Some Reflections on Aeschylus' Aetnae(Ae)*
SOME REFLECTIONS ON AESCHYLUS’ AETNAE(AE)* As it is well-known, there are several contributions which deal with the questions raised by the little amount of evidence available on Aeschylus’ Aetnae(ae)1. Unfortunately, it is not the appearance of any new data that has prompted this article, but rather realizing that some points made by my predecessors need rectifying, where- as other interesting elements (not certainties yet, though) deserve wider appreciation. So my reflections will still be speculative, though perhaps more sensible and more respectful of likelihood. *) I wish to thank both Dr. M. L. West of All Souls College, Oxford, and the editor Prof. B. Manuwald for their helpful and acute criticism of this article. An ear- lier draft of this article was presented at the Graduate work-in-progress seminar, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in November 1999: many thanks to those present for their intelligent remarks. 1) I shall leave undecided the form of the title, until I have argued in favour of one. I have benefited from the following secondary literature: G. Hermann, De Aeschyli Aetnaeis, in: Opuscula (Lipsiae 1831) VII 315–31, especially 315–23; Ed. Fraenkel, Vermutungen zum Aetna-Festspiel des Aeschylus, Eranos 52 (1954) 61– 75 (= Id., Kleine Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie [Roma 1964] II 249–62); M. Pohlenz, Die griechische Tragödie (Göttingen 21954) II 198–200; R. Stark, Os- servazioni su due drammi di Eschilo perduti, Maia 8 (1956) 83–91, especially 83–9; E. Grassi, Papyrologica, PP 11 (1956) 208; Id., Postilla (Aesch. fr. 6 N., 3), PP 12 (1957) 374; Q.
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