Update Report for Massachusetts
Update Report for Massachusetts Current as of 696 Virginia Road, Concord, Massachusetts 01742-2751 July 31, 2020 Public Affairs Office, 978-318-8264 Home Page: www.nae.usace.army.mil Mission Index The missions of the New England District (District), of the U.S. Army Corps of • Base Realignment and Engineers (Corps) include flood risk management protection, emergency Closure preparedness and response to natural disasters and national emergencies, • Coastal Storm Damage Reduction environmental remediation and restoration, natural resource management, • Defense Environmental streambank and shoreline protection, navigation maintenance and Restoration Program (DERP) improvement, support to military facilities and installations, and engineering • Ecological Restoration and construction support to other government agencies. The six New England • Flood Damage Reduction states cover 66,000 square miles, with 6,100 miles of coastline, 170 federal • Flood Plain Management navigation projects (13 deep draft commercial waterways), 13 major river • Flood Risk Management basins, and thousands of miles of navigable rivers and streams. The District • Interagency and International operates and maintains 31 dams, three hurricane barriers and the Cape Cod Support Canal. Through its Regulatory program, it processes nearly 2,500 applications • Mission per year for work in waters and wetlands of the six-state region. We employ • Natural Resource Management about 500 professional civilian employees, with about 300 stationed at our • Navigation • Planning Assistance to States headquarters in Concord, Massachusetts. Other Corps of Engineers • Regulatory Program employees serve at Corps projects and offices throughout the region. For • Shoreline/Streambank information on the District please visit the website at: www.nae.usace.army.mil; Protection on Twitter at: twitter.com/corpsnewengland or on Facebook at: • Silver Jacket Program facebook.com/CorpsNewEngland.
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