The student voice since 1904 Twestival supports Humane Society 3-D movies make a comeback. INSIDE Tonight’s event will give away prizes to attendees and proceeds help fund influx of animals. LAWRENCE | 4A THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2009 WWW.KANSAN.COM VOLUME 121 IssuE 16 AIDS CAMPUS Library Two students struck by vehicles yesterday BY ALEX GARRISON captain Schuyler Bailey said. Crescent Road around 7:45 a.m., Dana Meredith, Lenexa sopho- By chance, Meredith also wit- display
[email protected] Manthey was riding a bicycle according to Lawrence Police rep- more and University Daily Kansan nessed the scene of Manthey’s when he was hit on Engel Road resentatives. staff member, was walking on accident. She said she did not see Two pedestrian-versus-vehicle slightly south of 15th Street around Hillary Hoffman, Overland Jayhawk Boulevard at the time of Manthey, but saw police inter- accidents near campus Wednesday 4 p.m., Bailey said. Park junior, was the driver in the the collision in which Livengood viewing the driver of the truck raises AIDS sent two students to area hospi- No more information about accident and was cited at the scene was hit. She described hearing involved in the collision “for a tals. Manthey’s medical status could be for failure to yield to a pedestrian, the screech of brakes and then good hour.” Trevor Manthey, a graduate obtained. Kim Murphree, Lawrence Police “an awful thud.” She said she saw Check for updates. research assistant in social welfare, Anthony Livengood, Overland spokeswoman said. Livengood being turned face-up awareness was life-flighted to Stormont-Vail Park sophomore, was walking Livengood was transported to as he lay on the pavement and — Brandon Sayers contributed Hospital in Topeka after being hit when he was hit near the inter- Lawrence Memorial Hospital with described his face as bloody and reporting to this story.