Educational Perspectives Journal of the College of Education/University of Hawai‘i at Ma¯noa CONTENTS Dean Christine Sorensen 2 Contributors Editor Hunter McEwan 3 Cinema, New Media, and Higher Education Managing Editor Lori Ward Guest Editor Konrad Ng Konrad Ng and Hunter McEwan Graphic Designer Darrell Asato 5 Film Form and Pedagogy: Beyond Perception College of Education Editorial Board Michael J. Shapiro Linda Johnsrud, Professor Kathryn Au, Professor Emeritus 10 Asian Cinema and the Social Imaginary Curtis Ho, Professor Wimal Dissanayake Mary Jo Noonan, Professor Robert Potter, Professor Emeritus 15 Apparatus, Genre, and Spectatorship in the Classroom COEDSA President Glenn Man The Journal and the College of Education assume no responsibility 24 Made in Hawai‘i: Critical Studies and the Academy for the opinion or facts in signed articles, except to the for Creative Media extent of expressing the view, by the fact of publication, that the subject matter is one which merits attention. Konrad Ng Published twice each year by the College of Education, 29 Engaging a “Truly Foreign” Language and Culture: University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa China through Chinese film Individual copies $25.00 To purchase single copies of this issue contact Cynthia Ning Marketing and Publication Services, Curriculum & Research Development Group 36 Thinking Images: Doing Philosophy in Film and Video Phone: 800-799-8111 (toll-free), 808-956-4969 Graham Parkes Fax: 808-956-6730 Email:
[email protected] 47 Coffy, YouTube, and Uncle Ben: The Use of Film and New Address all communications regarding single copies, Media in the Teaching of African American Studies at subscriptions, manuscripts, and correspondence the University of Hawai‘i about editorial material to Editor, Elisa Joy White Educational Perspectives, College of Education, University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa, Wist Hall 54 Digital Storytelling in Teacher Education: Creating Room 113, 1776 University Avenue, Transformations through Narrative Honolulu, HI 96822 James R.