and Walton Residents Association

Minutes of the Meeting held 20th August, 2019

1. Present Chairman Clive Elcome

Vice Chairman Gillian Hein

Treasurer Robin Parr-Davies

Secretary Gillian Bockmeulen

Committee Jeffrey Temple, Geoff Hewitt, Richard Harris, George Curry

Councillors Jeff Harris (SCC), Rachel Turner

Apologies: Ann Liddle, Patricia Brookwick, Cllr.Rod Ashworth, Cllr Jamie Paul, Mike Fox

2. Councillors Reports:

Cllr. Rachel Turner:

Cllr.Turner reported that she has joined Age Concern Banstead and received a warm welcome. She has been dealing with parking and planning issues. Rachel has received positive comments about Tadworth in Bloom from residents. Eight planters from Borough Council have been distributed throughout the new ward with two being sited at the Shelvers Way shops.

Cllr. Jeff Harris:

Jeff reported on the matter of parking outside the TSB in Tadworth. There have been complaints about this and it is an enforcement issue as drivers are parking on double yellow lines. He requested that information be added to the website advising drivers not to park on pavements and grass verges.

He advised that Kingswood road bridge will operate a traffic light system as it has been deemed unsafe for traffic to pass on both sides of the bridge. Junction 8 on the M25 and A217 road will be widened with work scheduled to start in mid-November. He has attended meetings with Highways England, the organisation responsible for this work, as it is anticipated there will be considerable disruption. No public consultation has taken place for the work which will cost 5 million pounds.

He thanked the Chairman for re-arranging the TWRA Agenda to accommodate the Councillors. He also confirmed that some more tree stumps have now been removed.

Asked about the delay in tree-planting in our area which has been caused by County Council’s decision to stop all street tree planting in the county, he hoped that information would be received within the next 2-3 weeks that will allow our Autumn/Winter planting plan to resume.

3. Planning: Walton - Richard Harris

Richard reported that no major planning applications had been received although it is understood that the Kitlands site plan has now been submitted to RBBC and will be discussed at the September TWRA meeting.

Robin gave an update regarding WHGC’s plan to relocate the clubhouse following a meeting Gillian and he had with the Chairman of the Golf Club. A planning application has been submitted for the site of the present clubhouse which includes details for 4 detached houses and a block of 10 apartments. The plan includes retaining the hedge on Deans Lane.

The new clubhouse proposal is yet to be registered with the Council and it is proposed to hold a public meeting on Tuesday 29th (To be confirmed) October to which the golf club representatives will be invited to respond to questions about their plans. Details will be announced shortly and it is hoped that Riddell Hall will be the venue. It was agreed to arrange a meeting with Grant Webster, Chairman of the Walton Forum.

Two letters in response to the Highlands and Fidelity planning applications have been sent on behalf of the TWRA by Gillian.

4. Planning: Tadworth - Gillian Hein

Gillian reported that there was little to report on planning in Tadworth but there has been an application to convert a house in Shelvers Way into two dwellings.

She reported that Legal and General have submitted a planning application for 270 apartments on the former site in Kingswood. The Kingswood Residents Association are dealing with this matter.

5. Tadworth Railway Station: - Gillian Hein

Following recent disruption to services / have allocated 30,000 pounds for improvements to Tadworth Station and had invited suggestions on how this money could be spent. Cycle racks, raising the level of the platform and replacement seating were amongst the suggestions and a decision will be made soon.

6. Jubilee Woodland: - Gillian Hein

Further to the award of 10,000 pounds for play equipment Gillian was pleased to announce that a further 7,000 pounds has been received from the Pocket Park’s Scheme by Reigate and Banstead Council. It is hoped to improve the paths in the Woodland with this money.

Fenland, the contractor who is installing new play equipment should now start work next week.

Gillian, Rachel and Jill had visited the Men in Sheds to discuss their work and have now placed an order for bird boxes, a wigwam and a Mini-Library. This will cost 190 pounds plus a donation. It is hoped the bird boxes will be ready before the Seed Gathering Event in October when it is proposed to invite children to decorate them.

Gillian confirmed the arrangements for the unveiling event in the Woodland on 15th September when the Mayor will attend. It starts at 3.00 p.m. and the Mayor will arrive at 4.00pm. The Committee was asked to help with the erection of the Gazebo in the morning. It was agreed to invite the vicar and priest as well as the Beavers and Rainbows to the event.

Gillian also reported on the proposal by Daniele Hyett to run a Forest School in the rear part of the Woodland during term time only. She has submitted copies of her qualifications, insurance and day plan which have been approved. Initially this will be on a trial basis. There were no objections to her proposal.

Robin reported on a meeting he, Rachel and Vic Broad had attended at the Town Hall with Caroline Waterworth, the new legal advisor, concerning the Jubilee Woodland Agreement. She has suggested that it is incorporated within the TWRA Constitution and has also suggested that a Terms of Use form is given to all groups who wish to use the Woodland.

7. Future Projects:

A sub-group is to be convened to discuss this. Jeff Harris suggested that the Litter Pick information should be better advertised and also that the Committee could consider cutting the hedges overhanging the pathments where necessary. This might help elderly or disabled residents who are not able to maintain their gardens.

8. Minutes and Matters Arising:

Jeff Temple confirmed that he is still working on the Contacts List. He also confirmed that no work has started on No. 56 Cross Road.

Proposed: Geoff Hewitt Seconded: George Curry

9. A.O.B.

Tony Andrews has requested that work on the website should be channeled through one person on the Committee and Clive offered to speak with him.

Gillian reported on the Reigate and Banstead Corporate Plan which has a deadline for comments of 16th September. It was felt that little detail was available on issues such as finance. Gillian will write to the Council.

The Litter Pick will take place on 27th October between 10-12 and 2-4.

Autumn Newsletter:

It was agreed that all submissions should be received by mid-September and it is hoped the Newsletter will be ready for distribution at the start of October.

Jubilee Woodland - Gillian Hein Contacts - Jeff Temple Tadworth in Bloom - Patricia Brookwick Seed Gathering Event - Patricia Brookwick, WHGC - Robin Parr-Davies Pavement Parking - Clive Elcome Hedges - Jeff Harris Planning - Gillian Hein

George Curry advised the Committee about the petition he is hoping to present to Reigate and Banstead Borough Council concerning noise pollution from the M25. 400+ signatures are required in order for a debate to be held at the Council. Details can be found at:

and details will be put on our website and given to the TWRA membership, Walton Forum, the History Society and the Residents Association.

10. Treasurer’s Report: - Robin Parr-Davies

Income received of 10,000 pounds. Subscriptions received to date of 4,700 pounds Expenditure of 9890 pounds of which 6,104 pounds for Tadworth in Bloom. There is a bank balance of 33,000 pounds of which 6000 and 500 pounds are earmarked for Autumn Tree planting and the Jubilee Woodland Celebration event.

11. Correspondence:

Gillian had received a letter from Reigate and Banstead Borough Council concerning Polling Districts i.e. locations of polling stations following the changes to ward boundaries. There were no concerns relating to our current polling stations.

Date of the Next Meeting: 17th September 7.00 p.m. ​

Post Meeting:

George has suggested we invite Catherine Banks, who runs a local Tadworth recycling initiative, to speak at the next meeting.