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Magnetic Field Jupiter and Saturn Jupiter and Saturn Linda T. Elkins-Tanton Jupiter and Saturn Copyright © 2006 by Linda T.Elkins-Tanton All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechani- cal, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information contact: Chelsea House An imprint of Infobase Publishing 132 West 31st Street New York NY 10001 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Elkins-Tanton, Linda T. Jupiter and Saturn / Linda T.Elkins-Tanton. p. cm. — (Solar system) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8160-5196-8 (acid-free paper) 1. Jupiter (Planet)—Popular works. 2. Saturn (Planet)—Popular works. I.Title. QB661.E45 2006 523.4’5—dc22 2005014190 Chelsea House books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk quantities for businesses, associations, institutions, or sales promotions. Please call our Special Sales Department in New York at (212) 967-8800 or (800) 322-8755. You can find Chelsea House on the World Wide Web at Text and cover design by Dorothy M. Preston Illustrations by Richard Garratt Printed in the United States of America VB CH 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 This book is printed on acid-free paper. To my mother and father, Sally and Leonard Elkins, and to my brother and sister-in-law, James P. Elkins and Margaret MacNamidhe Elkins. Contents Preface . ix Acknowledgments . xv Introduction . xvii PART ONE: JUPITER . 1 1. Jupiter: Fast Facts about a Planet in Orbit . 3 Fundamental Information about Jupiter . 4 What Makes Gravity? . 8 2. The Interior of Jupiter . 19 Materials,Temperatures, and Pressures . 19 Elements and Isotopes . 20 What Is Pressure? . 24 Magnetic Field . 28 Radio Noise . 31 3. Jupiter’s Surface Appearance and Conditions . 33 Remote Sensing . 34 Optical Depth . 46 Changes in Jupiter’s Surface within Human History: Storms . 49 Changes in Jupiter’s Surface within Human History: Comet Shoemaker-Levy . 52 4. Jupiter’s Rings and Moons . 57 The Surprise of Jupiter’s Rings . 57 Jupiter’s Moons . 59 What Are Synchronous Orbits and Synchronous Rotation? . 64 Moment of Inertia . 80 Rheology,or How Solids Can Flow . 92 5. Missions to Jupiter . 97 PART TWO: SATURN . 103 6. Saturn: Fast Facts about a Planet in Orbit . 105 Fundamental Information about Saturn . 106 7. Saturn’s Interior: Composition and Magnetic Field . 113 Structure,Temperature, Pressure . 113 Internal Heat Production . 114 Magnetic Field . 115 8. Saturn’s Surface Appearance and Conditions . 119 9. Saturn’s Rings and Moons . 123 Rings . 123 Why Are There Rings? . 128 Saturn’s Moons . 133 Giovanni Cassini (1625–1712) . 134 Fossa,Sulci,and Other Terms for Planetary Landforms . 146 Stable Orbits for Small Bodies among Much Larger Planets . 152 10. Missions to Saturn . 167 11. Conclusions: The Known and the Unknown . 171 Appendix 1: Units and Measurements . 175 Fundamental Units . 175 Comparisons among Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit . 177 Useful Measures of Distance . 179 Definitions for Electricity and Magnetism . 183 Prefixes . 186 Appendix 2: Light,Wavelength, and Radiation . 187 Appendix 3: A List of all Known Moons . 196 Glossary . 198 Bibliography and Further Reading . 206 Internet Resources . 207 Index . 209 mPreface he planets Mercury,Venus,Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn—all visible Tto the naked eye—were known to ancient peoples. In fact, the Romans gave these planets their names as they are known today. Mercury was named after their god Mercury, the fleet-footed messen- ger of the gods, because the planet seems especially fast moving when viewed from Earth.Venus was named for the beautiful goddess Venus, brighter than anything in the sky except the Sun and Moon.The planet Mars appears red even from Earth and so was named after Mars, the god of war. Jupiter was named for the king of the gods, the biggest and most powerful of all, and Saturn was named for Jupiter’s father. The ancient Chinese and the ancient Jews recognized the planets as well, and the Maya (250–900 C.E., Mexico and environs) and Aztec (ca. 1100–1700 C.E., Mexico and environs) called the planet Venus “Quetzalcoatl,” after their god of good and light. These planets, small and sometimes faint in the night sky, com- manded such importance that days were named after them. The seven-day week originated in Mesopotamia, which was perhaps the world’s first organized civilization (beginning around 3500 modern-day Iraq). The Romans adopted the seven-day week almost 4,000 years later, around 321 C.E., and the concept spread through- out western Europe. Though there are centuries of translations between their original names and current names, Sunday is still named for the Sun, Monday for the Moon, Tuesday for Mars, Wednesday for Mercury,Thursday for Jupiter, Friday for Venus, and Saturday for Saturn. The Germanic peoples substituted Germanic equivalents for the names of four of the Roman gods: For Tuesday, Tiw, the god of war, replaced Mars; for Wednesday,Woden, the god of wisdom, replaced Mercury; for Thursday,Thor, the god of thun- der, replaced Jupiter; and for Friday, Frigg, the goddess of love, replaced Venus. ix x B Jupiter and Saturn More planets, of course, have been discovered by modern man, thanks to advances in technology.Science is often driven forward by the development of new technology, allowing researchers to make meas- urements that were previously impossible.The dawn of the new age in astronomy, the study of the solar system, occurred in 1608, when Hans Lippershey, a Dutch eyeglass-maker, attached a lens to each end of a hollow tube, creating the first telescope. Galileo Galilei, born in Pisa, Italy, in 1564, made his first telescope in 1609 from Lippershey’s model. Galileo soon had noticed that Venus has phases like the Moon and that Saturn appeared to have “handles.”These of course were the edges of Saturn’s rings, though the telescope was not strong enough to resolve the rings correctly. In 1610, Galileo discovered four of Jupiter’s moons, which are still called the Galilean satellites.These four moons were proof that not every heavenly body orbited the Earth, as Ptolemy, a Greek philosopher, had asserted around 140 C.E. Galileo’s discovery was the beginning of the end of the strongly held belief that the Earth is the center of the solar system, as well as a beautiful example of a case where improved technology drove science forward. Most of the science presented in this set comes from the startling- ly rapid developments of the last hundred years, brought about by technological development.The concept of the Earth-centered solar system is long gone, as is the notion that the “heavenly spheres” are unchanging and perfect. Looking down on the solar system from above the Sun’s North Pole, the planets orbiting the Sun can be seen to be orbiting counterclockwise, in the manner of the original proto- planetary disk of material from which they formed. (This is called pro- grade rotation.) This simple statement, though, is almost the end of generalities about the solar system.The notion of planets spinning on their axes and orbiting around the Sun in an orderly way is incorrect: Some planets spin backward compared to the Earth, others planets are tipped over, and others orbit outside the ecliptic plane (the imagi- nary plane that contains the Earth’s orbit) by substantial angles, the dwarf planet Pluto in particular (see the accompanying figure on obliquity and orbital inclination). Some planets and moons are hot enough to be volcanic, and some produce silicate lava (for example, Jupiter’s moon Io), while others have exotic lavas made of molten ices (for example, Neptune’s moon Triton). Some planets and even moons have atmospheres, with magnetic fields to protect them from the solar wind (for example,Venus, Earth, Mars, Io,Triton, and Saturn’s Preface y xi moon Titan), while other planets have lost both their magnetic fields and their atmospheres and orbit the Sun fully exposed to its radiation and supersonic particles (for example, Mercury). Size can be unexpected in the solar system: Saturn’s moon Titan is larger than the planet Mercury, and Charon, Pluto’s moon, is almost as big as Pluto itself. The figure on page xii shows the number of moons each planet has; large planets have far more than small planets, and every year scientists discover new celestial bodies orbiting the gas giant planets. Many large bodies orbit in the asteroid belt, or the Kuiper belt, and many sizable asteroids cross the orbits of planets as they make their way around the Sun. Some planets’ moons are unsta- ble and will make new ring systems as they crash into their hosts. Many moons, like Neptune’s giant Triton, orbit their planets back- ward (clockwise when viewed from the North Pole, the opposite way Obliquity, orbital inclination, that the planets orbit the Sun).Triton also has the coldest surface tem- and rotation direction are perature of any moon or planet, including Pluto, which is much far- three physical measurements ther from the Sun.The solar system is made of bodies in a continuum used to describe a rotating, of sizes and ages, and every rule has an exception. orbiting body. xii B Jupiter and Saturn As shown in this graph of Every day new data are streaming back to Earth from space mis- number of moons versus sions to Mars. Early in 2004, scientists proved that there was once planets, the large outer standing liquid water on Mars.Another unmanned mission, this time planets have far more to a comet, determined that the material in a comet’s nucleus is as moons than the smaller, strong as some rocks and not the loose pile of ice and dust expected.
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