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Program 8th edition

TANGiER, 11TH TO 14TH Novembre event program medays Forum 2015

TANGiER, Morocco 11TH TO 14TH November

MEDays Forum by the Amadeus Institute 6, Rue Annassime, Sect. 9 Bloc I, Hay Riad 10100, Rabat - Morocco

Phone: +212 (0)537 71 70 82 / 40 59 Fax: +212 (0)537 57 11 83 E-mail: [email protected] www.amadeusonline.org www.medays.org

© 2015 Institut Amadeus. All Rights Reserved 4 | MEDays Forum 2015 AMADEUS INSTITUTE | 5

Morocco and to establish a Moroccan civil society class, Memorandum Constitutional Reform and the that Amadeus Institute represents, at the heart of study “Morocco-: 15 recommendations for a Amadeus Institute dialogues and discussions at the international scale. responsible and sustainable co-development”, not to mention the magazine Geopolitik, specialized in In 2009, Amadeus Institute has also initiated and international relations and launched in 2012. Seven years of a moroccan Think Tank organized the first regional conference on « Gov- ernance and economic development » in Marrake- The main goal of these publications is to bring ch, an event that has witnessed the participation of Amadeus Institute closer to the academic world Maghreb and European officials, representatives of but also from the political and economic decision the , representatives of civil society makers at the national scale by proposing in-depth as well as highly acclaimed academics. analysis, benchmarks, and concrete propositions.

Strengthened by this international credibility, Ama- These tools, essential to a think tank with an in- Goals and Missions The reference ranking «Global Go Think tank 2013» deus Institute receives more and more delegation ternational scope, allow to share readings, analysis published by the prestigious University of Pennsyl- in official visit to Morocco. These meetings and ex- and propositions of Amadeus Institute on national Amadeus Institute is a professional research center vania and announced at the United Nations, has changes are the opportunity to raise the questions or global questions, in a regular, dynamic and ac- founded in 2008 and based in Rabat. Initially posi- ranked Amadeus Institute 13th on the MENA region of the reform engaged in the Kingdom but also to cessible fashion. Most importantly, it is about pop- tioned as a laboratory of ideas tackling issues linked (, and included). discuss the great regional and international topics, ularizing reflection as well as strategic and pro- to the Euro Mediterranean region, it has expanded through the vision and the reading of an indepen- spective watch on forefront international issues. its scope to evolve into a credible interlocutor on Amadeus Institute is also ranked first think tank in dent Moroccan think tank. global themes, particularly focused on emerging the Maghreb region and 6th in the Arab world. Ref- Beyond the considerable enrichment on key sub- countries. erenced in 2010 and ranked 28th in 2011, 18th in Realizations and Publications: jects about Morocco and Southern countries in 2012, Amadeus Institute carries on progressing and general (international security, economic crisis, The major strategy of Amadeus Institute is to favor aims to integrate the top 10 MENA and African think Since its creation in 2008, Amadeus Institute has good governance, cooperation and development), interaction between government, private sector and tanks in 2015. distinguished itself by numerous scientific doc- these documents are also perceived by academia civil society through the organization of numerous uments published: MEDays annual report, Global as tools and academic references of high value. conference and workshops on the international level As the main event organized by Amadeus Institute, Growth Outlook, White paper Education/Middle such as MEDays forum or the Global Growth Confer- MEDays Forum is ranked 49th forum in the world ence (see the chapters detailing these conferences) and first forum in the Arab world, surpassing the and on the national level through the organization events organized by Gulf countries (United Arab of different workshops. Besides the geopolitical and Emirates and Qatar). economic topics raised, we also discuss education, middle class, rapprochement between Morocco and Amadeus Institute’s expertise is appreciated and countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, renew- recognized at the international level since it has able energies, economic growth, the , been a major stakeholder in many events such as the Israeli Palestinian peace process, the role of Mo- the Special Visit Program in Melbourne in 2010, the rocco in Africa’s development and public finances Seminar on Peace and Development in Africa in Be- and their implication in reforms perspectives. injing in 2010, the Conference on the prevention of causes of conflicts in Nairobi in 2010, the Sustainable All the reflections and recommendations issued Development Summit in New Delhi in 2011, the New from these studies are nurtured by Amadeus Insti- York Forum in 2011 and 2012, the Gulf Strategic Con- tute s researchers and constitute a quality work that ference in Manama in 2013, Bamako Forum in 2010, aim to the creation of different reports and publi- 2013, and 2014, the forum of CPAPD 2014 in Beijing, cations. the Abu Dhabi Strategic Debates in 2014, the Gen- eral Assembly of EuroMesco every year since 2011, Amadeus Institute, thanks to a wide international the MENA think tank summit in Istanbul or in 2015, network, evolving year after year through its dif- the Crans Montana Forum, the Africa CEO Forum in ferent missions, is conducting important lobbying Geneva and the BOAO Forum in . activities to promote Morocco’s image at the inter- national level. Amadeus Institute has also been designed official partner of the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM) Recognition and Credibility at the time of the forum under Franco-Egyptian governance in Marseille in 2010. After 7 years of existence, Amadeus Institute is con- sidered as one of most influential think tanks on the Besides the topics mentioned, those forums were + national and regional political scene. the opportunity to give an international scope to Some of the Institute’s publications 6 | MEDays Forum 2015 AMADEUS INSTITUTE | 7 The MEDays Forum Initiative, Goal and Appraisal

MEDays International Forum, created in 2008 or south-south relations. The MEDays Prize is For 7 years, the MEDays Fo- and hosted by the city of Tangier, Morocco’s divided in 4 categories: opening on and the Mediterranean, is rum is organized in Novem- the main event organized by Amadeus Institute. - MEDays Grand Prize - MEDays Business Prize Initiative - MEDays Political Initiative Prize ber of each year, Under Format - MEDays Environment and Sustainable Development Prize Held in November, under the High Patronage of the High Patronage His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, during 4 Goal days and more than 20 sessions and panels, ME- of His Majesty King Days Forum gathers a community of around 150 First and foremost, it is a space for dialogue, ex- high-level speakers representing all of the five change, consultation, proposition between in- continents: heads of states, heads of govern- ternational decision-makers and major political Mohammed VI. It has ments, political decision-makers, Nobel Prizes, and economic actors. As a platform for reflec- gradually become one of the representatives of international organizations, tion and debate around different priority prob- CEOs, experts and forefront international fig- lematic and themes, the MEDays Forum was put major international geostra- ures. in place in order to contribute to the interna- tional debate in the light of Southern countries’ tegic forums in Africa and the The forum’s official opening ceremony is the ambitions (developing and emerging countries). Arab world opportunity to award the MEDays prize, granted It is, indeed, a committed and forward-looking each year to figures, institutions, organizations, representative. or firms which brought a determining contribu- tion to the development of Southern countries, Beyond this positioning, MEDays Forum aims to Ambition and perspectives or having a real added value in the improve- strengthen the brand image of Morocco at the ment of North-South or South-South relations. international level, while putting forward the The ambition of Amadeus Institute is to main- strategic orientations defined by His Majesty the tain MEDays as a reference forum for emerging Each year’s closing ceremony is marked by the King Mohammed VI. The forum is also taking an and developing countries. It aspires to be the reading of the “Tangier Declaration”, which important educational role with Moroccan citi- Forum of the South, devoted to global themes states the main recommendations proposed zens since the forum is open to the public and and issues. during the debates. welcomes each year around 2500 participants, among them 1000 students in 2014. It has to be stated that numerous African and At the end of each MEDays Forum, Amadeus Middle-Eastern countries are actively soliciting institute conducts an in-depth analysis of the Appraisal Amadeus institute, which organizes the forum, debates which are compiled in its annual report. to extend the event into regional conferences. Sevel years of reflection and debate Starting 2016, a number of collaboration should MEDays Prize give birth to a regional MEDays, preceding the MEDays forum has known a real evolution during actual forum in Tangier, such as Davos MENA Handed annually during the official opening its seven years of existence. Despite a low bud- and Africa. and closing ceremony of the forum, the MEDays get compared to other international conferences Prize is attributed to figures, institutions, orga- of same level, it has gradually imposed itself as nizations or firms who brought a determining being one of the most important international contribution to the improvement of north-south geostrategic forums in Africa and the Arab world. 8 | MEDays Forum 2015 AMADEUS INSTITUTE | 9 They attended the MEDays They attended the MEDays In Politics

2014 2014 2013 2012 2010 2009

Saeb Erakat Mehdi JOMAA Dioncounda TRAORÉ Andres PASTRANA Abdullah ABDULLAH Li ZHAOXING Head Negociator of Prime Minister of Former President of Former President of Former Minister of Foreign Former Ministre of Foreign Palestine Affairs of Affairs of China 2011 2014 2012 2014

Ahmet DAVUTOGLU Zhong JINHUA Minister of Foreign Affairs China’s Special Representative for Former Secretary-General of the Former Prime Minister of of Turkey African Affairs Italy 2010 2014 2012 2011 2014 2011

Rajendra Kumar José Luis ZAPATERO Lech Wałęsa PACHAURI Morgan TSVANGERAI Yves LETERME Alejandro TOLEDO Former Prime Minister of Former President of , Prime Minister of Zimbabwe Former Prime Minister of Former President of Peru Chair of IPCC, 2007 Nobel Spain Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Belgium, S.G. of IDEA Intl. Peace Prize Laureate 10 | MEDays Forum 2015 AMADEUS INSTITUTE | 11 They attended the MEDays They attented the MEDays business & economy

2014 2011 2011 2014 2014 2012

Ahmed BELHOUL Mohamed KETTANI Richard ATTIAS Brahim BENJELLOUN TOUIMI Carol KARIUKI Nazem Fawwaz Al KUDSI CEO, MASDAR CEO Founder & CEO CEO CEO, Kenya Private Sector CEO, Abu Dhabi Investment UAE AttijariWafa Bank Richard Attias & Associates BMCE BANK of Africa Alliance Company 2014 2010 2012 2014

Lionel ZINSOU Philippe de FONTAINE-VIVE Josep PIQUé CAMPS Ebukun AWOSIKA President Vice-president, European Chairman CEO, The Chair Center Fondation France-Afrique Investment Bank Vueling Airlines, Espagne Group, Nigeria 2013 2012 2014 2010 2011 2011

Roland BELLEGARDE Colin COLEMAN Luisa ABRANTES Edmond PHELPS Sanusi LAMIDO Jan FISCHER Vice-President Head & Managing Director CEO Economy Nobel Prize Governor of the Central Vice-Président NYSE EuroNext Goldman Sachs South Africa Angola Laureate, USA Bank of Nigeria & Emir of EBRD Private Investment Agency Kano 12 | MEDays Forum 2015 AMADEUS INSTITUTE | 13 MEDays Program 2015 MEDays Program 2015 in the heart of Africa and emerging couNtries Main Theme

8th Edition of the MEDays Forum, Tangier, November 11th to the 14th more than120 more than 60 renowned speakers Government representatives are From Clashes to Co-emErgence expected

4 days of debate, discussion & more than interaction 200 entrepreneurs, investors & business angels will be present at our B2B meetings

In 2015, MEDays will try to bring relevant and innovative answers to the great themes of the moment)*

more than 2000 - How to reinforce the attractiveness of economic, financial and banking emerging countries of participants are expected more than 120 the African continent? during the sessions open local and international - Which new economic and energetic orientations to adopt in order to prepare for the after-oil to the public journalists will be present era?

- Health, education, climate, how to make those pillars of human development at the heart of north south cooperation?

- How to analyze the growing multipolarity on the international scene?

- What concerted and multidimensional answers to the security challenges the world is facing today? he current program may change without prior notice program * T he current 14 | MEDays Forum 2015 AMADEUS INSTITUTE | 15 MEDays Program 2015 MEDays Program 2015 complete Agenda daily agenda

wednesday Thursday friday saturday Nov, 11th, 2015 Nov, 12th, 2015 Nov, 13th, 2015 Nov, 14th, 2015 Wednesday, november 11th, 2015 09:00AM 09:00AM 09:00AM Mercredi 11 novembre 2015 Fifth Plenary First Plenary Third Plenary Session Session Session 10:45AM 10:45AM 10:45AM 01:00PM - Interactive Lunch / Déjeuner interactif Discussion with Discussion with Discussion with Morocco in Africa and Africa in Morocco: Determining the new drivers of common growth Press Meeting Press Meeting Press Meeting Le Maroc en Afrique et l’Afrique au Maroc : Déterminer les nouveaux vecteurs de croissance communs

- - B2B Path 11:30AM 11:30AM 11:30AM 03:00PM 06:00PM / Parcours B2B More details page 19 Plus de détails page 19 Panel B5 Panel Panel A5 Panel 07:45PM - Official opening ceremony / Cérémonie officielle d’ouverture Panel B1 Panel

01:00PM A1 Panel Panel B3 Panel Panel A3 Panel

01:00PM 01:00PM 01:00PM 09:00PM - Gala dinner / dîner de gala Interactiv B2B Lunch Official Lunch Official Lunch Official Lunch & networking & networking & networking 03:00PM 03:00PM 03:00PM 03:00PM First Special Plenary Session Second Plenary Fourth Plenary Session Session 04:15PM MEDays 04:15PM 04:15PM B2B Path Press Meeting Press Meeting Press Meeting 04:30PM 04:30PM 04:30PM 07:45PM Second Special Plenary Session

Official Openning 18H00 B2B B2B Path Ceremony Path Panel A2 Panel Panel A4 Panel Closing Ceremony 09:00PM 08:30PM 08:30PM 08:30PM Gala Stand Up Stand Up Dinner Dinner Dinner Stand Up Dinner 16 | MEDays Forum 2015 AMADEUS INSTITUTE | 17 MEDays Program 2015 MEDays Program 2015 daily agenda daily agenda

Thursday, november 12th, 2015 friday, november 13th, 2015 Jeudi 12 novembre 2015 vendredi 13 novembre 2015

09:00AM - First plenary session / Première Séance Plénière 09:00AM - third plenary session / troisième Séance Plénière Emerging Africa: The Last Frontier for Growth Emerging Economies Outlook: Modelling an Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Afrique Émergente : Croire en cette dernière frontière de croissance Economies émergentes : Le défi de la croissance inclusive et durable

10:45AM - discussion 10:45AM - discussion State Marketing: Shaping the « Morocco » Brand African Medias: Is it a Revolution? Marketing Pays : Modéliser la marque “Maroc” Médias africains : Vivons-nous une révolution?

11:30AM - Panel A1 11:30AM - Panel A3 BRICS-Africa: Increasing investments to share growth and competitiveness Energy and Green Growth Outlook: Improving Security, Efficiency, Sustainability and Accessibility Challenges BRICS-Afrique : Renforcer les investissements favorisant le partage de croissance et de compétitivité Stratégies énergétiques et Croissance Verte: Assurer la sécurité, l’efficacité et l’accessibilité énergétique

11:30AM - Panel B1 11:30AM - Panel B3 Finance, Banks, Wealth Funds and Stocks Exchanges: De-risking Developing Economies and Unlocking long-term investments Innovative Startups and Financial Inclusion: Reaching the Unbanked threw Financial Innovations and New Technologies Banques, Fonds d’Investissements et Places financières : Lever les risques stratégiques des économies en développement pour y Startups innovantes et Inclusion financière : Bancariser à travers les nouvelles technologies lancer des investissements à long terme. official lunch 01:00PM - official lunch / Déjeuner officiel 01:00PM - / Déjeuner officiel

03:00PM - fourth plenary session / quatrième Séance Plénière 03:00PM - second plenary session / deuxième Séance Plénière Reshaping the African Security Policies: How to Improve the Stability of the Continent? Global Energy Outlook: Volatility, Decrease, Uncertainty and Instability, the (New) Weapons for Proxy Wars? Crises sécuritaires et instabilités politiques en Afrique: Comment maitriser les défis à la stabilité du Continent ? Politiques énergétiques mondiales : La volatilité et la chute des prix sont-elles les nouvelles armes des guerres par procurations ?

04:30PM - Panel A2 04:30PM - Panel A4 Strategic Infrastructures, Logistics, Africa 50 Fund and PPPs: Strengthening Africa’s competitiveness From Paris to Marrakech: Reshaping the Fight Against Climate Change Infrastructures stratégiques, Logistique, Fond Africa 50 et PPPs : Renforcer la compétitivité africaine De Paris à Marrakech : Remodeler la lutte contre le Changement Climatique

04:30PM - parcours B2B 04:30PM - Parcours B2B B2B Meetings B2B Meetings Parcours B2B Parcours B2B

08:30PM - official Dinner / Cocktail DînatoirE 08:30PM - official Dinner / Cocktail DînatoirE 18 | MEDays Forum 2015 AMADEUS INSTITUTE | 19 MEDays Program 2015 MEDays Program 2015 daily agenda premium B2B Path

saturday, november 14th, 2015 The edition of MEDays forum 2015 was thought to consti- samedi 14 novembre 2015 tute an ideal platform to witness the growth of common projects between your enterprise and economic opera- tors, whether they be Moroccan, African or from emerg- ing countries. This is done through the choice of an im- 09:00AM - fifth plenary session / cinquième Séance Plénière portant number of planned subjects and the reunion of Markets, Politics, Economies, Socials and Populisms: How to Ensure the European Stability, Attractiveness and Competitiveness? optimal conditions to allow a quality networking. Marchés, Politiques, Economies, enjeux Sociaux et montée des populismes : Comment restaurer durablement la stabilité, l’attractivité et la compétitivité en Europe ? 10:45AM - discussion 1 African Think Tanks: How to Be Useful and Influent? B2B space, VIP space especially developed to your specific Think Tanks africains : Comment être à la fois utiles et influents ? needs, targeted panels, interactive lunch, and gala dinner: a 11:30AM - Panel A5 special path is put in place in order to make your participa- tion fruitful in terms of ideas and projects. Education and Business Schools: Rising Innovation and Developing the “Made In Africa” Concept Educations et Business Schools : Créer les faiseurs d’innovation pour développer le “Made In Africa”

11:30AM - Panel B5 Global Health Security Outlook: Learning Critical Lessons from the Last Outbreaks 2 Politiques de Santé Globales : Quelles leçons tirer des dernières crises sanitaires ? For your B2B meetings, the MEDays portal will be endowed 01:00PM - official lunch / Déjeuner officiel with a feature that will be launched just before the forum. It will enable you, among other things, to plan, manage, 03:00PM - 1st special plenary session 1 / 1ère Séance Plénière spéciale and consult your business meetings and will also give you access to the complete agenda of the forum. Crisis in Eastern-Europe: What Order in the Chaos? Crises en Europe de l’Est : Quel ordre dans le chaos ? 04:30PM - 2nd special plenary session / 2ème Séance Plénière spéciale 3 Looking at the Chaos: is it the Fail of the Global War against the Terrorism? Club Business MEDays Visions du Chaos : Est-ce l’échec de la lutte globale contre le Terrorisme ? Along with MEDays 2015, Amadeus Institute will contrib- ute to the official launch of CLUB Business MEDays. This 06:00PM - Céremonie de Clôture circle of private meetings of high level Moroccan and foreign economic leaders aspires to facilitate linking and 08:30PM - official Dinner / Cocktail DînatoirE maintaining the network Business MEDays all year long through different activities of Amadeus Institute and its partners. 4 20 | MEDays Forum 2015 AMADEUS INSTITUTE | 21 An International The MEDays Village Media Coverage Living the MEDays

Since the first edition of MEDays Forum (2008), Amadeus Institute has granted national and international media particular attention to ensure the notoriety of the forum. The interest that they offer to MEDays is illustrated by the growth of their number, year after year. The coverage request formulated by Amadeus Institute was transformed in demands of accreditation from the media, reinforced in each new edition. International media has also shown a great interest in the only forum that positions itself as a forum for the south (Africa, and ). Printed press, radios, televisions, international media agencies put to the disposal of their teams all the necessary means for an efficient coverage. Euronews, Al Jazeera, Africable, Al Arabia, France 24, BBC World, Financial Times, Ashark Awsat, Vox Africa, Malian National Television, RFI, Al Qarra TV, AFP, Reuters, EFE, AP, Xinhua Chinoise, Jeune Afrique, Herald Tribune, L’Express, Le Figaro, Le Monde, Daily China, El Pais, Al Hayate… to cite only few. The international coverage of MEDays fits its image of the 1st Maghreb and African forum.

The MEDays village is put in place under a big top of more than 3000m2, entirely equipped according to the norms of great international conferences. This village includes, among other things, a VIP lounge, a press room, an interview studio, a food court, and an exhibition room… MEDays 2015

Practical information FAQs

Where will the Forum take place? The Forum will take place at the Movenpick Hotel & To create meaningful dialogue and debate, the programme Casino, Tangier, Morocco. will feature innovative formats that aim to generate insight, spark inspiration and drive impact for participants. Where will I stay? The Forum’s operations and logistics team, will arrange accommodation at the following 5* hotels once you General insight confirm your attendance.

Plenary sessions feature government officials and business Movenpick Hotel & Casino Tangier (Conference Venue) leaders, cover broad issues related to the meeting’s Avenue Mohamed VI | Baie de Tanger | 90000 | Tangier theme and provide the conceptual framework for further Morocco discussion. In almost all cases, ample time for questions, +212 539 32 93 00/50 | hotel.tangier.casino@ answers and discussion allows government officials and top moevenpick.com | http://www.moevenpick-hotels.com CEOs to give first-hand information on critical politicacla, Golden Tulip Farah Hotel (5 minutes walk from the economic and business issues related to the topic. conference venue) Zone Touristique Ghandouri | BP 11616 | Tangier Morocco Panels pursue topics related to the pillars of the programme +212 539 34 35 50 | [email protected] in greater depth and are structured around a panel, bringing http://www.goldentulip.com/ together expert views and contrasting perspectives under the guidance of a moderator. The objective of each panel What does the invitation include? is to formulate two to three concrete action points on the The amadeus Instiute will cover your airport transfers, topic. Some of the panels are sector-specific and industry- hotel accomodation and the official catering, these focused. includes the Gala Dinner, the Official lunches and cocktail Dinners (The Amadeus Institute could in some limited cases cover the cost of airfare in economy class). The Discussion with... represents one of the highlights of MEDays invitation includes participation in plenaries, interactive Forum. They take place right after the plenary sessions and sessions, panels and B2B path. hold the format of one-on-one sessions, focusing on the work, analysis, and propositions of a personality from the What is the working language of the Forum? political, economic or civil society sphere, in order to share Sessions will be held in French, English and Arabic his or her ideas on a predefined topic. They can also take with mutual Simultaneous translation. In some panels the shape of a tripartite discussion. Spanish translation could be added.

When do I need to register? B2B Path taking place from November 12th to 13th during We recommend that you register on our automatic the afternoon, a B2B space and a VIP space will specially platform at medays.org as soon as you get your PIN be developed to fit the requirments of our guest’s specific code, mostly by early October 2015. needs: targeted panels, interactive lunch, and gala dinner... a special path is put in place in order to make your Do I need a visa? participation fruitful in terms of ideas and projects. Check with the Moroccan embassy or consulate nearest you for visa requirements. You may also consult the Interactive Lunch will take place on November 11th, 2015, following link: http://www.consulat.ma/an/prestation. under the theme: Morocco in Africa and Africa in Morocco: cfm?gr_id=72&id=460#serv MEDays Forum by the Amadeus Institute determining new common growth strategies, The edition 6, Rue Annassime, Sect. 9 Bloc I, Hay Riad 10100, Is there someone I can contact for more Rabat - Morocco of MEDays forum 2015 was thought to constitute an information? ideal platform to witness the growth of common projects Amadeus Institute Logistics Team Phone: +212 (0)537 71 70 82 / 40 59 between Morocco and Africa, this interactive lunch will be Tel.: +212 (0)5 37 71 70 82 Fax: +212 (0)537 57 11 83 E-mail: [email protected] the ideal platform for economic operators to discuss future Fax: +212 (0)5 37 57 11 83 www.amadeusonline.org mutual ventures. eMail: [email protected] www.medays.org

© 2015 Institut Amadeus. All Rights Reserved 24 | MEDays Forum 2015