and I assume this is an issue of the sql files not being migrated to the right place. I have set up the mysql database in dreamhost, and the site seems to be talking to it because it wouldn’t even give me the WP login before I updated the wp-config file, but I think the sql files need to be put somewhere specific for the site to work correctly. I tried to dump all the .sql files in the sql folder on to the database through phpmyadmin and it only took half of them and failed the rest. I rest the database and now it’s the default stuff in there. Any ideas on what needs to happen? I assume this is like internet person 101 that takes experienced people 40 seconds. I hope it’s that… Monthly Archives: October 2010. Exporting and Importing WordPress using Go Daddy Hosts. The following instructions are for moving a self-hosted WordPress website from one Go Daddy host to another Go Daddy host, but it can probably be adapted to fit any transfers of hosts if you’re willing to do a little troubleshooting. NOTE: If you are using the local server software MAMP, you will just go directly to the “phpMyAdmin” and begin the the download steps. When doing the Find and Replace of the mySQL database, you will (probably) replace “http://localhost:8888/mysite” with “” Step 1. Backup! Download a backup of the entire WordPress website from the original Go Daddy host. Better safe than sorry! Step 2. Get to your PHP ADMIN. Login to Go Daddy account hosting the WordPress website to be transfered Under “My Products” click HOSTING Under Products/Web Hosting, look for “Control Center” and click LAUNCH (for the respective account) A new window pops up. From the list, click DATABASES , then click MYSQL A list of your databases appears. Select “Manage via phpMyAdmin” You will need to enter the DB’s Username and Password Note: U+P were created when the DB was created This is NOT the same as you Go Daddy main account login info. Step 3. Download the mySQL Database. You will now be at the Starfield page (see figure). Click “Export” then: In the Export box, select JUST the database file name ( don’t select “information_schema”) Below, “SQL” should already be selected/checked In Options , check box “Add Drop Table…” Check box “Save as file” Click “Go” You will then be prompted to save the file. Go ahead and do so. Step 4. Prep the database for its new domain. Open the dowloaded database SQL file with a text editor (NOT WORD, I recommend the free “Text Wrangler”) Find and replace all test/local URLs with the new domain URL (replace “” with “”) DELETE the lines of text, listed below, found in the first section of the text – they will create an error when importing later: — Database: `yourolddatabasename` CREATE DATABASE `yourolddatabasename` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; USE `yourolddatabasename`; Save the file. Step 5. Upload the revised database to the new domain. Login to the new hotst domain’s GoDaddy Account. Under “My Products” click HOSTING Under Products/Web Hosting, look for “Control Center” and click LAUNCH (for the respective account) A new window pops up. From the list, click DATABASES , then click MYSQL Create a new database. You probably will not be able to use the exact same previous DB name since it is already used on your test site/used on GoDaddy, so you’ll need to create a new name for the DB. Make sure you save the new DB’s username and password. It may take a few minutes for the DB Status to go from “pending” to being “setup” before you can continue. When the DB status is “setup”, click “Manage via phpMyAdmin” You will need to enter the DB’s Username and Password Note: U+P were just created above. This is NOT the same as you Go Daddy main account login info. Once on the Starfield (phpMyAdmin interface) homepage (see figure below): select the database name on the left click the “Import” tab Under “File to import” – browse to select the mySQL DB you just updated, and then click “Go” You should get a “success” message Get the DB host info (while still in the Control Center: Databases > mySQL, click the “pencil” icon to bring up this information) and save this for the next step. Step 6. Update the WP file to recognize your new DB and upload files to Domain Server. Using a text editor (NOT WORD), open the “ wp-config.php ” file. You will need to update (see figure below): name of database username (same as above) password (case sensitive) DB host info (from last bullet in Step 5) Upload the contents of the the WP folder to the root level of the Domain Server. Note: If there is already a website on the current Domain Server, create an folder named “Archive” and move all other folders into it EXCEPT “Stats” Refresh the new site URL and do a quality check to make sure all items transferred correctly. There may be a few things that will need tweaking. While you were sleeping… My webucation of WordPress on a self-hosted web server took an interesting turn as one of my clients upped the level of urgency on redesigning their website. While still feeling very green (and rightfully so), I had to take the plunge – and am happy to say that I did not drown (and neither did my client). I searched for a suitable WP Theme which would suit the content for the client, and conversely would allow me to adapt the content to the theme. By lucky chance, I found a near perfect theme which fit those needs. According to one of my webby friends, the theme was much more put- together and intuitive for use than others he had used. (Note: not having any other experience to compare this to – we’ll have to see if it’s true.) The provider of this life-saving theme was Templatic . And reasonably priced, too! During the process, I had hosted their test site on my own domain, hosted on Go Daddy. I learned how to download the MySQL database from Go Daddy, update the datebase links to fit the new site where it would live, and then upload the updated database for the website. This exact process will appear in a blog entry to come soon. To make a long story short, my client’s site is now up and running, and they are happy. I am happy as well, and ready to pick back up with my webucation.