Agreement since the 2014-2015 season

Bankia and Basket renew their 'Més que un triple' social programme for the seventh consecutive season

 The bank supports the club with a programme that includes multiple activities aimed at training the youth team and coaches in the Community of Valencia in L'Alqueria del Basket

 Among the initiatives are 'Tu Cole a L'Alqueria', sponsorship of strips for the almost 600 children in the club, the ' Card' and contactless wristband, as well as the 'Triple Solidario' programme whereby Bankia has donated 40,000 euros to the club for training

Valencia, 23/10/2020. On Friday, for the seventh consecutive year, Bankia and Valencia Basket Club were on the de L’Alqueria del Basket court to renew their agreement to convey sportsmanship values and a ‘Culture of Effort’ to young people in Valencia.

With the bank’s support, Valencia Basket has promoted programmes to support numerous activities to train children and coaches in the Community of Valencia in L'Alqueria del Basket.

The relationship between these two organisations started in the 2014-2015 season. Recent projects have included the 'Tu Cole a L'Alqueria' project, and ongoing initiatives that have been running from the start, such as the 'Triple Solidario' and the ‘Bankia-VBC Card'.

The presentation was attended by Bankia, the corporate director of Valencia and Castellón, Jaime Casas, and the Bankia’s Business Corporate Manager in the and Murcia, Carlos Aguilera, as well as the chairman of Valencia Basket, Vicente Solá, and the CEO of Tarón, José Puentes, who hosted the event.

Both parties are pleased with the first six years of their relationship and are confident that this seventh season, which has just been signed, will be a new success.

The corporate manager of Bankia in Valencia and Castellón said that “this is a difficult time and we are learning to do things differently", stressing that "if there is one thing we have learned, it is that we can’t stop doing them”. "That's why we are back here because, in another way, we will continue

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to support the foundations of this club, training coaches and communicating values with our 'Més que un triple’ programme, said Casas.

The president of Valencia Basket, Vicente Solá, wanted to highlight that "we are ratifying our collaboration with Bankia for yet another year and we could not be more proud". "This relationship has allowed us to provide training for our coaches and a range of activities that have enabled us to instil values in thousands upon thousands of children in recent seasons. It is precisely the values of the 'Culture of Effort', which we share with Bankia, that give us such enormous motivation to continue promoting our sport in society, always with this philosophy”, he remarked.


This was followed by a video summary of the activities carried out with Bankia's support during the 2019-2020 season, and Jaime Casas, Carlos Aguilera handed over a cheque for 40,100 euros to Valencia Basket on behalf of the bank. Fifteen clinics have been held with internationally renowned speakers with this financial aid from Bankia. Seven of them were face-to-face with more than a thousand coaches and the other eight were online events with more than 20,000 views in no less than 20 different countries.

Vicente Solá has handed Jaime Casas and Carlos Aguilera a commemorative T-shirt of the ceremony printed with the legend 'Bankia 2020-2021'. Finally, a group photo was taken with the representatives of Bankia, L'Alqueria del Basket and Valencia Basket accompanied by some children from the school and the reserve teams.

The initiatives of the 'Més que un triple' programme for the 2020/21 season are as follows:

 ‘Tu Cole en L’Alqueria’. The third season establishes this programme of visits that the Valencia Basket Club in L'Alqueria del Basket has developed with Bankia’s sponsorship aimed at all the schools in the Community of Valencia.

The objective is that the children of the region can learn about L’Alqueria and hear talks about the values of sport and the ‘Culture of Effort’. The programme is expected to run throughout the school year, with all the health guarantees and protection measures necessary for the total safety of the participants.

 Bankia, on the facilities of L'Alqueria del Basket. Bankia will also sponsor the sports kits of the 578 plus children of L'Alqueria del Basket. The bank’s logo will appear on the upper back of all the shirts, above the number.

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 'Valencia Basket Card' and contactless wristband. The 'Bankia Valencia Basket Club Card', its usual format and on the contactless wristband, will have more advantages for its holders this new season. Identifying with ‘el taronja’ will be rewarded with possible immediate discounts on official Valencia Basket products and other special offers to be announced at a later date. The core idea is the same as it was in 2014 (a fee-free card), as is the charitable cause associated with this card: a percentage of the amount derived from each purchase will be donated to the Valencia Basket 2000 Foundation.

 ‘Triple Solidario’. For the seventh consecutive season, for every three-pointer scored by the professional Valencia Basket teams during their season, Bankia will donate 50 euros to the Valencia Basket 2000 Foundation to invest in training for coaches for schools and the club youth team. Every successful free throw by the top-tier men's and women's teams will increase Bankia's contribution to a maximum of 40,000 euros.

The special editions of the 'Triple Solidario Bankia' will take place in both the men's and women's matches and each three-pointer scored from the midfield in the breaks of the matches will double its contribution up to 100 euros.

Last season, the Solidary Scoreboard reached 40,100 euros as a result of the 794 three-pointers scored by the two professional teams in the 2019-20 season and the four double-value three- pointers converted during the season. In the first six years of this initiative, more than 4,000 of these 3-pointers have been recorded, which were converted into more than 180,000 euros to be invested entirely in initiatives for training, education and specialisation of the coaches of L'Alqueria del Basket and the rest of the Valencian Community.

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