”>•; " 1 > »- 'ifm •H : ^ 'V TUESDAY, APRIL II. 1941 Tkt Waathflr ■ mdttrh^Btor Enritittit .ffaralit Avaraga Daily Nat Praaa Run FeeasMI af U. B. IFM tizr'ld m m ' ri 4% Par the Itaato’ aC Matah. IS « F i^ y claaiy tMe ..altonieto; T|.' Sion to UM portion of dwoUlng as The Married Couplaa club of the Mias Edith Andlaio, who has fair aad eaattoaa* anal i been’ spending hir'spring'Vacation A Mparate apartment at 110 For- South Methodlat church will ^ v e Joitu Fatlier*8 Firm Bofird Grants eat atreet, reaident AA zone: Rua- f l a c e y o u r o r d e r n o w 9,733 with fraat la |alaa4 araaai SZ ^iilTowu a not luck aupper tomorrw’ night at the hep>a of her parents, Mr. aell E. Miller, permitaion to buUil day lair aad wannei;. at S:M in the banquet hall o f the and Mrs. Loula Anoisio of Wood- attachod breeaeway and garaga to - AMESITE DRIVEWAYS l^ineatUy awtOng of th* church. bridge street, will leeve for Wash- Church Plea dweUing which will bo clooor to y , Wg SpseiaUsa la. IfnneftasfaF— Cky of Vitlngo Charm w a Club «rtn ba held In^on/ D. C., tomorrow to return side line than regulattoas allow at to her studies at the National All Typas Hard Surfaca Araas I a r t it f tiubbouM on Wadneoday at Neighbors Night will be ob­ 41 Morse road, resldeace A zone; (TWENTY FACES) PRICE FOUR CBNYR .'V served-tomorrow evening at the Catholic School of Social Service Emanuel Lutheran Has Janet Meek, permiaaion' to have ua- Work Oaarauteed • Free Bettmatee • lA n w aa t a g e 'U ) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, APRU- 20, 1949 meeting of Manchester Grange in of the Catholic University of Am­ derelzed apartment in dwelling at VOL. LXVIIL, NO. 179 ‘ I' •jn^. inuiiaculate , Conception Orange hkU. The program wiU be erica. Permission to Con­ 10 Congrm street, residence B idatekn’ Clielb irtn maat at the presented by the foUowing viaiOng struct New Addition zone. THOA4AS D. COLLA _ » . b o S a M m m . '^ la y Juroa «3 granges; iUlington, Wethersfield. A Parent-T*echer night hea'been The application of Richard Pari- FOR TUB BEST IN OBIVBWAT CJONBTBOOnOM VbaH atraet. toraorro* avanlnf. Portland, and Hlllstown. arranged by the Sunday School aeau, seeking permiaaion to use a Jewiah Leader Dies Senate Group teachers of the Concordia Luther­ Emanuel Lutheran church will garage for temporary living quar­ N e w ^ T id W ll Red Attacks Start l| r* talxabatl) Laa'is will be the an church for this evening start­ buOd a new addition to the pres­ ters at 144 Adams atreet (rearl. a CALL 2 -9 2 1 9 ANYTIME Tax Experts Give Mias Charlotte Worgan, daugh­ t ing at 7:30 o'clock. A ll parenU ent building at the comer o f Chest­ residence A and rural aone, was Caned Fram (/P) Wiraa . Told Threats Iaa4«a when Qmup C niMta at the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wor­ . O n ta t' Conatatailonal diurch to- are invited to attend. nut and Church atraata, althoagh it. tabled until Parlaeau haa preaent­ gan of as Cambridge street, spent will be cloaer to the rear Una of nUbt at n a'clock. ed a plot plan to the board ahow- the Easter holldaj's at the home Miss Kathleen McLaughlin, the property than ragulatlona al­ ing hia definite intentiona. He Sister EUzabeth Keaq]r, origin- ' Used ill Case of her parents. She will return to­ low. Permiaalon to erect’ this new Opposing Opinions ator of tresdmaht for infantile M M WUliam Finnegan and Mra. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. WUlard expccta to build a new home for Chinese War Again; morrow to Syracuse University in McLaughlin, has recently been ap­ wing waa granted last night at a hia family on Adams street, and paralysis, announces she haa re­ WtUlain Wright w-lU be hoitessea Syracuse. N. Y.. where she is a pubUc hearing of fha Zoning Board linquished edmlntstratlon of. foun­ toalOfMw aftamooB at 2 o’clock pointed chairman-for the coming sought perralsaion to liva in. tho Chief Prosecutor in .Freshman in the Liberal Arts o f Ai4>eals in the Municipal .build­ dation bearing her name. . . Man arhan the Salyation Army Home year of the World Service Com­ garage until he could build the course. mission of the Wesley Foiindatlon ing. A complete sat of scalra plot home, which he will do himself. who Uught Ohio State unlveralty Maimed^ Massjicre Laagua BMeta-la the Citadel. plans were preaented to the board On Income Levy at Baldwin-Wallace College in He ia a carpenter by trade. students how to become happily for thalr Inspection, and the plane married being aoed lor lUvere^ . . Denies Brutality Usetl Along River The Sacred Heart Circle of the Ohio. T w o applications received no ins nr were outlined to the board. S h a k ­ A NEW HOME? Mothers’ Club will meet at the consideration by the board, as the CIO United Auto Workers at Foi# To Get Confessions home of Mrs. Howard Lappen, 59 ing for tlia church were members Motor Corp. Uacebi plaat in De­ AGENCY FOR Past\MlstpMs’ club of the o f the Building committee. applicants did not appear. They Lasser, Backing Bowles’ Branford street, on Thursday Daughtert’^ Liberty, 125, LOLI, were tabled, and will be brought If you are planning to build dr buy a new home, our Pictures Tell troit aedka approval of InteiM- I Gunfire Heard and War SHEAFFCR night at 8 o’clock. will meet tomorrow at 8 p. m. for Frank Damato'a application for up at the next meeting of the Plan, ' Sees Smaller tional Bxedutivo board for atrike. Washington. April 20^- iJP) — A ; its monthly meeting at the home Robert W* toppea use of Lots 33 and 34 on Irving board. Tha applicants ware W eary and dirty after nearly court reporter charged —ar.d the ! Seen from Nanking; street, which caused ao much con­ mortgapie^department can assist you in choosing the type British Ship Crippled ' P e n and Pencib of Mrs. Rachel Fox on Edgerton Charles Haid and Albert A. Slaur- Bill for Low Wage Heart Story 24 bonra undergreund, three of 13 chief prosecutor denied — today I Robei^ W. Lappen has Joined fusion and deliberation at the last pa. No applications were denied miners sUglng altdown strike Pukow, Kingpu, Wu- street. session o f the board, racalvad tam' that brutality and threats were 1 the John H. Lappen, Inc., insur­ by the board last night . of fipinciBg best suited to your circumstances. ^mers; Magill As- deep in Pennsylnnla anthracite Arthur Drug Store porary permlaalon to use. these h(i and Hsiaokan At­ The Study Group of the North pit come to eurface and return to uaed to get confessions from Ger- ance agenc3', representatives of lota for' the atorage of equipment . Berts Program Will Reveal More Accurate- By Chinese Red Guns INSURE Methodist church will meet to­ their homes. , . . Bobert Oariaad, Biana in the Malmedy massacre | tacked; Nationalist with the Aetna Casualty and Surety until he can nnd a aultable loca­ ly Which Part of Or­ 88, who gained widespread recog­ case. ! ------night at 7:30. company at Manchester. Mr. tion. The board sat October 18 Not in Long Run i McKINNfc'Y BmriHUKS nition aa "Father of Daylight Sav­ The prosecutor. Lt. Col. Button ' , , Crcneral Fears Offi­ Lappen will be sacratary of the aa the deadline on his alz months gan May Be Ailing ing Time,” dies at Elizabethtown, F. Ellis, acknowledged to Senate j SllOrP Artillery Real CsUte mag Insameca The Second Congregational temporary use o f the lota. State Capitol. Hartford, Drives S(.ientist Hits church will be open from 5:30 to flrin, which ia headed by his Pa., Masonic home. . . . Senator inveatigators that candie-Iit mock ' cials in Capital May M6 MAIN 8T. TE I. » m father, a veteran Of 25 yea>a in Four other applications ware THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. RUMMAGE P:30'i4^ils evening so that the Lucy HALE'S April 20.—ies and evidence of a sort that would r.otj lappen was educated at Manches­ place undersized dweUing on Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. . —^ were announced today to the saboteurs are being tm aeled Into be allowed in a court in America — — * | Nanking. April 20.— (A*)— SALE its rummage sale which starta at Spring atreet, east o f Gardner Help Snildler Vessel ter High school and the Untveriity FOR substitution of a state income Amerlcmi'Physiological aoclety. Dr. B. ; was permitted. Auapicn 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. atreet, a rural zona; HoweU Che­ U. N. ■ .Red - S p «n .or«l World | .Chinese^ civil of Connecticut. During the war tax for the present sales tax They tell mor- accurately which Many retailers and lenders be- world-famed dewltli I The accusation came from FOR SALE he served two and one half years ney, temporary two years’ permls- Shanghai, April 20.— (JP)— W.’ S. C. S. - Anderson-Shea .Auxiliary, VFW. would mean a'smaller bill for part of the heart may be. ailing, Ing stricter in their Inatallincnt i late yesterday at teaex kospllal, 'James J. Bailey of Pittsburgh. ------■ i 1941 CHEVROLET SEDAN with the U. 8. Army, two years of Peace Parley Opens i Yangtze river front tonight. has called a rehekrsal of outgoing where blood clots may have form­ credit temaa than government reg- j New York d ly . Pa., who said he was a mefaber of tommum.st shore artillery to- i Excellent eondlttoe. Prided which were spent overseas in the low wage earners. J. K. Las­ Nefore ahe could help' At the Church Aetna Casualty'and Surety Com­ iMig run it would not. o f the electrical Impulses o f the ference opened heie today with s ggep from the Capital. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wissman heart d u r i^ 'Jie Uihe of each beat. Houma, La. . . Endurance fliers official Vo-art repoi ter for 28 years, the smaller vessel. The help- pany. Red Men's Stateaarnta Prepared fer Heariag plea for the formation of peace Kerious Fighting Reported BUI Barrie and Dick Riedel plan Rabbi Wise wrote an unsolicited letter to and daughter of Center street They voiced those viewa in They have'long been used, but it’s les.s Amethyst, with at least committees throughout the world This course la o f five weeks to bring their single-engine mono­ Senate armed aervlcea sub-com- I Pukow. across the river was un- PANSIES spent Eastfr week-end with Mrs. atatementa prepared for a public been hard always to tell exactly ’20 wounded or dead among to carry out the congre.ss' plan.s. Wlssman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. duration and ia made up of lec­ plane to earth next Tuesday after .-nittee. That groap is investigat­ ! der attack. Kiangpu, on the north hearing (a t 2 p. m., cji.t.) before what the w avy lines on the plc- her crew of 148. wa.s aground on The French Conimunl.st atomic ! han't: seven miles southwest of 40c A DOZEN Axel Anderson at' their hemta in tures, class work and .‘’clinics” un­ remaining in air foE'l.MS hours. ing the Army's handling of th» | der the’ guitlance o f home office the General Aaaembly’a Finance turea meant. ’Malignant Stomach Ail­ Rose island 60 miles northeast of .scienti.st. Kiederic Joliot-fhirie, Nanking, wan hit. Serious fighting East Walpole, Maas. Published reports that Navy is case involving the machine gun-j Bring Own Container specialists in all' forms of insur­ committee on the much debated The new findings clear up much Nanlting tonight. N ot far awa> i told the 1,800 delegations from 52 j was leported by government te n Evenlnga aalea tax vs. income tax isaue of this mystery, and promise to planning to move all submarines ment’ Ends Life o f r.ing of 100 helpless Americans i swirled the first attacks of the re- I nations: ance knd bonding protection. HEW captured near Malmedy. Belgium, i I sources opposite Wiihu, 60 mUes Richard Fords of 9 i • Spruce now stationed at Canal Zone to Particular emphasis ia laid uppn Lasser, New York .accountant help save Uvea in heart, troubles. Noted Jewish Leader surging Chinese civil war. ' "W e will show the warmongers southwest of here. Hsiaokan, 35 40 Kensington Street street flew to Pittsburgh to spend Ranges, Refrigerators and the governor's tax consultant, H iey wake made by Drs. Loula H. New London Snbnmrtne Base de­ during the BatUe of the Bulge in w i.k*. uk.... Rktiartaia ' Ihst they have to reckon with us. the study of recent developments December, 1944. i I miles north of Hankow, was the the Easter holidays there. He will contended: Nahum and Hyman U. (Jhemoff of nied at base. . . . ‘T m Just a lltt'-a T h e "'*“ a,ort“ " h 5 u n r . h o r e VVe fight this fight with the cer- ! focal point of the Red 43rd Army. brought about by present o6ndi- Washers and All girl and I haven't got any NewYork, April 20- 'A ')-T h e Ellis, who was in charge of both return home by plane tonight “The income tax proposed would the Yal4 School ot Medicine. batteries for almost 50 miles, tainty ot victory. I A lop ranking Nationalist gene tlona. powers,” says SMriey Anae Martin investigation and pioaecution. said relieve the low-income groups who The physlologlsU announced body o f Dr. Stephen 8. Wise, reached Kiangyin tonight with I'i Could Not Be Derisive Factor ' erel expressed tear the Reds may Othe): Appliances of Syracuse, N. Y „ whose broken he knew of only two cases of mild Mrs. Paul Ferria has recently are now forced to pay a aalea tax three major findings: world-famed Jewish leader and of her crew wounded. She was Joliot-Curie said an atomic waT try a quick landing In this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gustafson I l l ' i Center 8L Phunr 5856 St. Ann statuette is said to have mistreatment. Both, he testified returned after a tlx months’ visit BINGO with money which should go to liv One, aided by X-ray mapnlng of joined by the frigate Black Swan 'would be 'terrible even for its ini- trapping Nationalist officlala in Furniture Tnpa militant defender of liberal causrt, in St. Petersburg, Fla. and son and daughter. Peter and Ing essentials.” shed tears when ahe kissed it . . . pereonally to the committee, were ^ . . . .*^. - tlators”1A 4 Kitfbut fthat 5s the of atom Am PtAmn bomb the J W . H A U coat the heart, is what each parWof the WiU lie in aU te today at the free which had doctors and medical the capital. Karen, of Greenwich, Conn., spent Store Froote, Picture l‘'ramlng MagiU, chairman o f the apecial heart .contributes to the electrical Government reports that war-in- accusations from German prison­ or other atomic weapons would not ■ M l John I. Olson etaaewaaraa Cuee supplies aboard. Uubu Seen Weak Point the Easter week-end with Mr. Veuetfan Bllads PLAYING STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8 P. M. Stats Stu<^ Tax oommiaalon which spired boom in farm land prices synagogue which he founded 42 ers that they had been kicked. be the decisive favor in the fight­ impulse picture. The Britisli cruiaer L/mdon was Gustafson's mother, Mrs. Alfred recently advocated retention of apparently has passed peak. And he told *he committee that ing. He is the head of France's The’ general feeling at the mo^ “One or Manehcgter’d A second, that tha lowar austh yea rs a g o . expected to reach Kiangyin at 9 ment is that Wuhu ia the govern­ Tkm ^3mn, Healthy Giutafson, o f -Hackmatack atreet. AND YOU DON’T STAY LATE the aalea tax, asserted that any ra- of the heart recover! faster than New York State Supreme court Tha noted, 75-year-old'' rabbi, some of the Germans convicted in Atomic Energy commission. OMest Palntinf Firm*” AMESITE DRIVES Uef would be temporary, ‘‘but their Justice sustains right of Episcopal the massacre acknowledged to him p. m. (8 a. m. e.s.t,). Vice Admir­ Unlike a world peace congress ment's weak point. The river front Ttma Arraagad! the upper part during a heart beat, who spent a lifetime preaching for al A. C. G. Madden, second in com- there provides a good landihg area. iFay to Heat Your ' Richard B. Turkington. a stu­ reUef ia not great and it wlU al­ and is warmer in temperature. bishop to oust Rev. Dr. John Ho­ peace, freedom and tolerance, died thatetliey accused prosecutors of held in New York last month, thia Painting , Cbalea Of Malariala dent at Connecticut University, most certainly be short-lived.” Gestapo tactics "lo get nut from ' mand of the Brlti^ Kar East ala- one opened with no anti-Commii- . Nationalist giuiboata stood out ward Mellsh from pulpit he has oc­ late yesterday at Lenox boepital. ^ ^ I I A‘mss 4b Aksy-.Bswl 4lsA f spent his spring vacation at the That, he sdld,' Was becauae there Third, an explanation of what tion, is aboard the London. Brit­ nlst pickets oufside the meeting I in the Yangtze off Nanking firing Home Thomas D. Colla happens to the various segments of cupied for 45 years. .Week-old stu­ He bad undergone an operation under” their confesalona. Paper Hanging home o f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tinker HaU would be “ Inslatent demands” later dent strike St C. C. N. T. ends. An American Military court ish aulhoiitiea here said they were place and no evidence of any spe­ upon Communist troops attacking '3-9219 Before You Buy the heart when the body doesn t early this month for what the anable to contact responsible Kiangpu and other north bank N * ftUB «r WUmt wlita 7M Interior Decorating Richard Turkington of 82 Pine to levy the income tax on more Secretary of State Acheaon says boepiUl ceiled a “malignant stom­ tried 74 former 88 troopers for the cial police precautions. The anti­ MAIN STREET people and to boost the rate. get 'enough oxygen. The parts Communist quarters and Admiral communist pre.sa gave the meeting poirtt.S. hmi m ar hoaM with fad atreet recover at 'different speeds. M d he knows of no Amerienn Nsvsj^ ach ailment.” masaaers that shocked America late In the war. E'orty-three were Madden would determine his scant attention. Ses.sions are be­ Severe fighting was reported by ‘Dnagereus DelnsloW this shows in the picture. Knowing ahipa in Yangtze river area where flm eral Services FViday leM the lick U R bat* • CoRipIcto Interior D*e> He aaaerted:' sentenced to death. Later the A r­ course later. ing held, in the Salle Pleyel, a big I official, sources to have atarted this will help In diagnosing heart Chinese‘Communlata have fired on Hia body WiU remain in state I east of Nanking, some 150 miles toib aad >M har* the dc> Vlt is a dangerous delualon to British ships. . . Thtsntened attUm my cut tha number to 12. Then FUera Witness Duel concert hall. oratfaif Planninr Ironies...... , through tomortow. Funeral aerv- j The Institute hall was decorated sputhea.st of------Nanking.„ _Another ---- towM ttonum taw coatind. D O O R P R I Z E advocate or accept the Inpome tax 7,000 CTO leathsr, worksra ia Gen. Lucius D. Clay, occupation Flicta out of Nanking witnessed SCREENS Certain changes in the electri- icca wtU be Friday is Carnegie with the' flags of all nations and | sharp engagement started cast of j, n C Wtter gcrrlee • Complete Insamnce SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST on the theory thet only the weU cah'picture ocoir after corona^ ynn, Salfm, Peabisdy. Norwood commander reduced six of the the running duel between the con to-do wUl bSve to pey it.” hall. -rshM'fileBtiriseitteBCee to HflMmprtwe.-'SSrt-and Red shore batteries. j banners in English.English, French, span-Span- j chinkiang.chinkiang, a few miles nbrtheMt ’'betUr fad aO to*. Covnaa* HARTrOED, CONNECTICUT Come and Try It and You Will Like It thfomboslB or other diseases start, a ^ Woburn, Mass,, held oft uatU Death of th* Jading -i—-- ^ i ^ reading: ‘‘Defend ,o f the capUal. Investigate Both experts regcaiu>«sp' (CoatiDiMid OB Page Feurteea) organization to terminate a war if : be true o f other sales taxes, tha 000,000 for last three weeks. Santiago. CHiile. Apiril 20 j ------/ HARTFORD, CONN., Or propqsed Income tax bill ia far an- pesred that this country’s lesdi one should atari. { Proof Beligioa Oppoaed YOU PAID US THE i Hungarian press reflects anger ship wras bent upon war rathei severe earthquake bit south' Joliot-Curie was the first speak­ iBke Suorem, AprU periof to the present aelMttve Con­ ^CrimeWave’ "K entral Chile last night. First r« • at Cuba for attempting to bring than peace. er following the reading of names Britain's Sir Alexander Cadogan necticut aalea tax. . . . a said 36 were killed and more her coi.ntry to Judgment before Kirk Chosen of the preparatory committee laid the U.N. today the Impriaon- A VISIT M. A. CLOUGH "Weigba HenvUy Upon Poorear (ViUclxed Soviet Policies th in 60 injured, and luthoritii. "The eales tax Is a particularly Curbs Urged U. N. . . . Superior court action He strongly criUdised Soviet | which he headed. Among 12 vice ment o f rtiurehmen behind tho filed in Hartfonl challenges legali­ fear (ho toll would be Be eure yoar car is tickiag Tel. 2-95,32 NICHOLS- ^ bad tax becauae it , weighs most policies, but said the alternative presidents announced to the meet­ Iron Curtain la one more preof heavily upon the poorest famlUea ty of four recently adopted con­ higher^ New Envoy ing were O. John Rogge, of Newi amoothly for epringl It'e war would be the "tragedy qt Heavy\^mage wai reported in timl Conimnnlsin la infiexlbly qp- and the famlliea with the largest stitutional amendments including York, former assistant U. S. at­ posed to organized religion, findo- iime for e checlrap . . . for StiRer Penalties for those providing fo r nomination of tragedies. the clties\)f^Tralguen snd Angol. number of children. Even people ‘‘1 am going to speak tor peace,” . . . . , . 1 o J - torney general: . Soviet...... Writer ...... — spoke before Ibe 58 nation e release from wiaier'a all minor eoart judges by gover­ At T r a ig u ^ believed to be the living on relief or small pensions Carrying Concealed he said on his 7!ith birthday a I \ice Admiral succeeds Alexander Fadeyev: LouisLouH Aragon. I p„,„,cnl committee of the nluggish drieiag ceadi- BRISTOL nor. aa well as four year term for center of theN(uake. about 30 per­ month ago. "until my dying sona were reported killed in the (iniStli no IT S Anihas-' 1 Asoetnbly in coattanbif tlona. Pay na a risli— (OonUnnsd on Pago Foorteea) Weapons Advocated that official. smith aa U. s. .^mnaa- , newspaper Ce Soir: Former Preal- I breath.” , „ , collapse of a jail , re*re prepared a eerrlco Have You Got Your Wise's humanitarian endeavors Ministry of Interior relayed a a d o r t o ^ I o SCDH M lnd«enty in Hungnry nnd 15 ackage for you . . . STORE! Hartford. April 20—('P! Stiffer brought him the respect and ad- unconfirmed report, and said I and Danish Author Martin Ander- , pfu|,,,tnot clergymen In Bulgartn. penaltlea for carrying concealed miration of Jews and CThristians ^ many otli'ers were it - sen-Nexo. Joined t*?* I nited litotes to sop- Rival Housing Wa.«hinglon. April 20- iP--'Vice 90 Persons 111 weapons have been ’ irged as a alike. I jured at Traiguen in coilapting I porting a BoH> Ian reeolatiMi that Tickets For The 1949 means of curbing a “ crime w ve Members of both faiths flocked buildings Tlie ministry said ii . 1- Aiimiial Alan G. Kirk today was would give the .Smembly’s approv- . . That’s where we In Smog Test In Connecticut. Bills Drafted to his “ free synagogue," at 40 so received reports that at lea.vt appointed ambassador to Moscow. ' al to setloa already tolUatod Senator Rocco D. P.vllottl (D- West 68th street, where he held five persona were killed at A iiroI Kirk is being transferred from Reds Tighten ' against the two Soviet aatelines PECIAL can ^et the new Hartford). told the General Aa- services on Sunday aa well aa on The newapaper El Commercio's the ambassadorship to Belgium. under pence treaty guarantees, GOODYEAR Super- sembly'a Judiciary committee yes­ the Jewish Sabbath. correspondent st Tnmuco ' sa'd \ He also haa been serving aa niin.a- i i • • » Government Experts Try terday that atrong measures were Republicana and Demo- Ha established the synagogue in some were killed at Angol and a t ; ler to L'oxembourg. 1 Berlin Lines : Russia Has Program Beady CARS Cushions.” needed to halt what he described 1907, after refusing an offer to be­ least one at Los Angeles. Concep­ Berlin, .\prll 20— (jP>—One high Tp DupUcate Condi­ aa an alarming increase in crimes crata Reduce to Writ* At Moscow. Kirk will succeed i 2-Door Pontiac come rabbi of the Temple Emanu- cion. Tales and Temuco also felt Lt. Gen. W alU r Bedell Smith who i p- . Oerman source anld today the Rita- , ag a ihorou^ lubricaiioL oil change to spring of violence. ing Propoaala Favored El, New York’s wealthiest Jewiah the shock. was relieved recently to take com- 1 V .o r a m u n iM Poller in vians have a program ready to pro- tions o f Last Fall "Your life isn’t worth five cents ————. * congregation. The government rushed aid to “ -Bt to the western nUica nnder amplete »eck-up on p rve. Ignition and the way this crime wave is .going manJ of the Kirat Arm y in New Soviet Sector V.IUSe jI ;,h,^h ihe WocUade ki .f Bertto might STREAMLINER state Capitol. Hartford, April 20 i Bom In Budapest the region, . where hundreds were York. I syeteine. ei^ a wash an\ polish Job for that On only 24 lbs. of air GOODYEAR Super. Donors, Pa.. April 20.—lAb— on in Connecticut.” ssid Palloltl. A n'ane and a D f f \ I it r e S l r e e l q T t t ilu v be lifted- This source, who eaniiet —Rival bills were drafted to-' Bom in Budapest. The White House 'announced iin -yiore -'iireeip UMiay py „nK, aaM the plas looki Cushions give you a SOFTER, a SAinBR More' than 90 persona were ill to­ The senator’s bill would Impose apecial train were on ths way with day by Republicans and Demo-1 Wise waa reared in New York^'P**^'*' ^ain were President Ti-uman'a choice of ride. Stop in at the friendly NICHOLS- day and a dozen others had left manadatory minimum penalty of emergency aupplie.*. provldt-s for barring Germany crata for a public hearing on the city. He waa educated at the Oily Kirk for the Moscoti- port. Furnhhed by Btdch-Pontiac BRISTOL Store. Pick out smooth-riding town aa government experts tried a year In Jail and $100 fine Upon City officials said half the Beilin, .\piil 20 —/P; .Valid all- from the AUsntlc pact, retlremeat to duplicate smog conditions sus­ a first conviction for carrying con­ housing issue.' college of New York, <;»lumbia houses in Angol had crumbled or Resident of CoanocUcut the rumors that the Kijssikns may of, weotera troupe bchlad the GOODYEAR Tires. Pay for them on Both measures reduced to w rit­ Unlveraity. Syracuse university Kirk, 60, is a native of Philadel­ be planning to lift their Berlin AND pected' of causing 22 deaths laat cealed weapons. Second offenders W'cm badly damaged. A hospital Rtiiae, aad creatloa of a ceatral ' NiCHOLS-BRISTOL’S' convenient Budget would be subject to doubly pen- ing propoaala for combatting the an d‘the Universlt of Oregon. waa ao badly wrecked that many phia aad now a legal i^eaident of blockade, they tightened it today. German goverameat by the Big fall. housing shortage outlined laat Oomiecticut, PUn. Doctors reported . numerous iaUea Hia wife, Mrs. Libulse Waterman of the injured h|(d to spend the Conimunuit police in the Soviet Fopr powers, la return tho Bae- week by Govtmor Bowles and Rep. He waa graduated from the sector closed off more streets on It Takes More Than cases of hoaraeneas. sore throats No Minimum Peaalty Now Wise, died Dec. 10. 1947. night (n (he streets slaas wonM Htt the blockade aad 1 To Be Given Away by Arthur E. B. Tanner (R-Wood-: . the borders of the westpm allied would bring their troops back ba- GOODYEAR Batteries and ootigha aa the Public Health A t present the concealed weap­ A t hia bedside at his death were At Traiguen. 50 or more houaes 1 Naval academy in 1909 Md served bury). Republican spokesman on hie ton. James Waterman Wise, were destroyed. i in the Navy until ^ 1946 When „ be j sections to make their squeeze even hlad the Oder river, service sought for the third day ons law carries no minimum pen­ • • • Dilviorth-Cornell-Quey Post, No. 102 LIFEGUARD Tubes to determine if the suffocation alty. and Pallotti said it was com­ the housing isaue. writer and pubilaher; his daughter, Inhabitants of Temuc.v and Con- was apj»;nted ambassador to Bel- ■ a little more effective. U. S. Air Force officials, dis­ Doflcieaey Bill Approved . ^. cases laat October were cauaed by mon for violators to escape "with The bills were distributed in the Mra. Justine W ist Poller, Justice cepcion and of some of the sur- ' gium. , Hopes and Dreams To of. the Domestic Relations court rounding villagea were n a state | During World W ar II. he par- counting all lumoio that an early ' Stole CapitoL Hartford, ApeU a five or ten dollars fine.” Capitol before today's public hear­ ROY MOTORS, Inc. a combination of smoke and fog. t*—^iFr-Atter a leag dtoato IM Through the teats, the govern­ Tho senator proposed bis bill aa ing (at 2 p. m. e.s.t.) before the hers, a sister, Mrs. Ella Fish, and of panic when the walls of their j tlcipated in Allied landing oper- eml of the blockade may be In sight, said the Allied Sir lift will waddered aU over tto MgtelaMva 241 NORTH MAIN STREET t EL. 511.1 ment agency hopes to prevent a a substitute for a meesiire which General Assembly'a judiciary com­ their femilies. buildinga cracked. i ations in Sicily as commander of recurrence of the October tragedy. had drawn vigorous objectlona mittee. the amphibious force of the United be continued even if the blockade American Legion Build A Fine Home..^ A s a reauH o f the deaths laat from sportsmen apd marksmen. The Democratic plan, described States Atlantic fleet. He was one is removed. Hmmo totoy * *^y**!*** OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOONS dfiflcleaey apprapriallaa far IB * The original bill would have Im­ in detail last week by the gover­ of a group of Allied officers who “We would, be very foolish to fail the zinc amdtera of American ■tote depertoeento. The MB, qp- UlCHOLS-BRISTOUNO Steel * Wire 0>., were operated posed the penalties he suggested nor in a apecial message, atreaaca prepared and directed Naval phaa- diiuxmtinue the air lift until guar­ . . . it tokca alcilled hands, lumber, bricks and eeme^ 1099 Main Sf. Oppesha tha High School on any person In possession of "a low rent housing, with provision Cat Fdneiersp Bird Lovers ea of tha croaa-channel invasion of antees of free land transport were paaed every Inch qt tha way hjr at limited capacity. They operated Demeerala. goes new te the Sew- gun, rifle, blackjack, or other for ultimate ownership by the ten­ France. .vigued. sealed and delivered,” aaid . . . braas plumbing and copper wiring to build a bouM fun-blast laat Monday no that re­ ate. which laat party eeetrelB. sulting fumes could be observed in dengeroua and offensive inatm- ant. Engage in Verbal Warfare . Aa envoy to Bclgiura-Luxcm- a spokesman. "A m i even it that that will b ^ m e a heritage ... a home that will wilneM connectlofi wlht the, teats. ment or weapon without a permit bourg, Kirk baa been concerned should come to pass the air lift ■knpkaals an Hetna Ownership DAB la Bat Sersp the rearing of a happy family. You can count on us to Dr. WiUiam Rongaua, Donora ■s required by law.” chiefly with American relations still would be worth keeping be­ The Republican proposal places I cause we have laarned a let about Waehtogtoa, April 28—(ff>—«Be Friday, May 20 borough health officer, said the ’Pallotti told the committee he Its emphaaia on home ownership, apringfiekl. 111., April 20— UP)— ^ - The communlcationa have come with western Europe and haa not build your Meal home sturdily, quickly, econdmicully” DWMhtora af tha A «m ^ G O O D ' Y E A R effects* reported by realdenU yea- was withdrawing hia original bill from es ter away as Spokane, baen identified with the more vio­ air supply writh It, and are still q[lth ths sUU underwriting mort­ Gat tanciara and bird levers learning." toltsu gat toto A hat with the ansst quality materials . . . the lacat skilled tsrday were “ like the early symp- becauae ha was unwilling to Intar- Wash., end New Yerk city. lent phases of the “ cold war” with gages!; clawing and peeking at aaeh*bthcr The U. 8. Arm y newspaper svar a FIRES Uma during the smog.” fera with aportsmen’a activlUts. The tug ot war Is over e pro­ Russia. eraftsmea. Consult us today. Hia sole interest, he tsdd. was in Both proposals provlda for stata in mUnois. Stars am) Stripes quoted Gen. Lu­ Tickets on skle at Legion Home, Geoi^e*s Esso Some pereona have left town for borrowing, but cal for, different Their verbal srarfare ia see­ posal to offtctaJly declare cate Seen FIgnrtog la Selection the period o f the teat, particularly "curtailing the wave of crime and roaming off their owner’s prem­ This presumably figured import­ cius D. Clay, American military l omiption that's now going on in t y M o f financing. sawing on Gov. Adlai E. Steven­ gle hteka and Olihe DAB( those suffering from asthmatic ises a public nuisance and to le­ antly in his selection for the hot­ governor, aa saying be knew o f nd the state of Connecticut.” Borrowing under tha governor's son’s desk, where the ."cat bill” Uea alter Station and all memlters. ' Build With Manche.ster's Largest Builder Of Homes .and heart ills. Thaae were partic­ galize their paiaiess capture by test spot In .the American diplo­ new Russian oveitUrcs, direct or 5 bill would total $8t.000,000, ax- awaiU bis action. indirect, to lift tha blockade. ularly vulnerable last October. cluslva o f $45,000,000 authorized by A flood of letUrs and telegipma any citizen. A lawbrealring cat matic service. ■ .Treaaary Halance Neuea DcutscUand. official or­ Worst sufferer yesterday was tha 1047 Lagialature. In order to urged Stavanson to veto the meas­ could be ransomed for $1. It means he goes to Moscow the little town of Webetor, Just gan of the Socialist Unity (Com­ Car op display sltorpftoly ^Mtwaaii Georga’s lifaa reduce the interest rate on such ure, which cleared tha L egislature ’fhe announced intention o f ,the with an open recoil from the So­ across the < Moaongahela river Waahiiigton, April 20—(FV^Hia munist) party in the Russian aooa borrowing, the, governor recent- last week. Ha ban aevenl more bill Is to protect Insect eating viet BtoBdpoin.t That might influ- from Donora. Prevailing wtnde posltkm o f tha ’Treasury April IS: af (Tennany darldad apaeulatiaa by StutioR aad Yha First Ngtiaafl fu k ia t Lat aa Msia nunded short -term financing. days to ant. songbirds. Iflas Oertnide Cher­ tnea the Riieetana if. as soma dip- JARVIS REALTY] . blew from Doaefa toward Web­ Nat budget recelpU, 147.700,' lomato antieipativ the Kreaalia wastarners ceacantlng the Uk^ Tha Republican bill proposes an Five to One Against MB ny of Chicago, preaideat of the Streets ster yesterday ead citlaens there 441.67; budget expenditures, $70. Fricads ot tha Birds. Inc., labored ibeuld decide to ntgetiaU for a heed that the bleckade would he S54 CENTER STREET PHONE 4112 Or 7275 178.651.48; cash balance, $4,332, $20,000,098 bond issue to be retired Tha letters run five to ona PHONE 4047 Bald toey got the full effect o f the ato yearz to put over the MIL teal trues in ths eeld war. ) ' ftzRMa lasiSng trma the alac p lea t ^ 0 6 8 .0 8 . ,la25yaars. • ■gninat the hUL 1 - 't ) V 4 ( MAirCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20, IMS /

ICAiicHESTTaft EVENING MBBALO. MANVHISBTkK, CONN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1949 Dietrtet Demoofatic Social Club at ttam aa4 tha faet 1 M ^ 1S44 but thU ia thoir Brat concert tour and Manrhaafor tha flrat atop Chinese War^ Itallaa<>Amerlcaa Chib. _ompi ha4 aot aunt tafothar far ManeheBier Palat and Powdar three. ea»act Senate Group o m aw aak. on hair iUnaaaiy. Wwam hare they Obituary tta start aad a large crowd was In John Dunn, of the Liquor Board, gagedzed Itor dandng from 5 until 9 1 tended, and R Is playa. Mancbaat^ High auditor, pant of one of the trucks hivolved, and Edward Sullivan of Hartford. o’clock. ^oto to m.|rtlL Sr. Ihompaon StaM. oaadaeto^ go to W a u ^ o r d . Mdgawood, N. Starts .^ a in " Firemen’^ purttlyal attendanoe. Included in the large Is Toastmaster li. Mow Toik City and’, wind up Bate Book lum, 8 mm. TpldHireats Rental Increases was taken to the Maqcheeter Me- ■K steak dinner will be served Last year about 140 persona et-1 this eecoad aaatial Ived SSturdiay. AgrU SB. t f Phlladal- J tetarday. ApfB 88 moriiMlioapItal by H i m Johnaon, caravan of 55 steel trucks ate SO promptly at 3 o'clock. Ttany f ,4'. ;. ;£sr.iirr& r^ Along River TaH CedatF Ceremonial, , .Ma. 108 Glenwood street, and dls- A t t e n d W ■howe, rides, midway, and conces- 7 At Social Event ■ttaa of Brahma,. "H m ^ la . Thi^ oxpaet to make thla an Timlght Provision Strict I • * - Obright's orchestra has been en- annual aront and Manchatar win aonio Temple. Parade at 8 R m. fuoismis llBed&iGise ebarged a fu f trealaa^nL alona. The Aerial Otheona, featur­ 1-lghting CUnic, Robbtna Room ttaaday. May I Drivers involved t^ere J o a q ^ . 4 - CriV M JSSff^"£lSS^ ba hjaky iodaad to ba vlaltad once ^Contlnnad frmn Pnga One) and Parian House. Cantor church. The Granite ijltato-teowa is the ing Ute Sweethearts of the Air, la The second anniul dinner-dance L again by thla talentad group of Twilight Laague Baeaball opaber Landlorda saaking rent Inereasea L. C. Dlaa, 85, of 140 Park Ter­ a-10 p. m. 8 p. m. Weat Side ovaL . CrMB Page Oaa) firs: carnival to.open,In tqi^ tols the nmin' feature. It la a high of the Manchester Reataurant and JUtt4«r ShpMi* ■nfitSa north bank of tha . Yangtze. teneral aervicee for Mra. BUa at the Hartford Rant Office will race Hartford; Henry A. Martoc- aerial act of unusual distinction, AMESITE DRIVES Provisional t-eagua of Woman May 1-7 ' s chio, 86, of 87 Foster street, and year. Sponsored h y 'm North End Liquor Dispensers Asaoriatlon will VISIT KEITH'S DURING tha owfat, alaar touao af ^ -m - Wharvaa along tha river front Votorsf Mary Chwioy Library at catBcd Pieroq whd dlod' Sunday ted by the A riay ia Europe. ' Me not receive any adjustments uptll Fire Department ;tte* ehow was 130 feet above (he ground. Terms Arraagedt there were heavily ahaken by the Girl Scout Drive. . they have satlifled an Important VtncMit McDonald. 87, of 8 Depot be held Sunday afternoon at the (Uboiee Of Materials pnnoo charmaf ^ w d ie e ^ a 8 p. m. Meaday. May8 moralag at ker home 309 BUddl.e said the PWToee was “to get them forced to caaAd. tta.fbrjnal open­ A zpcolal children's matinee will MotUab Air. "Ay W aato-O." ^ firing. turaptko. Beet, were held at boob to talk" «pd expreeeed doubt, the proTiakm of the new Federal Rant street. Concord, N. H. No aneete Rainbow (^ub In Bolton. Repre­ F ^ w e l l P m ^ April to. II and tt Beetbovan Glee CIud 34tb An. ing Monday nigitt at the Jartle- be held Saturday afternoon from 3 Thomas D. Coliu V,..* In t i t u t u nniaS by Robartaon. ana tbo light There was Intenae troop activity Ebchiblt of Early American' Dec­ today from ttie HolaMW Funeral Law which requires each landlord were made by Investigating Rs- nlvenary concert at High acbool men beaeved they were Mtualiy Dougherty Iota on Center atreet to 5, and all rides and shows will sentative John LaBells wlU be the 2-9219 c a g ^ b y "Sobwhada Polka'’ by throu^iout Nanking. Soldiera Were oration, Cantor Church Pariah Home, 400 Met*' gtreet Rev, Le- U submit a written certification trolman William Pearson. I be half price. Evening perform- audlforium. on triaL that they will provide all required because of the bealry rdtiM. toastmaster, and honored guests Wambargar. For Rev. Johnson marching up to the river front. House. lend O. Huat, rolaliter at tkf Sec­ Voder queationliig by. Seaatar According to police, the bus, Last talgtat the show ftnaUy got I anoea wtU begin at 7 o'clock. will include State Oommissloner TWCA Spring Chack-Up, Can* serrioes, James Thomas SuUlvan, driven by McDonald, had stopped NKJ* Along the river troops were dig­ Thursday, April 81 ter church, 8 p. m. ond Congregational church, offlet- McCarthy (R-W ls), he eald the M MlM. Vt H«l* ging trenchea and other . earUi . Hospital AuxlUaiT Rummagf rulee o f evldecce ueed in Amertcaa Rant Director, stated today. at the Center when it was etruck Bar. ftaynold Johnaon and hia May 8-7 atad. Burial aa>- U thy family lot The Ho«)alng and Rent Act of "Swing Low” and ‘iBaakial Saw family were aurpriacd by a large works. Sala, 9:S0 a. oBm Stata Armory. In the Oreeavillq cemetery, Smith- conrte “oertainly. were rioF* in tha rear by. the Mertocohio ■Tut iOwwla Oub. The military news agency re­ Priday, April 88 Boya’ and Girls' Weak. Mon* piled'In tryl^ mtbtnat ( 1949 sp^flcuty .aUtss that, be­ plCk-up truck, which wee In turn tbo Wbaal”. both atrangod by numbw of frlcnda’ arho gathered day. May 2. Town operated by field, H t, te a im war#: Rabert, X fore a rent Increhee may. be el- half of tbo promiB Harry BurMgh. H w blanding of ported that simultaneously the TtoUn racttal 8:00 p. m. In -tbs struck by the Dhm vehicle. Both itaUthnopafta. thla T"ft»”»i"g to bid them farewell High Srhqa) atudanta Jemeii' and Oarlton Chaet) and flerinmny.' Ipwad, the landlord applying for It .waa< voioaa and daap faallng gavo both befora they left for Chicago. The Oommuniats launched their heav­ Vestry of Emanuel Lutheran Robert WaUUey, grandaone of Mra. He added that MUttary oourta tnielu were damaged. r Vtih th*»r Alma Matn ttj tbaaa *r«««Mai» numbara naw moan* iest attack 80 far again Taisman, church given by Yolanda Lriaa. • Taaaday. May 8 must file aaaurance that he la Serv­ Jehnaona had bean ataylng at the Pierce. there admit 'hereeay evldsiwe"— ing hie tenant In every way required Oocupanta of the Dies driven J ing. Edwin duiao aang tba aolo home of Mr. and Mr#. Robert Wld- besieged capital of Shansi prov­ Annual Masonic tell at MadoMc YWCA Party and^zblbition of what someone reporU lie has truck who escaped injury were ■aag four roUgloua Craft Claatea Community T. - under the rent rules, Mr. Sulliva i part of a rollicking aaa chanty “In ham of 83 Benton atreet ince 600 miles to Uie northwest. Temple. / PtedateJL lae heard. Hy 'denied repeatedly that Manuel Rozarlo, 58 Flower street. ra of v M d KaMaO t1mnp< Ihari* Uvad A Maid", “Springtime Daaoe" at Tinktt May 8-4-1 said. ■Analaia’' waa outataadlnc, Rev. Johnaon, who came here The agency said high casualties The funeral of Pfo. John R. Lea, theie waa .aaiy phyateal odatreat- Accordingly, all applicatlona that Hertford, and Antonio Carrelro, pas’*. fonowad by “Oh Can Ta Sow were reported inaide the walled Hall sponaored by Sunset. OMinotl Boya' and Girls'k Hobby Show. ment o f the men. 38 Spring atreet, Hertford.. aa opportuaity to dla- from North Parii College, com­ 45, Degree of Pocahontaa. YMCA. who'waa killeu in action in Ger­ had not been acted upon before nioas to tiw boat of* Ouahtona” a SeottWi Air, "Tufton- pleted hie five-year paatorate at city from Communist shelling. many March 8 1945, waa held this the new law became effective are Fred Wamock. 340 Charter Oak SPECIAL Wedaeaday.'May. 4- In "My Boon/ Laao" by U'a Day" written by E. W. Hayaa, the Covenant Congregational Neutral observers believe-that , cit­ Saturday. April 8S being held up while the applicants street, and WilUam Arendt, 81 of 1916. cloacd the program Holy Hour and annual meatlag aftemqpo at 1:30 at the Holme# Public Records Newman street, were occupahta "Tha BUrar Swan” by Ottb- church laat Sunday. adel. sometimes called the "IHtts- Annual Dance, Runbow and Oe- Funeral Home, 600 Main atreoL file theee required csrtificatlenR.. WEEK . . . APRIL 20-30 with a loud burat af aang that aat burgh of China," may not stand Uolay, Masonic Temple. for ■ Combined Catholic Mothm of the Uartbeahio pick-up. 4 lha ovar 4MI(btfiiI "Ma> Rev. Johnaon left for Chicago Circles, St. nrl4g*t’a church, iS Rev. Fred R Edgar, mlalster at Mr, Sullivan further stated that “AT KEITH’S for Early Birds” from tha '*MUiado’’.by Sir tha raftara ringing. For an encore, morning where he and hia much longer. ^ Also InateUation of otfieera .for Warraatea Deed new applications must he ac p, m. .Post Women’s AuxiUan, Mancheatai ciated. MiUta^ -cltee arere con ' Ir paea aaf loat tha ua> tion. On May 1 he will take up hia al defense source said the Red at­ Memorial Hospital Spring Deaaart ducted by' Ajiderzon-Shea Poet A. Farrington, property at Oak that eerviccB are being provided orMaat hi tha baglnnlM delightful oadlag. Homo Mancheatar Qroen. and will be provided oa required You’ll find k payfi you mighty hand- Tha chorua waa organiaad In new paatorate at Ridgeway, Penn. tacks seemed to be directed at all Bridge. Manchester Country Club VFW and 169th Ihfantry C.N.O and Spruce etreet|i. * jp^TjAAfght. U m atraago autf- Nationalist positions on the north Spring dance for Toaa-Agers. Bernard J. Sberidso to n alaw l under the rental agreement while FENDERAND home saving^ to be an "early bird" 3L Jemes'a school haU. 1:80 o’clock. Tape wag aoundtd by Joseph bank of the river. There are only a Campbell. Baarert were: Clarence L. and Fraficae L. Ballard, pwpM the requested rent Increase, if when it come\ to shopping for your Sunday. April 86 rriday. May g granted, remains In effeftt BODY WORK few Nationallat pockets left on the Mother and Daughter Banquet, LeChanee. Leonard LaChahoe, akn- ty on Lakewood Circia, eouth, outdoor furniture. Hurry to Keith’s. north bank. Men's Mission at South Metho- met Bro|^, Joseph Polowitaer, Qnlldtelni Dm A ..Hi diat church. Emanuel Lutheran church. Sotimene and Flagar, Ine. Boys’ and Girls' Talent Show, Benjamlh McGowen, Fratik Zarem Philip Harrleon to Ryth E. Har- St John’s church 80th Anniver­ rleon, property on Deepwood drive. Is Slightly Hurt 6S4 Canter Street sary banquet and OonfIrmatiOB at HolUstar sebooL ba. Burial war in S ^ler'a Field In WhlU Eagle haU. | Friday and (latiirday. MAy d bad 7 tha East cemetery. MiantonAnah Tribe of Red Men Braebum Est&fas to amve build­ lu Local Crash QassifiecI' Moaday, A n B 85 boat for 68rd Great Council sea- Obailae B. Wheeler ing at 116-U8 Eaet Omter etraet, YWCA Sprlnjg'Cmeok-Upi, Can­ ■ion of Improved .Order of R ^ 84,000. ter church, 8 p. m. Speaher: Funeral aervieea fir CSiartea R. Raymond Oomell, garage at 150 Manuel Carrie, 80, of 38 Flower Men et Hotel Bond. Wheeler of 747 OaUena etreet, FOR SALE Advertisemaib Dorothy Dissei “Clothed." Saturday. Stay 7 ISranfMd straeL 86110. street, Hartford, received sUght AFTER who died at hia home Sunday eve- forehead and scalp lacerations 1941 CHEVROI.ET SEDAN Tneeday. April 88 Boys’ and Qtrla’. Tfean-aga Block n ^ . were held this afternoon at teoellent eondltlon. Priced Manchester Chapter of Hadas- whm two pickup trucks collided Danem Maple, and Mala aUeeta, 8:15 from nla late home. Rev. La- tow for Immediate. aale. ' 1 * ^ Logt and Poond 1 sah. Donor Dessert 8 p. m. Parade of Barber Shop Quartete. with' a bqa yesterday afternoon at m land O. HuaL armietaf' at the Sec­ the interaectibnn of Main and Ikwt FOinJD SUNDAY, single* pesri 33tb Anniversary of St Mar­ High school Budltorlttm t p. la. Telephone Owner* 8972 garet's Circle. Daugbtars of laa:- ond COngregetka^ church offici­ Center streets. Carrie, an occu- GLIDER ear ring on Maple street. Owner • Meaday, May t ated, aaelgted at tha oemaUry by may have same by paying for ad. bella, at the Country. Club. YWCA Spring Ctaeok-Up, Cen­ state EASTER tha Mlantnaomah Tribe No. 58, In- ter Church, g. p. m. Speakers: Phone ^UOl. Wedneeday. April 87 depepdant Order of Red Maa. Monte Carlo Wbiat Past Presi­ Kay Knopp, Joyoa Fuller, Joee)^ Bmiai waa in tha fkmUy lot ia the NOW PLAnNO • Wright, Dorotky DiaecL BARGAIN dents Anderaon-Shea Auxiliary, BUteklaad oatae'ery. Bearera were: n k A a l l iA tff VINAL Ptraowili V.F.W. V. F. W. Home 8 p.m. Taeeday, BAw tS' World's Most Luxurious Friendly Circle military whist Cotton Pteherf' Mlnettel at WtlUam DeHab. WilUam Scbleldga CLEARANCE! MAQAEINES for prompt, reliable Whiton Memorial halt, aponaored Br.. William Bchtaldga Jr„ Walter at YMCA. servioc patrenite a dependable Ladlea of Columbus Installation by North Mathodiat chureb A. Kelly, Fred Soblfio, aad Salva- home town subscription agent. Sleep for Only He a Night Manchester Country Club 6:50 groupe. twe VCadrlte ' ■, i Loweat authorized piiMtahera’ p. m. Priday. Blay IS rates John Htnrichs. Phone 4698. Wedn Tbura.. Frt, AprU 87.88,t » Annual coaeart ef Chemlnede ONir ^ A penny and a half a night ia aO SEWING Machlnea expertly re­ Oo-Weds' musical “Mahll Gras” Musical Clulx EauDiuel Lnttaenur ]^ras8, B rash Fire ebureb. It costs you to enjoy the healthfiU, .Reduced to 30.00 paired or adjusted. Reasonable Hollister Street School. fl.OO Delivers a s C O A T S____ . '.Vslne to 45.00. rates. Work guaranteed. Call Wed. and Tbura., April 87 and 86 TPedaaaday. Blay I f In the South F n d refre-vhlng LUXURY REST of a 3171. or evenings 3-9419. The Graduate Club wUl present St. Bridget’a Comer Stone dub BeautSfrest . . . for you get a 16- —Pot Luck Supper 8:B0 p. m. $59-50 6 G O ATS____ _ .Value to 69.98. .Reduced to 50.00 a play entitled “Her Fata) Basuty" year guarantee. Each coil spring CEDAR HIU. Ranch. Hayrldea at St Mary’s chtircli. 8 oAdock. Saaday. May 8S DiiiBaal— ^ 9*^ ^ 9f the South SODEARTO •J/ ■ Dedteatton to Manchester War Pre-season scoop that spells outdoor comfort for sunfilled days ahead is Individually pocketed ao the and saddle horses for rent. Phone Friday. AprU 89 Maachaeter Fire depaitm^ re­ Red or gieen watci-I'epollenl co\'ei‘s. Steel frame. Smaiily styled to 18 GO ATS. . .Value to 55.00. . Reduced to 40.00 5900. Spring Dance sponsored by 3nd heroea and Gold Star Parents at $9 Down. .Apiir.g.N can't sap or cause hollow m VFW Rome, aponaored by An- sponded to a box alarm (N o. T il R V H EiffiT give your porch, lawn or patio a "country club" look. Comfortable PLUS, loose bsck cushions and scat pad. Coil spring base. $2.50 Munth spots. Yet, they "give" In the right 1 0 C 0 A T 8 . . .Value to 29.98. .Reduced to 22.00 deraon-Shba Post 3946 VFW. from Autumn and Highland Mreata places. No-sag edges and pfebullt Friday, May 87 B O Y R O G ER S Bbortly befora 8 o’clock tUa aftea- border. Military' Whist of St Margaret's nooa for a graaa aad brudi fjlra. Circle, D. of L. at St Bridget'a “ o iu lIrD c a n y o n ball. Cbiaf Albert Foy reported four Snadav. Jane 86 m e were burned over, eaet of Adjustoble Suck CHAISES Annual Spring Outing of Brit­ Autumn etrceL The flz t MANCHESTfc ish Amarlcan Club. AU day. gained much headway bafi Choeac an elegant ctodse for really r • J w alarm waa turimd in. he luxurloua lounging. Back adjusts 9 S U IT S ...... Value to 65.00 ...... Reduced to 50.00 m for extra comfort. Gay green leatherette pad Rubbcr-tlred $24-95 85 S U IT S ...... Value to 49.98 ...... Reduced to 35.00 $6-95 wheels. Rugged frente. About Town $1.00 Delivers e t w s Ftmn Ills KMN ST OPI’OSITE HKH SCHOOL 20 SUITS ...... Valae, to.40.00 ...... Reduced to 30.00 widths AA to O ~ NOfW^-PIEEt W OlWINO Bweeeimag Nedeto to 843.50 Sixes To 9 The redgnalierv ad Albeft, V. Knofla aa A'hitmBdr of the tinra 25 SUITS...... Value to 2 9.98 ...... Reduced to 22.00 ■ebool building camiBUttee waa. iie- cepM lest Bight by tba Board df When Minutee Dlrectora. Mr. KiMfla baa bi named town inapeotor on the Count ■chool buUdlng Jobe. A eucceeaor bee not yet bean named Have vnur dortnr t#ka - — 8 irihiae Me preaerliitina ■■■■■I im m m m k • Mrs. Edward Lynch and daagh- PLCSPliiTRli CcinMi^ SILK BLOUSES ...... Value to . Reduced to 2.99 to WeMna'e over oat af*- Ura with Mra. Clayton AlUson are TRADE-IN vale pmfeeeViael wtrv lor ending the week In Washington, 'M WHITE BLOUSES ...... Value to .98. . . Reduced to 2.99 bame^ta delivery te D.C. aad WUUemebwVt Va. Your Old Refrigerator The popularity of Walt Dlaney’a SUNDAY, MAY 8 SKIRTS...... Value to 10.98. . .Reduced to 6.00 new picture “So Dear,, to My Alway$ \ •. • I 7»r O u ’l'clooi* Livincj WELDON'S Heart” drew a large crowd to tha A portrait of< Mother— Make that On This New 1949 SKIRTS ...... Value to 8.98. . .Reduced to 5.00 Good looking white oxfords with maximum comfort, 8 U U theater thU afUmooo for DEUaOUS FOOD your ^ ft to her for Mothcr’a Day. Call t il MAIM aracB T the first abowlBg here. Before tba \ especiaiiy for nurses. bcR office opened the line ef pa­ AT 8358 right now and arrange for a sitting SKIRTS ...... Value to 5.98. . . Reduced to 2.98 trons extendM from the theater to for her in our modem studios. Yooll Birch atreet The^ fact that schMia . both be pleased with the results! Wfestindiouse T. SHIRT, MATCHING CARDIGAN ____ Spec. Pur. 3.98 Set are aot la session this week was a ERBNER’S oontributlng factor in produdag CAVEY’S. the large matinee etUodanee. I W SHOE«i4nir GTURrSTORE ELITE STUDIO 825 MAIN STREET LUNCHEON AND Hospital Notes 983 m a i n s t r e e t TELEPHONE 8358 DINNER Open Thursday Evenings .BlnoSwan Panties...... Reg. 79c. . .Reduced to 59c ae e e ee a a a ■ ■ ‘ ^ Admitted yeeterday: Frederlek Sondaya By Appobitmcat Jersey Gowns ...... Value to 4 .9 8 . . .Reduced to 2.98 Hanson, 111 Hollister street: Bin Donahaa st tha m Ignaslo Ottope. 38 Middle Tum- Hanmond Orfsii ^ke. Weat; Mrs Itortha Lord. ,Crepe and Satin'Gowns . . .Value to 3.98. . .Reduced to 1.98 'l^ '...I East Hartford: Sally Bonner, Tal- 9 P. M.— 1 A* M. eottvtUe. / Oddi ’n Ends B ras...... Value to 5.00. . . Reduced 30% ^ Admitted today: Tarry Sweet, 8B1 Center etreet; Richard. Ron­ ald and Betty Modeen. 481 Parker Nerfliaf to Odds *n Ends S lip s ...... Value to 5.98. . .Reduced to 2.98 street: Mrs. Cecelia Brunelle. 50 Pioneer yOrcle; Mih. RtU BflUcr. eemaato wiffc k 18S BlaMI atreet; Mies Jane Burr, Porch Rockers lOS ASelelde road; Bruce Vendcr- ■f Hitt S61 Porter street; Harry M q i^ , 34 Madison etreeL $ 7 ^ 5 emezl/if laeherged yesterday: Judith Jew pricef .jt, 53 Cobum road; Sally Ann BNeApopuIar rocker' In smooth REVERSIBLE 85 PRINT DRESSES____ Value 17.00. . .Reduced lo 10.00 1 Kradas. 65 Cooper street; Paul varnished wood. Sturdy splint Kavaaek.'88 Summer etreet. fiber seat. 4-slet beok. People Ilk# 10 KNIT DRESSES ...... Value 9.00. . Reduced to 5.00 1 neeheryed today: Paul and these for comfort Value! FIBRE RUGS Thomas Delmaatio, TaleottvIUe; Get more springtime driv­ Miss Judith McCarthy, 88 North 6- X e . ----- 911.95 25 ASSORTED DRESSES, Value to 29.98. . Reduced to 5.00 1 Elm* street: Mra. Dojia Caye, 380 • Peerm drhioik A Full 7 Cubic Foot ing pleasure .with a "line eeem erivtn rmt, pBmm 6 I 17 ...... 915.96 Burnham Mreet ______CtUlae Wahb “ hit- BhBtpemr, poe- Brighten up your rooms, give them a Rafrigarotor rannlng” ear! 9 1 3 - 9 S Mae risMjr" alw tebo *ttv« Bcben Meti. i i i H “Bstsarse" rontroU h#n4l« «t cool; Inviting charm with colorful Drl- 6 X 10 ...... 9I6.9S plald rugs, l ^ g - n ’cating reversible fiber. with (1) Clean and adjust carburetor. 3-tone plaid effects • X It ...... $17.9.7 other WcaUngheose (3) CIcaa and adjust distributer points. Modria aa Lew ee 9999J8 (S) Clean and adjust epark pings. m (4) Adjust generator chargl^ rate. (5) Complete motor vltaBziBg laclndlag crash "SMrtk Of •MSmiH ^ amda gaaaJblo b f CHILDREN’S DEPT. * case Hush. M. Leolar AMtoauHtc .(6) Change motor oil. (Is Calar) (7) Replace oil biter cartridge. DRESSES...... Value 1»96. . . .Reduced to 1.25 goal MeCtea. (8) Drain and flush cooHag system. Drapery and Slip Cover Fabrics & o ;N iT i RG li (9) Add rust lahlhltor. ca0(i©<9S(ig) DRESSES...... Value to 3.98.... Redttced to 2.00 CtHCiAiiy fled le meet Iht Pnme (10) Lubricate chassis, body, «ogt— wiiR RteMy B0 pemet -H 48, 8 t88i 8418 Hi th« ftFiQog A SiFAlWn towr-cy«t« 50% Off Closeout look what you gat for $229.9$ DRESSES ^ . . Value to 4.98;. . .Reduced to 3.00 •fifiMt. The Hocket it mBpB tne car»- (1 1 ) Free—"One Can Lincoln Wa* ffte m«#nttfUiAce and Rtrftcl serftrm- r.'.i-l ence. New styling and design give ipe cubes. Hwmidvaww [iLACE TRIM JERSEY PANTIES, Reg. 85e. .Reduced to 59c The above price Includco 5 quarts oil. aU greases, 69c YA 99c YA $1.19YA you more room in less space. K bushel af rust Inhibitor, oU filter cartridge aad labor. Other.' end freeh in miiit eald. 8-Ta perta. If needed, are extra. Super Freezer freezes and SUITS ...... Value 19.96... .Reduced to 12.00 The Most Wanted Power ’ You save 50% and MORE! Keith's stores 21 pounds ef food in Proteetioa Plan eai teM la closing out its entire stock of Wastfaigbeaaa Beeaeariaer II ALL WUBK DONE WITH MDDERN EQLIP- Mower on the Morket slip cover and drapery fabrics. COLDER COLD— freezes ice :| U IT i . . V ...... Value 16.98... Reduced to 10.00 BIEMT Bk FACTOBV TBAINBO BIBM. Give-away prices! Save. on.your rubes faster. Meat Storage chaaisai— tha esH wte a 1 Rpring redecorating.. Tray keeps 15 poundi ef laeat year enm«eae4 pwfwmaa I^^^SUITS VgJue 12.96.... Reduced to 8.00 "Lloyd" Choirs fcmh for daya— alee storm $144.95 Cloaod Wed. at Naea. Open Thsna. to 9 . ALL COATS ...... Reduced 25% Take 21 Months To Poy Coat Lcaa Than Other Mowera With $8.95 OtlMr Daya • to S49 MAMCHgaTPP r^i^amrvs.a CoRiparable SpedfleatioiM gtrong wpven fiber seal and hack. } T ■ Always conrfortahle, U doesn’t heat. # O F MMANCHESTER ) A LW A raO V B N up fmm the atm. Choice of red, J blue, yellow or green. aterts Thitt: -"Aflalis ef BUSH HARDWARE CO. Vtas -tabeisw Cbm MANCHESTER. CONN. lilVS •J - \ I ,1IL MAIN "IT OPPOSITE HILrt SCHOOL / u ^ / i i l u h i

. i.c, - . — ... 4.#; .9 ^ 8 4 / ■ \ --f' ,S -Jy'.yf c'y ■■■'■ '• MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20, 194D

-4 - MANCHESTER Es V v ^ N G HERALD. MANCHESTER/CONN./^DNESDATf.^PRIL 20. 1942 rruesu. M rs.' itobert Stoddard | home of Ijlra gybUla Jonea The Uam Smith ot Tsnktrooaan Scouts of Amorica will hold s dis­ son today at the Recreation Field.[Maple street the , ___ cers rf»to evening at the Ellis Hotnr members Include Rev. Albert Jack- wllh'the following In sttendi trict meeting this evening in Rock­ There are nine teama Ellingtan, j for 1948 meet Toitohd. ' ' f ^ ■TT on (forth j^WH atreat. pmaded by and Mrs. John Lahsn are in charge ville. Maple street. Tolland. East, : St. Belief Corps - ot the dinner amuigementa. son. Mrs. (Scorge Johnston, Mrs. ?Jrs. W. J. Stephens. Mra. Rol only because of its greater popula­ the nktlon in the . fight againat Rorkvilld’^' a dlnnei at six o’clock. Mrs. J. Frank Andrews and.Mrs. Jones. ^ ’Taft, Maurlcs Fielding, Oscar Mul­ League Starts Bernsrd’a, St.. Joseph's, Rockville, I A 'meeting ot Burpaa W * On Thursday evening, April 14th Mro. Ralph Pierce and daugh­ traffic deaths for the first two Stanley McCray wUl m installed VbnMu Methodist Church The Grammar School baseball Broad Brook. Somersvllle and ^ Relief Oorpe wUl ba held fUn i ters,’ Marcia and •Thelma, of Cam­ Hartford Traffic tion. Springfield. Maaa., waa third The Finance committee of the ler. Ernest Richard. Sr. , a surprise T®*'ty was held for Ger­ in the death-free tabulatioBS. months of 1M» were given In the a president bf the club, with su- The nominating committee Isague aponaored by the Rockville^ Longview. In the second schedul-1 nlng at eight o’clock at ths O-A.l o w n bridge atreet, are vlaiting Mr. the Vernon Isethodtot church church will meet thtoAvenlng at HIgblaad District Meeting ald D. Carter at his, home 4 Drive The atandings of aU the eiUaa of April issue of ••Public Safety.” ilS.dO i2 l.lt prelis oflicera add members, ot The Highland District Boy Recreation Board opened Its sea- e fWday. ___ The secretary and vice presi­ postponed until April 29." for a ihaitlag called-for the pur­ LUB dent of the sophomore class of the ----- \ pose of voting on the imhool altua- TERLING Mrs. Foster Williams is chair­ Connecticut Engineering Institute A vHCHtton .square dahee, with tlon. Aa there la now tnereased man of the committee which is are both from Manchester. James nuisic by Ben Avery’s orchestra, interegt the School Building com­ drawing up plana for the Military Torrance, son of Mr. and Mrs. will be held this Friday night In 4 BIG SALE DAYS mittee feeto that a., open forum at Whist to be presented by St. Mar­ Andrew Toirance of 194 Middle the .social rooni of the Bucking­ I V C D • THURS^ FRI • SAT thla time would he twncflclal to all garet’s Circle of ^ e Daughters of Turnpike, east, and William Klop- ham church. Arrangements have citlxenk: It to felt that a forum Isaballa. Mrs. Edward fSiapde- penburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ bee.i made by the committee, Mr. would aMlW' it; clearing the altua- laine la also on the committee. liam Kloppenburg of 91 Cooper and Mr.s. raid Koelle. tton brought about by the Town The w<>iM. which is being held on street, have made the dean’s Hat meeting that waa not held and May J7. is for the benefit of St. of the in.stitutc. Both arc enrolled When the llp.iala college choir alao th* followup meetlnn 6f rep ih the electrical technology class. Zforthepdee otl+P W io,ooo ntxAii p r Bridget's school fund. of Ea.st Oisnge. N. J.. pre.sents its resentatlve committees on April T H E EASY WAY TO OWN STERLING ! Torrance Is the \dce president and concert tomorrow eveiung at 8 II. The Ladies' Aid of the Emanuel Kloppenburg; the aecretary. the Emnnuel Lutheran church, N o , announcement haa yet been ----- A Lutheran church will meet tomor­ Hartford, Earl Modenn, son of made'on a future town meeting or F o r ajimitefi lime only, we are scceplirtii' memhera in our famed Sterling row at 1:80 p. m. in the vestry. The mid-week prayer meeting Mrs. Sigrid .\Iodcan of Cambridge other method to be recommended Mrs. August Carlson will bo chair­ of the Church of the Nazarene will street, will be one of the 60 choris­ by the bulldlhg committee. Silver Qub. Now you, loo, are able to own America's fines! sterling man of the hostesses. start at 7:30 this evening. ters. ” WoNwa'a Onlld VAHY SPtCIAlS ! ,H w . Wonento Guild of the Union silver. Oongngatlonal church wfll meet this avenmg at eight o’clock at the It's so easy to biiy this way . everyone ran afford to set a beautiful table. tt Mr pHet p f 2 ypf t pipg h shctal rooms of the church. Miss Invtgontuig Rubbing Akobol! TasWkoodd Ha(4ontton wUI apeak Visit us tomorrow. . . immedyte deliveries. R«n> Alcadlag Highly Reined, Tatlelesi Mineral Oil ^ ^ n ta l Handicraft The so^ te*4i Fenwhl tot-xdll ka Arthur Gusman and the i Na^evegerelliie. relealeg. _ aarviea of worship will be lad by HaMve leseHve ecHee. _ Mrs. V U U ^ Kington. Preceding 1 7 HalwiCMWill _ u rn s ypf s$€ h o t i AM. Map* ZtPf§§R the otoMng there, wUI be a pot IS SPICIAl COIB WAVE RII Durable Red Rubber, 2 Quart ' tuck supper with Mrs. Kenneth y a , Mamm, don't forget my H a W tr Smith as hestesA Thera wUl also Ot». y.waW • Wattr BaiA IMrsIwWHTalc ba a kuainsas meeting with Mra. WHh $0 ploMla 'J m OC •UW aeck aemlrvailee. tMthar A. White presiding. Mem- $ 2.00 Value • AM. $149 2 A e A M Meed fe e l near Tek. ^ hsra a>* asked to bring aU arUcles 9 * i r e $ t o n AM.4w 2 ^ J i # a far the baaaar with the exception t h e SHOP of the food, the baaaar taking 0 SPtClAl...... 60ES ON SAU THimSMY j ptaca on Thuraday, April 81 stort­ » t « OeMceloevecep.Atareee. _ Rndi Tiaatrfcal Cali OMai HMaaaHiM POPUUR lAVOlinS I ing at two o'clock. THURSDAY Til 9 •«y; Week .. MO. flAV 2 / W / . # / | Ahtond Bawling Carnival ...... dW. I I * 2 ^ f a § f M * Victoria Oimtolcwakl and wUcHd e «..«« « » ^ . Adrienne. »P -»o P*' k Q € "Beauty an m Budget MUa M a r l ^ Jesanto ^ Roeh- Convoy Tire Tdka DapandmbU ReaaUf vtlto toft today for Rlckmond to CraaaiS UttoM ^ . 7.* ... Renallt I lb. box 4 # ^ taka part In tha National BowUng * taaiaaxMai.' n a y are both frodyctu ^ * “-dm | MW*. dUa-W <------p a y h o ; OH SMI nio*y fPMI WCi4*Op$Ot iS S u S d S l tha DomeaUe C8aan- »«C. PJc 2nr7tt UmernKmUtas^aela. ' ara team at HartfWd. o f Uie wamsa rasis v*un AAaffM OPgr. M f P r S S R N ith tn i Oo*aettota LeiMfUA T t o to khowB aa tim Oonnaetleut weak- 4 f a y O t* V -Y M U w * f 24 alwah. 24 •nvaUpa*. C k « ^ Martaff Hair Oil and and It to expected that about a.ey. rink. Wua. liiwd Un.4 •««>• ^ Pw beta em4 wosmil _ MO from Oonnaetleut will take yew keir _ $1.00 d —««“ ...... SIO. PJ, 2 n r 7 $ * '* e p » keep part. Tha Rockvilla bowlers wUl Value •'dwty.4ee i...M a.t«t^ f p f tabs part in tha ainglaa lata Sat­ ■ ' ■ it u l ernty CftM urday afternoon and the doubles ’vif •Saturday avaning. SPeCIAL....e0ES on sale sawkoay ^•r shM Mfsconforl tfoo Ig ^ , , A«alo Meeting . LOOSE POWDER COIAPRCT wind qr Mm, • ot. tea. 5ft ROOO*fflO' A -MbaUng of RockvUto AerlA A ea.. . . . nM .'«Pa 1 ABr$§9 F. O. K . win bo held Thursday datlsnad •ev«'« . \CE Rciall iMrctost Mhwfal OH nighL April 81 at Had Men's hall \CH always o««*P'“ bit 9'b. Rsx-MaU HaasdwM Glavtt > on Bast Main strset starting ,at fO R _ vs’ e*^ $2.00 Value # ^ Noa-hokii »ar»,M i aaa. eight o'eloek. v i e e k laNaninr l« ,s,rt. Slni. •Hr avtsiSa tnlsli. CheceleM .pay Ot*'> Vtfac^ Art Lootare _ ... \.00 • ^ *0^ Rfliilf, An Art lectme, "Men of Lettere 2 p B t 9 € R tfO . 7 i« { pay O o '> ' AA. 2 p n * / O f and Mon of Genius" to to be pre- _ •.. 1.00 » Ih s y ’f Math R |||tr ft Caatral liaaM seated at tha Unkm church aoeial High Pafaacy Cad tfvar Oil rooms bn Saturday evening, April Aer prWactia* Iron ASotk _ Handy Colton-lipped Applieatore Eak tMTca el Vitoailn, A » _ 38. aponaored by the Greater daiaaga. yi,, . . ^5 , ^ 2 S R RockriDe Art AssoclsUon, with REXAU Stariliiai QUIK-SWABS A 0. 14 M l.. 11.7 4 1(21 2 P b t 9 . 2 $ W. Taindry VanCL,Jltornry editor Sfiowy cotton of Hnost ^iMlity ottochod to ^ * 1 | W fw C h ild s of the Hgitford OShrant aa the ...... ‘ * * * springy 3* slicht. •■••kef, Aa an additional fea­ AH M Iy «ilM la •vyylaMMH, bavlar kownt AIDO MalHpIt CCptalM ture. eaUl member of the Gibater Keg. 27c lOO’s 2 fpr raeuiraaasli i« • 4 ••roaWty larwleal d- _ Rackrtlto. Art Asaociation will ouAitrr ftoou ” 2 M •walaa. Wa. | | .m till 2 pBf / , # / bring a picturs to exhibit. Basnar Thuraday The Women’s Guild of the Union ••• ^ Ttpo t'amoue Rexall Moulh B’osJies on Sale! A t h e f church will hold a bagaar at the *•“la.k*** * .4 church aoeial rooms on Thursday IVER'*' REXALL Ml 31 SOLUTION os ofisning at two o’clock. There will REXALL KLINZO ANTISEPTIC AiXAU TIWT tot nAST OIL AmIwmi., 4 ...... be fancy work, aprons, jewelry, Koop yoof mouth fooling iwoot, rtfrdshod with oithor lAVINetn lATH SAIT* ar nooV POwnn v ...... $ “ • A »er M « food, candy toblca. white elephant table and grab bag. A cafeteria Mi 31 Of Klonxo. AMNNNI VaOM PUTT. *%- '*^***' **" ..... $l.(X>aatS, a ler I.OI supper,will be served from 5 to 7 2 0 C yM A M P kOTlOM. T.HI MW ...... ■agylar 15c, t lor IA« •gain toads tbs way to lower Each, Mag. 49c Pint Cor .. lafvlw SAe, a tov Ma ^ InaitoltoHaw '* ilg M tiss priessl A gonuins nrssleas tirs with OUAUTV raeouci niXAU corn CMam, t JeZ ...... l•gv>w lOc.a far lie The RoekvlUe Emblem Club tks ioM tip FIrsstoiis Uiotimo Guorontss. :«* “ *oo"*AAAn.ivie^«;::::::: ...... • • togalw 3*C, 3 far 40< W in hold IU Installation,, of offi­ Fir$l Time at One Cent Sole Price*! n tX A U 3 K ...... Ito to u ^ ntgssd tread protects against PIARl TOOTH POWBOL . ■ >aa«lar 30c. a far 31a REXALL IRITIN TOOTH PASTE ■«AU emizo TOOTH PASTE 3*^WK„ ...... ■ lM«>w IVc, a far Ma ildddiBgl And fbs exclusive Gura-Pipped AIXAU Mlut or MAONi SM tooth PAHS tu !...... Aat*r45c.afer4Ac PollsKoi fofitly; clocmsts thoroughly. oetd body gives greater protection ogainst *'!^.»«*vi lorlSri r ”* ----25c Sin, a far a«« AU TO G LA SS DoHghtfol A«vo>. ^ lafvler/icifwPAc Uewouls— on extra value found in no »fIRROR^ Mag. S9c Tuba fMf m S r S u r * * s;i^ rrrr.‘-^ - •vf • 4*c oach, a far SOa other tire in this pries clossl Don't delay PUALITY rtOOUCT ■*XAU PUniTItT tunniWR AICOHOI fntorniiain It ‘ ...... ■ .■•evlw 55c, X4ar 5«< . Ragulor 69c, 3 for 7«( ■ equip your car today dt this MONEY- AIXAU rOOT Powatot, 4 a«iK...... •■•gxlar 35c.afar8A« RAVING LOW PRICEI REXALL MILK OF MA6RESIA AiM tt m x . m i v „ 7 X , vi . . w . ‘h.L...... lagutor 2fc, a * gat ANTACID AND LAXATIVE .Argviar 49c,3 VAOa . Irgvlw ICc.aferaPf Or>o too»poonM in wotor pets^os «n ontocitf. Ono tohlo- CARR/fS THE FAMOUS FIRESTONE LIFETIME GUARANTEE spoonful in Wotor for fovotivo uto. Ivgular 3fc. a far 30a IrgvIarCac.afarAAf Mag. 39c Pint ^ 4 0 t ouAUTT SBSM raoeuct We’ll Install $ 1 0112 111 Vi Cealei HI. t*lnow '»glto MOTOR REXALL yorctest ASPIRIN TAiLETS PhruHufe rnpa Store rrmriA Pteturo Frasntan Full 5 groin wglrin to ovortomo orMinory gmn «nd Veartton IMMe c m CHOICE OF OVER 70 OF AMERICA'S LEADING PAnERNS! SEAT COVERS stmglo hoMdochos, ^ IF YOU CAN’T 6 E IN USE THIS OIL Mag. 49c tOO’n HANDY MAIL M ORDER FORM OUAIITY PRODUCT ;wNA^oatoifg-n»Acama,3M««...... •• ff»«i..’> fl. including federal tax. Remember, you need ENJOY THUI The P m r U O r ip u R t U S iA t on your ear CAR buy only one place setting . . . or bu> ns many as you wish. Buy now, thi« •xfrcmrb "nsy EiATURIS ' fs ypRt Opportunity HB rp ’ SVrON fhacAliH Synp in Vwy apaoui, gHaMfi for apy and way . . . for your own home. . . for your daughter’s hope chest . . . for June bridesl Ouuiity iu Ouuutity ut Suutup tend tn*- RADIO 9 IBt,rme.nm'S f o t t 2 $ R ^ p\ep»« W r^ W ta a- i — S4aaitll|ait.l OM m arN* * »f S tifik e tM SEAT COVERS alt ijepairs. SiWei poW«’ ** • Smooth Fit . . . • Lon* Wearing Fiber .... f fiDltopt ^fktoat Scrvict numb*' f29.95 'W ell Tailored Shop fhraughawf ■•ao***^ % • Smart Fdtterns • iMthWette Trim for bundredt mara Ic Salt hdan eel advarfiiad. \ ...... , MANCHESTER nr ALL STARTS THURSDAY _____ COME EARLY! MOTOR SALES ....■ ... J S12 W / s L Caatbr Rt. t- P AUTO STORES P li« a « 4134 ■ ^ ^ - - - - ' " ^ * I YOUR FIRESTONE DEALHl- - QUINN'S PHARMACY I OniMBT . TEL. 7080 : i


MANVHE8TBR KVBNIHG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN*. WEDNEiDAX. AFKIL P). %V49 Walter Abbott, 22, of Troy, N. C.: group, JuUon, backed up Spector'a two montha and expecting a ct«il Orlando JuUon. 23, of 22 Eullta story and aSid that Spector waa In August, la improving ih health, ^Peace Day^^ Observance Police Csourt Terraco, Brighton, Mass., . and "trying to keep ua quiet.” her doctor says. whan ha arrived. He orderpd J l ^ - ■idw. James ^rreale, 21, of 103 Irving The speeding charge against Crash Takes auakaa removed to the hospital. Five youths, all employed at the street, Bostoa, Mass- Theodore R. Bunnell, 22. of 40 Lar­ Chief HiU said that the spaado- '' Suggested fo r Manchester carnival currently playing in Man­ patrolman Edward Wlnxler tes­ der road, Bristol, was continued And a RefresIdng PaiueiCI metei- of the car had raglMarad ! tified that he noticed the group when the accused failed to put In !ijh (h y’» R adio ^ only 378 mllas and that It had . chester, paid |10 each in Town FA R M L O A M lives of Two Court this morning for “using the walking up Main street shortly be­ an appearance; been delivared to M rs.. Mercler observance In »offer’ might at first/ be thought 'SPECtAly--4TBnEB NOW only six dkya ago. K "Peace Day" sidewalk as a bathroom" and em- fore one o'clock and that aome of last foolish suggestion t er nloying loud and profane language them were staggering. Later, he Actreaa* Heallb Improvlag . ftJW Per Tard OeUvrred kfanchester was auggested U come before UMSkterd." but Holl3rwood, April 2S-^JCt —Olivia Helps You Get TherOt Tod Bity State Father and night to the Board of Direeton, by ‘ on Main street at one o’clock this aaid. he heard shouting and swear­ la Tmek l,oad l-ots that further tiKMight might prove moriilng. Although ' elk youths ing at the center. When be a ^ de HavUland. Ill hv bed more than p^sr? Have You Been Delaying Purchasing Harold W. Tillinghaat 'vho stated it one of the beet, jprovided full ; Hunt; H«Wt. WOWS—D®®®** Tkytor Concert. Pliughter Killed; New that he felt such an occasion here were presented on preach of peace proached the youths to tell them BaO Oaxers. Tracking WDBO-rPubUc Senrlee Pro* , I 'i support could be adwmeep. to keep quiet, he noticed the con­ Power SknveU, ttradiag tOT« M M 8pMk: might'be of great blgnifijance and . It would be an evsnt that could charges, one of them, Donald im in I Britain Man Injured NOW CAN ai might be taken up elsewhere Spector, 21, of 381 Center Mreet. dition of the aldewalk and arrest­ Gravel. Fin WTHT—Jack Kirkwood Show, make this town Staif out, he said. ed the group when the youths re­ AMESITE DRIVES >KarMr. throughout the nation. He estimated that Tat iesst two pleaded not guilty and was given w u*. w n c —CnrUin Time. Suffield. April 20—d*)—A Chico­ Noting that the town hatT Jiut | the "benefit of the doubt" by fused to tell who had committed Terms Arraaaed! Household Appliances Yoii Wanted? ironths should bq spent in the the offense. Cbtilce Of Malerials 1#]46— _ pee, Maaa., father and bia daugh­ taken part In an Army Day cele-! making of complete arrangements. Judge Raymond R. Bowers. NusMlurf Const. Co. . Wt>RC — Oovornor Chanter M EH m / bration, Mr.’ Tillinghaat aaid th a t: Others arrested were Albert Spector aaid he did not hear pro­ Thomas D. Gilla 27 OEKRFIEI.D DRIVE ■OWlM. ter ware killed and a Naw Britala • • • '. •This should boio little thing," ■it VuriattM. nlWtotiiei he would like to see the town turn ' Tillinghaat said, " t should be Im- Mutcahy. 18. of 87 Spring street. fane language and added that be MA.NCHEMTER. CONN. tliM— man waa aerioualy Injured hera Everett, Maas.; Frank Tiso, 21, of j was trying to get.the others on a 2-9219 WDRC—Wnws on nU •teUnaa. yesterday In an automobila-trailar awies wsM B«a eni etew adswise mane out in Ita frateriiBl. religious and ; p„rtant and plann^ to succeed.” Tel. 84M . N*w Bnf UM*d N®****®* lip riwWstWs. aaqsWw** Npw* tSTst 94 Everett street, Boston, Maas.; bus when arrested. One of the 1 1 :» — tnKk aoUIslon at an Ihteraaetioo isew «lw sal WsiMShSMsaet is MmM I TheJi Directors / appeared much '*SaN»U»d; Mw*n. with tews aRv aww. mMe taaiw swr ”We should spend some money . i.,terestdd In the >r(n>(Ml. ano ,ei pp J o iM e rjiRC—Hoover a Commlaaion. on Route 8A. BUY WTHT—loe Haael. The vlctinu were idantlflad aa hsieMe-Wenii sad aevir site hsew W. 0.1 t. • Tlllinghast said, "enough to | „oUon of DlWctor Raymosnl W0N|*^4UhiwHh-tb* Bm <* Bat jrm Shrlaer and Ray-1 8:00—Request Time. the barrier and stopped with Its Jr FOR gntod Seott. ' 9:00—News. front wheela on the lawn. WTHT—FM On the air S pJH.- Df. William H. Vpson found W e realhie that many people AFC BnxiouB to pureliaae oow^AppliAncet but have ONLY II pjn. Mra. Mercler and her father dead 2 3 9 ’ * . Keening Same as WTHT, Opening Thursday •cSS— .WHO—FM On ths air 5:25 a.m.- delayed in the hope that prices on General Electric applhinceg will be reduced EASY TERMS 1 5% DOWN WDRO—Newa. 1 njn. JARVIS { Hf(XXS*-OoBe»Tt Hour, Same as WTIC. w a r s —Wewa. Television RceomniM ds a ■till further than they have beeh. ^ A p r il 2 1 st 21 MONTHS TO PAY WTHlWMuaic at Six; Sporta. WNHO-TV Plastering w n c —Newa. , P. M. A AT Trade in your OLD refrigerator Now WKNB—Newa; Sporta: Kaay | 8:00—Teletunes. Patching and New I ' Rytbn. 8:88—Program Resums. Our new policy, however, makes h |ms6ible f o r you to buy ^OW and be AM ored •omm uNon Aumoarv or nt coca.coia coMrsNr tv 6:00—Small Fry Club. 887 MAIN ST. Constnictidn Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Conn.,' East Hartford WDRC— Jack Smith. Sporta giSO—^Teen Time Tunea 6:45—Vincent Lopez. that if prices are reduced again you need suffer no lota., Hale’s will protect you. (Formerly Kelles) Liberal Allowances of 0 1*44. Um Cmm^COm Cmamr w S s ^ S tr ie tly Sporta; Weath- ] 7:00—Kukla,.Fran and Ollie. Tel. 3 0 9 7 7:30—Junior Parada The Good Earth We agree to credit in full the amount of any price reduction on any General ar. 7:45—Magic Show. 20.00 To 50.00 Sitth> 8:00—Arthur Godfrey. As Your Safest Manchester Bronch Of WPRO—Aanord Album. 9:00—The Qoldberga. Raymond D. Efectric major appliance purchased from this date until September 30, 1949. 9:30—Kobb'a Korner. Investment * ‘W0NS—ih e Anawer Man. 10:00—Boxing. Manhattan Cen M cCarthy This credit may be applied toward the purchase of any General Electric household Oil Heat and Engineering, Inc. The fgmoiu NORGE WTWP-— Serano Qamihall; ter. ■ ROI.I.ATOR mechanism. wnsther. . . i New Cape Cod houses un­ Here’# your o|qx>rtunity to join tb . happy W tlO —PRSeeeer Andre Schen-! der construction in various appUtince sold in our store until^ November 30* 1 9 4 9 . of Hartford throag of Norgs ownara without straining the Only three moving parts Curily badgat! This big 8-cubic-foot model is scaled in the unit. Guar­ sections of Manchester. anteed for 6ve yeara. Yoar TIMKEN Dealer FTaBt. comfort with Timken Oil Heating, Eagle-Picher AIV laak BMth Show. D. PEARL’S OPEN EVENINGS fewB. Co. Weather Combination Windows and Eagle-picher Home APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE CENTRE 155 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER WHRU.-Msn or Taaae. REALTORS Insulation. 649 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 7690 Yob eSaa Alwaya Do Better At Batch’s *S»— n.St Center Street WDitO-Cash rutacn. TeL 4112 or T27.5 me- WOiab>«sNrt ■orieigh. Nawa rrv WnrV—iMM Ranger. WHO—Talk hg Qoie. Boerlea. gifg - WDRO^Afihaard R. Murrew. CHICK thata advantogat of WOWS .ttelSa o< Sporta. * WHO—Tour Senator Prom | SOIL^CEMENT WDRO—Mr. Chameleon. WOMB—Can You Top Thia. fo r light-traffic strootf WT8T—Amateur Hour. conoNs WHO-Wondlo. ECONOMY ment with soil-cement. Soil- g i f t cement streeu can he built WDRO—Dr. CkrUtlan. Soil-ceffleot pavement ia WOWS Scattargood Balnea. low cost because: (1) about and used under a wide WHO ' great Q&dataleeve. 90 per cant of the r^uirad range of weather conditions. SUMMER SMS— material la usually local soil w a rs—Hy Qardaer. already on the stram and < 2) it DURABILITY SiSh- WDRO-Onmty Fair. iaeasyandfuttqbnild.Econo- The durability of soil-cement WOWB-Oahriel Heattar. my is important to tqxpayara. for local streets has bean ■rmr-MOtea BeHe Show. proved by years of all-weather WHO—Duffy*a Tavern. AOAprAtiurr service at low-maihttnanca SOS- WOWB-Wawa. Whether your local atraat is . expense. Since 1939 thou- now dirt, gravel or Atone, it aands of miles of ioil N. T. WOMB—^NkMy Fteyheuae. A ssSssel arsasberiss wwra wtS ssl«i4 Nm iMt sf sw4s*4 < WTHT—Bing onaby. WHO—Big Story. r

'^ tsu itV L A


**The Car Designed with YOU in Mind*^ is ehtnging a lot of minds! m o m INJOTMINT.IVtRT MIU ★ Tip-Toe Hydriulic Shift vithj{iu4^ri», CKOWDS of people have visited our showrooim Get in. Front seat or beck, they’re both wider. since the first announoement of the new De Soto. There’s more leg room for sill passengers, too. And ' W NswFsathsr, ^ Ueisri D|M Dssrisi si»tsM with It has been very interesting to watdi their reactions. you grt all this extlw space without sacrifice of con­ full Mers dnds" venience, because the outside dfane^ons of. the new 3 Yse DO wbsB yoB bring ypur laundry and dry cleaning to ns here at First of all, of course, they walk ell around the A Cwnsreisiee car and admire its smart, km Unes and its sleek De Soto are not increaaod. You can still perk with ^•Mfsisitsf Es|ins ★ Sefsfusrd Hrdrsuuc Hdrrisse Straet, pick it up when it’s ready. appearance. NThey tell ua they like ita looks because ease. And you needn’t rebuild that gvage. •rskss wiik ntw t* it is "modem but not modernistic.’^ Before you make any dedaion about any new car, ♦ Ncw/UPWsstlMi Cytls-hsiidsd lisisgs come in and let us show you De Soto’s many grml Ce—fert Snisai 1 0 % DISCOUNT ON ALL CASH AND CARRY ★ But the big surprise comes when they open those wide doors and^step inside. The roof doea not hit features including Tip-Toe HydreuJie Shift with ^ 4®fW-6ssiilSBt Hens dufting. W f**Bf 6sUw»r ' •e CwlnSsi W.iis y~ ■ __ ' "N their hats. There’s lots of headroom. The steering Fluid Drive, that fete yw» ■» Compare this car with any other at any price . . . for •^ANTTONE” CLEANING— QUAUTY LAUNDERING wheel doesn’t hh the driver’s knees. And because the A hswIiiKtiea ★ sefstrhteign,^,,,^ beauty, oomfqrt. safety and value. Then decide. Systsai luxurious seats are chair high, you can see every­ Cushioii Tim $ thing without craning your neck. TiMtfin* •HtTT«iJ*cxroT” «vi7' Tuetdmy night, altCSSmeiioet 9.98 $9-98 N SOTO HTS YOU l l i v i witnOOT SHIFTINOI Beguiling "Cordspun” accented with knoaing sim­ fOu CAH ewMo OM Dl SOTO'FiYMOUTH ouiiss to* ctut cass. wm sisvia, * souaii oias . plicity. Leather belt arched to beUtUe your waiaU Perfect tailoring from winging collar ta Brown, red. green. 'Sizes i to 15. seini-flare skirt. Woven stripe cotton in Gxpensivi look to the lace frosted, tucked combines Of grey-green-terra cotta; grey- bodice. Sviah, deep-pocket skirt with set- Mtal-yellou*; bluq-ptnk-oxford. 10-20. Ini belt Or a pretty waiatllne. Washable Pert "Betty Barclay" charmer. Sleek fitted top danforized cotton rhanibray. Aqua, maize. with a flirty pephim both side and back. Full aklrt. LAUMDeREkS Ice btue.krey or pink. 10-20. 14H-24H. 9 to 18. Brown, green. , Fine soft chqmbray. Deep rat, deep eaOar- llAnilfON StllB lt ROY MOTORS, Inc. ed neckline and broeae-aiown aklrt—both MANCHESTER % ■ detailed with fresh white braid. Aqua, pink, richk U UPp Iand Delivery Call 2-0020 MANCHESTER giey or yellojw. 10 to 18. . . . LD, EUR AMD GARMENT STORAGE e 1.241 NORTH MAIN STREET . N ' - »L . - ______m II < ■ - 5 ^ ^ iJVW

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESI BK, tXJNN.. WIimNtwsDAY, AFKIL ZO, 1949 P A G E N IN E MANCHESTER EVKNING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,» WEDNESDAY, APRIL t6, 194# ...... ■ "■ y*""'" General Aaaembly’a Oomintttce on of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wuater- May 1 on toe fironites of Alkertui od to capeetty. Alas tlMft weuM The building naauttt- goiled aa "neterioua. Infamoua, y talking economy and toe building Burkitt Attacks ' Agricultuiy, of wblcb Burhttt la Middlcfield Girl barto, plunged into Lake Beaeck Anti’Gomniiinist Magnus'CoBega, IteVa biwa ap­ AUU committee have been working on be other dlfficulUaa in treneportt* ttt hbd MBb a nitetiag tarty In Irregular and Irrcapanaible.’’ And proved by 'toe Moat Rev. Heaiy J. physically. With two acbools, one Johns on's G. of C. Course a mamber* He took advantage of and .brought little Ellen Ckandall, Open Forum in Rockville to f the children there that baaia keeping In mind what tion such an—h«w wnoM Um . chil­ ■oil but tnw poepia took’ ha contendad’ that , Hammerberg Rescues Child Program Planned O’Brien. bUh^ at Hartford. It aeama humorous to ua, but and one In RnrnI Vernon, distance wne absolutely needed. If such a dren who stayed after school fat iltoyba aear. after aU State MUh Laws ourtit to' be fired. He accueMl the hla rola aa a commlttoa mamber daughter of Mrs. Roger Oandall. ' i that Id arnuad, "It ndU give fivery catooUt / frralit there la a serious aide to the serlea Presents Vbraon School Case travel wouto be leaaened. . With achoor wma built there are numer­ swunmlng and apocto gat hooM? Poultry farm / Seen Success admlnlatrator of "partoUlty, neg­ to fire questiona at hla opponenU to shore. The child had fallen > ‘V ■ ■■ man, woman and chl)d In our aooi- over 400 children In Rural Vernon ous things to consider: (1> C oat- If they can’t got homo, they cea‘t adb*T ought attract pao- lect of duty, mlamanagement, mla- and to speak lengthily In rebuttal Mlddlefleld, April 90.—OH—A New Haven, April 90.—( ^ —A ;: rUHUHHBO Wt of Russian claims of original In­ Editor, The Evening Herald: ' waat teeth. |t Hartford, AprtTSW-Cd^ -r BUte from a rkft on which she had been munity," aold Leacli, "the oppofi- under High School age there are Will toe children get enough ad- itoy tor aporta, on tmet advea- Freeh Oreaaed Chfrkeaa. feaaanoe apd ntaUeaaance." on each bill. ten-year-oW girl who waa. aaved' playing. religious dcmonatratlen- against tunliy to pubUdy' ewproaa hie ■ iR A l^ PUNTINQ UO. INC ventions, the latest of which tells It was Interesting to see the tago aro too tthloUe grouadi aad onmM bo trylag Bmiator Qartott' B u f^ t, fD.. An- The Anaonta fianator waa alone The hearing grew etormy at NMMU aifM crowds that turned out to the Ver^ enough to have n graded school vnnUgee from all theee luxuries S a t g ^ l f from drowning by another girt Last September June her'aelf Communism on May day ta being Catooiie foito on toe eoiHe day ns that the oil well waa also a there. A t one honU/ln Rural Ver- to pay for toe enormoua esepedtt swimming poolT (SI glan—U • vota Sikty*fpur Penofta to •onial, long ao outepaken critic of In hla battla agalimt toe qailk lawe timea, and Burkitt and Ken E. non town meeting and to think of waa resen t by Ina ^ean DeRoM. planned by Catholics of the New the Obroiminleta ef our c i t ^ bold­ ‘'■■■'#SWfcSiSSu» product of Russian genius. rtnn where the echool survey wes Involved? (2» TnuisportnUpn dlf- coleaanlnchnol IS buUt with taro er Lot m an Ltva tbo aeheol quoa- and Admiiilatoator Hammerbarg. Oeyer of the Connecticut Milk laat year, yesterday saved a two- 12-ycar-^ daughter of Dr. ami Uip varioua reasons why so many Freeh i|HWh frosen pool* Receive CertiRcfites mi ConnectlcuCa' milk mva and their Producers Association swapped ly march to ahow toelr dafiaoce After the war, Stalin, apparent­ Were there. The majority, we taken, we learned that there were flcultlea—Practically all toe chil­ toraa rooms for oad) grtdo, orl|l tioa aortouAMBoat thought aa to ndmlnlatrator, Ponijld O. Hammer- About a doaen speakers, Including and-one-half year old girl from Mrs. Sylvester F. DeRoM of Meri­ Haven area. David J. Leach, gen­ of religion." : .ftiJS^iA'TSSr tola be hotter' than ^ amalMr try. any tliae. / repreeentotlvea of farm and dairy toa epithet, "liar.’* ly in some assumption that the want to think, were there to vote four children . in four elemenUry dren would n ^ trmnaporUtlon ns what ih bait ter thi largoat aum- Bgnquet on Mity 9 berg, aired hla v lw «> both yea- drowning In the same lake. den, when ahe waa being pulled eral rhalrman of the committee in Leach sold pereon* of otiier rakr ___ mftrr atMia* fcotw ■cbooUv one In kindergarten at the there ai^e not ioo many, children ta achoola with a rnmn tor aadi bar of nur fubira citlaona. '* eeOo. terday at a kwlrtanyc hearing. groupa, came to Hammcrberg’a de- world was going to have peaoa, for \rhat la best for the children, 849 Middle Turnpike. West The United Btatea haa some 90 The heroine of yeeterday'e res­ under by an exhauated mrimmer charge, said that plans for the gious faltha ore Invtted to paetUI- our future citizens. That is the County Home, one In TnloottvUle that locality. Even those In the grade where the chUdroo will ha •laearaly, .The Chamber oC Oommercc- BurkHt cfilM for repeal of fenae. whom ahe waa trying to aave. program, scheduled for 8 p. m.. pate. - The hearing vraa held before the million refrigerators. cue. June Wusterbarth, daughter and apparently in some conSdence main reason ■ the meeting was school, and in the East .School and center of Rockville are In this noaror home and tooy w^l kiww Iroaa Rialoy. . Near Hnehanam Rivar Al ctaurae In "Modern Bala* Techata maay of the lawi^ which he ap- that, given peace. Russia could called. Some were there becau.se one at Maple atraet Some record. class and all 'children from rural their tenehara aad achenlBi^taa (Mat Oorald R. lUhloy). Lara Lana Phone 8-0««.. oompUahments. some who said they went to' hear With two schools tha bused x tost AMISITI DRIVEWAY tfea i n ...... Ptm- la ateiuaitaly tore aaiesmen. clothing - atorc For.^ne reason or another, ob- the arguments because they were carried the High School NEW BLEND FOR Waa TarvU and Aaphaft nnd 90B xflerka, attendanta, and nuuiy.oth- not votera or property owners in Bedding a%%;sxMif'rr« serychi of Ruaala suggest, that could pick up a load On the. ata whoa* work oonoeyna th* direct S e e Watkins OxforiJ this town. back for ElemenUry schot^ Thtta RUGGED TURF ‘ laUAIHJi—RBA80N AB L»>WPBB pt^mlae haa gone wrong, perhaps Let ua consider the first group. •filling of gooda-to toe puMle, qr £ ;ss^j;'sraua.3^'K^ the younger children wrOuM not AREAS ajABANTBBo-s-rRnB carruiA'M A ti^ In any mannar M which tha eua- from a combination of the dia- tho.se who want the beat they can have to leave home ap.4arly aad Maathly Payawata It tamer la contacted. > tractlag possibility of new war give to the chlldreny Last year at then hang around boore actaool IcrivQ tesaorch Town meeting we appointed an In­ Miaa Ethel Auatln, and Mra, rou eliaal af N. B a. and the natural dlOiculty of spur­ started. With a atooot In Rural olevele|ie4 this new Harold Ekickaon, the two Inatnic- an-Baker vestigating Committee to study Vernon the longeot distance any being made by Ho ring production in a country the need of a school and then at combination of § ratios DEMAIO BROS. ton who have conducted torn* Sale for child would haVe to travel wrould t^a>llla^r^ n-y-,t~****'***' Tha for OCNSISHADf, poor TBI.EPHONR 7WI nlaneea. were given a atoadlng vote JUUW Mataati Saacial agaficy - Naar which ia still backward, and which a second Town meeting, a Building be two and a half miles and over SIN C E 19M committee to study factors neces­ dry ioib,«orrocoB,ploy Of appreeiattra frqm'thoae taking TwSr CIW S Iba • S5.4Sf guest#.oreeafpdeted bnbalochiddd 4lhair Values yaratatant raporta that Ruaala la really nothing to aim at, any­ conditions? 1 will admit that I expressed their opinions,tont there be such a school withfrfirnodcrn lO Ib i • $10.45. from the State jfoard at 9^datl0f!. Biay be geiat t « Uft the Berlin way, since all the proudest things have not but I am willing to ac­ and Idling town eduqators.. of American life were really In­ cept the report of. the committee improvements and adtsntages in­ hshulsr fsedtaf wkfc lUte hleckada. cluding a swimming pool, nlhlettc b o n d e d Ta 0e«4de 'On Aoetbet Coatee con.sistlng of six from Rockville, MNtaea Mptlwepiwwlawa A Student Advisory, rommltte# The raporta grow more and vented in Russia, since the situa­ and six from Rural Vernon. This grounds, art center, etc. What tax more aubataaUid. Today, AlUed tion really ia that the United would that be?The town has been ,wfia chofien from aniong • toooe committee reports the solution is _,ES 'persona taking port in the entire ■ouroea In Bdrlln have heard that States Is trying - desperately to two schools, one in Rockville and course, and they will meet with the Soviet Military Adminiatra- catch up to Russia. one in Rural Vernon. They feel the State Board of Eklucatlon, and that this Is best and,in the end FRED E. LAURITZEN repraoentaUvea of the neUll Mer- tioa haa, for the aacond tbna, told It ia a poor, pitiful effort at an cheapest for pH fconcemed. the Oannan Economle CoBimia- aHbl, humorous to us, apparently Let us consider location. A chfinte Bureau to decide on another Painting and Papering F. T. BLISH HARDWARE CO. couraavto be preoer.ted In toe fall. alea la the Soviet oceupation aone serious to the Russian rulera school should be located, when Thq. oominlttee ta co-npoaed of possible, where the children live m MAIN STREET * that all baniara to traffic will be It4 Homestead St.. Manchester a c r o b a t « h OES fK E » Howatt T^rklngton of Keith's, to avoid transportation. No mat­ MraL. Harry Long, of 8llbns, .Miaf Nltud by the mlddla of thia year. Choicc Items ter where it Is some transporta­ Telephone t-00S8 Nancy Eldridiw DterWlOch- wMdi M July 1. The Ruaalana tion la necessary. The less there .9*7 We have previously conunented mond Co., and Gordon T. Nedfihw, hava afio dtaacted that lununer 1'^ upon the triumph which Joseph of toa Johnson Paint (k>. At pres­ **~~tahlta ladude the achadule of ent, tha course in Elementarv Goebbela, the Naat propaganda tralaa raauias between Eaat Meirhondicing la- receiving the master, haa enjoyed in bequeath­ most conalderatieo, oithough thera Wait. Oaaaaaay. ing the phraae "iroa curtain" to WMibarpreef. haal, eaM aal vet are many other eubjecto to oalect iUl twe la either very tangible T iiiT~* ------:-|aAMr\TT> from. Mr. CamrehiU and the whole west- ovideeca that the Ruaalana intend •OIBS autoaar ama * a bori Five couioce ore required by toe era world. ,, to lift the Ueckada, or very dan- Eidiamy wlea, yst aia flaabta* State Boant'Ur reeaiva d'-i‘ The ghost of Ooebpels would al­ gaioua falaa promlalag on their asaifstiabla, geei-UaUag, la in Diatribotive adnoatton. so enjoy another triumph, marei'l are many other eieeftte eourep . a feature part The ^auaplelea la that Rua­ •Mfdr a l ^ fer belli beyt ml home. It comes in the story of Uu-1 available also. Tbla la the ala la really going to Uft the ftaia frea Ml tbwngb pre-Ma. time that tola aervtw haa been one black market the occupying lat ba« thar «U abM biUrt Meckade. offered to sales-representativea bi Watkiqs |.y t • Dotng ae, Ruaala will be aban­ allies have not yet eliminated in the town. Favorable commet. . Germany. It is a black market in have been received from many of doning, aa a fMlure, her attempt the leading bualneas establlab- at rataUatlea agalaat the weatara pictures. The pictures in high de­ ' « menta. The next couiee In the fail •m— plana fOr a aaparau govern- mand are'Dioao of Hitler, Goerlng, (hould be more eucceaaful ♦a«t. Choice Qoabbois, and other top flight that just finished. SHOW matt la Weatara Oarmaay and \ SLEEP Nasia. Thera la also a fine aiar- ttiSr curraaey polleles la Berlin. Traffic Safety Parley -(f ■ ket for pictures of the great mass APRU. Y s l o 3 0 It haa been a retaliation which $69.50 waa Intended to force and compel demonstrations the Nazis used to Hartford, April 90—Omnectl stage. eut'a first conference of poMce tha weatara alUen out of their These pictures are sold under eonrt Judges, .poUee chiefs, and paBelaa. -V traffic safety officials will be held i i Tomorrow , . 10 A. M. to 12:30 Noon . . 2 to 5:30 Usually $79.00 Tha weatara alUaa, in turn, re- the counter, on the aly, and they Thursday evening at toe Hartford fi m the afternoon . . and 6:30 to 9 in the evening . . ♦■naena with the BarUn air lift bring the highest kind of price- cf&efrer- (IN O U FOR BOYS AND DliUS C8ub, HartfortV under the auapicr I | skilled bedding makers from the famous Holman-U, awd with peiMatenca, If not too food and'cigarettes. ea of the Highway Safety Com- I D. Uaker Company will actually make Oxfoijd Inner- mlaaion to discuss practicable Oxford/4'4-50 much *aetual prograas, ia their The myth Hitler and Goebbela soring Mattresses and Bo.x Springs in our two large hoped for aeema to be building. mcaaurea to enhance pedestrian with down-feather seats! plaaa for a aaparata government traffic safety and eupervlsion. !.! Mala Strw t show windows. See how tliis bedding Ordinarily a ftt.SO value, but Hplman-Boker makes . . designed especially for Watkins Sleep Show , . la Waatarn Oormany. REFMdERAtlONI a,possible for ufi fo offer this oulatanding bedding New tha RuaMana aeem about Growth In Common Sense? is expertly hand fashioned. Then come in and see It'.s uuuf'ual lo find chairs like this, of Watkins Quality, for even during Sleep Show'at Oil* big saring. 808-coil unit: $79.00! .Now you can have your choice of the three models shown to admit that the BarUa blockade CEHOHSE&SON 98 pounds of/fine felt; 8 oz. ticking. .Matching buz all the other Holman-llakcr bedding in the Sleep The manufacturers of shoes and here for only $69.50. Choose from Chippendale barrel-back or ia aat going to win any pointa for gloves report that the war has ' ' ■ ■ N c£==s=ss=: SPRING TIME spribga, b S id lie d 'S ways, also $44.50. * Show . . al) custom fashioned and tailored 1 them. They aeem about to ad- W B STAMPS wing models with ball-and-claw feet, or the Queen Anne barrel wrought a physical change in Extra S psco...E xtra faoforas GIVE GREEN design with knuckle arms and wooden arm fronts. All diairs have aait their own defeat and admit American womanhood. DANCE ' our own victory. Wo aeem about Olvew By fringe pipings and nail trims. Here’s comfort, good stj'le at The average American woman, Itnm atcfm d V alva Konaet Caanctl No. 4S D. ef Jf. low cost.' ta win the "battle of BerUn." before the war, took a 5 to 5 1-2 ent 39.50 Wlaaiag that battla haa been, shoe. Now she takes a six to Tinker Hall Now ace the moal brilliant o f refrigerttora to hear our atauamen aad gener- 6 1 -2 . Main Street Maachcetor rtrr ahown! See how you >ra for your U-* re re- ala talk ia tha laat tan montha, The average American woman, Friday. April 22 fxtklns 75th Anniversary Innersprtng Mattresses the great objactlva o f Amer- Aollart , , , in Kefrinator/ .Uog for thee Sleep Show. Usually $52.50.. $&2.5U.. CustoiCustom tailuied before the war, wore , a size « Mnslr By Art MrKay ly Holmon-Bekcr craftsmen. Matching box springs, also Outstanding laiat policy. glove. Now'she takes a 7. Far Bwra food apace . . . Id no ond His Orchestra $tt.(M and either can be had extra long without extra charge! But now that we aeem about to / War work, requiring the use of Imrmee door Mocel New merveU Lodk at the brol Dooirtog to 12 Wla It, t^aba la a vast uneaalneu, hands, and the standing on feet, of frooon footl-kecping. coniplcla Tickets 7fic (Tax loci.) By aad, ta ga r i ^ t dawn deep, a real food protection fat dvery Kolvin- Table Values did it, according to the trade's j'-. S/. ator. Triple croae braced doora! look at the prical Pep iiSJt wUh ta avoid tha wlimlag of it analysis. > Why la thlaT Why^do we fear Piano-tm hhuoal Clapdilng- As for us, we refuse to believe i m s r Nabob-made to fit You /SVJ a caM war victory as much aa we whito Pornialna finlah. Tbo this of American womanhood. We Might tWr a cold war defeat KeM nator Polaran|M»a rofrlge^ Nabob MaUresses can be had in a choitx of three degrees of doubt that any such physical Why ia It new our Inatlact to pro- ating n alt, ■oalod In ataci, comfort, \ a exactly fit your sleeping requirements! Port charfge has occurred. If loag tha battla of BerUa, aad the ppcrnianeBtly em ii Inbrlcaied. far laat- fo r lightwiilghU to IfSi lbs. Medium for average weigirts, 125 to Our theory ia that American 239.95 185>lbe. Firm for huskies weighing more' than 185 lbs. $56.50 for battle of Oarmany? yvity would ing depondobllity SSS s p P i-ih g 1 4 . 9 5 women have finally stopped trying I vonp either mattrese or box apring. . wh Uko to apurn tha very condi- Hero era to wear aiaea too small for them. a Snyfae pOteerf So, O x fc... •'V tiaaa wa ouraalvea once aet for the d o lla r* mo ti There haa been no enlargement of get oioro -^.got Kalvld o torl ending otf that battle? to r e / their hands or feet, merely an en­ Tha aaawar u dlaiUuaioning. It So Exquisitely graceful Slieraton J i 3 9 s 5 largement of their common aenae. ...A full 8.6 cubic Jm* Kt Waaler O l p . la that vro hava a one track mind meem BLiaaetr Duplex Sleep Units lamp tables witli 18x34 inch oval ... yw iw added Amt §parc!ipocc! Big „ 2.'> lb., froaeo ,food . rlicel. foraiga policy, which knowa how Advertiaerpent— 12 ql. eliding *rgeleMe cri»p an armed epaap, that wa cannot A bigger, tipei’.made bedroom fur les# money than ever before! Sheraton ataikid. . . i « « 514X) far a bra w tegontetey dadgnad to Mend SM tb M ^ t of having to styling in the ipfideieet^ the swell-front dresser and chest, the slcigh-type WQiwr your npuru^ wwivnpiy uwou w wop rwyoo sons ^CBETW DIID give a# this np. Tha dastrucUve Mora mOBK b<^. and the exceptionally graceful broken-pediment tup mirror which hks MOam ca . . . iM X u ry ren- Moam ta Noait cm , _ i^ fa Mara. . . . you dapgcl D M bo doMon more. Notetho Bno', cream Oae Bd. . dynamlca of lha aaM war power aad apace: Big far wWl ym im oy! BigUMb. jag Maararajaeaf . ' gilt decoraiiohsi Mahogany plywood for all broad surfaces; structural mrM al aa acoaon* pnee. ca. It. of atorai . _ Froaea Faad < M i Sample Saving* Way Trip < eoaSidl have us la their, control. I7*lh. High-Speed Freezer! 30-lb. FraadaI reWird Cbeal. Troaea Food Cbeal- Big Froiea Faoa C^baal. iUMtkatf ciiW"ballMML Lm Hb iotirts boftelh that ollnilo partH (legs, etc.) o f solid gumwood. Hand-rubbe^t. C. K L \ H u L \ 1) 4 p'|'i n dBfg'T . r' .1. 'J rr^ if- ^ r . _ . ., NANCmttTBR EVSNIHG HERALD, UANCKE8TER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, APEIL 20. 1242 rA oc iLEyiN MANCHtSTBR EV*IWtf PHARMACY i,tgri*M on “Growth of Labor Ra- TEL. 2*9614 V 664 CENTER ST. PRESCRIPTIONS CAL2JD FOR AND DEUVERED OUR PROPOSED NEW litiona’’ at Uiair maating held '•laat Bight at the Sheridan Reauu- S J ran t VV. Harria, Hartford manager H l^ 0 „ of Bigelow'Santord, waa a gueat HOME FOR GREATER et tb t club. *iw Labor'a conatructlve contribu- tiona down through the years have the whole town f: talking 7 T ■or made Americans the proapcioua SERVfCE people they are today, said Mr. : Fiiray. He gave a brief hlitory of labor, describing the period when b u y N o w fo r JIO Y S i : ; workers were slaves and working 4 BIG SALE DAYS Only for their subsistence, all the while being subject to the rules of W ED - TH U RS^ FPI • SAT their masters; otfiiirMRCirl Later. as skilled craftsmen came I ■ along and pitted one akill or trade against another, unions began to fOrm when master crafUmen Z f o r t h e p r i c e M 10,000 r e x a u o r joined to prevent journeymen or $ J . 7 7 apprentices from entering into their trades. At this time, in early England, the battle of labor and Irreflulsr capital began. 9 In ColoBial Days CENT SALE I In colonial days In America, the Industrial revolution saw factories WoshaMt, amfsrisAd ^ developing and the moving of such b.fln.Au -»— *— mLnn A— e—-• trades aa weaving and tailoring KiMHl m»$ers tktprieo of 2 fof H dosbto«itlldise. 4*14. ' from homes into factories. Tlie « $•!• t* ■ CvtltiMr, »• ! Invigorating Rubbing Alcehett early industrial plants found man­ Highly Refnti, TmtUltstMinetal Oil agement guilty of many abuaea, Roxoll Ak*4lex sPiciAi...9oisoNsmwammi l*i*RFMr*M ^ tln u e d Mr. Purey, such aa 12- fert-e»ee,eHne.‘r.le*ine. - hour working days, tjie employ­ SatiNve inaMve m M«,. _ ment of young children and unsan­ HolwiCMa*ll «w. 4 t,u m 2 «e. ist m r 2 ^ $ 0 0 itary working conditions. 1^ SFICIU C0l» WA« Klf Parable Red Rubber. 2 Quart In 1792. shoemakers organised, "mud. Mmmm, don't forgot my H olC tr followed in 17*4 by typesetters. iw«"t VIctaria Water Beltle Tepsd The term “collectlva bargaining" Wto so plerik «««»•'*• j v a r ••lid ne*a *a«ilrMlian. tMTs'lMvlefl Tak whs firat uac^ iB 1799. The early i-»t*c*----- ^ M l pM»d n. el ink, Tel*. ^ UBtons were short-lived. About $2.00 Volu* W w IMO. employera began to organize to dictate working hours and pro­ L im i DUNGAREES s K c m ...... t o t s OH s m ■*lMa|^lalPeij|tFeB duce black list! and labor spies. OeldcMarWyAMemM, _ ' ^ lanl lhaairfcal C*y Cm - The National Labor union, formed iinM niie roreuia favow ns I tmr. ww* . tie. II.M 2 fkP / e # / />eseMdeie«MN«T - damlaa, eappar ittols, fly treat. after the Civil War, lasted only six ...... 2 i o 0 i 2-C $ 1 .3 9 years as employera launched a ,«.d» Adrienne. . . “Beauty oh a Budget" reign of terror including murder, Tmke DopondmhU Rommll! and fostered political action to I lb . b o x Crams, leHeas, Fawdsn A UptHAs LITTLE GiIrLS'd u n gar ees force members to desert. t Ml Im Ik. p,i„ M I plw I t Any t idMiM l*d4altMr Alalhar Tik A. The American Federation of A^ritaao PraWucH- — Minlaiae dbMalert hea e*M-«e*M Labor waa formed In 1886 with a SKCIAIh...... •WneA.*eU.ee«p^ Firent pockets. Bkie dee backbone of carpenter. Iron and • « 2 f o r 7 # f l UHtmofU'H 2 f^ S $ 0 eeeper rtvete. Slaes 1-ax. £ 1 ‘ 7 9 cigar workers. Railway BrotKer- WRIfiNS FAM« VAUW hood and Independent Workers of a.< ,124n mn .aM*...8...^S« 9A *flValbO#4* _ kveader Deederaat Celepw MartsTs Hair Oil the world alao came into promi­ fw bMk nne «mmh. _ 9 Q C A »aw deep, knap year kair _ ^ . SCHOOLGIRLS'DUNGAREES nence at this time, stated Mr. * ...... CM. 7 3. 2 f o r ? $ o a Furoy. The Oongresa of Industrial $1.00 Volu* W dnrty.4a«...M a. 2 3 .^ /llp 200 Organisation brought new ideas, texen Gypsy Cream Bee-kM epeOsL Bine awrina. 8Me epetonfi $ 1 . 9 8 auch aa the open shop, sit-dowm ,n a M ... tOSS OH SUt SAWHOAt Rexsil lyela atrikea and “yellow dog” con- fw yin eiiMmlart 3m la eappar tiveOa. Btsae 4-1* •••Wat ana dnanMt'ika ^ . tracU. Many of these Uctlca were toesi rowtiz toar*« wiad ar ivn.l ai.M O , 3** 2 fO T 9 w ^ outlawed with the passage of time. •7W- • •a. .. . . MO. 3»t 7 /W 000 Time-study men brought an added — 'S "^ iaiall peretast Miaoral Ofl MEN'S pUNGAREES Slwayt n<«e*«bl« tlW- strain to employer-worker rela- lanalii,.. Naa-habil faralny, *u-MaM HetseMd f bm tiona. $ 2 .0 0 ValM* launnina in nSnef. 7in«. - , N d n A W . Nan-eip aahiPa Saink. OwnalMa Raary dnty, aftfaefsed, Tomorrow, April 21 — Everybody Invited Today 8nds a constant growth f in .n a Nninp. of mutual understanding by both • 3 t tut 2f0r9$o\ ae-44. omy sa pel' ~ • - management and labor, concluded MO 73.73.2 pro, for 20o 'xthe speaker. No one ever wins a Ehey’s Moth Killtr A Coatrel Ligeid ' For Mtny Wom#n, Children, at Manchester's Newest Mo$t Modern Service Station Wag or a strike, he said, by keep­ fw preinciian (mm Mofk _ Hbfc Feteacy Cod liver OH MEN'S STRIPEDTRIFI T SHIRTS ing disputaa on a day-to-day Handy Cotton-Upped Applicatort damnen. Pinf . . 75, f,ff tMk M *.,* al VHa.int A * Eugeno V, McCluro kaals. f RHALL Slariliiad QOIK-SWABS 4 0. ISa*t. 11.73SKI 2fOrh70 373 Main Street Thur$doy, April 21 A lively diacuaalon followed the night irregnlAie at ear f 1.0# akirt. SIsca *. M, l» • talk. Siwwy c#N»n «f Sn..* eveli*y •• Felycips far CkilAea 77/ tpHney 3' .tick.. M ^ B m f e ah Snity .iinnin k»o^ AIDGMahfpieCMles' Rep. 37c fOO's « A V rnauirnannl, in a ckiW, d espayieey iapaftaal *i- _ MEN'S SOLID T SHIRTS ouAiin ^ ^ 9 noDua di.i. 7 r . .. „ „ 2 f o r 2 e 0 f wi.w 3 t* '^ i «'*vai‘iy...... *i«». 8 far 2A* a«v*r. _ ■•aviar 73c. S far 7A« Sigee 14*44' $ 1 # 6 9 fee*. 3 9 c Tube ^ , •*S 4*. tack, S far SO* SIXAU TU tm S T BVBSIMO AlCONei COamaiinm »•...... Nt«lar33<,2fap3A* RUMMAGE ouaiiry reeeuci OAYCflMibM aiimmeweae^^ .. PiRl. , . , , W TCiaiNI tusposnotlis, UlenV, II ,...... '•(ifulara*., SfarTO* SIXAU FOOT SPWSSB. 4 aun.n, , ...... ' 3S<. S far 8A< ' 3 Day Soto SALE RIXAU MILK OF MAflHISIA SIXAU SU-SAIVIIM. Fn, m .unn, f il l' ’ ‘ ...... titular 3«c. S far M l At The State Armory AHTACIi AHi LAXATIVI SIXAU tACCHASIN VABUTS, 3»nn»nnlnn tofci i t / ...... ■cfular 4Pc, a fw SO* MUSLIN MOHACn COMPOONO TABI F T k t ^ 'k t . V r ’ ■ *••»••'tic. a fa r sr* On* in w*l*> eox ei en Miacid. On* MbI*- Thurs^ April 21st MTOSOOIN TISOXISt. ie« kTJrirV Vn ' ...... • ■•talar IVc.Sfak SO* ,p**nM in wal*f I*. laHutim wt*. 9 :3 0 .\ . M . 4 a v n ..:;.-;:::: • • • • .tneular iSc.Sfar AA* . Sifclar 3fc, a far 40*' Given By R e ,. 3 9 c Pint 2 fO F ...... ■•Sviar 3«c. a far 30* 4 1 Yard* $ 1 e 0 0 Women’a Auxiliary Of ouAiiiy *8BB> rtoDUCT mtCOeOCMXOMI. AnlUnp,,.. I ...... ■ T*e»4ar 33(.»faraA( The Manchester Memorial 3M1S, ln.,1 j ...... ■••tvlar 23c,afar2A« Hospital ■M"»...... asty et aronH de ye«,and Lake. On the waterfront. iefsedsr Shtsipes Sprsy . titular 3«c. a far AO* flE^Asm .%ll phiaL eevertet with «4fls ■uxiaioai tubs‘m SL*1SS.*?^ ** *' »«s >0 WINDOW AWNINGS 103 acre farm at Man Oax atripce chaster Greea. Ssitable for It Tad. Til developatoaV______SO** IR-M—Sfl** 18.42 Sfce^hreeghe^^^^puw ------SL'SL . . . $5.49 T room M ttage, 4 bed for hvndreda more It Soto Hamt not advartltad. Brid|[e Lkmp iShadt room* eo the waterfront ^ S T R A W R U G S AUTO at CohuaUa Lake. _AIm 4. t and 7 rooi • 4 X 7 22.22-1 X 2 $8.42 Speeiol 13** eeBa****** HUDSON SALES and SERVICE V For Fun Information On Any Of The Above Property Coll ^ W.T. GRANT vCO Mancke$t;er 373 Main Streets Phone 2-9442 . Waltar Olson Realtor—laeurancc ^ 6 6 j l C Cl E N T E R S T . PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED T E U 2 - 9 8 1 4 815 MAIN STREET P^a«e3084 I \ • BriHi ■ n - ■f MAI ■Y tm N G MANCtnCBTIR. OONN h WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20, 1948 p A i i < MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20, 1942 • . , W • r r- *• ^

Town department hcad-s now are The Board of^^rectora last There 'will be an exhibition o f Music lovers,of Manchester^will, Elarly American Decorations at the have opportunity to hear a violin starting prepardtibn o f their an­ Low Water Pressure night voted to pay town employ­ nual budget estimates and rw W foul Town ees $100 In May as a coet'otUvlng Center ehufcli today. The exhibi­ recital Friday evening at 8 o’clock tion started at 2 o’clock and will at the Emanuel Lutheran chu ch quesU for the fiscal year starting adlustment. So far the auhi^ of August 16. Department estimates $200 annually has been allow— , continue until 9 p. m. It will also given by Yolnnda Le'ias, acct m- Reported at Hospital [IXA.T. ‘ AibdIiKnr. l ^ c h e * ^ . ntlmie tomorrow from 10 a. m. panied by Edith H. Peterson. Her must be In the hand of the general glOO of the present total having manager by June, as he draws up r No. Vt, wia BMot at eight been paid last November. ro. Manchester recital la ^xmsored by a t W W Home. the Luther League qf the Emanuel his recommendations that month. grams. they noted that bacauM of The Friendly Circle will meet Lutheran with Miss Doris Gunsten Results of Fire Tests high cost must saove forward Adlutant Atwell bf the Salva­ as chairman. *rhe public ;s cordial­ Lawrence Rubinow, son of Mr. and tion Army will speak at the 7:30 Wedni!sday cVi»uing at S oVIock Reported to Directors; slowly. However, they asaertad, at the Y. M. C. A^\Plans for the ly Invited. Mrs. Jay Rubinow, was referred to the water ehaige is far too high. ^ 1824*128 MAIN STREET TEL. &16U BIANCHE8TER service of the Covenant Congrega­ ye.stcrday as a glri In a report of P R l OPTIONS tional church tonight. Military Wbist nt thK.|f ,April 27 Protection at Institute General Manage.- WaddeU said will be completed and 'members 'There will be a meeting of the a dog bite. he would not agree tha» view. I s Seen Inadequate to Ohrea Heeeee fer CtougM 8 A. M. TO 11 P. M. Our Lady of the Most Holy are asked to turn In the raffle and Cosmopolitan club on Thursday at 8 PlimnMdatg ticket money on hand. •Phe host­ 2:30 in the Federation room of the Workmen now Are busy install­ He pointed out that the charges Rosary Mothers’ Circle will meet Center church. ’The hostess will ing traff.c signal ligbu and bells were used to liquidate the cost of tonight at the home of Mrs. John esses will be Mrs. Elliott Steele, Serious deficlenqles In Manchss- Mrs. Frederick Wlnaler and Mr^- be Mrs. R. B. Wadsworth. ai tke BurJUand railroad crossings. installing naeassary largar dtomstar Diets, 2 Hale road. teris Sre-flghtlng water distribu- ■ S i ..... — — m ■ m 6 am iSIsi sr ■ ■ S— "In a AcUmr Drug Store Albert Cervinl. ,, ^ .1 ' ~ ! new lines snd In sxtendlng ssrvtcs ------tion system v ere Pointed up last,i for are orotectlonprotection inIn the district. I The bus Involved in yestrtday's night. Raymond W. Ooslse, accident at the intersection nf Webb Little, of Manchester and iiS ln g t o f ^ to. i « • , Spruea strset Jack Levitt, of Glastonbury, head, that enlarging Main and East Center streets was tore on. a proposal to isaprova i ;rr,'_ coat up to |M,-1 the one OA which the Tufts Col­ the list of names to be submitted RECORD LOW PRICES'. OW o r % c t l « u 3 two' yearg'fuU lege, Odlkon Singers arrived In to Qovernor Chester Bowlea for mortal Hospital statsd that testa. .««vm »nt of water ratss by tos Sro INSURE town. The vehicle la owned by the appointment us coniniissionet of last week ehow that there it no » » *»w e oy ww district. , Nlth Boston and Maine company and Fish and Game for »the State of adequate emergency are-flghting was not damaged. The singers ap­ Connecticut. At present there is He noted that stmllfirly, at to# McKINNEY BROTHERS pfoteetlon for toe structure. The hospital a bugs undertaking for •eol Eetete aiK Ineonuice peared last night at the Hollister s three man commission. .Bo h directors, impressed by the condi­ school under the sponsorship of Little and Leavitt are well-known fire protection was necessary. SOS Main St. TeL 6060 tion decided to meet next Tuesday the Klwanls club. In local sportsmen’s circles. Othar pans of town sfk ID tos to take remedial steps. same condition, he said. Waddell I While the boepltal situation ap­ remarked that.U the town oould peared toe most oompslUtag from bring all of Itx mains up te ths R M U U R 2.49 last night's discussion. It was re­ dlamsters preferred by to#' Ar« vealed that water mains In many chief, It might run Into a job of { DMIM MANS other places arc too small, and several hundred thousand dollara I ^ SP EC IA LS that firemen would face a water MASONIC BALL Waddsir said ha did not saa how | POR SPORT WIAR lack In the case of a large con­ the town could reduce lU ratss snd I FRIDAY, APRIL 22 flagration In many other parts of at the seme time extend snd en-1 Check them all town. large the district's ssrvtcs. MASONIC TEMPLE Our Fard-tralasd Mashsaisi haav Commenting on toe hospital, Mr, Q, MECIUNIGS yew Perd bail. Trakwd le do the ieb Oolite appeared to .ask that the WeuM SprcDd Out Ceeta rl^tht, they s^nre yeu tlsui ead neeey. water dlMribntlon eyetem he commissioner Georgs Hunt pointed out tost tke fire district Our GemihM Ferd Perti ere aieds tomrougbly overhauled there as toe 22c YD. UNBUACHID trustees are planning a 40,000 through its payments, would a,PMTS right to III right eed lost leagar. They eventiuuly mbet ths cost of ths la- save yeu trouble ead meaey, lea square foot additional wing which M U SU N i Q c FORMAL WEAR WUl add to prcaenl water needs. atallsUons, but wanted to spread Sturdy 8 ounce denim is K# Pw senrs an Seeoad neor out the annual cost more stnee be SswastlfcieM I 7 v d . Sonferizsd (shrinks less Oiir Spodet Ferd Iquipineai givet oonsldared th rata definitely toe yeur Ferd the Uad m service Nief • He than stated that he was than 1%I. Full cut for gi, EQUIPMENT smased to discovei that toa pres- high. Ho said that poaalbly ih an­ Stenford quality. nMod* (InWi. Km right far Ferd*. COmforh-^oke bock (or FOR HIRE snt hospital water supply was de- other year. If rates are cut, this I Moka up into sturdy quilt-bocki, Our’ Fectery-oppreved Mellieds erg llclenL Ha said that a week ago an with other poesible ssvlnga might •eeotk fit at hips. Cop­ rrault In p reduced fire district | gprone, cotot. Wothoi whita. Get youp formal wear for the Masonic Ball up le the ailauie ead |uen to give to Indlriduol users might not Dntlt blue. Sizes22l/j -34. you right out -a]l S90 gallons a minute, toe building pressure drops from 7$ pounds to have to bo Increased If too firo| mo. 2.2f onus* accessogiea Included. g pounds on the first floor, and district rate waa loarsred. DB41MS ^ r e is no pressure on the second The general manager eald this |98 weU might be so. The operatic FofotR ' floor. This, he said. renderSxtoe prea- costs of toe water department, he ant sprinkler system'-Dlmost In- said,- are growing, and the money Youn ot a sovlog—buy nowl J^Day Service If Needed must come from somewhere. Jf It | operaUve. and tke new wing would Blue or red denim to match RnlDealetf add 400 sprinkler beads. doea not coma from tha ftra district Tuxedos, Cutaways, Full Dresa, White Coats--wa Youf Fe«V O tsitf iiivH ft v m to nttM te tlw froS AHto Skoit. your jeoiu. Rubber tolas. B'/i-S. Stmdair fcvtfH itgi- N IC Network. -Mr. Goalee asked that, at toe source it might have to ho brought have them all for renL Special care and attention to iN teo Id Tori Theoter, fridiy fveiiiiifs -CBS RttwoclL earUeet moment, e 13-iaeh main be la by an Increased general rate weddings. Prompt service—careful flttiag for alt for­ See yow oewspiptu tof' tt« ttoiOAMiUfitobe^ khoN Ritds best/ laid to bring full protection and rlM of about throe par ceaL ' mal functions. The commlaslonsrs strieeed that Spring Glory will be your pattern ai supply to toe hospital and tos eur- RIOULAR 1.49 there might be other oonsldera- REG. 98e T-SHIRTS 6rit sJghtl For here u a design fresh, reundlng area. 66 Fer Cewt of NonUDl uoim but that as a starter, th ^ COTTON SHIRTS different, wonderfully graceful. Its Mr. Goalee, plant engineer at felt a reduction should be made to FOR WOMEN DILLON SALES end SERVICE bring their water coot more In line m OAY PLAIDS exquisife clarity of detail and delicate Cheney Brotoera. noted that he Bole rrieed! 77' 180,CENTER STREET MAN'CHESTCB had raad through toe proposela with toe rate paid by other coso- openwork are .signs of fine workman­ futnlsheiir the town for expansion iniiiiitlM. The directors voted to study the Smooth-fitting Bet knit coHen. ship every woinan recognizes. They’re and tn^rovement of lU watar ays- which was laid on the table I |27 tsm, a«d he warned that Interior Fine Mother's Day gift. toe. flue, signs of the century-old skill of the until the May $7 maatlng at which R E ^ r i L cnistotlen on moot of the toam’g white, molxe, scorlet. 34 to 44. RIDUCIDI BEAU DURA SUPS AND world’s largest silverware maker. I.,rt 2323482348899191484823232348235348532323232348535323535323532348534823235348534848535348 time U wUl be gone Into ifiorc wnter mains has perhaps ovar toa thofxHighly. If no decision Is I us show you the loxcly silver itsslfi yeara cut efficiency of them down reached by July 1. the preoent rate BRI0S Hi SPUN-LO KNIT RAYON MEN'S SHOPS . n> 40 per cent of nonael. The im- Sl-OAUOl NYLONS MAIN STREET WELDON BLDG. ~portsiat 4esd-ln maina from too wlU continue temporarUy. Colorful ploids that ere ' la Prtaeoton 81. fichaal A six-piece place setting in any of the I Join Our BLANKET CLU B Now!' teeervolre, he «ald. may be so af ON8ALM wothoble, long weoring. •V Fire protection for the new |00 1^. 1.39 4-Gora Sip paHernt shown i s ...... $22.63 fected as well as many others. Ha Prinoeton atreet school next came Short doeves, roomy cut a Doted tost In largo areas, toe only (Incl. Fmd. Tax) Textile’s Blanket Club is boon to up as too. general manager said U fiw d ir moke them ideal (Or oc- inoT ffWMOi rtv wrmig • housewives. It’s the easy way of buying fire protection goes through four that be could nowhere find a u . tneb mains, now possibly much rC' ♦ive work or ploy—smort all the blankets you need. . . exact deffnitica of the line that dt- I Crystol-elear leg flattery at a t o t i eorsfulfy proportioned and sized for ooeurote, oom- ^Tguced In efficiency. vldes toe firefighting reeponslbm- i oavlngs. Just toe right aheer- with slocks, skirts or He’> ild he approcisted toe ex- Ues of toe 8to District end the | sherts.jCheoie yours to- fnrtoble fit! Buy now for Mother's Doyf Slip has smooth ___ InvdhMd In changes — toe nesa, fils-lOH. South Manchester Fire District. i doy and save. 32 to 3$. fitted bodice, V-cut bock, double fabric front yoke, lock* St. Marys blankets have been famous hospital impmpment alone may Mr. Waddell said that be has se­ stitched seams. Tearose and white, sizes 32 to 44. y l 4 a tlttet / for a century— and this year more beauti­ cost as much as $40,000 General cured eeverel confUctlag state- "Manager Waddell estimated— but menu purporting to be boundary REG. 1.98 PEBBLE- .lEWELERS ful than ever before. Soft, so warm, so he urged protective action “In • Ret. 59e Mntchliit Brief*—teBrone, white 44« enduring. Magic for your money which­ Unes, but that they are not h^lcial, reasonably ahorit time.” and hnve not been filed with the DOT fANELS I66 5.13 Main Street ever style you choose . *. .' Tor they wear The directors, aroused by the town clerk. Theep ere areas alm^ $7 la. by 71 la. so long. launder so easily, stay so beauti­ statement on th4 lack of protec­ the way where “no mans landff pr. ful. Ckime in tomorrow and choose your tion, questioned whether a reserve seem to develop, and many othar. rj f : INTiRNAtlONAL HARVESTER water tank at toe hospital might pUcea where authority aaams to Dainty pabbla dots era firmly S t .Marys blankets on our club plan. not matt the Immediate need. Mr. / *V overlap. In some spots one district H i f woven into sheer cotton mar- Ooelee said that he did not believe seems to have “boundary jumped” such a tank would be of greet on the other, end toe whole result. quiiettel Hens neatly finishedi REDUCED. FOR THIS SALE ONLY! REFRIGERATORS \ benefit since. In any major, fire, its WaddeU said, leaves the new | i ALL PUR^ WOOL BLANKETS 72x9o s iz e capacity would be exhausted In school in a picUe. veryorder. The line, according to on# c —_ _ - hospital subject — wis ■ource, he’ sold, aeama to go right SAW DfLUXi 3.WAY ' broadened______In__ dlBCUBaion,.toe ion,.toegen^ genf -through the middle of the echooL % / al manager noted that the w o tk ^ mstrict Matter PORTAUI 2^ 88 enlarging to a 12-lnch main wMjd - The dlrectore took no action, have to eUrt beck at BraokOHr* Bnce It WM eonsldered a fire din* . 'street where a largo main trict matter, hut they Indicated Deluxe Airline ploys indoors ea^ : exists and from there would- that for proteetkm W ru n westerly to the hue] fadUtiea of both dlitrlcte wlU bt obtl AC/DC or bottery gives area. ^ ^ . fuUy emptoyed, " __^ instant performance. See todovl CK)WN Te Broad Street School v The Dlreetors also cooslqerad He also brought oot toe pfsel- several siiwaga matteix. On# Is the blUty of extending the large‘-----1 ^aln msln n|A Q CUBIC long standing proWsm of t h e j ^ RiO. 8.9S STROLUR- along Mlddla turnptko to the alU Uimn straet sanitary sawsr. There j of the proposed new Broad sUest a portion of toe homes are serv- WALKIR DIU O FOOT svhooL Mr. Waddell said he iflO not Iced by sepUc tanks, now ovs^ believe the Manchester WSter’eom- Rowing, and at Mast one hosM. H -pany, which yuppiles the norto end was stoted, haa a septic tank In its STANDARD M ODK - of town, could service toe 'gchool ccUat. __I All metal and hardwood, with- ^and that It would Mcome Mdes The problem of connecting those ' sary lor ^ e town water <|epari- who wish a naw oedrer and thog# ball-bearing whsgit, rubbdr . ment to do So. . who do not 1$ a large one becsim tires. Room for grocery bog, These nmtiers will be taken, up the hoolnrp of the whole unde­ M«W WEEKLY at the special session Tuesday velop a ria off Oak Grove etrtet which Mr.' C ^ e e will attendv M Involved. .'It la believed that If Watcr was the tfieme of last pipe la to be Instelled, It should be RIOUIAR 4Sc night's Board session, not alone in of such slxe as would eventuslly' Ria.79cHEAVY WARDOLEUM YARD GOODS REG. 24.9S INNERSPRINO S A li PfUCttl regard to piotecUon of toe hos­ serve the undeveloped lands. SPARK fLUOS A fine tlesping-combinolion . . . for ^ ) | 8 8 1 /WAYFAIR p a r a m o u n t pital and other areas, but In re* Advancing Aasasansewte Subttantial sovings on 6 ond 9 ft. quolity printed m w gsrd to Its cosL This would* result In an ase.^ $#«•, tie e md sn. do/fors Issil 180 resilient wire coile— ^ § - Shaded border with 6-tnch Plain colors with matching 6- enamel floor coveringl Heovy enamel is boked Ask Rate Kedurtloa ment tangle whereby larger mains sog-resisting outer-roll edgel ODftesto 10% OeoD, shaded rayon satin binding to Inch rajron satin binding. Oolors: Oommlssiunere of the South than present hquaeholders need Riverside plugt—poy for th#a». on o thick felt bosel Colorful tiles, morbles, match. A truly beautiful blanket PrimroM TeUow, Hunter Oraan. Mancbeetcr Fire Dtetrlci appeared •e-r* BReg. 2 1.95 99-coil spring. . IB.88 lelease MseBkr vould be installed. They couM selves in got $oviag^ Mode to florals that wipe fleon without scrubbing. Chlors; Dusk Roae, Mulberry, Nite Blue, Cbpper, Dove Gray, 'and askril for a reduction In rates not be asnesacd the full cost of French Blue, White, Cocoa Brown, Sky Blue, Mulbenry. Dusk Roaa. charged the Ure dlsUict which, extra large mains, and it is pro­ lost longer without odiuttmeatl UP TO 21 MONTHS Primrose YcUow, Meadow Green, r>ladon Green. they claimed are the highest in posed that some eyetem of ad­ Chinese Pink. . the stale. Thia year the district’# vancing esseaemente ngalnet' un- TO PAY water biU will be |26,M1 which d e v e lo p property be entered Into RiOULAR 1.00 PLAT $17.95 $ l 6 ! 9 5 ■ figures out at. $63 per hydrant ec- so that as this property is buUt cording to a etatemenl read by up. it will bear Its share of the Jack Gordon, secretary of toe lean-ln malniL , m SUPER GEORGIAN . Board of Fire Commissioners. Gor­ The Board voted to instnict t; i 88‘ don said that toe average in oth­ general manager to consult with fo stri Shaded borders with plain Large, two-tone checks -wlUi er cities of comperabie'size is $50- town counsel to see what may he New pqettl fhadei. Soft, glarg- matching 6-inch rayon satin bin^ matching rayon 6-inch binding. per hydrant. done toward setting up deferred f e e i IpH, vghret-flot finish. Dries in 4 Lowest Priced Nationally Advertised Colors: Mulberry Dusk Rose, Ing. Oolors: French Blue, Ctaooa The present contract here , calls 'ksscssments In cases where un­ Peach, Primrose Yellow, Ebown, Meadow Green, Prlmrosa to 6 bows. * 349 O ol.. 2.9P TeUow. • for payment of $10 per hydrant developed property Is ooneerned. ' 8-Cubic Foot Refrigerator on the MAarket // ' plus a charge of one cant per foot The question o ' aewam on Durant iV oaaeea la CHARM (nch. Thus an eight -inch main and - Emex streat,- petltlonad by DSanse finc,'|(iunoas International Harvester q u ality.., $14.95 X $14.95 peya eight cents per foot.. The residents there, was discussed. It WARDS WOOD a o s n J A C K E T E D NOW... SUKKI^ED LATER contract, in force for 28 years wail stoted by toe general managar known all over the world. Siune dependable efficiency ■ nee before the town took over that at the present time. Instr.Tp- UATUDUCIDI 1*29 . . . econosny o f operation . . . wnfiaiJing food prucectioo. PREMIER toe water system, cxplrca July 1 Uon of aewSra to serve this ares C ii^ white ptquo, enchontingly loced. hoeta a perky fi|g.g9$eea ^ A ll this at new leduccd prices. . . and low down payments, Plain colors with matriilng 6- . and the Oommlaalonan suggested would necesaitoto puch extra pump-1 Ing and piping faeUlUas as would SUnR M LUXI '/peplumod (ockel and a Mnooth-iiltlnq aundtdaa with a Inch rayon satin bindings. Colors; tost a new five year contract be N i l O l up to 21 months to pay. Just com{mre these wonderful Dusk Rose, White, Celadon'Green. signed. They went to reduce the result In aasdeamsnta poaalhiy White enoaflgd loninoted hard* M O O tt MMO&L mtui values before you buy! im agine. . . a freeaer OMn- full whirling aldril You'll warn it now pnd on thru oU Sky Blue, Gold, Hunter Green, annuel cost to toe district by three times ss large ae each owner qrood. A Wroaggr, thlgaQr, lightgr about $10,000 by setting a cost of paid for hts house. The problem • Fesmui Big-Tliree Oaribbean Ooral, Mulberry. Peach tto t. •. nntb piutment that holds 3$ big poundaofJfozen foods! A Dio o< aununor-eoU it the Igye oi your yotmg lUel I. P. Bloom. $10 per hydrant plus a charge of will ^ inveetlgatod with » view te tNra.hedslT Dsfrlgii olot making some agreempqt whereto refrigerator that bolds more than 30P pounds o f all kinds Stevena tine corded ebemhray in atriped combinationa Only one half cent per foot inch on o f food. Sparkling white poreelain enamel interior. Quiet $13.95 maina of six inches or over. Less­ sewer lines from tola gewon might of grey with yellow, grey with ehorry 'or qityy -.vith er dlsmeters,' the oommlssloneM -go Into the Sto Dtnrict'e dlspoggl ’ RIO. 1S« OARDIN **Tight-Watown in new .construction Cor. SI. Jamys and Ngls Stg. -.'I 8^MAPI8|REET TEL. 2-4430* 1013 MAIN ST. NEAR MAPLE ST. TEL. 2-1994 , Dnd installations which jpre pro- .USE WARDS m o n t h l y PAYMENT PLAN ... TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE WARD WEEK CUt-PRlCEB, 234848482323532323482348232353535348235348534848485323482323485353234848 4 ------L ' ^ .!• ,1

. I ^ ■ V \

MAKCHSBTCR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. AFKIL m. 1949 PA< MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTKK. CONN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20. 194f tofijMi *a farmefs cooperating with the Dis­ The other fifteen ofOcea ware Mch epaclea received include Red Pine. Several land^iwners aleo purchXMd stotea five Connecticut residents Trees, Shrubs For White Pine, Spruce, Douglas Fie seedlings direct from the State trict have plans for reforesting Bp- ■is;, ______by toe adoption of - the Amethyat but that smoke was ris­ for the funda for uae on tha new 3rcar ami probably “closer to $30,- Aiiklsr 3,800, Experts Give a deduction tor the atate taxT“ he , ." Jobless Rise and Black Lojcust. Wildlife shrubs ForeM Department. While the pn^mately 430 acres. 82 ncrMi proposed BUI, a new Btote agency ing from-Communist positiona op­ Olcott street acbool. 000 000 'The Bridccpocl office reported ware refoneted dbring 1947 a iJ 'f “ 'll r i ' asked. “ Included in the Hoover The $36,000,000 aimual yield Landscaping toyoffa toUlllng 80 by two electri­ are Tartarian *Ho isysuckle. Silky iwedlings recelveo this spring will TO THE MEMBERS OF muM be crmted with paid offl- posite the island on which the The towns' that have applied Tolland Coiiuly Cornel, Filbert Hazelnut and Mul­ perinU reforeatation o f $5 acres. 1945. have been placed on the “pending Opposing Opinions commiaalon report to a recoromen-o from the sales tax given by MX* Garden and Shrub Servtat cal appliance conoento, 45 by a ctoto and emptoyes, thereby result- alpop was grounded. gill was baaed on the per cent Again Marked tiflora Rose. list" by the Public School Build­ datlon that that deduction be 2 NO JOB TOO SMALL oewlng machine company, 20 by e ST. BRIDGET'S PARISH tog to the use funds for admin- Radio Contact Lost rate which WlU replace the prea- TbU week $0,000 forest trace Earlier this' mopth the District MDUily B ill totrativa charges rather'than for ing commission, which presumably eUminated.” Call Anytime machine tool firm and 20 by a ' British sources said ths Consort On Income Levy Laaaer stressed the contention ent oiM per cent on July . and wildlife ahnib seedllngo were received 5,000 seedlings from the diraet aid to needy veterans; and would ttini their appttcationa over 1 ceeter. manufacturer. Anyone who reeomroende a fcooee, or bays eae Uirodgli naiL . attempted to contact other British that because of the exempUoiia in 14 Arch* St. TeL 2-3151 il)al Lay-Offs Ineludetl In Mancbeeter the Ellla Ooet delivered to the Tolland County - > ’Department of Fish and I wUl, when eoM, donate $180 far the aehael faad. t pledg i “Be It Further Resolved that a to the State Department of educa­ niet Ftaamets to Death Boil Coneen-atlon District. Tl.e warahlpB by radio earlier. (Coatlaued from Pago bae) the sales tax tow tor such things Company layoff of 150 and the Game, Mr. Niedenvefer said. PLANNING TO BUILD? boaeety and elnoerity. Here to aa opportaatty to bn r^.oor’' Port Urges Mm* copy of the within, resolution be tion were til* Lsglstoture to pro­ as food, rent and fuel, the levy Week’s Report of seedlings are made avallatle by the forwarded to Senator Carl Remy, Her radio was heard to say: vide for toe channeling of such ap­ Orford Soap Company layoff of 25 propoeed CathoUc aelMOl aloag. I need Usttega. What la yoat ^s Ddq|MlioB to “In vtew of fire couldn’t—” was not stable. Seattle, April 20—m —A pitot ore Inctudea In the report. U. B. Boll Coneervetlon Bervice Senate m.«irwrfn and Representa­ plications through this depart­ roust pay the^tax. It la a, bad lax SRile's Labor Dept. and were grown at their. Nursery pleaMirer The Codsort'a radio atopped because it loads a heavy burden of Maglll, on the other hand, ham­ plummeted 4,000 feet from a pa^ <« Let ua BMist' yea in mr- e die Measure tive John Minetto, House chato- ment. * mered at the contention that as a senger plane to hto death early at Big Flats, New York. SavBd my Life SEE US. man, of the MUitary and Veterans’ there. It was poaaible her antenna Final plans and specifications compliance upon the merchanta Hat'Uord^April 20—Tlie number renKlng Mortgage Loane was ahot away and that abore firs Whole, I Connecticut taxpayers today In Alaska, the Seattle of­ FREE Teen Age Dance According to Frank NIaderwer* A Ged^mJ kr CASHEABTBUirr Affairs, committee, and to Senator submitted by the 28 towns, in an­ who most collect It. I t ; is a bad of jubieba Iw unemploy* fer. Chairman of the District, the including F. H. A. Finaac- fB 0«lwnl A«MmbIy prevented crewmen from repairing tax because It imposes a compara­ "probably . . . will pay more” fice of. the Sourdough Air Trans­ W t offer eaggeatlona FRANK P. ANDLE Chariea S'. House, Representative ticipation of the eventual appro­ taxes if an income tax to approv­ port company aald. Dava Huyeke ment ;lnaui«rciL benffits in Con­ seedllnga will be dtotributed to 39 in g -W e knew the aonrcca _ 1 It balac i{rs*d to oppoM Sherwood Bowers and Representa­ i t priation of ffeab funda for new tive dbwdvantage upon CminecU- Delivery Service necticut contInuM upward to 71,- Plans Completed landowners nodperaUng with the Itaif wtll brtaa ladKtd- REAL ESTATE AGENT cut buainesamen who are forced to ed. of Los Angeles, third pilot aboard of money for Snaneing new oaBty to your new ____ yu m 14SS, puldlc btoctof on tive John LaBeUe."' Tho Black Swan planned to try school construction, have been re­ a C-47 carrying 10 paaaengera, 786 diii'lng -tbr weak of April 'll* Dtotrict who are engaged in carry­ H9v4irr«cun)lMMUrM>a»m«ViiiMf A 358 ADAMS STREET TEL. 6659 to puU the Amethyat off Rose la- ferred by the commiaalon to the compete with merchants in New Under the governor's bill the ing out planed soil coneervetion homes and repairing oldei heme.. Lank over oar rtde| will to M d toawrrow at York, Ms.ssschusetts and other Income ,tox rate would range from was "sucked out” when he tried to 16 from 69,850 foi\the prcvloua Final arrangemente fqr the. IOL«ll$fiHlci time 21,485 Martoto* Faad Sa plaoad to toe tax would have on Connecticut Laaaer estimated.^ such a tax Mre. Footer WiDtonji, Two catholic taaSa I t a Xtosartniant c t Veter- places 2,000 tons. allotments of up to 150,000 each and for any quan­ Total benexita paid during mothers’ circlee, Bt. Monica and FoiMk Annaai for 58 towns under a legletotive ap­ residenta who besides their Fed­ would jdald at least ^ ^ ,000,000 a BMt AMalia. 1 M find now to ad-« (Centtowed from Page Owe) British Naval aourees hera aald eral tax, now pay an Income tax ART SAYS: tity. Just call IMNB week amounted to $i84,9n. I'hore' It, Margaret-Mary, have meue aantotarod bgr toe Ametlcaa no direct word had been received propriation which it has exhaust­ wore '/,471 Initial clalina which tonelve preparatlone for the ed. In neighboring states, particularly PHARMACY and MEN’S MISSION the grounded Amethyst. Her flags, from the sloop atoce she was fired New 'York. — ■ your order will he represent new iincinpluyuicnt dur- corning dance. Mrs. E. Henocom, T u t ad Beaetatton they said, were still flying. upon. However, these sources aald ' Ing the week ua compared with chnlMan of refr^hmente. an Lasser said Connecticut real- Sdodors prove ''TeleWsion delivered immedi­ ■Ditotorto • 0>meU • Quey Poet, Chinese Naval sources, which their Information was that she suf­ 10,116 tor the prevl'jua week. The noum^^^ decorations will center FOR ALL MANCHESTER MEN Amaiteaa Legion, baa stated its fered ’’heavy csaualtles." dents would be allowed to deduct #/ ately. correapondlng week a year ago aroiind^large aerWiig table from reported 20 casualties aboard the Shoe Retailers the state levy from the New Yoric poalttae to oi^KMltlon to the bUl, Ametyst to British quarters in Isn't Expensive 4,810 initial claiins were tiled. which reffeshmenta will be aer-ed. state and Federal Income taxea tMs plan bnaks Watch For The During the week, layotls we«-c Music foKdanclng will hie fur­ 7:30 Sunday Eve., April 24 and pt Its tost meeting adopted a Nanking, denied any shots had Arrange Clinic That would mean, he said, titot For toatoace. a good ta M raaolqtlow in opposition. The reso* been flr ^ by Nationalist gunners reported 1 tri the following indua- nished by thV"Four Note..” Ad­ Manchester Asks Connecticut would collect from model for only fld O .^ plus la- Little White Truck trlea; garment. 580, haUi 275. elec­ mission tickeuNney be purchsMd totiow states along the south shore of the river. the laurtiro habit ataltotton. Free home trial, those taxpayers a minimum of n )TM ate lamlvw neatobr—4«Vi be* trical ap|diam-i'N . bcariim. 245, from any mernber of the two South Methodist Church “Barit Resolved that this Post go Hie foreign airmen,, who were A Shoe Retailera Clinic, epon- |g,2 HALE'S SELF SERVE C. office to Certain that much will n ia ... aad bancalaraatwaBy. Thomas D. Colla Wkia warty, sranatiBg. avwwoik waba The Original In New England be derived from hearing these two 2-9219 roa Imaalat taaiponray- taka Cartw't PUi speakers, who arc well versed to naponrly. Aad aanr ait tha lazathrs habit. this subject. ilit Caito’a Pill at aay dmedocs to Mp today. You’U ha eratifidths-rto ifyaw Ula and HEALTH MARKET HEY THERE FEUA! TH U RSDAY SPECIALS Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales

MAZOLA OIL GaL $2.00 HERE’S YOUR PANTS Security for our homes, our families, ourselves is what most of us have al­ ways wanted most. BOX OF 100 TEA BAGS 8t « (Any Kind) and 1 Can USB* In the early days i^neers through­ out the land fought for it. Today there HERSHEY SYRUP * . . TRADE IN YOUR OLD RADIO OR PHONOGRAPH FOR A NEW 1949 are other threats to the peace and se­ curity of you and yours but security 1 Reg. Size Can Hunt's can be possessed in an easier manner. WHITE MEAT TUNA FISH In a great many cases a Savings Ac­ And One Can Swanson's ire, aklB and integrity are watch- count will stand as the bulwark between rorda in our Preaeription Labora­ you and many troubles. Don’t be con­ BONED TUR KEY...... tory—and in every department of tent with a minhnum account bnt strive onr atora. W e Mleet merchandiae to add to it consistently. A s a basic witk thd aame imdatenee upon qual­ measure of security a Savings Account $1.00 BUYS ity aa wa do for; preaeription in* cannot be overdone. Pot your aavings FOLLOWING COMBINATIONS gredfents. Thifi profeaaional care in the Mutual Savings Bank. PHIIXO One Can Maine Sadines; One Can asrarca yon of. the right mixture PHARMACY Kipper Snacks; One 8 Oz. Con of quality and '.economy in the RADIO-PHONOGRAPH health and iieanty aids you boy for WEEK Hunt's Tomato Sauce; One 8 Oz. daily use in your home. That is Can Peas; One 8 Oz. Can Corn; why you save safely when you bu>’ SPECIALS your favorite brands at our low-aa- COlW** SdviH^ Bdnk<^Mtincltestet' One 8 Oz. Can Beets; One 8 Oz. possible prieca. A MUTUAL SAVinCS BAHK Can String Beans; One Caii Orange PHILCO MODEL 1607 SiZEt /• Sarrhurin, Va Gr., 500» . . . 39c All Depoalto la Thla Banh Are Ooaraatred la Fall By The and Gropefruit Sections and 2 8 Save $60 on thin ama/.ihg Fhilco radio- Savlaga Banka’ Depnalt Oaaranty Fund of Cnnnaptlrat. lac. phonogragh with E\ M. Plays Long Play, Lilly Insulin, Reg. U*40 ,$1.26 Oz. Cans Hunt's Sliced Peaches. ing recorda with thrilling “concert hall” brilliance. Playa Hlandard reenrdk too! Rubbing Alcohol, Pint . x. 29c Automatic record changer. Static-free 1 Lb. Sunlight BUTTER F. Mm powerful A. M. radio reception. Iodine, 1 Oz...... Y.lc Modem mahoganv cabinet. BUY NOW ond 1 Jar MIRACLE WHIP A N D SA V E $60.00! First Aid K i t ...... $1.23 Boric Acid Crystals, 8 Oz. 2.3c There comes a time in every feUow's life when he^s looking BUSY! REGULAR LIST PRICE $229.95 for pants to team up with a sport coat, to match a suit coat, 5 Cans CAMPBELL'S BEANS .4 Castor Oil, 4 Oz...... 19e LeKs allowance on your old or just pants to woiii or play in. And every day more fellows BUSY! ond 5 C ^ VENICE MAID ^ radio or phonograph $60.00 r Also TNI I are finding what they want at Regal. Pants stocks that are • raruui ; BUSY! SPAGHlETTI • • • • j uiiRinin PRODuns piled high. . .prices that are low, low. Our pants expert GUNISIZi; Unicaps, JOOs, ...... $3.11 MiOLIMC sees to h that you get a perfect fitting and when alterations are ORYOWiieiiyBiCK! • « 4 3 ( ! ■ (,- I > needed they^re made hi a jiffy, thanks to our two tailors. HEALTH MARKET Multicebrin, lO O s ...... $4.86 Bauer and Black YOUR pants are at Regal Men^s Shop. Dollar Day Super Yalues: fis ’ ied Vi-Syneral, I S c c ...... $1.10 ELASTIC SLICED TO ORDER NATIONAL ABDEC Drops, T3cc ------$1.26 STOCKINGS H.4RD FINISH i V Flesh Olpr Sanforised PHARMACY One a Day Multiple Vitamins 98c GLEN PLAIDS AND BOILED HAM OR PdLISH PHILCO WEEK W ORK PANTS HOUNDSTOOTH CHECKS STYLE HAM l. $U00 Table Radio-Phonograph Yeast and Iron Tablets . . . 59c P ..r 1 0 . 0 0 TAN, QUAY la all aprtog ahadea. BaowN ... $2.98 Siam 2S-42 ...... $7.98 Regularly Priced From $1.18 to $1.30 Lb. Look! .The sensational new Philco 1405 plays the new VbPenta Drops ...... $1-19 45 minute records-Automatic phonograph with Philro’a exclusive Balanced Fidelity Reproducer brings yoa Combination Special glorious life-like tone on the new long-playing records. Enini GOODS TOP QUALITY FRESHLY SLICED Plays standard records, too. Beautiful (one on the pow­ PLEDGED 100% WOOL GABARDINE AND erful A. M. radio. Rich, modem mahogany cabineL Amm*i*dent Tooth Powder PURE WORSTED DOESKINS $12.95 T Q SERVE BACON 2Lb.$1.00 REGULAR LIST PRICE $ 129.95 Squibb Tooth B n is h ...... Right now we feel like the poor switchboard (18% Saving) Of eU the DMUijr earvleea that Tab, Blue, Brown, Gray and Green. Sizes 28-42. Less allowance on your did • N A M P a O the modern phamacy rvw- Pep&odent Tooth Paste, operator with all lines busy. Everything . . and TENDER, FRESH (Never Frozen) radio or phonograph $ 40.00 der. to Ita eamaeaawy by «iTu laaaifa tar the neaat hapartaat la 2 Medium Size ...... '■ 3.3c everybody is busv these days at Marlow's. Its preacriptlea eervlpe For 100% W OOL CRUSH-RESISTANT BEEF LIVER $1.00 It to to thb enparWy that we (You Save 18c Again) tahe ear etaad haidde year J and J Dental Floss, Reaiton for it all is our major reconstmetioii job that has pro- doctor — pledped to eerve 100 Y a rd s ...... 69e BEDFORD CORDS GABARDINES 'rcMcd so far now that yon can get ah Idea of what it’s go­ Or Buy 1 Lb. Bacon and 1 Lb. Liver For $1.00 yea . . . to prevlie yoa with Sizes 3S-42 In Tan. Bine, O A ng to look like. It’s a giant undertaking and one that has the high eaWhee ef prMee-. { ■Meaal eSivtoe tlwt la eaaao- Amiiirol Tooth Powder .... 73c >2S-42 ^$12,95 Gray, BrwWn and Grien .. ^ O a ^ O upset the whole store. However it has in no way prevented OTHER WORTHWHILE SITER SPECIALS; m l to yoar. health. The oh- thrifty shoppers from doing their buying at Marlow’a. arrvaaee ef' Natteael Phor- Oil of C loves...... * 10c What’s a little noise . . . what’s a little inconvenience when BATH’S FAVORED ■nacT Weeh eeev ee to em- you get paid for it in Marlow’s low, low alteration sale bar­ ' f . gain^ No matter what you might have to atep.OVER . . . DAISY HAMS lk69c step INTO Marlow’a tomorrow and share in t h ^ extra big All Meat—>No Waste savings. SAVE ON PHILCO TABLE RADIOS! FAIRM ONT’S TOP GRADE . < a * MODEL 504 — IVORY OR MODEL 901 — IVORY OR CREAM CHEESE Come Jn note ami »elect WALNUT- REG. $27.95 s EBONY REG. $37.50 f l U R T H U R l-our Personal Philco Ro» MEN'S SHOPS BUY ANY AMOUNT FOR Lb. 69c Now Only $19.95 Now $29.95 997 MAIN STREET WELDON BUILDING DRUG STORES Did you know, you’ve paid as high as 89c elsewhere dio nt Great ^nvin/ts! - Vow Save $8.00 i Yqu Save ST.SS Fomudtrear for Hire for cream cheese?

> i a/ I I


MANCHESTER EVENTNC HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20. 1949 . 'p a g e SE V fiili^' ■j. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY. APRIL 30, .194#. teaspoon Vanitta, oma *-lnoii ^ liste r baked pie ohell. » 4MGSITB DRIVES AU «aU-|>eat«n ent* fiWMt Trrma Arranawll poUt% palp M«l Maiuf thoroughly. Chaleo Of MsJerWa Combto* ereaiB com atacch, salt, ctonamaa, gtoc«r aad «oni tynn^ Tbomtii* D* Cullii Feller’s Failure Most Disturbing Note of the Openers Gradually add peU to Jutee, rnllfc. t > M t » butter aaargartoe and vanlUa; .- ...... - -' ------— : ^ mix thoroughly. Fold Into first mixture. Pour tojo unbaked pie ahelL Bake In hot oytn (4*6 da- THB ' Ellis Elected greea F.l about 45 mlnutea or Pin Champions Indians’ Ace Lifted until a silver hhlfe tooertod to A Baby Sifter? Karl Leandersson Wins llfiiiwHiiiiiiimmiiimmii.iiiiiiiiiiiim^^^^^^^ Mils center comes out d s ^ ' Bowl Tonight HERALD ANGLE Cluli Prexy • j • After Two Innings f - .11 ^ or bottled mint sauce and mashed j SOLID. GOLD BRACELETS at Yea Main! Just Call I Marathon in 2:31:5*3.8 for aprtng pIcture-UMng Is what gives buoyancy to a pillow syrup mixture with salt, lemon MATHER'S at the Center are the EARL W. YOST Silk aiy A. C Nametl Juice, lemon rind and milk. Mix Lovely Cuhoork potatoes. BroBd Street Motors n d tlM eonotimtly In- and when the shaft la broken by sort of Jewelry that never gom 7882 New Officers; List'§ewell r a n f i i s ^ T on tfi' Estly Wynn, Mika Garcia and toroit tn pbotogrophy, the C ^ - use — the_ feather cannot be re- thoroughly. Fold In sUffly beaten out of style — the sort that la Beaton, fourth In 94*:0T nnd Joa Service __ __ , _ t captures —r ------lenin - - loaicnei^ rxige Palg# a*mmwagainst thsvn« Brown-zwwwn- egg whites. Pour Into greased 1*»- SILVER FOR WEDDINGS is a VFiiiitliM One HaU Mile Smith of Madford, who lad tha pack And Center IT O p h a r m a c y hM a full , paired, paaaed down with pride from c O f M em bers Growing Straiaht Ouenins Dav '*•- Feiier gave only one ut, a quart casserole. Bake In moderate choice that can be made with satis­ generaUon to another. There are 2 in 1942, m th to 2J«:30. Green Local Sport Chatter s-tba Red Sox and New York Tan- atoek of r m c CAMERAS, from faction at MATHER'S at the Cen­ Ahead o f Vie DyrgaUj In .MBlch Bt Jerry Goodrich and CharUe Var- I . Ditto for Lefty Bray. ------■“ F e J - triple by Jack Graham, but widkad tko Baby Brownie and box type* Spring brides who want to oven (350 degrees F.) 36 to 40 I a number of dealgno, aU beautiful. Cota, atrlving for hla fifth vie- three. minutes. Serve hot or cold. ter. Among many very lovely and ■ in tna West Bide Rsc ^ck of the championship Cantor New officers for the SUk City Win; A's Turn Back t o ^ prodalon-lnade Tourist Fold- choose from a wide variety In se­ desirable silver pieces are a nicely i Kelly Fourth and tory stoba 1940, bad to no contant Cham pions in the wasl side use g ^ ,c , tesm. Harold Burr and Al Unabl# to whip the police in Athletic Club were elected at a re­ The largcat crowd w u 68,436. a tnr OBnera at *29.00. A special lecting the perfect WEDDING Creamed ^ *g*s n** delldoua with sixth placa. Hs sxplab>ad cu t meeUng of the organlaaUon. Bosox; Henrich Hero .Briggs Stadium opulng raeoid, shaped water" ; a Ronson I served on.mUt ham biacuita for. a FOR I Xlarenee DeMar 49th Uague add ths TMCA Loagus rc- Brown of Bryut and Chapaliu, softball, baskstban and bowling, buy'la tlie'Duaflex Flash Camera EUNO will go to WIOR’S JEW- "TRANSFORMAC.IC," the Pe­ that ha had itogtoeitad to ‘Train on the latoet repmt from the fire­ Huck EUls. iimtouUvc, fleet-foot­ I that came to see toe Detfolt Ti­ ter Hunt booklet of suggestions for cigarette act. consisting o f a table j „ jid a y night oUpper dish. To ^Mttvaiy. the Broad S ^ t and Dick LaChapella of Morlarty at *1*4*0, with the same lens as EUIY STORE, 977 Main Street. lighter and an urn on a matching hilla" for this raea. Brothers were tte “Iron mu*’ to house Is that the smoke m ton are ed half-back ot tha football team, By Jack Hand gers thump the Chicago Whlto Scot, 'the IWdlnf camera. The store al­ There are Innumerable rings In turning old furniture Into some­ make the biacuita use a standard Boaton, AiwU to -O S —For th# Tha othars la tha first 10, la Motors sad Center Service howling la the new preaidu t su cceediu (Aaauciated PreM Sports Writer) ' 5-1. Rookie J o h u y Greth, tha thing useftd and gaily attrac^e tray; handsome tea services, com­ baking powder recipe caUlng for H A f iV E t f iTw will clash tonight in a the Y Bowling League during toe anxious to meet the ooppera la a so has fla.ah holder* and other plain solid gold, beautifully de­ plete with tray: many beautifully I fourth Btraight yaar a foratgh atar ordaL wara Fran Austin of Boston, past season. Each took port Tn all volley ball match. Alex FeiYuaon. George Mitchell Bobby Feller's failure Is the ' Buffalo senution, broke to the useful ei|ulpment for fun and suc­ signed engraving, wide rings In with DUPONT DUCO ENAMBU two cupa flour and add about half Tom Jonss, Engllali profsssor at thto« CUM toUi plnfaU matob at replaces George Converse as vice right way with a pair of home runs is available at the JOH77SON designed trays in different sizes; a 'a cup of finely chopped cooked EROZEN I haa won the famed Boston ths Bowling Groan lues for the bis team's gamaa. most disturbing note of the ma­ on successive times at bat agatost cess. In open work or set with rubles, graceful big dish with a removable ' Lincoln Unlvarslty, Pa., and New Lao Katkavack, Connccttcut’a prealdenL Mike Olnolfi w u elect- ; and matched sets for bride and PAINT COMPANY, 699 Mato ham to the dry Ingredients before 1 inaaathon — smiling Karl town championship. jor league baseball opepers which { Al Gettel. Hal Newhouacr, who inset for holding flowers; many ' T arken Andy NaMIng and Paul lone fepreaentativc/'to the Basket­ ^ secretary, u d BUI Shaw, traaa- I A few anchovies cut Into a i groom, Street. And the company la of­ the Ilgnld la added. ^ I lAaaderaoon, the St-yaar-uld Bw«4- Calllna. Outstanding plnnera with ths An importut masting of the ball Association of America, m u t othenvlae read Uke a carbon copy whipped the White Box last year, fering a bargain—a % pint can of small bon bon diahea. TURKEYS urer. « o f 1048. tossed green salad give excellent" loh champion. Tha otdy othar fOrmar winnar in Servica Flva wlU ha Jerry Go^- Northern Connecticut Board ot a recent visit with his mother, These officers will be In term did it Bgaln, with a three-hlttar. Duco at only 19 cents with the rleh aad Bop Olcaaon. the No. 1 Approved Baseball u d - Softball A year ago Bobby pitch »l a two-1 Brrmklyn started off U though U flavor. Hard-cooked egg, cut In A new.. complete stock of genu­ To. make homemade beef hash, "FRIENDSHIP O A R Pl^T' 10 To 12 r,bs The amooth-operaung Swada tha atartlmt field et 142, tha 6t- Mri. Mary Katkaveck, of 74 Stork unUl April, I960. OrlgtoaUy o r g u - ine DUNCAN-MILLER GLASS­ coupon which w 111 be found in their and No. 2 Mgh average howlers to Umpires will be held tonight at _____ hit shutout opening day om the meant to wrap up the flai to July rlnga Is also a good addition. nd elsewhere In this paper. Duco chop a piece of the beef with an TOILETRIES offer a moaV4^i«'> And 25To 32Lba. ran 142 atrong rivaia ragged yea- rear-old Clarenca DeMat of Bos­ wmther straeL Leo performed ised with about 40 membera. the WARE In the "Old Lace" Sand­ Uke and charming frairanca at the T League. Also Charlie Var- 7:30 at the British Amerlcu Club, l^ th the Eastern Division Cham- club h u grown to It# present Cleveland Indius rushed into a \)v luimbinjr toe New York G lu ts is s one-coat performer, to hand­ onion and add freshly cooked po­ tarday while oompIeUng the *9 on, who has lad the pack home six-game winning streak. Before with a power attack. Joe Hattcn FAILLE TAFFEI A a t'*5 cents wich pattern has been received at pricea that make 1^. jMsaible tor TeL 4026 mile*-*** yards course from Hop- seven times Knee 1911. finished rlck, Vic Scbmclskc ud Pete The ExecuUva CommitUa p je Waabtogton Capitols membership of 96, and a drive la some colors, for furniture, walls, tatoes broken Into small pieces. anyone to have a complete set. Kunlckl. at 7, Umpiring aaslgnmanta-will ha they stopped winning, they were gave up 10 hiis, coasting home, a# a yard—and 50 Inches w ide- Is the DEWKY-RICHMAN COM­ and woodwork. Moisten with top milk or a little klngton to Boston to 2 hours II 49th Iik949:42. Jasse Van Sant of underway to bring the member­ PANY. 767 Main Street. Beauti­ IVciilct water ia *1.60—or *1.76 Manager OlUa Jarvis o f _^the glvm to members at this meeting. Completo major leagua baaeball world champions. tha Diggers rocked Janoan* tha definitely news! This lovely, crisp cream and fry tn a skillet in which minutes, 60.* saconds. Franetoeo, who waa third ship up to 150. The club h u spon­ Yesterday Feller was yanked Giants’ ace. A crowd o f *4,630 set ful in small or complete sets, there with M atomizer top; Ulcum y»mr ago, had to-ha satlsfisd with Motors will select hla sta tU ^ Ing. schedulaa, plus Interesting data on sored football, two buketball fabric which was wildly popular By popular request, KAY’S butter or margarine haa been By so doing, he found hlmsslf c.i after two Innings because of wild­ a new Fbbets Field opening mark. for fall and winter and is even are an sizes of glasses, including a powilpr la. 41.76;. dusting powder, ths Unicom aub's vleiory rolls iMth ^ a cs OR his sacond try evar team from Chet Nowlckl. Clllf each taam aad past records, are teams, and wlU compete this sum­ PASTRY SHOP, at Depot Square, melted. Season with, salt and pep­ sachet, and soap are each *1.00 a Keeney. Chartle SaniKra, Jaaa DOW available to readers of The ness u d a sore arm. He yielded Bouncing back from Monda\’'s more in demand for spring and new cocktail size: butter, salad, with rocent wtooera as Oeny Gate tha ruggad and hlUy eourat. Jack Corbett, secretary o f tha mer in baseball u d iMftball. one run u the Indians lost to the shutout by Ken Helntaelman. the desert, and dinner plates: cups is rcr’cntlng its delicious CHOCO­ per and keep the heat under the plickegfe at QUINN’S PHAR- Special! Fuller, Walt Suchy u d MmseK. Rec Senior Softball League, paaoaa Herald. The schedules are free summer Is regularly *1.75 a yard, LATE FLAKE CAKE as a week­ skillet low so the hash will brown. of Hyacinths, Que., Ynn Bok Suh Lsanderaaep, through Interpret­ upstart St. Louis Browns. 5-1. Braves whipped the Phila­ even at Cheney's. There are twen­ and saucers; a new water pitcher; of Korea, and Stylianos Kyriakldra Play wlU get underway at 9 along th4 information Ed Kovls and may be picked up at Tha Her end .sneclsl. And another iusetous Then fold It over and serve with a Toni Home ers. sold ha had hopes of araslnt aid oAca or sports departmut nW Ganrer scattered seven hits delphia Phillies twice, 4-8 and U-2 ty-five colors. Including black, salt and peppers; a mayonnaise a f Graeca. 's course raeard of 2.26:39 un- o’clock. A collection wUl be taku will akrve as plate umpire for a U Jackie Robinson to beat the champs before 13,817. before A PaUlots’ Day crowd of set: a pedestal cake plate; a big special Is STRAWBERRY PIE, poached egg. navy, and all pastels, which would with Just the flavor Of Sprtog. A dish that la "different" to one Taking oangnand from Vlotor tU he hit tha long stretch ef New- and proceed# turned over to the games this season. Kovif. a vatsr- the Browns' largest opening crowd 30.337. make stunning wedding party fruit or flower bowl; small dishes of creamed celery and oystera Permanent Refill Cucer Fund. ______u minor league baaeball pltohcL Charlie Robbins placed thirty- The shop Is open until 7:00 p. m. A new protective coating, amaz­ By Sue Burnett CyrgaU of New Tark, at tha half- tpn Hills. second to the 53rd annual Boston i OR to Good Start to 15 years. Cincinnati capitalized on errora gowns, the smartest of suits, and that are nice for nuts or candy or weekdays and until 5:30 on Sun­ served on ertop crackers. Sprinkle St.OO Vahio worked to the league last season as "Throwing too hard too soon j to whip the St. Louis Cardinals, for use as. ash traya. ing In its versatility, la KRYLON This attractive shlrtwast frock It was hot and I was unabla Marathoiv yastorday. It w u the . wonderful rtrapea and bedspreads day. , the top with a light duattog of to breath proparty taking the well as the Twilight Bsschall gave me a little trouble." Feller 3-1. All the Reds’ runs were U - at the CHENEY BROTHERS PLASTIC SPRAY. Sprayed con­ is designed the flatter the slightly paprika before serving. Jamra I'ream Kinae'SOc Lasguc. poorest finish for the local m u in Brooklyn, April 20—(F>—Get­ ------r ' ^ veniently from the can Itself, it heavier figure. Versatile as can be. hUls.” ha axrialnad, ' ‘and they tired Strauahan, Ward eight years. said afterwards, ‘"three to flve earned and came on error* by REMNANT SALESROOM. Sandwich thin allces of tomato $1.50 Value For chain store accountant, ting off to a good start la becom­ days’ r

•McTavlsh (at riding aeadapy) Joa—Teu Mck'dtwtol .. *v o,;»s.'S BY FONTAINE VUR —1 wloh'to rint • hona-_ ' gtablantan—How teng f Sense and Nonsense MdltoTWh—H w ’ langaat you’ve yuui^ swran B A * Y W AY 3 »«eT*W M ISKY BU.L*WdfitLE Up OK HIS got, thart will ba five of ua. Aatoarabika for Salt 4 Buatr Sorrlcw Offerei 18 ■qvlBt-*Treetiiig*e» DoRS— BiriB—f»ato 41 51 Machinery and Taate 52 H flw a Cte Sate 74 Mtotresa—How ara you gatUng Tha fallow who .doein't aaad a a n d boM la often Iks ona^lactad to ba BIU—M y] Storsfi* 24 PET FOODS, aabaaaortaa gad BENSON’S Furniture feature GARDEN lYaotora Brandy Plaaet iTVB-ROdMB,'atutporeh, jganmss F tftT IM OUT OF THK MAIN. 'an in pour new plaoa, Nora? ANTKdUEd Henaiabed. Kepalnad Nom—I think Pm going to Uka one. Woman a n srianrda srhw R dbne or any fundtuia Tiemaan, ASHES, Rmbbliah reaaoved. OtPara, raoMdloa.. clippiug, grooming, value! Select any mivla or blond Jr.. Beaver ridldi with ettnob- friitt tyasar^ t oatm lots Conven- comae torfacta and flguns, and tha 1989 INTERNATIONAL er*b in stock |34A5 u{l and you aisate. Power laws mowtra. Dm- taat to, 1ms *10A00. Ifadaimo I t ' Yesterday I ovarhaard the new X im aouth. Main rtreet. Pboae yartU and attiea cleanad. Dump bathing, hand plurttink and dip­ ■latTiM say I parfomuid by duties better the flguraa, the qulOknr the MduhteE 8*43. ' truck tor hire. Sand, loam, gravel. ping of doga at tha Kanncl Sup- gat a *11.98 innerspring crib mat- eton chain aawa rapitrt Equip­ Bml^k^Boaltor. 8-1*49 or 4679. (H4 'Toa had a good weak and facta. ^WhOar I TON PLATFORM TRUCK ment Co., 38 Main atraat,* Oau perfUaetory manner, thought k » stould tuy his Wito a SU and rtooa. Jamas Macri Phone Ply Shop. 3A97I. treaa free. ’Tbls wash only. 718 ever \A-1 condlUon. FuU price *300. PETER W Pantaluh electric oon- Main rtreet . 7986 ( ^ R B B ) . Nowly Antshad 4-rodpi That’s tha in X praise Tve prasant, oo ha plehad up the taUa, 4838w a dinner or ' Doting V o 4-DOOR yarda aad attln cleaned. Gen-1 . about May '1, Phone 7884. SS4.95. Wetkine Bros Phone 5171 thing it never flte. aciaaora aharpened on precMoa erai tniCkliv and moving. . F.l 0743 or 84 North SchOOL console telcrisloa act Included;.4 A luncheon or a tea. mother’s UtUa daiUag (GkMd condition. Full price $BB0. machlnee. Kepalr aervica. Pickup S3 PIECE dinner set. $18. 4-pleee rooms and bath bungalotf; H. W, Old BUI—But why are you car­ Knowing thirt my. bostoos wU school todoyT ^ and delivery. Tel 2-9888. 88 Fair- Monaon. PboM 5008. walnut Waterfall bedroom aet FOR RENT— Power and band rying the table? . Expect tha same of me. Juaios^l laoraa two puaks abi.^ Pooltry and Supplies 4S oil heat; oflppar ptumbbig; poro9- Old T 0 a > ~ ^ going to the store deid rtreet. RUBBISH and aabe! raamvad In­ dresser, wardrobe, mattreaa aad lawn rollers, lawn sweepers Capi­ lain set tubs- hatchway: ■ 8-oar —Frances O. (Mue. to call ma raaraa’a Uttle darttagt WAimBO—fUd« from Benton and 1937 FORD 85 4-DOOR BABY Chicks, alio Oockend ^ e k s bed, *65. Phone 3-1309. 145 Deep- tol Shipment- Oo., *8 Mala. to buy her a tahtodoth. MUMla TUmpIka Baat to vtcinlty KADIO damcing Uependa/Ue low cinerators cleaned. Sand, gravel garage with unstalre; Lot ita* x SEDAN ' and emBers. ,Van aervica and for broilera or roaatera. Manehee- wood Drlvo. Phono 7*68. 500*. Reaeonable. Suburban Real­ Buying srfiat you do not need la TharaM a Mg.dUtorsBco bitw e a ' of tiafflc tower, Uatn and Hi(h coat and guaranteoi.. A.B.C. Ap­ ter chicks, 8ummer and McKes an easy rosd to ntedlng what you looking and rasing. ’ pliance. 31 Maple rtreet 1-11178 local mdviag. Phone H M. Joaaa ty Co.. Realtors, 49 Perkbu Ha—You imow, drinking makas , atiaeta. Hartford. Worklnr hoar*, Radio and heater. Bxeellent ctm- atraeta. Phone 6971. BBXSON’S Furniture value. Any rtreet TeL *815. you look so baautlfuL cannot buy. I to B p. m. Pboae 7M0.' dition. Full price *380. 3-1*83. 3A873. washlhr machine purchased this Wtated—To Ray 58 LAWN Mowera, hand had powar. . She—But I havaa’t been drink­ A hard (an abould mart a Mgh AUSTIN A. d with open stairway to He—Nh, but I have. will get by, and so will you. maUrisL 'me^lnt laat night the epeakeri puUeU for sale. OUl 5 9 «. ~ lar makes *66.50 up. Big allow­ expansion attic with dormers. Oil told us that both Oood Houee* CHORCHES died. Capitol Equipment Oo.. 88 Domaatte and overetaa orating Oood condition. Phone 8-3465. aad ahlpptng. sMcelleat van aerv- ance for old washers. 71* M ^ heail, camblnation serMna aad end Parent’! magarlne Main. Mancbaater Pbona 7988. * street N oR oflh ! LANS LBONASD MOTOR SALES leo to Wert Onart and all paits Wanted—Pefn— Poultry— storm wlndt'wa, tils bath, flre- MICRBYFINN guarantee Myrtle Foam for Rooms Without Koord 5* place, insult Ion. A well-buUt oleeahig uph^tered furniture ACCOUNTANT. Oomptete ae- of U S. A. and Canada, faiaphane v m n 80 OAKLAND STREET Maaohaatar *187. or Hartford 6- Steck 44 NORGE Washer, working condi­ home. Full price *11,000 with OR,- and ruga. It’e eafe, efficient, econ- countins oervlce and t u 'work, tion. All white, as la *25. Pearl’s ROOM For '*ent in private horns VOUmMfOMEOF ikli 3-3329. > 143*. WANTED-- Or>wa. ealvaa and beef 500 4% mortgage available. Im­ omlqal—eo outatandlngly good TEL a-0483 Appliance and Furniture. Phone Ladv or gentleinan. Garage. 2- mediate .oecupancy, Omtact Rob­ TMiBBBrOeLiCATES It hme become America’! No. LAVBLL’8 Ihiprem light tniohing eattle. Also horses. Gall Plela 7590. 1746. Brothers for tlM top dollar. Phone ert J.’ Smith, ine., =9*8’ Main WE HAD «T OCEAN CITY I iylliolrtery and rug cleaner. I HoosehoM Strvleti add dellvary. Waehly or monthly stWet, for appointment to In- ordered it today at ’The J. W. rubblab rautea lavited. Ma 740A 864 BtdwrtI street (THE8T Of Diswars stoves mls- ROOMS For Rent', -working, couple AVEARAfia JOE 1987 CHEVROLET dump truck. Offertd 1.1A eellsneous used furniture. Rail­ apact' WA \ mOW COME YOU Hale Ctorp. Ann.______' Rebuilt motor, excellent condl­ cheater 3-8390. or girls. Call at 165 Spruce street WBAVINU of buraa, moth hoiee road salvage I67 Middle Turn­ FOUR-ROOM Single on Essex 0 1 ^ SET DOWN ID tW d PBO^LE wlah ride, MMi- Uon. CaU 3-1890 or 2-1188. Artldca far Sale 45 pike Baat Monday through Fri­ and tom clotning hoalery num I — ■ I a I I PLEASANT elngie* and" doubfe street Has atnem windows and ebeatar Green eection to Hart* 1989 PLYMOUTH 1^-ton pickup. handbaga repaired, elppar re­ psintinff—-Papering 21 day 6-9. Saturday 9^9. room with 'twin beds, one minute screens SU-dav occupancy T J. ford, rtclnlty Aaylum and Farm­ Will install new 1949 engine, placement umbraUaa repaired, THAYER Baby carriage. Price GENERAL ELECTRIC, S-band from Post Office. Phone 8583. Crockett. Broker. Phone .1416. ington avenue. Hour! 8 to 5. Call price *425. Solimene and Flagg, men’s shirt eoliare revaiwad auid CALL G. FICkETT for inside and *20. Phone 3-9383. 3-03SS. console radio. Excellent condition. MANCHESTER - s i ^ i hoiise, Inc.. Dodge and Plymouth deal­ replaced. Marlow’s Uttte'Mending outside- peintlng, paper han^g, Eureka vaevum ' cleaned, rcaaori- er, 634 Center street. Phone 5101. Shop. general ca.."pentry work. EVee HUNTTNO, Flailing sporting Boardrra Wanted 59A centrally located, eonalating of 4- estimates STlven. Phone 4303. equipment. 18' Jig saw,' % h. p. able. 27 Brainnrd Place, upstairs rooms snd bath, in good condi­ AatoMobllts for Sale 4 1947 PLYMOLTH club coupe, R. EXPERIENCED. Curtains laun­ motor, Fairchild flexible shaft, ROOM AND board at CTieatnut tion, rented at present with *35 FRIOIDAIRE For" Sale, 's cm ft Lodge. *18 ner week. Cali 3988 or' end H., *465 down; 1946 Hudson dered. Ail kinds. Straight SSc. EYIR PROMPT and courteous drill set etc 52 Dover Road. In good running condition, *75. per month income. FuU prica*^,- TOM BROWN SAYS; . club coupe, R. and H., *885 down; ruffled, *1.38 Called for and de­ service la paintuig aad« decorat­ Phone 5356. V 91 Oieatnut rtreet 800, approximately 81.6M down 1646 Chevrolet FleetUne, R. and livered. .Phone 3-3411. ing cal) Eddy Theriault. 3555. MElN'S Rebuilt w relartcd shoes payment Ailed Clampet. 848 BUY NOW- and SAVE! High and low Bettor than 'cneap R.; 1943 Chevrolet two-door. It SALE —Limited quantity first Apartmenta.' Klata. Main atreet. Manchester.- Phone All cars Iigye been recondi­ and H.. *300 down; 1941 Chrysler GENERAL Housecleaning, paint­ PAINTING AND Paperhanglag new ones. 8am Tales. Shoe Re­ . quality 9x1* kitchen linoleums 4993 or 2-0880. tioned snd canry our written Royal four-door, R. and H., *300 ing and wallpapei a apecialty. 30 Free ertlmatea Proi^t service. pair Shop 10] Mall, stivet *6.95. Lsnger’s Floor Covering, 41 Tenementa 62 years’ experience. William Miller. Reasonable pricee. raone 7630. 6-ROOU Cape COd, attached ga­ gaarnntee. r down; 1941 Hudson fouixloor, R. Purnell Place. Phone 2-4123. For­ Simple BY EDGAR IIABTOi 5798. U. E Frechette. TOR SALE - 30-galkm automatic RENT Seekers you rage. ExccUent neighborhood. BY HBREUBBINSER BUGS BUNNY IMKYrS AN D H ER BUDDIES and H., *235 down; 1941 Ply­ gaa hot water noaters. good con­ merly Wards Farm Store. rent! See us today Rentalttent Service EUNNV HliStNBHB 1 9a PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN mouth four-door, R. and H,, *300 Fireplace, open rtalrway. Reaaon- va.'UL.'v. ywwm \ cM h ^ VM M t WlANSBBBOUfe 'WCk WMBrtMffl. \ BW ppd*-T and heater. BeauUfUl ruAT FINISH Holland enndow SPECIAL Price tor April only. dition. Marlow's YOUR Overcoat mothproofed for Bureau. 641 Mam atreet Mi ■*.kb!e Bhrk ^ le r .’ lLtCnt 'M t ^ 3- YMTH WHAT yvNCY MOteWL TOST WUB rriKNTuV VMKft \ v e u jM w a a o down; 1941 Plymouth club con- abades mada to maasura. Kcya Seva now on painting, inside and Chester Phone X-43711 naytime. CANfTtTfMFT ON BOTH «iO t« WITH UWOlASihMh B0«B. AMD Off OBtMWJM. ^ T g reeih . Nrw car guarantee. 5 years for only 62c. Berlou 4469, '' a ' MIO YOff Mb veto \Hffe«lh\«liURB%l varUble, R. and H„ *330 down; made whii« you wait Marlowa. outside. CeiUngs and paperbang­ DETECTO Balance baby scales, A BTfAlCv Xjrt^fA A A TB , A BirOR IMT CHRYSLER TOWN AND 1940 Oldamobile four-door, R. aad ing. Workmanship guaranteed. vhitp' step-on pall, new cotton Hothspray gilarantoes to re- TNh MOMNhOb UtBfdQWUdt COUNTRY CONV. CLUB palr'or replace your coat if dam­ blANCHESTER-Excellent 4-fam- H., *330 down;. 1940 Chevrolet CALL ROY aad Gordon, Bhiperts F m estimates (Mil Burk, 5846. crib blanket, baby guard high Wanivd to Rant 6U Uy Investment property. Income COUPE — Complete equipment two-door, R. and H., *380 down; for rug and upboirtery ahami>oo- chair. New pink satin crib quilt aged by moths within 5 years. Ton must see this one. Watkins Brothers, Manchester. 31.520. BrsM plumbing. Lot ISO 1940 Ford, two-door, beater, *250 tng. coinpiete home and office *13 00 KF.PAPEKt* ordinary room tarpunto decoration. Phone LANUUUiDS. We specialise m _by 300. '*hone Manchester 7738. 1 9a PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN down; 1940 Ford four-Boor, R. cleaning. All kinds of odd y>bs. including pacer Window screens 8496. obtelning rente To< tensnts and —JUdlo aad heater. Good dean BENSON'S Furniture k feature we get am fee from :ui«m We Brae-Bum. and H., *350; 1939 Chevrolet four- Phone 2-9087 or Manchester 3- painted. Interior and extarior value. Buy a new atiidio couch ear. h painting. Reesonabl*. Kaymond BULK And package aeeda. fertil- select fur you only reliable ten­ door, R. and H *230 down; 1938 4340. this week and you get a matching McKEE STRELT. Cape Cbd. Fivs 1941 PLYMOUTH CLUB COin*E Chevrolet two-door, R‘. and H, Fisks Pbnne 3-9337. taera, lawn grass seeds «t the ants with good credit references finished rooms, one unfinished. — and heater, complete *125 down; 1983 DeSoto four- Kennei Supply Shop Tei. 3-4273. pair of maple end or lamp tables Our service to you foi renting worth *20 free. 713 Main street. ' OH burner, Venetian bllndo, storm eqnipnient white Urea. A reel door, drive it away for *75. Bar- Building—Coatracting 14 INTERIOR AND Extsrior paint-' your property pi tree Rental windows, acreens...lsrge lot, com- low Motor Sales, 596 Main street Ing. papcrlwu:ink. ceilings, re- ROY At Portable typewriters and ^R SEDAN— Mdtorcyclts Bteyda 11 garage, oil ateaa beat. tUa'*aih, ing Service. Tel. RockvOle 1897- CHARBONNBAU House palnt- WANTED—6 or 7-room house. Ceih|Srtieeng*ae rebMld. A real J2. tng. Interior exterior. Paper THE LARGEST assortment of complete insulation. screenS'‘'and Some Hand PsychologT alea low prtea ear. COLT WOODSMAN, two barrels. floor coverings at the toweat Famliy. of four, Manchester Busi­ atorm aash. Located near Hams­ A L L E Y O U P BOY’S 38” Elgin bicycle, Good hanging, floor sanding and re fin­ ness man. Cal] 2-9737. HOW {pfA WANT' Meaday and Thursday condition. ChU 3-1614. CONCRETE Contractor, mason ishing. Call 3-9575 or 3-2805. Perfect condition. Phone 2-2465. price. Longer’a Floor Covering. ter school. Lot 75'xl40.' Call MAMBURMB... KING A v, you BvantaiE! work and tandacaping. V. Bel- 41 Purnell Place. Phone 2-4123. MUST HAVE *. 4. 5-room rent by owner #75L - WITH OB WITHOOT « e m N ’ H »/^ YIF. KNOW HOW BatnrdaF A fta n e e u ^Tbw BOY'S Columbia lightweight bi­ luocl. Phona 3-160L GENERAL Repairing, light car- BABY Carriage snd bsthlnette, in Formerly W/rds Farm Store. KINAPOM f THERE AOSS T > ^ U _ good cendition. Phone Manches­ August 1 for two adults. Good •nvO-FAMILV flat. 8-5 rooms. 3* ...... ONIONB^v BACK IN ( R?KABABr TURN CUT. cycle, very good condition. Call ^ pentry. painting. Floors' sanded, references Phone 8285. 3-3*83. GENERAL (Mrpentry work. New reflnished. Reasonable. (?all 3- ter 2-2428. Enai'.ei Battle gaa stove, car gamge. Near Porter street. V THlVi intOWN-BEAUPRE. Ine. construction, reprtra, altemtions, tSO. Louis Brewer, Glastonbury. Excellent location. Priced at 815.- 38 Elman Street Phone 7191 4391. WHITNEY Carriage, like ne^v. J phone 3-30.50 after 6 p m. TWO YOUNG men. aged 5 and 2 S* additions remodeling, gamgen. and their parents, need 4 or 5 000. Howard R. Haatliigs. Real Wanted Antos- porcbes enelo ed, atUca flnished. PAINTING and papering. 1st class Used very Uttle. Call 2-9619, or; EMtate Specia st. Odd Fellowa Inquire 33 Griffin Road. OIL HOT water beater. 50 gallon rounri unfumlrhcd rJnt. Phone IfgiTERRAPLANE. *880. Gan be Motorcyclcs 12 Workmanablp guaranteed. Free Job. Lowest possible prices. Bob 5161 betweei 9 and 5:30. Bldg. Phone 3-1107. a9p8,al 41* Hatai atreat ertlmatee. CiiU 8716, Flake. Phone 3-9178. oil drum and stand, *15 complete. WANTED—Ford. Chevrolet or Telephone 2-1251. FAMILY OF F >ur adults and FOR SALE—-New 5-room bouse st Plymouth up to 1943. Have a 1637 ALTBRATTONO AND additions. Boutfi ami Arramoiiaa 46 99 Hollister street all ssodem im- ..... SOLID Mahogany CTiippendale pie one child wo*.Id like a five or >LBT oaclal delusa. Pontiac with 1947 motor to trade. New ceilings. Also roofing and Rvpairinff 2-t provemepts. near bus and acHooI. siding. A. A. Dion, Inc. Phona JOHNSON !*KA Horse outboard cniat tabic, $40; Duncan Phyfe ■is room rent ('all Mrs. Maude ^ iaeadtttaB, M3*. CkU 7*6*. Call 6*00. .M..tor Salea and Service. We also Foley. 3790. Step Ih and look Manc^aetar 2-9»*L Bartow Motor Salsa, 595 Main Roofs, sidings, additions and al- $40; one neat of tablea *35; three 7 room housea foy sale. tsrations also new construction. wood street. Phone 7779 couple, no children. Phone 2-0103. stxast Manchoatar. 540t I pairs gold drapes with comice ffpB GLANCES BY GALBBAIJH U i l STUPE RAKER commander Sleffert. Phone 2-4)358 boards. $25- Quality gas stove, WANTED—Small apartment with MANCHESTER—Ekccllciit 4, 5. 6 BY DICK TITRNER BY MERRILL C. BIAJHBBR Otaxe, radio apd heatar. Very Dinmnnds— Watrhes— CARNIVAL FRECKLES AND HIS FRIFNDS Grnesome ^row Pnvala" Inslruclions 28 4S $6-3. VaHoiia targe framed pic­ kitchenette for aaxiatant nurse. and 7 room slnglra priced reason­ good eoadltfca. *89*. Maneheater Bu6iBC86 Scrrlctfl O fferad 12 (TARPENTER work of all kinds. Jewelry tures. Call 2-0914. able from *7,500 and up Also aew Attica flntsbed. cabinet work, al­ Call Hospital Annex, 7 to 8 daily SlOPOAWklNO.' HeCK.IUS 8 H«IP FURNAtXS Tailored to flt your AUTO DRIVING dua. control lEONAK. > A voST Jeweiet Re­ 4. 5 and 6 room singles. Pbont weiLfle uTg TWe PUN OF terations and also , colorful plas­ FARN.SWORTH Radio and record Manchester 7728 |for appoinb- VISITING,TWe 1961 Pl y m o u t h coupe. Looka boms. Van Camp Bros. Phooe AAA certified Instructor Bai- pairs snd 'dinsts watchev expert­ tic tile oathnx.ma and kitchens. tard'a Driving atMool 'ML' 3-2345 player combination. bleached Hoom» for Sato 72 ment. Brae-Bum. S K e S ^ / jo*d,^nai8 good. Call 3-9890 after 5*44. Charles Davis. Phone 2-0294. ly at resaonaul* pru-ee Open walnut finish. Like new. Phone Tbiin>da> tver'np ^129 Spruce! 2-1325. MOVING O t^ Of suite. Win sac­ MAnRESSES Re-made and ater- CARPENTRY. AlteraUone. cmbl- street Phone 2-4S67 FOR SAI.E , PRIVATELY Owned 19M Olda- iliaed. like new. We cell (or and Musical— Dramatie 6 ROOM SINOLBL—Tile bath, fire­ rifice (or quick .sale, '9-raoi* hets. tile 'leilinga. tile bathe, or AER-0-FI*AME combination oil house All improvements.', ataam «««»>«* 76, black two-door sedan, deliver anywhere. Frank Falk. 42 kitchens Jobbing a specialty. place. hot water, oil heat. Man­ PIANO TliNING. repairs rccon Fael and Feed 48 A and gas stove. 4 snd 4, white. In­ beat. S-car gamge. chicken eoop. radlow heatar, spot fog and back­ South Main ativet Colchester. Also new construction. Phone quire 62 Eire atreet. chester Oreen Section. up Bghta. Low mlleago. Phone Conn. Phone (tolchester 460. diuoning. etc Joim (Y>ci>erham. one acre land soma fruit, trees 8862. ' 28 Bigelow atreet Phona 4319 SEA.SO.NED Hardwood tor fire­ 4 R0031 Cape Cod, fireplace, hot (Mil 4807. 716L place and furnace. Immediate de­ MAPLE EXTENSION Uble, pad. water heat, tile bath. Price rea­ LINOLEUM — Asphalt Ula,' wall and 6 chairs, suitable for dining j IMRELTMOUTH four-door sedan, covsrlng. Done by reliable, Wefl- livery. Call Glastimbury 8-2933 sonable. FIbrteU—N nrtericfi Help Waated— Feaiald 35 room or kitchen. Telephone 6170.1 lAta for Sate 76 l a ^ and heater. Bbccellent eon- tralned men. Ail Jobs guaranteed. any day of tne year. Hava wood ■' Listingfi Elicited Pa NsiES, perennial flowar plants, on hand at all times. dlGoau Can ba seen at 133 Eld- Hall UnoteiiRi Oo, S3 Oak atreet EXPERfENCXD Girl wanted for ’ MAPLE HIGH chair. flO; child's | lARQE LOT. centrally located. t t ^ street I^ n a 3-4022. eveniaga 6166, gladioli tatilba. strawberry rocker. *1; club chair a ; long' We Have The Buyers plante. asparagiM roots, ever­ soda fountain work, evenings. No All utilities. CMU *488 aftsr 5 p. Sundays. no holidays. Good Garden—Kfirni-Hairy table. *4. Phone 2-8693. COBURN ROAD — 6 room, hot m. 1941 DE SOTO, black, custom 4- g u a r a n t e e d repair sendee on greens and shrubs. Woodland water heat, flrertace, 1st fl *w- CMocolate Shop, 691 Main street. torj', tile full bath up. basement bursTANDiNO Valiie—3 adja- diately. Phone 8-4498. elocka, vacuums, etc Reaaonanis Phone 8474. tors. wood and oil heaters, end garage. cent lots, (>4e street nsag- new PRISCILLA'S PUP limoceiit Bystander BY AL VBRjiE R i prices A B C Appllanca. 31 (JOW Manure' ielivered. by truck­ HOUSEWIVE.V 71111) your span load or by buslM> at (arm Little. tables. imitaUnn flrepiacs. com­ Princeton street school.' Inquire " w z ASKED Mapia-atreet 2-1675. PANSIES now ready, 60c a basket plete. miscellaneous fumitura Also Other Listings COME, N0V4 I t a BUICX Sedanette. Radio aad 12 plante. Call for at farm. Mar­ time into cash. 83 average com- 1*5 Spencer atreeV Phone 3757. 135 Hollister. PRISCILLA.' ME TO PUT mission on each order. Showing Chamber's Wsreheuae Sales.. Ml THAT OOESHT SOUND AWAY MV TOV^ t o l O v o u / heater. Call 6609. Pii>-L0NG'8 refrigeration aervlce. tin Riester, Hillsdale road, Wap- See s e v e r a l Building lots. Also ^0- Maisonette frocks. Write Box S, FOR SALE—TWe tons of good Middle Turnpike Baat. Tri. 5187. LIKE MOTHER/ hanq up m y Repairs on ail makes, commer­ plng. Phone 3798 or 8931. STUART J. WASLEY acra tract on Parker street. For NOTMlMf 1989 PLYMOUTH ^ sedan, 1946 cial and doroeatlo. 34-bour serv­ Herald. bay: Brondollo Farm, Brandy COAT AND motor, radio new beater, white­ rtreet. Bolton. Phone 2-0771. THREE-PIECE overrtuffed living Realtor appointment call Howard R. TIDY MY ice.. Phone 3-1797. AVON Reprasentattves are still room furniture with slip covers. Hastings. Real Estate Specialist, wall Urea aad other accesaorlea. Rootififf—Sidiag 16 State Theater Building In best of ocsidltlon. Tel. 4880, LAWNMOWER.S sharpened, re­ making good noney la the pleas­ tXfW Manure foi asle Delivered Phone 6978. Odd Fellows Bldg. Phone 3-1107. paired, hanJ and power. Washing KiMiFINU — SpeciaUang In re­ ant Avon way. Apply now Jdr anywhere In town.-S6 for a pick­ Tei. 6648 Or 7146 up toad. (MU 5968. BENSON’S rug and stair carpet LAKEWOOD rircle Niirth—Clear- 16*9 MERCURY oonverUble club machines repaired. Pick up and pairing roots of all klnda also open territory. Write Mrs. Dpipi- special. This week only any 0 x 13 eoupe. Oood mecbai^cally, 1695 oew roots Gutter work. Oum- thy Buckman, 29 Highland Ter­ NORTH END—Duplex 5-4 rodms, ed lot 100 s 1.60. Unotatructed delivery. Friendly Fixlt Shop. Tel. FKEISH, fOKlS. delivered te your Axmloater or Wilton rug pur­ 3-car garage, nice garden plot, view of ressrvoit and '' dtstant CaU 3398. 47n. Iney* cleaned and repaired No race, Mlddlrtown, CMim. Job too ema:i or large. Good door Fridays. Price 65c large, 70c chased will Include free a $14.95 chicken coop, MO ft to bus line hills S1.9IX). Uadelins Smith, VENETLAN BUndS Ah types work, tail price Free eatimatea CX>UNTER Girl wanted, nights. extra large. Phone 8798. rug cushion. Stair carpet and Monthly payment on mortgage, Realtor. 3-1643 o 4679. 1947 MERCURY converUble. Good Steady employment. Apply An­ hall runner apeclal at *1*8 a taxes, msurance and Interest Is maoa to order,- also recondition Cal) Howicy. Manchester 5361.- PRBBflERB Btmwberry plants, OXFORD STKEET- 3 lots told condition. CaU 4723. , ing Best quality Ftndell Manu­ ~r nex Snack Bar 29 East Center yard, made by Magee Benson’s, *57.50 per month, 4-room apart­ strest St3 a^ thousand. Frank Globe. 718 Main street’ ment pays S5S per month. Buyer sepsmtely or together. ,AU utllt- 1986 DODGE, radio, heater, good facturing Jo, 485 MMdls Turn­ Phone 5315. ITOl Tolland Turn­ tiea. One lot $875. TwoiloU St.- pike Bast (ial} 4865 Heatinff—Ptambinff 17 cfui have the 5-room aportepent tiree, good condition. Reasonable pike. 1947 WKSTINGHOUSE Electric at coat of only *4.50 per month. 700 Msdelinc Smith. Realtor. 2- 784 Middle Turnpike EMst. Phone ATTENTION! Residents, of Bol­ Help Wanted—Male 36 stove with light used for 1 year 1642 or 4619. - v - r # _____ HAIKU — Electncai Appliance STRAWBERKY Plants'’ Premier. Would consider exchange for BYHMIfflAICLJJ'MALLEY AND RAIJ*H LANR 3-4245. Se-vtce. repair* pKkeO up sno ton, Coventrv-, and RockviUe (Mil only. Unabla to use In roy'apa.rt- small four-room bouse in rsMsiswit. SU.T. a. ssa V. a NT. sfs. I VIC FfJNT Helpinir Buga To Talk C. Pulton (or plumbing and heat­ UTtUTY Man wanted for garage *1 per hundred; Streamltncr, ment will sell for *150. Apoal- FOR SAIX or exvhiutn. Building 19M CHEVROLET 3-door. 2 tone delivered prompUy 3i> years "North End. Howard R. Hastings, Iota at the Oreen. V l^ Kanel^ experience John Maloney. Phone ing Free, eatimatea. Phone .Man* and show room work. Apply Serv­ *1.50 per hundred. Any amount ment S6D, St James. ^•owaiouT IT, luG*? color Job, perfect condition, all Tel. 4761. Real Estate Sperialtst. C>dd Fel­ Builder, 519 Onter street. Phone *Tliia dM ay must be the result of Junier'e beeeminf "Look a* thee# headlineh. *8enal|ar BaMlt belt* adndnit* YOU a i ^ $0 TIU Ml, 3-1046. Walnut etreet cheater 8731. ice Manager, Balch Pontiac, Inc., lows Bldg. Phone 2-1107. new tires can be seen at Cough- 1 155 Onter street CHAIN Stitch sewing machine 7773. InMftfltea in ddvmtielnf^- '"**<*'f ■ *urvey trfilaii BreBamr trying ^ything iMUTvbu m u m Un'a Sarvice station. CMll l^ncent g e n e r a l Refisira. Jobbing, ro- WELL-SEASONED cow manure. (sews beaiitifullv) with stand and ALL APPLIANlTES se-vlced and Open for Inspection Sun., April, A PARTICULAR lot for psrtlcii- IBi* iliat at haswa' Marcln. TeL 4848. Prlci *1,200. repaired, oumers refnxeraiurii, modellng, water piping, deep and BAKER’S Helper wanted. Exper *4 per cu. yd. EMcellent top soil. cabinet .(Iniched in antique black Miallow weU pumps, gas and *3 per cu. yd. Orders delivered in 24Ui, 2 to 5 P. M.. 73 Duiant Street. lar people, rise 100 x 300. sur- AM9 OUR BOARDING HOU8B wllb MAJUR HUUPLE ranges eraxhera, etc Ah work lenaed preferred. Kay's Psstry and gold, *25; solid oak and wai- New 4 room single with two un- OUT OUR WAY 1947 DODGE l-l-ton canopy truck, electric automatic water heaters Shop, 188 North Main atreet 2. 8 or 4 yy outstanding homes. WiW TIM DARK OlAfiSBB, EBADTWtBBft/X HAMB A BARK vary I good coadlUon, privately guaranteed ’ Metro Service Oo. fertlllaer. CMU 7088. Leonard L. flnlfhed. It's new, it’s vacant, with Call 8509. , • TVI Hanobeatsr 3-U88S. available. Prompt eervlcc. Ed­ black and gold.' *15; alip covared h()t water heat and oil burner. M ABOBf D O teTTB U . MB ^ M B AtUdSMT CALLCO OWAad. Phone Manchester 2-0*49. ward W. Johneon. Phone 6979. WANTED—(3ax rtaUon attend­ GigUo, Bolton. bondoir chair, *S.*0; oak early ARTHUR A. KNOFLA. Realtor AN*IDEAL spot'.to build y o v t new SBUBr PAA40UB H » A D « OPHIHALBROSIB/— *TU» COLOR WE REPAIR all makes of wash­ ant Must be able to graaaa cars high chair converted for Junior 1947 CHEVROLET 3-door Acro- POOGIE A Peterman. Plumbing and change tires. Good oppor­ PEAT HUMAS. 4-yard load. *13, 875 Main St. ctc4..5440 Or 5938 home, high elei’atUm, southwest LAMPS ABB DIMMIMB.. BBO OPBBTBTHBRBTiMA, ’’ sedan, radio, heater and sUp- ing machines. Automatic or ehil MwASSHtTVOU THBi CAUhtNB SUUpiM HBADACHB6 wringer type models Purnell snd heating contractors. Phone tunity. Van’s Serrics Station, 427 also bsg *1 Loam, 4-yard load, ootons. Ehcbellent condition. CaU (or estimates, Maneheater 2-9404 *12. Phone 6515. with steel chain, *4: antique Home Listings Wanted rteetricltv, near schooL Plot 120 BUY WHO OOUkD «a e AMD MAUMAf -»X OUBTHAD Service Co., 839. Main street, rear. Hartford road. rocker, aolld aSh and maple. *4. after 6 p. m. 4573. or RockviUe 2182. FOUR R(X>M. furnace heat. I&- x470 feet, *1,500. Phone 3-0549. TUB * AH ACTTACK WHILB CLBAMiMd (Mil 7391. WANTED—First class auto me­ Phone 7851. 19E^'cHKVROLET . oo^ . g ooi iflMWJMNd u o cm 61 mcdlate occupancy, Charles KAIMU need llxingT Have U re- EEFTtRENT Plumbing and heat chanic. Apply Service Mgr., Balch cOBditlon. Sealed Bemns radio ing. Plugged drains machine TOREE BENDK washer specials. Lsaperance. (MU 3620. Rciuirt Tty r«r 8ater 74 oaired By experts Pick-up eerv Pontiac, Inc., 155 Center strset BIRCH Hirt) ohalr, adjustable for 1949 deluxe models. One model B- aaa.JMstcr, direction lights. Can cleaned. (Mrl, J. Nygren. Phone Servlcs -manager. RUSSELL STKEETT —Duplex. 5 haa***i *4 39 Haynes strset after Ice, guaranteed work Sets cheek­ 6497. play table. Ckiod coniUtlon. CMU 210 deluxe fepoaswased from a CXJVENTRY LAKE—Water front ed in the boms Car . radios 2-1530. party who couldn’t pay. Save 855. rooms sacb side. Steam furnaces. cottage, aix large rooms. fuU-cel­ 6 . Best offer. WORKER Wanted for window Large lot. Madeline Smith. Real­ BY speclaJty. SAsnohester Had i o Steady employment Used a dotan times. One model B- lar. lavatory, antoaiatic water WAKM'rilRHR HWHH Servtos 73 Birch street. Phone cleaning. WE BUT and obU good ua tor. 3-1642 or 4679. I t ir CHEVROLET dUb coupe, Rooring>-Rcf«iriiig 17A (MU 7614. 215 store demonstrator, save *50. pump. Wired for aioetrto range. ueuiiwurt" I couiPirr Jr am i— ■Otar, clutch aiad front end over- 3-U84U. furniture, oombtnatlqn ranaas. One model B-SIO Gyromatlc (No Could be all year, home Priced at IdfoansaBy.f gaa ranges and heatera. Jen 9-ROOM Horae, 2 hatha, 2 fire­ PMUUtMdMD h aiM ; l * a Chevrolet convsrtl- ROOFING and Repairing of aU WHO WANTS the Job of taking belt dosm msdill Mora demon­ *6.*00 (teMus). Howard R. HoaU a n . or . b u i IBBIPUTOSF -t lo e S w REFRIGERATOR, wShser and ap^ kinds.. (Mimney work gutter Fumftuie Stem. 8b Oak Phone places. steam heat, new oU burn­ We elab eoupa, guaraateed. only cmre of lawn and fl^ e r beds st strator, save UM). Installed free to er. garage. Lot lOQxSOO. Located tnga Real Ertate SpeciallM. Odd Bueu-Nevea n u m M K if ffjflOO mllaa; i t a Ford club pUance service. Door gaskets re­ work. TU.iert repairs. Honaat 3-IU41 your plumbing plus 1 year guar­ 'a w B ia B A a placed, omtors a specialty. Free Bolton Onter. About half day one-half mile but of Manchester Felows Bl(%. Phone fWBaBT ' ooiva: IM l Plymouth; 1947 Poo- workmanship Hatisfactlor guar­ cacb waek. Reply Bex H, Herald. antee and free service. Benson’t TOKefPMBR. y It * estimates. Phone Joe. McOooe. anteed Ck ' Loughiln. Manches­ 9XORENCE OamMnaUon oil and Priced at 10,000. Howard R. Host- inoBvertlhle: two IfM Chtv^ gap range,' flat too, wrhtte enamel. 7t* Main atraet your Bendlx * Douglaa Motor Salsa: SSS 3-2813 after *: ter 7707. tnga. ReaL Eatate Specialist, Odd W ant»44-K cnt 71 Large bIm . Call n67 a ^ «r45. dealer. Fsllowa Vdg. Phone 3-1107. 'itrs st Mahehaatar. Open CHARLES A Mosser, demeatle re­ SitBstkma Wsiitcd— (XJN8IDICR1NO SICLUNG t a t p . m. 30-GALLON Coleman automatic frigeration. Servicing on all Millinery—IlmnfltakliHt It FcMste ^ 38 FOR SALK—Upright piano can 6-ROOM Single, fireplace; hot TOUR PROPER FT standard makes CaU 2-9030. oU hot sratar heats: with mag- water heat, two-car garage, goqd jb n e x . tonr^iMrt aadan. Bx< WOULD LIKE to ears tor chlL 3-9814. Without abngaUM) to vou we DRESSMAKING. Better dresa nartuifl rod. Five ysnr gunraatee, condition. Immediate occupancy, will apfwmiae or uwha voo a cssn Owner la aults, coate, wedding goima and dren svanlnga (Mdl Mra. Maiioa I84A5. WaUlna Fmoim 5171 L0tl9. PLOWiNO, Hairowihg. *13,000. 9-rbom aiiwle,' 3 a n ii^ affar tor'nroMrie -See ns pelorv cau 2- alterations. (MU 2-8909. Ztnsaer. 2-9503 after 8. exicaneat throughout, tile bath, 3933 after dp. m. WANTED — . Brtc-a-brnc. fural- Mar Mi^rY ‘ ■ Todte 52 vou sett ' -J- IBU fireplace, -hot water heat, extra Pneoe H it Oi 637$ - ■iSgSti tiue. astlques. Old MID Tradtag lot Nlcrty landscaped. 4-ffiqily, *7*0. FLOOR ProblqoM sotvad with MovfiMr—TnoU ng— SitBsUofw Waated— Poad, 17 llapla atreat Pbona *- ROTO-TTLUCR ' for b in with or BRAB-BUKN KBALTY f l r m w Itnolaum, asphalt tUa ooqntar. vrlUwut eperytag. Phone 3-3Sa two-car garaga, a good invert* o5 t r »J it Ekpart workasaashtp, free aatt- Storagd 20 iOM., ' ment. OentraUy located, *13,000. RBADT Th Ban? Blag tha a u at AlJTSRHSi 1j||.fl5fliOOTH. asflq, fai Jgaod watsa. C*pen eveatags Jone*’ ijiik T THinXING , Half-tna GLENWOOD gaa range. Very BRAND NEW . tobacco planter, Also. 8 good 60 ft. lots in H sons, Manchorter 8315. Ed. W Kra- ~ ' CUB 74*6, or M Furniture, Oak atreet . Phone never used, *100. Phone Wllll- *500 each. S. A. Beechler, Realtor. aenlca. Buborbaa Realty Co.. truck No sshea. no w XnTED—Position as typist I clean. Price only *25. Plione 7590. ■) .' 8-104L ^ ^ e 3-1375 at OM clbrk. Write Bqx D. Herald. I Pearl’s Aoollanc*. and Parndture. inaiitlc 1011-W^. Phone 69M. Realtors, 48 Parkins abeeU ■! ' r ' S- ■ ' i

j - WEDNEI^DAY. APRIL ^ ThsW satbtr Dally Nat Prsas Ran Peaziaat af C. a. Weather BwaM ■ "(■ Mm Ui a» Mawah. I84S ■ "s?; Pair thia attafM M a « i .taWghti 9,733 •at aa eaal taalght} Friday partly elaady aad Httla chaaga la taia. » a s m Aasit paratara. I af ClrwHaWrai' MemehiMer^A City « / Vittnte Charm

MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY. APRIL 21. 1949 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE Fo u r c t s n u APRIL VOL. LXVUL, NOi 171 (Claarilad AdvartialBg aa Psga IS) Three Big Sale Days Voice of America Britkh Sloop Shelled by Chiuefie Guns Killed on ^ British

6 ^ Children's Laee Trim Propaganda Seen EXTRA SPECIAL! R(^. 79c Plain Colored Linen Lyke SUITS Warships as Result y'^^gllghl Irrqpilars White Star S P U N R A Y O N RAYON PANTIES Reg. $49v9B Values i As Chief Weapon Eleven beautiful eolora In thU popular fabric. $4 0 .0 0 Ja whits and colors.. 8Um S, to Of Attacks by Reds Black: navy, maize, orchid, roae, copan, gray, tan, 2 for $1.00 Committee o f American S H E E T S and aqua, scarlet and white. yd. Reg. $39.98 Valum Hotly Debated N o w ...... \...... $32.00 Society of Newspa­ Cruiser Loudon, With per Editors Favors 29e Mereo'ixed Ban on Office 15 Dead, 20 Wound* PILLOW CASES Reg. 99c Ameritex Sanforixed Reg. $29.98 Values Chinese Communists Strei^(thening of Ma­ ed, and Sloop Black At the lotoesl prices in years. $25^00 jor Weapon in Cold! Bill Not Liked Swan, With Five Men TIN TYPE PRINTS 1 COTTON ANKLETS An Saks Final Surge Across River War Agaiiist Russians Wounded, Latest You w-ill want more than one dress of this line Turn back or atraight ■i, ^ $ 1 . 0 0 Senate Judiciary Com- 81x108 $ 2 .0 9 White and eolora Washington, April 21.— (R) Reach South Bank of Vessel* to Be flit fabric made from combed yama yd. mittee Reporta Uu T o Aiil Cri|)|>lefl Shi|i Ths “propaganda of truth” Yangtze 80 Miles to By Communist Ar­ bdamad s b r ^ by the State favorably bn Bar­ tillery in Yangtze 72x108 $ 1 .8 9 COATS department is a major weap­ ring Subversive Groups Southtceft of banking; '$1.0P Simulated on of the cold war and ihouid Reg. $1.98 54'* Reg. $45.00 and $49.98 Also Opposite Capital < [ Shanghai. April 21.— be atirmigUiened, a committee state Capitol, Hartford, April fi 42x36 PILLOW OASES ea. 4 5 c Values, Now . of the American Society of The known (dead from Chi­ PEARL NECKLACES $ 4 0 .0 0 81— A bill to bar subversive TfieBrMzh Naval alsep Aawthyat (alwve) was ahelM aad gre a a M fcy CMaeae game as It moved threai^ Nanking, April 21.— (fPy— nese Communist attacks on MILLIKEN WOOLENS Newspaper EWtora declared groups from seeking or bolding the Vsagtze river betweea Naaktag aad Shaaxhat ' The BriUeh dfstruyer Consort, which went to the aid The Chinese Communists in im cu U n of tlu famoua WWU Star oil apoU or today. Three hundred newa- public office was reported unfav- of the alooa, drew fire froai ehore guns accordlag to foreigB alrmea. M tisb quartern ia Nanktng reported four British warships reach­ mavta bMM. W « guaranU* Uiwm to giv* tht Munt w«ar as Hrstr 1 and 8 atrand beada, with filigree cUap. Reg. $35.00 and $39.98 grest force today surged Plain and plalda to match. Lightweight for A C ) F la r T u p ^ m oM i at tlM ASNE annual orably today to the Senate. there were St eaauattteo aboard the Amethyst. (A P wirepHote by radio froai leadon to New York.) ed 42 tonight. British N aval goaBtr. ■klrU, dreaaea, and Jackets and aulta yd. qp M o v t J 79c V a lu ^ B lo w ...... $32.00 .mrating war* told by J. Ruzaell The meeaure, botly debated at a across the Yangtze river to authorities said i the cruiser j Wlggliiit, chairman « f the apedal receqt public heering, reacbed the the south bank 80 miles [..ondon had 15 dead and 20 Reg. $29.98 Vdnes conunittM oa tha foreign Infotma- Senate with an unfavorable report southwest of Nanking and wounded and the sloop Black First Quality Cannon 69c Galfu Satin Stripe tioa pragraza-r laadeanatr from the Judiciary committee and Youth Admits Housing Aid seized north-bank positions B io v f ...e. $ 2 5 .0 0 placed on the calendar for action News Tidbits Swan liad five woupded. Another Slupment! “That tba program is even more tomorrow. j directly opposite this quaking The-ve two latent vcnsela to be hit ; An Saks Fjaal important than it was when Brat T e a leeeetjr Draws” Slaying Child Cb IM From m W irds . Speed Urged capital. by C^ommuniat artillery on ths H M D T O W E L S RAYOKf PANTIES concelvad: that it ia affective aa Senbta Chairmen -Alfred F. Officlala Begia to Flee Yangtze river near Nanking ar­ far aa it la able to go; that it is Wechaler said there wee no senti­ Flight of the government offices rived back in .Shanghai late ' to­ PLASTIC Inadaquato to the raqulrementa of ment for the bill in the committee U. N. may reach decisieB late night. K oa artthrsd atfipa. Ton wiU Mad ^ ^ * 1 A A Colora; White, tearoaa and blue. Charred Body of Six- Taft Says 45 Per Cent remaining in Nanking began ferelga policy la today’s world chiefly bacauae it was "too loosely today on question of Communist tonight, with all bound for Canton Crippled Sloop Lett Behind pianty of towala for summer use. X W l ^ J ^ a V f V Sizei 5, 8 and 7. 2 for $1.00 irovernmdnt piosecutlona of church Of Peopk of Nation criaia.” tfrawn.” Year-Old Boy Found except the National Defense Min­ Behind them they left the crip­ GARMENT BAGS ■j Tha oonuaittaa bald that a No adequate provision was made leaders in Hungary and Bulgaria istry and the president's office, DRESSES On Garage Ash Heap ... Admiral Alan G. Kirif, Presi­ Can't Afford House pled sloop Amethyst, lin t Britiah • ■ “ much larger” sum la required either, be said, for its enforce­ which were going to Shanghai. ship shelled by the Reds about 60 With IHpper Ctosnrc than the $86,000,000 asked of Oon* dent Truman's choice as new am­ ment A government spokesman to­ mile., east of Nanking Wednesday Reg. 39c Cannon 18x36 One Group Values to $16.98 m q s for tha Voice of Am« It proposed to prohibit persons Detroit, April 21.—fP>—SUte bassador to Russia, faces careful Wa.shington, April 2 1 .-(/Pi— morning. $ 1 1 .9 8 broadcazta aad other informatioo State department grooming before night said elements of three Com­ Suit sixq, 42” len gth ...... l a a s a s e e S to run for office or bold a public police reported today they had Senator Taft (R., Ohiot, told the $ 1 .0 9 aeUvlty ia tha year starting' next office if their party advocates the leaving for Moscow ... Chicago munist armies (60,000 men if at VIos Admiral A. C. G. Madden Neither the London nor tha $2.98 H A N D B A G S , AnSaksFhisI arrested 19-yesr-old Theodore Senate today that 45 per cent of normal strength) had crossed at Flack Swan w(u able to reach the July 1. overthraw of the government “ hy coronar is given authority by court the people of the nation can't af­ (above), second In rnmnaand of SECOND FLOOR HiUes, of Detroit, in the brutal many points around Tikahg Am ethyst, which waa driven TURKISH TOWELS PUatic calf, faiUea and aueda. Caaeurrlng with a recent find­ violence or other unconstitutional to exhume bodies of two Infants ford to build a four-room house. Britlsb Far East statloa. Is 8 Garment sixe, ST’ length ing of tha congraaitnnzlly-creatad means." whose parents are in jail charged (Tichiangj 80 miles up the .rd the Britlab erniaer LoSdon aground on an island but later was $ 1 .1 9 PhM Tax $ 1 .9 i4 slaying of a 8-year-oId Boy, He figured the cost around 87,- from Nanking and had rap refloated. United Statee CbnmUzalon on la- The measure was sponsorad by Oommissioner Donald S. Leon­ with manslaughter in starvation mate to aid the cHpaled Brit- AH tarnattonal laformatlon, tha Aana 0 0 0 . unified their bridgehead. TTie known dead Included 17 of Senator Samuel t . BlMealeia (R., ard said patrol car officers radioed of third child. Urging approval of a pending Uh sloop .Amethyst la the Yangtze 3 «i» $1.00 group said the information budget Neutral military expertn and' the Amethyst crew, 10 from ths 18 Garment Jumbo sixe, 57” length ., Ooahen). He declined to comment that HUIea had admitted the Alabama puts forv.'srd multi- housing measure, the Ohioan aaid river, 6S mile* northeaat of Naa- ahouM be Inmight into bettor bal­ on the committee’a recommenda­ otlier government quarters said I destroyer Consort, which was $ 1 .4 9 crime. Billlion dollar program to TatiV thinks Congress must act Idag. The sloop was shelled aad $1.00 First Quality DRESSES $5.00 ance with the oountry'a multl-bil tion that it be rejected. the lin t croasing was by 8.000 to ' grauaded hv (liineee gaas as lt|ebelled when it vainly sought to Tianspa^reilt,* Moth Proof, Dust Proof Crapas, gabardinaa, tailored atylaa. Wall known make. Buick, The charred nude body of little urgent demand to give Negro' stu**” sp e ^ ly on housing aid. 10,000 men, but the Reds were Sealed Tight Top, NapthaUne Insert lien dollar military aad foreign aid Ehccept in rare instances, an un­ I moved through the Vaagtie har, the Amethyst and 15 aboa-tl .Heavywei^t Dundee green, beige. Not all atsaa. 13 to Bag. 8)198 to 816.98. nroarama. George ''Peanuts” Counter was dents, same college opportualtiee “ It la one of the most Important reported rapidly expanding and' Notlan Dept. favorable report on a bill is tanta­ as those provided for white per- tweea Naakiag aad Shaaghai. the I-ondon. *TlM great atiuggle for the found early today on an pah heap social and economic problems, be- reinforcing the south-bank posi­ NYLON HOSIERY mount. to its ultimate defeat. in a hotel garage. tons ... Secretary of State Ache- 1 fore the people ef the United The exact number of wouiidad nriada of mah was a ooaapicuouz May On OB Plra Day Week tion during the night. Heavy ar­ could not be determined, but added ■ / ■ , - • pan of tha ooM war a year ago,' Hillea was picked up on High­ son provides senators a look at : States,’’ he said. tillery fire from the north bank The Senate seaalon also brought way M-38 near Pinckney. Mich., up to about 100 in reports from TOWEL ENSEMBLE flaml-iheer, 46 gauge. New apring color pr. said Wiggins, who is managing ed­ an announcement ' from Wecbsler tbus-far aecrat American plana for 1 The pending measure would au­ made the government defense ad­ Entire Stock of Bromley by officers from the Brighton, re-arming North AtlaaUc aatloaa Views Differ the four ships, urith possIMy soma 79c H ou se D resses $1.79 itor of Tha Washington Poet. that contingent on approval of thorize the government te help fir mittedly weak and-ineffecUve. dufilieation. Percale, good quality. Rag. 81-98 dreaaea.- Siaaa 12 to 44. «/i to 10*s. lactual aad Spiritual powers of that Saturdays might be added to with whom George was last seen, "loaely hearts” alajrlage of two pu, on the north bank of tha river Spaeui Pair $1.00 GIrU’ weetera culture. the work week because of the pile began after discovery of the body. elderly Delaware men ... Armed third visit of its kind. Senators London, April 21—iJCi—The Lib­ with supplies. The plane then Dinifea towala In aolid eolora of Uhe, roae. who went along included Tobey seven miles due west 6t Nanking. turned to Shanghai. Reg. $3.98 Values ...... Now $ 2 .9 8 *TlMae alllea are not at the dla- of bills stUl awaiting action. HiUes, a roomer at the hotel, re­ forces’ new policy on treatment ef The river euiwes northeast at that eral London newspaper News aqua, gray and Saminga. ageel ef economists and generalz,” Opposed By CMway portedly left the hotel at 4:30 p. Negroes requires that when quali­ (R., N. H.). Ives (R., N. y .i, Flan­ A Britiah spokesman aaid tha ders (R., Vt.l, Sparkman (D., point. Cbronicic aaid today Britons a’iU Wiggins said. “They can' be Wechsler'a proposal ran into im­ m.. yesterday. fied, they shall be assigned to mili­ Natinnaliat gunboats in the riv­ Amethyst atiU waa being fired oa brought into tba struggle by the mediate oppoeltton from Rep. Police aaid he had relatives in tary duties of any type “without Ala.i. Douglas (D.. Ill.l, Kilgore ask why the British ships abelled occasionally. JERSEYS $1.29

\ ' ■ F -

4 ! 'X-l