”>•; " 1 > »- 'ifm •H : ^ 'V TUESDAY, APRIL II. 1941 Tkt Waathflr ■ mdttrh^Btor Enritittit .ffaralit Avaraga Daily Nat Praaa Run FeeasMI af U. B. IFM tizr'ld m m ' ri 4% Par the Itaato’ aC Matah. IS « F i^ y claaiy tMe ..altonieto; T|.' Sion to UM portion of dwoUlng as The Married Couplaa club of the Mias Edith Andlaio, who has fair aad eaattoaa* anal i been’ spending hir'spring'Vacation A Mparate apartment at 110 For- South Methodlat church will ^ v e Joitu Fatlier*8 Firm Bofird Grants eat atreet, reaident AA zone: Rua- f l a c e y o u r o r d e r n o w 9,733 with fraat la |alaa4 araaai SZ ^iilTowu a not luck aupper tomorrw’ night at the hep>a of her parents, Mr. aell E. Miller, permitaion to buUil day lair aad wannei;. at S:M in the banquet hall o f the and Mrs. Loula Anoisio of Wood- attachod breeaeway and garaga to - AMESITE DRIVEWAYS l^ineatUy awtOng of th* church. bridge street, will leeve for Wash- Church Plea dweUing which will bo clooor to y , Wg SpseiaUsa la. IfnneftasfaF— Cky of Vitlngo Charm w a Club «rtn ba held In^on/ D. C., tomorrow to return side line than regulattoas allow at to her studies at the National All Typas Hard Surfaca Araas I a r t it f tiubbouM on Wadneoday at Neighbors Night will be ob­ 41 Morse road, resldeace A zone; (TWENTY FACES) PRICE FOUR CBNYR .'V served-tomorrow evening at the Catholic School of Social Service Emanuel Lutheran Has Janet Meek, permiaaion' to have ua- Work Oaarauteed • Free Bettmatee • lA n w aa t a g e 'U ) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, APRU- 20, 1949 meeting of Manchester Grange in of the Catholic University of Am­ derelzed apartment in dwelling at VOL. LXVIIL, NO. 179 ‘ I' •jn^. inuiiaculate , Conception Orange hkU. The program wiU be erica. Permission to Con­ 10 Congrm street, residence B idatekn’ Clielb irtn maat at the presented by the foUowing viaiOng struct New Addition zone. THOA4AS D. COLLA _ » . b o S a M m m . '^ la y Juroa «3 granges; iUlington, Wethersfield. A Parent-T*echer night hea'been The application of Richard Pari- FOR TUB BEST IN OBIVBWAT CJONBTBOOnOM VbaH atraet. toraorro* avanlnf. Portland, and Hlllstown. arranged by the Sunday School aeau, seeking permiaaion to use a Jewiah Leader Dies Senate Group teachers of the Concordia Luther­ Emanuel Lutheran church will garage for temporary living quar­ N e w ^ T id W ll Red Attacks Start l| r* talxabatl) Laa'is will be the an church for this evening start­ buOd a new addition to the pres­ ters at 144 Adams atreet (rearl. a CALL 2 -9 2 1 9 ANYTIME Tax Experts Give Mias Charlotte Worgan, daugh­ t ing at 7:30 o'clock. A ll parenU ent building at the comer o f Chest­ residence A and rural aone, was Caned Fram (/P) Wiraa . Told Threats Iaa4«a when Qmup C niMta at the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wor­ . O n ta t' Conatatailonal diurch to- are invited to attend. nut and Church atraata, althoagh it. tabled until Parlaeau haa preaent­ gan of as Cambridge street, spent will be cloaer to the rear Una of nUbt at n a'clock. ed a plot plan to the board ahow- the Easter holldaj's at the home Miss Kathleen McLaughlin, the property than ragulatlona al­ ing hia definite intentiona. He Sister EUzabeth Keaq]r, origin- ' Used ill Case of her parents. She will return to­ low. Permiaalon to erect’ this new Opposing Opinions ator of tresdmaht for infantile M M WUliam Finnegan and Mra. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. WUlard expccta to build a new home for Chinese War Again; morrow to Syracuse University in McLaughlin, has recently been ap­ wing waa granted last night at a hia family on Adams street, and paralysis, announces she haa re­ WtUlain Wright w-lU be hoitessea Syracuse. N. Y.. where she is a pubUc hearing of fha Zoning Board linquished edmlntstratlon of. foun­ toalOfMw aftamooB at 2 o’clock pointed chairman-for the coming sought perralsaion to liva in. tho Chief Prosecutor in .Freshman in the Liberal Arts o f Ai4>eals in the Municipal .build­ dation bearing her name. Man arhan the Salyation Army Home year of the World Service Com­ garage until he could build the course. mission of the Wesley Foiindatlon ing. A complete sat of scalra plot home, which he will do himself. who Uught Ohio State unlveralty Maimed^ Massjicre Laagua BMeta-la the Citadel. plans were preaented to the board On Income Levy at Baldwin-Wallace College in He ia a carpenter by trade. students how to become happily for thalr Inspection, and the plane married being aoed lor lUvere^ . Denies Brutality Usetl Along River The Sacred Heart Circle of the Ohio. T w o applications received no ins nr were outlined to the board. S h a k ­ A NEW HOME? Mothers’ Club will meet at the consideration by the board, as the CIO United Auto Workers at Foi# To Get Confessions home of Mrs. Howard Lappen, 59 ing for tlia church were members Motor Corp. Uacebi plaat in De­ AGENCY FOR Past\MlstpMs’ club of the o f the Building committee. applicants did not appear. They Lasser, Backing Bowles’ Branford street, on Thursday Daughtert’^ Liberty, 125, LOLI, were tabled, and will be brought If you are planning to build dr buy a new home, our Pictures Tell troit aedka approval of InteiM- I Gunfire Heard and War SHEAFFCR night at 8 o’clock. will meet tomorrow at 8 p. m. for Frank Damato'a application for up at the next meeting of the Plan, ' Sees Smaller tional Bxedutivo board for atrike. Washington. April 20^- iJP) — A ; its monthly meeting at the home Robert W* toppea use of Lots 33 and 34 on Irving board. Tha applicants ware W eary and dirty after nearly court reporter charged —ar.d the ! Seen from Nanking; street, which caused ao much con­ mortgapie^department can assist you in choosing the type British Ship Crippled ' P e n and Pencib of Mrs. Rachel Fox on Edgerton Charles Haid and Albert A. Slaur- Bill for Low Wage Heart Story 24 bonra undergreund, three of 13 chief prosecutor denied — today I Robei^ W. Lappen has Joined fusion and deliberation at the last pa. No applications were denied miners sUglng altdown strike Pukow, Kingpu, Wu- street. session o f the board, racalvad tam' that brutality and threats were 1 the John H. Lappen, Inc., insur­ by the board last night . of fipinciBg best suited to your circumstances. ^mers; Magill As- deep in Pennsylnnla anthracite Arthur Drug Store porary permlaalon to use. these h(i and Hsiaokan At­ The Study Group of the North pit come to eurface and return to uaed to get confessions from Ger- ance agenc3', representatives of lota for' the atorage of equipment . Berts Program Will Reveal More Accurate- By Chinese Red Guns INSURE Methodist church will meet to­ their homes. , . Bobert Oariaad, Biana in the Malmedy massacre | tacked; Nationalist the Aetna Casualty and Surety until he can nnd a aultable loca­ case. ! -------- with night at 7:30. Not in Long Run i ly Which Part of Or­ 88, who gained widespread recog­ company at Manchester. Mr. tion. The board sat October 18 nition aa "Father of Daylight Sav­ The prosecutor. Lt. Col. Button ' , , Crcneral Fears Offi­ McKINNfc'Y BmriHUKS aa the deadline on his alz months The Second Congregational Lappen will be sacratary of the gan May Be Ailing ing Time,” dies at Elizabethtown, F. Ellis, acknowledged to Senate j SllOrP Artillery Real CsUte mag Insameca temporary use o f the lota. State Capitol. Hartford, Drives S(.ientist Hits church will be open from 5:30 to flrin, which ia headed by his Pa., Masonic home. Senator inveatigators that candie-Iit mock ' cials in Capital May M6 MAIN 8T. TE I. » m father, a veteran Of 25 yea>a in Four other applications ware THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. RUMMAGE P:30'i4^ils evening so that the Lucy HALE'S April 20.—<AV-Two tax ex- Detroit, April 20— CP)— New Mimdt (R -8D ) proposes Lhst House trials Were held to,get former N a z i, the insurance business. granted by the board aa foUowa MANCHESTER, CONN. Spencer ■ Group of the Women’s ports presented conflicting Un-American Activities commit­ ■torm troopers to talk. And he .said ^frt Before^ She Can AtOHllc P o lio Be Trapp^n landing A native of. Manchester, Mr. Albert Schendel, parmiasion to Headquarters ways of seeing' inside the heart League 'jmay receive articlea for opinions today on* whether tee try to learn whether o>ies and evidence of a sort that would r.otj lappen was educated at Manches­ place undersized dweUing on Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. —^ were announced today to the saboteurs are being tm aeled Into be allowed in a court in America — — * | Nanking. April 20.— (A*)— SALE its rummage sale which starta at Spring atreet, east o f Gardner Help Snildler Vessel ter High school and the Untveriity FOR substitution of a state income Amerlcmi'Physiological aoclety. Dr. B. ; was permitted. Auapicn 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. atreet, a rural zona; HoweU Che­ U. N. ■ .Red - S p «n .or«l World | .Chinese^ civil of Connecticut. During the war tax for the present sales tax They tell mor- accurately which Many retailers and lenders be- world-famed dewltli I The accusation came from FOR SALE he served two and one half years ney, temporary two years’ permls- Shanghai, April 20.— (JP)— W.’ S.
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