The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of expresses its joy at today's 55th anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Agreement, the bilateral international law that regulates the territorial Dispute over , and the only instrument which guarantees both a practical and satisfactory solution to this dispute as well as the overcoming of the differences with the sister Cooperative Republic of .

February 17, 1966, recalls Venezuela's intense efforts before the United Nations to achieve that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and , which was close to independence by that time, to commit themselves through this valuable bilateral treaty to amicably negotiate a practical and satisfactory settlement which would overcome the horrors of the great fraud that wounded Venezuela in 1899 with the plundering against its territorial integrity of one of its largest regions: its Guayana Esequiba.

Fifty-five years after its signature, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has demonstrated its unalterable conviction for peace, friendship and genuine cooperation between brotherly countries that will live together forever, as well as its unrestricted respect for all the principles of International Law. In this context, Venezuela maintains its unwavering struggle for the amicable negotiation that will lead to a true, fair, and proper peaceful solution that will reestablish the historical truth and compensate the unfair damage caused by the fraudulent action consummated by the United Kingdom.

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela calls on its Guyanese counterpart to desist, in the spirit of the Geneva Agreement and the historic neighborliness between our peoples, from incorporating third parties in the territorial dispute, since their clear geopolitical and geoeconomic interests disturb bilateral relations and jeopardize regional peace.

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, summons the spirit and unstoppable strength of the People to continue walking together the paths of the Bolivarian Diplomacy of Peace in defense of our legitimate rights over the Guyana Esequiba, as a free and sovereign Homeland built on the independence deed of the Liberator Simón Bolívar.

The Venezuelan sun rises over the Esequibo.

Caracas, february 17, 2021