

HARTFORD, CT — Shortly after buying his greatest clarity in the United States . . . Remington Model 1 typewriter, Mark Twain This form is the first, but not the last.” dashed a letter off to his brother in 1875. In Although the grandiloquence of this text his note, he seems equal parts addled and speaks of a bygone time, it nevertheless pro- Martin, Truth, Power, Self ; Michael Mass- satisfied with his new purchase: poses an understanding of media which clas- ing, A New Horizon for the News and The “I am trying to get the hang of this new sic Marxist media critique failed to fully rec- News About the Internet, No 14 and 15, vol- fangled writing machine, but am not making ognize. Dallas W. Smythe takes up the story, ume 1.1, NYRB; Anna McCarthy, Stanley a shining success of it. [ . . . ] I believe it pointing out that the only time we’re not Milgram, Allen Funt & Me; Patricia Mellen- will print faster than I can write. One may productive is when we’re asleep, because our camp, Video Politics: Guerrilla TV, Ant Farm, lean back in his chair & work it. It piles an waking time is itself sold as a commodity Eternal Frame; Laurie Ouellette,“Take Re- awful stack of words on one page. It don’t to advertisers. Audience production is the sponsibility for Yourself”: Judge Judy and muss things or scatter ink blots around. Of material connection between advertisers and the Neo-liberal Citizen; Susan Murry & Lau- course it saves paper.” content providers — audiences are as much rie Ouellette (eds.), Reality TV: Remaking Knowing they had a notable for a commodities as TV sets and cars. The differ- Television Culture; Mark Poster, The Mode customer, Remington’s salespeople contacted ence is that you can’t sell a car to a TV set of Information: Poststructuralism and So- Twain to see if he’d vouch publicly for their but you can sell an audience to an audience. cial Context; Felicity D. Scott, Living Arc- Remington Model 2, which he’d purchased The end product of the media machine, hive 7: Ant Farm; Allegorical Time Warp: as soon as it was released. In a typed note of therefore, is not the passive consumer liv- The Media Fallout of July 21, 1969; Richard all caps he declined, signing off not as Twain, ing in a relationship of “bad faith” with the Serra, Television Delivers People; Michael PRIOR but with his given name, Samuel Clemens: products they consume, because in the post- Shamberg, Guerrilla Television; Dallas W. “Please do not use my name in any way. mass media world there is no endpoint, as Smythe, On the Audience Commodity; Ted TEMPORAL Please do not even divulge the fact that I the producer-consumer feeds back produc- Turner, From Counterculture to Cyberculture; own a machine. I have entirely stopped using tion in the form of content in the form of Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics: or, Control and the Type-Writer, for the reason that I never participation. The spectacle doesn’t alien- Communication in the Animal and Machine LOGIC, could write a letter with it to anybody with- ate us from the real and make us passive; it and God and Golem, Inc. out receiving a request by return mail that unremittingly seeks to involve us, requiring TIRED I would not only describe the machine but us to test ourselves, measure ourselves, re- state what progress I had made in the use of tain visibility as a self-performing commod- PORT AUTHORITY — “Take the statement it, etc., etc. I don’t like to write letters, so ity. This excitation is fed back through the ‘I am tired,’ for example. While its meaning I don’t want people to know that I own this system and comes out as the narrative of the does not change, it is sometimes true and curiosity breeding little joker. Yours truly, hard-working, self-reliant, independent, effi- sometimes less so, and a person acts differ- Saml. L. Clemens.” cient, networked individual. ently depending on the extent of tiredness — It’s easy to speculate as to why Twain HEY For optimists, the shift to self-perform- going to bed versus going on a hike.” might’ve signed his note as Clemens. He ance — the demand to be as visible as pos- This example of Temporal Logic is bor- routinely signed “Sam” to friends and used sible — affords new opportunities for free- rowed from last Sunday’s New York Times Clemens both in business and for personal MANHATTAN dom, as new technological devices give ac- obituary of computer scientist / philosopher notes. Perhaps he didn’t want his more fa- cess to more information and to new modes Amir Pneuli. Temporal Logic is a formal mous pen name used in any way with Rem- One five three five / For your information of social interaction. In this reading, we are system of logical reasoning used to evaluate ington’s products, so he refused to even sign battalion one is requesting Hazmat / One caught in a virtuous feedback loop in which statements whose truth changes over time. it. But it also seems at least a little bit pos- five three seven / Ten four / Battalion one desire can be expressed and fulfilled, and in Dr. Pneuli did not invent this branch of sible that when he wrote as Twain, Clemens / Five people on the boat / Hazmat battal- which technology will ultimately take care logic, but he was the first to apply it to the THE FIRST/LAST NEWSPAPER felt he had a kind of creativePORT power AUTHORITY, he did ion 641 / 8th Thank Avenue, you New Manhattan York City, / Ten NY calling 10036 21 NOVEMBERmuch fussed 2009 over pussy, began dying in 1765. of the inequalities in the world. But we’ve 0 ÷ 0 → 0 operation of computer systems, with his fun- not possess as Clemens alone, but that when Hazmat battalion / Go ahead Manhattan / These first last words were printed as The heard all this before. Every technological in- damental 1977 paper, “The Temporal Logic he wrote with the Remington it had a kind Can you confirm with the first battalion if Pennsylvania Journal, suffering from a ter- novation comes with the promise of greater CHICAGO — If you’ve read newspapers reg- of Programs.” of power over him, and even over Twain, the Ellis Island ferry is docked on the Man- minal British Stamp Act, designed the front personal freedom and social equality. The ularly for the past two decades, probably you Before Dr. Pneuli, self-taught Oxford pro- that made them both uncomfortable, even hattan side / I was unable to contact a rep- page like a tombstone, “EXPIRING: In Hopes chemical technology of drugs turned the hip- encountered higher mathematics once: when fessor Arthur Norman Prior rigorously artic- anxious. “Mark Twain” started out not as resentative from the New Jersey police / Ten of a Resurrection to Life again . . . ” The pies on to a communal future that ended in Andrew Wiles proved Fermat’s Last Theo- ulated Temporal Logic and gave the subject a given name but as a sailor’s . four / Hazmat battalion was unable to reach editors knew that death, even if it was their ruins. The technologies of community radio rem in 1994. Maybe you paid enough at- its name. Of course, the multi-part prob- Before that it was a sailor’s call — “mark anyone on the Jersey side / Ten four / First own, was a hot commodity. stations and video collectives sporting Por- tention to notice when the Poincar´eConjec- lem of truth as it varies over time sits at the twain!” — meaning the river’s depth was two battalion / We are in touch with the New The anxiety over our newspapers’s own tapaks and satellite dishes promised a future ture was confirmed in 2006. If you haven’t root of the basic philosophical problems of fathoms (12 feet) deep, and the boat could Jersey side / We are going to let everyone extinction leaves us in a rhetorical editorial where, once again, technology would help to encountered anything else on math, it’s not determinism and free will. However, Prior’s navigate its passage safely. When Clemens off the boat / Hazmat battalion / Ten four tailspin, asking impulsive questions that don’t build a cozy global village. And the dream your fault — zero divided by anything is still Temporal Logic specifically distills the fun- selected Mark Twain, he selected not only / Negative for Jersey authorities / We are welcome answers and feeling like monkeys was revived yet again when Howard Rhein- zero. Why isn’t there popular-press coverage damental concepts of a truth which is nego- the name of a storyteller but the sign of a letting people off the boat / Battalion one making faces in the vacuum. Questioning gold announced the “virtual community,” a of mathematics? tiated over time into a mathematically rig- technician, who, with this piece of informa- / Hazmat one / Hey Manhattan / Subway the newspapers’s mortality quickly becomes new “Jeffersonian democracy” of cybernetic BECAUSE IT’S TOO OBSCURE. An un- orous logical language whose formality and tion, could signal the crew that the ship was near the Atlantic wall / Unknown / They about our sense of civil geography and home- free expression. spoken premise here is that the press doesn’t abstraction allows it to address an infinitely in control and could be guided safely down say they have a unit on the scene / ten four ostasis. We are always the observer and the So we come to the stage where, to be part cover obscure things. Take as a simple coun- wide scope of truth claims, and to remain its course. / One five one four / Can you call it city wide observed. We are always our own headline. of the virtual community, we are entreated at terexample article of specific in its conclusions. Cybernetics, which is the study of com- / City wide one five seven oh / Fire apart- How long could a eulogy last in a twenty- every turn to have our say. But who wants October 29 titled “7.3 Billion Light-Years Lat- Prior built his temporal logic on the work munication and control between humans and ment on eddy / Reporting a fire apartment four hour medium? When will our news- to listen to my opinion on Britney’s mental er, Einstein’s Theory Prevails,” which includ- of nineteenth-century philosopher-mathema- machines, takes its name from the Greek “ky- 1A/Battaliontwoseven/Twoseven/We paper look funny and antiquated on some- stability, Kirstie’s waistline, Barack’s Middle es this sentence: “Some theorists have sug- tician Charles Sanders Pierce. Pierce, who bernetes,” who is the oarsman, pilot, or rud- are going to leave it at four two for your re- one the way suspenders do? When it goes East strategy . . . and you know what I gested that space on very small scales has also coined the philosophically-proper term der: the one who can skillfully bring a boat to sponse / Forty two we just got a phone call Jurassic, when we are finally looking at it, think of global warming? I hate it! a granular structure that would speed some “Pragmatism,” argued for a logic which makes port. Clemens’s pseudonym, Twain, was an- from transit that you were holding up a train, a little gray postage stamp, in the palm of Anyone who would value my ill-informed light waves faster than others — in short, accommodation for the changing truth of a other name for the author himself. But, ac- is that correct / We had to momentarily, but our hand, what will we say? Where will the opinion on these matters already understands that relativity could break down on the small- statement over time. As within the wider cording to his letters, his typewriter often be- it’s long gone / Forty two thank you / Bat- knowledge get lost in the obituary, as Ka- knowledge to be radically provisional. If the est scales.” scope of Pragmatism, Pierce argued that truth haved as an allonym — a ghostwriter. While talion two / One five four nine Manhattan plan feared? Will the martyrdom give you crop circle maker and the flat earther fight BECAUSE IT’S TOO DIFFICULT. Diffi- must be determined fully contingent on the the pen name Twain helped to put Clemens / Ten four / Wheel chair bound occupant whiplash? Will the writer be on red alert with the Pulitzer Prize winner for my atten- cult things make the paper every day: health- present situation and that truth is actually in control of the writing process, the Rem- needing to get up too / Automatic alarm in with the hypertension headlines with which tion — and I am called on to evaluate all care reform, complex political scandals, ex- produced by this negotiation, or “back and ington’s ghostwriter effect counteracted that a private dwelling / It’s been out for a few we chase storms and terrorists (a hyperbolic three — what kind of hierarchy of knowl- plaining the financial crash, and, as was al- forth with the world.” control, placing the invention of text some- minutes already / Ten four / No injury no farewell)? Or will he gently ease into a first edge production are we dealing with? The ready mentioned, science. It’s the job of the When he started teaching logic at Can- how just beyond its operator’s reach, or total EMS needed / Ten four / Division one five person retirement speech (a we-had-a-good- “have your say” principle represents the un- journalist to simplify complicated topics by terbury University and publishing his work, understanding. / Sixteen hundred hours / Construction fire run farewell)? Or will he go balls and mar- coupling of democracy from democratic in- prioritizing the information she collects and Prior knew only modest mathematics and Like Twain, German philosopher Friedrich between avenue X and T - Tom / Reporting bles crazy (a that’s-all-folks farewell)? Should stitutions. It floats freely in a bubble of self- finding clear ways to express it. In journal- was almost entirely self-taught in logic. He Nietzsche’s experience with his Hansen Writ- a fire on the fourth floor / Brooklyn battal- “New York Times is No Longer Fit For Print” legitimation. ism, the reader need not understand every- published his first logic paper at age 38, a ing Ball, a typewriter Nietzsche purchased in ion three eight / Four nine seven fire on the (a tongue in your cheek farewell) be . . . is Throughout the twentieth century, “pub- thing about the topic on a visceral level — remarkably late debut in mathematics where 1882 directly from its inventor, seemed some- fourth floor / Isolated wings floors number A ...was...willbe? lic opinion” was regarded as something to be hard-news stories are written so that a reader the best thinking is said to be all done by how beyond his control — even supernatu- B C D vents on roof / South side exposure Today, the moon shows signs of water. feared, but it was also understood as some- who quits reading in the middle will still have age 28. Prior published his seminal book ral. Living in Genoa with his eyesight fail- / One six oh five dispatching one oh seven / Militants killed 17 outside a courthouse in thing that could be fashioned. The public hit the main point. Readers of news first fully articulating Temporal Logic just two ing, Nietzsche hoped the writing ball would Ten twenty box three nine oh / One six oh Peshawar. A British helicopter with a failed could be educated in regimes of self-improve- learn the main outline and why it’s impor- years before his death — Past, Present, Fu- make it easier for him to write away from six / Dispatching two oh seven / Ten four on sight system shot itself down over Afghani- ment and self-maintenance. The rise of so- tant, then fill in broad strokes, then smaller ture (1967). home, but he arrived to find his machine way / Standby / One five six / Three eight stan. The temperature is forty-seven. The cial policies such as the Welfare State and the details. There’s no a priori reason why math The practical value of Prior’s Temporal damaged in transit. The Hansen’s already six / Ten four will notify / One four four humidity is eighty-nine. (SS) New Deal corresponded with the rise of the can’t be presented in this model. Logic is being able to speak concretely, pre- fussy keys only became more difficult in in- / Central alarm company who called this in public information documentary, in which BECAUSE IT’S TOO BORING. Boring cisely, of the past, present, and future at the clement weather. “The typewriter has been / One six oh eight dispatch two oh seven / knowledge was mediated by the expert — is in the eye of the benumbed. Scores of read- same time — at the only time that it is ever unusable since my last card,” Nietzsche wrote, One six oh eight Manhattan / Transformer How Media Masters Reality #6 ers never open the sports section. Rafts of same time — at the only time that it is ever How Media Masters Reality #6 the man (always a man) in the white coat. ers never open the sports section. Rafts of possible to actually bring an idea into the “for the weather is dreary and cloudy, that emergency / Engine one five six/ Ten four / Knowledge was “democratizing” on both sides them never read travel. Masses won’t touch world — the (continuous) present. I am tired. is, humid: then each time the ribbon is also Engine one five six / ConEd has been notified CORRECT ME of the Atlantic, but people had to learn how religion. I have been tired. I will be tired. I have al- wet and sticky, so that every key gets stuck, they have a crew responding / Recorded fire CORRECT ME to learn. As Otto Neurath, the pioneer of BECAUSE IT DOESN’T TALK ABOUT ready been tired. I will probably not always and the writing cannot be seen at all.” The on a roof of a multiple dwelling / One six one public education, put it in the 1933: “We THE REAL WORLD. Math’s real-world ap- be tired. Then, to bed, for now. (DS) typewriter, which was meant to free Niet- three / EMS Kennedy bridge unknown direc- IF I’M WRONG consider our selves the executive agent of the plications are no farther afield than science- zsche from his pen and make it easier for him tion for an auto accident / Calling battalion page darlings like cosmology and string the- TIVOLI, NY — “Feedback is a method of spectators. In order to do this it is neces- page darlings like cosmology and string the- to write, had left him blocked. No longer four nine / One six one five Manhattan / Ten TIVOLI, NY — “Feedback is a method of ory. controlling a system by reinserting into it the sary to simplify and eliminate things, he who ory. in control of his own output, Nietzche’s pro- four / One six one seven hours / Apartment controlling a system by reinserting into it the BECAUSE IT TAKES TOO LONG TO results of its past performance,” according to makes the better choice will be the better BECAUSE IT TAKES TOO LONG TO ductivity would now rise and fall with the four D occupant just arrived home there was results of its past performance,” according to EXPLAIN ANYTHING. The article-length- Norbert Wiener. pedagogue.” Everything from education to EXPLAIN ANYTHING. The article-length- barometer. By 1882, he’d pounded out a a water leak we shut it down / Two six three Norbert Wiener. ening terminology gap exists in writing about In this series of six articles, How Media inoculation was championed. In the U.S., the ening terminology gap exists in writing about well-known poem, which reads, “The Writ- / Heading into Manhattan reported motor In this series of six articles, How Media other specialized disciplines. When the Large Masters Reality, we’ve described the media role of information provision was soon taken other specialized disciplines. When the Large ing Ball is a thing like me: of iron / Yet vehicle accident / Let me know if you see Masters Reality, we’ve described the media Hadron Collider opened on the Swiss-French as a feedback loop that collapses the differ- over by major corporations, and as the Cold Hadron Collider opened on the Swiss-French twisted easily — especially on journeys. / anything going in / One six two one five five as a feedback loop that collapses the differ- border, articles defined the still-theoretical ence between producer and consumer. As War got hotter, the same techniques were ap- border, articles defined the still-theoretical Patience and tact must be had in abundance / Four nine to Manhattan / ten thirty six It’s ence between producer and consumer. As Higgs boson as “a subatomic particle that users of email and social networking sites or plied to civil defense media. Higgs boson as “a subatomic particle that / As well as fine [little] fingers to use it.” As going to be a code three / Box three one / users of email and social networking sites or would give matter mass.” Math terms can as participants in non-scripted TV shows we As far as factual, instructive documen- would give matter mass.” Math terms can Professor Friedrich Kittler points out in his Smoke coming from a building on the corner as participants in non-scripted TV shows we be explained, too, at least inasmuch as a ca- work to provide content for formats that are tary is concerned, our current position is am- be explained, too, at least inasmuch as a ca- study Gramophone, Film, Typewriter, in Ni- / Battalion two two / Ten four / Incident work to provide content for formats that are sual reader needs to understand them. owned by somebody else. At the base of biguous. While these days we reflexively tend sual reader needs to understand them. etzsche’s poem, “three moments of writing going eastbound / One six three / Ten four owned by somebody else. At the base of BECAUSE IT’S TOO RIGOROUS. Now this media ecosystem we generate and trade to suspect some form of “propaganda” at BECAUSE IT’S TOO RIGOROUS. Now coincide: the equipment, the thing, and the / Grand central eastbound / Engine two six this media ecosystem we generate and trade we’re getting somewhere. Math people are information, and as we accrue it — lots of play, we’re also comforted by the worldview we’re getting somewhere. Math people are agent. An author, however, does not appear three / Battalion four five / Ten four / Bus information, and as we accrue it — lots of probably already sputtering that casual read- friends on Facebook, lots of photos on Flickr, presented by such as the Discovery Channel probably already sputtering that casual read- [ . . . ] Our writing tool not only works on fire / Engine two eight two / Six nine / Bat- friends on Facebook, lots of photos on Flickr, ers won’t really get it if simplistic explana- a massive list of email addresses — we use and National Geographic. There’s nothing ers won’t really get it if simplistic explana- our thoughts, it ‘is a thing like me.’ ” talionA Reconsideration two oh seven / Oneof the six Newspaper two nine oh a massive list of email addresses — we use tions present just the broad strokes of their it to heighten our visibility and increase our as reassuring as a matter of fact clearly con- tions present just the broad strokes of their Nietzsche would soon give up his type- LuigiIndustry Sono, in None 5 Easy (Ninth Illusions Hour), (5) November it to heighten our visibility and increase our work. Here’s the central conflict: Really get- value as self-performing commodities. Al- veyed. work. Here’s the central conflict: writer, but he would never dismiss it entirely. 14 (PE) value as self-performing commodities. Al- ting it isn’t the point of . Math is though celebrities float at the top of the in- Perhaps these six installments of How Me- . Math is In one of his last typewritten letters, he ob- though celebrities float at the top of the in- about rigor. A mathematical statement en- formation economy’s celestial canopy, they dia Masters Reality have painted a bleak pic- about rigor. A mathematical statement en- serves, “This machine is delicate as a lit- formation economy’s celestial canopy, they ters the body of knowledge when it is proved. are constituted as media subjects by the same ture of us as lab rats in our own experiment ters the body of knowledge when it is proved. tle dog and causes a lot of trouble — and are constituted as media subjects by the same Journalism is about importance. A story is stuff as you and me — bits of information — or maybe something like a post-mass me- Journalism is about importance. A story is provides some entertainment. Now all my stuff as you and me — bits of information successful when it imparts the most impor- feeding back through the system. dia Hieronymus Bosch painting in which the successful when it imparts the most impor- friends have to do is invent a reading ma- feeding back through the system. tant pieces of information with the greatest Although scripted forms of entertainment damned labor on the eternal work of being tant pieces of information with the greatest chine: otherwise I will fall behind myself and Although scripted forms of entertainment concision. remain dominant, non-scripted TV is gain- watched. But once we gain knowledge of concision. won’t be able to supply myself with suffi- remain dominant, non-scripted TV is gain- Science doesn’t pose this conflict. The ing ground during primetime. This is partly how media masters reality, we might begin to Science doesn’t pose this conflict. The cient intellectual nourishment.” Nietzsche ing ground during primetime. This is partly minimization of unavoidable error and weigh- because non-scripted TV is simply cheap to work out ways of finding our freedom within minimization of unavoidable error and weigh- feared his own typewriter might outproduce because non-scripted TV is simply cheap to ing of the statistical significance of correla- produce, but also because it constructs a nar- it. French philosopher Michel Foucault was ing of the statistical significance of correla- him. Its mechanistic drive to produce text produce, but also because it constructs a nar- tion coefficients don’t come from the world rative about TV production that the medium once asked: If we are socially constructed, is faster than its owner could read it harkens rative about TV production that the medium of 100 percent certainty. Philosophy suffers feeds back into itself. In this new narrative, conscious change possible? Foucault turned back to the scene that Twain described pre- feeds back into itself. In this new narrative, as math does — if you can name a philoso- you the viewer are the central character and, the question on its head. We actually don’t viously, when he was first entranced by the you the viewer are the central character and, phy publication other than On Bullshit from if you work hard enough, you get a speaking realize how free we are, there are more free- typewriter in the shop. Fifty-seven words A Reconsideration of the Newspaper Indus- if you work hard enough, you get a speaking the past 20 years, gold star. part. And why fill the screen with above- doms than the horizon of the humanist tra- a minute! If only he could write that fast. try in 5 Easy Allusions (5): Does this lead part. And why fill the screen with above- BECAUSE PEOPLE DON’T LIKE IT. board Colgate-clean actors when the screen dition can show us, and the one thing we But recall that the salesgirl who’d impressed somewhere or lead nowhere? Is it a loop or a board Colgate-clean actors when the screen can learn from the development of human People don’t like it because they can’t wrap Does this lead somewhere or lead time can be filled with someone more or less Gareth Spor’s Dreammachine at 45 rpm as Twain had a trick: she always typed the cycle? Or both, or neither? time can be filled with someone more or less their minds around it. They can’t wrap their nowhere? Is it a loop or a cycle? Or both, like you and me? thought is that change is inevitable. described by HP Scanjet G3110 at 600 dpi. same text, over and over and over again. In like you and me? minds around it because no one presents it or neither?NEWSPAPER,NEWSPAPER, The non-scripted TV show doesn’t only (SR) Photograph by Walead Beshty Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining, in a touch- The non-scripted TV show doesn’t only accessibly. No one presents it accessibly be- give us the opportunity to perform, it also stone image of typewriter-as-ghostwriter, the give us the opportunity to perform, it also cause people don’t like it. That’s really the MUCH FUSSED provides us with the means to assess, test, How Media Masters Reality was informed by ceaselessly repeated typescript reappears as MUCH FUSSED provides us with the means to assess, test, essence of it, but geometers would call that and judge people more or less like ourselves many sources, including: Mark Andrejevic, REMINGTON Wendy discovers that her husband Jack’s no- and judge people more or less like ourselves argument circular. (GM) — and to be assessed, tested, and judged Reality TV: The Work of Being Watched; vel isn’t a novel at all. Instead, he has typed — and to be assessed, tested, and judged OVEROVER PUSSY PUSSY by people more or less like ourselves. The Richard Barbrook & Andy Cameron, The “All work and no play makes Jack a dull by people more or less like ourselves. The LAUNCHES feedback between watching and doing con- California Ideology; Jack Z. Bratich, Con- boy” on sheet after endless sheet. Jack isn’t EVERYWHERE,EVERYWHERE, NOWHERE NOWHERE — — It’s It’s easy easy feedback between watching and doing con- stitutes a pan-media surveillance system in spiracy Panics, Political Rationality and Pop- using his Adler typewriter; the Adler is us- toto imagine imagine today’s today’s newspaper newspaper o offifficece like like the the stitutes a pan-media surveillance system in which we police ourselves, and in which we ular Culture; Stella Bruzzi, New Documen- GHOSTWRITER ing him. Realizing her husband has lost his openingopening scene scene to to a a zombie zombie film: film: pairs pairs of of eyes eyes which we police ourselves, and in which we translate the duties and obligations that are tary: A Critical Introduction; John Conner, mind, Wendy’s face pales, terrified. thatthat look look like like they they were were purchased purchased in in junk junk translate the duties and obligations that are thrust upon us (to be always “on,” to be con- Performing the Real: Documentary Diver- HARTFORD, CT — Shortly after buying his shopsshops and and white white shirts shirts in in pork-pie pork-pie hats hats buf- buf- thrust upon us (to be always “on,” to be con- Kubrick’s film is fictional, but caution- spicuously visible, to be incredibly busy, to sions (with Afterword); Daniel Dayan & Eli- Remington Model 1 typewriter, Mark Twain ary. Kittler, too, tells of a 1941 detective fetingfeting their their own own brains. brains. Newspapermen Newspapermen used used spicuously visible, to be incredibly busy, to acquiesce to the judgement of our peers) into hu Katz, Media Events: The Live Broadcast- dashed a letter off to his brother in 1875. In play by Jean Cocteau called La Machine `a toto ask ask the the questions, questions, but but a a hemophiliac hemophiliac eco- eco- acquiesce to the judgement of our peers) into choices . . . into freedom. So “freedom of in- ing of History; Gilles Deleuze, Postscript on his note, he seems equal parts addled and ´ecrire (The Typewriter) involving “an un- nomicnomic model model has has made made the the reporter reporter the the re- re- choices . . . into freedom. So “freedom of in- formation” translates into us all giving things Control Societies; Rod Dickinson & Steve satisfied with his new purchase: known woman who has been tormenting her ported,ported, an an internal internal investigator investigator who who fact-che- fact-che- formation” translates into us all giving things away for free — our talents as performers, as Rushton, Who, What, Where, When, Why “I am trying to get the hang of this new community with anonymous typewritten let- ckscks his his own own demise demise and and cashes cashes in in his his o offifficece away for free — our talents as performers, as programmers, as content providers. & How; Michel Foucault, Psychiatric Power: fangled writing machine, but am not making ters.” Kittler continues, “[the detective] ‘ima- hourshours with with a a self-administered self-administered proctology proctology ex- ex- programmers, as content providers. It’s easy to forget how old the idea of the Lectures at the Coll`ege de France 1973–1974 a shining success of it. [ . . . ] I believe it gines the culprit at work at her typewriter, am.am. Like Like the the MTA, MTA, the the micro-refinement micro-refinement of of It’s easy to forget how old the idea of the audience as commodity is. We should have and Technologies of the Self ; Peter Galison, will print faster than I can write. One may thisthis rot rot is is in in constant constant rotation rotation and and mainte- mainte- audience as commodity is. We should have “Well that’s that cleared up then,” said Dick. aiming and operating her machine gun.’ Type- seen it coming. In 1975, the same year that The Ontology of the Enemy: Norbert Wiener lean back in his chair & work it. It piles an are simply ‘fast,’ not just ‘like Jazz’ [ . nance.nance. Is Is this this circulation circulation asphyxiation asphyxiation more more seen it coming. In 1975, the same year that “Shall we go down the lower road for a walk? Ant Farm mounted their spectacular anti- and the Cybernetic Vision; Katerine Hayles, awful stack of words on one page. It don’t . . ] but also like rapid-fire weapons.” When anan autopsy autopsy than than a a prognosis? prognosis? And And who who is is the the Ant Farm mounted their spectacular anti- We should leave these two to get on and catch media offensive, B. Livant wrote: “Virtu- My Mother Was a Computer and How We muss things or scatter ink blots around. Of Cocteau’s antiheroine finally confesses, she no-manno-man we we are are most most afraid afraid of of leaving leaving behind behind media offensive, B. Livant wrote: “Virtu- up. It’s been a while. Coming?” ally everyone is organized into the complex Became Postmodern; Alison Hern, Hoax-ing course it saves paper.” explains, “I wanted to attack the whole city. —— the the pulpy pulpy medium, medium, the the grimy grimy journalist, journalist, ally everyone is organized into the complex “K.” Anna stood up and began to clear tapestry of these audiences, whose underly- the Real; David Joselit, Feedback: Television Knowing they had a notable writer for a [ . . . ] I wanted to stir that muck, attack oror the the language language itself? itself? tapestry of these audiences, whose underly- away the bowls and Dick asked if we wanted ing priorities we are just beginning to under- Against Democracy; Constance M. Lewallen customer, Remington’s salespeople contacted and reveal it. It was like a hoax! Without ac- WhenWhen the the business business model model changed, changed, so so did did ing priorities we are just beginning to under- tea. I gave him a wide-eyed smile. He picked stand. For one thing, the production, de- & Steve Said, Ant Farm 1968–1978; Sven Twain to see if he’d vouch publicly for their counting for myself, I chose the dirtiest and thethe news. news. On On September September 3, 3, 1833, 1833, twenty- twenty- stand. For one thing, the production, de- up the board: by now strewn with crusts, struction, division, and recombination of au- L¨utticken, An Arena in Which to Re-enact; Remington Model 2, which he’d purchased cheapest of all weapons, the typewriter.” She three-year-oldthree-year-old publisher publisher Benjamin Benjamin Day Day laun- laun- struction, division, and recombination of au- rinds and crumbs, and used the bread knife diences is a vast and turbulent motion. For Ted Magder, Television 2.0: The Business as soon as it was released. In a typed note of terrorizes the city with the stroke of a key. chedched the the American American newspaper newspaper as as the the indus- indus- diences is a vast and turbulent motion. For to scrape these together and into the bowl another, the Audience Commodity is a mul- of American Television in Transition; Rux all caps he declined, signing off not as Twain, A vividly real and far more terrorizing let- trytry it it is is today. today. Undercutting Undercutting his his competitors competitors another, the Audience Commodity is a mul- Martin, Truth, Power, Self ; Michael Mass- on top of the stack. tipurpose capacity. It is the other side of but with his given name, Samuel Clemens: ter from an anonymous typist was received byby a a fifth, fifth, he he sold sold his hisNewNew York York Sun Sun forfor just just a a tipurpose capacity. It is the other side of ing, A New Horizon for the News and The All this happened out of eyeshot and the labor power that Marx discovered in the pro- “Please do not use my name in any way. by The New York Times on 26 April 1995. It penny.penny. The The paper paper was was funded funded by by advertisers, advertisers, labor power that Marx discovered in the pro- News About the Internet, No 14 and 15, vol- old man stared ahead. As they went out the duction of commodities-in-general, and it is Please do not even divulge the fact that I had been keyed on an old machine later iden- notnot subscribers, subscribers, and and sold sold on on the the street; street; it it no no duction of commodities-in-general, and it is ume 1.1, NYRB; Anna McCarthy, Stanley door onto the outside porch, he spoke loudly Protean in its capacities. The first great form own a machine. I have entirely stopped using tified as a 1920s-era L.C. Smith-Corona. En- longerlonger catered catered only only to to the the Eustace Eustace Tilleys, Tilleys, Protean in its capacities. The first great form Milgram, Allen Funt & Me; Patricia Mellen- through the window, mouthing, “Dick, could of the organization of this commodity [is] the Type-Writer, for the reason that I never closed was a lengthy typewritten manifesto butbut to to those those just just beginning beginning to to fumble fumble with with of the organization of this commodity [is] camp, Video Politics: Guerrilla TV, Ant Farm, you go down to the beach below the old toll the Audience Commodity as a market. This could write a letter with it to anybody with- that began, “The Industrial Revolution and words.words. the Audience Commodity as a market. This Eternal Frame; Laurie Ouellette,“Take Re- house, by the mermaid, on your way back? form emerged first historically and with the out receiving a request by return mail that its consequences have been a disaster for the TheThe bargain bargain paper paper found found a a salesman salesman in in form emerged first historically and with the sponsibility for Yourself”: Judge Judy and Ian’s down there. You know.” Getting up I would not only describe the machine but human race.” The New York Times shared BernardBernard Flaherty, Flaherty, hired hired as as the the first first newspa- newspa- greatest clarity in the United States . . . the Neo-liberal Citizen; Susan Murry & Lau- to stop the kettle whistling, he said, “Came state what progress I had made in the use of the letter with the FBI, who explained that perper boy. boy. This This single single double-helix double-helix atomized atomized This form is the first, but not the last.” rie Ouellette (eds.), Reality TV: Remaking down to stay and do a bit of sea fishing. it, etc., etc. I don’t like to write letters, so it was from a domestic terrorist known as the anan archetype archetype of of a a loud-mouth loud-mouth little little middle middle Although the grandiloquence of this text Television Culture; Mark Poster, The Mode Mackerel come in here really close to the wa- I don’t want people to know that I own this Unabomber. The letter demanded that the manman and and revolutionized revolutionized not not only only the the way way in- in- speaks of a bygone time, it nevertheless pro- of Information: Poststructuralism and So- ter’s edge at this time of year, when the tide’s curiosity breeding little joker. Yours truly, manifesto be published “in The New York formationformation circulated circulated but but the the way way it it was was ed- ed- poses an understanding of media which clas- cial Context; Felicity D. Scott, Living Arc- in and the water’s calm. Little schools make Saml. L. Clemens.” Times, Time or Newsweek, or in some other itorialized.itorialized. Uneducated Uneducated but but not not un-newsed, un-newsed, sic Marxist media critique failed to fully rec- hive 7: Ant Farm; Allegorical Time Warp: the water boil. Fancy some for tea?” It’s easy to speculate as to why Twain widely read, nationally distributed periodi- thethe newsboy newsboy memorized memorized the the morning morning paper paper ognize. Dallas W. Smythe takes up the story, The Media Fallout of July 21, 1969; Richard (WH) might’ve signed his note as Clemens. He cal,” and, it promised, “if you can get it pub- likelike a a proverb proverb and and broadcast broadcast it it like like a a trans- trans- pointing out that the only time we’re not Serra, Television Delivers People; Michael routinely signed “Sam” to friends and used lished according to our requirements we will mitter.mitter. Fed Fed on on commission, commission, these these newsies newsies productive is when we’re asleep, because our Shamberg, Guerrilla Television; Dallas W. Clemens both in business and for personal permanently desist from terrorist activities.” soldsold headlines headlines as as front front row row seats seats to to the the world’s world’s waking time is itself sold as a commodity Smythe, On the Audience Commodity; Ted notes. Perhaps he didn’t want his more fa- As for the text, its author stipulated that greatestgreatest drama. drama. Plot Plot trumped trumped Fact, Fact, and and the the to advertisers. Audience production is the Turner, From Counterculture to Cyberculture; mous pen name used in any way with Rem- “after six months from the first appearance headlinesheadlines became became the the high high blood blood pressure pressure en- en- material connection between advertisers and Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics: or, Control and ington’s products, so he refused to even sign of the article or book it must become pub- tertainmenttertainment narcotics narcotics we we equate equate with with current current content providers — audiences are as much Communication in the Animal and Machine it. But it also seems at least a little bit pos- lic property, so that anyone can reproduce page-sixpage-six ecology. ecology. Editorial Editorial instincts instincts pursued pursued commodities as TV sets and cars. The differ- and God and Golem, Inc. sible that when he wrote as Twain, Clemens or publish it.” Also: “because of its length, thisthis new new sensational sensational imperative imperative and and result- result- ence is that you can’t sell a car to a TV set felt he had a kind of creative power he did we suppose it will have to be serialized.” inging increases increases in in readership readership determined determined that that but you can sell an audience to an audience. not possess as Clemens alone, but that when instead opted to thethe penny penny paper’s paper’s most most accessible accessible emotions emotions The end product of the media machine, he wrote with the Remington it had a kind print the text whole as a four-page supple- werewere indignation, indignation, apocalyptic apocalyptic glee, glee, and and rage. rage. therefore, is not the passive consumer liv- of power over him, and even over Twain, ment that September. It would prove to be BeginningBeginning in in 1913, 1913, theologian theologian Mordecai Mordecai ing in a relationship of “bad faith” with the that made them both uncomfortable, even the Unabomber’s undoing. The following Apr- Kaplan,Kaplan, a a Lithuanian Lithuanian immigrant, immigrant, began began re- re- products they consume, because in the post- anxious. “Mark Twain” started out not as il, authorities raided the one-room cabin of a cordingcording the the harmless harmless data data of of his his existence. existence. mass media world there is no endpoint, as a given name but as a sailor’s pseudonym. former UC Berkeley professor named Theo- HeHe indexed indexed and and filed filed away away the the very very air air he he the producer-consumer feeds back produc- Before that it was a sailor’s call — “mark dore Kaczynski, whose brother had called in breathed.breathed. Despite Despite his his American American following, following, tion in the form of content in the form of twain!” — meaning the river’s depth was two a tip that Kaczynski’s writings reminded him KaplanKaplan su sufffferedered from from an an acute acute anxiety anxiety of of pres- pres- participation. The spectacle doesn’t alien- fathoms (12 feet) deep, and the boat could the Unabomber’s. By the time they finished ence.ence. Consumed Consumed by by the the prospect prospect of of his his re- re- ate us from the real and make us passive; it navigate its passage safely. When Clemens their search, they’d found the smoking gun: ligiousligious influence influence outlasting outlasting his his physical physical life, life, unremittingly seeks to involve us, requiring selected Mark Twain, he selected not only amidst firearms, handmade bombs, and var- hishis fanatical fanatical scrawling scrawling engaged engaged an an unrelent- unrelent- us to test ourselves, measure ourselves, re- the name of a storyteller but the sign of a ious disguises, sitting on a desk littered with inging desire desire to to create create permanence. permanence. For For the the next next tain visibility as a self-performing commod- technician, who, with this piece of informa- carbon copies of the letters and manifesto, twenty-onetwenty-one years, years, he he assembled assembled a a material material ity. This excitation is fed back through the tion, could signal the crew that the ship was was the Smith-Corona. (RG) echoecho of of self, self, an an archive archive of of journals journals eventu- eventu- system and comes out as the narrative of the in control and could be guided safely down allyally comprising comprising a a personal personal Encyclopedia Encyclopedia of of hard-working, self-reliant, independent, effi- its course. Man.Man. cient, networked individual. Cybernetics, which is the study of com- HEYHEY ButBut isn’t isn’t the the act act of of recording, recording, as as well well as as For optimists, the shift to self-perform- munication and control between humans and thethe record record itself, itself, about about becoming becoming rather rather than than ance — the demand to be as visible as pos- machines, takes its name from the Greek “ky- being?being? When When a a newspaper newspaper editor editor in in New New sible — affords new opportunities for free- bernetes,” who is the oarsman, pilot, or rud- MANHATTANMANHATTAN YorkYork asked asked who who was was going going to to write write Kaplan’s Kaplan’s dom, as new technological devices give ac- der: the one who can skillfully bring a boat to obituary,obituary, a a sta staffff writerwriter responded, responded, “Kaplan “Kaplan cess to more information and to new modes port. Clemens’s pseudonym, Twain, was an- OneOne five five three three five five / / For For your your information information alreadyalready did.” did.” of social interaction. In this reading, we are other name for the author himself. But, ac- battalionbattalion one one is is requesting requesting Hazmat Hazmat / / One One ObituariesObituaries are are irrevocable, irrevocable, but but when when the the caught in a virtuous feedback loop in which cording to his letters, his typewriter often be- fivefive three three seven seven / / Ten Ten four four / / Battalion Battalion one one newspapernewspaper is is the the corpse, corpse, the the cat cat suddenly suddenly desire can be expressed and fulfilled, and in haved as an allonym — a ghostwriter. While // Five Five people people on on the the boat boat / / Hazmat Hazmat battal- battal- hashas nine nine hundred hundred lives. lives. The The newspaper, newspaper, our our which technology will ultimately take care the pen name Twain helped to put Clemens ionion / / Thank Thank you you Manhattan Manhattan / / Ten Ten calling calling much fussed over pussy, began dying in 1765. of the inequalities in the world. But we’ve in control of the writing process, the Rem- HazmatHazmat battalion battalion / / Go Go ahead ahead Manhattan Manhattan / / These first last words were printed as The heard all this before. Every technological in- ington’s ghostwriter effect counteracted that CanCan you you confirm confirm with with the the first first battalion battalion if if Pennsylvania Journal, suffering from a ter- novation comes with the promise of greater (CA) “What a misunderstanding!”control, placing the invention of text some- thethe Ellis Ellis Island Island ferry ferry is is docked docked on on the the Man- Man- minal British Stamp Act, designed the front personal freedom and social equality. The Saul Steinberg, Untitled, 1942. Ink on paper. Originally published in , hattanhattan side side / / I I was was unable unable to to contact contact a a rep- rep- page like a tombstone, “EXPIRING: In Hopes chemical technology of drugs turned the hip- November 14, 1942. �c The Saul Steinberg Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York resentativeresentative from from the the New New Jersey Jersey police police / / Ten Ten of a Resurrection to Life again . . . ” The pies on to a communal future that ended in fourfour / / Hazmat Hazmat battalion battalion was was unable unable to to reach reach editors knew that death, even if it was their ruins. The technologies of community radio anyoneanyone on on the the Jersey Jersey side side / / Ten Ten four four / / First First own, was a hot commodity. stations and video collectives sporting Por- battalionbattalion / / We We are are in in touch touch with with the the New New The anxiety over our newspapers’s own tapaks and satellite dishes promised a future JerseyJersey side side / / We We are are going going to to let let everyone everyone extinction leaves us in a rhetorical editorial where, once again, technology would help to ooffffthethe boat boat / / Hazmat Hazmat battalion battalion / / Ten Ten four four tailspin, asking impulsive questions that don’t build a cozy global village. And the dream // Negative Negative for for Jersey Jersey authorities authorities / / We We are are welcome answers and feeling like monkeys was revived yet again when Howard Rhein- lettingletting people people o offff thethe boat boat / / Battalion Battalion one one making faces in the vacuum. Questioning gold announced the “virtual community,” a // Hazmat Hazmat one one / / Hey Hey Manhattan Manhattan / / Subway Subway the newspapers’s mortality quickly becomes new “Jeffersonian democracy” of cybernetic nearnear the the Atlantic Atlantic wall wall / / Unknown Unknown / / They They about our sense of civil geography and home- free expression. saysay they they have have a a unit unit on on the the scene scene / / ten ten four four ostasis. We are always the observer and the So we come to the stage where, to be part // One One five five one one four four / / Can Can you you call call it it city city wide wide observed. We are always our own headline. of the virtual community, we are entreated at // City City wide wide one one five five seven seven oh oh / / Fire Fire apart- apart- How long could a eulogy last in a twenty- every turn to have our say. But who wants mentment on on eddy eddy / / Reporting Reporting a a fire fire apartment apartment four hour medium? When will our news- to listen to my opinion on Britney’s mental 1A/Battaliontwoseven/Twoseven/We1A/Battaliontwoseven/Twoseven/We paper look funny and antiquated on some- stability, Kirstie’s waistline, Barack’s Middle areare going going to to leave leave it it at at four four two two for for your your re- re- one the way suspenders do? When it goes East strategy . . . and you know what I sponsesponse / / Forty Forty two two we we just just got got a a phone phone call call Jurassic, when we are finally looking at it, think of global warming? I hate it! fromfrom transit transit that that you you were were holding holding up up a a train, train, a little gray postage stamp, in the palm of Anyone who would value my ill-informed isis that that correct correct / / We We had had to to momentarily, momentarily, but but our hand, what will we say? Where will the opinion on these matters already understands it’sit’s long long gone gone / / Forty Forty two two thank thank you you / / Bat- Bat- knowledge get lost in the obituary, as Ka- knowledge to be radically provisional. If the taliontalion two two / / One One five five four four nine nine Manhattan Manhattan plan feared? Will the martyrdom give you crop circle maker and the flat earther fight // Ten Ten four four / / Wheel Wheel chair chair bound bound occupant occupant whiplash? Will the writer be on red alert with the Pulitzer Prize winner for my atten- needingneeding to to get get up up too too / / Automatic Automatic alarm alarm in in with the hypertension headlines with which tion — and I am called on to evaluate all aa private private dwelling dwelling / / It’s It’s been been out out for for a a few few we chase storms and terrorists (a hyperbolic three — what kind of hierarchy of knowl- minutesminutes already already / / Ten Ten four four / / No No injury injury no no farewell)? Or will he gently ease into a first edge production are we dealing with? The EMSEMS needed needed / / Ten Ten four four / / Division Division one one five five person retirement speech (a we-had-a-good- “have your say” principle represents the un- // Sixteen Sixteen hundred hundred hours hours / / Construction Construction fire fire run farewell)? Or will he go balls and mar- coupling of democracy from democratic in- betweenbetween avenue avenue X X and and T T - - Tom Tom / / Reporting Reporting bles crazy (a that’s-all-folks farewell)? Should stitutions. It floats freely in a bubble of self- aa fire fire on on the the fourth fourth floor floor / / Brooklyn Brooklyn battal- battal- “New York Times is No Longer Fit For Print” legitimation. ionion three three eight eight / / Four Four nine nine seven seven fire fire on on the the (a tongue in your cheek farewell) be . . . is Throughout the twentieth century, “pub- fourthfourth floor floor / / Isolated Isolated wings wings floors floors number number A A ...was...willbe? lic opinion” was regarded as something to be BB C C D D vents vents on on roof roof / / South South side side exposure exposure Today, the moon shows signs of water. feared, but it was also understood as some- // One One six six oh oh five five dispatching dispatching one one oh oh seven seven / / Militants killed 17 outside a courthouse in TenTen twenty twenty box box three three nine nine oh oh / / One One six six oh oh Peshawar. A British helicopter with a failed sixsix / / Dispatching Dispatching two two oh oh seven seven / / Ten Ten four four on on sight system shot itself down over Afghani- wayway / / Standby Standby / / One One five five six six / / Three Three eight eight stan. The temperature is forty-seven. The sixsix / / Ten Ten four four will will notify notify / / One One four four four four humidity is eighty-nine. (SS) // Central Central alarm alarm company company who who called called this this in in // One One six six oh oh eight eight dispatch dispatch two two oh oh seven seven / / OneOne six six oh oh eight eight Manhattan Manhattan / / Transformer Transformer emergencyemergency / / Engine Engine one one five five six/ six/ Ten Ten four four / / EngineEngine one one five five six six / / ConEd ConEd has has been been notified notified theythey have have a a crew crew responding responding / / Recorded Recorded fire fire onon a a roof roof of of a a multiple multiple dwelling dwelling / / One One six six one one threethree / / EMS EMS Kennedy Kennedy bridge bridge unknown unknown direc- direc- tiontion for for an an auto auto accident accident / / Calling Calling battalion battalion fourfour nine nine / / One One six six one one five five Manhattan Manhattan / / Ten Ten fourfour / / One One six six one one seven seven hours hours / / Apartment Apartment fourfour D D occupant occupant just just arrived arrived home home there there was was aa water water leak leak we we shut shut it it down down / / Two Two six six three three // Heading Heading into into Manhattan Manhattan reported reported motor motor vehiclevehicle accident accident / / Let Let me me know know if if you you see see anythinganything going going in in / / One One six six two two one one five five five five // Four Four nine nine to to Manhattan Manhattan / / ten ten thirty thirty six six It’s It’s goinggoing to to be be a a code code three three / / Box Box three three one one / / SmokeSmoke coming coming from from a a building building on on the the corner corner // Battalion Battalion two two two two / / Ten Ten four four / / Incident Incident goinggoing eastbound eastbound / / One One six six three three / / Ten Ten four four // Grand Grand central central eastbound eastbound / / Engine Engine two two six six threethree / / Battalion Battalion four four five five / / Ten Ten four four / / Bus Bus firefire / / Engine Engine two two eight eight two two / / Six Six nine nine / / Bat- Bat- taliontalion two two oh oh seven seven / / One One six six two two nine nine oh oh LuigiLuigi Sono, Sono, None None (Ninth (Ninth Hour), Hour), November November 1414 (PE) (PE) findings to a small audience at NYU. Murch described the perception of slow motion that occurs during extremely height- ened emotional states as an effect of a physi- ological change to one’s normal flicker fusion rate, a psychophysical concept that can be compared to a frame-rate in film. At a pro- jection speed of 24 frames per second, most people stop noticing individual images flick- ering quickly on screen, and perceive smooth motion instead. At fewer frames per second, the film appears to jerk. The film’s flicker rate has dropped below the frequency of the typical viewer’s flicker fusion threshold. Ev- ery species has a specific flicker fusion rate, which differs slightly among individuals. For humans, the rate is approximately 50 mil- liseconds. This is the frequency at which most people would perceive a strobe light that is flickering on and off to be glowing steadily. In a life-threatening situation, the brain’s flicker fusion threshold rises consider- ably. The eye can perceive sharp detail that would otherwise appear as a blur. Imagine looking at a rapidly rotating propeller and distinguishing individual blades, rather than a single, solid disc of color. The human eye and brain are capable of this degree of visual acuity, but the mental resources required to sustain it are tremendous, and are therefore reserved only for emergency use. Murch learned much of what he knows about perception in the course of his work as a film editor. He occupies the territory of master auteurs like Stanley Kubrick, whose innovations in the mechanics and technique of their craft parallel the ambition and qual- ity of their productions. He began his career as a sound designer, working on the first fea- tures made by his friends Francis Ford Cop- pola and George Lucas, who’d been his class- mates at USC film school. While creating sound for Lucas’s 1971 science fiction film THX 1138, which he co-wrote, Murch dis- covered that people also have a threshold for distinguishing overlapping sounds. He found that the footsteps of two people in a frame must be synchronized perfectly to the image, but once there are three people, synchroniza- tion is irrelevant. The brain does not map with precision three distinct, simultaneous sounds of a similar type. However, differ- ent parts of the brain process different types of sound, so additional layers of sound can be distinguished if certain of the sounds are of a categorically different type. After fur- ther work as an editor — craft being roughly analogous to laboratory experimentation and empirical observation in Murch’s analytical methodology — he eventually arrived at a theory of density and clarity in aural per- ception which describes sound as a spectrum from encoded (speech) to embodied (music) types, and provides a framework for under- standing how layered sound operates (or fails to operate effectively) in film as a function of the left-right duality of the brain, ultimately UNICORN: which it has been banished back into the Ro- concluding that “simultaneous density and PATIENCE, tunda for all to see, the final installment in clarity can only be achieved by a kind of sub- “I EXIST” PATIENCE, his “Story of the Recorded Word” remains terfuge.” neglected. Yet to our contemporary eyes the Murch is forthcoming about his process thing that beats making fun of people? FORTITUDEFORTITUDE fifth panel now seems urgent and vibrant, for creating subterfuge. In fact, Murch is “Not if they’re the right people. I think PROSPECT PARK — You’ve never been perhaps vindicating Laning’s assertion, in a generally forthcoming in his knowledge as well the shared perception is huge in that. You told the truth about the likes of those who REMAIN Life magazine article from September 1940, as his curiosity, both of which he seems to know what works: If they jump, you know write, but it’s high time for you to know, REMAIN that, “My murals don’t condescend to peo- possess in inordinate supply, directly propor- you got the right word. With readers, I was now. So let me put it to you straight: all ple. What I am trying to do is paint pictures tional to his generosity. surprised, and still am, at the very solid and writers are liars. Shamelessly they’ll lie to LIONSLIONS that are sensuous, alive, and real.” (DF) When I met Murch at a dinner during articulate mass of people out there who are your face, ready to do whatever it takes to his visit to New York, the entire table of extremely varied but really do like me and steal your trust. To appear trustworthy to NEW YORK — The artist Edward Laning is guests remained rapt for several hours after agree that I’m expressing their feelings. I a reader they may go as far as to denounce NEW YORK — The artist Edward Laning is hardly a household name, but to generations the plates were cleared, engrossed by a con- believe that journalism and fiction have to their own trade. All forms of betrayal will hardly a household name, but to generations 20 QUESTIONS of visitors to the New York Public Library’s 20 QUESTIONS versation in which Murch stitched filmmak- do that. It’s not just amusement. seem justified in the service of exercising pow- of visitors to the New York Public Library’s 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue building, his ing to astronomy to studies of human percep- “Fiction writers, even when they use in- er over you by capturing your attention and 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue building, his work is as familiar as “Patience” and “Forti- INVERTED tion to the congruence of the belief systems teresting techniques, are often not audience steering your thoughts and feelings in a par- work is as familiar as “Patience” and “Forti- INVERTED tude,” the two lions that stand guard outside of Hopi Indians, ancient Greeks and contem- directed. If you’re a journalist, you have to ticular direction. It’s a vicious trick, trust when confronted by the pain they cause oth- tude,” the two lions that stand guard outside Manhattan’s great repository of knowledge. NEW YORK — Two years ago, on March 25, porary physicists. At one point, Murch de- be directed toward your readers. me, I urge you: don’t let them pull it on you! ers. Coming back to life, they will swiftly Manhattan’s great repository of knowledge. NEW YORK — Two years ago, on March 25, Each day, thousands of readers pass Lan- while on the way to a barbeque in Topenga scribed the inherently complex, collaborative “Newspapers give you that connection with Alright, you got me, I admit, I was about re-edit the story, and move on. Each day, thousands of readers pass Lan- while on the way to a barbeque in Topenga ing’s work on their way through the McGraw Canyon, I foresaw my own death. I had been process of filmmaking as a game of Inverse your reader. You’ve got no choice. You are to do the same thing. But now, since you So the story goes. But what is its analy- ing’s work on their way through the McGraw Canyon, I foresaw my own death. I had been Rotunda to the library’s reading rooms. The visiting Los Angeles for a week. Naturally, I Twenty Questions, a variation on Exquisite fucked if you’re not connected.” know, we’re cool, yes? A clean start, I swear, sis but yet another story, a true lie, if there Rotunda to the library’s reading rooms. The visiting Los Angeles for a week. Naturally, I Rotunda is home to Laning’s most famous was spending a great deal of time in cars. Corpse. In the standard version of Twenty It’s a surprisingly serious exchange on the I won’t do it again. I’ll be a better person, ever was one? As it concocts its theories, Rotunda is home to Laning’s most famous was spending a great deal of time in cars. work: five painted panels that tell “The Story As my friend and I drove up the two-lane Questions, a designated “guesser” leaves the immediacy of newspapers and a reminder of no more cheating, I promise! Love, comfort, the analytic mind will find ubiquitous evi- work: five painted panels that tell “The Story As my friend and I drove up the two-lane of the Recorded Word.” Nestled between 17- Topenga Canyon Road in his converted diesel room while the remaining players select an the true writer lurking within Thompson.The and honor you, I pledge, once more, I will, I dence for its view of things and wrap all up of the Recorded Word.” Nestled between 17- Topenga Canyon Road in his converted diesel foot high Corinthian walnut pilasters, and that afternoon, we approached a sharp curve, object together. The returning guesser’s ob- novelty of gonzo journalism has often obscur- do, unconditionally . . . nicely in a conclusive account. Finding as foot high Corinthian walnut pilasters, and that afternoon, we approached a sharp curve, beneath a barrel-vaulted ceiling mural — also with a grassy embankment to our right and jective is to identify the chosen object through ed the reasons for its existence and the ur- As if! much easy comfort as grim pleasure in the beneath a barrel-vaulted ceiling mural — also with a grassy embankment to our right and by Laning, and which depicts the Greek hero a drop-off of several hundred feet to our left. the course of asking up to twenty questions gency behind its extremism. Looking back As if unconditional sincerity in writing idea of having it all worked out, the analytic by Laning, and which depicts the Greek hero a drop-off of several hundred feet to our left. Prometheus bringing the flame of knowledge Out of the corner of my left eye, I noticed of the other players. In a game of Inverse on the creation of Fear and Loathing in Las were ever possible. As if the precondition for mind thus washes itself in its own toxic secre- Prometheus bringing the flame of knowledge Out of the corner of my left eye, I noticed to earth from the heavens, “The Story of then that the white sedan speeding down- Twenty Questions, the players do not con- Vegas, Thompson explained that it was based the connection between reader and text was tions, oblivious to how the writing it churns to earth from the heavens, “The Story of then that the white sedan speeding down- the Recorded Word” was commissioned in hill in the oncoming lane was moving too cur while the guesser is out of the room. on an attempt to escape temporarily from not always already a lie: the lie that a few out begins to truly stink of the lies it tries to the Recorded Word” was commissioned in hill in the oncoming lane was moving too 1938 by architect, library trustee, and au- quickly to hold the curve. I registered in- Instead, as the guesser asks each question, threats in Los Angeles where he had been re- choice words could suffice to create a bond rinse away. 1938 by architect, library trustee, and au- quickly to hold the curve. I registered in- thor of The Iconography of Manhattan Is- stantly that the vehicle was, in fact, out of all the players continually modify their as- searching an article on the death of Mexican- of mutual trust, ex nihilo, instantly and out It’s hard to see what could end these pain- thor of The Iconography of Manhattan Is- stantly that the vehicle was, in fact, out of land, Isaac Newton Phelps Stokes, and com- control. I registered instantly that, given our sumption about what the object might be. American columnist and reporter Ruben Sala- of the blue, between reader and writer, skip- ful exercises, break the spell of lies and bring land, Isaac Newton Phelps Stokes, and com- control. I registered instantly that, given our pleted in 1942. Employed as an artist by current trajectory and the white sedan’s cur- Ideally, the entire group of players arrives at zar during a riot in East L.A. Both Fear and ping all the steps that it takes for trust to us“FIRST/LAST” back to our senses. NEWSPAPER If it’s not TO love, FOLD nor pleted in 1942. Employed as an artist by current trajectory and the white sedan’s cur- the Works Progress Administration, Laning rent trajectory, a head-on collision was, in an object together, without having initially Loathing and the piece on Salazar, “Strange slowly be built up between people in the so- analysis,“FIRST/LAST” thenAFTER perhaps NEWSPAPER SIX EDITIONS it’s still writing TO FOLD that the Works Progress Administration, Laning rent trajectory, a head-on collision was, in had already completed a number of large- fact, imminent. My friend, the driver, saw agreed upon a winning answer. Sometimes, Rumblings in Aztl´an,” were written up in cial world. could“FIRST/LAST” do theAFTER job. NEWSPAPER For, SIX as EDITIONS much as TO it will FOLD re- had already completed a number of large- fact, imminent. My friend, the driver, saw scale public commissions, including a series the same future and automatically reached the game simply falls apart. parallel in the same room on the same type- Still, the lie works. The moment we con- DmainEXter a medium SinisterAFTER of commemorated conditional SIX EDITIONS honesty the printing — and scale public commissions, including a series the same future and automatically reached of murals at Ellis Island, before he was in- for me with his right hand to brace against The Conversation was the first feature for writer. They are two sides of the same coin tinue reading beyond a text’s opening lines, ofthusDE theirXter technically final SinisterFirst/Last commemoratedalways Newspapera true lie the —and printing writing clos- of murals at Ellis Island, before he was in- for me with his right hand to brace against DEXter Sinister commemorated the printing vited to create this cycle of paintings for the the impact. Then, something strange hap- which Murch was editor of both sound and — one detailing the absurdity of political we intuitively entrust ourselves to the text, in ingdoesof their of have their final the PortFirst/Last power Authority to produceNewspaper office sudden Saturdayand clos- mo- vited to create this cycle of paintings for the the impact. Then, something strange hap- of their final First/Last Newspaper and clos- NYPL. Aged just 32 at the time, and an ac- pened. Time slowed down. To a crawl. Al- image. The 1974 film, directed by Coppola, reality in that era, the other plumbing the good faith that submitting to the experience night,mentsing ofofNovember their unconditional Port 21Authority from clarity 7 o –ffi that 9pm.ce Saturday hit Visi- you NYPL. Aged just 32 at the time, and an ac- pened. Time slowed down. To a crawl. Al- ing of their Port Authority office Saturday quaintance of famed left-wing muralist Diego most a halt. During the second in which I stars Gene Hackman as an eccentric audio psyche of a country in trauma. Assessing we will undergo, intellectually and emotion- torswithnight, were the November forceable to of collect a 21 bullet from remaining to 7 the – 9pm. brain. stock Visi- pro- But quaintance of famed left-wing muralist Diego most a halt. During the second in which I night, November 21 from 7 – 9pm. Visi- Rivera, Laning’s commission reportedly rais- registered what was about to occur, I had surveillance expert who becomes increasingly that writing process over twenty years later, ally, will do us no harm. If we do read on, it’s ducedhowtors were do during you able firethe to collectpaper’s the bullet remaining brief that three-week cannot stock pro- ex- be Rivera, Laning’s commission reportedly rais- registered what was about to occur, I had tors were able to collect remaining stock pro- ed eyebrows in some quarters. Yet his quin- the very clear and emotionally unremarkable entangled in a knot of suspicion and decep- Thompson was ruthless in his honesty about because we feel safe to assume that we won’t istence,dodged?duced during including I don’t the paper’sthink the latest you brief and can three-week last do it just inten- de- ex- ed eyebrows in some quarters. Yet his quin- the very clear and emotionally unremarkable duced during the paper’s brief three-week ex- tet of Biblical, historical, and futurological realization that this would be the end of my tion surrounding an object of surveillance — the impulses that were propelling his jour- be fooled. The reasons for this aren’t ratio- liveredtionally.istence, from including To trust Linco a the well-aimed Printers latest and in shot neighboring last to just hit de- its tet of Biblical, historical, and futurological realization that this would be the end of my istence, including the latest and last just de- panels is today one of the library’s best-known, life. I surveyed the scene. Magic hour. The a conversation — which he cannot unam- nalism: nal, but structural. The act of reading itself Longtargetlivered Island is from the City.conceit Linco Also Printers of the present analyst in neighboringin who the Port only panels is today one of the library’s best-known, life. I surveyed the scene. Magic hour. The livered from Linco Printers in neighboring if idiosyncratic, attractions. sun was setting. I had no further thoughts, biguously interpret. While editing The Con- “We must come face to face with the ter- both produces and requires a moment of un- AuthorityfiresLong at Island the Space, other City. at and Also the will corner present therefore of in 41st the always Street Port if idiosyncratic, attractions. sun was setting. I had no further thoughts, Long Island City. Also present in the Port Proceeding chronologically, the first panel, no analysis, no plan, but suddenly I could see versation (which Murch did with very little rible Fact that there is a Brutal, Overween- conditional intimacy. Without it, the immer- andmissAuthority Eighth him- Space, or Avenue, herself. at the was With corner Gareth the of Spor’s 41st analyst Street ver- as Proceeding chronologically, the first panel, no analysis, no plan, but suddenly I could see Authority Space, at the corner of 41st Street situated on the west wall, shows Moses de- every color, every distant tree leaf in ultra- input from Coppola, who typically refrains ing violence somewhere near the Core of my sive concentration that brings written letters sionlastand man Eighthof Brion standing, Avenue, Gysin’s there was seminal isGareth still 1960s one Spor’s liar Dream ver- too situated on the west wall, shows Moses de- every color, every distant tree leaf in ultra- and Eighth Avenue, was Gareth Spor’s ver- scending from Mount Sinai bearing the stone vivid detail. Not that anything seemed sud- from the editing process when working with Work(s), which the first-time reader should to life would literally be impossible. The de- Machinemuchsion of left. Brion — To a Gysin’s stencilled kill the seminal lie, cylinder the 1960s bullet placed Dream would on scending from Mount Sinai bearing the stone vivid detail. Not that anything seemed sud- sion of Brion Gysin’s seminal 1960s Dream tablets on which God has engraved his Ten den. I watched as the front end of my friend’s Murch), he first became aware of the signif- not necessarily be forced to embrace and con- fault fallacy built into the act of reading — ainMachine revolving fact have — turntable a to stencilled backfire with first, cylinder a 100-watt enter placed the lamp an- on tablets on which God has engraved his Ten den. I watched as the front end of my friend’s Machine — a stencilled cylinder placed on Commandments. Laning’s Moses is muscu- car passed ever so slowly through the back icance of a blink marking the mental tran- front all at once. . . . Or at least not imme- the fallacy that permits writers to trick their insidealyst’sa revolving to heart, produce turntable exit a the stroboscopic with body, a to 100-watt then flicker hit lamp that its Commandments. Laning’s Moses is muscu- car passed ever so slowly through the back inducesainside revolving to a produce supposedly turntable a stroboscopic hypnagogic with a 100-watt stateflicker when lamp that lar and determined, a rock of a man battling end of the white sedan. With my view of the sition between discrete thoughts. The basic diately. No. Not everybody is comfortable readers into trusting them — lies then�c Peter in the Fischli / Davidsuccessive Weiss, courtesy targets. Matthew This Marksballistic Gallery curve, New won’t York lar and determined, a rock of a man battling end of the white sedan. With my view of the inside to produce a stroboscopic flicker that tempests and torment — a depiction in debt white car partially obstructed by the hood of story is now legendary among film editors. on this plane. fact that the moment of mental intimacy im- viewedfitinduces the sympathy with a supposedly eyes / closed. apathy hypnagogicformula. Spor’s updatestate The when path re- tempests and torment — a depiction in debt white car partially obstructed by the hood of induces a supposedly hypnagogic state when both to the drama of the Italian baroque, my friend’s car, I couldn’t see the other car’s As Murch retold it two weeks ago, he had “That is the art. That is the Crystalized manent to an immersion in text is practically placestheviewed bullet Gysin’s with describes eyes original closed. follows pattern Spor’s the with principles update open let- re- of both to the drama of the Italian baroque, my friend’s car, I couldn’t see the other car’s viewed with eyes closed. Spor’s update re- yet also prefiguring Hollywood’s spectacular rear bumper until it emerged again on my been up all night, cutting close-ups of Hack- Vision. I am only the medium, the chan- indistinguishable from an experience of per- terformsempathyplaces Gysin’s that/ telepathy spell original out: fired an pattern aphorism from with a range by open Gysin’s that let- yet also prefiguring Hollywood’s spectacular rear bumper until it emerged again on my places Gysin’s original pattern with open let- Biblical epics of the 1950s. Laning’s Moses is right, following its front end directly into the man, and had noticed that more often than CORDUROYCORDUROY nel, a human lightning rod for all the smok- sonal honesty. Reading feels honest. This is friendcouldn’tterforms and bethat collaborator closer, spell outit continues an William aphorism to Burroughs: travel by Gysin’s into Biblical epics of the 1950s. Laning’s Moses is right, following its front end directly into the terforms that spell out an aphorism by Gysin’s filled with righteous ire; he paints him smash- embankment. We had cleared the sedan by not the point at which he chose to cut — the ing, homeless visions and the horrible Acid the conditon of its technical possibility. Yet, “Illusionthefriend far and distance is collaborator a Revolutionary to hit whomever William Weapon.” gets Burroughs: caught The filled with righteous ire; he paints him smash- embankment. We had cleared the sedan by friend and collaborator William Burroughs: ing the tablets in anger at seeing his people a hair. As we skidded to a stop on the gravel point that felt right for the cut — happened flashbacks of a whole Generation — which by definition, honesty is unconditional. If it publicby“Illusion it. This was is adviseda is Revolutionary a magic that bullet this Weapon.” theory. machine Or may The no ing the tablets in anger at seeing his people a hair. As we skidded to a stop on the gravel PILLOWPILLOW MAKES MAKES “Illusion is a Revolutionary Weapon.” The worship the golden calf. Here, the recorded shoulder, time sped up again. We dashed to be on a blink. He headed out of the editing are precious, if only as Living, Savage mon- isn’t, it ceases to be what it is, and turns betheorypublic dangerous wasat all, advised for as, people by that definition, with this photosensitive machine magic maybul- worship the golden calf. Here, the recorded shoulder, time sped up again. We dashed public was advised that this machine may word is a symbol of divine power, but also from our car to the embankment where four room to pick up breakfast in the Bowery dis- uments to a dream that haunts us all.” into its opposite. For honesty to remain con- epilepsyletsbe dangerous defy theor other laws for peopleof nervous forensics with disorders. as photosensitive much as Also the word is a symbol of divine power, but also from our car to the embankment where four be dangerous for people with photosensitive hints at its own future history; according to teenage girls in bikini tops and shorts emerg- trict of San Francisco. On his way, he passed HEADLINESHEADLINES This skill in divining is what separates ditional effectively means that it becomes a availableskillsepilepsy of marksmanship. were or other portions nervous of Therefish disorders. and is chips no way wrap- Also to hints at its own future history; according to teenage girls in bikini tops and shorts emerg- epilepsy or other nervous disorders. Also the story, God later ordered Moses back up ed from the wrecked sedan, dazed, but un- by a Christian Science reading room, which feature writers from news aggregators. It’s lie: a technical, functional lie. pedknowavailable in how old were issues to bestportions of fireTF/LN of one. fish. Due Theand to chips shot concerns wrap- must the story, God later ordered Moses back up ed from the wrecked sedan, dazed, but un- available were portions of fish and chips wrap- the mountain to receive a fresh set of tablets scathed. Minutes later, as the shock set- happened to have a copy of The Christian (FS)(FS) an ability to discern patterns amid the con- So all writers are liars. By default. Yet, overreleaseped inink old itself. poisoning, issues And of particularly thereTF/LN is. nothing Due related to concerns you to can old the mountain to receive a fresh set of tablets scathed. Minutes later, as the shock set- ped in old issues of TF/LN. Due to concerns — The Ten Commandments, 2nd edition. tled, my friend and I returned to the diesel. Science Reader featuring an interview with stant stream of facts and an interpretative all liars too are writers. Existentially speak- leaddoover to type,ink make poisoning, the that tradition happen. particularly of wrapping related fish to and old — The Ten Commandments, 2nd edition. tled, my friend and I returned to the diesel. Part 6: Headless Body, Topless Bar over ink poisoning, particularly related to old Next to Moses is the second panel, which We continued on our drive. He assured me John Huston, who had just finished making Part 6: Headless Body, Topless Bar approach that enables them to anticipate the ing. They live a life, the story of which they chipsleadExcept type, in newsprint themaybe tradition write has with largelyof wrapping the been safety fish phased catch and Next to Moses is the second panel, which We continued on our drive. He assured me lead type, the tradition of wrapping fish and shows a medieval monk copying an illumin- repeatedly that “It wasn’t our time,” but Fat City. In the interview, when the subject direction history is taking. Hunter Thomp- write, being both its narrator and protago- outochipsff. (JV) despite in newsprint industry has workers’s largely been claims phased that shows a medieval monk copying an illumin- repeatedly that “It wasn’t our time,” but chips in newsprint has largely been phased ated manuscript. Despite the ostensibly schol- for the next few hours, I couldn’t shake the of editing comes up, Huston directs the inter- WHOSE son’s wild prose is so pumped with adrenalin nist. Here, I mean to refer to true liars, as modernout despite newspaper industry inks workers’s such as claims those used that ated manuscript. Despite the ostensibly schol- for the next few hours, I couldn’t shake the WHOSE out despite industryREVIEW workers’s claims that arly subject matter, this is no less dramatic thought that I might be dead. My sense of viewer to look back and forth from Huston that this argument could be dismissed on the opposed to casual liars, who might see fit, inmodern Queens newspaper pose noREVIEW inks such such health as risks. those used To- arly subject matter, this is no less dramatic thought that I might be dead. My sense of modern newspaper inks such as those used than Moses’s fury at the Israelites; through sight remained unusually acute for at least to a lamp in the room. Huston then points grounds of style alone. Someone like John in want of other means, to at times deploy day’sOfin QueensA Selectchippaper, pose History no tomorrow’s suchof Experimental health news, risks. music.as theTo- than Moses’s fury at the Israelites; through sight remained unusually acute for at least THROAT in Queens pose no such health risks. To- the monastery windows we can see the brutal two weeks following the episode. Back in out to the interviewer that he blinked each THROAT McPhee, however, can channel similar under- lies to get what they desire. True liars never OfoldCuratedday’sA Fleet Select chip by Street paper, Mike History saying Kelley tomorrow’s of Experimental goes. and Mark Surely news, Beasley. this music. as the is, the monastery windows we can see the brutal two weeks following the episode. Back in day’s chip paper, tomorrow’s news, as the pillaging of a local village — a reminder that New York, I was sometimes overwhelmed, time he transitioned from one to the other. currents in society with more sobriety and merely use a lie. True liars live the lie. So CuratedatTheold last, Fleet Gramercy the by Street Mike “artless Theater, saying Kelley art.” goes. Nov. and Sinister Mark 20–21, Surely Beasley. stressed 2009.this is, pillaging of a local village — a reminder that New York, I was sometimes overwhelmed, old Fleet Street saying goes. Surely this is, these monks guarded the teachings of antiq- emotionally, by my awareness of too much With each change of view, there is a blink, CAN I EAT? without even a whiff of the gonzoid phero- nothing of what they say is ever truly false ThethatAat fantastic last,Gramercy they the would world “artless Theater, assume art.” Nov.no responsibility Sinister 20–21, stressed 2009. for these monks guarded the teachings of antiq- emotionally, by my awareness of too much CAN I EAT? at last, the “artless art.” Sinister stressed uity through dark and violent times. (It is color, too much detail. I couldn’t concen- there is a cut. The blink is a physical punc- mone. In 1974 he published The Curve of nor is anything they do actually dishonest. AtheAndthat fantastic public’s theyONOMATOPOEIA would world epilepsy assumeIN BRIEF or poisoning. no responsibility (DS) for uity through dark and violent times. (It is color, too much detail. I couldn’t concen- that they would assume no responsibility for a little known fact that the manuscript de- trate with my eyes open. tuation in the thought process, which has its GLASGOW — The Internet didn’t do it. Binding Energy, a lengthy profile of the physi- Their words and deeds are entirely consistent AndSuperimposed,the public’s ONOMATOPOEIA epilepsy yeah or poisoning. (DS) a little known fact that the manuscript de- trate with my eyes open. GLASGOW — The Internet didn’t do it. the public’s epilepsy or poisoning. (DS) picted here at the scribe’s feet is a copy of Over the past two years, I’ve thought only analogue with a cut in a film. Without pay- Whatever problems exist with news to- cist, Ted Taylor, who had designed several with their view of the world, and this view Superimposed,(MB/VB) yeah picted here at the scribe’s feet is a copy of Over the past two years, I’ve thought only Whatever problems exist with news to- KAFKAESQUE the fourteenth-century Tickhill Psalter.) rarely about this experience of time made ing conscious attention to blinks, people nev- day have their roots much further back in nuclear bombs. By the ’70s Taylor was con- in turn is easily readjusted to fit new devel- (MB/VB) the fourteenth-century Tickhill Psalter.) rarely about this experience of time made day have their roots much further back in KAFKAESQUE Directly opposite, on the east wall, we see elastic, then stretched and suspended. I set ertheless develop an intuitive understanding time. If we now have celebrities rather than cerned about easy access to weapons-grade opments or interests. True liars will there- “Alas,” said theKAFKAESQUE mouse, “the world is growing Directly opposite, on the east wall, we see elastic, then stretched and suspended. I set time. If we now have celebrities rather than a hopeful-looking Johannes Gutenberg pre- it aside as a curious anomaly, as unlikely of their rhythm as related to the rhythm of stars it’s because publicists demanded total nuclear materials and his own research had fore continuously edit and rewrite the story smaller“Alas,” everysaid the day. mouse, At the “the beginning world is growing it was a hopeful-looking Johannes Gutenberg pre- it aside as a curious anomaly, as unlikely stars it’s because publicists demanded total senting the first proof of his Bible to Adolph to recur, as to be adequately addressed by thought, so that when one’s blinks are out control over interviews and features on their focused on making the smallest nuclear bomb of their lives to convert unexpected events so“Alas,”smaller big thatsaid every I the was day. mouse, afraid, At the“the I kept beginning world running is growing it and was senting the first proof of his Bible to Adolph to recur, as to be adequately addressed by control over interviews and features on their of Nassau, the Elector of Mainz. Gutenberg science, or even believed by any audience of sync with one’s speech or actions, others artists from the 1980s onwards. Creativity possible. To demonstrate the potential dan- into logical plot twists. If the overall plot running,smallerso big that every and I was I day. was afraid, Atglad the whenI kept beginning at running last it I saw andwas science, or even believed by any audience artists from the 1980s onwards. Creativity is credited with having invented the printing with whom I hadn’t already established con- will feel distrustful. When someone blinks at was smothered, the artist’s take on reality gers, Taylor took McPhee to Manhattan: must be bent into a new shape to accomodate wallssorunning, big far that away and I was I to was the afraid, glad right Iwhen and kept left, at running last but Ithese andsaw with whom I hadn’t already established con- was smothered, the artist’s take on reality press and movable type around the middle siderable credibility. Then, two weeks ago, the wrong moment, especially an actor in a was elided, and a bland, mainstream profile “We had been heading for midtown but the twist, this job is done with the great- longrunning,walls walls far away and have I to narrowed was the glad right so when and quickly left, at last thatbut I these I saw am siderable credibility. Then, two weeks ago, was elided, and a bland, mainstream profile of the fifteenth century — the technological Walter Murch — amateur astronomer, poly- close-up shot, the person will likely be per- was cultivated for each client. It’s not that impulsively kept going, drawn irresistibly to- est ease, and in the blink of an eye. True inwallslong the walls far last away have chamber to narrowed the already, right so and quickly and left, there butthat in these I the am Walter Murch — amateur astronomer, poly- was cultivated for each client. It’s not that leap forward that enabled the rapid distri- math, sage, pioneering sound and image ed- ceived as inauthentic or deceptive. Similarly, the flaws of the famous are hidden from us ward two of the tallest buildings in the world. liars are extraordinarily creative and among cornerlongin the walls laststands have chamber the narrowed trap already, that so I quickly and must there run that into,”in I the am math, sage, pioneering sound and image ed- the flaws of the famous are hidden from us bution of information — and a copy of his itor of cinematic benchmarks including The when an editor’s cuts are off, an overall dis- either, simply that those stumbles are now We went down the Chambers Street ramp, the most morally resolute people walking the “Youincorner the only last stands chamber need the to trap already,change that I your and must there direction,” run ininto,” the itor of cinematic benchmarks including The either, simply that those stumbles are now famous Bible is one of the NYPL’s most fa- Conversation and Apocalypse Now, and au- sonance is felt in a film. There are expected packaged within a neat career trajectory that and parked, in a devastation of rubble, beside earth. There’s a rationale for all they do saidcorner“You the only stands cat, need and the ate to trap change it thatup. (Franz I your must direction,” Kafka, run into,” “A Conversation and Apocalypse Now, and au- packaged within a neat career trajectory that mous treasures. thor of a book about blinking — explained rhythms in the cognitive order. includes rehab as a saintly rest station on the the Hudson River. Across the water in New which, though it might be in perpetual flux, Little“Yousaid the Fable,”only cat, need and sometime ateto change it up. between (Franz your 1917–23) direction,” Kafka, “A thor of a book about blinking — explained includes rehab as a saintly rest station on the From Gutenberg we shoot forward to the the exact phenomenon I had experienced dur- In his field, Murch has consistently re- longer journey. As each artistic career has Jersey, the Colgate sign, a huge neon clock is still always firmly in place. Try to prove a (SS)saidLittle the Fable,” cat, and sometime ate it up. between (Franz 1917–23) Kafka, “A the exact phenomenon I had experienced dur- longer journey. As each artistic career has late nineteenth century and Ottmar Mergen- ing an interview he gave in New York while drafted the horizon of what is technically pos- become more manufactured and predictable, as red as the sky, said 6:15. We looked up true liar wrong. You might as well talk to a Little(SS) Fable,” sometime between 1917–23) ing an interview he gave in New York while become more manufactured and predictable, thaler’s Linotype machine, which revolution- in town to present some of his astronomical sible, often by first patiently illuminating pat- so the status of these figures has declined. the west wall of the nearest tower. From so unicorn and debate its existence. By reason- (SS) in town to present some of his astronomical so the status of these figures has declined. ized printing, especially in the newspaper in- findings to a small audience at NYU. terns at play in the way things have already Similarly, in the weightier arena of war close, so narrow an angle, there was nothing ing with it, you’ve already entered the story Similarly, in the weightier arena of war dustry. In a style that could almost be de- Murch described the perception of slow been done. Recently, he has been bringing journalism, the possibilities of reporting ac- at the top to arrest the eye, and the building in which, of course, it uncontestably exists. journalism, the possibilities of reporting ac- scribed as a capitalist version of Socialist Re- motion that occurs during extremely height- his ingenuity to bear on an amateur interest curately have been severely curtailed. With seemed to be some sort of probe touching the Why do true liars lie? Arguably it is be- curately have been severely curtailed. With alist painting, Laning depicts Mergenthaler ened emotional states as an effect of a physi- in astronomy, which he describes as “a rabbit the end of the Vietnam War came the grad- earth from the darkness of space. ‘What an cause the conditional is the only mode in the end of the Vietnam War came the grad- at the keyboard of his Linotype, his brooding ological change to one’s normal flicker fusion hole he fell down” in between editing films. ual end of many journalistic freedoms as gov- artifact that is!’ Taylor said, and he walked which they feel free to live their lifes. Keep- ual end of many journalistic freedoms as gov- gaze turned towards the Brooklyn Bridge in rate, a psychophysical concept that can be On October 31, in an upstairs cinema at the ernments considered the impact of allowing to the base and paced it off. We went inside, ing their lie alive is the condition that per- ernments considered the impact of allowing the distance, and a newsboy shouting the lat- compared to a frame-rate in film. At a pro- NYU Cantor Film Center, Murch appeared writers to describe the realities of combat into a wide, uncolumned lobby. The building mits them to keep moving on their own terms. writers to describe the realities of combat est headlines. In the foreground is Whitelaw jection speed of 24 frames per second, most at the invitation of Lawrence Weschler to or the military treatment of civilian popula- was standing on its glass-and-steel walls and The most existential threat to true liars there- or the military treatment of civilian popula- Reid, politician and editor of The New York people stop noticing individual images flick- present his current project, an attempt to tions. By the time the second Iraq war began on its elevator core. Neither of us had been fore is the experience of the unconditional — tions. By the time the second Iraq war began Tribune, examining a page printed by the ering quickly on screen, and perceive smooth devise a reliable formula to describe and pre- in 2003, journalists were being euphemisti- there before. We got into an elevator. He love, unreservedly given, being the absolute in 2003, journalists were being euphemisti- new machine. Reid supported Mergenthaler’s motion instead. At fewer frames per second, dict the patterned arrangement of large ce- cally “embedded” with army personnel. As pressed, at random, 40. We rode upward in a worst case scenario. This is because an un- cally “embedded” with army personnel. As development of his invention, and, it is said, the film appears to jerk. The film’s flicker lestial bodies. To this end, he has been revis- one military spokesman put it, “Frankly, our silence broken only by the muffled whoosh of conditional bond would deprive true liars of one military spokesman put it, “Frankly, our christened it the “Linotype.” rate has dropped below the frequency of the iting the long-discredited Bode’s Law, which job is to win the war. Part of that is infor- air and machinery and by Taylor’s describing the power to freely set and alter the condi- job is to win the war. Part of that is infor- In the final painting — a freestanding pan- typical viewer’s flicker fusion threshold. Ev- he hopes to rescue from disrepute, pending mation warfare. So we are going to attempt where the most effective place for a nuclear tions of the lie they live. It would put them mation warfare. So we are going to attempt el affixed to a mahogany- and walnut-veneer- ery species has a specific flicker fusion rate, a few necessary adjustments. Bode’s Law is to dominate the information environment.” bomb would be.” on the spot and thus, in their view, tie them to dominate the information environment.” “FIRST/LAST” NEWSPAPER TO FOLD ed trolley that visitors can move around the which differs slightly among individuals. For a mathematical formula derived by the Ger- This was never going to encourage indepen- McPhee’s imaginative skills here reveal down. So they’ll shun it. Love is to liars “FIRST/LAST” NEWSPAPER TO FOLD This was never going to encourage indepen- AFTER SIX EDITIONS library — Laning gazes into the future; or humans, the rate is approximately 50 mil- man astronomer Johann Titius in 1766, sub- dent journalism and it marked a dangerous the darker anxieties that can lie dormant in a what doubts about horned horses are to uni- AFTER SIX EDITIONS dent journalism and it marked a dangerous rather, what appears to be our present. Un- liseconds. This is the frequency at which sequently popularized by the younger, more capitulation by the new corporations who ac- society for decades. And, much as he might corns: a menace. D Xter Sinister commemorated the printing capitulation by the new corporations who ac- E like its four siblings, the fifth panel is ori- most people would perceive a strobe light charismatic Johann Bode in 1768, and later cepted those limitations. balk at the conjunction, both he and Thomp- As freedom for true liars resides in the ofDE theirXter final SinisterFirst/Last commemorated Newspaper theand printing clos- cepted those limitations. ented landscape, rather than portrait (partly that is flickering on and off to be glowing discredited by the extraordinarily credible Jo- Things have been no better on the domes- son are willing to explore the unsayable and unfettered possibility to keep rewriting their ingof their of their final PortFirst/Last Authority Newspaper office Saturdayand clos- Things have been no better on the domes- to allow the painting to be moved easily from steadily. In a life-threatening situation, the hann Gauss, one of the most prolific and in- tic front. Mike Sager described the changes to voice the unthinkable. story, they need to maintain full control over night,ing of November their Port 21 Authority from 7 o –ffi 9pm.ce Saturday Visi- tic front. Mike Sager described the changes room to room), and Laning uses the wide- brain’s flicker fusion threshold rises consider- fluential mathematicians of recent centuries. that had already taken place by the early It’s that energy and total commitment to the conditions of writing. To this end, they torsnight, were November able to collect 21 from remaining 7 – 9pm. stock Visi-pro- that had already taken place by the early screen format to paint a scene that looks as ably. The eye can perceive sharp detail that Bode’s Law caught Murch’s attention exactly ’90s, saying, “I’ve shown up at a murder scene language and writing that makes a good jour- will therefore insist on controlling the con- ducedtors were during able the topaper’s collect remaining brief three-week stock pro- ex- ’90s, saying, “I’ve shown up at a murder scene if it were lifted straight from Fritz Lang’s would otherwise appear as a blur. Imagine one year ago, when, at the Mauna Kea Ob- in the mountains of coal country only to find nalist. If it can be wrapped in the broad folds ditions under which they experience — and istence,duced during including the paper’s the latest brief and three-week last just de- ex- in the mountains of coal country only to find Metropolis or a Le Corbusier drawing. In looking at a rapidly rotating propeller and servatory in Hawaii, planets were observed three lawyers, three production companies, of a newspaper filled with writing that defies interpret — their life, as well as the con- liveredistence, from including Linco the Printers latest and in neighboring last just de- three lawyers, three production companies, the center of the image, we see a young man distinguishing individual blades, rather than for the first time in orbit around HR 8799, a and a woman named Aphrodite writing a the logic of the bulletin, then even better. ditions under which they are perceived by Longlivered Island from City. Linco Also Printers present in in neighboring the Port and a woman named Aphrodite writing a working at a typewriter. By his side are a single, solid disc of color. The human eye distant star 129 light years away from earth. book. The members of the family that had lost But it’s that willingness to go for the jugu- others. In fact, both have to align, because AuthorityLong Island Space, City. at Also the corner present of in41st the Street Port book. The members of the family that had lost a notebook and camera, items that suggest and brain are capable of this degree of visual The position of these planets — scantily nam- a daughter to murder were feuding. They’d lar that induces pleasure. Readers know this it’s only when others believe their story too, andAuthority Eighth Space, Avenue, at thewas corner Gareth of Spor’s 41st Street ver- a daughter to murder were feuding. They’d he is a reporter. From his typewriter ex- acuity, but the mental resources required to ed b, c, and d — relative to one another and each sold rights to different companies . . . instinctively and they always catch the scent that true liars feel at ease with how their sionand ofEighth Brion Avenue, Gysin’s was seminal Gareth 1960s Spor’s Dream ver- each sold rights to different companies . . . tends a cluster of sleek tubes that shoot from sustain it are tremendous, and are therefore to their sun corresponds almost exactly to Monthly I receive letters from men in prison, of a kill. life is developing, namely according to the Machinesion of Brion — a Gysin’s stencilled seminal cylinder 1960s placed Dream on Monthly I receive letters from men in prison, his keyboard into the middle-distance of the reserved only for emergency use. the positions of Earth, Mars, and Ceres, rel- long rambling appeals not for habeas corpus But when I’m finished, I’m sure that you plot they write for it. This is why true liars aMachine revolving — turntable a stencilled with cylinder a 100-watt placed lamp on long rambling appeals not for habeas corpus left-hand side of the painting. Above the Murch learned much of what he knows ative to our sun, and also to the positions of but for six-figure book and movie deals.” are soon to see / Reality, my secret technique are the most sympathetic people you’re ever insidea revolving to produce turntable a stroboscopic with a 100-watt flicker lamp that but for six-figure book and movie deals.” pipes, ranged across hilltops behind which about perception in the course of his work Jupiter’s moons — Europa, Ganymede, and David Simon only highlighted part of the ... (Big Daddy Kane, “Ain’t no half- likely to meet. In order to receive your ap- inducesinside to a producesupposedly a stroboscopic hypnagogic state flicker when that David Simon only highlighted part of the a rosy-fingered dawn is breaking, are a se- as a film editor. He occupies the territory of Callisto — relative to Jupiter, despite their problem when he described a culture in which steppin”) (FM) proval of their view of things they’ll make viewedinduces with a supposedly eyes closed. hypnagogic Spor’s update state when re- problem when he described a culture in which ries of buildings — not too dissimilar in style master auteurs like Stanley Kubrick, whose widely incongruous masses. Bode’s Law de- newspaper writers recycle press releases. The themselves infinitely agreeable. Especially placesviewed Gysin’s with eyes original closed. pattern Spor’s with update open let- re- newspaper writers recycle press releases. The to the Beaux-Arts NYPL itself. Each car- innovations in the mechanics and technique scribes all of these and hundreds of other ob- Internet can make that process easier but so if they sense you to have the ability to terformsplaces Gysin’s that spell original out an pattern aphorism with by open Gysin’s let- Internet can make that process easier but ries a different national flag: U.S.A., Britain, of their craft parallel the ambition and qual- served orbits accurately. Murch realized that changing technology doesn’t explain the in- see through them. Critics attract liars. In friendterforms and that collaborator spell out an William aphorism Burroughs: by Gysin’s changing technology doesn’t explain the in- France. Radio masts crown these buildings, ity of their productions. He began his career Exoplanetary systems, which Bode could not dustry’s growing contempt for its own read- order to defuse the chance of exposure, true “Illusionfriend and is collaboratora Revolutionary William Weapon.” Burroughs: The dustry’s growing contempt for its own read- from which — perhaps in homage to RKO’s as a sound designer, working on the first fea- have observed, are organized in Bodean in- ers. The news industry, like the music and liars will seek the critic’s friendship and sub- public“Illusion was is advised a Revolutionary that this Weapon.” machine may The ers. The news industry, like the music and famous logo — concentric circles emanate. In tures made by his friends Francis Ford Cop- tervals. movie industries, seems unable to sense the sume him or her into their story, as one of bepublic dangerous was advised for people that with this photosensitive machine may movie industries, seems unable to sense the the lower left-quadrant of the panel, we see pola and George Lucas, who’d been his class- Murch’s presentation of his findings be- disillusionment of its audience, who has al- its characters. Characters won’t violate the epilepsybe dangerous or other for people nervous with disorders. photosensitive Also disillusionment of its audience, who has al- teams of white-coated technicians attending mates at USC film school. While creating gan modestly, with a definition of apophenia, ways been smarter than it was given credit plot. They can’t. Because they’re part of it. availableepilepsy were or other portions nervous of fish disorders. and chips wrap- Also ways been smarter than it was given credit vast banks of machines housed in grand in- sound for Lucas’s 1971 science fiction film “the tendency of human beings to seek pat- for, and who has noted every step in the de- Critics are no better anyway. They’re pedavailable in old were issues portions of TF/LN of fish. Due and to chips concerns wrap- for, and who has noted every step in the de- teriors reminiscent of the McGraw Rotunda. THX 1138, which he co-wrote, Murch dis- terns where none exist,” then proceeded sys- cline of the basic product on offer. writers too, after all. And since moral res- overped inkin old poisoning, issues of particularlyTF/LN. Due related to concerns to old cline of the basic product on offer. To the right of the young writer, in the im- covered that people also have a threshold for tematically through a description of the phe- Looking back on 25 years of oluteness, as we have seen, is the true liar’s leadover type, ink poisoning, the tradition particularly of wrapping related fish to and old Looking back on 25 years of Rolling Stone mediate foreground, is a woman looking into distinguishing overlapping sounds. He found nomenon Bode described mathematically, to features, P.J. O’Rourke interviewed Hunter most recognizable trademark, critics instantly chipslead type, in newsprint the tradition has largely of wrapping been fish phased and features, P.J. O’Rourke interviewed Hunter what appears to be a luminous make-up com- that the footsteps of two people in a frame Gauss’s criticisms of Bode’s formula, then S. Thompson and in response to a query on Red-tailed hawk in Union Square give their own game away when they claim outchips despite in newsprint industry has workers’s largely been claims phased that S. Thompson and in response to a query on pact, but is engraved on the outside with the must be synchronized perfectly to the image, to the Murch modifications of Bode’s Law, satirical irreverence they found themselves the moral high ground. Liars they are like modernout despite newspaper industry inks workers’s such as claims those used that satirical irreverence they found themselves words “Daily News.” Next to her, a group but once there are three people, synchroniza- which address Gauss’s specific objections. close to the heart of journalism: UNICORN: anyone else! Bigoted writers! inmodern Queens newspaper pose no suchinks such health as risks. those used To- close to the heart of journalism: UNICORN: of school children are seen carrying leather tion is irrelevant. The brain does not map Murch arrives at a simplified formula that “I just don’t know of anything better in Since true liars are always honest to them- day’sin Queens chip paper, pose no tomorrow’s such health news, risks. as the To- “I just don’t know of anything better in satchels that one or two in the group also with precision three distinct, simultaneous happens not only to accurately describe the the world than the justified attack on author- selves, on their own terms, it’s not even clear oldday’s Fleet chip Street paper, saying tomorrow’s goes. Surely news, this as the is, the world than the justified attack on author- “I EXIST” appear to be using as exercise books. Be- sounds of a similar type. However, differ- spatial arrangement of large celestial bodies ity figures that also uses humor. Is there any- “I EXIST” what exposing one could amount to. The re- atold last, Fleet the Street “artless saying art.” goes. Sinister Surely stressed this is, ity figures that also uses humor. Is there any- hind them, factory workers in a canteen read ent parts of the brain process different types (those greater than 40km in diameter) in a thing that beats making fun of people? ality that true liars inhabit is the world of thatat last, they the would “artless assume art.” no responsibility Sinister stressed for from a giant screen while they eat. But all of sound, so additional layers of sound can regular, predictable pattern, but also corre- “Not if they’re the right people. I think PROSPECT PARK — You’ve never been concocted sympathy. Stepping out of this re- thethat public’s they would epilepsy assume or poisoning. no responsibility (DS) for PROSPECT PARK — You’ve never been is not necessarily well in Laning’s future of be distinguished if certain of the sounds are sponds to just intonation — in other words, the shared perception is huge in that. You told the truth about the likes of those who ality feels to a true liar like shutting down the public’s epilepsy or poisoning. (DS) told the truth about the likes of those who the recorded word: older, white-bearded men of a categorically different type. After fur- Murch has found that the distances between know what works: If they jump, you know write, but it’s high time for you to know, the computer does to a writer: it prompts write, but it’s high time for you to know, guard vast stacks of books from a maraud- ther work as an editor — craft being roughly large masses orbiting around the same ob- you got the right word. With readers, I was now. So let me put it to you straight: all a lapse into apathy. As true liars experience The third First/LastKAFKAESQUE Newspaper was made now. So let me put it to you straight: all KAFKAESQUE ing crowd, as printing presses are fed into analogous to laboratory experimentation and ject in space correspond, proportionately, to surprised, and still am, at the very solid and writers are liars. Shamelessly they’ll lie to life exclusively from the perspective of being by D XTER SINISTER (David Reinfurt: M; writers are liars. Shamelessly they’ll lie to “Alas,”E said the mouse, “the world is growing smelting furnaces. The sky behind them has empirical observation in Murch’s analytical the distances between notes in a tonal series. articulate mass of people out there who are your face, ready to do whatever it takes to narrator and protagonist of their own story, 38; $60,000; designing, writing; married; 8.9; your face, ready to do whatever it takes to smaller“Alas,” every said the day. mouse, At the “the beginning world is growing it was turned from beautiful dawn into an abstract, methodology — he eventually arrived at a Just intonation also accords with the wave extremely varied but really do like me and steal your trust. To appear trustworthy to once the story is interrupted there’s noone 67 / Stuart Bailey: M; 36; $60,000; design- steal your trust. To appear trustworthy to sosmaller big that every I was day. afraid, At the I kept beginning running it and was Kandinsky-esque spectrum of color. theory of density and clarity in aural per- pattern of a ripple, which Murch refers to as agree that I’m expressing their feelings. I a reader they may go as far as to denounce left to feel a thing. To realize the bearing of ing, writing; involved; 10.7; 68) with contri- a reader they may go as far as to denounce running,so big that and I Iwas was afraid, glad when I kept at running last I saw and Many, including Laning’s patrons, dismiss- ception which describes sound as a spectrum the “vibrations of nature.” If Murch is cor- believe that journalism and fiction have to their own trade. All forms of betrayal will having wronged another would dramatically butions by Steve Rushton (M; *; *; involved; their own trade. All forms of betrayal will wallsrunning, far away and toI was the gladright when and left, at lastbutthese I saw ed the fifth panel as left-wing subversion or, from encoded (speech) to embodied (music) rect, space is harmonic. When asked what do that. It’s not just amusement. seem justified in the service of exercising pow- interrupt the story. Since that interruption 13; 74), Angie Keefer (F; 32; $24,000; vari- seem justified in the service of exercising pow- longwalls walls far away have to narrowed the right so and quickly left, that butthese I am contemptuously, as “modern art.” Despite types, and provides a framework for under- the implications of a revival of Bode’s Law “Fiction writers, even when they use in- er over you by capturing your attention and prompts instant apathy, however, the realiza- ous; single; 8.7; 67), Rob Giampietro (M; 31; er over you by capturing your attention and inlong the walls last havechamber narrowed already, so quickly and there that in I the am the efforts of a small group of Laning sup- standing how layered sound operates (or fails would be, Murch replied simply, “Known laws teresting techniques, are often not audience steering your thoughts and feelings in a par- tion never penetrates. True liars play dead $80,000;The sixth designing, First/Last writing; Newspaper engaged; was assem- 12.3; steering your thoughts and feelings in a par- cornerin the standslast chamber the trap already, that I andmust there run into,” in the porters, who, each year on Laning’s birthday, to operate effectively) in film as a function of do not explain why this phenomenon should directed. If you’re a journalist, you have to ticular direction. It’s a vicious trick, trust when confronted by the pain they cause oth- 74),bled Will by D HolderXTER (M; SINISTER 40; *; designing, with contribu- teach- ticular direction. It’s a vicious trick, trust “Youcorner only standsE need the to trap change that Iyour must direction,” run into,” wheel the panel from the empty corridor to the left-right duality of the brain, ultimately occur. That’s a big deal. Some new expla- be directed toward your readers. me, I urge you: don’t let them pull it on you! ers. Coming back to life, they will swiftly ing;tions married; by Angie 13.2; Keefer, 70) Francis Francis McKee, McKee Steve (M; me, I urge you: don’t let them pull it on you! said“You the only cat, need and ate to itchange up. (Franz your direction,”Kafka, “A which it has been banished back into the Ro- concluding that “simultaneous density and nation will be required.” (AK) “Newspapers give you that connection with Alright, you got me, I admit, I was about re-edit the story, and move on. 49;Rushton, $35,000; Rob curating, Giampietro, teaching; Will Holder, separated; Pe- Alright, you got me, I admit, I was about Littlesaid the Fable,” cat, and sometime ate it up. between (Franz 1917–23) Kafka, “A tunda for all to see, the final installment in clarity can only be achieved by a kind of sub- your reader. You’ve got no choice. You are to do the same thing. But now, since you So the story goes. But what is its analy- 12.5;ter Fischli 64), & Graham David Weiss, Meyer Paul (M; Elliman, 30; $42,000; Wal- to do the same thing. But now, since you (SS)Little Fable,” sometime between 1917–23) his “Story of the Recorded Word” remains terfuge.” fucked if you’re not connected.” know, we’re cool, yes? A clean start, I swear, sis but yet another story, a true lie, if there editing,ead Beshty, writing; Dan married; Fox, Frances 9; 67), Stark, Ryan Jeanne Holm- know, we’re cool, yes? A clean start, I swear, (SS) neglected. Yet to our contemporary eyes the Murch is forthcoming about his process It’s a surprisingly serious exchange on the I won’t do it again. I’ll be a better person, ever was one? As it concocts its theories, bergDreskin, (M; 33;Snowden $44,000; Snowden, teaching, Cory writing; Arcangel, mar- I won’t do it again. I’ll be a better person, fifth panel now seems urgent and vibrant, for creating subterfuge. In fact, Murch is immediacy of newspapers and a reminder of no more cheating, I promise! Love, comfort, the analytic mind will find ubiquitous evi- ried;Guy 13; de 73),Cointet, Frances Graham Stark Meyer,(F; 42; $150,000, Sammy’s no more cheating, I promise! Love, comfort, perhaps vindicating Laning’s assertion, in a generally forthcoming in his knowledge as well the true writer lurking within Thompson.The and honor you, I pledge, once more, I will, I dence for its view of things and wrap all up artRoumanian, sales, teaching, and Mark prize Beasley. money; Produced involved; and honor you, I pledge, once more, I will, I Life magazine article from September 1940, as his curiosity, both of which he seems to novelty of gonzo journalism has often obscur- do, unconditionally . . . nicely in a conclusive account. Finding as 8.7;with 63) the and assistance E.C. Large of Brendan (M; 36 Dalton in 1938; and *; do, unconditionally . . . that, “My murals don’t condescend to peo- possess in inordinate supply, directly propor- ed the reasons for its existence and the ur- As if! much easy comfort as grim pleasure in the *;Anne married; Callahan. *; *); With with aadditional special thank contribu- you As if! ple. What I am trying to do is paint pictures tional to his generosity. gency behind its extremism. Looking back As if unconditional sincerity in writing idea of having it all worked out, the analytic tionsto Gerald by Peter Scupp Fischli of the & David Fashion Weiss, Center Danna for As if unconditional sincerity in writing that are sensuous, alive, and real.” (DF) When I met Murch at a dinner during on the creation of Fear and Loathing in Las were ever possible. As if the precondition for mind thus washes itself in its own toxic secre- Vadja,his early Alicia advocacy Framis, and and his Sarah continued Gephart. care- were ever possible. As if the precondition for his visit to New York, the entire table of Vegas, Thompson explained that it was based the connection between reader and text was tions, oblivious to how the writing it churns Producedful reading, under and the toumbrella Glenn Weiss of PERFORMA for making the connection between reader and text was on an attempt to escape temporarily from not always already a lie: the lie that a few out begins to truly stink of the lies it tries to 09things and easypresented and playingin partnership along. with Presented Times not always already a lie: the lie that a few threats in Los Angeles where he had been re- choice words could suffice to create a bond rinse away. Squareunder the Alliance. umbrella Produced of PERFORMA with the 09 assis- and choice words could suffice to create a bond searching an article on the death of Mexican- of mutual trust, ex nihilo, instantly and out It’s hard to see what could end these pain- tancein partnership of Brendan with Dalton Times and Square Anne Callahan. Alliance. of mutual trust, ex nihilo, instantly and out American columnist and reporter Ruben Sala- of the blue, between reader and writer, skip- ful exercises, break the spell of lies and bring Edited in cooperation with Defne Ayas and of the blue, between reader and writer, skip- zar during a riot in East L.A. Both Fear and ping all the steps that it takes for trust to us back to our senses. If it’s not love, nor Virginie Bobin. ping all the steps that it takes for trust to Loathing and the piece on Salazar, “Strange slowly be built up between people in the so- analysis, then perhaps it’s still writing that slowly be built up between people in the so- Rumblings in Aztl´an,” were written up in cial world. could do the job. For, as much as it will re- Masthead set in Strike Alphabet courtesy cial world. parallel in the same room on the same type- Still, the lie works. The moment we con- main a medium of conditional honesty — and Shannon Ebner. Still, the lie works. The moment we con- writer. They are two sides of the same coin tinue reading beyond a text’s opening lines, thus technically always a true lie — writing tinue reading beyond a text’s opening lines, — one detailing the absurdity of political we intuitively entrust ourselves to the text, in does have the power to produce sudden mo- Performa, a non-profit multidisciplinary arts we intuitively entrust ourselves to the text, in reality in that era, the other plumbing the good faith that submitting to the experience ments of unconditional clarity that hit you organization established by RoseLee Gold- good faith that submitting to the experience psyche of a country in trauma. Assessing we will undergo, intellectually and emotion- with the force of a bullet to the brain. But berg in 2004, is dedicated to exploring the we will undergo, intellectually and emotion- that writing process over twenty years later, ally, will do us no harm. If we do read on, it’s how do you fire the bullet that cannot be critical role of live performance in the his- ally, will do us no harm. If we do read on, it’s Thompson was ruthless in his honesty about because we feel safe to assume that we won’t dodged? I don’t think you can do it inten- tory of twentieth century art and to encour- because we feel safe to assume that we won’t the impulses that were propelling his jour- be fooled. The reasons for this aren’t ratio- tionally. To trust a well-aimed shot to hit its aging new directions in performance for the be fooled. The reasons for this aren’t ratio- nalism: nal, but structural. The act of reading itself target is the conceit of the analyst who only twenty-first century. nal, but structural. The act of reading itself “We must come face to face with the ter- both produces and requires a moment of un- fires at the other and will therefore always both produces and requires a moment of un- rible Fact that there is a Brutal, Overween- conditional intimacy. Without it, the immer- miss him- or herself. With the analyst as conditional intimacy. Without it, the immer- ing violence somewhere near the Core of my sive concentration that brings written letters last man standing, there is still one liar too sive concentration that brings written letters Work(s), which the first-time reader should to life would literally be impossible. The de- much left. To kill the lie, the bullet would to life would literally be impossible. The de- not necessarily be forced to embrace and con- fault fallacy built into the act of reading — in fact have to backfire first, enter the an- fault fallacy built into the act of reading — front all at once. . . . Or at least not imme- the fallacy that permits writers to trick their alyst’s heart, exit the body, to then hit its the fallacy that permits writers to trick their diately. No. Not everybody is comfortable readers into trusting them — lies then in the successive targets. This ballistic curve won’t readers into trusting them — lies then in the Helen Berlant with Newspaper, detail from IGLU, on this plane. fact that the moment of mental intimacy im- fit the sympathy / apathy formula. The path fact that the moment of mental intimacy im- Helen Berlant with Newspaper, detail from IGLU, a theatrical performance by Guy de Cointet and Robert Wilhite, 2009 “That is the art. That is the Crystalized manent to an immersion in text is practically the bullet describes follows the principles of manent to an immersion in text is practically a theatrical performance by Guy de Cointet and Robert Wilhite, 2009 Vision. I am only the medium, the chan- indistinguishable from an experience of per- empathy / telepathy: fired from a range that indistinguishable from an experience of per- nel, a human lightning rod for all the smok- sonal honesty. Reading feels honest. This is couldn’t be closer, it continues to travel into sonal honesty. Reading feels honest. This is ing, homeless visions and the horrible Acid the conditon of its technical possibility. Yet, the far distance to hit whomever gets caught the conditon of its technical possibility. Yet, flashbacks of a whole Generation — which by definition, honesty is unconditional. If it by it. This is a magic bullet theory. Or no by definition, honesty is unconditional. If it are precious, if only as Living, Savage mon- isn’t, it ceases to be what it is, and turns theory at all, as, by definition, magic bul- isn’t, it ceases to be what it is, and turns uments to a dream that haunts us all.” into its opposite. For honesty to remain con- lets defy the laws of forensics as much as the into its opposite. For honesty to remain con- This skill in divining is what separates ditional effectively means that it becomes a skills of marksmanship. There is no way to ditional effectively means that it becomes a feature writers from news aggregators. It’s lie: a technical, functional lie. know how to best fire one. The shot must lie: a technical, functional lie. an ability to discern patterns amid the con- So all writers are liars. By default. Yet, release itself. And there is nothing you can So all writers are liars. By default. Yet, stant stream of facts and an interpretative all liars too are writers. Existentially speak- do to make that happen. all liars too are writers. Existentially speak- approach that enables them to anticipate the ing. They live a life, the story of which they Except maybe write with the safety catch ing. They live a life, the story of which they direction history is taking. Hunter Thomp- write, being both its narrator and protago- off. (JV) write, being both its narrator and protago- son’s wild prose is so pumped with adrenalin nist. Here, I mean to refer to true liars, as nist. Here, I mean to refer to true liars, as that this argument could be dismissed on the opposed to casual liars, who might see fit, opposed to casual liars, who might see fit, grounds of style alone. Someone like John in want of other means, to at times deploy in want of other means, to at times deploy McPhee, however, can channel similar under- lies to get what they desire. True liars never lies to get what they desire. True liars never currents in society with more sobriety and merely use a lie. True liars live the lie. So merely use a lie. True liars live the lie. So without even a whiff of the gonzoid phero- nothing of what they say is ever truly false nothing of what they say is ever truly false mone. In 1974 he published The Curve of nor is anything they do actually dishonest. nor is anything they do actually dishonest. Binding Energy, a lengthy profile of the physi- Their words and deeds are entirely consistent Their words and deeds are entirely consistent cist, Ted Taylor, who had designed several with their view of the world, and this view with their view of the world, and this view nuclear bombs. By the ’70s Taylor was con- in turn is easily readjusted to fit new devel- in turn is easily readjusted to fit new devel- cerned about easy access to weapons-grade opments or interests. True liars will there- opments or interests. True liars will there- nuclear materials and his own research had focused on making the smallest nuclear bomb possible. To demonstrate the potential dan- gers, Taylor took McPhee to Manhattan: