LAW No. 74/2014 on WEAPONS/1 Pursuant to Articles 78
LAW No. 74/2014 ON WEAPONS/1 Pursuant to Articles 78 and 83, Item 1 of the Constitution, upon proposal of the Council of Ministers, THE ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA DECIDED: CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 Object and scope This Law shall govern: a) provisions and criteria as to possession, retention, trading, import, export, tracking and shipping, within or outside the territory of the Republic of Albania, of weapons falling under “B”, “C” and “D” categories, according to this Law; b) relations between the state and any entities as regards the provision of weapons and ammunition, when such right has arisen because of ownership or assignment; c) relations for the issuance of licenses and authorizations by the State Police to any person interested in activities requiring the possession of weapons, according to the categories defined herein; ç) activities of manufacturing, deactivation and repair of weapons. Article 2 Scope restrictions 1. The provisions of this Law do not apply to the acquisition and possession of weapons, ammunition and equipment dedicated to the needs of the structures of the ministry responsible for public order and security, the Ministry of Justice and the State Intelligence Service or collectors and bodies concerned with the cultural and historical aspects of weapons, according to the definitions of this Law. 2. Unless otherwise provided under this Law, its provisions shall not apply to international shipping of military goods and ammunitions, import, export, transit and brokering, which are performed pursuant to the Law no. 9707, dated 5/04/2007 “On state control of import-export of military goods and technologies and goods of dual- use”, and ammunition destined for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania.
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