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T the Court afc JfSmftmr,.. the 9th: 4ay of istered to him, and he took his place .at the Board A December* 18682*. . ; -- v accordingly. - .'.... ' :.""* :'• PRESENT,- ; ' •;;,".•.';; ".".: •".: This day the Right- Honourable took the oath of First Lord of Her The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty 'in Council.' Majesty's Treasury. ER Majesty in Council was:thris day pleased _ Her. Majesty having been pleased to deliver the H to declare George custody of the Privy »Seal to the Right Honourable Frederick Samuel, Earl de Grey and Rippu, Lord John, Earl of Kimberley, the oath of the Keeper President of Her Majesty's Most Honourable of'fhe Privy Seal was this day administered to Privy Council, and his Lordship, having taken the him, and his Lordship took his place at the Board oaths of office, took his place at the Board accord- accordingly. ingly. This day the Right Honourable John , Viscount Sydney, took the oath of Lord Cham- berlain. Her Majesty having been pleased to appoint T the Court at Windsor, the 9th day of the Most Noble George Douglas, Duke of Argyll; A December, 1868. the Right Honourable George William Frederick, PRESENT, Earl ot Clarendon ; the Right Honourable Gran- ville George, Earl Granville ; the Right Honour- The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. able Edward Cardwell; and the Right Honourable npHIS day, -, Esquire, was, by Her Henry Austin Bruce, to be Her Majesty's Five JL Majesty's command, admitted as a Member Principal Secretaries of State, they were, this day, of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, by Her Majesty's command, sworn Her Majesty's and took his place at the Board accordingly. Principal Secretaries of State accordingly. Her Majesty having been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable Robert Lowe, Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of Her Majesty's Exche- T the Court at Windsor, the 9th day of quer, he took the oath of Chancellor of the A December, 1868. Exchequer. PRESENT, This day the Right Honourable Spencer Compton Cavendish (commonly called the Mar- TheQUEEN'SMost Excellent Majesty in Council. quess of Hartington), took the oath of Her Ma- rpHIS day, Hugh Culling Eardley Childers, jesty's Postmaster-General. JL Esquire, Austen Henry Layard, Esquire, This day the Right Honourable Hugh Culling and William Edward Forster, Esquire, were, by Eardley Childers took the oath of First Lord of Her Majesty's command, sworn of Her Majesty's the Admiralty. Most Honourable Privy Council, and took their This day the Right Honourable George places at the Board accordingly. Joachim Goschen took the oath of President of the Poor Law Board. Her Majesty in Council was this day pleased to T the Court at Windsor, the 9th day of appoint the Right Honourable John Bright Presi- December, 1868. dent of the Committee of Council for Trade. A This day the Right Honourable John Bright PRESENT, made the requisite affirmation, in lieu of the oath The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. of office, as President of the Board of Trade. This day the Right Honourable Austen Henry ER Majesty in Council was this day pleased Layard took the oath of Chief Cominissioiicr of H to deliver "the Great Seal to the Right Works and Public Buildings. Honourable Sir William Page Wood, Knight, whereupon the oath of Lord Chancellor of Great Her Majesty in Council \\rus tin's day plussc:! to Britain, was, by Her Majesty's command, admin- direct that the Right Honourable William EihvarJ